Index ¶
- func GetRateLimit() request.RateLimitDefinitions
- func StringToOrderStatus(status string) order.Status
- type AccountFee
- type AccountInfo
- type AccountInfos
- type AccountLoanInfo
- type AccountType
- type AddOrReduceMargin
- type AddOrReduceMarginParam
- type AffiliateCustomerInfo
- type AllowedDepositCoinInfo
- type AmendOrderParams
- type Authenticate
- type AutoAddMarginParam
- type BatchAmendOrderParamItem
- type BatchAmendOrderParams
- type BatchOrderItemParam
- type BatchOrderResponse
- type BatchOrdersList
- type BindOrUnbindUIDResponse
- type BorrowHistory
- type BorrowOrderDetail
- type BorrowQuota
- type BorrowResponse
- type BorrowableCoinInfo
- type BrokerEarningItem
- type Bybit
- func (by *Bybit) AddOrReduceMargin(ctx context.Context, arg *AddOrReduceMarginParam) (*AddOrReduceMargin, error)
- func (by *Bybit) AmendOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendOrderParams) (*OrderResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) AuthenticateWebsocket(ctx context.Context) error
- func (by *Bybit) BatchAmendOrder(ctx context.Context, category string, args []BatchAmendOrderParamItem) (*BatchOrderResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) BindOrUnbindUID(ctx context.Context, uid, operate string) (*BindOrUnbindUIDResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) Borrow(ctx context.Context, arg *LendArgument) (*BorrowResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) C2CDepositFunds(ctx context.Context, arg *C2CLendingFundsParams) (*C2CLendingFundResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) C2CRedeemFunds(ctx context.Context, arg *C2CLendingFundsParams) (*C2CLendingFundResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context, orderCancellation *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CancelAllTradeOrders(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelAllOrdersParam) ([]OrderResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CancelBatchOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelBatchOrder) ([]CancelBatchResponseItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CancelBatchOrders(ctx context.Context, o []order.Cancel) (*order.CancelBatchResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CancelOrder(ctx context.Context, ord *order.Cancel) error
- func (by *Bybit) CancelTradeOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelOrderParams) (*OrderResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CancelWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, id string) (*StatusResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) ConfirmNewRiskLimit(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string) error
- func (by *Bybit) ConstructOrderDetails(tradeOrders []TradeOrder, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, ...) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CreateInternalTransfer(ctx context.Context, arg *TransferParams) (string, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CreateNewSubUserID(ctx context.Context, arg *CreateSubUserParams) (*SubUserItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CreateSubUIDAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubUIDAPIKeyParam) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) CreateUniversalTransfer(ctx context.Context, arg *TransferParams) (string, error)
- func (by *Bybit) DeleteMasterAPIKey(ctx context.Context) error
- func (by *Bybit) DeleteSubAccountAPIKey(ctx context.Context, subAccountUID string) error
- func (by *Bybit) DeleteSubUID(ctx context.Context, subMemberID string) error
- func (by *Bybit) EnableUniversalTransferForSubUID(ctx context.Context, subMemberIDs ...string) error
- func (by *Bybit) FetchAccountType(ctx context.Context) (AccountType, error)
- func (by *Bybit) FetchTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item) (currency.Pairs, error)
- func (by *Bybit) FreezeSubUID(ctx context.Context, subUID string, frozen bool) error
- func (by *Bybit) GenerateInverseDefaultSubscriptions() (subscription.List, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GenerateLinearDefaultSubscriptions() (subscription.List, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GenerateOptionsDefaultSubscriptions() (subscription.List, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAPIKeyInformation(ctx context.Context) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAccountFundingHistory(_ context.Context) ([]exchange.FundingHistory, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (*AccountInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAffiliateUserInfo(ctx context.Context, uid string) (*AffiliateCustomerInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAllCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, accountType, memberID, coin string, withBonus int64) (*CoinBalances, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAllowedDepositCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin, chain, cursor string, limit int64) (*AllowedDepositCoinInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAssetInfo(ctx context.Context, accountType, coin string) (*AccountInfos, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetAvailableTransferChains(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code) ([]string, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowHistory(ctx context.Context, currency, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, ...) (*BorrowHistory, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, startTime, endTime time.Time, coin currency.Code, ...) ([]BorrowOrderDetail, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowQuota(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, side string) (*BorrowQuota, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowableCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) ([]BorrowableCoinInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetBrokerEarning(ctx context.Context, businessType, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, ...) ([]BrokerEarningItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetBybitServerTime(ctx context.Context) (*ServerTime, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetC2CLendingAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) (*LendingAccountInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetC2CLendingCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) ([]C2CLendingCoinInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetC2CLendingOrderRecords(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, orderID, orderType string, ...) ([]C2CLendingFundResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetClosedPnL(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, ...) (*ClosedProfitAndLossResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetCoinExchangeRecords(ctx context.Context, fromCoin, toCoin, cursor string, limit int64) (*CoinExchangeRecords, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetCoinGreeks(ctx context.Context, baseCoin string) (*CoinGreeks, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) (*CoinInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetCollateralInfo(ctx context.Context, currency string) (*CollateralInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetCurrencyTradeURL(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item, cp currency.Pair) (string, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetDeliveryPrice(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, cursor string, limit int64) (*DeliveryPrice, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetDeliveryRecord(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, expiryDate time.Time, ...) (*DeliveryRecord, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code, _, chain string) (*deposit.Address, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetDepositRecords(ctx context.Context, coin, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, ...) (*DepositRecords, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetExecution(ctx context.Context, ...) (*ExecutionResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetFeeByType(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetFeeRate(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin string) (*AccountFee, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetFundingRateHistory(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, startTime, endTime time.Time, ...) (*FundingRateHistory, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetFuturesContractDetails(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item) ([]futures.Contract, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricCandles(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, ...) (*kline.Item, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, ...) (*kline.Item, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, _, _ time.Time) ([]trade.Data, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricalVolatility(ctx context.Context, category, baseCoin string, period int64, ...) ([]HistoricVolatility, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetIndexPriceKline(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]KlineItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInstitutionalLengingMarginCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, productID string) (*InstitutionalMarginCoinInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInstitutionalLoanOrders(ctx context.Context, orderID string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]LoanOrderDetails, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInstitutionalRepayOrders(ctx context.Context, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]OrderRepayInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInstrumentInfo(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, status, baseCoin, cursor string, ...) (*InstrumentsInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInsurance(ctx context.Context, coin string) (*InsuranceHistory, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInterestAndQuota(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) (*InterestAndQuota, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInternalDepositRecordsOffChain(ctx context.Context, coin, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, ...) (*InternalDepositRecords, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetInternalTransferRecords(ctx context.Context, transferID, coin, status, cursor string, ...) (*TransferResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetKlines(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]KlineItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetLTV(ctx context.Context) (*LTVInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetLatestFundingRates(ctx context.Context, r *fundingrate.LatestRateRequest) ([]fundingrate.LatestRateResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetLeverageTokenInfo(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code) ([]LeverageTokenInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetLeveragedTokenMarket(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code) (*LeveragedTokenMarket, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetLoanAccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (*AccountLoanInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetLongShortRatio(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]InstrumentInfoItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetMMPState(ctx context.Context, baseCoin string) (*MMPStates, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetMarginCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) ([]MarginCoinInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetMarkPriceKline(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]KlineItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetMasterDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, chainType string) (*DepositAddresses, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetOpenInterest(ctx context.Context, k ...key.PairAsset) ([]futures.OpenInterest, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetOpenInterestData(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, intervalTime string, ...) (*OpenInterest, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetOpenOrders(ctx context.Context, ...) (*TradeOrders, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetOrderBook(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, limit int64) (*Orderbook, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetOrderInfo(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*order.Detail, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPositionInfo(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, settleCoin, cursor string, ...) (*PositionInfoList, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeClosedPnL(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, ...) (*ClosedProfitAndLossResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeOptionDeliveryRecord(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, expiryDate time.Time, ...) (*PreUpdateOptionDeliveryRecord, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ...) (*TradeOrders, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, ...) (*ExecutionResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeTransactionLog(ctx context.Context, category, baseCoin, transactionType, cursor string, ...) (*TransactionLog, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeUSDCSessionSettlement(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, limit int64) (*SettlementSession, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetProductInfo(ctx context.Context, productID string) (*InstitutionalProductInfo, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPublicTradingHistory(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, optionType string, ...) (*TradingHistory, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetPurchaseAndRedemptionRecords(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code, orderID, serialNo string, ...) ([]RedeemPurchaseRecord, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetRecentTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) ([]trade.Data, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetRepaymentOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, startTime, endTime time.Time, coin currency.Code, ...) ([]CoinRepaymentResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetRiskLimit(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string) (*RiskLimitHistory, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetServerTime(ctx context.Context, _ asset.Item) (time.Time, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetSingleCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, accountType, coin, memberID string, ...) (*CoinBalance, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetSubAccountAllAPIKeys(ctx context.Context, subMemberID, cursor string, limit int64) (*SubAccountAPIKeys, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetSubDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, chainType, subMemberID string) (*DepositAddresses, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetSubDepositRecords(ctx context.Context, subMemberID, coin, cursor string, ...) (*DepositRecords, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetSubUID(ctx context.Context) (*SubUID, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetSubUIDList(ctx context.Context) ([]SubUserItem, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetSubscriptionTemplate(_ *subscription.Subscription) (*template.Template, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetTickers(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin string, expiryDate time.Time) (*TickerData, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetTradeOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ...) (*TradeOrders, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetTransactionLog(ctx context.Context, category, baseCoin, transactionType, cursor string, ...) (*TransactionLog, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetTransferableCoin(ctx context.Context, fromAccountType, toAccountType string) (*TransferableCoins, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetUIDWalletType(ctx context.Context, memberIDs string) (*WalletType, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetUSDCSessionSettlement(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, limit int64) (*SettlementSession, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetUniversalTransferRecords(ctx context.Context, transferID, coin, status, cursor string, ...) (*TransferResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetVIPMarginData(ctx context.Context, vipLevel, currency string) (*VIPMarginData, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetWalletBalance(ctx context.Context, accountType, coin string) (*WalletBalance, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetWithdrawableAmount(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) (*WithdrawableAmount, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetWithdrawalRecords(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, ...) (*WithdrawalRecords, error)
- func (by *Bybit) GetWithdrawalsHistory(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code, a asset.Item) ([]exchange.WithdrawalHistory, error)
- func (by *Bybit) InverseSubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) InverseUnsubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) IsPerpetualFutureCurrency(a asset.Item, p currency.Pair) (bool, error)
- func (by *Bybit) LinearSubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) LinearUnsubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) ModifyMasterAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) ModifyOrder(ctx context.Context, action *order.Modify) (*order.ModifyResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) ModifySubAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) OptionSubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) OptionUnsubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) PlaceBatchOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceBatchOrderParam) ([]BatchOrderResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) PlaceOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceOrderParams) (*OrderResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) PurchaseLeverageToken(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code, amount float64, serialNumber string) (*LeverageToken, error)
- func (by *Bybit) RedeemLeverageToken(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code, quantity float64, ...) (*RedeemToken, error)
- func (by *Bybit) Repay(ctx context.Context, arg *LendArgument) (*RepayResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) RequiresUnifiedAccount(ctx context.Context) error
- func (by *Bybit) ResetMMP(ctx context.Context, baseCoin string) error
- func (by *Bybit) SendAuthHTTPRequestV5(ctx context.Context, ePath exchange.URL, method, path string, ...) error
- func (by *Bybit) SendHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ePath exchange.URL, path string, f request.EndpointLimit, ...) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetAutoAddMargin(ctx context.Context, arg *AutoAddMarginParam) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetCollateralCoin(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, collateralSwitchON bool) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetDefaults()
- func (by *Bybit) SetDepositAccount(ctx context.Context, accountType string) (*StatusResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) SetDisconnectCancelAll(ctx context.Context, arg *SetDCPParams) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetLeverage(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, _ margin.Type, ...) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetLeverageLevel(ctx context.Context, arg *SetLeverageParams) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetMMP(ctx context.Context, arg *MMPRequestParam) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetMarginMode(ctx context.Context, marginMode string) (*SetMarginModeResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) SetRiskLimit(ctx context.Context, arg *SetRiskLimitParam) (*RiskLimitResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) SetSpotHedging(ctx context.Context, setHedgingModeOn bool) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetSpotMarginTradeLeverage(ctx context.Context, leverage float64) error
- func (by *Bybit) SetTakeProfitStopLossMode(ctx context.Context, arg *TPSLModeParams) (*TPSLModeResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) SetTradingStop(ctx context.Context, arg *TradingStopParams) error
- func (by *Bybit) Setup(exch *config.Exchange) error
- func (by *Bybit) SubmitOrder(ctx context.Context, s *order.Submit) (*order.SubmitResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) SwitchPositionMode(ctx context.Context, arg *SwitchPositionModeParams) error
- func (by *Bybit) SwitchTradeMode(ctx context.Context, arg *SwitchTradeModeParams) error
- func (by *Bybit) ToggleMarginTrade(ctx context.Context, spotMarginMode bool) (*SpotMarginMode, error)
- func (by *Bybit) ToggleMarginTradeNormal(ctx context.Context, spotMarginMode bool) (*SpotMarginMode, error)
- func (by *Bybit) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe subscription.List) error
- func (by *Bybit) UpdateAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
- func (by *Bybit) UpdateOrderExecutionLimits(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item) error
- func (by *Bybit) UpdateOrderbook(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
- func (by *Bybit) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
- func (by *Bybit) UpdateTickers(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) error
- func (by *Bybit) UpdateTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, forceUpdate bool) error
- func (by *Bybit) UpgradeToUnifiedAccount(ctx context.Context) (*UnifiedAccountUpgradeResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) ValidateAPICredentials(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) error
- func (by *Bybit) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(ctx context.Context, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) WithdrawCurrency(ctx context.Context, arg *WithdrawalParam) (string, error)
- func (by *Bybit) WithdrawFiatFunds(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (by *Bybit) WsAuth(ctx context.Context) error
- func (by *Bybit) WsConnect() error
- func (by *Bybit) WsInverseConnect() error
- func (by *Bybit) WsLinearConnect() error
- func (by *Bybit) WsOptionsConnect() error
- type C2CLendingCoinInfo
- type C2CLendingFundResponse
- type C2CLendingFundsParams
- type CancelAllOrdersParam
- type CancelAllResponse
- type CancelBatchOrder
- type CancelBatchResponseItem
- type CancelOrderParams
- type ClosedProfitAndLossResponse
- type CoinBalance
- type CoinBalances
- type CoinExchangeRecords
- type CoinGreeks
- type CoinInfo
- type CoinRepaymentResponse
- type CollateralInfo
- type CreateSubUserParams
- type DeliveryPrice
- type DeliveryRecord
- type DepositAddresses
- type DepositRecords
- type Error
- type ErrorMessage
- type Execution
- type ExecutionResponse
- type Fee
- type FeeRate
- type FundingRate
- type FundingRateHistory
- type GreeksResponse
- type HistoricVolatility
- type InstitutionalMarginCoinInfo
- type InstitutionalProductInfo
- type InstrumentInfo
- type InstrumentInfoItem
- type InstrumentsInfo
- type InsuranceHistory
- type InterestAndQuota
- type InternalDepositRecords
- type KlineItem
- type KlineResponse
- type LTKlines
- type LTNav
- type LTVInfo
- type LendArgument
- type LendingAccountInfo
- type LeverageToken
- type LeverageTokenInfo
- type LeveragedTokenMarket
- type LoanOrderDetails
- type MMPRequestParam
- type MMPStates
- type MarginCoinInfo
- type MarkPriceKlineResponse
- type OpenInterest
- type OrderRepayInfo
- type OrderResponse
- type Orderbook
- type PermissionsList
- type PingMessage
- type PlaceBatchOrderParam
- type PlaceOrderParams
- type PositionInfo
- type PositionInfoList
- type PreUpdateOptionDeliveryRecord
- type RedeemPurchaseRecord
- type RedeemToken
- type RepayResponse
- type RestResponse
- type RiskLimitHistory
- type RiskLimitResponse
- type ServerTime
- type SetDCPParams
- type SetLeverageParams
- type SetMarginModeResponse
- type SetRiskLimitParam
- type SettlementSession
- type SpotMarginMode
- type StatusResponse
- type SubAccountAPIKeys
- type SubUID
- type SubUIDAPIKeyParam
- type SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam
- type SubUIDAPIResponse
- type SubUserItem
- type SubscriptionArgument
- type SubscriptionResponse
- type SwitchPositionModeParams
- type SwitchTradeModeParams
- type TPSLModeParams
- type TPSLModeResponse
- type TickerData
- type TickerItem
- type TradeOrder
- type TradeOrders
- type TradingHistory
- type TradingHistoryItem
- type TradingStopParams
- type TransactionLog
- type TransactionLogItem
- type TransferParams
- type TransferResponse
- type TransferableCoins
- type UnifiedAccountUpgradeResponse
- type VIPMarginData
- type WalletBalance
- type WalletType
- type WebsocketLiquidation
- type WebsocketPublicTrades
- type WebsocketResponse
- type WebsocketWallet
- type WithdrawableAmount
- type WithdrawalParam
- type WithdrawalRecords
- type WsExecutions
- type WsKlines
- type WsOrderbookDetail
- type WsOrders
- type WsPositions
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetRateLimit ¶
func GetRateLimit() request.RateLimitDefinitions
GetRateLimit returns the rate limit for the exchange
func StringToOrderStatus ¶
StringToOrderStatus returns order status from string
Types ¶
type AccountFee ¶
AccountFee holds account fee information
type AccountInfo ¶
type AccountInfo struct { UnifiedMarginStatus int64 `json:"unifiedMarginStatus"` MarginMode string `json:"marginMode"` // ISOLATED_MARGIN, REGULAR_MARGIN, PORTFOLIO_MARGIN DcpStatus string `json:"dcpStatus"` // Disconnected-CancelAll-Prevention status: ON, OFF TimeWindow int64 `json:"timeWindow"` SmpGroup int64 `json:"smpGroup"` IsMasterTrader bool `json:"isMasterTrader"` SpotHedgingStatus string `json:"spotHedgingStatus"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` }
AccountInfo represents margin mode account information.
