
v1.74.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 3, 2025 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 37 Imported by: 2

Documentation ¶

Index ¶

Constants ¶

View Source
const (
	TRACE logLevel = 1 + iota
View Source
const (
	MetaId             = "___id___"
	MetaResourcePath   = "___path___"
	MetaTransformSet   = "___ts___"
	MetaSkipFields     = "___skip___"
	MetaSetUnsetFields = "___unset___"
	MetaDropByValue    = "___drop_val___"

All metadata fields must be present in each resource schema, and the field type must be string.

View Source
const (
	KeyActualMtu               = "actual_mtu"
	KeyAllowFastPath           = "allow_fast_path"
	KeyArp                     = "arp"
	KeyArpTimeout              = "arp_timeout"
	KeyClampTcpMss             = "clamp_tcp_mss"
	KeyComment                 = "comment"
	KeyDefault                 = "default"
	KeyDynamic                 = "dynamic"
	KeyDefaultName             = "default_name"
	KeyDisabled                = "disabled"
	KeyDontFragment            = "dont_fragment"
	KeyDscp                    = "dscp"
	KeyEnabled                 = "enabled"
	KeyFilter                  = "filter"
	KeyInactive                = "inactive"
	KeyInterface               = "interface"
	KeyInvalid                 = "invalid"
	KeyIpsecSecret             = "ipsec_secret"
	KeyKeepalive               = "keepalive"
	KeyL2Mtu                   = "l2mtu"
	KeyLocalAddress            = "local_address"
	KeyLoopProtect             = "loop_protect"
	KeyLoopProtectDisableTime  = "loop_protect_disable_time"
	KeyLoopProtectSendInterval = "loop_protect_send_interval"
	KeyLoopProtectStatus       = "loop_protect_status"
	KeyMacAddress              = "mac_address"
	KeyMtu                     = "mtu"
	KeyName                    = "name"
	KeyPlaceBefore             = "place_before"
	KeyRemoteAddress           = "remote_address"
	KeyRunning                 = "running"
	KeyVrf                     = "vrf"
View Source
const KeyLen = 32 // wgh.KeyLen KeyLen is the expected key length for a WireGuard key.

View Source
const UniqueIdPrefix = `terraform-`

Copied from terraform-plugin-testing@v1.2.0/helper/resource/id.go Because this functionality is marked deprecated.

Variables ¶

View Source
var (
	ErrorMsgPut    = "An error was encountered while sending a PUT request to the API: %v"
	ErrorMsgGet    = "An error was encountered while sending a GET request to the API: %v"
	ErrorMsgPatch  = "An error was encountered while sending a PATCH request to the API: %v"
	ErrorMsgDelete = "An error was encountered while sending a DELETE request to the API: %v"
View Source
var (
	PropActualMtuRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeInt,
		Computed: true,
	PropAllowFastPathRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeBool,
		Optional:         true,
		Description:      "Whether to allow FastPath processing. Must be disabled if IPsec tunneling is used.",
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropArpRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Optional: true,
		Description: "Address Resolution Protocol mode:\n  * disabled - the interface will not use ARP\n  * enabled - " +
			"the interface will use ARP\n  * local-proxy-arp - the router performs proxy ARP on the interface and sends " +
			"replies to the same interface\n  * proxy-arp - the router performs proxy ARP on the interface and sends " +
			"replies to other interfaces\n  * reply-only - the interface will only reply to requests originated from " +
			"matching IP address/MAC address combinations which are entered as static entries in the ARP table. No " +
			"dynamic entries will be automatically stored in the ARP table. Therefore for communications to be " +
			"successful, a valid static entry must already exist.",
		ValidateFunc: validation.StringInSlice([]string{"disabled", "enabled", "local-proxy-arp", "proxy-arp",
			"reply-only"}, false),
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropArpTimeoutRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Optional: true,
		Description: "ARP timeout is time how long ARP record is kept in ARP table after no packets are received " +
			"from IP. Value auto equals to the value of arp-timeout in IP/Settings, default is 30s. Can use postfix " +
			"`ms`, `s`, `M`, `h`, `d` for milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours or days. If no postfix is set then seconds (s) is used.",
		ValidateFunc: validation.StringMatch(regexp.MustCompile(`^$|auto$|(\d+(ms|s|M|h|d)?)+$`),
			"expected arp_timout value to be 'auto' string or time value"),
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropClampTcpMssRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeBool,
		Optional: true,
		Description: "Controls whether to change MSS size for received TCP SYN packets. When enabled, a " +
			"router will change the MSS size for received TCP SYN packets if the current MSS size exceeds the " +
			"tunnel interface MTU (taking into account the TCP/IP overhead). The received encapsulated packet " +
			"will still contain the original MSS, and only after decapsulation the MSS is changed.",
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropCommentRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Optional: true,
	PropDisabledRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeBool,
		Optional:         true,
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropDefaultRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:        schema.TypeBool,
		Computed:    true,
		Description: "It's the default item.",
	PropDontFragmentRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeString,
		Optional:         true,
		ValidateFunc:     validation.StringInSlice([]string{"inherit", "no"}, false),
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropDscpRw = &schema.Schema{

