
v0.7.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 14, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 0



Objects is a package designed to simplify the process of managing receipt of multipart/form-data requests and subsequently the uploading of files.


Assuming you have a HTML form like this:

<form action="/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input type="file" name="form-field-1" />
  <input type="file" name="form-field-2" />

To create a new objects instance, you can do something like this:

objectManager, _ := objects.New(
 objects.WithKeys([]string{"form-field-1", "form-field-2"}),
   func(ctx context.Context, u *Objects, files []FileUpload) ([]File, error) {
    // add your own custom uploader functionality here
    // or leave out to use the default uploader func
  objects.ChainValidators(objects.MimeTypeValidator("image/jpeg", "image/png"),
   func(f objects.File) error {
    // Your own custom validation function on the file here
    return nil

The objectManager can be used with the provided middleware FileUploadMiddleware(objectManager) and added to the chain of middleware within the server. This is a generic http.Handler so it can be used with your router of choice. For example, to be used with echo:

Standard HTTP router
package main

import (

	awsCreds "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials"


func main() {
	s3Store, err := storage.NewS3FromConfig(aws.Config{
		Region: "us-west-2",
		Credentials: awsCreds.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(
			"accessKey", "secretKey", ""),
	}, storage.S3Options{
		Bucket: "std-router",
	if err != nil {

	objectsHandler, err := objects.New(
		objects.WithKeys([]string{"name", "mitb"}),

	mux := http.NewServeMux()

	// upload all files with the "name" and "mitb" fields on this route
	mux.Handle("/", objects.FileUploadMiddleware(objectsHandler)(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		fmt.Println("Uploading file")

		ctx := r.Context()

		// return all uploaded files
		f, err := objects.FilesFromContext(ctx)
		if err != nil {

		// return uploaded files with the form field "mitb"
		ff, err := objects.FilesFromContextWithKey(ctx, "mitb")
		if err != nil {

		fmt.Printf("%+v", ff)

		for _, v := range f {
			fmt.Printf("%+v", v)

	http.ListenAndServe(":3300", mux)
Ignoring non existent keys in the multipart Request

Sometimes, the keys you have configured the middleware might get dropped from the frontend for some reason, ideally the middleware fails if it cannot find a configured key in the request. To disable this behavior and ignore the missing key, you can make use of the WithIgnoreNonExistentKey(true) option to prevent the middleware from causing an error when such keys do not exists

Customizing the error response

Since Objects could be used as a middleware, it returns an error to the client if found, this might not match your existing structure, so to configure the response, use the WithErrorResponseHandler. The default is shown below and can be used as a template to define yours.

var errHandler objects.ErrResponseHandler = func(err error, statusCode int) http.HandlerFunc {
  return func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
    fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"message" : "could not upload file", "error" : "%s"}`, err.Error())

// add the following to the objects options:
// objects.WithErrorResponseHandler(errHandler)
Writing your own custom upload logic

The uploader function by default will just upload the file to the storage backend. In some cases you may want custom logic, e.g. update your local database with information. A custom UploaderFunc can be used to do this.

var uploader objects.UploaderFunc = func(ctx context.Context, u *objects.Objects, files []objects.FileUpload) ([]objects.File, error) {
	uploadedFiles := make([]objects.File, 0, len(files))

	for _, f := range files {
		// do things

	return uploadedFiles, nil

// add the following to the objects options:
// objects.WithUploaderFunc(uploader)
Writing your custom validator logic

Sometimes, you could have some custom logic to validate uploads, in this example below, we limit the size of the upload based on the mimeypes of the uploaded files

var customValidator objects.ValidationFunc = func(f objects.File) error {
 switch f.MimeType {
 case "image/png":
  if f.Size > 4096 {
   return errors.New("file size too large")

  return nil

 case "application/pdf":
  if f.Size > (1024 * 10) {
   return errors.New("file size too large")

  return nil
  return nil

// add the following to the objects options:
// objects.WithValidationFunc(customValidator)



Package objects provides interfaces and helpers for management of objects (files) either received via our endpoints or created and stored by the system



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const (
	ErrNoFilesUploaded = errorMsg("objects: no uploadable files found in request")