type AccountInfos ¶
type AccountInfos map[string]struct { Status string `json:"status"` Assets []struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Frozen string `json:"frozen"` Free string `json:"free"` Withdraw string `json:"withdraw"` } `json:"assets"` }
AccountInfos represents account type and account information
type AccountLoanInfo ¶
type AccountLoanInfo struct { AcctBalanceSum types.Number `json:"acctBalanceSum"` DebtBalanceSum types.Number `json:"debtBalanceSum"` LoanAccountList []struct { Interest string `json:"interest"` Loan string `json:"loan"` Locked string `json:"locked"` TokenID string `json:"tokenId"` Free types.Number `json:"free"` RemainAmount types.Number `json:"remainAmount"` Total types.Number `json:"total"` } `json:"loanAccountList"` RiskRate types.Number `json:"riskRate"` Status int64 `json:"status"` SwitchStatus int64 `json:"switchStatus"` }
AccountLoanInfo covers: Margin trade (Normal Account)
type AccountType ¶
type AccountType uint8
AccountType constants
func (AccountType) String ¶
func (a AccountType) String() string
String returns the account type as a string
type AddOrReduceMargin ¶
type AddOrReduceMargin struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` PositionIndex int64 `json:"positionIdx"` // position mode index RiskID int64 `json:"riskId"` RiskLimitValue string `json:"riskLimitValue"` Size types.Number `json:"size"` PositionValue string `json:"positionValue"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPrice"` LiquidationPrice types.Number `json:"liqPrice"` BustPrice types.Number `json:"bustPrice"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPrice"` Leverage string `json:"leverage"` AutoAddMargin int64 `json:"autoAddMargin"` PositionStatus string `json:"positionStatus"` PositionIM types.Number `json:"positionIM"` PositionMM types.Number `json:"positionMM"` UnrealisedProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"unrealisedPnl"` CumRealisedProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"cumRealisedPnl"` StopLoss types.Number `json:"stopLoss"` TakeProfit types.Number `json:"takeProfit"` TrailingStop types.Number `json:"trailingStop"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` }
AddOrReduceMargin represents a add or reduce margin response.
type AddOrReduceMarginParam ¶
type AddOrReduceMarginParam struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` Margin int64 `json:"margin,string"` // Add or reduce. To add, then 10; To reduce, then -10. Support up to 4 decimal PositionIndex int64 `json:"positionIdx"` // Same as PositionIndex value in AutoAddMarginParam }
AddOrReduceMarginParam holds manually add or reduce margin for isolated margin position parameters.
type AffiliateCustomerInfo ¶
type AffiliateCustomerInfo struct { UID string `json:"uid"` TakerVol30Day types.Number `json:"takerVol30Day"` MakerVol30Day types.Number `json:"makerVol30Day"` TradeVol30Day types.Number `json:"tradeVol30Day"` DepositAmount30Day types.Number `json:"depositAmount30Day"` TakerVol365Day types.Number `json:"takerVol365Day"` MakerVol365Day types.Number `json:"makerVol365Day"` TradeVol365Day types.Number `json:"tradeVol365Day"` DepositAmount365Day types.Number `json:"depositAmount365Day"` TotalWalletBalance types.Number `json:"totalWalletBalance"` DepositUpdateTime time.Time `json:"depositUpdateTime"` VipLevel string `json:"vipLevel"` VolUpdateTime time.Time `json:"volUpdateTime"` }
AffiliateCustomerInfo represents user information
type AllowedDepositCoinInfo ¶
type AllowedDepositCoinInfo struct { ConfigList []struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Chain string `json:"chain"` CoinShowName string `json:"coinShowName"` ChainType string `json:"chainType"` BlockConfirmNumber int64 `json:"blockConfirmNumber"` MinDepositAmount string `json:"minDepositAmount"` } `json:"configList"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
AllowedDepositCoinInfo represents coin deposit information.
type AmendOrderParams ¶
type AmendOrderParams struct { Category string `json:"category,omitempty"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol,omitempty"` OrderID string `json:"orderId,omitempty"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId,omitempty"` // User customised order ID. A max of 36 characters. Combinations of numbers, letters (upper and lower cases), dashes, and underscores are supported. future orderLinkId rules: OrderImpliedVolatility string `json:"orderIv,omitempty"` TriggerPrice float64 `json:"triggerPrice,omitempty,string"` OrderQuantity float64 `json:"qty,omitempty,string"` // Order quantity. For Spot Market Buy order, please note that qty should be quote currency amount Price float64 `json:"price,string,omitempty"` TakeProfitPrice float64 `json:"takeProfit,omitempty,string"` StopLossPrice float64 `json:"stopLoss,omitempty,string"` TakeProfitTriggerBy string `json:"tpTriggerBy,omitempty"` // The price type to trigger take profit. 'MarkPrice', 'IndexPrice', default: 'LastPrice' StopLossTriggerBy string `json:"slTriggerBy,omitempty"` // The price type to trigger stop loss. MarkPrice, IndexPrice, default: LastPrice TriggerPriceType string `json:"triggerBy,omitempty"` // Conditional order param. Trigger price type. 'LastPrice', 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' TakeProfitLimitPrice float64 `json:"tpLimitPrice,omitempty,string"` StopLossLimitPrice float64 `json:"slLimitPrice,omitempty,string"` // TP/SL mode // Full: entire position for TP/SL. Then, tpOrderType or slOrderType must be Market // Partial: partial position tp/sl. Limit TP/SL order are supported. Note: When create limit tp/sl, // 'tpslMode' is required and it must be Partial // Valid for 'linear' & 'inverse' TPSLMode string `json:"tpslMode,omitempty"` }
AmendOrderParams represents a parameter for amending order.
type Authenticate ¶
type Authenticate struct { RequestID string `json:"req_id"` Args []interface{} `json:"args"` Operation string `json:"op"` }
Authenticate stores authentication variables required
type AutoAddMarginParam ¶
type AutoAddMarginParam struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` AutoAddmargin int64 `json:"autoAddMargin,string"` // Turn on/off. 0: off. 1: on // Positions in different position modes. // 0: one-way mode, 1: hedge-mode Buy side, 2: hedge-mode Sell side PositionIndex int64 `json:"positionIdx,omitempty,string"` }
AutoAddMarginParam represents parameters for auto add margin
type BatchAmendOrderParamItem ¶
type BatchAmendOrderParamItem struct { Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` OrderID string `json:"orderId,omitempty"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId,omitempty"` // User customised order ID. A max of 36 characters. Combinations of numbers, letters (upper and lower cases), dashes, and underscores are supported. future orderLinkId rules: OrderImpliedVolatility string `json:"orderIv,omitempty"` OrderQuantity float64 `json:"qty,omitempty,string"` // Order quantity. For Spot Market Buy order, please note that qty should be quote currency amount Price float64 `json:"price,string,omitempty"` // TP/SL mode // Full: entire position for TP/SL. Then, tpOrderType or slOrderType must be Market // Partial: partial position tp/sl. Limit TP/SL order are supported. Note: When create limit tp/sl, // 'tpslMode' is required and it must be Partial // Valid for 'linear' & 'inverse' TPSLMode string `json:"tpslMode,omitempty"` }
BatchAmendOrderParamItem represents a single order amend item in batch amend order
type BatchAmendOrderParams ¶
type BatchAmendOrderParams struct { Category string `json:"category"` Request []BatchAmendOrderParamItem `json:"request"` }
BatchAmendOrderParams request parameter for batch amend order.
type BatchOrderItemParam ¶
type BatchOrderItemParam struct { Category string `json:"category,omitempty"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol,omitempty"` OrderType string `json:"orderType,omitempty"` Side string `json:"side,omitempty"` OrderQuantity float64 `json:"qty,string,omitempty"` Price float64 `json:"price,string,omitempty"` TriggerDirection int64 `json:"triggerDirection,omitempty"` TriggerPrice int64 `json:"triggerPrice,omitempty"` OrderIv int64 `json:"orderIv,omitempty,string"` TriggerBy string `json:"triggerBy,omitempty"` // Possible values: LastPrice, IndexPrice, and MarkPrice TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce,omitempty"` // PositionIndex Used to identify positions in different position modes. Under hedge-mode, // this param is required (USDT perps have hedge mode) // 0: one-way mode 1: hedge-mode Buy side 2: hedge-mode Sell side PositionIndex int64 `json:"positionIdx,omitempty"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId,omitempty"` TakeProfit string `json:"takeProfit,omitempty"` // Take profit price, valid for linear StopLoss string `json:"stopLoss,omitempty"` // Stop loss price, valid for linear TakeProfitTriggerBy string `json:"tpTriggerBy,omitempty"` // MarkPrice, IndexPrice, default: LastPrice. Valid for linear StopLossTriggerBy string `json:"slTriggerBy,omitempty"` // MarkPrice, IndexPrice, default: LastPrice SMPType string `json:"smpType,omitempty"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly,omitempty"` CloseOnTrigger bool `json:"closeOnTrigger,omitempty"` MarketMakerProtection bool `json:"mmp,omitempty"` TPSLMode string `json:"tpslMode,omitempty"` TakeProfitLimitPrice string `json:"tpLimitPrice,omitempty"` StopLossLimitPrice string `json:"slLimitPrice,omitempty"` TakeProfitOrderType string `json:"tpOrderType,omitempty"` StopLossOrderType string `json:"slOrderType,omitempty"` }
BatchOrderItemParam represents a batch order place parameter.
type BatchOrderResponse ¶
type BatchOrderResponse struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId"` CreateAt types.Time `json:"createAt"` }
BatchOrderResponse represents a batch trade order item response.
type BatchOrdersList ¶
type BatchOrdersList struct {
List []BatchOrderResponse `json:"list"`
BatchOrdersList represents a list trade orders.
type BindOrUnbindUIDResponse ¶
BindOrUnbindUIDResponse holds uid information after binding/unbinding.
type BorrowHistory ¶
type BorrowHistory struct { NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` List []struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` BorrowCost types.Number `json:"borrowCost"` HourlyBorrowRate types.Number `json:"hourlyBorrowRate"` InterestBearingBorrowSize types.Number `json:"InterestBearingBorrowSize"` CostExemption string `json:"costExemption"` BorrowAmount types.Number `json:"borrowAmount"` UnrealisedLoss types.Number `json:"unrealisedLoss"` FreeBorrowedAmount types.Number `json:"freeBorrowedAmount"` } `json:"list"` }
BorrowHistory represents interest records.
type BorrowOrderDetail ¶
type BorrowOrderDetail struct { ID string `json:"id"` AccountID string `json:"accountId"` Coin string `json:"coin"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` InterestAmount types.Number `json:"interestAmount"` InterestBalance types.Number `json:"interestBalance"` LoanAmount types.Number `json:"loanAmount"` LoanBalance types.Number `json:"loanBalance"` RemainAmount types.Number `json:"remainAmount"` Status int64 `json:"status"` Type int64 `json:"type"` }
BorrowOrderDetail represents a borrow order detail info.
type BorrowQuota ¶
type BorrowQuota struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` MaxTradeQty string `json:"maxTradeQty"` Side string `json:"side"` MaxTradeAmount string `json:"maxTradeAmount"` BorrowCoin string `json:"borrowCoin"` SpotMaxTradeQuantity types.Number `json:"spotMaxTradeQty"` SpotMaxTradeAmount types.Number `json:"spotMaxTradeAmount"` }
BorrowQuota represents
type BorrowResponse ¶
type BorrowResponse struct {
TransactID string `json:"transactId"`
BorrowResponse represents borrow response transaction id.
type BorrowableCoinInfo ¶
type BorrowableCoinInfo struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` BorrowingPrecision int64 `json:"borrowingPrecision"` RepaymentPrecision int64 `json:"repaymentPrecision"` }
BorrowableCoinInfo represents borrowable coin information.
type BrokerEarningItem ¶
type BrokerEarningItem struct { UserID string `json:"userId"` BizType string `json:"bizType"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Coin string `json:"coin"` Earning string `json:"earning"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` ExecTime types.Time `json:"execTime"` }
BrokerEarningItem represents contract-to-contract broker earning item.
type Bybit ¶
Bybit is the overarching type across this package
func (*Bybit) AddOrReduceMargin ¶
func (by *Bybit) AddOrReduceMargin(ctx context.Context, arg *AddOrReduceMarginParam) (*AddOrReduceMargin, error)
AddOrReduceMargin manually add or reduce margin for isolated margin position
func (*Bybit) AmendOrder ¶
func (by *Bybit) AmendOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendOrderParams) (*OrderResponse, error)
AmendOrder amends an open unfilled or partially filled orders.
func (*Bybit) AuthenticateWebsocket ¶
AuthenticateWebsocket sends an authentication message to the websocket
func (*Bybit) BatchAmendOrder ¶
func (by *Bybit) BatchAmendOrder(ctx context.Context, category string, args []BatchAmendOrderParamItem) (*BatchOrderResponse, error)
BatchAmendOrder represents a batch amend order.
func (*Bybit) BindOrUnbindUID ¶
func (by *Bybit) BindOrUnbindUID(ctx context.Context, uid, operate string) (*BindOrUnbindUIDResponse, error)
BindOrUnbindUID For the INS loan product, you can bind new UID to risk unit or unbind UID out from risk unit. possible 'operate' values: 0: bind, 1: unbind
func (*Bybit) Borrow ¶
func (by *Bybit) Borrow(ctx context.Context, arg *LendArgument) (*BorrowResponse, error)
Borrow borrows a coin.
func (*Bybit) C2CDepositFunds ¶
func (by *Bybit) C2CDepositFunds(ctx context.Context, arg *C2CLendingFundsParams) (*C2CLendingFundResponse, error)
C2CDepositFunds lending funds to Bybit asset pool
func (*Bybit) C2CRedeemFunds ¶
func (by *Bybit) C2CRedeemFunds(ctx context.Context, arg *C2CLendingFundsParams) (*C2CLendingFundResponse, error)
C2CRedeemFunds withdraw funds from the Bybit asset pool.
