Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( // other OtherInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2000000" OtherInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" // governance GovernanceInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2010000" GovernanceInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" GovernanceNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1010001" GovernanceNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" GovernanceNonexistentProposalCode ErrorCode = "1010002" GovernanceNonexistentProposalMsg ErrorMsg = "the proposal(%s) does not exist: %s" GovernanceEndEndedProposalCode ErrorCode = "1010003" GovernanceEndEndedProposalMsg ErrorMsg = "the proposal(%s) is %s, cannot be ended" GovernanceNotVoteAdminCode ErrorCode = "1010004" GovernanceNotVoteAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "the admin of the address(%s) has not voted" GovernanceIllegalProposalTypeCode ErrorCode = "1010005" GovernanceIllegalProposalTypeMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal proposal type(%s)" GovernanceIllegalProposalStatusCode ErrorCode = "1010006" GovernanceIllegalProposalStatusMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal proposal status(%s)" GovernanceVoteEndProposalCode ErrorCode = "1010008" GovernanceVoteEndProposalMsg ErrorMsg = "the current status of the proposal is %s and cannot be voted on" GovernanceAdminRepeatVoteCode ErrorCode = "1010009" GovernanceAdminRepeatVoteMsg ErrorMsg = "administrator of the address(%s) has voted" GovernanceIllegalVoteInfoCode ErrorCode = "1010010" GovernanceIllegalVoteInfoMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal vote info(%s), should be approve or reject" GovernanceAdminNoVotePermissonCode ErrorCode = "1010011" GovernanceAdminNoVotePermissonMsg ErrorMsg = "the admin(%s) can not vote to the proposal(%s)" GovernanceIllegalProposalStrategyInfoCode ErrorCode = "1010012" GovernanceIllegalProposalStrategyInfoMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal proposal strategy info: %s" GovernanceNonexistentProposalStrategyCode ErrorCode = "1010013" GovernanceNonexistentProposalStrategyMsg ErrorMsg = "the proposal strategy for the type(%s) does not exist" // appchain AppchainInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2020000" AppchainInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" AppchainNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1020001" AppchainNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" AppchainNilBrokerCode ErrorCode = "1020002" AppchainNilBrokerMsg ErrorMsg = "broker can not be nil" AppchainIllegalFabricBrokerCode ErrorCode = "1020003" AppchainIllegalFabricBrokerMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal fabric broker info(%s): %s" AppchainEmptyChainIDCode ErrorCode = "1020004" AppchainEmptyChainIDMsg ErrorMsg = "chain id can not be an empty string" AppchainDuplicateChainIDCode ErrorCode = "1020005" AppchainDuplicateChainIDMsg ErrorMsg = "the appchain id %s has been occupied" AppchainEmptyChainNameCode ErrorCode = "1020006" AppchainEmptyChainNameMsg ErrorMsg = "chain name can not be an empty string" AppchainDuplicateChainNameCode ErrorCode = "1020007" AppchainDuplicateChainNameMsg ErrorMsg = "the appchain name %s has been occupied by appchain %s" AppchainIncompleteAdminListCode ErrorCode = "1020008" AppchainIncompleteAdminListMsg ErrorMsg = "the admin list does not contain the current admin(%s)" AppchainIllegalAdminAddrCode ErrorCode = "1020009" AppchainIllegalAdminAddrMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal admin addr(%s): %s" AppchainDuplicateAdminCode ErrorCode = "1020010" AppchainDuplicateAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "the appchain admin %s has been occupied: %s" AppchainEmptyRuleUrlCode ErrorCode = "1020011" AppchainEmptyRuleUrlMsg ErrorMsg = "urls for custom rule cannot be empty string" AppchainStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1020012" AppchainStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "the appchain(%s) is %s, can not do %s" AppchainRuleUpdatingCode ErrorCode = "1020013" AppchainRuleUpdatingMsg ErrorMsg = "chain master rule(%s) is updating, can not submit proposal to %s appchain(%s)" AppchainNonexistentChainCode ErrorCode = "1020014" AppchainNonexistentChainMsg ErrorMsg = "the appchain(%s) does not exist: %s" // rule RuleInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2030000" RuleInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" RuleNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1030001" RuleNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" RuleIllegalRuleAddrCode ErrorCode = "1030002" RuleIllegalRuleAddrMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal rule addr(%s): %s" RuleNonexistentRuleCode ErrorCode = "1030003" RuleNonexistentRuleMsg ErrorMsg = "the