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var ( Values = context.ValueGroup{ translator.EmptyListConstantName: (*types.Pair)(nil), translator.EmptyHashTableConstantName: (types.HashTable)(nil), "nil": types.Nil{}, "false": types.False, "true": types.True, "nan": math.NaN(), "inf": math.Inf(+1), "pi": math.Pi, "e": math.E, translator.ListConstructionFunctionName: func( head interface{}, tail *types.Pair, ) (*types.Pair, error) { return &types.Pair{Head: head, Tail: tail}, nil }, translator.HashTableConstructionFunctionName: types.HashTable.With, translator.EqualFunctionName: func(a interface{}, b interface{}) (types.Boolean, error) { isEqual, err := types.Equals(a, b) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to compare values for equality") } return types.NewBooleanFromGoBool(isEqual), nil }, translator.NotEqualFunctionName: func(a interface{}, b interface{}) (types.Boolean, error) { isEqual, err := types.Equals(a, b) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to compare values for equality") } return types.NewBooleanFromGoBool(!isEqual), nil }, translator.LessFunctionName: func(a interface{}, b interface{}) (types.Boolean, error) { compareResult, err := types.Compare(a, b) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to compare values") } booleanResult := compareResult == types.Less return types.NewBooleanFromGoBool(booleanResult), nil }, translator.LessOrEqualFunctionName: func(a interface{}, b interface{}) (types.Boolean, error) { compareResult, err := types.Compare(a, b) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to compare values") } booleanResult := compareResult == types.Less || compareResult == types.Equal return types.NewBooleanFromGoBool(booleanResult), nil }, translator.GreaterFunctionName: func(a interface{}, b interface{}) (types.Boolean, error) { compareResult, err := types.Compare(a, b) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to compare values") } booleanResult := compareResult == types.Greater return types.NewBooleanFromGoBool(booleanResult), nil }, translator.GreaterOrEqualFunctionName: func(a interface{}, b interface{}) (types.Boolean, error) { compareResult, err := types.Compare(a, b) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to compare values") } booleanResult := compareResult == types.Greater || compareResult == types.Equal return types.NewBooleanFromGoBool(booleanResult), nil }, translator.BitwiseDisjunctionFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return float64(int64(a) | int64(b)), nil }, translator.BitwiseExclusiveDisjunctionFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return float64(int64(a) ^ int64(b)), nil }, translator.BitwiseConjunctionFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return float64(int64(a) & int64(b)), nil }, translator.BitwiseLeftShiftFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return float64(int64(a) << uint64(b)), nil }, translator.BitwiseRightShiftFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return float64(int64(a) >> uint64(b)), nil }, translator.BitwiseUnsignedRightShiftFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { if a < 0 { a = a + (1 << 32) } return float64(int64(a) >> uint64(b)), nil }, translator.AdditionFunctionName: func(a interface{}, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { switch typedA := a.(type) { case float64: if typedB, ok := b.(float64); ok { return typedA + typedB, nil } case *types.Pair: if typedB, ok := b.(*types.Pair); ok { return typedA.Append(typedB), nil } case types.HashTable: if typedB, ok := b.(types.HashTable); ok { return typedA.Merge(typedB), nil } default: return nil, errors.Errorf( "unsupported type %T of the argument #0 for the function %s", a, translator.AdditionFunctionName, ) } return nil, errors.Errorf( "incorrect type of the argument #1 for the function %s (%T instead %T)", translator.AdditionFunctionName, b, a, ) }, translator.SubtractionFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return a - b, nil }, translator.MultiplicationFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return a * b, nil }, translator.DivisionFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return a / b, nil }, translator.ModuloFunctionName: func(a float64, b float64) (float64, error) { return math.Mod(a, b), nil }, translator.ArithmeticNegationFunctionName: func(a float64) (float64, error) { return -a, nil }, translator.BitwiseNegationFunctionName: func(a float64) (float64, error) { return float64(^int64(a)), nil }, translator.LogicalNegationFunctionName: func(value interface{}) (types.Boolean, error) { boolean, err := types.NewBoolean(value) if err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to convert the value to a boolean") } return types.NegateBoolean(boolean), nil }, translator.KeyAccessorFunctionName: func( value interface{}, key interface{}, ) (interface{}, error) { var item interface{} switch typedValue := value.(type) { case *types.Pair: typedKey, ok := key.(float64) if !ok { return nil, errors.Errorf( "incorrect type of the argument #1 for the function %s (%T instead float64)", translator.KeyAccessorFunctionName, key, ) } item, ok = typedValue.Item(typedKey) if !ok { return types.Nil{}, nil } case types.HashTable: var err error item, err = typedValue.Item(key) switch err { case nil: case types.ErrNotFound: return types.Nil{}, nil default: return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to get an item from the hash table") } default: return nil, errors.Errorf( "unsupported type %T of the argument #0 for the function %s", value, translator.KeyAccessorFunctionName, ) } return item, nil }, "type": func(value interface{}) (*types.Pair, error) { var name string switch value.(type) { case types.Nil: name = "nil" case float64: name = "num" case *types.Pair: name = "list" case types.HashTable: name = "hash" case runtime.ConcurrentActorFactory: name = "class" default: return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported type %T of the argument #0 for the function type", value) } return types.NewPairFromText(name), nil }, "name": func(factory runtime.ConcurrentActorFactory) (*types.Pair, error) { name := factory.Name() return types.NewPairFromText(name), nil }, "size": func(value interface{}) (float64, error) { typedValue, ok := value.