func (*Bybit) CancelAllOrders ¶
func (by *Bybit) CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context, orderCancellation *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)
CancelAllOrders cancels all orders associated with a currency pair
func (*Bybit) CancelAllTradeOrders ¶
func (by *Bybit) CancelAllTradeOrders(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelAllOrdersParam) ([]OrderResponse, error)
CancelAllTradeOrders cancel all open orders
func (*Bybit) CancelBatchOrder ¶
func (by *Bybit) CancelBatchOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelBatchOrder) ([]CancelBatchResponseItem, error)
CancelBatchOrder cancel more than one open order in a single request.
func (*Bybit) CancelBatchOrders ¶
func (by *Bybit) CancelBatchOrders(ctx context.Context, o []order.Cancel) (*order.CancelBatchResponse, error)
CancelBatchOrders cancels orders by their corresponding ID numbers
func (*Bybit) CancelOrder ¶
CancelOrder cancels an order by its corresponding ID number
func (*Bybit) CancelTradeOrder ¶
func (by *Bybit) CancelTradeOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelOrderParams) (*OrderResponse, error)
CancelTradeOrder cancels an open unfilled or partially filled order.
func (*Bybit) CancelWithdrawal ¶
CancelWithdrawal cancel the withdrawal
func (*Bybit) ConfirmNewRiskLimit ¶
ConfirmNewRiskLimit t is only applicable when the user is marked as only reducing positions (please see the isReduceOnly field in the Get Position Info interface). After the user actively adjusts the risk level, this interface is called to try to calculate the adjusted risk level, and if it passes (retCode=0), the system will remove the position reduceOnly mark. You are recommended to call Get Position Info to check isReduceOnly field.
func (*Bybit) ConstructOrderDetails ¶
func (by *Bybit) ConstructOrderDetails(tradeOrders []TradeOrder, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, filterPairs currency.Pairs) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
ConstructOrderDetails constructs list of order.Detail instances given list of TradeOrder and other filtering information
func (*Bybit) CreateInternalTransfer ¶
CreateInternalTransfer create the internal transfer between different account types under the same UID. Each account type has its own acceptable coins, e.g, you cannot transfer USDC from SPOT to CONTRACT. Please refer to transferable coin list API to find out more.
func (*Bybit) CreateNewSubUserID ¶
func (by *Bybit) CreateNewSubUserID(ctx context.Context, arg *CreateSubUserParams) (*SubUserItem, error)
CreateNewSubUserID created a new sub user id. Use master user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) CreateSubUIDAPIKey ¶
func (by *Bybit) CreateSubUIDAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubUIDAPIKeyParam) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
CreateSubUIDAPIKey create new API key for those newly created sub UID. Use master user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) CreateUniversalTransfer ¶
CreateUniversalTransfer transfer between sub-sub or main-sub. Please make sure you have enabled universal transfer on your sub UID in advance. To use sub acct api key, it must have "SubMemberTransferList" permission When use sub acct api key, it can only transfer to main account You can not transfer between the same UID
func (*Bybit) DeleteMasterAPIKey ¶
DeleteMasterAPIKey delete the api key of master account. Use the api key pending to be delete to call the endpoint. Use master user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) DeleteSubAccountAPIKey ¶
DeleteSubAccountAPIKey delete the api key of sub account. Use the api key pending to be delete to call the endpoint. Use sub user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) DeleteSubUID ¶
DeleteSubUID delete a sub UID. Before deleting the UID, please make sure there is no asset. Use master user's api key**.
func (*Bybit) EnableUniversalTransferForSubUID ¶
func (by *Bybit) EnableUniversalTransferForSubUID(ctx context.Context, subMemberIDs ...string) error
EnableUniversalTransferForSubUID Transfer between sub-sub or main-sub Use this endpoint to enable a subaccount to take part in a universal transfer. It is a one-time switch which, once thrown, enables a subaccount permanently. If not set, your subaccount cannot use universal transfers.
func (*Bybit) FetchAccountType ¶
func (by *Bybit) FetchAccountType(ctx context.Context) (AccountType, error)
FetchAccountType if not set fetches the account type from the API, stores it and returns it. Else returns the stored account type.
func (*Bybit) FetchTradablePairs ¶
FetchTradablePairs returns a list of the exchanges tradable pairs
func (*Bybit) FreezeSubUID ¶
FreezeSubUID freeze Sub UID. Use master user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) GenerateInverseDefaultSubscriptions ¶
func (by *Bybit) GenerateInverseDefaultSubscriptions() (subscription.List, error)
GenerateInverseDefaultSubscriptions generates default subscription
func (*Bybit) GenerateLinearDefaultSubscriptions ¶
func (by *Bybit) GenerateLinearDefaultSubscriptions() (subscription.List, error)
GenerateLinearDefaultSubscriptions generates default subscription
func (*Bybit) GenerateOptionsDefaultSubscriptions ¶
func (by *Bybit) GenerateOptionsDefaultSubscriptions() (subscription.List, error)
GenerateOptionsDefaultSubscriptions generates default subscription
func (*Bybit) GetAPIKeyInformation ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetAPIKeyInformation(ctx context.Context) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
GetAPIKeyInformation retrieves the information of the api key. Use the api key pending to be checked to call the endpoint. Both master and sub user's api key are applicable.
func (*Bybit) GetAccountFundingHistory ¶
GetAccountFundingHistory returns funding history, deposits and withdrawals
func (*Bybit) GetAccountInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (*AccountInfo, error)
GetAccountInfo retrieves the margin mode configuration of the account. query the margin mode and the upgraded status of account
func (*Bybit) GetActiveOrders ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
GetActiveOrders retrieves any orders that are active/open
func (*Bybit) GetAffiliateUserInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetAffiliateUserInfo(ctx context.Context, uid string) (*AffiliateCustomerInfo, error)
GetAffiliateUserInfo the API is used for affiliate to get their users information The master account uid of affiliate's client
func (*Bybit) GetAllCoinBalance ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetAllCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, accountType, memberID, coin string, withBonus int64) (*CoinBalances, error)
GetAllCoinBalance retrieves all coin balance of all account types under the master account, and sub account. It is not allowed to get master account coin balance via sub account api key.
func (*Bybit) GetAllowedDepositCoinInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetAllowedDepositCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin, chain, cursor string, limit int64) (*AllowedDepositCoinInfo, error)
GetAllowedDepositCoinInfo retrieves allowed deposit coin information. To find out paired chain of coin, please refer coin info api.
func (*Bybit) GetAssetInfo ¶
GetAssetInfo retrieves asset information
func (*Bybit) GetAvailableTransferChains ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetAvailableTransferChains(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code) ([]string, error)
GetAvailableTransferChains returns the available transfer blockchains for the specific cryptocurrency
func (*Bybit) GetBorrowHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowHistory(ctx context.Context, currency, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*BorrowHistory, error)
GetBorrowHistory retrieves interest records, sorted in reverse order of creation time.
func (*Bybit) GetBorrowOrderDetail ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, startTime, endTime time.Time, coin currency.Code, status, limit int64) ([]BorrowOrderDetail, error)
GetBorrowOrderDetail represents the borrow order detail. Status '0'(default):get all kinds of status '1':uncleared '2':cleared
func (*Bybit) GetBorrowQuota ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowQuota(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, side string) (*BorrowQuota, error)
GetBorrowQuota retrieves the qty and amount of borrowable coins in spot account.
func (*Bybit) GetBorrowableCoinInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetBorrowableCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) ([]BorrowableCoinInfo, error)
GetBorrowableCoinInfo retrieves borrowable coin info list.
func (*Bybit) GetBrokerEarning ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetBrokerEarning(ctx context.Context, businessType, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]BrokerEarningItem, error)
GetBrokerEarning exchange broker master account to query The data can support up to past 6 months until T-1 startTime & endTime are either entered at the same time or not entered Business type. 'SPOT', 'DERIVATIVES', 'OPTIONS'
func (*Bybit) GetBybitServerTime ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetBybitServerTime(ctx context.Context) (*ServerTime, error)
GetBybitServerTime retrieves bybit server time
func (*Bybit) GetC2CLendingAccountInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetC2CLendingAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) (*LendingAccountInfo, error)
GetC2CLendingAccountInfo retrieves C2C lending account information.
func (*Bybit) GetC2CLendingCoinInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetC2CLendingCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) ([]C2CLendingCoinInfo, error)
GetC2CLendingCoinInfo retrieves C2C basic information of lending coins
func (*Bybit) GetC2CLendingOrderRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetC2CLendingOrderRecords(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, orderID, orderType string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]C2CLendingFundResponse, error)
GetC2CLendingOrderRecords retrieves lending or redeem history
func (*Bybit) GetClosedPnL ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetClosedPnL(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*ClosedProfitAndLossResponse, error)
GetClosedPnL retrieves user's closed profit and loss records. The results are sorted by createdTime in descending order.
func (*Bybit) GetCoinExchangeRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetCoinExchangeRecords(ctx context.Context, fromCoin, toCoin, cursor string, limit int64) (*CoinExchangeRecords, error)
GetCoinExchangeRecords queries the coin exchange records.
func (*Bybit) GetCoinGreeks ¶
GetCoinGreeks retrieves current account Greeks information
func (*Bybit) GetCoinInfo ¶
GetCoinInfo retrieves coin information, including chain information, withdraw and deposit status.
func (*Bybit) GetCollateralInfo ¶
GetCollateralInfo retrieves the collateral information of the current unified margin account, including loan interest rate, loanable amount, collateral conversion rate, whether it can be mortgaged as margin, etc.
func (*Bybit) GetCurrencyTradeURL ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetCurrencyTradeURL(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item, cp currency.Pair) (string, error)
GetCurrencyTradeURL returns the URL to the exchange's trade page for the given asset and currency pair
func (*Bybit) GetDeliveryPrice ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetDeliveryPrice(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, cursor string, limit int64) (*DeliveryPrice, error)
GetDeliveryPrice retrieves delivery price.
func (*Bybit) GetDeliveryRecord ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetDeliveryRecord(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, expiryDate time.Time, limit int64) (*DeliveryRecord, error)
GetDeliveryRecord retrieves delivery records of USDC futures and Options, sorted by deliveryTime in descending order
func (*Bybit) GetDepositAddress ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code, _, chain string) (*deposit.Address, error)
GetDepositAddress returns a deposit address for a specified currency
func (*Bybit) GetDepositRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetDepositRecords(ctx context.Context, coin, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*DepositRecords, error)
GetDepositRecords query deposit records.
func (*Bybit) GetExecution ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetExecution(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, orderID, orderLinkID, baseCoin, executionType, stopOrderType, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*ExecutionResponse, error)
GetExecution retrieves users' execution records, sorted by execTime in descending order. However, for Normal spot, they are sorted by execId in descending order. Execution Type possible values: 'Trade', 'AdlTrade' Auto-Deleveraging, 'Funding' Funding fee, 'BustTrade' Liquidation, 'Delivery' USDC futures delivery, 'BlockTrade' UTA Spot: 'stopOrderType', "" for normal order, "tpslOrder" for TP/SL order, "Stop" for conditional order, "OcoOrder" for OCO order
func (*Bybit) GetFeeByType ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetFeeByType(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
GetFeeByType returns an estimate of fee based on the type of transaction
func (*Bybit) GetFeeRate ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetFeeRate(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin string) (*AccountFee, error)
GetFeeRate retrieves the trading fee rate.
func (*Bybit) GetFundingRateHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetFundingRateHistory(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*FundingRateHistory, error)
GetFundingRateHistory retrieves historical funding rates. Each symbol has a different funding interval. For example, if the interval is 8 hours and the current time is UTC 12, then it returns the last funding rate, which settled at UTC 8.
func (*Bybit) GetFuturesContractDetails ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetFuturesContractDetails(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item) ([]futures.Contract, error)
GetFuturesContractDetails returns details about futures contracts
func (*Bybit) GetHistoricCandles ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricCandles(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, start, end time.Time) (*kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandles returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Bybit) GetHistoricCandlesExtended ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, start, end time.Time) (*kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandlesExtended returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Bybit) GetHistoricTrades ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, _, _ time.Time) ([]trade.Data, error)
GetHistoricTrades returns historic trade data within the timeframe provided
func (*Bybit) GetHistoricalVolatility ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetHistoricalVolatility(ctx context.Context, category, baseCoin string, period int64, startTime, endTime time.Time) ([]HistoricVolatility, error)
GetHistoricalVolatility retrieves option historical volatility. The data is hourly. If both 'startTime' and 'endTime' are not specified, it will return the most recent 1 hours worth of data. 'startTime' and 'endTime' are a pair of params. Either both are passed or they are not passed at all. This endpoint can query the last 2 years worth of data, but make sure [endTime - startTime] <= 30 days.
func (*Bybit) GetIndexPriceKline ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetIndexPriceKline(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]KlineItem, error)
GetIndexPriceKline query for historical index price klines. Charts are returned in groups based on the requested interval.
func (*Bybit) GetInstitutionalLengingMarginCoinInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetInstitutionalLengingMarginCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, productID string) (*InstitutionalMarginCoinInfo, error)
GetInstitutionalLengingMarginCoinInfo retrieves institutional lending margin coin information. ProductId. If not passed, then return all product margin coin. For spot, it returns coin that convertRation greater than 0.
func (*Bybit) GetInstitutionalLoanOrders ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetInstitutionalLoanOrders(ctx context.Context, orderID string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]LoanOrderDetails, error)
GetInstitutionalLoanOrders retrieves institutional loan orders.
func (*Bybit) GetInstitutionalRepayOrders ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetInstitutionalRepayOrders(ctx context.Context, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]OrderRepayInfo, error)
GetInstitutionalRepayOrders retrieves list of repaid order information.
func (*Bybit) GetInstrumentInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetInstrumentInfo(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, status, baseCoin, cursor string, limit int64) (*InstrumentsInfo, error)
GetInstrumentInfo retrieves the list of instrument details given the category and symbol.
func (*Bybit) GetInsurance ¶
GetInsurance retrieves insurance pool data (BTC/USDT/USDC etc). The data is updated every 24 hours.
func (*Bybit) GetInterestAndQuota ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetInterestAndQuota(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) (*InterestAndQuota, error)
GetInterestAndQuota retrieves interest and quota information.
func (*Bybit) GetInternalDepositRecordsOffChain ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetInternalDepositRecordsOffChain(ctx context.Context, coin, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*InternalDepositRecords, error)
GetInternalDepositRecordsOffChain retrieves deposit records within the Bybit platform. These transactions are not on the blockchain.
func (*Bybit) GetInternalTransferRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetInternalTransferRecords(ctx context.Context, transferID, coin, status, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*TransferResponse, error)
GetInternalTransferRecords retrieves the internal transfer records between different account types under the same UID.
func (*Bybit) GetKlines ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetKlines(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]KlineItem, error)
GetKlines query for historical klines (also known as candles/candlesticks). Charts are returned in groups based on the requested interval.
func (*Bybit) GetLatestFundingRates ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetLatestFundingRates(ctx context.Context, r *fundingrate.LatestRateRequest) ([]fundingrate.LatestRateResponse, error)
GetLatestFundingRates returns the latest funding rates data
func (*Bybit) GetLeverageTokenInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetLeverageTokenInfo(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code) ([]LeverageTokenInfo, error)
GetLeverageTokenInfo query leverage token information Abbreviation of the LT, such as BTC3L
func (*Bybit) GetLeveragedTokenMarket ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetLeveragedTokenMarket(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code) (*LeveragedTokenMarket, error)
GetLeveragedTokenMarket retrieves leverage token market information
func (*Bybit) GetLoanAccountInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetLoanAccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (*AccountLoanInfo, error)
GetLoanAccountInfo retrieves loan account information.
func (*Bybit) GetLongShortRatio ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetLongShortRatio(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, limit int64) ([]InstrumentInfoItem, error)
GetLongShortRatio retrieves long short ratio of an instrument.
func (*Bybit) GetMMPState ¶
GetMMPState retrieve Market Maker Protection (MMP) states for different coins.
func (*Bybit) GetMarginCoinInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetMarginCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) ([]MarginCoinInfo, error)
GetMarginCoinInfo retrieves margin coin information.
func (*Bybit) GetMarkPriceKline ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetMarkPriceKline(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, interval kline.Interval, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]KlineItem, error)
GetMarkPriceKline query for historical mark price klines. Charts are returned in groups based on the requested interval.
