Overview ¶
Package wasi_snapshot_preview1 is a helper to remove package cycles re-using constants.
Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ( ArgsGetName = "args_get" ArgsSizesGetName = "args_sizes_get" )
const ( ClockResGetName = "clock_res_get" ClockTimeGetName = "clock_time_get" )
const ( // ClockIDRealtime is the name ID named "realtime" like sys.Walltime ClockIDRealtime = iota // ClockIDMonotonic is the name ID named "monotonic" like sys.Nanotime ClockIDMonotonic )
const ( EnvironGetName = "environ_get" EnvironSizesGetName = "environ_sizes_get" )
const ( FdAdviseName = "fd_advise" FdAllocateName = "fd_allocate" FdCloseName = "fd_close" FdDatasyncName = "fd_datasync" FdFdstatGetName = "fd_fdstat_get" FdFdstatSetFlagsName = "fd_fdstat_set_flags" FdFdstatSetRightsName = "fd_fdstat_set_rights" FdFilestatGetName = "fd_filestat_get" FdFilestatSetSizeName = "fd_filestat_set_size" FdFilestatSetTimesName = "fd_filestat_set_times" FdPreadName = "fd_pread" FdPrestatGetName = "fd_prestat_get" FdPrestatDirNameName = "fd_prestat_dir_name" FdPwriteName = "fd_pwrite" FdReadName = "fd_read" FdReaddirName = "fd_readdir" FdRenumberName = "fd_renumber" FdSeekName = "fd_seek" FdSyncName = "fd_sync" FdTellName = "fd_tell" FdWriteName = "fd_write" PathCreateDirectoryName = "path_create_directory" PathFilestatGetName = "path_filestat_get" PathFilestatSetTimesName = "path_filestat_set_times" PathLinkName = "path_link" PathOpenName = "path_open" PathReadlinkName = "path_readlink" PathRemoveDirectoryName = "path_remove_directory" PathRenameName = "path_rename" PathSymlinkName = "path_symlink" PathUnlinkFileName = "path_unlink_file" )
const ( // O_CREAT creates a file if it does not exist. O_CREAT uint16 = 1 << iota //nolint // O_DIRECTORY fails if not a directory. O_DIRECTORY // O_EXCL fails if file already exists. O_EXCL //nolint // O_TRUNC truncates the file to size 0. O_TRUNC //nolint )
oflags are open flags used by path_open See
const ( FD_APPEND uint16 = 1 << iota //nolint FD_DSYNC FD_NONBLOCK FD_RSYNC FD_SYNC )
file descriptor flags See
const ( // EventTypeClock is the timeout event named "name". EventTypeClock = iota // EventTypeFdRead is the data available event named "fd_read". EventTypeFdRead // EventTypeFdWrite is the capacity available event named "fd_write". EventTypeFdWrite )
const ( ProcExitName = "proc_exit" ProcRaiseName = "proc_raise" )
const ( // RIGHT_FD_DATASYNC is the right to invoke fd_datasync. If RIGHT_PATH_OPEN // is set, includes the right to invoke path_open with FD_DSYNC. RIGHT_FD_DATASYNC uint32 = 1 << iota //nolint // RIGHT_FD_READ is he right to invoke fd_read and sock_recv. If // RIGHT_FD_SYNC is set, includes the right to invoke fd_pread. RIGHT_FD_READ // RIGHT_FD_SEEK is the right to invoke fd_seek. This flag implies // RIGHT_FD_TELL. RIGHT_FD_SEEK // RIGHT_FDSTAT_SET_FLAGS is the right to invoke fd_fdstat_set_flags. RIGHT_FDSTAT_SET_FLAGS // RIGHT_FD_SYNC The right to invoke fd_sync. If path_open is set, includes // the right to invoke path_open with FD_RSYNC and FD_DSYNC. RIGHT_FD_SYNC // RIGHT_FD_TELL is the right to invoke fd_seek in such a way that the file // offset remains unaltered (i.e., whence::cur with offset zero), or to // invoke fd_tell. RIGHT_FD_TELL // RIGHT_FD_WRITE is the right to invoke fd_write and sock_send. If // RIGHT_FD_SEEK is set, includes the right to invoke fd_pwrite. RIGHT_FD_WRITE // RIGHT_FD_ADVISE is the right to invoke fd_advise. RIGHT_FD_ADVISE // RIGHT_FD_ALLOCATE is the right to invoke fd_allocate. RIGHT_FD_ALLOCATE // RIGHT_PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY is the right to invoke // path_create_directory. RIGHT_PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY // RIGHT_PATH_CREATE_FILE when