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v0.13.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 12, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 110


Yet Another CLi Spinner (for Go)

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Package yacspin provides yet another CLi spinner for Go, taking inspiration (and some utility code) from the https://github.com/briandowns/spinner project. Specifically yacspin borrows the default character sets, and color mappings to github.com/fatih/color colors, from that project.


Because this package adopts the spinner character sets from https://github.com/briandowns/spinner, this package is released under the Apache 2.0 License.

Yet Another CLi Spinner?

This project was created after it was realized that the most popular spinner library for Go had some limitations, that couldn't be fixed without a massive overhaul of the API.

The other spinner ties the ability to show updated messages to the spinner's animation, meaning you can't always show all the information you want to the end user without changing the animation speed. This means you need to trade off animation aesthetics to show "realtime" information. It was a goal to avoid this problem.

In addition, there were also some API design choices that have made it unsafe for concurrent use, which presents challenges when trying to update the text in the spinner while it's animating. This could result in undefined behavior due to data races.

There were also some variable-width spinners in that other project that did not render correctly. Because the width of the spinner animation would change, so would the position of the message on the screen. yacspin uses a dynamic width when animating, so your message should appear static relative to the animating spinner.

Finally, there was an interest in the spinner being able to represent a task, and to indicate whether it failed or was successful. This would have further compounded the API changes needed above to support in an intuitive way.

This project takes inspiration from that other project, and takes a new approach to address the challenges above.


Provided Spinners

There are over 80 spinners available in the CharSets package variable. They were borrowed from github.com/briandowns/spinner. There is a table with most of the spinners at the bottom of this README.

Dynamic Width of Animation

Because of how some spinners are animated, they may have different widths are different times in the animation. yacspin calculates the maximum width, and pads the animation to ensure the text's position on the screen doesn't change. This results in a smoother looking animation.


yacspin animation with dynamic width

other spinners

other spinners' animation with dynamic width

Success and Failure Results

The spinner has both a Stop() and StopFail() method, which allows the spinner to result in a success message or a failure message. The messages, colors, and even the character used to denote success or failure are customizable in either the initial config or via the spinner's methods.

By doing this you can use a single yacspin spinner to display the status of a list of tasks being executed serially.


Animation with Success


Animation with Failure

Animation At End of Line

The SpinnerAtEnd field of the Config struct allows you to specify whether the spinner is rendered at the end of the line instead of the beginning. The default value (false) results in the spinner being rendered at the beginning of the line.


The spinner is safe for concurrent use, so you can update any of its settings via methods whether the spinner is stopped or is currently animating.

Live Updates

Most spinners tie the ability to show new messages with the animation of the spinner. So if the spinner animates every 200ms, you can only show updated information every 200ms. If you wanted more frequent updates, you'd need to tradeoff the asthetics of the animation to display more data.

This spinner updates the printed information of the spinner immediately on change, without the animation updating. This allows you to use an animation speed that looks astheticaly pleasing, while also knowing the data presented to the user will be updated live.

You can see this in action in the following gif, where the filenames being uploaded are rendered independent of the spinner being animated:

Animation with Success

Pausing for Updates

Sometimes you want to change a few settings, and don't want the spinner to render your partially applied configuration. If your spinner is running, and you want to change a few configuration items via method calls, you can Pause() the spinner first. After making the changes you can call Unpause(), and it will continue rendering like normal with the newly applied configuration.


go get github.com/theckman/yacspin

Within the yacspin package there are some default spinners stored in the yacspin.CharSets variable, and you can also provide your own. There is also a list of known colors in the yacspin.ValidColors variable.

cfg := yacspin.Config{
	Frequency:       100 * time.Millisecond,
	CharSet:         yacspin.CharSets[59],
	Suffix:          " backing up database to S3",
	SuffixAutoColon: true,
	Message:         "exporting data",
	StopCharacter:   "✓",
	StopColors:      []string{"fgGreen"},

spinner, err := yacspin.New(cfg)
// handle the error


// doing some work
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

spinner.Message("uploading data")