func (*Bybit) GetMasterDepositAddress ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetMasterDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, chainType string) (*DepositAddresses, error)
GetMasterDepositAddress retrieves the deposit address information of MASTER account.
func (*Bybit) GetOpenInterest ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetOpenInterest(ctx context.Context, k ...key.PairAsset) ([]futures.OpenInterest, error)
GetOpenInterest returns the open interest rate for a given asset pair
func (*Bybit) GetOpenInterestData ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetOpenInterestData(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, intervalTime string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64, cursor string) (*OpenInterest, error)
GetOpenInterestData retrieves open interest of each symbol.
func (*Bybit) GetOpenOrders ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetOpenOrders(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, settleCoin, orderID, orderLinkID, orderFilter, cursor string, openOnly, limit int64) (*TradeOrders, error)
GetOpenOrders retrieves unfilled or partially filled orders in real-time. To query older order records, please use the order history interface. orderFilter: possible values are 'Order', 'StopOrder', 'tpslOrder', and 'OcoOrder'
func (*Bybit) GetOrderBook ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetOrderBook(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string, limit int64) (*Orderbook, error)
GetOrderBook retrieves for orderbook depth data.
func (*Bybit) GetOrderHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
GetOrderHistory retrieves account order information Can Limit response to specific order status
func (*Bybit) GetOrderInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetOrderInfo(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*order.Detail, error)
GetOrderInfo returns order information based on order ID
func (*Bybit) GetPositionInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPositionInfo(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, settleCoin, cursor string, limit int64) (*PositionInfoList, error)
GetPositionInfo retrieves real-time position data, such as position size, cumulative realizedPNL.
func (*Bybit) GetPreUpgradeClosedPnL ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeClosedPnL(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*ClosedProfitAndLossResponse, error)
GetPreUpgradeClosedPnL retrieves user's closed profit and loss records from before you upgraded the account to a Unified account. The results are sorted by createdTime in descending order.
func (*Bybit) GetPreUpgradeOptionDeliveryRecord ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeOptionDeliveryRecord(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, expiryDate time.Time, limit int64) (*PreUpdateOptionDeliveryRecord, error)
GetPreUpgradeOptionDeliveryRecord retrieves delivery records of Option before you upgraded the account to a Unified account, sorted by deliveryTime in descending order
func (*Bybit) GetPreUpgradeOrderHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, orderID, orderLinkID, orderFilter, orderStatus, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*TradeOrders, error)
GetPreUpgradeOrderHistory the account is upgraded to a Unified account, you can get the orders which occurred before the upgrade.
func (*Bybit) GetPreUpgradeTradeHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, orderID, orderLinkID, baseCoin, executionType, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*ExecutionResponse, error)
GetPreUpgradeTradeHistory retrieves users' execution records which occurred before you upgraded the account to a Unified account, sorted by execTime in descending order
func (*Bybit) GetPreUpgradeTransactionLog ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeTransactionLog(ctx context.Context, category, baseCoin, transactionType, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*TransactionLog, error)
GetPreUpgradeTransactionLog retrieves transaction logs which occurred in the USDC Derivatives wallet before the account was upgraded to a Unified account.
func (*Bybit) GetPreUpgradeUSDCSessionSettlement ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPreUpgradeUSDCSessionSettlement(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, limit int64) (*SettlementSession, error)
GetPreUpgradeUSDCSessionSettlement retrieves session settlement records of USDC perpetual before you upgrade the account to Unified account.
func (*Bybit) GetProductInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetProductInfo(ctx context.Context, productID string) (*InstitutionalProductInfo, error)
GetProductInfo represents a product info.
func (*Bybit) GetPublicTradingHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPublicTradingHistory(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin, optionType string, limit int64) (*TradingHistory, error)
GetPublicTradingHistory retrieves recent public trading data. Option type. 'Call' or 'Put'. For option only
func (*Bybit) GetPurchaseAndRedemptionRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetPurchaseAndRedemptionRecords(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code, orderID, serialNo string, startTime, endTime time.Time, ltOrderType, limit int64) ([]RedeemPurchaseRecord, error)
GetPurchaseAndRedemptionRecords retrieves purchase or redeem history. ltOrderType false integer LT order type. 1: purchase, 2: redemption
func (*Bybit) GetRecentTrades ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetRecentTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) ([]trade.Data, error)
GetRecentTrades returns the most recent trades for a currency and asset
func (*Bybit) GetRepaymentOrderDetail ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetRepaymentOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, startTime, endTime time.Time, coin currency.Code, limit int64) ([]CoinRepaymentResponse, error)
GetRepaymentOrderDetail retrieves repayment order detail.
func (*Bybit) GetRiskLimit ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetRiskLimit(ctx context.Context, category, symbol string) (*RiskLimitHistory, error)
GetRiskLimit retrieves risk limit history
func (*Bybit) GetServerTime ¶
GetServerTime returns the current exchange server time.
func (*Bybit) GetSingleCoinBalance ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetSingleCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, accountType, coin, memberID string, withBonus, withTransferSafeAmount int64) (*CoinBalance, error)
GetSingleCoinBalance retrieves the balance of a specific coin in a specific account type. Supports querying sub UID's balance.
func (*Bybit) GetSubAccountAllAPIKeys ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetSubAccountAllAPIKeys(ctx context.Context, subMemberID, cursor string, limit int64) (*SubAccountAPIKeys, error)
GetSubAccountAllAPIKeys retrieves all api keys information of a sub UID.
func (*Bybit) GetSubDepositAddress ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetSubDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, chainType, subMemberID string) (*DepositAddresses, error)
GetSubDepositAddress retrieves the deposit address information of SUB account.
func (*Bybit) GetSubDepositRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetSubDepositRecords(ctx context.Context, subMemberID, coin, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*DepositRecords, error)
GetSubDepositRecords query subaccount's deposit records by main UID's API key. on chain
func (*Bybit) GetSubUIDList ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetSubUIDList(ctx context.Context) ([]SubUserItem, error)
GetSubUIDList get all sub uid of master account. Use master user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) GetSubscriptionTemplate ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetSubscriptionTemplate(_ *subscription.Subscription) (*template.Template, error)
GetSubscriptionTemplate returns a subscription channel template
func (*Bybit) GetTickers ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetTickers(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, baseCoin string, expiryDate time.Time) (*TickerData, error)
GetTickers returns the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours.
func (*Bybit) GetTradeOrderHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetTradeOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, orderID, orderLinkID, baseCoin, settleCoin, orderFilter, orderStatus, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*TradeOrders, error)
GetTradeOrderHistory retrieves order history. As order creation/cancellation is asynchronous, the data returned from this endpoint may delay. If you want to get real-time order information, you could query this endpoint or rely on the websocket stream (recommended). orderFilter: possible values are 'Order', 'StopOrder', 'tpslOrder', and 'OcoOrder'
func (*Bybit) GetTransactionLog ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetTransactionLog(ctx context.Context, category, baseCoin, transactionType, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*TransactionLog, error)
GetTransactionLog retrieves transaction logs in Unified account.
func (*Bybit) GetTransferableCoin ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetTransferableCoin(ctx context.Context, fromAccountType, toAccountType string) (*TransferableCoins, error)
GetTransferableCoin the transferable coin list between each account type
func (*Bybit) GetUIDWalletType ¶
GetUIDWalletType retrieves available wallet types for the master account or sub account
func (*Bybit) GetUSDCSessionSettlement ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetUSDCSessionSettlement(ctx context.Context, category, symbol, cursor string, limit int64) (*SettlementSession, error)
GetUSDCSessionSettlement retrieves session settlement records of USDC perpetual and futures
func (*Bybit) GetUniversalTransferRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetUniversalTransferRecords(ctx context.Context, transferID, coin, status, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*TransferResponse, error)
GetUniversalTransferRecords query universal transfer records Main acct api key or Sub acct api key are both supported Main acct api key needs "SubMemberTransfer" permission Sub acct api key needs "SubMemberTransferList" permission
func (*Bybit) GetVIPMarginData ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetVIPMarginData(ctx context.Context, vipLevel, currency string) (*VIPMarginData, error)
GetVIPMarginData retrieves public VIP Margin data
func (*Bybit) GetWalletBalance ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetWalletBalance(ctx context.Context, accountType, coin string) (*WalletBalance, error)
GetWalletBalance represents wallet balance, query asset information of each currency, and account risk rate information. By default, currency information with assets or liabilities of 0 is not returned. Unified account: UNIFIED (trade spot/linear/options), CONTRACT(trade inverse) Normal account: CONTRACT, SPOT
func (*Bybit) GetWithdrawableAmount ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetWithdrawableAmount(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code) (*WithdrawableAmount, error)
GetWithdrawableAmount retrieves withdrawable amount information using currency code
func (*Bybit) GetWithdrawalRecords ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetWithdrawalRecords(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, withdrawalID, withdrawType, cursor string, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) (*WithdrawalRecords, error)
GetWithdrawalRecords query withdrawal records. endTime - startTime should be less than 30 days. Query last 30 days records by default. Can query by the master UID's api key only
func (*Bybit) GetWithdrawalsHistory ¶
func (by *Bybit) GetWithdrawalsHistory(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code, a asset.Item) ([]exchange.WithdrawalHistory, error)
GetWithdrawalsHistory returns previous withdrawals data
func (*Bybit) InverseSubscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) InverseSubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
InverseSubscribe sends a subscription message to linear public channels.
func (*Bybit) InverseUnsubscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) InverseUnsubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
InverseUnsubscribe sends an unsubscription messages through linear public channels.
func (*Bybit) IsPerpetualFutureCurrency ¶
IsPerpetualFutureCurrency ensures a given asset and currency is a perpetual future
func (*Bybit) LinearSubscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) LinearSubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
LinearSubscribe sends a subscription message to linear public channels.
func (*Bybit) LinearUnsubscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) LinearUnsubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
LinearUnsubscribe sends an unsubscription messages through linear public channels.
func (*Bybit) ModifyMasterAPIKey ¶
func (by *Bybit) ModifyMasterAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
ModifyMasterAPIKey modify the settings of master api key. Use the api key pending to be modified to call the endpoint. Use master user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) ModifyOrder ¶
func (by *Bybit) ModifyOrder(ctx context.Context, action *order.Modify) (*order.ModifyResponse, error)
ModifyOrder will allow of changing orderbook placement and limit to market conversion
func (*Bybit) ModifySubAPIKey ¶
func (by *Bybit) ModifySubAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam) (*SubUIDAPIResponse, error)
ModifySubAPIKey modifies the settings of sub api key. Use the api key pending to be modified to call the endpoint. Use sub user's api key only.
func (*Bybit) OptionSubscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) OptionSubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
OptionSubscribe sends a subscription message to options public channels.
func (*Bybit) OptionUnsubscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) OptionUnsubscribe(channelSubscriptions subscription.List) error
OptionUnsubscribe sends an unsubscription messages through options public channels.
func (*Bybit) PlaceBatchOrder ¶
func (by *Bybit) PlaceBatchOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceBatchOrderParam) ([]BatchOrderResponse, error)
PlaceBatchOrder place batch or trade order.
func (*Bybit) PlaceOrder ¶
func (by *Bybit) PlaceOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceOrderParams) (*OrderResponse, error)
PlaceOrder creates an order for spot, spot margin, USDT perpetual, USDC perpetual, USDC futures, inverse futures and options.
func (*Bybit) PurchaseLeverageToken ¶
func (by *Bybit) PurchaseLeverageToken(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code, amount float64, serialNumber string) (*LeverageToken, error)
PurchaseLeverageToken purcases a leverage token.
func (*Bybit) RedeemLeverageToken ¶
func (by *Bybit) RedeemLeverageToken(ctx context.Context, ltCoin currency.Code, quantity float64, serialNumber string) (*RedeemToken, error)
RedeemLeverageToken redeem leverage token
func (*Bybit) Repay ¶
func (by *Bybit) Repay(ctx context.Context, arg *LendArgument) (*RepayResponse, error)
Repay repay a debt.
func (*Bybit) RequiresUnifiedAccount ¶
RequiresUnifiedAccount checks account type and returns error if not unified
func (*Bybit) ResetMMP ¶
ResetMMP resets MMP. once the mmp triggered, you can unfreeze the account by this endpoint
func (*Bybit) SendAuthHTTPRequestV5 ¶
func (by *Bybit) SendAuthHTTPRequestV5(ctx context.Context, ePath exchange.URL, method, path string, params url.Values, arg, result interface{}, f request.EndpointLimit) error
SendAuthHTTPRequestV5 sends an authenticated HTTP request
func (*Bybit) SendHTTPRequest ¶
func (by *Bybit) SendHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ePath exchange.URL, path string, f request.EndpointLimit, result interface{}) error
SendHTTPRequest sends an unauthenticated request
func (*Bybit) SetAutoAddMargin ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetAutoAddMargin(ctx context.Context, arg *AutoAddMarginParam) error
SetAutoAddMargin sets auto add margin
func (*Bybit) SetCollateralCoin ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetCollateralCoin(ctx context.Context, coin currency.Code, collateralSwitchON bool) error
SetCollateralCoin decide whether the assets in the Unified account needs to be collateral coins.
func (*Bybit) SetDefaults ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults sets the basic defaults for Bybit
func (*Bybit) SetDepositAccount ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetDepositAccount(ctx context.Context, accountType string) (*StatusResponse, error)
SetDepositAccount sets auto transfer account after deposit. The same function as the setting for Deposit on web GUI account types: CONTRACT Derivatives Account 'SPOT' Spot Account 'INVESTMENT' ByFi Account (The service has been offline) 'OPTION' USDC Account 'UNIFIED' UMA or UTA 'FUND' Funding Account
func (*Bybit) SetDisconnectCancelAll ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetDisconnectCancelAll(ctx context.Context, arg *SetDCPParams) error
SetDisconnectCancelAll You can use this endpoint to get your current DCP configuration. Your private websocket connection must subscribe "dcp" topic in order to trigger DCP successfully
func (*Bybit) SetLeverage ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetLeverage(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, _ margin.Type, amount float64, orderSide order.Side) error
SetLeverage sets the account's initial leverage for the asset type and pair
func (*Bybit) SetLeverageLevel ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetLeverageLevel(ctx context.Context, arg *SetLeverageParams) error
SetLeverageLevel sets a leverage from 0 to max leverage of corresponding risk limit
func (*Bybit) SetMMP ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetMMP(ctx context.Context, arg *MMPRequestParam) error
SetMMP Market Maker Protection (MMP) is an automated mechanism designed to protect market makers (MM) against liquidity risks and over-exposure in the market.
func (*Bybit) SetMarginMode ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetMarginMode(ctx context.Context, marginMode string) (*SetMarginModeResponse, error)
SetMarginMode set margin mode to either of ISOLATED_MARGIN, REGULAR_MARGIN(i.e. Cross margin), PORTFOLIO_MARGIN
func (*Bybit) SetRiskLimit ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetRiskLimit(ctx context.Context, arg *SetRiskLimitParam) (*RiskLimitResponse, error)
SetRiskLimit risk limit will limit the maximum position value you can hold under different margin requirements. If you want to hold a bigger position size, you need more margin. This interface can set the risk limit of a single position. If the order exceeds the current risk limit when placing an order, it will be rejected. '0': one-way mode '1': hedge-mode Buy side '2': hedge-mode Sell side
func (*Bybit) SetSpotHedging ¶
SetSpotHedging to turn on/off Spot hedging feature in Portfolio margin for Unified account.
func (*Bybit) SetSpotMarginTradeLeverage ¶
SetSpotMarginTradeLeverage set the user's maximum leverage in spot cross margin
func (*Bybit) SetTakeProfitStopLossMode ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetTakeProfitStopLossMode(ctx context.Context, arg *TPSLModeParams) (*TPSLModeResponse, error)
SetTakeProfitStopLossMode set partial TP/SL mode, you can set the TP/SL size smaller than position size.
func (*Bybit) SetTradingStop ¶
func (by *Bybit) SetTradingStop(ctx context.Context, arg *TradingStopParams) error
SetTradingStop set the take profit, stop loss or trailing stop for the position.