		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Optional: true,
		Default:  "inherit",
		ValidateDiagFunc: func(v interface{}, p cty.Path) (diags diag.Diagnostics) {
			value := v.(string)

			if value == "" || value == "inherit" {

			i, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
			if err != nil {
				diags = diag.Errorf(
					"expected dscp value (%s) to be empty string or 'inherit' or integer 0..63", value)

			if i < 0 || i > 63 {
				diags = diag.Errorf(
					"expected %s to be in the range 0 - 63, got %d", value, i)

		Description: "Set dscp value in GRE header to a fixed value '0..63' or 'inherit' from dscp value taken " +
			"from tunnelled traffic.",
	PropDynamicRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeBool,
		Computed: true,
		Description: "Configuration item created by software, not by management interface. It is not exported, " +
			"and cannot be directly modified.",
	PropFilterRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeMap,
		Optional:         true,
		Elem:             schema.TypeString,
		Description:      "Additional request filtering options.",
		ValidateDiagFunc: ValidationMapKeyNames,
	PropInactiveRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeBool,
		Computed: true,
	PropInterfaceRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:        schema.TypeString,
		Required:    true,
		Description: "Name of the interface.",
	PropInvalidRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeBool,
		Computed: true,
	PropIpsecSecretRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:      schema.TypeString,
		Optional:  true,
		Sensitive: true,
		Description: "When secret is specified, router adds dynamic IPsec peer to remote-address with " +
			"pre-shared key and policy (by default phase2 uses sha1/aes128cbc).",
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropKeepaliveRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Optional: true,
		ValidateFunc: validation.StringMatch(regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+[smhdw]?)+(,\d+)?$`),
			"value must be integer[/time],integer 0..4294967295 ("),
		Description: "Tunnel keepalive parameter sets the time interval in which the tunnel running flag will " +
			"remain even if the remote end of tunnel goes down. If configured time,retries fail, interface " +
			"running flag is removed. Parameters are written in following format: " +
			"`KeepaliveInterval,KeepaliveRetries` where `KeepaliveInterval` is time interval and " +
			"`KeepaliveRetries` - number of retry attempts. `KeepaliveInterval` is integer 0..4294967295",
		DiffSuppressFunc: func(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool {
			if old == new {
				return true

			if AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided(k, old, new, d) {
				return true

			if old == "" || new == "" {
				return false

			o := strings.Split(old, ",")
			n := strings.Split(new, ",")
			if len(o) != 2 || len(n) != 2 {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("[Keepalive] wrong keepalive format, old: '%v', new: '%v'", old, new))

			if o[1] != n[1] {
				return false

			oDuration, err := ParseDuration(o[0])
			if err != nil {
				panic("[Keepalive] parse 'old' duration error: " + err.Error())

			nDuration, err := ParseDuration(n[0])
			if err != nil {
				panic("[Keepalive] parse 'new' duration error: " + err.Error())

			return oDuration.Seconds() == nDuration.Seconds()
	PropL2MtuRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeInt,
		Computed: true,
		Description: "Layer2 Maximum transmission unit. " +
	PropL2MtuRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeInt,
		Optional: true,
		Description: "Layer2 Maximum transmission unit. " +
		ValidateFunc:     validation.IntBetween(1, 65535),
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropLocalAddressRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeString,
		Optional:         true,
		Description:      "Source address of the tunnel packets, local on the router.",
		ValidateFunc:     validation.IsIPv4Address,
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropLoopProtectRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeString,
		Optional:         true,
		ValidateFunc:     validation.StringInSlice([]string{"default", "on", "off"}, false),
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropLoopProtectDisableTimeRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeString,
		Optional:         true,
		ValidateFunc:     ValidationTime,
		DiffSuppressFunc: TimeEquall,
	PropLoopProtectSendIntervalRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeString,
		Optional:         true,
		ValidateFunc:     ValidationTime,
		DiffSuppressFunc: TimeEquall,
	PropLoopProtectStatusRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Computed: true,
	PropMacAddressRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:        schema.TypeString,
		Computed:    true,
		Description: "Current mac address.",
	// TODO: Replace in all possible resources with a property without 'ForceNew'.
	PropNameForceNewRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Required: true,
		ForceNew: true,
		Description: `Changing the name of this resource will force it to be recreated.
	> The links of other configuration properties to this resource may be lost!
	> Changing the name of the resource outside of a Terraform will result in a loss of control integrity for that resource!
	PropPlaceBefore = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeString,
		Optional: true,
		ForceNew: true,
		Description: `Before which position the rule will be inserted.  
	> Please check the effect of this option, as it does not work as you think!  
	> Best way to use in conjunction with a data source. See [example](../data-sources/  
	PropRemoteAddressRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeString,
		Optional:         true,
		Description:      "IP address of the remote end of the tunnel.",
		ValidateFunc:     validation.IsIPv4Address,
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,
	PropRunningRo = &schema.Schema{
		Type:     schema.TypeBool,
		Computed: true,
	PropVrfRw = &schema.Schema{
		Type:             schema.TypeString,
		Optional:         true,
		Description:      "The VRF table this resource operates on.",
		DiffSuppressFunc: AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided,