// upload...
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)



yacspin.CharSets index sample gif (Frequency: 200ms)
0 0 gif
1 1 gif
2 2 gif
3 3 gif
4 4 gif
5 5 gif
6 6 gif
7 7 gif
8 8 gif
9 9 gif
10 10 gif
11 11 gif
12 12 gif
13 13 gif
14 14 gif
15 15 gif
16 16 gif
17 17 gif
18 18 gif
19 19 gif
20 20 gif
21 21 gif
22 22 gif
23 23 gif
24 24 gif
25 25 gif
26 26 gif
27 27 gif
28 28 gif
29 29 gif
30 30 gif
31 31 gif
32 32 gif
33 33 gif
34 34 gif
35 35 gif
36 36 gif
37 37 gif
38 38 gif
39 39 gif
40 40 gif
41 41 gif
42 42 gif
43 43 gif
44 44 gif
45 45 gif
46 46 gif
47 47 gif
48 48 gif
49 49 gif
50 50 gif
51 51 gif
52 52 gif
53 53 gif
54 54 gif
55 55 gif
56 56 gif
57 57 gif
58 58 gif
59 59 gif
60 60 gif
61 61 gif
62 62 gif
63 63 gif
64 64 gif
65 65 gif
66 66 gif
67 67 gif
68 68 gif
69 69 gif
70 70 gif
71 71 gif
72 72 gif
73 73 gif
74 74 gif
75 75 gif
76 76 gif
77 77 gif



Package yacspin provides Yet Another CLi Spinner for Go, taking inspiration (and some utility code) from the https://github.com/briandowns/spinner project. Specifically this project borrows the default character sets, and color mappings to github.com/fatih/color colors, from that project.

This spinner should support all major operating systems, and is tested against Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

This spinner also supports an alternate mode of operation when the TERM environment variable is set to "dumb". This is discovered automatically when constructing the spinner.

Within the yacspin package there are some default spinners stored in the yacspin.CharSets variable, and you can also provide your own. There is also a list of known colors in the yacspin.ValidColors variable, if you'd like to see what's supported. If you've used github.com/fatih/color before, they should look familiar.

cfg := yacspin.Config{
	Frequency:     100 * time.Millisecond,
	CharSet:       yacspin.CharSets[59],
	Suffix:        " backing up database to S3",
	Message:       "exporting data",
	StopCharacter: "✓",
	StopColors:    []string{"fgGreen"},

spinner, err := yacspin.New(cfg)
// handle the error


// doing some work
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

spinner.Message("uploading data")

// upload...
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)


Check out the Config struct to see all of the possible configuration options supported by the Spinner.



This section is empty.


View Source
var CharSets = map[int][]string{
	0:  {"←", "↖", "↑", "↗", "→", "↘", "↓", "↙"},
	1:  {"▁", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█", "▇", "▆", "▅", "▄", "▃", "▁"},
	2:  {"▖", "▘", "▝", "▗"},
	3:  {"┤", "┘", "┴", "└", "├", "┌", "┬", "┐"},
	4:  {"◢", "◣", "◤", "◥"},
	5:  {"◰", "◳", "◲", "◱"},
	6:  {"◴", "◷", "◶", "◵"},
	7:  {"◐", "◓", "◑", "◒"},
	8:  {".", "o", "O", "@", "*"},
	9:  {"|", "/", "-", "\\"},
	10: {"◡◡", "⊙⊙", "◠◠"},
	11: {"⣾", "⣽", "⣻", "⢿", "⡿", "⣟", "⣯", "⣷"},
	12: {">))'>", " >))'>", "  >))'>", "   >))'>", "    >))'>", "   <'((<", "  <'((<", " <'((<"},
	13: {"⠁", "⠂", "⠄", "⡀", "⢀", "⠠", "⠐", "⠈"},
	14: {"⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏"},
	15: {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"},
	16: {"▉", "▊", "▋", "▌", "▍", "▎", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉"},
	17: {"■", "□", "▪", "▫"},
	18: {"←", "↑", "→", "↓"},
	19: {"╫", "╪"},
	20: {"⇐", "⇖", "⇑", "⇗", "⇒", "⇘", "⇓", "⇙"},
	21: {"⠁", "⠁", "⠉", "⠙", "⠚", "⠒", "⠂", "⠂", "⠒", "⠲", "⠴", "⠤", "⠄", "⠄", "⠤", "⠠", "⠠", "⠤", "⠦", "⠖", "⠒", "⠐", "⠐", "⠒", "⠓", "⠋", "⠉", "⠈", "⠈"},
	22: {"⠈", "⠉", "⠋", "⠓", "⠒", "⠐", "⠐", "⠒", "⠖", "⠦", "⠤", "⠠", "⠠", "⠤", "⠦", "⠖", "⠒", "⠐", "⠐", "⠒", "⠓", "⠋", "⠉", "⠈"},
	23: {"⠁", "⠉", "⠙", "⠚", "⠒", "⠂", "⠂", "⠒", "⠲", "⠴", "⠤", "⠄", "⠄", "⠤", "⠴", "⠲", "⠒", "⠂", "⠂", "⠒", "⠚", "⠙", "⠉", "⠁"},
	24: {"⠋", "⠙", "⠚", "⠒", "⠂", "⠂", "⠒", "⠲", "⠴", "⠦", "⠖", "⠒", "⠐", "⠐", "⠒", "⠓", "⠋"},
	25: {"ヲ", "ァ", "ィ", "ゥ", "ェ", "ォ", "ャ", "ュ", "ョ", "ッ", "ア", "イ", "ウ", "エ", "オ", "カ", "キ", "ク", "ケ", "コ", "サ", "シ", "ス", "セ", "ソ", "タ", "チ", "ツ", "テ", "ト", "ナ", "ニ", "ヌ", "ネ", "ノ", "ハ", "ヒ", "フ", "ヘ", "ホ", "マ", "ミ", "ム", "メ", "モ", "ヤ", "ユ", "ヨ", "ラ", "リ", "ル", "レ", "ロ", "ワ", "ン"},
	26: {".", "..", "..."},
	27: {"▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█", "▉", "▊", "▋", "▌", "▍", "▎", "▏", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉", "█", "▇", "▆", "▅", "▄", "▃", "▂", "▁"},
	28: {".", "o", "O", "°", "O", "o", "."},
	29: {"+", "x"},
	30: {"v", "<", "^", ">"},
	31: {">>--->", " >>--->", "  >>--->", "   >>--->", "    >>--->", "    <---<<", "   <---<<", "  <---<<", " <---<<", "<---<<"},
	32: {"|", "||", "|||", "||||", "|||||", "||||||", "|||||||", "||||||||", "|||||||", "||||||", "|||||", "||||", "|||", "||", "|"},
	33: {"[          ]", "[=         ]", "[==        ]", "[===       ]", "[====      ]", "[=====     ]", "[======    ]", "[=======   ]", "[========  ]", "[========= ]", "[==========]"},
	34: {"(*---------)", "(-*--------)", "(--*-------)", "(---*------)", "(----*-----)", "(-----*----)", "(------*---)", "(-------*--)", "(--------*-)", "(---------*)"},
	35: {"█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒", "███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒", "█████▒▒▒▒▒", "███████▒▒▒", "██████████"},
	36: {"[                    ]", "[=>                  ]", "[===>                ]", "[=====>              ]", "[======>             ]", "[========>           ]", "[==========>         ]", "[============>       ]", "[==============>     ]", "[================>   ]", "[==================> ]", "[===================>]"},
	37: {"🕐", "🕑", "🕒", "🕓", "🕔", "🕕", "🕖", "🕗", "🕘", "🕙", "🕚", "🕛"},
	38: {"🕐", "🕜", "🕑", "🕝", "🕒", "🕞", "🕓", "🕟", "🕔", "🕠", "🕕", "🕡", "🕖", "🕢", "🕗", "🕣", "🕘", "🕤", "🕙", "🕥", "🕚", "🕦", "🕛", "🕧"},
	39: {"🌍", "🌎", "🌏"},
	40: {"◜", "◝", "◞", "◟"},
	41: {"⬒", "⬔", "⬓", "⬕"},
	42: {"⬖", "⬘", "⬗", "⬙"},
	43: {"[>>>          >]", "[]>>>>        []", "[]  >>>>      []", "[]    >>>>    []", "[]      >>>>  []", "[]        >>>>[]", "[>>          >>]"},
	44: {"♠", "♣", "♥", "♦"},
	45: {"➞", "➟", "➠", "➡", "➠", "➟"},
	46: {"  |  ", ` \   `, "_    ", ` \   `, "  |  ", "   / ", "    _", "   / "},
	47: {"  . . . .", ".   . . .", ". .   . .", ". . .   .", ". . . .  ", ". . . . ."},
	48: {" |     ", "  /    ", "   _   ", `    \  `, "     | ", `    \  `, "   _   ", "  /    "},
	49: {"⎺", "⎻", "⎼", "⎽", "⎼", "⎻"},
	50: {"▹▹▹▹▹", "▸▹▹▹▹", "▹▸▹▹▹", "▹▹▸▹▹", "▹▹▹▸▹", "▹▹▹▹▸"},
	51: {"[    ]", "[   =]", "[  ==]", "[ ===]", "[====]", "[=== ]", "[==  ]", "[=   ]"},
	52: {"( ●    )", "(  ●   )", "(   ●  )", "(    ● )", "(     ●)", "(    ● )", "(   ●  )", "(  ●   )", "( ●    )"},
	53: {"✶", "✸", "✹", "✺", "✹", "✷"},
	54: {"▐|\\____________▌", "▐_|\\___________▌", "▐__|\\__________▌", "▐___|\\_________▌", "▐____|\\________▌", "▐_____|\\_______▌", "▐______|\\______▌", "▐_______|\\_____▌", "▐________|\\____▌", "▐_________|\\___▌", "▐__________|\\__▌", "▐___________|\\_▌", "▐____________|\\▌", "▐____________/|▌", "▐___________/|_▌", "▐__________/|__▌", "▐_________/|___▌", "▐________/|____▌", "▐_______/|_____▌", "▐______/|______▌", "▐_____/|_______▌", "▐____/|________▌", "▐___/|_________▌", "▐__/|__________▌", "▐_/|___________▌", "▐/|____________▌"},
	55: {"▐⠂       ▌", "▐⠈       ▌", "▐ ⠂      ▌", "▐ ⠠      ▌", "▐  ⡀     ▌", "▐  ⠠     ▌", "▐   ⠂    ▌", "▐   ⠈    ▌", "▐    ⠂   ▌", "▐    ⠠   ▌", "▐     ⡀  ▌", "▐     ⠠  ▌", "▐      ⠂ ▌", "▐      ⠈ ▌", "▐       ⠂▌", "▐       ⠠▌", "▐       ⡀▌", "▐      ⠠ ▌", "▐      ⠂ ▌", "▐     ⠈  ▌", "▐     ⠂  ▌", "▐    ⠠   ▌", "▐    ⡀   ▌", "▐   ⠠    ▌", "▐   ⠂    ▌", "▐  ⠈     ▌", "▐  ⠂     ▌", "▐ ⠠      ▌", "▐ ⡀      ▌", "▐⠠       ▌"},
	56: {"¿", "?"},
	57: {"⢹", "⢺", "⢼", "⣸", "⣇", "⡧", "⡗", "⡏"},
	58: {"⢄", "⢂", "⢁", "⡁", "⡈", "⡐", "⡠"},
	59: {".  ", ".. ", "...", " ..", "  .", "   "},
	60: {".", "o", "O", "°", "O", "o", "."},
	61: {"▓", "▒", "░"},
	62: {"▌", "▀", "▐", "▄"},
	63: {"⊶", "⊷"},
	64: {"▪", "▫"},
	65: {"□", "■"},
	66: {"▮", "▯"},
	67: {"-", "=", "≡"},
	68: {"d", "q", "p", "b"},
	69: {"∙∙∙", "●∙∙", "∙●∙", "∙∙●", "∙∙∙"},
	70: {"🌑 ", "🌒 ", "🌓 ", "🌔 ", "🌕 ", "🌖 ", "🌗 ", "🌘 "},
	71: {"☗", "☖"},
	72: {"⧇", "⧆"},
	73: {"◉", "◎"},
	74: {"㊂", "㊀", "㊁"},
	75: {"⦾", "⦿"},
	76: {"ဝ", "၀"},
	77: {"▌", "▀", "▐▄"},
	78: {"⠈⠁", "⠈⠑", "⠈⠱", "⠈⡱", "⢀⡱", "⢄⡱", "⢄⡱", "⢆⡱", "⢎⡱", "⢎⡰", "⢎⡠", "⢎⡀", "⢎⠁", "⠎⠁", "⠊⠁"},
	79: {"________", "-_______", "_-______", "__-_____", "___-____", "____-___", "_____-__", "______-_", "_______-", "________", "_______-", "______-_", "_____-__", "____-___", "___-____", "__-_____", "_-______", "-_______", "________"},
	80: {"|_______", "_/______", "__-_____", "___\\____", "____|___", "_____/__", "______-_", "_______\\", "_______|", "______\\_", "_____-__", "____/___", "___|____", "__\\_____", "_-______"},

CharSets contains the default character sets from https://github.com/briandowns/spinner.

View Source
var ValidColors = map[string]struct{}{

	"black":   {},
	"red":     {},
	"green":   {},
	"yellow":  {},
	"blue":    {},
	"magenta": {},
	"cyan":    {},
	"white":   {},

	"reset":        {},
	"bold":         {},
	"faint":        {},
	"italic":       {},
	"underline":    {},
	"blinkslow":    {},
	"blinkrapid":   {},
	"reversevideo": {},
	"concealed":    {},
	"crossedout":   {},

	"fgBlack":   {},
	"fgRed":     {},
	"fgGreen":   {},
	"fgYellow":  {},
	"fgBlue":    {},
	"fgMagenta": {},
	"fgCyan":    {},
	"fgWhite":   {},

	"fgHiBlack":   {},
	"fgHiRed":     {},
	"fgHiGreen":   {},
	"fgHiYellow":  {},
	"fgHiBlue":    {},
	"fgHiMagenta": {},
	"fgHiCyan":    {},
	"fgHiWhite":   {},

	"bgBlack":   {},
	"bgRed":     {},
	"bgGreen":   {},
	"bgYellow":  {},
	"bgBlue":    {},
	"bgMagenta": {},
	"bgCyan":    {},
	"bgWhite":   {},

	"bgHiBlack":   {},
	"bgHiRed":     {},
	"bgHiGreen":   {},
	"bgHiYellow":  {},
	"bgHiBlue":    {},
	"bgHiMagenta": {},
	"bgHiCyan":    {},
	"bgHiWhite":   {},

ValidColors holds the list of the strings that are mapped to github.com/fatih/color color attributes. Any of these colors / attributes can be used with the *Spinner type, and it should be reflected in the output.


This section is empty.


type Config

type Config struct {
	// Frequency specifies how often to animate the spinner. Optimal value
	// depends on the character set you use.
	// Note: This is a required value (cannot be 0).
	Frequency time.Duration

	// Writer is the place where we are outputting the spinner, and can't be
	// changed after the *Spinner has been constructed. If omitted (nil), this
	// defaults to os.Stdout.
	Writer io.Writer

	// HideCursor describes whether the cursor should be hidden by the spinner
	// while animating. If it is hidden, it will be restored when the spinner
	// stops. This can't be changed after the *Spinner has been constructed.
	// Please note, if the program crashes or is killed you may need to reset
	// your terminal for the cursor to appear again.
	HideCursor bool

	// SpinnerAtEnd configures the spinner to render the animation at the end of
	// the line instead of the beginning. The default behavior is to render the
	// animated spinner at the beginning of the line.
	SpinnerAtEnd bool

	// ColorAll describes whether to color everything (all) or just the spinner
	// character(s). This cannot be changed after the *Spinner has been
	// constructed.
	ColorAll bool

	// Colors are the colors used for the different printed messages. This
	// respects the ColorAll field.
	Colors []string

	// CharSet is the list of characters to iterate through to draw the spinner.
	CharSet []string

	// Prefix is the string printed immediately before the spinner.
	// If SpinnerAtEnd is set to true, it's recommended that this string start
	// with a space character (` `).
	Prefix string

	// Suffix is the string printed immediately after the spinner and before the
	// message.
	// If SpinnerAtEnd is set to false, it's recommended that this string starts
	// with an space character (` `).
	Suffix string

	// SuffixAutoColon configures whether the spinner adds a colon after the
	// suffix automatically. If there is a message, a colon followed by a space
	// is added to the suffix. Otherwise, if there is no message the colon is
	// omitted.
	// If SpinnerAtEnd is set to true, this option is ignored.
	SuffixAutoColon bool

	// Message is the message string printed by the spinner. If SpinnerAtEnd is
	// set to false and SuffixAutoColon is set to true, the printed line will
	// look like:
	//    <prefix><spinner><suffix>: <message>
	// If SpinnerAtEnd is set to true, the printed line will instead look like
	// this:
	//    <message><prefix><spinner><suffix>
	// In this case, it may be preferred to set the Prefix to empty space (` `).
	Message string

	// StopMessage is the message used when Stop() is called.
	StopMessage string

	// StopCharacter is spinner character used when Stop() is called.
	// Recommended character is ✓, and can be more than just one character.
	StopCharacter string

	// StopColors are the colors used for the Stop() printed line. This respects
	// the ColorAll field.
	StopColors []string

	// StopFailMessage is the message used when StopFail() is called.
	StopFailMessage string

	// StopFailCharacter is the spinner character used when StopFail() is
	// called. Recommended character is ✗, and can be more than just one
	// character.
	StopFailCharacter string

	// StopFailColors are the colors used for the StopFail() printed line. This
	// respects the ColorAll field.
	StopFailColors []string

Config is the configuration structure for the Spinner.

type Spinner

type Spinner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Spinner is a type representing an animated CLi terminal spinner. It's configured via the Config struct type, and controlled via its methods. Some of its configuration can also be updated via methods.

Note: You need to use New() to construct a *Spinner.

func New

func New(cfg Config) (*Spinner, error)

New creates a new unstarted spinner.

func (*Spinner) CharSet

func (s *Spinner) CharSet(cs []string) error

CharSet updates the set of characters (strings) to use for the spinner. You can provide your own, or use one from the yacspin.CharSets variable.

The character sets available in the CharSets variable are from the https://github.com/briandowns/spinner project.

func (*Spinner) Colors

func (s *Spinner) Colors(colors ...string) error

Colors updates the github.com/fatih/colors for printing the spinner line. ColorAll config parameter controls whether only the spinner character is printed with these colors, or the whole line.

StopColors() is the method to control the colors in the stop message.

func (*Spinner) Frequency added in v0.8.0

func (s *Spinner) Frequency(d time.Duration) error

Frequency updates the frequency of the spinner being animated.

func (*Spinner) Message

func (s *Spinner) Message(message string)

Message updates the Message displayed after the suffix.

func (*Spinner) Pause added in v0.8.0

func (s *Spinner) Pause() error

Pause puts the spinner in a state where it no longer animates or renders updates to data. This function blocks until the spinner's internal painting goroutine enters a paused state.