func (*Bybit) SubmitOrder ¶
SubmitOrder submits a new order
func (*Bybit) Subscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe subscription.List) error
Subscribe sends a websocket message to receive data from the channel
func (*Bybit) SwitchPositionMode ¶
func (by *Bybit) SwitchPositionMode(ctx context.Context, arg *SwitchPositionModeParams) error
SwitchPositionMode switch the position mode for USDT perpetual and Inverse futures. If you are in one-way Mode, you can only open one position on Buy or Sell side. If you are in hedge mode, you can open both Buy and Sell side positions simultaneously. switches mode between MergedSingle: One-Way Mode or BothSide: Hedge Mode
func (*Bybit) SwitchTradeMode ¶
func (by *Bybit) SwitchTradeMode(ctx context.Context, arg *SwitchTradeModeParams) error
SwitchTradeMode sets the trade mode value either to 'cross' or 'isolated'. Select cross margin mode or isolated margin mode per symbol level
func (*Bybit) ToggleMarginTrade ¶
func (by *Bybit) ToggleMarginTrade(ctx context.Context, spotMarginMode bool) (*SpotMarginMode, error)
ToggleMarginTrade turn on / off spot margin trade Your account needs to activate spot margin first; i.e., you must have finished the quiz on web / app. spotMarginMode '1': on, '0': off
func (*Bybit) ToggleMarginTradeNormal ¶
func (by *Bybit) ToggleMarginTradeNormal(ctx context.Context, spotMarginMode bool) (*SpotMarginMode, error)
ToggleMarginTradeNormal turn on / off spot margin trade Your account needs to activate spot margin first; i.e., you must have finished the quiz on web / app. spotMarginMode '1': on, '0': off
func (*Bybit) Unsubscribe ¶
func (by *Bybit) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe subscription.List) error
Unsubscribe sends a websocket message to stop receiving data from the channel
func (*Bybit) UpdateAccountInfo ¶
func (by *Bybit) UpdateAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
UpdateAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies
func (*Bybit) UpdateOrderExecutionLimits ¶
UpdateOrderExecutionLimits sets exchange executions for a required asset type
func (*Bybit) UpdateOrderbook ¶
func (by *Bybit) UpdateOrderbook(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
UpdateOrderbook updates and returns the orderbook for a currency pair
func (*Bybit) UpdateTicker ¶
func (by *Bybit) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
UpdateTicker updates and returns the ticker for a currency pair
func (*Bybit) UpdateTickers ¶
UpdateTickers updates the ticker for all currency pairs of a given asset type
func (*Bybit) UpdateTradablePairs ¶
UpdateTradablePairs updates the exchanges available pairs and stores them in the exchanges config
func (*Bybit) UpgradeToUnifiedAccount ¶
func (by *Bybit) UpgradeToUnifiedAccount(ctx context.Context) (*UnifiedAccountUpgradeResponse, error)
UpgradeToUnifiedAccount upgrades the account to unified account.
func (*Bybit) ValidateAPICredentials ¶
ValidateAPICredentials validates current credentials used for wrapper
func (*Bybit) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds ¶
func (by *Bybit) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(ctx context.Context, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Bybit) WithdrawCurrency ¶
WithdrawCurrency Withdraw assets from your Bybit account. You can make an off-chain transfer if the target wallet address is from Bybit. This means that no blockchain fee will be charged.
func (*Bybit) WithdrawFiatFunds ¶
func (by *Bybit) WithdrawFiatFunds(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Bybit) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank ¶
func (by *Bybit) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Bybit) WsInverseConnect ¶
WsInverseConnect connects to inverse websocket feed
func (*Bybit) WsLinearConnect ¶
WsLinearConnect connects to linear a websocket feed
func (*Bybit) WsOptionsConnect ¶
WsOptionsConnect connects to options a websocket feed
type C2CLendingCoinInfo ¶
type C2CLendingCoinInfo struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` LoanToPoolRatio types.Number `json:"loanToPoolRatio"` MaxRedeemQty types.Number `json:"maxRedeemQty"` MinPurchaseQty types.Number `json:"minPurchaseQty"` Precision types.Number `json:"precision"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` }
C2CLendingCoinInfo represent contract-to-contract lending coin information.
type C2CLendingFundResponse ¶
type C2CLendingFundResponse struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` SerialNumber string `json:"serialNo"` Status string `json:"status"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` Quantity types.Number `json:"quantity"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` // added for redeem funds PrincipalQty string `json:"principalQty"` // added for to distinguish between redeem funds and deposit funds OrderType string `json:"orderType"` }
C2CLendingFundResponse represents contract-to-contract deposit funds item.
type C2CLendingFundsParams ¶
type C2CLendingFundsParams struct { Coin currency.Code `json:"coin"` Quantity float64 `json:"quantity,string"` SerialNumber string `json:"serialNO"` }
C2CLendingFundsParams represents deposit funds parameter
type CancelAllOrdersParam ¶
type CancelAllOrdersParam struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` BaseCoin string `json:"baseCoin,omitempty"` SettleCoin string `json:"settleCoin,omitempty"` OrderFilter string `json:"orderFilter,omitempty"` // Valid for spot only. Order,tpslOrder. If not passed, Order by default // Possible value: Stop. Only used for category=linear or inverse and orderFilter=StopOrder, // you can cancel conditional orders except TP/SL order and Trailing stop orders with this param StopOrderType string `json:"stopOrderType,omitempty"` }
CancelAllOrdersParam request parameters for cancel all orders.
type CancelAllResponse ¶
type CancelAllResponse struct {
List []OrderResponse `json:"list"`
CancelAllResponse represents a cancel all trade orders response.
type CancelBatchOrder ¶
type CancelBatchOrder struct { Category string `json:"category"` Request []CancelOrderParams `json:"request"` }
CancelBatchOrder represents a batch cancel request parameters.
type CancelBatchResponseItem ¶
type CancelBatchResponseItem struct { Category string `json:"category,omitempty"` Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` OrderID string `json:"orderId,omitempty"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId,omitempty"` }
CancelBatchResponseItem represents a batch cancel response item.
type CancelOrderParams ¶
type CancelOrderParams struct { Category string `json:"category,omitempty"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol,omitempty"` OrderID string `json:"orderId,omitempty"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId,omitempty"` // User customised order ID. A max of 36 characters. Combinations of numbers, letters (upper and lower cases), dashes, and underscores are supported. future orderLinkId rules: OrderFilter string `json:"orderFilter,omitempty"` // Valid for spot only. Order,tpslOrder. If not passed, Order by default }
CancelOrderParams represents a cancel order parameters.
type ClosedProfitAndLossResponse ¶
type ClosedProfitAndLossResponse struct { NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` Category string `json:"category"` List []struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` Side string `json:"side"` Quantity types.Number `json:"qty"` OrderPrice types.Number `json:"orderPrice"` OrderType string `json:"orderType"` ExecutionType string `json:"execType"` ClosedSize types.Number `json:"closedSize"` CumulatedEntryValue string `json:"cumEntryValue"` AvgEntryPrice types.Number `json:"avgEntryPrice"` CumulatedExitValue string `json:"cumExitValue"` AvgExitPrice types.Number `json:"avgExitPrice"` ClosedPnl string `json:"closedPnl"` FillCount types.Number `json:"fillCount"` Leverage string `json:"leverage"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` } `json:"list"` }
ClosedProfitAndLossResponse represents list of closed profit and loss records
type CoinBalance ¶
type CoinBalance struct { AccountType string `json:"accountType"` BizType int64 `json:"bizType"` AccountID string `json:"accountId"` MemberID string `json:"memberId"` Balance struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` WalletBalance types.Number `json:"walletBalance"` TransferBalance types.Number `json:"transferBalance"` Bonus types.Number `json:"bonus"` TransferSafeAmount string `json:"transferSafeAmount"` } `json:"balance"` }
CoinBalance represents coin balance for a specific asset type.
type CoinBalances ¶
type CoinBalances struct { AccountType string `json:"accountType"` BizType int64 `json:"bizType"` AccountID string `json:"accountId"` MemberID string `json:"memberId"` Balance []struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` WalletBalance types.Number `json:"walletBalance"` TransferBalance types.Number `json:"transferBalance"` Bonus types.Number `json:"bonus"` TransferSafeAmount string `json:"transferSafeAmount"` } `json:"balance"` }
CoinBalances represents coin balances for a specific asset type.
type CoinExchangeRecords ¶
type CoinExchangeRecords struct { OrderBody []struct { FromCoin string `json:"fromCoin"` FromAmount types.Number `json:"fromAmount"` ToCoin string `json:"toCoin"` ToAmount types.Number `json:"toAmount"` ExchangeRate types.Number `json:"exchangeRate"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` ExchangeTransactionID string `json:"exchangeTxId"` } `json:"orderBody"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
CoinExchangeRecords represents a coin exchange records.
type CoinGreeks ¶
type CoinGreeks struct { List []struct { BaseCoin string `json:"baseCoin"` TotalDelta types.Number `json:"totalDelta"` TotalGamma types.Number `json:"totalGamma"` TotalVega types.Number `json:"totalVega"` TotalTheta types.Number `json:"totalTheta"` } `json:"list"` }
CoinGreeks represents current account greeks information.
type CoinInfo ¶
type CoinInfo struct { Rows []struct { Name string `json:"name"` Coin string `json:"coin"` RemainAmount types.Number `json:"remainAmount"` Chains []struct { ChainType string `json:"chainType"` Confirmation string `json:"confirmation"` WithdrawFee types.Number `json:"withdrawFee"` DepositMin types.Number `json:"depositMin"` WithdrawMin types.Number `json:"withdrawMin"` Chain string `json:"chain"` ChainDeposit types.Number `json:"chainDeposit"` ChainWithdraw string `json:"chainWithdraw"` MinAccuracy types.Number `json:"minAccuracy"` WithdrawPercentageFee types.Number `json:"withdrawPercentageFee"` } `json:"chains"` } `json:"rows"` }
CoinInfo represents coin info information.
type CoinRepaymentResponse ¶
type CoinRepaymentResponse struct { AccountID string `json:"accountId"` Coin string `json:"coin"` RepaidAmount types.Number `json:"repaidAmount"` RepayID string `json:"repayId"` RepayMarginOrderID string `json:"repayMarginOrderId"` RepayTime types.Time `json:"repayTime"` TransactIDs []struct { RepaidAmount types.Number `json:"repaidAmount"` RepaidInterest types.Number `json:"repaidInterest"` RepaidPrincipal types.Number `json:"repaidPrincipal"` RepaidSerialNumber types.Number `json:"repaidSerialNumber"` TransactID string `json:"transactId"` } `json:"transactIds"` }
CoinRepaymentResponse represents a coin repayment detail.
type CollateralInfo ¶
type CollateralInfo struct { List []struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` HourlyBorrowRate types.Number `json:"hourlyBorrowRate"` MaxBorrowingAmount types.Number `json:"maxBorrowingAmount"` FreeBorrowingAmount types.Number `json:"freeBorrowingAmount"` FreeBorrowingLimit types.Number `json:"freeBorrowingLimit"` FreeBorrowAmount types.Number `json:"freeBorrowAmount"` // The amount of borrowing within your total borrowing amount that is exempt from interest charges BorrowAmount types.Number `json:"borrowAmount"` AvailableToBorrow types.Number `json:"availableToBorrow"` Borrowable bool `json:"borrowable"` BorrowUsageRate types.Number `json:"borrowUsageRate"` MarginCollateral bool `json:"marginCollateral"` CollateralSwitch bool `json:"collateralSwitch"` CollateralRatio types.Number `json:"collateralRatio"` // Collateral ratio } `json:"list"` }
CollateralInfo represents collateral information of the current unified margin account.
type CreateSubUserParams ¶
type CreateSubUserParams struct { Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Give a username of the new sub user id. Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Set the password for the new sub user id. 8-30 characters, must include numbers, capital and little letters. MemberType int64 `json:"memberType,omitempty"` // '1': normal sub account, '6': custodial sub account Switch int64 `json:"switch,omitempty"` // '0': turn off quick login (default) '1': turn on quick login IsUTC bool `json:"isUta,omitempty"` Note string `json:"note,omitempty"` }
CreateSubUserParams parameter to create a new sub user id. Use master user's api key only.
type DeliveryPrice ¶
type DeliveryPrice struct { Category string `json:"category"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` List []struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` DeliveryPrice types.Number `json:"deliveryPrice"` DeliveryTime types.Time `json:"deliveryTime"` } `json:"list"` }
DeliveryPrice represents the delivery price information.
type DeliveryRecord ¶
type DeliveryRecord struct { NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` Category string `json:"category"` List []struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` DeliveryTime types.Time `json:"deliveryTime"` ExercisePrice types.Number `json:"strike"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` Position types.Number `json:"position"` DeliveryPrice types.Number `json:"deliveryPrice"` DeliveryRealizedProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"deliveryRpl"` } `json:"list"` }
DeliveryRecord represents delivery records of USDC futures and Options.
type DepositAddresses ¶
type DepositAddresses struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Chains []struct { ChainType string `json:"chainType"` AddressDeposit string `json:"addressDeposit"` TagDeposit string `json:"tagDeposit"` Chain string `json:"chain"` } `json:"chains"` }
DepositAddresses represents deposit address information.
type DepositRecords ¶
type DepositRecords struct { Rows []struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Chain string `json:"chain"` Amount string `json:"amount"` TxID string `json:"txID"` Status int64 `json:"status"` ToAddress string `json:"toAddress"` Tag string `json:"tag"` DepositFee string `json:"depositFee"` SuccessAt string `json:"successAt"` Confirmations string `json:"confirmations"` TxIndex string `json:"txIndex"` BlockHash string `json:"blockHash"` } `json:"rows"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
DepositRecords represents deposit records
type Error ¶
type Error struct { ReturnCode int64 `json:"ret_code"` ReturnMsg string `json:"ret_msg"` ReturnCodeV5 int64 `json:"retCode"` ReturnMessageV5 string `json:"retMsg"` ExtCode string `json:"ext_code"` ExtMsg string `json:"ext_info"` }
Error defines all error information for each request
type ErrorMessage ¶
ErrorMessage represents an error message item
type Execution ¶
type Execution struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` OrderType string `json:"orderType"` UnderlyingPrice types.Number `json:"underlyingPrice"` IndexPrice types.Number `json:"indexPrice"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId"` Side string `json:"side"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` StopOrderType string `json:"stopOrderType"` LeavesQuantity types.Number `json:"leavesQty"` ExecTime types.Time `json:"execTime"` IsMaker bool `json:"isMaker"` ExecFee types.Number `json:"execFee"` FeeRate types.Number `json:"feeRate"` ExecID string `json:"execId"` TradeImpliedVolatility string `json:"tradeIv"` BlockTradeID string `json:"blockTradeId"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPrice"` ExecPrice types.Number `json:"execPrice"` MarkIv string `json:"markIv"` OrderQuantity types.Number `json:"orderQty"` ExecValue string `json:"execValue"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` OrderPrice types.Number `json:"orderPrice"` ExecQuantity types.Number `json:"execQty"` ClosedSize types.Number `json:"closedSize"` }
Execution represents execution record
type ExecutionResponse ¶
type ExecutionResponse struct { NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` Category string `json:"category"` List []Execution `json:"list"` }
ExecutionResponse represents users order execution response
type Fee ¶
type Fee struct { BaseCoin string `json:"baseCoin"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Taker types.Number `json:"takerFeeRate"` Maker types.Number `json:"makerFeeRate"` }
Fee holds fee information
type FeeRate ¶
type FeeRate struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TakerFeeRate types.Number `json:"takerFeeRate"` MakerFeeRate types.Number `json:"makerFeeRate"` }
FeeRate represents maker and taker fee rate information for a symbol.
type FundingRate ¶
type FundingRate struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` FundingRate types.Number `json:"fundingRate"` FundingRateTimestamp types.Time `json:"fundingRateTimestamp"` }
FundingRate represents a funding rate instance.
type FundingRateHistory ¶
type FundingRateHistory struct { Category string `json:"category"` List []FundingRate `json:"list"` }
FundingRateHistory represents a funding rate history for a category.