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var (
	// ErrFilesNotFound is returned when files could not be found in key from http request
	ErrFilesNotFound = errors.New("files could not be found in key from http request")
	// ErrFileOpenFailed is returned when a file could not be opened
	ErrFileOpenFailed = errors.New("could not open file")
	// ErrInvalidMimeType is returned when a file has an invalid mime type
	ErrInvalidMimeType = errors.New("invalid mimetype")
	// ErrValidationFailed is returned when a validation fails
	ErrValidationFailed = errors.New("validation failed")
	// ErrUnsupportedMimeType is returned when a file has an unsupported mime type
	ErrUnsupportedMimeType = errors.New("unsupported mime type uploaded")
	// ErrMustProvideStorageBackend is returned when a storage backend is not provided
	ErrMustProvideStorageBackend = errors.New("you must provide a storage backend")
	// ErrUnexpectedType is returned when an invalid type is provided
	ErrUnexpectedType = errors.New("unexpected type provided")
	// ErrSeekError is returned when an error occurs while seeking
	ErrSeekError = errors.New("error seeking")


func CreateURI

func CreateURI(scheme, destination, key string) string

CreateURI creates a URI for the file based on the scheme, destination and key

func DetectContentType

func DetectContentType(data io.ReadSeeker) (string, error)

DetectContentType leverages http.DetectContentType to identify the content type of the provided data. It expects that the passed io object will be seeked to its beginning and will seek back to the beginning after reading its content.

func FileUploadMiddleware

func FileUploadMiddleware(config *Objects) func(http.Handler) http.Handler

FileUploadMiddleware is a middleware that handles the file upload process this can be added to the middleware chain to handle file uploads prior to the main handler Since gqlgen handles file uploads differently, this middleware is not used in the graphql handler

func FormatFileSize

func FormatFileSize(size int64) string

FormatFileSize converts a file size in bytes to a human-readable string in MB/GB notation.

func GetFileIDsFromContext

func GetFileIDsFromContext(ctx context.Context) []string

GetFileIDsFromContext returns the file IDs from the context that are associated with the request

func ReaderToSeeker

func ReaderToSeeker(r io.Reader) (io.ReadSeeker, error)

ReaderToSeeker function takes an io.Reader as input and returns an io.ReadSeeker which can be used to upload files to the object storage

func RemoveFileFromContext added in v0.3.1

func RemoveFileFromContext(ctx context.Context, f File) context.Context

RemoveFileFromContext removes the file from the context based on the file ID

func StreamToByte

func StreamToByte(stream io.ReadSeeker) ([]byte, error)

StreamToByte function reads the content of the provided io.Reader and returns it as a byte slice

func UpdateFileInContextByKey added in v0.3.1

func UpdateFileInContextByKey(ctx context.Context, key string, f File) context.Context

UpdateFileInContextByKey updates the file in the context based on the key and the file ID

func WriteFilesToContext

func WriteFilesToContext(ctx context.Context, f Files) context.Context

WriteFilesToContext retrieves any existing files from the context, appends the new files to the existing files map based on the form field name, then returns a new context with the updated files map stored in it


type Config

type Config struct {
	// Enabled indicates if the store is enabled
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled" koanf:"enabled" default:"true"`
	// Provider is the name of the provider, eg. disk, s3, will default to disk if nothing is set
	Provider string `json:"provider" koanf:"provider" `
	// AccessKey is the access key for the storage provider
	AccessKey string `json:"accessKey" koanf:"accessKey"`
	// Region is the region for the storage provider
	Region string `json:"region" koanf:"region"`
	// SecretKey is the secret key for the storage provider
	SecretKey string `json:"secretKey" koanf:"secretKey"`
	// CredentialsJSON is the credentials JSON for the storage provider
	CredentialsJSON string `json:"credentialsJSON" koanf:"credentialsJSON"`
	// DefaultBucket is the default bucket name for the storage provider, if not set, it will use the default
	// this is the local path for disk storage or the bucket name for S3
	DefaultBucket string `json:"defaultBucket" koanf:"defaultBucket" default:"file_uploads"`
	// LocalURL is the URL to use for the "presigned" URL for the file when using local storage
	// e.g for local development, this can be http://localhost:17608/files/
	LocalURL string `json:"localURL" koanf:"localURL" default:"http://localhost:17608/files/"`
	// Keys is a list of keys to look for in the multipart form on the REST request
	// if the keys are not found, the request upload will be skipped
	// this is not used when uploading files with gqlgen and the graphql handler
	Keys []string `json:"keys" koanf:"keys" default:"[uploadFile]"`
	// MaxUploadSizeMB is the maximum size of file uploads to accept in megabytes
	MaxUploadSizeMB int64 `json:"maxSizeMB" koanf:"maxSizeMB"`
	// MaxUploadMemoryMB is the maximum memory in megabytes to use when parsing a multipart form
	MaxUploadMemoryMB int64 `json:"maxMemoryMB" koanf:"maxMemoryMB"`

type DownloadFileMetadata

type DownloadFileMetadata struct {
	// Size in bytes of the downloaded file
	Size int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
	// File contains the bytes of the downloaded file
	File []byte
	// Writer is a writer that can be used to write the file to disk or another location
	Writer io.WriterAt