Schema properties.

View Source
var (
	Validation64k = validation.IntBetween(0, 65535)

	ValidationTime = validation.StringMatch(regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+([smhdw]|ms)?)+$`),
		"value should be an integer or a time interval: 0..4294967295 (seconds) or 500ms, 2d, 1w")

	// ValidationDurationAtLeast returns a SchemaValidateDiagFunc which tests if the provided value
	// is a valid duration expected by RouterOS and is at least minDuration long (inclusive)
	ValidationDurationAtLeast = func(minDuration time.Duration) schema.SchemaValidateDiagFunc {
		return func(i interface{}, p cty.Path) diag.Diagnostics {
			value, ok := i.(string)
			if !ok {
				return diag.Errorf("expected type to be string")

			duration, err := ParseDuration(value)
			if err != nil {
				return diag.FromErr(err)

			if duration < minDuration {
				return diag.Errorf("duration must be greater than %v", minDuration)

			return diag.Diagnostics{}

	ValidationAutoYesNo = validation.StringInSlice([]string{"auto", "yes", "no"}, false)
	ValidationIpAddress = validation.StringMatch(
		"Allowed addresses should be a CIDR IP address or an empty string",
	ValidationMacAddress = validation.StringMatch(
		"Allowed MAC addresses should be [!]AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
	ValidationMacAddressWithMask = validation.StringMatch(
		"Allowed MAC addresses should be [!]AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF/FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",

	// ValidationMultiValInSlice returns a SchemaValidateDiagFunc which works like the StringInSlice function,
	// but the provided value can be a single value or a comma-separated list of values.
	// The negative indication of the parameter is also supported by adding "!" before value if mikrotikNegative is true.
	ValidationMultiValInSlice = func(valid []string, ignoreCase, mikrotikNegative bool) schema.SchemaValidateDiagFunc {
		return func(i interface{}, path cty.Path) (diags diag.Diagnostics) {
			v, ok := i.(string)

			if !ok {
				diags = append(diags, diag.Diagnostic{
					Severity: diag.Error,
					Summary:  "Bad value type",
					Detail:   fmt.Sprintf("Value should be a string: %v (type = %T)", v, v),


			var negative []string
			if mikrotikNegative {
				for _, str := range valid {
					negative = append(negative, "!"+str)

			for _, sValue := range strings.Split(v, ",") {
				ok := false
				sValue = strings.TrimSpace(sValue)

				for _, sValid := range append(negative, valid...) {
					if sValue == sValid || (ignoreCase && strings.EqualFold(sValue, sValid)) {
						ok = true

				if !ok {
					diags = append(diags, diag.Diagnostic{
						Severity: diag.Error,
						Summary:  "Bad value",
						Detail:   fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected value: %v", sValue),


	ValidationValInSlice = func(valid []string, ignoreCase, mikrotikNegative bool) schema.SchemaValidateDiagFunc {
		return func(i interface{}, path cty.Path) (diags diag.Diagnostics) {
			v, ok := i.(string)

			if !ok {
				diags = append(diags, diag.Diagnostic{
					Severity: diag.Error,
					Summary:  "Bad value type",
					Detail:   fmt.Sprintf("Value should be a string: %v (type = %T)", v, v),


			var negative []string
			if mikrotikNegative {
				for _, str := range valid {
					negative = append(negative, "!"+str)

			v = strings.TrimSpace(v)

			for _, str := range append(negative, valid...) {
				if v == str || (ignoreCase && strings.EqualFold(v, str)) {

			diags = append(diags, diag.Diagnostic{
				Severity: diag.Error,
				Summary:  "Bad value",
				Detail:   fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected value: %v", v),


	// ValidationMapKeyNames, A function to check map names for compliance with the TF standard.
	// When copying keys from a real configuration it is easy to make a mistake and transfer a key
	// containing dashes instead of underscores. This validator is added to prevent such errors.
	ValidationMapKeyNames = func(v interface{}, path cty.Path) diag.Diagnostics {
		var diags diag.Diagnostics

		for key := range v.(map[string]interface{}) {
			if reTerraformField.MatchString(key) {

			diags = append(diags, diag.Diagnostic{
				Severity: diag.Error,
				Summary:  "Invalid attribute name",
				Detail: fmt.Sprintf("%s: Attribute name may only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters & "+
					"underscores.", key),
				AttributePath: append(path, cty.IndexStep{Key: cty.StringVal(key)}),

		return diags

Properties validation.