type GreeksResponse ¶
type GreeksResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Topic string `json:"topic"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"creationTime"` Data []struct { BaseCoin string `json:"baseCoin"` TotalDelta types.Number `json:"totalDelta"` TotalGamma types.Number `json:"totalGamma"` TotalVega types.Number `json:"totalVega"` TotalTheta types.Number `json:"totalTheta"` } `json:"data"` }
GreeksResponse represents changes to your greeks data
type HistoricVolatility ¶
type HistoricVolatility struct { Period int64 `json:"period"` Value types.Number `json:"value"` Time types.Time `json:"time"` }
HistoricVolatility represents option historical volatility
type InstitutionalMarginCoinInfo ¶
type InstitutionalMarginCoinInfo struct { MarginToken []struct { ProductID string `json:"productId"` TokenInfo []struct { Token string `json:"token"` ConvertRatioList []struct { Ladder string `json:"ladder"` ConvertRatio types.Number `json:"convertRatio"` } `json:"convertRatioList"` } `json:"tokenInfo"` } `json:"marginToken"` }
InstitutionalMarginCoinInfo represents margin coin info for institutional lending token and tokens convert information.
type InstitutionalProductInfo ¶
type InstitutionalProductInfo struct { MarginProductInfo []struct { ProductID string `json:"productId"` Leverage string `json:"leverage"` SupportSpot int64 `json:"supportSpot"` SupportContract int64 `json:"supportContract"` WithdrawLine string `json:"withdrawLine"` TransferLine string `json:"transferLine"` SpotBuyLine string `json:"spotBuyLine"` SpotSellLine string `json:"spotSellLine"` ContractOpenLine string `json:"contractOpenLine"` LiquidationLine string `json:"liquidationLine"` StopLiquidationLine string `json:"stopLiquidationLine"` ContractLeverage string `json:"contractLeverage"` TransferRatio string `json:"transferRatio"` SpotSymbols []string `json:"spotSymbols"` ContractSymbols []string `json:"contractSymbols"` } `json:"marginProductInfo"` }
InstitutionalProductInfo represents institutional product info.
type InstrumentInfo ¶
type InstrumentInfo struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` ContractType string `json:"contractType"` Innovation string `json:"innovation"` MarginTrading string `json:"marginTrading"` OptionsType string `json:"optionsType"` Status string `json:"status"` BaseCoin string `json:"baseCoin"` QuoteCoin string `json:"quoteCoin"` LaunchTime types.Time `json:"launchTime"` DeliveryTime types.Time `json:"deliveryTime"` DeliveryFeeRate types.Number `json:"deliveryFeeRate"` PriceScale types.Number `json:"priceScale"` LeverageFilter struct { MinLeverage types.Number `json:"minLeverage"` MaxLeverage types.Number `json:"maxLeverage"` LeverageStep types.Number `json:"leverageStep"` } `json:"leverageFilter"` PriceFilter struct { MinPrice types.Number `json:"minPrice"` MaxPrice types.Number `json:"maxPrice"` TickSize types.Number `json:"tickSize"` } `json:"priceFilter"` LotSizeFilter struct { MaxOrderQty types.Number `json:"maxOrderQty"` MinOrderQty types.Number `json:"minOrderQty"` QtyStep types.Number `json:"qtyStep"` PostOnlyMaxOrderQty types.Number `json:"postOnlyMaxOrderQty"` BasePrecision types.Number `json:"basePrecision"` QuotePrecision types.Number `json:"quotePrecision"` MinOrderAmt types.Number `json:"minOrderAmt"` MaxOrderAmt types.Number `json:"maxOrderAmt"` MinNotionalValue types.Number `json:"minNotionalValue"` } `json:"lotSizeFilter"` UnifiedMarginTrade bool `json:"unifiedMarginTrade"` FundingInterval int64 `json:"fundingInterval"` SettleCoin string `json:"settleCoin"` }
InstrumentInfo holds all instrument info across spot, linear, option types
type InstrumentInfoItem ¶
type InstrumentInfoItem struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` BuyRatio types.Number `json:"buyRatio"` SellRatio types.Number `json:"sellRatio"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
InstrumentInfoItem represents an instrument long short ratio information.
type InstrumentsInfo ¶
type InstrumentsInfo struct { Category string `json:"category"` List []InstrumentInfo `json:"list"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
InstrumentsInfo represents a category, page indicator, and list of instrument information.
type InsuranceHistory ¶
type InsuranceHistory struct { UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` List []struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Balance types.Number `json:"balance"` Value types.Number `json:"value"` } `json:"list"` }
InsuranceHistory represents an insurance list.
type InterestAndQuota ¶
type InterestAndQuota struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` InterestRate string `json:"interestRate"` LoanAbleAmount types.Number `json:"loanAbleAmount"` MaxLoanAmount types.Number `json:"maxLoanAmount"` }
InterestAndQuota represents interest and quota information.
type InternalDepositRecords ¶
type InternalDepositRecords struct { Rows []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Amount types.Number `json:"amount"` Type int64 `json:"type"` Coin string `json:"coin"` Address string `json:"address"` Status int64 `json:"status"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` } `json:"rows"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
InternalDepositRecords represents internal deposit records response instances
type KlineItem ¶
type KlineItem struct { StartTime time.Time Open float64 High float64 Low float64 Close float64 // not available for mark and index price kline data TradeVolume float64 Turnover float64 }
KlineItem stores an individual kline data item
type KlineResponse ¶
type KlineResponse struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Category string `json:"category"` List [][]string `json:"list"` }
KlineResponse represents a kline item list instance as an array of string.
type LTKlines ¶
type LTKlines []struct { Confirm bool `json:"confirm"` Interval string `json:"interval"` Start types.Time `json:"start"` End types.Time `json:"end"` Open types.Number `json:"open"` Close types.Number `json:"close"` High types.Number `json:"high"` Low types.Number `json:"low"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
LTKlines represents a leverage token kline.
type LTVInfo ¶
type LTVInfo struct { LtvInfo []struct { LoanToValue string `json:"ltv"` ParentUID string `json:"parentUid"` SubAccountUids []string `json:"subAccountUids"` UnpaidAmount types.Number `json:"unpaidAmount"` UnpaidInfo []struct { Token string `json:"token"` UnpaidQuantity types.Number `json:"unpaidQty"` UnpaidInterest types.Number `json:"unpaidInterest"` } `json:"unpaidInfo"` Balance string `json:"balance"` BalanceInfo []struct { Token string `json:"token"` Price types.Number `json:"price"` Qty types.Number `json:"qty"` ConvertedAmount types.Number `json:"convertedAmount"` } `json:"balanceInfo"` } `json:"ltvInfo"` }
LTVInfo represents institutional lending Loan-to-value(LTV)
type LendArgument ¶
type LendArgument struct { Coin currency.Code `json:"coin"` AmountToBorrow float64 `json:"qty,string"` }
LendArgument represents currency borrow and repay parameter.
type LendingAccountInfo ¶
type LendingAccountInfo struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` PrincipalInterest string `json:"principalInterest"` PrincipalQty types.Number `json:"principalQty"` PrincipalTotal types.Number `json:"principalTotal"` Quantity types.Number `json:"quantity"` }
LendingAccountInfo represents contract-to-contract lending account info item.
type LeverageToken ¶
type LeverageToken struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amount"` ExecAmt types.Number `json:"execAmt"` ExecQty types.Number `json:"execQty"` LtCoin string `json:"ltCoin"` LtOrderStatus string `json:"ltOrderStatus"` PurchaseID string `json:"purchaseId"` SerialNo string `json:"serialNo"` ValueCoin string `json:"valueCoin"` }
LeverageToken represents a response instance when purchasing a leverage token.
type LeverageTokenInfo ¶
type LeverageTokenInfo struct { FundFee types.Number `json:"fundFee"` FundFeeTime types.Time `json:"fundFeeTime"` LtCoin string `json:"ltCoin"` LtName string `json:"ltName"` LtStatus string `json:"ltStatus"` ManageFeeRate types.Number `json:"manageFeeRate"` ManageFeeTime types.Time `json:"manageFeeTime"` MaxPurchase string `json:"maxPurchase"` MaxPurchaseDaily string `json:"maxPurchaseDaily"` MaxRedeem string `json:"maxRedeem"` MaxRedeemDaily string `json:"maxRedeemDaily"` MinPurchase string `json:"minPurchase"` MinRedeem string `json:"minRedeem"` NetValue types.Number `json:"netValue"` PurchaseFeeRate types.Number `json:"purchaseFeeRate"` RedeemFeeRate types.Number `json:"redeemFeeRate"` Total types.Number `json:"total"` Value types.Number `json:"value"` }
LeverageTokenInfo represents leverage token information.
type LeveragedTokenMarket ¶
type LeveragedTokenMarket struct { Basket types.Number `json:"basket"` Circulation types.Number `json:"circulation"` Leverage types.Number `json:"leverage"` // Real leverage calculated by last traded price LTCoin string `json:"ltCoin"` NetValue types.Number `json:"nav"` }
LeveragedTokenMarket represents leverage token market details.
type LoanOrderDetails ¶
type LoanOrderDetails struct { OrderID string `json:"orderId"` OrderProductID string `json:"orderProductId"` ParentUID string `json:"parentUid"` LoanTime types.Time `json:"loanTime"` LoanCoin string `json:"loanCoin"` LoanAmount types.Number `json:"loanAmount"` UnpaidAmount types.Number `json:"unpaidAmount"` UnpaidInterest types.Number `json:"unpaidInterest"` RepaidAmount types.Number `json:"repaidAmount"` RepaidInterest types.Number `json:"repaidInterest"` InterestRate types.Number `json:"interestRate"` Status int64 `json:"status"` Leverage string `json:"leverage"` SupportSpot int64 `json:"supportSpot"` SupportContract int64 `json:"supportContract"` WithdrawLine types.Number `json:"withdrawLine"` TransferLine types.Number `json:"transferLine"` SpotBuyLine types.Number `json:"spotBuyLine"` SpotSellLine types.Number `json:"spotSellLine"` ContractOpenLine types.Number `json:"contractOpenLine"` LiquidationLine types.Number `json:"liquidationLine"` StopLiquidationLine types.Number `json:"stopLiquidationLine"` ContractLeverage types.Number `json:"contractLeverage"` TransferRatio types.Number `json:"transferRatio"` SpotSymbols []string `json:"spotSymbols"` ContractSymbols []string `json:"contractSymbols"` }
LoanOrderDetails retrieves institutional loan order detail item.
type MMPRequestParam ¶
type MMPRequestParam struct { BaseCoin string `json:"baseCoin"` TimeWindowMS int64 `json:"window,string"` FrozenPeriod int64 `json:"frozenPeriod,string"` TradeQuantityLimit types.Number `json:"qtyLimit"` DeltaLimit types.Number `json:"deltaLimit"` }
MMPRequestParam represents an MMP request parameter.
type MMPStates ¶
type MMPStates struct { Result []struct { BaseCoin string `json:"baseCoin"` MmpEnabled bool `json:"mmpEnabled"` Window string `json:"window"` FrozenPeriod string `json:"frozenPeriod"` TradeQuantityLimit types.Number `json:"qtyLimit"` DeltaLimit types.Number `json:"deltaLimit"` MmpFrozenUntil types.Number `json:"mmpFrozenUntil"` MmpFrozen bool `json:"mmpFrozen"` } `json:"result"` }
MMPStates represents an MMP states.
type MarginCoinInfo ¶
type MarginCoinInfo struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` ConversionRate types.Number `json:"conversionRate"` LiquidationOrder int64 `json:"liquidationOrder"` }
MarginCoinInfo represents margin coin information.
type MarkPriceKlineResponse ¶
type MarkPriceKlineResponse struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Category string `json:"category"` List [][]string `json:"list"` }
MarkPriceKlineResponse represents a kline data item.
type OpenInterest ¶
type OpenInterest struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Category string `json:"category"` List []struct { OpenInterest types.Number `json:"openInterest"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"timestamp"` } `json:"list"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
OpenInterest represents open interest of each symbol.
type OrderRepayInfo ¶
type OrderRepayInfo struct { RepayOrderID string `json:"repayOrderId"` RepaidTime types.Time `json:"repaidTime"` Token string `json:"token"` Quantity types.Time `json:"quantity"` Interest types.Time `json:"interest"` BusinessType string `json:"businessType"` Status string `json:"status"` }
OrderRepayInfo represents repaid information information.
type OrderResponse ¶
type OrderResponse struct { OrderID string `json:"orderId"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId"` }
OrderResponse holds newly placed order information.
type Orderbook ¶
type Orderbook struct { UpdateID int64 Bids []orderbook.Tranche Asks []orderbook.Tranche Symbol string GenerationTime time.Time }
Orderbook stores the orderbook data
type PermissionsList ¶
type PermissionsList struct { ContractTrade []string `json:"ContractTrade,omitempty"` Spot []string `json:"Spot,omitempty"` Wallet []string `json:"Wallet,omitempty"` Options []string `json:"Options,omitempty"` Exchange []string `json:"Exchange,omitempty"` CopyTrading []string `json:"CopyTrading,omitempty"` BlockTrade []string `json:"BlockTrade,omitempty"` NFT []string `json:"NFT,omitempty"` }
PermissionsList represents list of sub api permissions.
type PingMessage ¶
PingMessage represents a ping message.
type PlaceBatchOrderParam ¶
type PlaceBatchOrderParam struct { Category string `json:"category"` Request []BatchOrderItemParam `json:"request"` }
PlaceBatchOrderParam represents a parameter for placing batch orders
type PlaceOrderParams ¶
type PlaceOrderParams struct { Category string `json:"category"` // Required Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` // Required Side string `json:"side"` // Required OrderType string `json:"orderType"` // Required // Market, Limit OrderQuantity float64 `json:"qty,string"` // Required // Order quantity. For Spot Market Buy order, please note that qty should be quote currency amount Price float64 `json:"price,string,omitempty"` TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce,omitempty"` // IOC and GTC OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId,omitempty"` // User customised order ID. A max of 36 characters. Combinations of numbers, letters (upper and lower cases), dashes, and underscores are supported. future orderLinkId rules: WhetherToBorrow bool `json:"-"` // '0' for default spot, '1' for Margin trading. IsLeverage int64 `json:"isLeverage,omitempty"` // Required // '0' for default spot, '1' for Margin trading. OrderFilter string `json:"orderFilter,omitempty"` // Valid for spot only. Order,tpslOrder. If not passed, Order by default TriggerDirection int64 `json:"triggerDirection,omitempty"` // Required // Conditional order param. Used to identify the expected direction of the conditional order. '1': triggered when market price rises to triggerPrice '2': triggered when market price falls to triggerPrice TriggerPrice float64 `json:"triggerPrice,omitempty,string"` TriggerPriceType string `json:"triggerBy,omitempty"` // Conditional order param. Trigger price type. 'LastPrice', 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' OrderImpliedVolatility string `json:"orderIv,omitempty"` PositionIdx int64 `json:"positionIdx,omitempty"` // Under hedge-mode, this param is required '0': one-way mode '1': hedge-mode Buy side '2': hedge-mode Sell side TakeProfitPrice float64 `json:"takeProfit,omitempty,string"` TakeProfitTriggerBy string `json:"tpTriggerBy,omitempty"` // The price type to trigger take profit. 'MarkPrice', 'IndexPrice', default: 'LastPrice' StopLossTriggerBy string `json:"slTriggerBy,omitempty"` // The price type to trigger stop loss. MarkPrice, IndexPrice, default: LastPrice StopLossPrice float64 `json:"stopLoss,omitempty,string"` SMPExecutionType string `json:"smpType,omitempty"` // default: 'None', 'CancelMaker', 'CancelTaker', 'CancelBoth' ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly,omitempty"` CloseOnTrigger bool `json:"closeOnTrigger,omitempty"` MarketMakerProtection bool `json:"mmp,omitempty"` // option only. true means set the order as a market maker protection order. // TP/SL mode // "Full": entire position for TP/SL. Then, tpOrderType or slOrderType must be Market // 'Partial': partial position tp/sl. Limit TP/SL order are supported. Note: When create limit tp/sl, tpslMode is required and it must be Partial TpslMode string `json:"tpslMode,omitempty"` TpOrderType string `json:"tpOrderType,omitempty"` SlOrderType string `json:"slOrderType,omitempty"` TpLimitPrice float64 `json:"tpLimitPrice,omitempty,string"` SlLimitPrice float64 `json:"slLimitPrice,omitempty,string"` }
PlaceOrderParams represents
type PositionInfo ¶
type PositionInfo struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` Size types.Number `json:"size"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPrice"` PositionValue types.Number `json:"positionValue"` TradeMode int64 `json:"tradeMode"` PositionStatus string `json:"positionStatus"` AutoAddMargin int64 `json:"autoAddMargin"` ADLRankIndicator int64 `json:"adlRankIndicator"` Leverage types.Number `json:"leverage"` PositionBalance types.Number `json:"positionBalance"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPrice"` LiqPrice types.Number `json:"liqPrice"` BustPrice types.Number `json:"bustPrice"` PositionMM types.Number `json:"positionMM"` PositionIM types.Number `json:"positionIM"` TpslMode string `json:"tpslMode"` TakeProfit types.Number `json:"takeProfit"` StopLoss types.Number `json:"stopLoss"` TrailingStop types.Number `json:"trailingStop"` UnrealisedPnl types.Number `json:"unrealisedPnl"` PositionIndex int64 `json:"positionIdx"` RiskID int64 `json:"riskId"` RiskLimitValue string `json:"riskLimitValue"` // Futures & Perp: it is the all time cumulative realised P&L // Option: it is the realised P&L when you hold that position CumRealisedPnl types.Number `json:"cumRealisedPnl"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` IsReduceOnly bool `json:"isReduceOnly"` MMRSysUpdatedTime types.Time `json:"mmrSysUpdatedTime"` LeverageSysUpdatedTime types.Time `json:"leverageSysUpdatedTime"` // Cross sequence, used to associate each fill and each position update // Different symbols may have the same seq, please use seq + symbol to check unique // Returns "-1" if the symbol has never been traded // Returns the seq updated by the last transaction when there are settings like leverage, risk limit Sequence int64 `json:"seq"` }
PositionInfo represents a position info item.