If you want to make a few configuration changes and have them to appear at the same time, like changing the suffix, message, and color, you can Pause() the spinner first and then Unpause() after making the changes.

If the spinner is not running (stopped, paused, or in transition to another state) this returns an error.

func (*Spinner) Prefix

func (s *Spinner) Prefix(prefix string)

Prefix updates the Prefix before the spinner character.

func (*Spinner) Reverse

func (s *Spinner) Reverse()

Reverse flips the character set order of the spinner characters.

func (*Spinner) Start

func (s *Spinner) Start() error

Start begins the spinner on the Writer in the Config provided to New(). Only possible error is if the spinner is already runninng.

func (*Spinner) Status added in v0.8.0

func (s *Spinner) Status() SpinnerStatus

Status returns the current status of the spinner. The returned value is of type SpinnerStatus, which can be compared against the exported Spinner* package-level constants (e.g., SpinnerRunning).

func (*Spinner) Stop

func (s *Spinner) Stop() error

Stop disables the spinner, and prints the StopCharacter with the StopMessage using the StopColors. This blocks until the stopped message is printed. Only possible error is if the spinner is not running.

func (*Spinner) StopCharacter

func (s *Spinner) StopCharacter(char string)

StopCharacter sets the single "character" to use for the spinner when stopping. Recommended character is ✓.

func (*Spinner) StopColors

func (s *Spinner) StopColors(colors ...string) error

StopColors updates the colors used for the stop message. See Colors() method documentation for more context.

StopFailColors() is the method to control the colors in the failed stop message.

func (*Spinner) StopFail added in v0.2.0

func (s *Spinner) StopFail() error

StopFail disables the spinner, and prints the StopFailCharacter with the StopFailMessage using the StopFailColors. This blocks until the stopped message is printed. Only possible error is if the spinner is not running.

func (*Spinner) StopFailCharacter added in v0.2.0

func (s *Spinner) StopFailCharacter(char string)

StopFailCharacter sets the single "character" to use for the spinner when stopping for a failure. Recommended character is ✗.

func (*Spinner) StopFailColors added in v0.2.0

func (s *Spinner) StopFailColors(colors ...string) error

StopFailColors updates the colors used for the StopFail message. See Colors() method documentation for more context.

func (*Spinner) StopFailMessage added in v0.2.0

func (s *Spinner) StopFailMessage(message string)

StopFailMessage updates the Message used when StopFail() is called.

func (*Spinner) StopMessage

func (s *Spinner) StopMessage(message string)

StopMessage updates the Message used when Stop() is called.

func (*Spinner) Suffix

func (s *Spinner) Suffix(suffix string)

Suffix updates the Suffix printed after the spinner character and before the message. It's recommended that this start with an empty space.

func (*Spinner) Unpause added in v0.8.0

func (s *Spinner) Unpause() error

Unpause returns the spinner back to a running state after pausing. See Pause() documentation for more detail. This function blocks until the spinner's internal painting goroutine acknowledges the request to unpause.

If the spinner is not paused this returns an error.

type SpinnerStatus added in v0.8.0

type SpinnerStatus uint32

SpinnerStatus describes the status of the spinner. See the package constants for the list of all possible statuses

const (
	// SpinnerStopped is a stopped spinner
	SpinnerStopped SpinnerStatus = iota

	// SpinnerStarting is a starting spinner

	// SpinnerRunning is a running spinner

	// SpinnerStopping is a stopping spinner

	// SpinnerPausing is a pausing spinner

	// SpinnerPaused is a paused spinner

	// SpinnerUnpausing is an unpausing spinner

func (SpinnerStatus) String added in v0.8.0

func (s SpinnerStatus) String() string

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