Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AMPReceiverReport
- func (r AMPReceiverReport) ControllerType() uint8
- func (r AMPReceiverReport) EventType() uint32
- func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfBits() uint32
- func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfErrorFrames() uint16
- func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfFrames() uint16
- func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberofErrorBits() uint32
- func (r AMPReceiverReport) Reason() uint8
- type AMPStartTest
- type AMPStatusChange
- type AMPTestEnd
- type AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpired
- type AuthenticationComplete
- type ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete
- type CommandComplete
- type CommandStatus
- type ConnectionComplete
- func (r ConnectionComplete) BDADDR() [6]byte
- func (r ConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r ConnectionComplete) EncryptionEnabled() uint8
- func (r ConnectionComplete) LinkType() uint8
- func (e ConnectionComplete) PeerAddress() [6]byte
- func (e ConnectionComplete) Role() uint8
- func (r ConnectionComplete) Status() uint8
- type ConnectionPacketTypeChanged
- type ConnectionRequest
- type DataBufferOverflow
- type DisconnectionComplete
- type DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete
- type DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete
- type EncryptionChange
- type EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete
- type EnhancedFlushComplete
- type ExtendedInquiry
- func (e ExtendedInquiry) BDADDR(i int) [6]byte
- func (e ExtendedInquiry) ClassOfDevice(i int) [3]byte
- func (e ExtendedInquiry) ClockOffset(i int) uint16
- func (e ExtendedInquiry) ExtendedInquiryResponse() [240]byte
- func (e ExtendedInquiry) NumResponses() uint8
- func (e ExtendedInquiry) PageScanRepetitionMode(i int) uint8
- func (e ExtendedInquiry) RSSI(i int) uint8
- type FlowSpecModifyComplete
- type FlowSpecificationComplete
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) AccessLatency() uint32
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) Flags() uint8
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) FlowDirection() uint8
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) PeakBandwidth() uint32
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) ServiceType() uint8
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) Status() uint8
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) TokenBucketSize() uint32
- func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) TokenRate() uint32
- type FlushOccurred
- type HardwareError
- type IOCapabilityRequest
- type IOCapabilityResponse
- type InquiryComplete
- type InquiryResult
- func (e InquiryResult) BDADDR(i int) [6]byte
- func (e InquiryResult) ClassOfDevice(i int) [3]byte
- func (e InquiryResult) ClockOffset(i int) uint16
- func (e InquiryResult) ExtendedInquiryResponse() [240]byte
- func (e InquiryResult) NumResponses() uint8
- func (e InquiryResult) PageScanRepetitionMode(i int) uint8
- func (e InquiryResult) RSSI(i int) uint8
- type InquiryResultwithRSSI
- func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) BDADDR(i int) [6]byte
- func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) ClassOfDevice(i int) [3]byte
- func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) ClockOffset(i int) uint16
- func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) ExtendedInquiryResponse() [240]byte
- func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) NumResponses() uint8
- func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) PageScanRepetitionMode(i int) uint8
- func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) RSSI(i int) uint8
- type KeypressNotification
- type LEAdvertisingReport
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) Address(i int) [6]byte
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) AddressType(i int) uint8
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) Data(i int) []byte
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) EventType(i int) uint8
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) LengthData(i int) uint8
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) NumReports() uint8
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) RSSI(i int) int8
- func (e LEAdvertisingReport) SubeventCode() uint8
- type LEConnectionComplete
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) ConnInterval() uint16
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) ConnLatency() uint16
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) MasterClockAccuracy() uint8
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) PeerAddress() [6]byte
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) PeerAddressType() uint8
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) Role() uint8
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) Status() uint8
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) SubeventCode() uint8
- func (r LEConnectionComplete) SupervisionTimeout() uint16
- type LEConnectionUpdateComplete
- func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnInterval() uint16
- func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnLatency() uint16
- func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) Status() uint8
- func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) SubeventCode() uint8
- func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) SupervisionTimeout() uint16
- type LELongTermKeyRequest
- type LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete
- type LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest
- func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) IntervalMax() uint16
- func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) IntervalMin() uint16
- func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) Latency() uint16
- func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) SubeventCode() uint8
- func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) Timeout() uint16
- type LinkKeyNotification
- type LinkKeyRequest
- type LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged
- type LogicalLinkComplete
- type LoopbackCommand
- type MasterLinkKeyComplete
- type MaxSlotsChange
- type ModeChange
- type NumberOfCompletedPackets
- type NumberofCompletedDataBlocks
- type PageScanRepetitionModeChange
- type PhysicalLinkComplete
- type PhysicalLinkHandle
- type PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning
- type PhysicalLinkRecovery
- type PinCodeRequest
- type QoSSetupComplete
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) DelayVariation() uint32
