A little Go command-line program that manages a list of git repos and runs git commands on all repos.
Here is the usage statement
$ multi-git -h
Runs git commands over multiple repos.
It expects the git command to run as an argument.
For example:
multi-git status
If you want to specify multiple flags to git surround them with quotes:
multi-git 'status --short'
It also requires the following environment variables defined:
MG_ROOT: root directory of target git repositories
MG_REPOS: list of repository names to operate on
multi-git [flags]
--config string config file path (default is $HOME/multi-git.toml)
-h, --help help for multi-git
--ignore-errors will continue executing the command for all repos if ignore-errors is true
otherwise it will stop execution when an error occurs
Config file
The multi-git config file looks like:
root = "~/git"
repos = "repo-1,repo-2"
The file is required. You can override the values with the environment variables per run.
If you specify the --config <config file>
multi-git will read that file otherwise it will expect it to be in the default location: $HOME/multi-git.toml
Multi-git has a Makefile that lets you build, install, test, create docker image and push the docker image to DockerHub. Type make
to see this help screen:
$ make
Available targets:
help This help screen
build Build multi-git and inject the git tag and build time to variables in main
install Install multi-git into /usr/local/bin (avoid standard go install)
unit-tests Run only the unit tests
e2e-tests Run only the end to end tests
test Run all the tests
ginkgo-test Run all the tests with ginkgo
docker-build Dockerize multi-git
docker-push Push multi-git to DockerHub (requires DockerHub account)
Multi-git v0.1
This initial release of multi-git supports the TutsPlus article: Let's Go: Command-line Programs with Golang.
Note: there is no Makefile available for multi-git v0.1.
Command-line Arguments
It accepts two command-line arguments:
- --command : the git command (wrap in double quotes for multi-arguments
- --ignore-errors: keeps going through the list of repos even the git command
failed on some of them
Environment variables
The list of repos is controlled by two the environment variables:
- MG_ROOT : the path to a root directory that contains all the repos
- MG_REPOS : the names of all managed repos under MG_ROOT