DownloadFileMetadata is a struct that holds information about a file that was successfully downloaded

type DownloadFileOptions

type DownloadFileOptions struct {
	// Bucket is the bucket that the file is stored in / where it should be fetched from
	Bucket string
	// FileName is the name of the file to download from the storage backend
	FileName string
	// Metadata is a map of key value pairs that can be used to optionally identify the file when searching
	Metadata map[string]string

DownloadFileOptions is a struct that holds the options for downloading a file

type ErrResponseHandler

type ErrResponseHandler func(err error, statusCode int) http.HandlerFunc

ErrResponseHandler is a custom error that should be used to handle errors when an upload fails

type File

type File struct {
	// ID is the unique identifier for the file
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Name of the file
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Path of the file
	Path string `json:"path"`
	// Type of file that was uploaded
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// Thumbnail is a URL to the thumbnail of the file
	Thumbnail *string `json:"thumbnail"`
	// MD5 hash of the file
	MD5 []byte `json:"md5"`
	// CreatedAt is the time the file was created
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	// UpdatedAt is the time the file was last updated
	UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	// OwnerID is the ID of the organization or user who created the file
	OwnerID string `json:"owner_id"`
	// FieldName denotes the field from the multipart form
	FieldName string `json:"field_name,omitempty"`
	// OriginalName of the file from the client side
	OriginalName string `json:"original_name,omitempty"`
	// UploadedFileName denotes the name of the file when it was ultimately uploaded to the storage layer
	UploadedFileName string `json:"uploaded_file_name,omitempty"`
	// FolderDestination is the folder that holds the uploaded file
	FolderDestination string `json:"folder_destination,omitempty"`
	// StorageKey can be used to retrieve the file from the storage backend
	StorageKey string `json:"storage_key,omitempty"`
	// MimeType of the uploaded file
	MimeType string `json:"mime_type,omitempty"`
	// ContentType is the detected content type of the file
	ContentType string `json:"content_type,omitempty"`
	// Size in bytes of the uploaded file
	Size int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
	// Metadata is a map of key value pairs that can be used to store additional information about the file
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// Bucket is the bucket that the file is stored in
	Bucket string `json:"bucket,omitempty"`
	// PresignedURL is the URL that can be used to download the file
	PresignedURL string `json:"url"`
	// ProvidedExtension is the extension provided by the client
	ProvidedExtension string `json:"provided_extension"`

	// Parent is the parent object of the file, if any
	Parent ParentObject `json:"parent,omitempty"`

File is a struct that holds information about a file - there is no distinction between a File received in a multipart form request or used in a download

func FilesFromContextWithKey

func FilesFromContextWithKey(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]File, error)

FilesFromContextWithKey returns all files that have been uploaded during the request and sorts by the provided form field

type FileContextKey

type FileContextKey struct {
	Files Files

FileContextKey is the context key for the files This is the key that is used to store the files in the context, which is then used to retrieve the files in subsequent parts of the request this is different than the `key` in the multipart form, which is the form field name that the file was uploaded with

type FileUpload

type FileUpload struct {
	// File is the file to be uploaded
	File io.ReadSeeker
	// Filename is the name of the file provided in the multipart form
	Filename string
	// Size is the size of the file in bytes
	Size int64
	// ContentType is the content type of the file from the header
	ContentType string
	// Key is the field name from the graph input or multipart form
	Key string
	// CorrelatedObjectID is the key of the object that the file is associated with
	CorrelatedObjectID string
	// CorrelatedObjectType is the type of the object that the file is associated with
	CorrelatedObjectType string

FileUpload is the object that holds the file information

func NewUploadFile

func NewUploadFile(filePath string) (file FileUpload, err error)

NewUploadFile function reads the content of the provided file path and returns a FileUpload object

type Files

type Files map[string][]File

Files is a map of field names to a slice of files

func FilesFromContext

func FilesFromContext(ctx context.Context) (Files, error)