View Source
var (
	TimeEquall = func(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool {
		if old == "" {
			return false

		if AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided(k, old, new, d) {
			return true

		if old == "immediately" || new == "immediately" {
			return old == new

		oDuration, err := ParseDuration(old)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[TimeEquall] parse 'old' duration error: " + err.Error())

		nDuration, err := ParseDuration(new)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[TimeEquall] parse 'new' duration error: " + err.Error())

		return oDuration.Seconds() == nDuration.Seconds()

	HexEqual = func(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool {
		if old == "" {
			return false

		if AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided(k, old, new, d) {
			return true

		// Compare numbers:
		var iOld, iNew int64
		var err error

		iOld, err = strconv.ParseInt(old, 0, 64)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[HexEqual] 'old' number parse error: " + err.Error())

		iNew, err = strconv.ParseInt(new, 0, 64)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[HexEqual] 'new' number parse error: " + err.Error())

		return iOld == iNew

	// AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided is a SupressDiff function that prevents values not provided by users to get updated.
	// This is necessary in some system-wide fields that are present regardless if the users provides any values.
	// Prevents the need of hardcode values for default values, as those are harder to track over time/versions of
	// routeros
	AlwaysPresentNotUserProvided = func(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool {
		value := d.GetRawConfig()

		for _, key := range strings.Split(k, ".") {
			if key == "#" || key == "%" {

			switch {
			case value.Type().IsObjectType():
				value = value.GetAttr(key)
			case value.Type().IsMapType():
				value = value.Index(cty.StringVal(key))

				break loop

			if value.IsNull() {
				return true

		return false

	MacAddressEqual = func(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool {
		return strings.EqualFold(old, new)

Properties DiffSuppressFunc.

View Source
var DeleteSystemObject = []diag.Diagnostic{{
	Severity: diag.Warning,
	Summary:  "Delete operation on a system object.",
	Detail: "This resource contains system settings and cannot be deleted or reset. " +
		"This action will remove the object from the Terraform state. " +
		"See also: 'terraform state rm'",


Functions ¶

func BoolFromMikrotikJSON ¶

func BoolFromMikrotikJSON(s string) bool

func BoolFromMikrotikJSONStr ¶ added in v1.7.0

func BoolFromMikrotikJSONStr(s string) string

func BoolToMikrotikJSON ¶

func BoolToMikrotikJSON(b bool) string

func BoolToMikrotikJSONStr ¶ added in v1.7.0

func BoolToMikrotikJSONStr(s string) string

func ColorizedDebug ¶

func ColorizedDebug(ctx context.Context, msg string, args[string]interface{})

ColorizedDebug Used to display provider log color messages. Please set the environment variable

func ColorizedMessage ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ColorizedMessage(ctx context.Context, level logLevel, msg string, args[string]interface{})

func DatasourceFiles ¶ added in v1.45.0

func DatasourceFiles() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIPAddresses ¶

func DatasourceIPAddresses() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIPFirewall ¶ added in v1.54.3

func DatasourceIPFirewall() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIPRoutes ¶

func DatasourceIPRoutes() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIPServices ¶ added in v1.39.0

func DatasourceIPServices() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIPv6Addresses ¶

func DatasourceIPv6Addresses() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIPv6Firewall ¶ added in v1.54.3

func DatasourceIPv6Firewall() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceInterfaceBridgeFilter ¶ added in v1.71.0

func DatasourceInterfaceBridgeFilter() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceInterfaces ¶

func DatasourceInterfaces() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIpArp ¶ added in v1.24.0

func DatasourceIpArp() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceIpDhcpServerLeases ¶ added in v1.28.0

func DatasourceIpDhcpServerLeases() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceSystemResource ¶ added in v1.24.0

func DatasourceSystemResource() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceSystemRouterboard ¶ added in v1.67.0

func DatasourceSystemRouterboard() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceWiFiEasyConnect ¶ added in v1.63.1

func DatasourceWiFiEasyConnect() *schema.Resource

func DatasourceX509 ¶ added in v1.51.0

func DatasourceX509() *schema.Resource

func DefaultCreate ¶

func DefaultCreate(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.CreateContextFunc

func DefaultCreateUpdate ¶ added in v1.63.0

func DefaultCreateUpdate(s map[string]*schema.Schema) func(context.Context, *schema.ResourceData, interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

Function to update resources that are present in the system by default out of the box. The distinctive feature of such resources is that they cannot be deleted, but they can be modified. For example, enabling/disabling the resource.

