Dining Philosophers Problem Implementation in Go
Created by Jack Foley
This program implements the classic Dining Philosophers problem using Go's features for concurrency. The implementation provides fork synchronization by using channels and shows how to prevent deadlock by asymmetric resource acquisition.
The program simulates 5 philosophers who sit around a circular table, each trying to alternate between thinking and eating. Between each philosopher is a fork, and a philosopher needs both his or her adjacent forks to eat.
- Concurrency with goroutines
- Deadlock avoidance by asymmetric fork pickup
- Random duration thinking and eating activities
- Using channel to synchronize the resources
- Thread-safe operation using sync.WaitGroup
Implementation Details
The following are some of the important functions carried out by the program:
think(index int)
: Mock philosopher thinking for 0-4 secondseat(index int)
: Simulate eating with timing informationgetForks(index int, forks map[int]chan bool)
: Asymmetric fork pick up implementationputForks(index int, forks map[int]chan bool)
: Put down the fork after eatingdoPhilStuff(index int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, forks map[int]chan bool)
: Main philosopher lifecycle
To run the program:
go run main.go
Concurrent Development SD4 © 2024 by Jack Foley is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
There is no documentation for this package.