RIGHT_PATH_OPEN is set, the right to invoke // path_open with O_CREATE. RIGHT_PATH_CREATE_FILE // RIGHT_PATH_LINK_SOURCE is the right to invoke path_link with the file // descriptor as the source directory. RIGHT_PATH_LINK_SOURCE // RIGHT_PATH_LINK_TARGET is the right to invoke path_link with the file // descriptor as the target directory. RIGHT_PATH_LINK_TARGET // RIGHT_PATH_OPEN is the right to invoke path_open. RIGHT_PATH_OPEN // RIGHT_FD_READDIR is the right to invoke fd_readdir. RIGHT_FD_READDIR // RIGHT_PATH_READLINK is the right to invoke path_readlink. RIGHT_PATH_READLINK // RIGHT_PATH_RENAME_SOURCE is the right to invoke path_rename with the // file descriptor as the source directory. RIGHT_PATH_RENAME_SOURCE // RIGHT_PATH_RENAME_TARGET is the right to invoke path_rename with the // file descriptor as the target directory. RIGHT_PATH_RENAME_TARGET // RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_GET is the right to invoke path_filestat_get. RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_GET // RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE is the right to change a file's size (there // is no path_filestat_set_size). If RIGHT_PATH_OPEN is set, includes the // right to invoke path_open with O_TRUNC. RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE // RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES is the right to invoke // path_filestat_set_times. RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES // RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_GET is the right to invoke fd_filestat_get. RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_GET // RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE is the right to invoke fd_filestat_set_size. RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE // RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES is the right to invoke // fd_filestat_set_times. RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES // RIGHT_PATH_SYMLINK is the right to invoke path_symlink. RIGHT_PATH_SYMLINK // RIGHT_PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY is the right to invoke // path_remove_directory. RIGHT_PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY // RIGHT_PATH_UNLINK_FILE is the right to invoke path_unlink_file. RIGHT_PATH_UNLINK_FILE // RIGHT_POLL_FD_READWRITE when RIGHT_FD_READ is set, includes the right to // invoke poll_oneoff to subscribe to eventtype::fd_read. If RIGHT_FD_WRITE // is set, includes the right to invoke poll_oneoff to subscribe to // eventtype::fd_write. RIGHT_POLL_FD_READWRITE // RIGHT_SOCK_SHUTDOWN is the right to invoke sock_shutdown. RIGHT_SOCK_SHUTDOWN )
const ( SockAcceptName = "sock_accept" SockRecvName = "sock_recv" SockSendName = "sock_send" SockShutdownName = "sock_shutdown" )
const DirentSize = uint32(24)
DirentSize is the size of the dirent struct, which should be followed by the length of a file name.
const InternalModuleName = "wasi_snapshot_preview1"
InternalModuleName is not named ModuleName, to avoid a clash on dot imports.
const ( // LOOKUP_SYMLINK_FOLLOW expands a path if it resolves into a symbolic // link. LOOKUP_SYMLINK_FOLLOW uint16 = 1 << iota //nolint )
const (
PollOneoffName = "poll_oneoff"
const RandomGetName = "random_get"
const SchedYieldName = "sched_yield"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ErrnoName ¶
ErrnoName returns the POSIX error code name, except ErrnoSuccess, which is not an error. e.g. Errno2big -> "E2BIG"
func FdFlagsString ¶
func FiletypeName ¶
FiletypeName returns string name of the file type.
func LookupflagsString ¶
func OflagsString ¶
func RightsString ¶
Types ¶
type Errno ¶
type Errno = uint32
Errno is neither uint16 nor an alias for parity with wasm.ValueType.
