Account Activation
Activate accounts on the Stellar network by paying for it from Ethereum.
Contract address: 0xE04a9665bbA9B7954572802A9864dD1d03326792
The accountactivation smart contract has an ActivateAccount
method which takes a network (currently only stellar
) and an account parameter.
The cost to activate an account needs to be added to the call. This cost can be requested with the networkCost
When the activateAccount
method is called, the cost is sent to the beneficiary
address set in the contract.
This way the contract itself does not pile up eth which then has to be withdrawn by the owner ( which can be a multisig contract) or an allowed withdrawer, making the process easier and saving gas for the operating the service.
Account activation transactions have a hash memo containing the Ethereum transaction id.
Activation account
Stellar account that does the activation of accounts with 2 XLM as a starting balance.
Should the secret of this account leak, it can be replaced if the accountactivation smart contract is redeployed so previous activations are not redone on accounts that are merged already.