FIXME Replace fucntions in resources: ResourceInterfaceEthernetSwitchPortIsolation, ResourceInterfaceEthernetSwitchPort ResourceInterfaceEthernetSwitch, ResourceInterfaceLte, ResourceIpService

func DefaultCreateWithTimeout ¶ added in v1.65.0

func DefaultCreateWithTimeout(s map[string]*schema.Schema, t time.Duration) schema.CreateContextFunc

func DefaultDelete ¶

func DefaultDelete(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.DeleteContextFunc

func DefaultRead ¶

func DefaultRead(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.ReadContextFunc

func DefaultSystemCreate ¶

func DefaultSystemCreate(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.CreateContextFunc

func DefaultSystemDatasourceRead ¶ added in v1.24.0

func DefaultSystemDatasourceRead(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.ReadContextFunc

func DefaultSystemDelete ¶

func DefaultSystemDelete(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.DeleteContextFunc

func DefaultSystemRead ¶

func DefaultSystemRead(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.ReadContextFunc

func DefaultSystemUpdate ¶

func DefaultSystemUpdate(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.UpdateContextFunc

func DefaultUpdate ¶

func DefaultUpdate(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.UpdateContextFunc

func DeleteItem ¶

func DeleteItem(id *ItemId, resourcePath string, c Client) error

func ImportStateCustomContext ¶ added in v1.44.3

func ImportStateCustomContext(s map[string]*schema.Schema) schema.StateContextFunc

ImportStateCustomContext is an implementation of StateContextFunc that can be used to import resources with the ability to explicitly or implicitly specify a key field. `terraform [global options] import [options] ADDR ID`. During import the content of the `ID` is checked and depending on the specified string it is possible to automatically search for the internal Mikrotik identifier. Logic of `ID` processing - The first character of the string contains an asterisk (standard Mikrotik identifier `*3E`): import without additional search. - String containing no "=" character (`wifi-01`): the "name" field is used for searching. - String containing only one "=" character (`"comment=hAP-ac3"`): the "word left" and "word right" pair is used for searching.

func IpRangeToCIDR ¶

func IpRangeToCIDR(ip1, ip2 string) (string, error)

func KebabToSnake ¶

func KebabToSnake(name string) string

KebabToSnake Convert Mikrotik JSON names to TF schema names: some-filed to some_field.

func ListToString ¶

func ListToString(v any) (res string)

ListToString Convert List and Set to a delimited string.

func MikrotikResourceDataToTerraform ¶

func MikrotikResourceDataToTerraform(item MikrotikItem, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData) diag.Diagnostics

MikrotikResourceDataToTerraform Unmarshal Mikrotik resource (incoming data: JSON, etc.) to TF resource schema.

func MikrotikResourceDataToTerraformDatasource ¶

func MikrotikResourceDataToTerraformDatasource(items *[]MikrotikItem, resourceDataKeyName string, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData) diag.Diagnostics

func NewClient ¶

func NewClient(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, diag.Diagnostics)

func NewProvider ¶

func NewProvider() *schema.Provider

func ParseDuration ¶

func ParseDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error)

func PrefixedUniqueId ¶

func PrefixedUniqueId(prefix string) string

func PropDefaultNameRo ¶ added in v1.58.0

func PropDefaultNameRo(description string) *schema.Schema

func PropDropByValue ¶ added in v1.35.0

func PropDropByValue(s ...string) *schema.Schema

func PropEnabled ¶ added in v1.54.0

func PropEnabled(description string) *schema.Schema


func PropId ¶

func PropId(t IdType) *schema.Schema

PropId Resource ID property.

func PropMacAddressRw ¶ added in v1.32.0

func PropMacAddressRw(description string, required bool) *schema.Schema


func PropMtuRw ¶

func PropMtuRw() *schema.Schema

PropMtuRw MTU value can be integer or 'auto'.

func PropName ¶ added in v1.5.0

func PropName(description string) *schema.Schema


func PropNameOptional ¶ added in v1.54.3

func PropNameOptional(description string) *schema.Schema

func PropResourcePath ¶

func PropResourcePath(p string) *schema.Schema

PropResourcePath Resource path property.

func PropSetUnsetFields ¶ added in v1.20.1

func PropSetUnsetFields(s ...string) *schema.Schema


func PropSkipFields ¶ added in v1.3.0

func PropSkipFields(s ...string) *schema.Schema

PropSkipFields SnakeName notation

func PropTransformSet ¶

func PropTransformSet(s ...string) *schema.Schema

PropTransformSet List of []string{"TF : MT", "TF : MT", ...} string pairs.