rule(%s) does not exist" RuleNonexistentChainCode ErrorCode = "1030004" RuleNonexistentChainMsg ErrorMsg = "the appchain(%s) does not exist: %s" RuleStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1030005" RuleStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "the rule(%s) is %s, can not do %s" RuleMasterRuleUpdatingCode ErrorCode = "1030006" RuleMasterRuleUpdatingMsg ErrorMsg = "master rule(%s) is updating, can not update master rule" RuleRegisterDefaultCode ErrorCode = "1030007" RuleRegisterDefaultMsg ErrorMsg = "default rule(%s) can not be registered" RuleLogoutDefaultCode ErrorCode = "1030008" RuleLogoutDefaultMsg ErrorMsg = "default rule(%s) can not be logouted" RuleAppchainForbiddenCode ErrorCode = "1030009" RuleAppchainForbiddenMsg ErrorMsg = "appchain(%s) is forbidden, can not operate rule" RuleAppchainStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1030010" RuleAppchainStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "appchain(%s) is %s, can not bind new master rule" // role RoleInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2040000" RoleInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" RoleNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1040001" RoleNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" RoleIllegalRoleIDCode ErrorCode = "1040002" RoleIllegalRoleIDMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal role id(%s): %s" RoleNonexistentNodeCode ErrorCode = "1040003" RoleNonexistentNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "the node(%s) does not exist: %s" RoleWrongNodeCode ErrorCode = "1040004" RoleWrongNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "the node(%s) bind to audit admin is not a nvp node" RoleWrongStatusNodeCode ErrorCode = "1040005" RoleWrongStatusNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "the status of node(%s) is %s, can not bind to audit admin" RoleIllegalRoleTypeCode ErrorCode = "1040006" RoleIllegalRoleTypeMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal role type(%s)" RoleNonexistentRoleCode ErrorCode = "1040007" RoleNonexistentRoleMsg ErrorMsg = "the role(%s) does not exist" RoleStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1040008" RoleStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "the role(%s) is %s, can not do %s" RoleNonsupportSuperAdminCode ErrorCode = "1040009" RoleNonsupportSuperAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "the super admin role(%s) does not support %s" RoleNonsupportAppchainAdminCode ErrorCode = "1040010" RoleNonsupportAppchainAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "the appchain admin role(%s) does not support %s" RoleNonsupportAuditAdminCode ErrorCode = "1040011" RoleNonsupportAuditAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "the audit admin role(%s) does not support %s" RoleNonsupportGovernanceAdminCode ErrorCode = "1040012" RoleNonsupportGovernanceAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "the governance admin role(%s) does not support %s" RoleNoAppchainAdminCode ErrorCode = "1040013" RoleNoAppchainAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "there is no admin for the appchain(%s)" RoleNotGovernanceAdminCode ErrorCode = "1040014" RoleNotGovernanceAdminMsg ErrorMsg = "the role(%s) is not governane admin" RoleDuplicateAccountCode ErrorCode = "1040015" RoleDuplicateAccountMsg ErrorMsg = "the account %s has been occupied by %s" // node NodeInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2050000" NodeInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" NodeNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1050001" NodeNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" NodeVPBeingGovernedCode ErrorCode = "1050002" NodeVPBeingGovernedMsg ErrorMsg = " a vp node is being governed" NodeIllegalAccountCode ErrorCode = "1050003" NodeIllegalAccountMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal node account(%s): %s" NodeDuplicateAccountCode ErrorCode = "1050004" NodeDuplicateAccountMsg ErrorMsg = "the node account %s has been occupied by %s" NodeIllegalNodeTypeCode ErrorCode = "1050005" NodeIllegalNodeTypeMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal node type(%s)" NodeIllegalVpIdCode ErrorCode = "1050006" NodeIllegalVpIdMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal vp node id(%d) (%s)" NodeEmptyPidCode ErrorCode = "1050007" NodeEmptyPidMsg ErrorMsg = "node pid can not be an empty string" NodeDuplicatePidCode ErrorCode = "1050008" NodeDuplicatePidMsg ErrorMsg = "the node pid %s has been occupied: %s" NodeEmptyNameCode ErrorCode = "1050009" NodeEmptyNameMsg ErrorMsg = "node name can not be an empty string" NodeDuplicateNameCode ErrorCode = "1050010" NodeDuplicateNameMsg ErrorMsg = "the node name %s has been occupied by node %s" NodeEmptyPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1050011" NodeEmptyPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "empty