Welcome to Partyrr. An open source client for managing party music!
You may wonder what exactly it does! Well I wonder that too.
Essentially it is web based spotify queing system. You can allow anybody with an invite code to add music from their device onto your party playlist without passing your phone. It is in very early development, but tons of features are planned! It has a simple interface as shown below:
How to use
Download the binary of your system found in the releases
Configure the .env with your spotify app credentials (you need to have a spotify developer account)
run the binary and you are good to go!
Features so far
Create a party and invite link
Add any spotify track to the party playlist
Features to be added
Vote to skip the next song in the queue
Voting system to rearrange song
Generally host powers to control from the web app
Passworded lobbies with specific user permissions
Nice UI
And many more!
How to build
Clone the repo
Configure the dummy.env and rename it to .env
go build
Run the binary
Found a bug or have a suggestion? Use the github issue tracker!