Protoc and proto-gen-go plugin (described in the next session)
Protoc and Proto-gen-go
Install protoc and protoc-gen-go in Mac
Install protoc-gen-go use homebrew brew install protoc-gen-go it will also install protoc
Install protoc and protoc-gen-go in Ubuntu
Install protoc-gen-go go get -u It will also install protoc
The compiler plugin, protoc-gen-go, will be installed in $GOPATH/bin unless $GOBIN is set. It must be in your $PATH for the protocol compiler, protoc, to find it
Install protoc and protoc-gen-go in Windows
How to run
Despite, it is possible to run this project in local machine we strongly recommend you to run it using docker. Please follow this steps:
generate protobuf file if you have not generated it yet or you made changes to proto file protoc -I proto/ proto/call.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto
using docker-compose run docker-compose -f
navillera is available in localhost:50050 you can access it using RPC client your choices