node permission" NodeIllegalPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1050012" NodeIllegalPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal node permission addr(%s): %s" NodeNonexistentNodeCode ErrorCode = "1050013" NodeNonexistentNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "the node(%s) does not exist" NodeStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1050014" NodeStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "the node(account:%s) is %s, can not do %s" NodeLogoutPrimaryNodeCode ErrorCode = "1050015" NodeLogoutPrimaryNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "don't support logout primary vp node(account:%s)" NodeLogoutTooFewNodeCode ErrorCode = "1050016" NodeLogoutTooFewNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "don't support logout node when there're only %s vp nodes" NodeLogoutWrongIdNodeCode ErrorCode = "10500017" NodeLogoutWrongIdNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "only support logout last vp node(id:%s) currently" NodeUpdateVPNodeCode ErrorCode = "10500018" NodeUpdateVPNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "can not update vp node(account: %s)" NodeBindVPNodeCode ErrorCode = "10500019" NodeBindVPNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "can not bind vp node(account: %s)" NodeUnbindVPNodeCode ErrorCode = "10500020" NodeUnbindVPNodeMsg ErrorMsg = "can not unbind vp node(account: %s)" // service ServiceInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2060000" ServiceInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" ServiceNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1060001" ServiceNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" ServiceNonexistentServiceCode ErrorCode = "1060002" ServiceNonexistentServiceMsg ErrorMsg = "the service(%s) does not exist" ServiceStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1060003" ServiceStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "the service(%s) is %s, can not do %s" ServiceEmptyNameCode ErrorCode = "1060005" ServiceEmptyNameMsg ErrorMsg = "service name can not be an empty string" ServiceDuplicateNameCode ErrorCode = "1060006" ServiceDuplicateNameMsg ErrorMsg = "the service name %s has been occupied by service %s" ServiceIllegalServiceIDCode ErrorCode = "1060007" ServiceIllegalServiceIDMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal service id(%s): %s" ServiceIllegalTypeCode ErrorCode = "1060008" ServiceIllegalTypeMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal service type(%s)" ServiceIllegalPermissionFormatCode ErrorCode = "1060009" ServiceIllegalPermissionFormatMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal permission full service id(%s) format: %s" ServiceNonexistentPermissionServiceCode ErrorCode = "1060010" ServiceNonexistentPermissionServiceMsg ErrorMsg = "the permission service(%s) is not registered on this relay chain(%s): %s" ServiceLogoutedPermissionServiceCode ErrorCode = "1060011" ServiceLogoutedPermissionServiceMsg ErrorMsg = "the permission service(%s) is logouted" ServiceIllegalEvaluateScoreCode ErrorCode = "1060012" ServiceIllegalEvaluateScoreMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal evaluate score(%s), should be in the range [0,5]" ServiceRepeatEvaluateCode ErrorCode = "1060013" ServiceRepeatEvaluateMsg ErrorMsg = "the caller(%s) has evaluate the service(%s)" // dapp DappInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2070000" DappInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" DappNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1070001" DappNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" DappNonexistentDappCode ErrorCode = "1070002" DappNonexistentDappMsg ErrorMsg = "the dapp(%s) does not exist" DappStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1070003" DappStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "the dapp(%s) is %s, can not do %s" DappEmptyNameCode ErrorCode = "1070004" DappEmptyNameMsg ErrorMsg = "dapp name can not be an empty string" DappDuplicateNameCode ErrorCode = "1070005" DappDuplicateNameMsg ErrorMsg = "the dapp name %s has been occupied by dapp %s" DappEmptyUrlCode ErrorCode = "1070006" DappEmptyUrlMsg ErrorMsg = "dapp url can not be an empty string" DappIllegalTypeCode ErrorCode = "1070007" DappIllegalTypeMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal dapp type(%s)" DappIllegalContractAddrCode ErrorCode = "1070008" DappIllegalContractAddrMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal dapp contract addr(%s)" DappDuplicateContractRegisterCode ErrorCode = "1070009" DappDuplicateContractRegisterMsg ErrorMsg = "the contract address %s belongs to dapp %s and cannot be registered repeatedly" DappDuplicateContractUpdateCode ErrorCode = "1070010" DappDuplicateContractUpdateMsg ErrorMsg = "the contract