Test the conversion service
Create accounts
go run createAccounts.go
Fund the tfchain address
- Using the tfchain address from the previous step:
- ensure this address has some balance in TFT
- create some locked token transfers using the desktop wallet
with the commandline client:
send some unlocked tokens:
tfchainc wallet send coins <address> 10
send some locked tokens:
with a lock until November 1 2020:
tfchainc wallet send coins '{"type": 3,"data": {"locktime": 1604188800,"condition": {"type":1,"data":{ "unlockhash":"<address>"}}}}' 11
with a lock until November 1 2021:
tfchainc wallet send coins '{"type": 3,"data": {"locktime": 1635724800,"condition": {"type":1,"data":{ "unlockhash":"<address>"}}}}' 12
Deauthorize the account:
tfchainc wallet send transaction "$(tfchainc wallet sign "$(tfchainc wallet authcoin authaddresses --deauth <address>)")"
Account activation
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "args": { "address": "","tfchain_address":"" }}' "http://localhost:7000/threefoldfoundation/conversion_service/activate_account"
Token migration
- Import the converter wallet in JSX
- Create a stellar account with secret from the first step in JSX to add the trustlines to TFT and TFTA:
a= j.clients.stellar.new('migrating',network='TEST',secret='')
from jsx:
p.threefoldfoundation.conversion_service.actors.conversion_service.migrate_tokens(stellar_address=stellarclient.address, tfchain_address="<tfchainaddress>")
through curl:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "args": { "tfchain_address": "", "stellar_address": "" }}' "http://localhost:7000/threefoldfoundation/conversion_service/migrate_tokens"
This result is an array of unlock transactionenvelopes in xdr format.