data processor in golang
This project implements a Data Processor system with an input component, a processing queue, and a storage space at the end of the queue.
The system follows a Distributed Domain-Driven Design (DDD) architecture and utilizes design patterns such as Circuit Breaker.
Key Features
- Accepts data with unique identifiers and prevents processing duplicate data
- Enforces rate limiting and traffic quotas for each user, including requests per minute and total data volume per month
- Allows for multiple instances of the service to handle high request volumes
- Configurable to run the service as either a Consumer or a Producer
- Utilizes Docker for easy deployment and scalability
Tech Stack
- Language: Go
- Storage: Redis, MySQL
- Message Queue: RabbitMQ
- Architecture: Distributed Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Design Pattern: Circuit Breaker
- Containerization: Docker
Getting Started
- Clone the repository
- Configure the environment variables (see example.env file)
- Build and run the application using Docker Compose: docker-compose up -d
Run web server
go run cmd/main.go
Docker compose :
docker compose up -d
docker build -t data .
API Spec
All API Spec is in api
folder. and swagger goto :
Database Migration
All database migration is in migration
Create Migration
migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations create_table_xxx
Run Migration
migrate -database "mysql://root:@tcp(localhost:3306)/?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local" -path migration up