func Provider ¶

func Provider() *schema.Provider

func ReadItems ¶

func ReadItems(id *ItemId, resourcePath string, c Client) (*[]MikrotikItem, error)

func ReadItemsFiltered ¶

func ReadItemsFiltered(filter []string, resourcePath string, c Client) (*[]MikrotikItem, error)

func ResourceCapsManAccessList ¶ added in v1.19.0

func ResourceCapsManAccessList() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCapsManChannelV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceCapsManChannelV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCapsManConfigurationV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceCapsManConfigurationV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCapsManDatapathV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceCapsManDatapathV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCapsManProvisioningV0 ¶ added in v1.61.2

func ResourceCapsManProvisioningV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCapsManRatesV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceCapsManRatesV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCapsManSecurityV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceCapsManSecurityV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCertificateScepServer ¶ added in v1.46.0

func ResourceCertificateScepServer() *schema.Resource

func ResourceCreate ¶

func ResourceCreate(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

ResourceCreate - Creation of a resource in accordance with the TF Schema. It is possible to transparently pass the request type (CRUD Method) within an existing context.

CreateContext: func(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {
	return ResourceCreate(ctxSetCrudMethod(ctx, crudGenerateKey), resSchema, d, m)

func ResourceCreateAndWait ¶ added in v1.65.0

func ResourceCreateAndWait(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}, timeout time.Duration) diag.Diagnostics

func ResourceDelete ¶

func ResourceDelete(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

ResourceDelete Deleting the resource.

func ResourceDhcpClientOption ¶ added in v1.33.0

func ResourceDhcpClientOption() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpRelay ¶ added in v1.45.0

func ResourceDhcpRelay() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpServerConfig ¶ added in v1.22.0

func ResourceDhcpServerConfig() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpServerLease ¶

func ResourceDhcpServerLease() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpServerNetwork ¶

func ResourceDhcpServerNetwork() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpServerNetworkV0 ¶ added in v1.55.0

func ResourceDhcpServerNetworkV0() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpServerOption ¶ added in v1.15.0

func ResourceDhcpServerOption() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpServerOptionSet ¶ added in v1.15.0

func ResourceDhcpServerOptionSet() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDhcpServerV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceDhcpServerV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceDnsAdlist ¶ added in v1.62.0

func ResourceDnsAdlist() *schema.Resource


func ResourceDnsV0 ¶ added in v1.55.0

func ResourceDnsV0() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPConnectionTracking ¶ added in v1.17.0

func ResourceIPConnectionTracking() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPFirewallAddrList ¶

func ResourceIPFirewallAddrList() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPFirewallFilter ¶

func ResourceIPFirewallFilter() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPFirewallMangle ¶

func ResourceIPFirewallMangle() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPFirewallNat ¶

func ResourceIPFirewallNat() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPFirewallRaw ¶ added in v1.52.0

func ResourceIPFirewallRaw() *schema.Resource
  ".id": "*1",
  "action": "accept",
  "bytes": "53342",
  "chain": "prerouting",
  "comment": "1",
  "disabled": "false",
  "dynamic": "false",
  "invalid": "false",
  "log": "false",
  "log-prefix": "",
  "packets": "497"


func ResourceIPPoolV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceIPPoolV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceIPVrf ¶ added in v1.48.0

func ResourceIPVrf() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPv6DhcpClient ¶ added in v1.33.0

func ResourceIPv6DhcpClient() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPv6DhcpClientOption ¶ added in v1.34.0

func ResourceIPv6DhcpClientOption() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPv6FirewallAddrList ¶ added in v1.9.0

func ResourceIPv6FirewallAddrList() *schema.Resource

ResourceIPv6FirewallAddrList They work more or less the same as IPv4 address lists, except no ranges

func ResourceIPv6FirewallMangle ¶ added in v1.72.0

func ResourceIPv6FirewallMangle() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPv6FirewallNat ¶ added in v1.72.0

func ResourceIPv6FirewallNat() *schema.Resource


func ResourceIPv6NeighborDiscovery ¶ added in v1.35.0

func ResourceIPv6NeighborDiscovery() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceBridge ¶

func ResourceInterfaceBridge() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceBridgeV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceInterfaceBridgeV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceBridgeVlanV0 ¶ added in v1.55.0

func ResourceInterfaceBridgeVlanV0() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceEoip ¶ added in v1.20.0

func ResourceInterfaceEoip() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceEoipV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceInterfaceEoipV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceEthernet ¶ added in v1.14.0

