🧙 Konjure

Konjure generates and transforms Kubernetes resource definitions. It can be used as a standalone utility or can be integrated into your GitOps workflows.
Download the latest binary for your platform and put it on your path:
os=linux # Or 'darwin'
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/thestormforge/konjure/releases/latest |\
grep browser_download_url | grep ${os:-linux} | cut -d '"' -f 4 |\
xargs curl -L | tar xz
sudo mv konjure /usr/local/bin/
Konjure can be used to aggregate or generate Kubernetes manifests from a number of different sources. Simply invoke Konjure with a list of sources.
Konjure Sources
Konjure supports pulling resources from the following sources:
- Local files or directories
- Git repositories
- HTTP resources
- Helm charts (via
helm template
- Kustomize
- Kubernetes
- Jsonnet
Konjure also has its own resource generators:
Some sources can be specified using a URL: file system paths, HTTP URLs, and Git repository URLs can all be entered directly. Helm chart URLs can also be used when prefixed with helm::
Konjure Resources
Konjure defines several Kubernetes-like resources which will be expanded in place during execution. For example, if Konjure encounters a resource with the apiVersion: konjure.stormforge.io/v1beta2
and the kind: File
it will be replaced with the manifests found in the named file.
The current (and evolving) definitions can be found in the API source.