address %s belongs to dapp %s and cannot be update to others" DappNonexistentContractCode ErrorCode = "1070011" DappNonexistentContractMsg ErrorMsg = "the contract(%s) does not exist" DappIllegalPermissionCode ErrorCode = "10700012" DappIllegalPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal dapp permission addr(%s): %s" DappIllegalTransferAddrCode ErrorCode = "1070013" DappIllegalTransferAddrMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal new owner addr(%s): %s" DappTransferToSelfCode ErrorCode = "1070014" DappTransferToSelfMsg ErrorMsg = "can not transfer dapp to self(%s)" DappIllegalEvaluateScoreCode ErrorCode = "1070015" DappIllegalEvaluateScoreMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal evaluate score(%s), should be in the range [0,5]" DappRepeatEvaluateCode ErrorCode = "1070016" DappRepeatEvaluateMsg ErrorMsg = "the caller(%s) has evaluate the dapp(%s)" // interchain InterchainInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2080000" InterchainInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" InterchainNonexistentInterchainCode ErrorCode = "1080001" InterchainNonexistentInterchainMsg ErrorMsg = "the service %s interchain info does not exist" InterchainInvalidIBTPParseSourceErrorCode ErrorCode = "1080002" InterchainInvalidIBTPParseSourceErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "invalid ibtp, parse source chain service id: %s" InterchainInvalidIBTPParseDestErrorCode ErrorCode = "1080003" InterchainInvalidIBTPParseDestErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "invalid ibtp, parse dest chain service id: %s" InterchainInvalidIBTPNotInCurBXHCode ErrorCode = "1080004" InterchainInvalidIBTPNotInCurBXHMsg ErrorMsg = "invalid ibtp, neither source service nor dest service of IBTP %s is in current bitxhub" InterchainInvalidIBTPIllegalTypeCode ErrorCode = "1080005" InterchainInvalidIBTPIllegalTypeMsg ErrorMsg = "invalid ibtp, IBTP type %v is not expected" InterchainSourceAppchainNotAvailableCode ErrorCode = "1080006" InterchainSourceAppchainNotAvailableMsg ErrorMsg = "source appchain(%s) not available: %s" InterchainSourceServiceNotAvailableCode ErrorCode = "1080007" InterchainSourceServiceNotAvailableMsg ErrorMsg = "source service(%s) not available: %s" InterchainTargetAppchainNotAvailableCode ErrorCode = "1080008" InterchainTargetAppchainNotAvailableMsg ErrorMsg = "target appchain(%s) not available: %s" InterchainTargetServiceNotAvailableCode ErrorCode = "1080009" InterchainTargetServiceNotAvailableMsg ErrorMsg = "target service(%s) not available: %s" InterchainTargetServiceNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1080010" InterchainTargetServiceNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "source service(%s) does not have permission call target service(%s)" InterchainSourceBitXHubNotAvailableCode ErrorCode = "1080011" InterchainSourceBitXHubNotAvailableMsg ErrorMsg = "source bitxhub(%s) not available: %v" InterchainTargetBitXHubNotAvailableCode ErrorCode = "1080012" InterchainTargetBitXHubNotAvailableMsg ErrorMsg = "target bitxhub(%s) not available: %v" InterchainIbtpIndexExistCode ErrorCode = "1080013" InterchainIbtpIndexExistMsg ErrorMsg = "index already exists, required %d, but %d" InterchainIbtpIndexWrongCode ErrorCode = "1080014" InterchainIbtpIndexWrongMsg ErrorMsg = "wrong index, required %d, but %d" InterchainWrongIBTPIDCode ErrorCode = "1080015" InterchainWrongIBTPIDMsg ErrorMsg = "wrong ibtp id %s" InterchainNonexistentIBTPCode ErrorCode = "1080016" InterchainNonexistentIBTPMsg ErrorMsg = "the ibtp(%s) does not exist" // broker BrokerInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2090000" BrokerInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" BrokerIllegalFunctionCode ErrorCode = "1090001" BrokerIllegalFunctionMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal funcs(%s), funcs should be (func,funcCb,funcRb)" BrokerIllegalIBTPToCode ErrorCode = "1090002" BrokerIllegalIBTPToMsg ErrorMsg = "ibtp.To(%s) is not chain service" BrokerNonexistentInterchainInvokeCode ErrorCode = "1090003" BrokerNonexistentInterchainInvokeMsg ErrorMsg = "not found interchain %s invoke" BrokerNonexistentOutMsgCode ErrorCode = "1090004" BrokerNonexistentOutMsgMsg ErrorMsg = "not found out message for key %s" // transaction TransactionInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2100000" TransactionInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" TransactionNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1100001" TransactionNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "current caller %s is not allowed" TransactionNonexistentTxCode ErrorCode = "1100002" TransactionNonexistentTxMsg ErrorMsg = "transaction id %s does not exist" TransactionExistentChildTxCode ErrorCode = "1100003" TransactionExistentChildTxMsg ErrorMsg = "child tx %s of global tx %s exists" TransactionNonexistentGlobalTxCode ErrorCode = "1100004" TransactionNonexistentGlobalTxMsg ErrorMsg = "global tx %s of child tx %s does not exist" TransactionStateErrCode ErrorCode = "1100005" TransactionStateErrMsg ErrorMsg = "transaction state transition error: %s" TransactionNonexistentGlobalIdCode ErrorCode = "1100006" TransactionNonexistentGlobalIdMsg ErrorMsg = "cannot get global id of child tx id %s" // trust chain TrustInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2110000" TrustInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" TrustNonexistentTrustDataCode ErrorCode = "1110001" TrustNonexistentTrustDataMsg ErrorMsg = "not found target(%s) trust meta" // asset AssetInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2120000" AssetInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" AssetIllegalEscrowAddrFormatCode ErrorCode = "1120001" AssetIllegalEscrowAddrFormatMsg ErrorMsg = "escrow addr(%s) formot error" AssetNonexistentEscrowAddrCode ErrorCode = "1120002" AssetNonexistentEscrowAddrMsg ErrorMsg = "not found escrow addr" AssetNonexistentProxyAddrCode ErrorCode = "1120003" AssetNonexistentProxyAddrMsg ErrorMsg = "not found proxy contract addr" AssetNonexistentInterchainSwapAddrCode ErrorCode = "1120004" AssetNonexistentInterchainSwapAddrMsg ErrorMsg = "not found interchain swap contract addr" AssetNonexistentCurHeaderCode ErrorCode = "1120005" AssetNonexistentCurHeaderMsg ErrorMsg = "not found current header" AssetNonexistentHeaderCode ErrorCode = "1120006" AssetNonexistentHeaderMsg ErrorMsg = "not found header for hash %v" AssetNonexistentEthTxCode ErrorCode = "1120007" AssetNonexistentEthTxMsg ErrorMsg = "not found ethereum tx for the hash %v" AssetNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1120008" AssetNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "caller is not an admin account" ProposalStrategyInternalErrCode ErrorCode = "2130000" ProposalStrategyInternalErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" ProposalStrategyNoPermissionCode ErrorCode = "1130001" ProposalStrategyNoPermissionMsg ErrorMsg = "regulatorAddr(%s) does not have the permission: %s" ProposalStrategyIllegalProposalStrategyInfoCode ErrorCode = "1130002" ProposalStrategyIllegalProposalStrategyInfoMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal proposal strategy info: %s" ProposalStrategyNonexistentProposalStrategyCode ErrorCode = "1130003" ProposalStrategyNonexistentProposalStrategyMsg ErrorMsg = "the proposal strategy for the type(%s) does not exist" ProposalStrategyStatusErrorCode ErrorCode = "1130004" ProposalStrategyStatusErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "the proposalstrategy(%s) is %s, can not do %s" ProposalStrategyIllegalProposalTypeCode ErrorCode = "1130005" ProposalStrategyIllegalProposalTypeMsg ErrorMsg = "illegal proposal type(%s)" ProposalStrategyNotUpdateCode ErrorCode = "1130006" ProposalStrategyNotUpdateMsg ErrorMsg = "no strategy information is updated" BnsErrCode ErrorCode = "2140000" BnsErrMsg ErrorMsg = "%s" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BxhError ¶
func (BxhError) IsInternal ¶
type Response ¶
func Error ¶
Error returns error result that will cause vm call error, and this transaction will be invalid
func ResponseWrapper ¶
type Stub ¶
type Stub interface { // Caller Caller() string // Callee Callee() string // CurrentCaller CurrentCaller() string // Logger Logger() logrus.FieldLogger // GetTxHash returns the transaction hash GetTxHash() *types.Hash // GetTxTimeStamp returns the transaction timeStamp GetTxTimeStamp() int64 // GetTxIndex returns the transaction index in the block GetTxIndex() uint64 // GetCurrentHeight returns the current block height GetCurrentHeight() uint64 // Has judges key Has(key string) bool // Get gets value from datastore by key Get(key string) (bool, []byte) // GetObject GetObject(key string, ret interface{}) bool // Set sets k-v Set(key string, value []byte) // SetObject sets k with object v, v will be marshaled using json SetObject(key string, value interface{}) // AddObject adds k with object v, v will be marshaled using json AddObject(key string, value interface{}) // Delete deletes k-v Delete(key string) // QueryByPrefix queries object by prefix Query(prefix string) (bool, [][]byte) // PostEvent posts event to external PostEvent(pb.Event_EventType, interface{}) // PostInterchainEvent posts interchain event to external PostInterchainEvent(interface{}) // Validator returns the instance of validator ValidationEngine() validator.Engine // CrossInvoke cross contract invoke CrossInvoke(address, method string, args ...*pb.Arg) *Response // CrossInvokeEVM cross evm contract invoke CrossInvokeEVM(address string, input []byte) *Response // GetAccount get ledger account address GetAccount(address string) interface{} }
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