const ( // ErrnoSuccess No error occurred. System call completed successfully. ErrnoSuccess Errno = iota // Errno2big Argument list too long. Errno2big // ErrnoAcces Permission denied. ErrnoAcces // ErrnoAddrinuse Address in use. ErrnoAddrinuse // ErrnoAddrnotavail Address not available. ErrnoAddrnotavail // ErrnoAfnosupport Address family not supported. ErrnoAfnosupport // ErrnoAgain Resource unavailable, or operation would block. ErrnoAgain // ErrnoAlready Connection already in progress. ErrnoAlready // ErrnoBadf Bad file descriptor. ErrnoBadf // ErrnoBadmsg Bad message. ErrnoBadmsg // ErrnoBusy Device or resource busy. ErrnoBusy // ErrnoCanceled Operation canceled. ErrnoCanceled // ErrnoChild No child processes. ErrnoChild // ErrnoConnaborted Connection aborted. ErrnoConnaborted // ErrnoConnrefused Connection refused. ErrnoConnrefused // ErrnoConnreset Connection reset. ErrnoConnreset // ErrnoDeadlk Resource deadlock would occur. ErrnoDeadlk // ErrnoDestaddrreq Destination address required. ErrnoDestaddrreq // ErrnoDom Mathematics argument out of domain of function. ErrnoDom // ErrnoDquot Reserved. ErrnoDquot // ErrnoExist File exists. ErrnoExist // ErrnoFault Bad address. ErrnoFault // ErrnoFbig File too large. ErrnoFbig // ErrnoHostunreach Host is unreachable. ErrnoHostunreach // ErrnoIdrm Identifier removed. ErrnoIdrm // ErrnoIlseq Illegal byte sequence. ErrnoIlseq // ErrnoInprogress Operation in progress. ErrnoInprogress // ErrnoIntr Interrupted function. ErrnoIntr // ErrnoInval Invalid argument. ErrnoInval // ErrnoIo I/O error. ErrnoIo // ErrnoIsconn Socket is connected. ErrnoIsconn // ErrnoIsdir Is a directory. ErrnoIsdir // ErrnoLoop Too many levels of symbolic links. ErrnoLoop // ErrnoMfile File descriptor value too large. ErrnoMfile // ErrnoMlink Too many links. ErrnoMlink // ErrnoMsgsize Message too large. ErrnoMsgsize // ErrnoMultihop Reserved. ErrnoMultihop // ErrnoNametoolong Filename too long. ErrnoNametoolong // ErrnoNetdown Network is down. ErrnoNetdown // ErrnoNetreset Connection aborted by network. ErrnoNetreset // ErrnoNetunreach Network unreachable. ErrnoNetunreach // ErrnoNfile Too many files open in system. ErrnoNfile // ErrnoNobufs No buffer space available. ErrnoNobufs // ErrnoNodev No such device. ErrnoNodev // ErrnoNoent No such file or directory. ErrnoNoent // ErrnoNoexec Executable file format error. ErrnoNoexec // ErrnoNolck No locks available. ErrnoNolck // ErrnoNolink Reserved. ErrnoNolink // ErrnoNomem Not enough space. ErrnoNomem // ErrnoNomsg No message of the desired type. ErrnoNomsg // ErrnoNoprotoopt No message of the desired type. ErrnoNoprotoopt // ErrnoNospc No space left on device. ErrnoNospc // ErrnoNosys function not supported. ErrnoNosys // ErrnoNotconn The socket is not connected. ErrnoNotconn // ErrnoNotdir Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory. ErrnoNotdir // ErrnoNotempty Directory not empty. ErrnoNotempty // ErrnoNotrecoverable State not recoverable. ErrnoNotrecoverable // ErrnoNotsock Not a socket. ErrnoNotsock // ErrnoNotsup Not supported, or operation not supported on socket. ErrnoNotsup // ErrnoNotty Inappropriate I/O control operation. ErrnoNotty // ErrnoNxio No such device or address. ErrnoNxio // ErrnoOverflow Value too large to be stored in data type. ErrnoOverflow // ErrnoOwnerdead Previous owner died. ErrnoOwnerdead // ErrnoPerm Operation not permitted. ErrnoPerm // ErrnoPipe Broken pipe. ErrnoPipe // ErrnoProto Protocol error. ErrnoProto // ErrnoProtonosupport Protocol error. ErrnoProtonosupport // ErrnoPrototype Protocol wrong type for socket. ErrnoPrototype // ErrnoRange Result too large. ErrnoRange // ErrnoRofs Read-only file system. ErrnoRofs // ErrnoSpipe Invalid seek. ErrnoSpipe // ErrnoSrch No such process. ErrnoSrch // ErrnoStale Reserved. ErrnoStale // ErrnoTimedout Connection timed out. ErrnoTimedout // ErrnoTxtbsy Text file busy. ErrnoTxtbsy // ErrnoXdev Cross-device link. ErrnoXdev )
Note: Below prefers POSIX symbol names over WASI ones, even if the docs are from WASI. See See