FilesFromContext returns all files that have been uploaded during the request

type NameGeneratorFunc

type NameGeneratorFunc func(s string) string

NameGeneratorFunc allows you alter the name of the file before it is ultimately uploaded and stored

var OrganizationNameFunc NameGeneratorFunc = func(s string) string {
	return s

type Objects

type Objects struct {
	// Storage is the storage backend that will be used to store the uploaded files
	Storage Storage `json:"-" koanf:"-"`
	// MaxSize is the maximum size of file uploads to accept
	MaxSize int64 `json:"maxSize" koanf:"maxSize"`
	// MaxMemory is the maximum memory to use when parsing a multipart form
	MaxMemory int64 `json:"maxMemory" koanf:"maxMemory"`
	// IgnoreNonExistentKeys is a flag that indicates the handler should skip multipart form key values which do not match the configured
	IgnoreNonExistentKeys bool `json:"ignoreNonExistentKeys" koanf:"ignoreNonExistentKeys"`
	// Keys is a list of keys to look for in the multipart form on the REST request
	// if the keys are not found, the request upload will be skipped
	// this is not used by the graphql handler
	Keys []string `json:"keys" koanf:"keys" default:"[uploadFile]"`
	// ValidationFunc is a custom validation function
	ValidationFunc ValidationFunc `json:"-" koanf:"-"`
	// NameFuncGenerator is a function that allows you to rename your uploaded files
	NameFuncGenerator NameGeneratorFunc `json:"-" koanf:"-"`
	// Uploader is the func that handlers the file upload process and returns the files uploaded
	Uploader UploaderFunc `json:"-" koanf:"-"`
	// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
	Skipper SkipperFunc `json:"-" koanf:"-"`
	// ErrorResponseHandler is a custom error response handler
	ErrorResponseHandler ErrResponseHandler `json:"-" koanf:"-"`
	// UploadFileOptions is a struct that holds options for uploading a file
	UploadFileOptions *UploadFileOptions `json:"-" koanf:"-"`
	// DownloadFileOptions is a struct that holds options for downloading a file
	DownloadFileOptions *DownloadFileOptions `json:"-" koanf:"-"`

Objects is the definition for handling objects and file uploads

func New

func New(opts ...Option) (*Objects, error)

New creates a new instance of Objects

func (*Objects) FileUpload

func (u *Objects) FileUpload(ctx context.Context, files []FileUpload) (context.Context, error)

FileUpload uploads the files to the storage and returns the the context with the uploaded files

type Option

type Option func(*Objects)

Option is a function that configures the Objects

func WithDownloadFileOptions added in v0.3.1

func WithDownloadFileOptions(opts *DownloadFileOptions) Option

WithDownloadFileOptions allows you to provide options for downloading a file

func WithErrorResponseHandler

func WithErrorResponseHandler(errHandler ErrResponseHandler) Option

WithErrorResponseHandler allows you to provide a custom error response handler

func WithIgnoreNonExistentKey

func WithIgnoreNonExistentKey(ignore bool) Option

WithIgnoreNonExistentKey allows you to configure the handler to skip multipart form key values which do not match the configured

func WithKeys

func WithKeys(keys []string) Option

WithKeys allows you to configure the keys to look for in the multipart form on the REST request

func WithMaxFileSize

func WithMaxFileSize(i int64) Option

WithMaxFileSize allows you limit the size of file uploads to accept expected input in bytes

func WithMaxMemory

func WithMaxMemory(i int64) Option

WithMaxMemory allows you limit the amount of memory to use when parsing a multipart form expected input in bytes

func WithMetadata added in v0.4.0

func WithMetadata(mp map[string]interface{}) Option

func WithNameFuncGenerator

func WithNameFuncGenerator(nameFunc NameGeneratorFunc) Option

WithNameFuncGenerator allows you configure how you'd like to rename your uploaded files

func WithSkipper

func WithSkipper(skipper SkipperFunc) Option

WithSkipper allows you to provide a custom skipper function

func WithStorage

func WithStorage(store Storage) Option

WithStorage allows you to provide a storage backend to the Objects

func WithUploadFileOptions added in v0.3.1

func WithUploadFileOptions(opts *UploadFileOptions) Option

WithUploadFileOptions allows you to provide options for uploading a file

func WithUploaderFunc

func WithUploaderFunc(uploader UploaderFunc) Option

WithUploaderFunc allows you to provide a custom uploader function

func WithValidationFunc

func WithValidationFunc(validationFunc ValidationFunc) Option

WithValidationFunc allows you to provide a custom validation function

type ParentObject added in v0.3.1

type ParentObject struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Type string `json:"type"`

