Generate Dash docset for Dash/Zeal from your local $GOPATH packages.
Support Package
, Type
, Function
, Constant
, Variable
entry types of dash docsets currently.
You can set your own custom docset name and icon for different $GOPATH
Concurrent generating, usally it only takes a few seconds to complete.
Go standard libraries are ignored, as there's Go
docset in Dash/Zeal downloads already.
How It Works
While running, godocdash
will first start a temporary godoc
server, then
find the package entries to grab the godoc pages, and generate the docset.
go get github.com/thoeni/godocdash
And make sure godoc
command is in your $PATH
Generally, just run:
And a docset named GoDoc.docset will be generated in your current directory,
you can then place it into Dash/Zeal docsets path.
As godocdash
directly passes your current environment variables to godoc
you can change the source $GOPATH
by setting it while running godocdash
GOPATH=/another/gopath godocdash
You can also change the docset name and icon, or mute the output:
GOPATH=/another/gopath godocdash --options.silent --docset.name AnotherGodocName --docset.icon new_icon.png --docset.filters github.com/user/pkg,github.com/org/pkg
It's also possible to specify a filter in order to generate a subset of the
documentation, by using the --docset.filter
Command line flags:
$ godocdash -h
Usage of godocdash:
--docset.filters string Comma separated filters, e.g. github.com/user/pkg1,user/pkg2
--docset.icon string Docset icon .png path
--docset.name string Set docset name (default "GoDoc")
--options.silent Silent mode (only print error)
Configuration can be provided via toml file (by default it should be placed in
the current directory or in /tmp):
filters = ["user/arepo", "github.com/anotheruser/another-repo"]
name = "adocsetname"
silent = true