func ResourceInterfaceEthernet() *schema.Resource

ResourceInterfaceEthernet is the schema for ethernet interfaces

func ResourceInterfaceGre ¶

func ResourceInterfaceGre() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceGreV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceInterfaceGreV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceIPIP ¶ added in v1.32.6

func ResourceInterfaceIPIP() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceList ¶

func ResourceInterfaceList() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceListMember ¶

func ResourceInterfaceListMember() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceListV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceInterfaceListV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceLte ¶ added in v1.58.0

func ResourceInterfaceLte() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceMacVlan ¶ added in v1.38.0

func ResourceInterfaceMacVlan() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceOpenVPNServer ¶ added in v1.5.0

func ResourceInterfaceOpenVPNServer() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceVlan ¶

func ResourceInterfaceVlan() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceVlanV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceInterfaceVlanV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceVrrp ¶

func ResourceInterfaceVrrp() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceVrrpV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceInterfaceVrrpV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceWireguard ¶

func ResourceInterfaceWireguard() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceWireguardPeer ¶

func ResourceInterfaceWireguardPeer() *schema.Resource


func ResourceInterfaceWireguardV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceInterfaceWireguardV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceWirelessAccessList ¶ added in v1.64.0

func ResourceInterfaceWirelessAccessList() *schema.Resource

func ResourceInterfaceWirelessConnectList ¶ added in v1.70.0

func ResourceInterfaceWirelessConnectList() *schema.Resource

iw-asra=any iw-esr=any iw-hessid=00:00:00:00:00:00 iw-hotspot20=any iw-hotspot20-dgaf=any iw-internet=any iw-ipv4-availability=any iw-ipv6-availability=any iw-network-type=wildcard iw-roaming-ois="" iw-venue=any iw-uesa=any

func ResourceIpHotspotServicePort ¶ added in v1.63.0

func ResourceIpHotspotServicePort() *schema.Resource

func ResourceIpv6DhcpServerOptionSets ¶ added in v1.66.0

func ResourceIpv6DhcpServerOptionSets() *schema.Resource

func ResourceMoveItems ¶ added in v1.27.2

func ResourceMoveItems() *schema.Resource

func ResourceRead ¶

func ResourceRead(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

ResourceRead Reading some information about one specific resource.

func ResourceRoutingBGPTemplate ¶ added in v1.7.1

func ResourceRoutingBGPTemplate() *schema.Resource

func ResourceRoutingOspfArea ¶ added in v1.11.0

func ResourceRoutingOspfArea() *schema.Resource


func ResourceRoutingOspfInstance ¶ added in v1.11.0

func ResourceRoutingOspfInstance() *schema.Resource


func ResourceRoutingOspfInterfaceTemplate ¶ added in v1.11.0

func ResourceRoutingOspfInterfaceTemplate() *schema.Resource


func ResourceRoutingOspfInterfaceTemplateV0 ¶ added in v1.69.1

func ResourceRoutingOspfInterfaceTemplateV0() *schema.Resource


func ResourceSystemClock ¶ added in v1.49.0

func ResourceSystemClock() *schema.Resource

func ResourceSystemIdentity ¶

func ResourceSystemIdentity() *schema.Resource

func ResourceSystemLogging ¶ added in v1.16.0

func ResourceSystemLogging() *schema.Resource

ResourceSystemLogging defines the resource for configuring logging rules

func ResourceSystemLoggingAction ¶ added in v1.53.0

func ResourceSystemLoggingAction() *schema.Resource


func ResourceSystemSchedulerV0 ¶ added in v1.21.0

func ResourceSystemSchedulerV0() *schema.Resource

func ResourceSystemScript ¶ added in v1.36.0

func ResourceSystemScript() *schema.Resource


func ResourceUPNPInterfaces ¶ added in v1.45.0

func ResourceUPNPInterfaces() *schema.Resource


func ResourceUPNPSettings ¶ added in v1.45.0

func ResourceUPNPSettings() *schema.Resource


func ResourceUpdate ¶

func ResourceUpdate(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

ResourceUpdate Updating the resource in accordance with the TF Schema.

func ResourceWireguardKeys ¶ added in v1.18.1

func ResourceWireguardKeys() *schema.Resource

func SnakeToKebab ¶

func SnakeToKebab(name string) string

SnakeToKebab Convert IF schema names to Mikrotik JSON names: some_filed to some-field.

func SystemResourceCreateUpdate ¶

func SystemResourceCreateUpdate(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

SystemResourceCreateUpdate A resource cannot be created, it can only be changed.

func SystemResourceDelete ¶

func SystemResourceDelete(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

SystemResourceDelete Delete function will remove the object from the Terraform state No delete functionality provided by API for System Resources.

func SystemResourceRead ¶

func SystemResourceRead(ctx context.Context, s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics

SystemResourceRead The difference from the normal reading is in the method of generation of Id.

func TerraformResourceDataToMikrotik ¶

func TerraformResourceDataToMikrotik(s map[string]*schema.Schema, d *schema.ResourceData) (MikrotikItem, *MikrotikItemMetadata)

TerraformResourceDataToMikrotik Marshal Mikrotik resource from TF resource schema.

func UniqueId ¶

func UniqueId() string

Types ¶

type ApiClient ¶

type ApiClient struct {
	HostURL   string
	Username  string
	Password  string
	Transport TransportType

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ApiClient) GetExtraParams ¶ added in v1.65.0

func (c *ApiClient) GetExtraParams() *ExtraParams

func (*ApiClient) GetTransport ¶

func (c *ApiClient) GetTransport() TransportType

func (*ApiClient) SendRequest ¶

func (c *ApiClient) SendRequest(method crudMethod, url *URL, item MikrotikItem, result interface{}) error

type Client ¶

type Client interface {
	GetExtraParams() *ExtraParams
	GetTransport() TransportType
	SendRequest(method crudMethod, url *URL, item MikrotikItem, result interface{}) error

type DataValidateFunc ¶

type DataValidateFunc func(d *schema.ResourceData) diag.Diagnostics

type ExtraParams ¶ added in v1.65.0

type ExtraParams struct {
	SuppressSysODelWarn bool

type IdType ¶

type IdType int
const (
	Id IdType = 1 + iota

func (IdType) String ¶

func (t IdType) String() string

type ItemId ¶

type ItemId struct {
	Type  IdType
	Value string

type Key ¶ added in v1.18.0

type Key [KeyLen]byte

A Key is a public, private, or pre-shared secret key. The Key constructor functions in this package can be used to create Keys suitable for each of these applications.

func GenerateKey ¶ added in v1.18.0

func GenerateKey() (Key, error)

GenerateKey generates a Key suitable for use as a pre-shared secret key from a cryptographically safe source.

The output Key should not be used as a private key; use GeneratePrivateKey instead.

func GeneratePrivateKey ¶ added in v1.18.0

func GeneratePrivateKey() (Key, error)

GeneratePrivateKey generates a Key suitable for use as a private key from a cryptographically safe source.

func NewKey ¶ added in v1.18.0

func NewKey(b []byte) (Key, error)

NewKey creates a Key from an existing byte slice. The byte slice must be exactly 32 bytes in length.

func (Key) PublicKey ¶ added in v1.18.0

func (k Key) PublicKey() Key

PublicKey computes a public key from the private key k.

PublicKey should only be called when k is a private key.

func (Key) String ¶ added in v1.18.0

func (k Key) String() string

String returns the base64-encoded string representation of a Key.

ParseKey can be used to produce a new Key from this string.

type MikrotikItem ¶

type MikrotikItem map[string]string

MikrotikItem Contains only data.

func CreateItem ¶

func CreateItem(ctx context.Context, item MikrotikItem, resourcePath string, c Client) (MikrotikItem, error)

func UpdateItem ¶

func UpdateItem(id *ItemId, resourcePath string, item MikrotikItem, c Client) (MikrotikItem, error)

func (MikrotikItem) GetID ¶

func (m MikrotikItem) GetID(t IdType) string

type MikrotikItemMetadata ¶

type MikrotikItemMetadata struct {
	IdType IdType            // The field contains ID.
	Path   string            // Resource URL.
	Meta   map[string]string // Additional metadata that may be present in the schema.

MikrotikItemMetadata This information must travel from the schema to the resource polling function.

func GetMetadata ¶

func GetMetadata(s map[string]*schema.Schema) *MikrotikItemMetadata

GetMetadata Get item metadata fields from resource schema.

type RestClient ¶

type RestClient struct {
	HostURL   string
	Username  string
	Password  string
	Transport TransportType

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestClient) GetExtraParams ¶ added in v1.65.0

func (c *RestClient) GetExtraParams() *ExtraParams

func (*RestClient) GetTransport ¶

func (c *RestClient) GetTransport() TransportType

func (*RestClient) SendRequest ¶

func (c *RestClient) SendRequest(method crudMethod, url *URL, item MikrotikItem, result interface{}) error

type TransportType ¶

type TransportType int
const (
	TransportAPI TransportType = 1 + iota

Using numbering from 1 to control type values.

type URL ¶

type URL struct {
	Path  string   // URL path without '/rest'.
	Query []string // Query values.

func (*URL) GetApiCmd ¶

func (u *URL) GetApiCmd() []string

GetApiCmd Returns the set of commands for the API client.

func (*URL) GetRestURL ¶

func (u *URL) GetRestURL() string

GetRestURL Returns the URL for the client

Source Files ¶

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL