Map LED positions with a webcam. Created in association with CymaSpace -
Requires: gocv, opencv, teensy/arduino driver, webcam
Sequentially activate addressable LEDs which are attached to a teensy (via USB/serial). Detect bright spots with the webcam to map positional locations of each LED pixel. Output a CSV of LED addresses and relative coordinates that can be used for pixel mapping.
LED setup
ws8211/8212 connected to a teensy (or compatible). Make note of the COM port and load the teensy with Lucas Morgan's ledPixelController_460 (see: or
Camera Test
Run to test and position your webcam.
-device-id int
Device ID of your webcam
> env.cmd
> go run cmd\camtest\main.go -device-id=0
-com string
COM port for teensy (default "COM8")
-delay-ms int
Number of milliseconds to pause on each LED (default 1000)
-device-id int
Device ID of your webcam
-file string
Filename for the tsv output (default "output.tsv")
-leds int
Number of LEDs per strip (1-10000) (default 460)
-pins int
Number of pins which have LEDs connected (default 8)
-radius int
Radius of the gaussian blur used for noise reduction (default 21)
> env.cmd
> go run cmd\cameramap\main.go -pins=1 -leds=50 -com=COM9
# saves to output.tsv
-border int
Unused space to leave around the outer pixels (default 4)
-file string
Filename for the tsv output (default "remapped.tsv")
Flip the image along the X axis
Flip the image along the Y axis (default true)
-vheight int
Height of the video stream you will be mapping (default 720)
-vwidth int
Width of the video stream you will be mapping (default 1280)
# on windows
> env.cmd
> type output.tsv | go run cmd\resize\main.go -vwidth 640 -vheight 480
# on linux/osx
> cat output.tsv | go run cmd/resize/main.go
Start GUI
> go run cmd/scenebuild/main.go