A helm lib that downloads the contents from the source, do the helm template
and return an array of manifests
How to use
Instantiate client of your preference(current we support the go getter client)
and pass as an argument of the New method with the source url of manifests, the destination path and the options.
See the example below:
pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
getter := getter.Client{
Ctx: context.TODO(),
Pwd: pwd,
Src: "",
Dst: filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "helm"+strconv.Itoa(int(z.FastRand()))),
Mode: getter.ClientModeAny,
h := helm.New(getter.Src, &getter, helm.Options{}, getter.Dst)
After that call the Render method that will return the desired manifests:
manifests, err := h.Render()
In the helm options you can configure some git options like branch, the path where templates are located and ssh key if you want to download from private repositories, this key must not have a passphrase.For more explanation see
It's also possible to configure a cache passing a struct that fits with the cache interface.For a cache implementation use
See example
gitOptions := helm.Git{SSHKey: "some-key", Branch: "main", Path: "/some-path"}
helm.Options{ Cache: someCache, Git: gitOptions }