ENCs are used to track configuration across your infrastructure in a single unified location. For more information, Puppet has a great docs page on what an ENC is and how to integrate it.
- Easy interaction/changes to a central config file
- Merged classes and parameters based on parents
- Grouped nodes by nodegroups
- Choice of config format: JSON or YAML
- Command-Line Interface
Pick up the latest release binary for your system and try running with the help flag for
the available commands.
Example output:
$ ./go-enc --help
usage: go-enc [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
CLI for interacting with YAML/JSON External Node Classifiers
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-g, --enc_glob="./*.yaml" Glob pattern for matching ENC files
-e, --enc_name="production" Name of the ENC you want to perform actions on
help [<command>...]
Show help.
nodegroup [<flags>] <action> <nodegroup>
Actions to do with nodegroups
node [<flags>] <action> <nodegroup> <node>
Actions to do with single node
nodes [<flags>] <add> <nodegroup> <nodes>...
Actions to do with single node
param <action> <nodegroup> <param_name> <param_value>
Actions for parameters
class <action> <nodegroup> <classname>
Actions for classes
class_param <action> <nodegroup> <class_name> <param_name> <param_value>
Actions for parameters
parent <nodegroup> <new_parent>
Set the parent value
environment <nodegroup> <new_environment>
Set the environment value
Command Help
You can also pass the help flag after adding your command.
Example output:
$ ./go-enc nodegroup --help
usage: go-enc nodegroup [<flags>] <action> <nodegroup>
Actions to do with nodegroups
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-g, --enc_glob="./*.yaml" Glob pattern for matching ENC files
-e, --enc_name="production" Name of the ENC you want to perform actions on
--parent="" Nodegoup parent
<action> add|remove|get
<nodegroup> Nodegoup name
Go-ENC uses dep to manage dependencies.
go get github.com/TheJokersThief/go-enc
cd "$GOPATH/src/github.com/TheJokersThief/go-enc"
dep ensure