type PositionInfoList ¶
type PositionInfoList struct { Category string `json:"category"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` List []PositionInfo `json:"list"` }
PositionInfoList represents a list of positions infos.
type PreUpdateOptionDeliveryRecord ¶
type PreUpdateOptionDeliveryRecord struct { NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` Category string `json:"category"` List []struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` DeliveryTime types.Time `json:"deliveryTime"` ExercisePrice types.Number `json:"strike"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` Position string `json:"position"` DeliveryPrice types.Number `json:"deliveryPrice"` DeliveryRpl string `json:"deliveryRpl"` // Realized PnL of the delivery } `json:"list"` }
PreUpdateOptionDeliveryRecord represents delivery records of Option
type RedeemPurchaseRecord ¶
type RedeemPurchaseRecord struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amount"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` LtCoin string `json:"ltCoin"` LtOrderStatus string `json:"ltOrderStatus"` LtOrderType string `json:"ltOrderType"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` OrderTime types.Time `json:"orderTime"` SerialNo string `json:"serialNo"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"updateTime"` Value types.Number `json:"value"` ValueCoin string `json:"valueCoin"` }
RedeemPurchaseRecord represents a purchase and redeem record instance.
type RedeemToken ¶
type RedeemToken struct { ExecAmt types.Number `json:"execAmt"` ExecQty types.Number `json:"execQty"` LtCoin string `json:"ltCoin"` LtOrderStatus string `json:"ltOrderStatus"` Quantity types.Number `json:"quantity"` RedeemID string `json:"redeemId"` SerialNo string `json:"serialNo"` ValueCoin string `json:"valueCoin"` }
RedeemToken represents leverage redeem token
type RepayResponse ¶
type RepayResponse struct {
RepayID string `json:"repayId"`
RepayResponse represents a repay id
type RestResponse ¶
type RestResponse struct { RetCode int64 `json:"retCode"` RetMsg string `json:"retMsg"` Result interface{} `json:"result"` RetExtInfo struct { List []ErrorMessage `json:"list"` } `json:"retExtInfo"` Time types.Time `json:"time"` }
RestResponse represents a REST response instance.
type RiskLimitHistory ¶
type RiskLimitHistory struct { Category string `json:"category"` List []struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` IsLowestRisk int64 `json:"isLowestRisk"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` RiskLimitValue types.Number `json:"riskLimitValue"` MaintenanceMargin types.Number `json:"maintenanceMargin"` InitialMargin types.Number `json:"initialMargin"` MaxLeverage types.Number `json:"maxLeverage"` } `json:"list"` }
RiskLimitHistory represents risk limit history of a category.
type RiskLimitResponse ¶
type RiskLimitResponse struct { RiskID int64 `json:"riskId"` RiskLimitValue string `json:"riskLimitValue"` Category string `json:"category"` }
RiskLimitResponse represents a risk limit response.
type ServerTime ¶
type ServerTime struct { TimeSecond types.Time `json:"timeSecond"` TimeNano types.Time `json:"timeNano"` }
ServerTime represents server time
type SetDCPParams ¶
type SetDCPParams struct {
TimeWindow int64 `json:"timeWindow"`
SetDCPParams represents the set disconnect cancel all parameters.
type SetLeverageParams ¶
type SetLeverageParams struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` BuyLeverage float64 `json:"buyLeverage,string"` // [0, max leverage of corresponding risk limit]. Note: Under one-way mode, buyLeverage must be the same as sellLeverage SellLeverage float64 `json:"sellLeverage,string"` // [0, max leverage of corresponding risk limit]. Note: Under one-way mode, buyLeverage must be the same as sellLeverage }
SetLeverageParams parameters to set the leverage.
type SetMarginModeResponse ¶
type SetMarginModeResponse struct { Reasons []struct { ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode"` ReasonMsg string `json:"reasonMsg"` } `json:"reasons"` }
SetMarginModeResponse represents a response for setting margin mode.
type SetRiskLimitParam ¶
type SetRiskLimitParam struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` // Symbol name. Either symbol or coin is required. symbol has a higher priority RiskID int64 `json:"riskId"` PositionMode int64 `json:"positionIdx"` // Used to identify positions in different position modes. For hedge mode, it is required '0': one-way mode '1': hedge-mode Buy side '2': hedge-mode Sell side }
SetRiskLimitParam represents a risk limit set parameter.
type SettlementSession ¶
type SettlementSession struct { NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` Category string `json:"category"` List []struct { RealisedProfitAndLoss string `json:"realisedPnl"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPrice"` Size types.Number `json:"size"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` SessionAveragePrice types.Number `json:"sessionAvgPrice"` } `json:"list"` }
SettlementSession represents a USDC settlement session.
type SpotMarginMode ¶
type SpotMarginMode struct {
SpotMarginMode string `json:"spotMarginMode"`
SpotMarginMode represents data about whether spot margin trade is on / off
type StatusResponse ¶
type StatusResponse struct {
Status int64 `json:"status"` // 1: SUCCESS 0: FAIL
StatusResponse represents account information
type SubAccountAPIKeys ¶
type SubAccountAPIKeys struct { Result []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Ips []string `json:"ips"` APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` Note string `json:"note"` Status int64 `json:"status"` ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expiredAt"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` Type int64 `json:"type"` Permissions struct { ContractTrade []string `json:"ContractTrade"` Spot []string `json:"Spot"` Wallet []string `json:"Wallet"` Options []string `json:"Options"` Derivatives []string `json:"Derivatives"` CopyTrading []string `json:"CopyTrading"` BlockTrade []string `json:"BlockTrade"` Exchange []string `json:"Exchange"` Nft []string `json:"NFT"` Affiliate []string `json:"Affiliate"` } `json:"permissions"` Secret string `json:"secret"` ReadOnly bool `json:"readOnly"` DeadlineDay int64 `json:"deadlineDay"` Flag string `json:"flag"` } `json:"result"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
SubAccountAPIKeys holds list of sub-account API Keys
type SubUID ¶
type SubUID struct { SubMemberIDs []string `json:"subMemberIds"` TransferableSubMemberIDs []string `json:"transferableSubMemberIds"` }
SubUID represents a sub-users ID
type SubUIDAPIKeyParam ¶
type SubUIDAPIKeyParam struct { Subuid int64 `json:"subuid"` Note string `json:"note"` ReadOnly int64 `json:"readOnly"` // Set the IP bind. example: [","]note: // don't pass ips or pass with ["*"] means no bind // No ip bound api key will be invalid after 90 days // api key will be invalid after 7 days once the account password is changed IPs []string `json:"ips"` // Tick the types of permission. one of below types must be passed, otherwise the error is thrown Permissions map[string][]string `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
SubUIDAPIKeyParam represents a sub-user ID API key creation parameter.
type SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam ¶
type SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam struct { APIKey string `json:"apikey"` ReadOnly int64 `json:"readOnly,omitempty"` // Set the IP bind. example: [","]note: // don't pass ips or pass with ["*"] means no bind // No ip bound api key will be invalid after 90 days // api key will be invalid after 7 days once the account password is changed IPs string `json:"ips"` // You can provide the IP addresses as a list of strings. IPAddresses []string `json:"-"` // Tick the types of permission. one of below types must be passed, otherwise the error is thrown Permissions PermissionsList `json:"permissions"` }
SubUIDAPIKeyUpdateParam represents a sub-user ID API key update parameter.
type SubUIDAPIResponse ¶
type SubUIDAPIResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Note string `json:"note"` APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` ReadOnly int64 `json:"readOnly"` Secret string `json:"secret"` Permissions map[string][]string `json:"permissions"` IPS []string `json:"ips"` Type int64 `json:"type"` DeadlineDay int64 `json:"deadlineDay"` ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expiredAt"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` IsMarginUnified int64 `json:"unified"` // Whether the account to which the account upgrade to unified margin account. IsUnifiedTradeAccount int64 `json:"uta"` // Whether the account to which the account upgrade to unified trade account. UserID int64 `json:"userID"` InviterID int64 `json:"inviterID"` VipLevel string `json:"vipLevel"` MktMakerLevel string `json:"mktMakerLevel"` AffiliateID int64 `json:"affiliateID"` RsaPublicKey string `json:"rsaPublicKey"` IsMaster bool `json:"isMaster"` // Personal account kyc level. LEVEL_DEFAULT, LEVEL_1, LEVEL_2 KycLevel string `json:"kycLevel"` KycRegion string `json:"kycRegion"` }
SubUIDAPIResponse represents sub UID API key response.
type SubUserItem ¶
type SubUserItem struct { UID string `json:"uid"` Username string `json:"username"` MemberType int64 `json:"memberType"` Status int64 `json:"status"` Remark string `json:"remark"` }
SubUserItem represents a sub user response instance.
type SubscriptionArgument ¶
type SubscriptionArgument struct { RequestID string `json:"req_id"` Operation string `json:"op"` Arguments []string `json:"args"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SubscriptionArgument represents a subscription arguments.
type SubscriptionResponse ¶
type SubscriptionResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` RetMsg string `json:"ret_msg"` ConnID string `json:"conn_id"` RequestID string `json:"req_id"` Operation string `json:"op"` }
SubscriptionResponse represents a subscription response.
type SwitchPositionModeParams ¶
type SwitchPositionModeParams struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` // Symbol name. Either symbol or coin is required. symbol has a higher priority Coin currency.Code `json:"coin"` PositionMode int64 `json:"mode"` // Position mode. 0: Merged Single. 3: Both Sides }
SwitchPositionModeParams represents a position switch mode parameters.
type SwitchTradeModeParams ¶
type SwitchTradeModeParams struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` BuyLeverage float64 `json:"buyLeverage,string"` SellLeverage float64 `json:"sellLeverage,string"` TradeMode int64 `json:"tradeMode"` // 0: cross margin. 1: isolated margin }
SwitchTradeModeParams parameters to switch between cross margin and isolated margin trade mode.
type TPSLModeParams ¶
type TPSLModeParams struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TpslMode string `json:"tpSlMode"` // TP/SL mode. Full,Partial }
TPSLModeParams parameters for settle Take Profit(TP) or Stop Loss(SL) mode.
type TPSLModeResponse ¶
type TPSLModeResponse struct {
TPSLMode string `json:"tpSlMode"`
TPSLModeResponse represents response for the take profit and stop loss mode change.
type TickerData ¶
type TickerData struct { Category string `json:"category"` List []TickerItem `json:"list"` }
TickerData represents a list of ticker detailed information.
type TickerItem ¶
type TickerItem struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TickDirection string `json:"tickDirection"` LastPrice types.Number `json:"lastPrice"` IndexPrice types.Number `json:"indexPrice"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPrice"` PrevPrice24H types.Number `json:"prevPrice24h"` Price24HPcnt types.Number `json:"price24hPcnt"` HighPrice24H types.Number `json:"highPrice24h"` LowPrice24H types.Number `json:"lowPrice24h"` PrevPrice1H types.Number `json:"prevPrice1h"` OpenInterest types.Number `json:"openInterest"` OpenInterestValue types.Number `json:"openInterestValue"` Turnover24H types.Number `json:"turnover24h"` Volume24H types.Number `json:"volume24h"` FundingRate types.Number `json:"fundingRate"` NextFundingTime types.Time `json:"nextFundingTime"` PredictedDeliveryPrice types.Number `json:"predictedDeliveryPrice"` BasisRate types.Number `json:"basisRate"` DeliveryFeeRate types.Number `json:"deliveryFeeRate"` DeliveryTime types.Time `json:"deliveryTime"` Ask1Size types.Number `json:"ask1Size"` Bid1Price types.Number `json:"bid1Price"` Ask1Price types.Number `json:"ask1Price"` Bid1Size types.Number `json:"bid1Size"` Basis types.Number `json:"basis"` Bid1Iv types.Number `json:"bid1Iv"` Ask1Iv types.Number `json:"ask1Iv"` MarkIv types.Number `json:"markIv"` MarkPriceIv types.Number `json:"markPriceIv"` UnderlyingPrice types.Number `json:"underlyingPrice"` TotalVolume types.Number `json:"totalVolume"` TotalTurnover types.Number `json:"totalTurnover"` Delta types.Number `json:"delta"` Gamma types.Number `json:"gamma"` Vega types.Number `json:"vega"` Theta types.Number `json:"theta"` Change24Hour types.Number `json:"change24h"` UsdIndexPrice types.Number `json:"usdIndexPrice"` BidPrice types.Number `json:"bidPrice"` BidSize types.Number `json:"bidSize"` BidIv types.Number `json:"bidIv"` AskPrice types.Number `json:"askPrice"` AskSize types.Number `json:"askSize"` AskIv types.Number `json:"askIv"` }
TickerItem represents a ticker item detail
type TradeOrder ¶
type TradeOrder struct { OrderID string `json:"orderId"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId"` BlockTradeID string `json:"blockTradeId"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Price types.Number `json:"price"` OrderQuantity types.Number `json:"qty"` Side string `json:"side"` IsLeverage string `json:"isLeverage"` PositionIdx int64 `json:"positionIdx"` OrderStatus string `json:"orderStatus"` CancelType string `json:"cancelType"` RejectReason string `json:"rejectReason"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPrice"` LeavesQuantity types.Number `json:"leavesQty"` LeavesValue string `json:"leavesValue"` CumulativeExecQuantity types.Number `json:"cumExecQty"` CumulativeExecValue types.Number `json:"cumExecValue"` CumulativeExecFee types.Number `json:"cumExecFee"` TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"` OrderType string `json:"orderType"` StopOrderType string `json:"stopOrderType"` OrderIv string `json:"orderIv"` TriggerPrice types.Number `json:"triggerPrice"` TakeProfitPrice types.Number `json:"takeProfit"` StopLossPrice types.Number `json:"stopLoss"` TpTriggerBy string `json:"tpTriggerBy"` SlTriggerBy string `json:"slTriggerBy"` TriggerDirection int64 `json:"triggerDirection"` TriggerBy string `json:"triggerBy"` LastPriceOnCreated string `json:"lastPriceOnCreated"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly"` CloseOnTrigger bool `json:"closeOnTrigger"` SmpType string `json:"smpType"` SmpGroup int64 `json:"smpGroup"` SmpOrderID string `json:"smpOrderId"` TpslMode string `json:"tpslMode"` TpLimitPrice types.Number `json:"tpLimitPrice"` SlLimitPrice types.Number `json:"slLimitPrice"` PlaceType string `json:"placeType"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` // UTA Spot: add new response field 'ocoTriggerBy', // and the value can be 'OcoTriggerByUnknown', 'OcoTriggerByTp', 'OcoTriggerBySl' OCOTriggerType string `json:"ocoTriggerType"` OCOTriggerBy string `json:"ocoTriggerBy"` }
TradeOrder represents a trade order details.