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) Flags() uint8
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) Latency() uint32
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) PeakBandwidth() uint32
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) ServiceType() uint8
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) Status() uint8
- func (r QoSSetupComplete) TokenRate() uint32
- type QoSViolation
- type ReadClockOffsetComplete
- type ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete
- func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) ExtendedLMPFeatures() uint64
- func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) MaximumPageNumber() uint8
- func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) PageNumber() uint8
- func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) Status() uint8
- type ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete
- type ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete
- func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) ManufacturerName() uint16
- func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Status() uint8
- func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Subversion() uint16
- func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Version() uint8
- type RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification
- type RemoteNameRequestComplete
- type RemoteOOBDataRequest
- type ReturnLinkKeys
- type RoleChange
- type ShortRangeModeChangeComplete
- type SimplePairingComplete
- type SniffSubrating
- func (r SniffSubrating) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r SniffSubrating) MaximumTransmitLatency() uint16
- func (r SniffSubrating) MinimumLocalTimeout() uint16
- func (r SniffSubrating) MinimumRemoteTimeout() uint16
- func (r SniffSubrating) MinimumTransmitLatency() uint16
- func (r SniffSubrating) Status() uint8
- type SynchronousConnectionChanged
- func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) RetransmissionWindow() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) RxPacketLength() uint16
- func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) Status() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) TransmissionInterval() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) TxPacketLength() uint16
- type SynchronousConnectionComplete
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) AirMode() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) BDADDR() [6]byte
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) LinkType() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) RetransmissionWindow() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) RxPacketLength() uint16
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) Status() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) TransmissionInterval() uint8
- func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) TxPacketLength() uint16
- type UserConfirmationRequest
- type UserPasskeyNotification
- type UserPasskeyRequest
Constants ¶
const AMPReceiverReportCode = 0x4B
const AMPStartTestCode = 0x49
const AMPStatusChangeCode = 0x4D
const AMPTestEndCode = 0x4A
const AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpiredCode = 0x57
const AuthenticationCompleteCode = 0x06
const ChangeConnectionLinkKeyCompleteCode = 0x09
const CommandCompleteCode = 0x0E
const CommandStatusCode = 0x0F
const ConnectionCompleteCode = 0x03
const ConnectionPacketTypeChangedCode = 0x1D
const ConnectionRequestCode = 0x04
const DataBufferOverflowCode = 0x1A
const DisconnectionCompleteCode = 0x05
const DisconnectionLogicalLinkCompleteCode = 0x46
const DisconnectionPhysicalLinkCompleteCode = 0x42
const EncryptionChangeCode = 0x08
const EncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteCode = 0x30
const EnhancedFlushCompleteCode = 0x39
const ExtendedInquiryCode = 0x2F
const FlowSpecModifyCompleteCode = 0x47
const FlowSpecificationCompleteCode = 0x21
const FlushOccurredCode = 0x11
const HardwareErrorCode = 0x10
const IOCapabilityRequestCode = 0x31
const IOCapabilityResponseCode = 0x32
const InquiryCompleteCode = 0x01
const InquiryResultCode = 0x02
const InquiryResultwithRSSICode = 0x22
const KeypressNotificationCode = 0x3C
const LEAdvertisingReportCode = 0x3E
const LEAdvertisingReportSubCode = 0x02
const LEConnectionCompleteCode = 0x3E
const LEConnectionCompleteSubCode = 0x01
const LEConnectionUpdateCompleteCode = 0x0E
const LEConnectionUpdateCompleteSubCode = 0x03
const LELongTermKeyRequestCode = 0x3E
const LELongTermKeyRequestSubCode = 0x05
const LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesCompleteCode = 0x3E
const LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesCompleteSubCode = 0x04
const LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestCode = 0x3E
const LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestSubCode = 0x06
const LinkKeyNotificationCode = 0x18
const LinkKeyRequestCode = 0x17
const LinkSupervisionTimeoutChangedCode = 0x38
const LogicalLinkCompleteCode = 0x45
const LoopbackCommandCode = 0x19
const MasterLinkKeyCompleteCode = 0x0A
const MaxSlotsChangeCode = 0x1B
const ModeChangeCode = 0x14
const NumberOfCompletedPacketsCode = 0x13
const NumberofCompletedDataBlocksCode = 0x48
const PageScanRepetitionModeChangeCode = 0x20
const PhysicalLinkCompleteCode = 0x40
const PhysicalLinkHandleCode = 0x41
const PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarningCode = 0x43
const PhysicalLinkRecoveryCode = 0x44
const PinCodeRequestCode = 0x16
const QoSSetupCompleteCode = 0x0D
const QoSViolationCode = 0x1E
const ReadClockOffsetCompleteCode = 0x1C
const ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesCompleteCode = 0x23
const ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesCompleteCode = 0x0B
const ReadRemoteVersionInformationCompleteCode = 0x0C
const RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotificationCode = 0x3D
const RemoteNameRequestCompleteCode = 0x07
const RemoteOOBDataRequestCode = 0x35
const ReturnLinkKeysCode = 0x15
const RoleChangeCode = 0x12
const ShortRangeModeChangeCompleteCode = 0x4C
const SimplePairingCompleteCode = 0x36
const SniffSubratingCode = 0x2E
const SynchronousConnectionChangedCode = 0x2D
const SynchronousConnectionCompleteCode = 0x2C
const UserConfirmationRequestCode = 0x33
const UserPasskeyNotificationCode = 0x3B
const UserPasskeyRequestCode = 0x34
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AMPReceiverReport ¶
type AMPReceiverReport []byte
AMPReceiverReport implements AMP Receiver Report (0x4B) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.64].
func (AMPReceiverReport) ControllerType ¶
func (r AMPReceiverReport) ControllerType() uint8
func (AMPReceiverReport) EventType ¶
func (r AMPReceiverReport) EventType() uint32
func (AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfBits ¶
func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfBits() uint32
func (AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfErrorFrames ¶
func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfErrorFrames() uint16
func (AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfFrames ¶
func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberOfFrames() uint16
func (AMPReceiverReport) NumberofErrorBits ¶
func (r AMPReceiverReport) NumberofErrorBits() uint32
func (AMPReceiverReport) Reason ¶
func (r AMPReceiverReport) Reason() uint8
type AMPStartTest ¶
type AMPStartTest []byte
AMPStartTest implements AMP Start Test (0x49) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.62].
func (AMPStartTest) Status ¶
func (r AMPStartTest) Status() uint8
func (AMPStartTest) TestScenario ¶
func (r AMPStartTest) TestScenario() uint8
type AMPStatusChange ¶
type AMPStatusChange []byte
AMPStatusChange implements AMP Status Change (0x4D) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.61].
func (AMPStatusChange) AMPStatus ¶
func (r AMPStatusChange) AMPStatus() uint8
func (AMPStatusChange) Status ¶
func (r AMPStatusChange) Status() uint8
type AMPTestEnd ¶
type AMPTestEnd []byte
AMPTestEnd implements AMP Test End (0x4A) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.63].
func (AMPTestEnd) Status ¶
func (r AMPTestEnd) Status() uint8
func (AMPTestEnd) TestScenario ¶
func (r AMPTestEnd) TestScenario() uint8
type AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpired ¶
type AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpired []byte
AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpired implements Authenticated Payload Timeout Expired (0x57) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.75].
func (AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpired) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpired) ConnectionHandle() uint16
type AuthenticationComplete ¶
type AuthenticationComplete []byte
AuthenticationComplete implements Authentication Complete (0x06) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.6].
func (AuthenticationComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r AuthenticationComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (AuthenticationComplete) Status ¶
func (r AuthenticationComplete) Status() uint8
type ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete ¶
type ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete []byte
ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete implements Change Connection Link Key Complete (0x09) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.9].
func (ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete) Status ¶
func (r ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete) Status() uint8
type CommandComplete ¶
type CommandComplete []byte
CommandComplete implements Command Complete (0x0E) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.14].
func (CommandComplete) CommandOpcode ¶
func (e CommandComplete) CommandOpcode() uint16
func (CommandComplete) NumHCICommandPackets ¶
func (e CommandComplete) NumHCICommandPackets() uint8
func (CommandComplete) ReturnParameters ¶
func (e CommandComplete) ReturnParameters() []byte
type CommandStatus ¶
type CommandStatus []byte
CommandStatus implements Command Status (0x0F) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.15].
func (CommandStatus) CommandOpcode ¶
func (r CommandStatus) CommandOpcode() uint16
func (CommandStatus) NumHCICommandPackets ¶
func (r CommandStatus) NumHCICommandPackets() uint8
func (CommandStatus) Status ¶
func (r CommandStatus) Status() uint8
type ConnectionComplete ¶
type ConnectionComplete []byte
ConnectionComplete implements Connection Complete (0x03) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.3].
func (ConnectionComplete) BDADDR ¶
func (r ConnectionComplete) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (ConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r ConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (ConnectionComplete) EncryptionEnabled ¶
func (r ConnectionComplete) EncryptionEnabled() uint8
func (ConnectionComplete) LinkType ¶
func (r ConnectionComplete) LinkType() uint8
func (ConnectionComplete) PeerAddress ¶
func (e ConnectionComplete) PeerAddress() [6]byte
func (ConnectionComplete) Role ¶
func (e ConnectionComplete) Role() uint8
func (ConnectionComplete) Status ¶
func (r ConnectionComplete) Status() uint8
type ConnectionPacketTypeChanged ¶
type ConnectionPacketTypeChanged []byte
ConnectionPacketTypeChanged implements Connection Packet Type Changed (0x1D) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.29].
func (ConnectionPacketTypeChanged) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r ConnectionPacketTypeChanged) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (ConnectionPacketTypeChanged) PacketType ¶
func (r ConnectionPacketTypeChanged) PacketType() uint16
func (ConnectionPacketTypeChanged) Status ¶
func (r ConnectionPacketTypeChanged) Status() uint8
type ConnectionRequest ¶
type ConnectionRequest []byte
ConnectionRequest implements Connection Request (0x04) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.6].
func (ConnectionRequest) BDADDR ¶
func (r ConnectionRequest) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (ConnectionRequest) ClassOfDevice ¶
func (r ConnectionRequest) ClassOfDevice() [3]byte
func (ConnectionRequest) LinkType ¶
func (r ConnectionRequest) LinkType() uint8
type DataBufferOverflow ¶
type DataBufferOverflow []byte
DataBufferOverflow implements Data Buffer Overflow (0x1A) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.26].
func (DataBufferOverflow) LinkType ¶
func (r DataBufferOverflow) LinkType() uint8
type DisconnectionComplete ¶
type DisconnectionComplete []byte
DisconnectionComplete implements Disconnection Complete (0x05) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.5].
func (DisconnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r DisconnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (DisconnectionComplete) Reason ¶
func (r DisconnectionComplete) Reason() uint8
func (DisconnectionComplete) Status ¶
func (r DisconnectionComplete) Status() uint8
type DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete ¶
type DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete []byte
DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete implements Disconnection Logical Link Complete (0x46) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.57].
func (DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete) LogicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete) LogicalLinkHandle() uint16
func (DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete) Reason ¶
func (r DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete) Reason() uint8
func (DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete) Status ¶
func (r DisconnectionLogicalLinkComplete) Status() uint8
type DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete ¶
type DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete []byte
DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete implements Disconnection Physical Link Complete (0x42) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.53].
func (DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle() uint8
func (DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete) Reason ¶
func (r DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete) Reason() uint8
func (DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete) Status ¶
func (r DisconnectionPhysicalLinkComplete) Status() uint8
type EncryptionChange ¶
type EncryptionChange []byte
EncryptionChange implements Encryption Change (0x08) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.8].
func (EncryptionChange) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r EncryptionChange) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (EncryptionChange) EncryptionEnabled ¶
func (r EncryptionChange) EncryptionEnabled() uint8
func (EncryptionChange) Status ¶
func (r EncryptionChange) Status() uint8
type EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete ¶
type EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete []byte
EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete implements Encryption Key Refresh Complete (0x30) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.39].
func (EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete) Status ¶
func (r EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete) Status() uint8
type EnhancedFlushComplete ¶
type EnhancedFlushComplete []byte
EnhancedFlushComplete implements Enhanced Flush Complete (0x39) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.47].
func (EnhancedFlushComplete) Handle ¶
func (r EnhancedFlushComplete) Handle() uint16
type ExtendedInquiry ¶
type ExtendedInquiry []byte
ExtendedInquiry implements Extended Inquiry (0x2F) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.38].
func (ExtendedInquiry) BDADDR ¶
func (e ExtendedInquiry) BDADDR(i int) [6]byte
func (ExtendedInquiry) ClassOfDevice ¶
func (e ExtendedInquiry) ClassOfDevice(i int) [3]byte
func (ExtendedInquiry) ClockOffset ¶
func (e ExtendedInquiry) ClockOffset(i int) uint16
func (ExtendedInquiry) ExtendedInquiryResponse ¶
func (e ExtendedInquiry) ExtendedInquiryResponse() [240]byte
func (ExtendedInquiry) NumResponses ¶
func (e ExtendedInquiry) NumResponses() uint8
func (ExtendedInquiry) PageScanRepetitionMode ¶
func (e ExtendedInquiry) PageScanRepetitionMode(i int) uint8
func (ExtendedInquiry) RSSI ¶
func (e ExtendedInquiry) RSSI(i int) uint8
type FlowSpecModifyComplete ¶
type FlowSpecModifyComplete []byte
FlowSpecModifyComplete implements Flow Spec Modify Complete (0x47) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.58].
func (FlowSpecModifyComplete) Handle ¶
func (r FlowSpecModifyComplete) Handle() uint16
func (FlowSpecModifyComplete) Status ¶
func (r FlowSpecModifyComplete) Status() uint8
type FlowSpecificationComplete ¶
type FlowSpecificationComplete []byte
FlowSpecificationComplete implements Flow Specification Complete (0x21) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.32].
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) AccessLatency ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) AccessLatency() uint32
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) Flags ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) Flags() uint8
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) FlowDirection ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) FlowDirection() uint8
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) PeakBandwidth ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) PeakBandwidth() uint32
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) ServiceType ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) ServiceType() uint8
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) Status ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) Status() uint8
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) TokenBucketSize ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) TokenBucketSize() uint32
func (FlowSpecificationComplete) TokenRate ¶
func (r FlowSpecificationComplete) TokenRate() uint32
type FlushOccurred ¶
type FlushOccurred []byte
FlushOccurred implements Flush Occurred (0x11) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.17].
func (FlushOccurred) Handle ¶
func (r FlushOccurred) Handle() uint16
type HardwareError ¶
type HardwareError []byte
HardwareError implements Hardware Error (0x10) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.16].
func (HardwareError) HardwareCode ¶
func (r HardwareError) HardwareCode() uint8
type IOCapabilityRequest ¶
type IOCapabilityRequest []byte
IOCapabilityRequest implements IO Capability Request (0x31) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.40].
func (IOCapabilityRequest) BDADDR ¶
func (r IOCapabilityRequest) BDADDR() [6]byte
type IOCapabilityResponse ¶
type IOCapabilityResponse []byte
IOCapabilityResponse implements IO Capability Response (0x32) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.41].
func (IOCapabilityResponse) AuthenticationRequirements ¶
func (r IOCapabilityResponse) AuthenticationRequirements() uint8
func (IOCapabilityResponse) BDADDR ¶
func (r IOCapabilityResponse) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (IOCapabilityResponse) IOCapability ¶
func (r IOCapabilityResponse) IOCapability() uint8
func (IOCapabilityResponse) OOBDataPresent ¶
func (r IOCapabilityResponse) OOBDataPresent() uint8
type InquiryComplete ¶
type InquiryComplete []byte
InquiryComplete implements Inquiry Complete (0x01) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.1].
func (InquiryComplete) Status ¶
func (r InquiryComplete) Status() uint8
type InquiryResult ¶
type InquiryResult []byte
InquiryResult implements Inquiry Result (0x02) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.2].
func (InquiryResult) BDADDR ¶
func (e InquiryResult) BDADDR(i int) [6]byte
func (InquiryResult) ClassOfDevice ¶
func (e InquiryResult) ClassOfDevice(i int) [3]byte
func (InquiryResult) ClockOffset ¶
func (e InquiryResult) ClockOffset(i int) uint16
func (InquiryResult) ExtendedInquiryResponse ¶
func (e InquiryResult) ExtendedInquiryResponse() [240]byte
func (InquiryResult) NumResponses ¶
func (e InquiryResult) NumResponses() uint8
func (InquiryResult) PageScanRepetitionMode ¶
func (e InquiryResult) PageScanRepetitionMode(i int) uint8
func (InquiryResult) RSSI ¶
func (e InquiryResult) RSSI(i int) uint8
type InquiryResultwithRSSI ¶
type InquiryResultwithRSSI []byte
InquiryResultwithRSSI implements Inquiry Result with RSSI (0x22) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.33].
func (InquiryResultwithRSSI) BDADDR ¶
func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) BDADDR(i int) [6]byte
func (InquiryResultwithRSSI) ClassOfDevice ¶
func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) ClassOfDevice(i int) [3]byte
func (InquiryResultwithRSSI) ClockOffset ¶
func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) ClockOffset(i int) uint16
func (InquiryResultwithRSSI) ExtendedInquiryResponse ¶
func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) ExtendedInquiryResponse() [240]byte
func (InquiryResultwithRSSI) NumResponses ¶
func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) NumResponses() uint8
func (InquiryResultwithRSSI) PageScanRepetitionMode ¶
func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) PageScanRepetitionMode(i int) uint8
func (InquiryResultwithRSSI) RSSI ¶
func (e InquiryResultwithRSSI) RSSI(i int) uint8
type KeypressNotification ¶
type KeypressNotification []byte
KeypressNotification implements Keypress Notification (0x3C) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.49].
func (KeypressNotification) BDADDR ¶
func (r KeypressNotification) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (KeypressNotification) NotificationType ¶
func (r KeypressNotification) NotificationType() uint8
type LEAdvertisingReport ¶
type LEAdvertisingReport []byte
LEAdvertisingReport implements LE Advertising Report (0x3E:0x02) [Vol 2, Part E,].
func (LEAdvertisingReport) Address ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) Address(i int) [6]byte
func (LEAdvertisingReport) AddressType ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) AddressType(i int) uint8
func (LEAdvertisingReport) Data ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) Data(i int) []byte
func (LEAdvertisingReport) EventType ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) EventType(i int) uint8
func (LEAdvertisingReport) LengthData ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) LengthData(i int) uint8
func (LEAdvertisingReport) NumReports ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) NumReports() uint8
func (LEAdvertisingReport) RSSI ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) RSSI(i int) int8
func (LEAdvertisingReport) SubeventCode ¶
func (e LEAdvertisingReport) SubeventCode() uint8
type LEConnectionComplete ¶
type LEConnectionComplete []byte
LEConnectionComplete implements LE Connection Complete (0x3E:0x01) [Vol 2, Part E,].
func (LEConnectionComplete) ConnInterval ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) ConnInterval() uint16
func (LEConnectionComplete) ConnLatency ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) ConnLatency() uint16
func (LEConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (LEConnectionComplete) MasterClockAccuracy ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) MasterClockAccuracy() uint8
func (LEConnectionComplete) PeerAddress ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) PeerAddress() [6]byte
func (LEConnectionComplete) PeerAddressType ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) PeerAddressType() uint8
func (LEConnectionComplete) Role ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) Role() uint8
func (LEConnectionComplete) Status ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) Status() uint8
func (LEConnectionComplete) SubeventCode ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) SubeventCode() uint8
func (LEConnectionComplete) SupervisionTimeout ¶
func (r LEConnectionComplete) SupervisionTimeout() uint16
type LEConnectionUpdateComplete ¶
type LEConnectionUpdateComplete []byte
LEConnectionUpdateComplete implements LE Connection Update Complete (0x0E:0x03) [Vol 2, Part E,].
func (LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnInterval ¶
func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnInterval() uint16
func (LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnLatency ¶
func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnLatency() uint16
func (LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (LEConnectionUpdateComplete) Status ¶
func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) Status() uint8
func (LEConnectionUpdateComplete) SubeventCode ¶
func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) SubeventCode() uint8
func (LEConnectionUpdateComplete) SupervisionTimeout ¶
func (r LEConnectionUpdateComplete) SupervisionTimeout() uint16
type LELongTermKeyRequest ¶
type LELongTermKeyRequest []byte
LELongTermKeyRequest implements LE Long Term Key Request (0x3E:0x05) [Vol 2, Part E,].
func (LELongTermKeyRequest) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r LELongTermKeyRequest) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (LELongTermKeyRequest) EncryptionDiversifier ¶
func (r LELongTermKeyRequest) EncryptionDiversifier() uint16
func (LELongTermKeyRequest) RandomNumber ¶
func (r LELongTermKeyRequest) RandomNumber() uint64
func (LELongTermKeyRequest) SubeventCode ¶
func (r LELongTermKeyRequest) SubeventCode() uint8
type LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete ¶
type LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete []byte
LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete implements LE Read Remote Used Features Complete (0x3E:0x04) [Vol 2, Part E,].
func (LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) LEFeatures ¶
func (r LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) LEFeatures() uint64
func (LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) Status ¶
func (r LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) Status() uint8
func (LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) SubeventCode ¶
func (r LEReadRemoteUsedFeaturesComplete) SubeventCode() uint8
type LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest ¶
type LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest []byte
LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest implements LE Remote Connection Parameter Request (0x3E:0x06) [Vol 2, Part E,].
func (LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) IntervalMax ¶
func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) IntervalMax() uint16
func (LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) IntervalMin ¶
func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) IntervalMin() uint16
func (LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) Latency ¶
func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) Latency() uint16
func (LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) SubeventCode ¶
func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) SubeventCode() uint8
func (LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) Timeout ¶
func (r LERemoteConnectionParameterRequest) Timeout() uint16
type LinkKeyNotification ¶
type LinkKeyNotification []byte
LinkKeyNotification implements Link Key Notification (0x18) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.24].
func (LinkKeyNotification) BDADDR ¶
func (r LinkKeyNotification) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (LinkKeyNotification) LinkKey ¶
func (r LinkKeyNotification) LinkKey() [16]byte
func (LinkKeyNotification) LinkType ¶
func (r LinkKeyNotification) LinkType() uint8
type LinkKeyRequest ¶
type LinkKeyRequest []byte
LinkKeyRequest implements Link Key Request (0x17) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.23].
func (LinkKeyRequest) BDADDR ¶
func (r LinkKeyRequest) BDADDR() [6]byte
type LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged ¶
type LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged []byte
LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged implements Link Supervision Timeout Changed (0x38) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.46].
func (LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged) LinkSupervisionTimeout ¶
func (r LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged) LinkSupervisionTimeout() uint16
type LogicalLinkComplete ¶
type LogicalLinkComplete []byte
LogicalLinkComplete implements Logical Link Complete (0x45) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.56].
func (LogicalLinkComplete) LogicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r LogicalLinkComplete) LogicalLinkHandle() uint16
func (LogicalLinkComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r LogicalLinkComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle() uint8
func (LogicalLinkComplete) Status ¶
func (r LogicalLinkComplete) Status() uint8
func (LogicalLinkComplete) TXFlowSpecID ¶
func (r LogicalLinkComplete) TXFlowSpecID() uint8
type LoopbackCommand ¶
type LoopbackCommand []byte
LoopbackCommand implements Loopback Command (0x19) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.25].
type MasterLinkKeyComplete ¶
type MasterLinkKeyComplete []byte
MasterLinkKeyComplete implements Master Link Key Complete (0x0A) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.10].
func (MasterLinkKeyComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r MasterLinkKeyComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (MasterLinkKeyComplete) KeyFlag ¶
func (r MasterLinkKeyComplete) KeyFlag() uint8
func (MasterLinkKeyComplete) Status ¶
func (r MasterLinkKeyComplete) Status() uint8
type MaxSlotsChange ¶
type MaxSlotsChange []byte
MaxSlotsChange implements Max Slots Change (0x1B) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.27].
func (MaxSlotsChange) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r MaxSlotsChange) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (MaxSlotsChange) LPMaxSlots ¶
func (r MaxSlotsChange) LPMaxSlots() uint8
type ModeChange ¶
type ModeChange []byte
ModeChange implements Mode Change (0x14) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.20].
type NumberOfCompletedPackets ¶
type NumberOfCompletedPackets []byte
NumberOfCompletedPackets implements Number Of Completed Packets (0x13) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.19].
func (NumberOfCompletedPackets) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (e NumberOfCompletedPackets) ConnectionHandle(i int) uint16
func (NumberOfCompletedPackets) HCNumOfCompletedPackets ¶
func (e NumberOfCompletedPackets) HCNumOfCompletedPackets(i int) uint16
func (NumberOfCompletedPackets) NumberOfHandles ¶
func (e NumberOfCompletedPackets) NumberOfHandles() uint8
type NumberofCompletedDataBlocks ¶
type NumberofCompletedDataBlocks []byte
NumberofCompletedDataBlocks implements Number of Completed Data Blocks (0x48) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.59].
type PageScanRepetitionModeChange ¶
type PageScanRepetitionModeChange []byte
PageScanRepetitionModeChange implements Page Scan Repetition Mode Change (0x20) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.31].
func (PageScanRepetitionModeChange) BDADDR ¶
func (r PageScanRepetitionModeChange) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (PageScanRepetitionModeChange) PageScanRepetitionMode ¶
func (r PageScanRepetitionModeChange) PageScanRepetitionMode() uint8
type PhysicalLinkComplete ¶
type PhysicalLinkComplete []byte
PhysicalLinkComplete implements Physical Link Complete (0x40) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.51].
func (PhysicalLinkComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r PhysicalLinkComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle() uint8
func (PhysicalLinkComplete) Status ¶
func (r PhysicalLinkComplete) Status() uint8
type PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
type PhysicalLinkHandle []byte
PhysicalLinkHandle implements Physical Link Handle (0x41) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.52].
func (PhysicalLinkHandle) PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r PhysicalLinkHandle) PhysicalLinkHandle() uint8
type PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning ¶
type PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning []byte
PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning implements Physical Link Loss Early Warning (0x43) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.54].
func (PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning) LinkLossReason ¶
func (r PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning) LinkLossReason() uint8
func (PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning) PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r PhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarning) PhysicalLinkHandle() uint8
type PhysicalLinkRecovery ¶
type PhysicalLinkRecovery []byte
PhysicalLinkRecovery implements Physical Link Recovery (0x44) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.55].
func (PhysicalLinkRecovery) PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r PhysicalLinkRecovery) PhysicalLinkHandle() uint8
type PinCodeRequest ¶
type PinCodeRequest []byte
PinCodeRequest implements Pin Code Request (0x16) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.22].
func (PinCodeRequest) BDADDR ¶
func (r PinCodeRequest) BDADDR() [6]byte
type QoSSetupComplete ¶
type QoSSetupComplete []byte
QoSSetupComplete implements QoS Setup Complete (0x0D) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.13].
func (QoSSetupComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (QoSSetupComplete) DelayVariation ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) DelayVariation() uint32
func (QoSSetupComplete) Flags ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) Flags() uint8
func (QoSSetupComplete) Latency ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) Latency() uint32
func (QoSSetupComplete) PeakBandwidth ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) PeakBandwidth() uint32
func (QoSSetupComplete) ServiceType ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) ServiceType() uint8
func (QoSSetupComplete) Status ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) Status() uint8
func (QoSSetupComplete) TokenRate ¶
func (r QoSSetupComplete) TokenRate() uint32
type QoSViolation ¶
type QoSViolation []byte
QoSViolation implements QoS Violation (0x1E) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.30].
func (QoSViolation) Handle ¶
func (r QoSViolation) Handle() uint16
type ReadClockOffsetComplete ¶
type ReadClockOffsetComplete []byte
ReadClockOffsetComplete implements Read Clock Offset Complete (0x1C) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.28].
func (ReadClockOffsetComplete) ClockOffset ¶
func (r ReadClockOffsetComplete) ClockOffset() uint16
func (ReadClockOffsetComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r ReadClockOffsetComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (ReadClockOffsetComplete) Status ¶
func (r ReadClockOffsetComplete) Status() uint8
type ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete ¶
type ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete []byte
ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete implements Read Remote Extended Features Complete (0x23) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.34].
func (ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) ExtendedLMPFeatures ¶
func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) ExtendedLMPFeatures() uint64
func (ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) MaximumPageNumber ¶
func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) MaximumPageNumber() uint8
func (ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) PageNumber ¶
func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) PageNumber() uint8
func (ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) Status ¶
func (r ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete) Status() uint8
type ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete ¶
type ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete []byte
ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete implements Read Remote Supported Features Complete (0x0B) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.11].
func (ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete) LMPFeatures ¶
func (r ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete) LMPFeatures() uint64
func (ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete) Status ¶
func (r ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete) Status() uint8
type ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete ¶
type ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete []byte
ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete implements Read Remote Version Information Complete (0x0C) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.12].
func (ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) ManufacturerName ¶
func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) ManufacturerName() uint16
func (ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Status ¶
func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Status() uint8
func (ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Subversion ¶
func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Subversion() uint16
func (ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Version ¶
func (r ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete) Version() uint8
type RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification ¶
type RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification []byte
RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification implements Remote Host Supported Features Notification (0x3D) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.50].
func (RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification) BDADDR ¶
func (r RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification) HostSupportedFeatures ¶
func (r RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification) HostSupportedFeatures() uint64
type RemoteNameRequestComplete ¶
type RemoteNameRequestComplete []byte
RemoteNameRequestComplete implements Remote Name Request Complete (0x07) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.7].
func (RemoteNameRequestComplete) BDADDR ¶
func (r RemoteNameRequestComplete) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (RemoteNameRequestComplete) RemoteName ¶
func (r RemoteNameRequestComplete) RemoteName() [248]byte
func (RemoteNameRequestComplete) Status ¶
func (r RemoteNameRequestComplete) Status() uint8
type RemoteOOBDataRequest ¶
type RemoteOOBDataRequest []byte
RemoteOOBDataRequest implements Remote OOB Data Request (0x35) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.44].
func (RemoteOOBDataRequest) BDADDR ¶
func (r RemoteOOBDataRequest) BDADDR() [6]byte
type ReturnLinkKeys ¶
type ReturnLinkKeys []byte
ReturnLinkKeys implements Return Link Keys (0x15) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.21].
type RoleChange ¶
type RoleChange []byte
RoleChange implements Role Change (0x12) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.18].
func (RoleChange) BDADDR ¶
func (r RoleChange) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (RoleChange) NewRole ¶
func (r RoleChange) NewRole() uint8
func (RoleChange) Status ¶
func (r RoleChange) Status() uint8
type ShortRangeModeChangeComplete ¶
type ShortRangeModeChangeComplete []byte
ShortRangeModeChangeComplete implements Short Range Mode Change Complete (0x4C) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.60].
func (ShortRangeModeChangeComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle ¶
func (r ShortRangeModeChangeComplete) PhysicalLinkHandle() uint8
func (ShortRangeModeChangeComplete) ShortRangeModeState ¶
func (r ShortRangeModeChangeComplete) ShortRangeModeState() uint8
func (ShortRangeModeChangeComplete) Status ¶
func (r ShortRangeModeChangeComplete) Status() uint8
type SimplePairingComplete ¶
type SimplePairingComplete []byte
SimplePairingComplete implements Simple Pairing Complete (0x36) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.45].
func (SimplePairingComplete) BDADDR ¶
func (r SimplePairingComplete) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (SimplePairingComplete) Status ¶
func (r SimplePairingComplete) Status() uint8
type SniffSubrating ¶
type SniffSubrating []byte
SniffSubrating implements Sniff Subrating (0x2E) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.37].
func (SniffSubrating) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r SniffSubrating) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (SniffSubrating) MaximumTransmitLatency ¶
func (r SniffSubrating) MaximumTransmitLatency() uint16
func (SniffSubrating) MinimumLocalTimeout ¶
func (r SniffSubrating) MinimumLocalTimeout() uint16
func (SniffSubrating) MinimumRemoteTimeout ¶
func (r SniffSubrating) MinimumRemoteTimeout() uint16
func (SniffSubrating) MinimumTransmitLatency ¶
func (r SniffSubrating) MinimumTransmitLatency() uint16
func (SniffSubrating) Status ¶
func (r SniffSubrating) Status() uint8
type SynchronousConnectionChanged ¶
type SynchronousConnectionChanged []byte
SynchronousConnectionChanged implements Synchronous Connection Changed (0x2D) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.36].
func (SynchronousConnectionChanged) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (SynchronousConnectionChanged) RetransmissionWindow ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) RetransmissionWindow() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionChanged) RxPacketLength ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) RxPacketLength() uint16
func (SynchronousConnectionChanged) Status ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) Status() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionChanged) TransmissionInterval ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) TransmissionInterval() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionChanged) TxPacketLength ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionChanged) TxPacketLength() uint16
type SynchronousConnectionComplete ¶
type SynchronousConnectionComplete []byte
SynchronousConnectionComplete implements Synchronous Connection Complete (0x2C) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.35].
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) AirMode ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) AirMode() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) BDADDR ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) ConnectionHandle() uint16
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) LinkType ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) LinkType() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) RetransmissionWindow ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) RetransmissionWindow() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) RxPacketLength ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) RxPacketLength() uint16
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) Status ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) Status() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) TransmissionInterval ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) TransmissionInterval() uint8
func (SynchronousConnectionComplete) TxPacketLength ¶
func (r SynchronousConnectionComplete) TxPacketLength() uint16
type UserConfirmationRequest ¶
type UserConfirmationRequest []byte
UserConfirmationRequest implements User Confirmation Request (0x33) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.42].
func (UserConfirmationRequest) BDADDR ¶
func (r UserConfirmationRequest) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (UserConfirmationRequest) NumericValue ¶
func (r UserConfirmationRequest) NumericValue() uint32
type UserPasskeyNotification ¶
type UserPasskeyNotification []byte
UserPasskeyNotification implements User Passkey Notification (0x3B) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.48].
func (UserPasskeyNotification) BDADDR ¶
func (r UserPasskeyNotification) BDADDR() [6]byte
func (UserPasskeyNotification) Passkey ¶
func (r UserPasskeyNotification) Passkey() uint32
type UserPasskeyRequest ¶
type UserPasskeyRequest []byte
UserPasskeyRequest implements User Passkey Request (0x34) [Vol 2, Part E, 7.7.43].
func (UserPasskeyRequest) BDADDR ¶
func (r UserPasskeyRequest) BDADDR() [6]byte