ParentObject is a struct that holds information about the parent object of a file

type Progress

type Progress struct {
	// TotalSize is the total size of the file being uploaded
	TotalSize int64
	// BytesRead is the number of bytes that have been read so far
	BytesRead int64

Progress is used to track the progress of a file upload It implements the io.Writer interface so it can be passed to an io.TeeReader()

func (*Progress) Print

func (pr *Progress) Print()

Print displays the current progress of the file upload

func (*Progress) Write

func (pr *Progress) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Write is used to satisfy the io.Writer interface Instead of writing somewhere, it simply aggregates the total bytes on each read

type SkipperFunc

type SkipperFunc func(r *http.Request) bool

SKipperFunc is a function that defines whether to skip the middleware

type Storage

type Storage interface {
	// Upload is used to upload a file to the storage backend
	Upload(context.Context, io.Reader, *UploadFileOptions) (*UploadedFileMetadata, error)
	// ManagerUpload is used to upload multiple files to the storage backend
	ManagerUpload(context.Context, [][]byte) error
	// Download is used to download a file from the storage backend
	Download(context.Context, *DownloadFileOptions) (*DownloadFileMetadata, error)
	// GetPresignedURL is used to get a presigned URL for a file in the storage backend
	GetPresignedURL(context.Context, string, time.Duration) (string, error)
	// GetScheme returns the scheme of the storage backend
	GetScheme() *string
	// ListBuckets is used to list the buckets in the storage backend
	ListBuckets() ([]string, error)

Storage is the primary interface that must be implemented by any storage backend and for interacting with Objects

type UploadFileOptions

type UploadFileOptions struct {
	// FileName is the name of the file
	FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty"`
	// Metadata is a map of key value pairs that can be used to store additional information about the file
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// Progress is a progress bar that can be used to track the progress of the file upload
	Progress *pb.ProgressBar
	// ProgressOutput is the writer that the progress bar will write to
	ProgressOutput io.Writer
	// ProgressFinishMessage is the message that will be displayed when the progress bar finishes
	ProgressFinishMessage string `json:"progress_finish_message,omitempty"`
	// Bucket is the bucket that the file will be stored in
	Bucket string `json:"bucket,omitempty"`
	// ContentType is the detected content type of the file
	ContentType string `json:"content_type,omitempty"`

UploadFileOptions is a struct that holds the options for uploading a file

type UploadOption

type UploadOption func(*UploadFileOptions)

UploadOption is a function that configures the UploadFileOptions

func UploadMetadata

func UploadMetadata(mp map[string]interface{}) UploadOption

UploadMetadata allows you to provide metadata for the upload

func UploadProgress

func UploadProgress(p *pb.ProgressBar) UploadOption

UploadProgress allows you to provide a progress bar for the upload

func UploadProgressFinishMessage

func UploadProgressFinishMessage(s string) UploadOption

UploadProgressFinishMessage allows you to provide a message to display when the upload is complete

func UploadProgressOutput

func UploadProgressOutput(out io.Writer) UploadOption

UploadProgressOutput allows you to provide a writer for the progress bar

type UploadedFileMetadata

type UploadedFileMetadata struct {
	// FolderDestination is the folder that holds the file
	FolderDestination string `json:"folder_destination,omitempty"`
	// Key is the unique identifier for the file
	Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`
	// Size in bytes of the uploaded file
	Size int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
	// PresignedURL is the URL that can be used to download the file
	PresignedURL string `json:"presigned_url,omitempty"`

UploadedFileMetadata is a struct that holds information about a file that was successfully uploaded

type UploaderFunc

type UploaderFunc func(ctx context.Context, u *Objects, files []FileUpload) ([]File, error)

UploaderFunc is a function that handles the file upload process and returns the files uploaded

type ValidationFunc

type ValidationFunc func(f File) error

ValidationFunc is a type that can be used to dynamically validate a file

func ChainValidators

func ChainValidators(validators ...ValidationFunc) ValidationFunc

ChainValidators returns a validator that accepts multiple validating criteria

func MimeTypeValidator

func MimeTypeValidator(validMimeTypes ...string) ValidationFunc

MimeTypeValidator makes sure we only accept a valid mimetype. It takes in an array of supported mimes


Path Synopsis
Package storage provides basic storage interfaces for storage providers to write / read objects to and from
Package storage provides basic storage interfaces for storage providers to write / read objects to and from

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