type TradeOrders ¶
type TradeOrders struct { List []TradeOrder `json:"list"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` Category string `json:"category"` }
TradeOrders represents category and list of trade orders of the category.
type TradingHistory ¶
type TradingHistory struct { Category string `json:"category"` List []TradingHistoryItem `json:"list"` }
TradingHistory represents a trading history list.
type TradingHistoryItem ¶
type TradingHistoryItem struct { ExecutionID string `json:"execId"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` Price types.Number `json:"price"` Size types.Number `json:"size"` TradeTime types.Time `json:"time"` IsBlockTrade bool `json:"isBlockTrade"` }
TradingHistoryItem represents a trading history item instance.
type TradingStopParams ¶
type TradingStopParams struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` // Symbol name. Either symbol or coin is required. symbol has a higher priority TakeProfit string `json:"takeProfit,omitempty"` // Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TP StopLoss string `json:"stopLoss,omitempty"` // Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel SL TrailingStop string `json:"trailingStop,omitempty"` // Trailing stop by price distance. Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TS TakeProfitTriggerType string `json:"tpTriggerBy,omitempty"` StopLossTriggerType string `json:"slTriggerBy,omitempty"` ActivePrice float64 `json:"activePrice,omitempty,string"` TakeProfitOrStopLossMode string `json:"tpslMode,omitempty"` TakeProfitOrderType string `json:"tpOrderType,omitempty"` StopLossOrderType string `json:"slOrderType,omitempty"` TakeProfitSize float64 `json:"tpSize,string,omitempty"` StopLossSize float64 `json:"slSize,string,omitempty"` TakeProfitLimitPrice float64 `json:"tpLimitPrice,string,omitempty"` StopLossLimitPrice float64 `json:"slLimitPrice,string,omitempty"` PositionIndex int64 `json:"positionIdx,omitempty"` }
TradingStopParams take profit, stop loss or trailing stop for the position.
type TransactionLog ¶
type TransactionLog struct { NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` List []TransactionLogItem `json:"list"` }
TransactionLog represents a transaction log history.
type TransactionLogItem ¶
type TransactionLogItem struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` Funding string `json:"funding"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` Change string `json:"change"` CashFlow string `json:"cashFlow"` TransactionTime types.Time `json:"transactionTime"` Type string `json:"type"` FeeRate types.Number `json:"feeRate"` BonusChange types.Number `json:"bonusChange"` Size types.Number `json:"size"` Qty types.Number `json:"qty"` CashBalance types.Number `json:"cashBalance"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Category string `json:"category"` TradePrice types.Number `json:"tradePrice"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` }
TransactionLogItem represents a transaction log item information.
type TransferParams ¶
type TransferParams struct { TransferID uuid.UUID `json:"transferId"` Coin currency.Code `json:"coin"` Amount types.Number `json:"amount,string"` FromAccountType string `json:"fromAccountType"` ToAccountType string `json:"toAccountType"` // Added for universal transfers FromMemberID int64 `json:"fromMemberId"` ToMemberID int64 `json:"toMemberId"` }
TransferParams represents parameters from internal coin transfer.
type TransferResponse ¶
type TransferResponse struct { List []struct { TransferID string `json:"transferId"` Coin string `json:"coin"` Amount types.Number `json:"amount"` FromAccountType string `json:"fromAccountType"` ToAccountType string `json:"toAccountType"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"timestamp"` Status string `json:"status"` // Returned with universal transfer IDs. FromMemberID string `json:"fromMemberId"` ToMemberID string `json:"toMemberId"` } `json:"list"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
TransferResponse represents a transfer response
type TransferableCoins ¶
type TransferableCoins struct {
List []string `json:"list"`
TransferableCoins represents list of transferable coins.
type UnifiedAccountUpgradeResponse ¶
type UnifiedAccountUpgradeResponse struct { UnifiedUpdateStatus string `json:"unifiedUpdateStatus"` UnifiedUpdateMsg struct { Messages []string `json:"msg"` } `json:"unifiedUpdateMsg"` }
UnifiedAccountUpgradeResponse represents a response parameter for update to unified account.
type VIPMarginData ¶
type VIPMarginData struct { VipCoinList []struct { List []struct { Borrowable bool `json:"borrowable"` CollateralRatio types.Number `json:"collateralRatio"` Currency string `json:"currency"` HourlyBorrowRate types.Number `json:"hourlyBorrowRate"` LiquidationOrder string `json:"liquidationOrder"` MarginCollateral bool `json:"marginCollateral"` MaxBorrowingAmount types.Number `json:"maxBorrowingAmount"` } `json:"list"` VipLevel string `json:"vipLevel"` } `json:"vipCoinList"` }
VIPMarginData represents VIP margin data.
type WalletBalance ¶
type WalletBalance struct { List []struct { TotalEquity types.Number `json:"totalEquity"` AccountIMRate types.Number `json:"accountIMRate"` TotalMarginBalance types.Number `json:"totalMarginBalance"` TotalInitialMargin types.Number `json:"totalInitialMargin"` AccountType string `json:"accountType"` TotalAvailableBalance types.Number `json:"totalAvailableBalance"` AccountMMRate types.Number `json:"accountMMRate"` TotalPerpUPL types.Number `json:"totalPerpUPL"` TotalWalletBalance types.Number `json:"totalWalletBalance"` AccountLTV types.Number `json:"accountLTV"` // Account LTV: account total borrowed size / (account total equity + account total borrowed size). TotalMaintenanceMargin types.Number `json:"totalMaintenanceMargin"` Coin []struct { AvailableToBorrow types.Number `json:"availableToBorrow"` Bonus types.Number `json:"bonus"` AccruedInterest types.Number `json:"accruedInterest"` AvailableToWithdraw types.Number `json:"availableToWithdraw"` AvailableBalanceForSpot types.Number `json:"free"` TotalOrderIM types.Number `json:"totalOrderIM"` Equity types.Number `json:"equity"` Locked types.Number `json:"locked"` MarginCollateral bool `json:"marginCollateral"` SpotHedgingQuantity types.Number `json:"spotHedgingQty"` TotalPositionMM types.Number `json:"totalPositionMM"` USDValue types.Number `json:"usdValue"` UnrealisedPNL types.Number `json:"unrealisedPnl"` BorrowAmount types.Number `json:"borrowAmount"` TotalPositionIM types.Number `json:"totalPositionIM"` WalletBalance types.Number `json:"walletBalance"` CumulativeRealisedPNL types.Number `json:"cumRealisedPnl"` Coin currency.Code `json:"coin"` CollateralSwitch bool `json:"collateralSwitch"` } `json:"coin"` } `json:"list"` }
WalletBalance represents wallet balance
type WalletType ¶
type WalletType struct { Accounts []struct { UID string `json:"uid"` AccountType []string `json:"accountType"` } `json:"accounts"` }
WalletType represents available wallet types for the master account or sub account
type WebsocketLiquidation ¶
type WebsocketLiquidation struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` Price types.Number `json:"price"` Size types.Number `json:"size"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` }
WebsocketLiquidation represents liquidation stream push data.
type WebsocketPublicTrades ¶
type WebsocketPublicTrades []struct { OrderFillTimestamp types.Time `json:"T"` Symbol string `json:"s"` Side string `json:"S"` Size types.Number `json:"v"` Price types.Number `json:"p"` PriceChangeDirection string `json:"L"` TradeID string `json:"i"` BlockTrade bool `json:"BT"` }
WebsocketPublicTrades represents
type WebsocketResponse ¶
type WebsocketResponse struct { Topic string `json:"topic"` Type string `json:"type"` PushTimestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` // The timestamp (ms) that the system generates the data Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"` CrossSequence int64 `json:"cs"` // for ping messages Operation string `json:"op"` // for subscription response checks. RequestID string `json:"req_id"` // The timestamp from the match engine when orderbook data is produced. It can be correlated with T from public trade channel OrderbookLastUpdated types.Time `json:"cts"` }
WebsocketResponse represents push data response struct.
type WebsocketWallet ¶
type WebsocketWallet struct { ID string `json:"id"` Topic string `json:"topic"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"creationTime"` Data []struct { AccountIMRate types.Number `json:"accountIMRate"` AccountMMRate types.Number `json:"accountMMRate"` TotalEquity types.Number `json:"totalEquity"` TotalWalletBalance types.Number `json:"totalWalletBalance"` TotalMarginBalance types.Number `json:"totalMarginBalance"` TotalAvailableBalance types.Number `json:"totalAvailableBalance"` TotalPerpUPL types.Number `json:"totalPerpUPL"` TotalInitialMargin types.Number `json:"totalInitialMargin"` TotalMaintenanceMargin types.Number `json:"totalMaintenanceMargin"` Coin []struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Equity types.Number `json:"equity"` UsdValue types.Number `json:"usdValue"` WalletBalance types.Number `json:"walletBalance"` AvailableToWithdraw types.Number `json:"availableToWithdraw"` AvailableToBorrow types.Number `json:"availableToBorrow"` BorrowAmount types.Number `json:"borrowAmount"` AccruedInterest types.Number `json:"accruedInterest"` TotalOrderIM types.Number `json:"totalOrderIM"` TotalPositionIM types.Number `json:"totalPositionIM"` TotalPositionMM types.Number `json:"totalPositionMM"` UnrealisedPnl types.Number `json:"unrealisedPnl"` CumRealisedPnl types.Number `json:"cumRealisedPnl"` Bonus types.Number `json:"bonus"` SpotHedgingQuantity types.Number `json:"spotHedgingQty"` } `json:"coin"` AccountType string `json:"accountType"` AccountLTV string `json:"accountLTV"` } `json:"data"` }
WebsocketWallet represents a wallet stream to see changes to your wallet in real-time.
type WithdrawableAmount ¶
type WithdrawableAmount struct { LimitAmountUsd string `json:"limitAmountUsd"` WithdrawableAmount map[string]struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` WithdrawableAmount types.Number `json:"withdrawableAmount"` AvailableBalance types.Number `json:"availableBalance"` } `json:"withdrawableAmount"` }
WithdrawableAmount represents withdrawable amount information for each currency code
type WithdrawalParam ¶
type WithdrawalParam struct { Coin currency.Code `json:"coin,omitempty"` Chain string `json:"chain,omitempty"` Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,omitempty,string"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` ForceChain int64 `json:"forceChain,omitempty"` // Whether or not to force an on-chain withdrawal '0'(default): If the address is parsed out to be an internal address, then internal transfer '1': Force the withdrawal to occur on-chain '2': Use UID to withdraw AccountType string `json:"accountType,omitempty"` }
WithdrawalParam represents asset withdrawal request parameter.
type WithdrawalRecords ¶
type WithdrawalRecords struct { Rows []struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Chain string `json:"chain"` Amount types.Number `json:"amount"` TransactionID string `json:"txID"` Status string `json:"status"` ToAddress string `json:"toAddress"` Tag string `json:"tag"` WithdrawFee types.Number `json:"withdrawFee"` CreateTime types.Time `json:"createTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"updateTime"` WithdrawID string `json:"withdrawId"` WithdrawType int64 `json:"withdrawType"` } `json:"rows"` NextPageCursor string `json:"nextPageCursor"` }
WithdrawalRecords represents a list of withdrawal records.
type WsExecutions ¶
type WsExecutions []struct { Category string `json:"category"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` ExecFee types.Number `json:"execFee"` ExecID string `json:"execId"` ExecPrice types.Number `json:"execPrice"` ExecQty types.Number `json:"execQty"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` ExecValue types.Number `json:"execValue"` IsMaker bool `json:"isMaker"` FeeRate string `json:"feeRate"` TradeIv string `json:"tradeIv"` MarkIv string `json:"markIv"` BlockTradeID string `json:"blockTradeId"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPrice"` IndexPrice types.Number `json:"indexPrice"` UnderlyingPrice types.Number `json:"underlyingPrice"` LeavesQty types.Number `json:"leavesQty"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId"` OrderPrice types.Number `json:"orderPrice"` OrderQty types.Number `json:"orderQty"` OrderType string `json:"orderType"` StopOrderType string `json:"stopOrderType"` Side string `json:"side"` ExecTime types.Time `json:"execTime"` IsLeverage types.Number `json:"isLeverage"` ClosedSize types.Number `json:"closedSize"` }
WsExecutions represents execution stream to see your executions in real-time.
type WsKlines ¶
type WsKlines []struct { Confirm bool `json:"confirm"` Start types.Time `json:"start"` End types.Time `json:"end"` Open types.Number `json:"open"` Close types.Number `json:"close"` High types.Number `json:"high"` Low types.Number `json:"low"` Volume types.Number `json:"volume"` Turnover string `json:"turnover"` Interval string `json:"interval"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
WsKlines represents a list of Kline data.
type WsOrderbookDetail ¶
type WsOrderbookDetail struct { Symbol string `json:"s"` Bids [][]string `json:"b"` Asks [][]string `json:"a"` UpdateID int64 `json:"u"` Sequence int64 `json:"seq"` }
WsOrderbookDetail represents an orderbook detail information.
type WsOrders ¶
type WsOrders []struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` Side string `json:"side"` OrderType string `json:"orderType"` CancelType string `json:"cancelType"` Price types.Number `json:"price"` Qty types.Number `json:"qty"` OrderIv string `json:"orderIv"` TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"` OrderStatus string `json:"orderStatus"` OrderLinkID string `json:"orderLinkId"` LastPriceOnCreated string `json:"lastPriceOnCreated"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly"` LeavesQty types.Number `json:"leavesQty"` LeavesValue types.Number `json:"leavesValue"` CumExecQty types.Number `json:"cumExecQty"` CumExecValue types.Number `json:"cumExecValue"` AvgPrice types.Number `json:"avgPrice"` BlockTradeID string `json:"blockTradeId"` PositionIdx int64 `json:"positionIdx"` CumExecFee types.Number `json:"cumExecFee"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` RejectReason string `json:"rejectReason"` StopOrderType string `json:"stopOrderType"` TpslMode string `json:"tpslMode"` TriggerPrice types.Number `json:"triggerPrice"` TakeProfit types.Number `json:"takeProfit"` StopLoss types.Number `json:"stopLoss"` TpTriggerBy types.Number `json:"tpTriggerBy"` SlTriggerBy types.Number `json:"slTriggerBy"` TpLimitPrice types.Number `json:"tpLimitPrice"` SlLimitPrice types.Number `json:"slLimitPrice"` TriggerDirection int64 `json:"triggerDirection"` TriggerBy string `json:"triggerBy"` CloseOnTrigger bool `json:"closeOnTrigger"` Category string `json:"category"` PlaceType string `json:"placeType"` SmpType string `json:"smpType"` // SMP execution type SmpGroup int64 `json:"smpGroup"` SmpOrderID string `json:"smpOrderId"` // UTA Spot: add new response field ocoTriggerBy, and the value can be // OcoTriggerByUnknown, OcoTriggerByTp, OcoTriggerBySl OCOTriggerBy string `json:"ocoTriggerBy"` }
WsOrders represents private order
type WsPositions ¶
type WsPositions []struct { PositionIdx int64 `json:"positionIdx"` TradeMode int64 `json:"tradeMode"` RiskID int64 `json:"riskId"` RiskLimitValue types.Number `json:"riskLimitValue"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` Size types.Number `json:"size"` EntryPrice types.Number `json:"entryPrice"` Leverage types.Number `json:"leverage"` PositionValue types.Number `json:"positionValue"` PositionBalance types.Number `json:"positionBalance"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPrice"` PositionIM types.Number `json:"positionIM"` PositionMM types.Number `json:"positionMM"` TakeProfit types.Number `json:"takeProfit"` StopLoss types.Number `json:"stopLoss"` TrailingStop types.Number `json:"trailingStop"` UnrealisedPnl types.Number `json:"unrealisedPnl"` CumRealisedPnl types.Number `json:"cumRealisedPnl"` CreatedTime types.Time `json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"updatedTime"` TpslMode string `json:"tpslMode"` LiqPrice types.Number `json:"liqPrice"` BustPrice types.Number `json:"bustPrice"` Category string `json:"category"` PositionStatus string `json:"positionStatus"` AdlRankIndicator int64 `json:"adlRankIndicator"` }
WsPositions represents a position information.