(interface{ Size() int }) if !ok { return 0, errors.Errorf("unsupported type %T of the argument #0 for the function size", value) } size := float64(typedValue.Size()) return size, nil }, "bool": types.NewBoolean, "floor": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Floor(a), nil }, "ceil": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Ceil(a), nil }, "trunc": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Trunc(a), nil }, "round": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Round(a), nil }, "sin": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Sin(a), nil }, "cos": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Cos(a), nil }, "tn": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Tan(a), nil }, "arcsin": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Asin(a), nil }, "arccos": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Acos(a), nil }, "arctn": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Atan(a), nil }, "angle": func(x float64, y float64) (float64, error) { return math.Atan2(y, x), nil }, "pow": func(base float64, exponent float64) (float64, error) { return math.Pow(base, exponent), nil }, "sqrt": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Sqrt(a), nil }, "exp": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Exp(a), nil }, "ln": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Log(a), nil }, "lg": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Log10(a), nil }, "abs": func(a float64) (float64, error) { return math.Abs(a), nil }, "is_nan": func(a float64) (float64, error) { isNaN := math.IsNaN(a) return types.NewBooleanFromGoBool(isNaN), nil }, "seed": func(seed float64) (types.Nil, error) { rand.Seed(int64(seed)) return types.Nil{}, nil }, "random": func() (float64, error) { return rand.Float64(), nil }, "head": func(pair *types.Pair) (interface{}, error) { if pair == nil { return nil, errors.New("head of an empty list") } return pair.Head, nil }, "tail": func(pair *types.Pair) (*types.Pair, error) { if pair == nil { return nil, errors.New("tail of an empty list") } return pair.Tail, nil }, "num": func(text *types.Pair) (interface{}, error) { textAsString, err := text.Text() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to convert the list to a string") } number, err := strconv.ParseFloat(textAsString, 64) if err != nil { return types.Nil{}, nil } return number, nil }, "str": func(value interface{}) (*types.Pair, error) { var text string switch typedValue := value.(type) { case float64: text = strconv.FormatFloat(typedValue, 'g', -1, 64) case *types.Pair, types.HashTable: var err error text, err = marshalToJSON(value) if err != nil { return nil, err } case fmt.Stringer: text = typedValue.String() default: return nil, errors.Errorf( "unsupported type %T of the argument #0 for the function str", typedValue, ) } return types.NewPairFromText(text), nil }, "strb": func(value interface{}) (*types.Pair, error) { boolean, err := types.NewBoolean(value) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to convert the value to a boolean") } var text string switch boolean { case types.False: text = "false" case types.True: text = "true" } return types.NewPairFromText(text), nil }, "strs": func(text *types.Pair) (*types.Pair, error) { textAsString, err := text.Text() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to convert the list to a string") } textAsString = strconv.Quote(textAsString) return types.NewPairFromText(textAsString), nil }, "strl": func(pair *types.Pair) (*types.Pair, error) { var items []string for index, item := range pair.Slice() { itemPair, ok := item.(*types.Pair) if !ok { return nil, errors.Errorf( "incorrect type of the item #%d for conversion to a string list (%T instead *types.Pair)", index, item, ) } itemText, err := itemPair.Text() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to convert the item #%d to a string", index) } items = append(items, itemText) } text, _ := marshalToJSON(items) return types.NewPairFromText(text), nil }, "strh": func(table types.HashTable) (*types.Pair, error) { text, err := marshalToJSON(table) if err != nil { return nil, err } return types.NewPairFromText(text), nil }, "strhh": func(table types.HashTable) (*types.Pair, error) { pairs := make(map[string]string) for key, value := range table { keyText, ok := key.(string) if !ok { return nil, errors.Errorf( "incorrect type of the key for conversion to a string (%T instead *types.Pair)", key, ) } valuePair, ok := value.(*types.Pair) if !ok { return nil, errors.Errorf( "incorrect type of the value for conversion to a string (%T instead *types.Pair)", value, ) } valueText, err := valuePair.Text() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to convert the value to a string") } pairs[keyText] = valueText } text, _ := marshalToJSON(pairs) return types.NewPairFromText(text), nil }, "with": types.HashTable.With, "keys": func(table types.HashTable) (*types.Pair, error) { keys := table.Keys() return types.NewPairFromSlice(keys), nil }, "env": func(name *types.Pair) (interface{}, error) { nameText, err := name.Text() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to convert the list to a string") } value, ok := os.LookupEnv(nameText) if !ok { return types.Nil{}, nil } return types.NewPairFromText(value), nil }, "time": func() (float64, error) { timestamp := time.Now().UnixNano() return float64(timestamp) / 1e9, nil }, "sleep": func(duration float64) (types.Nil, error) { time.Sleep(time.Duration(duration * 1e9)) return types.Nil{}, nil }, "exit": func(exitCode float64) (types.Nil, error) { os.Exit(int(exitCode)) return types.Nil{}, nil }, "in": func(count float64) (interface{}, error) { if count >= 0 { return readChunk(count) } textBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(bufferedStdin) if err != nil { return types.Nil{}, nil } return types.NewPairFromText(string(textBytes)), nil }, "inln": func(count float64) (interface{}, error) { if count >= 0 { return readChunk(count) } textBytes, err := bufferedStdin.ReadBytes('\n') if err != nil && err != io.EOF { return types.Nil{}, nil } if err == nil { textBytes = textBytes[:len(textBytes)-1] } return types.NewPairFromText(string(textBytes)), nil }, "out": func(text *types.Pair) (types.Nil, error) { return print(os.Stdout, text, withoutLineBreak) }, "outln": func(text *types.Pair) (types.Nil, error) { return print(os.Stdout, text, withLineBreak) }, "err": func(text *types.Pair) (types.Nil, error) { return print(os.Stderr, text, withoutLineBreak) }, "errln": func(text *types.Pair) (types.Nil, error) { return print(os.Stderr, text, withLineBreak) }, } )
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