A Go library to dynamically synth Constructs.
Given a CDKTF App "entry" script, return synthesized output.
Bun binary is expected on PATH
Example usage (see cmd/main.go)
logger := zap.NewProduction()
app := synth.NewApp(executors.NewBunExecutor, logger)
app.Configure(ctx, models.AppConfig{
Dependencies: map[string]string{
"my-cdktf-pkg": "0.0.1",
ScopedPackages: []models.ScopedPackageOptions{},
// prepare afero fs to receive the result
dstFs := afero.NewOsFs()
mainTs := `import { App } from "cdktf";
import { MyStack, MyResource } from "my-cdktf-pkg";
const outdir = "cdktf.out";
const app = new App({
const stack = new MyStack(app, "my-stack", {
address: "http://localhost:1234",
new MyResource(stack, "my-resource");
// Execute the main.ts script and copy the synthesized stack out
if err = app.Eval(ctx, dstFs, string(mainTs), *srcDir, *outDir); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Failed to execute main.ts script", zap.Error(err))
Requires valid NodeJS
and package manager (default: pnpm
) on $PATH
Example usage (see executors/node_executor_test.go)
logger := zap.NewProduction()
app := synth.NewApp(executors.NewNodeExecutor, logger)
app.Configure(ctx, models.AppConfig{
Dependencies: map[string]string{
"my-cdktf-pkg": "0.0.1",
DevDependencies: map[string]string{
"@swc/core": "^1.7.6", // swc is included by default
ExecutorOptions: map[string]string{
// entrypoint setup (install) and eval (run)
"entrypoint": "pnpm",
// script ran by pnpm to synth main.ts
"synthScript": "ts-node --swc -P ./tsconfig.json main.ts",
// prepare afero fs to receive the result
destFs := afero.NewOsFs()
mainTs := `import { App } from "cdktf";
import { MyStack, MyResource } from "my-cdktf-pkg";
const outdir = "cdktf.out";
const app = new App({
const stack = new MyStack(app, "my-stack", {
address: "http://localhost:1234",
new MyResource(stack, "my-resource");
// Execute the main.ts script and copy the synthesized stack out
if err = app.Eval(ctx, dstFs, string(mainTs), *srcDir, *outDir); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Failed to execute main.ts script", zap.Error(err))
JSII supports Golang, what is this?
While it is true Constructs may be written in Golang or TS Constructs can be cross-compiled to Golang using JSII, dynamically loading these libraries and executing them is not possible.
addresses this by allowing you to dynamically generate the CDKTF app and synthesize it.
Why doesn't it work on my machine?
This library has currently only been manually test on Linux (WSL) with Bun 1.1.23, NodeJS v20 and pnpm v9.
Feel free to open a ticket until CI/CD has been configured.
- Add Bun Executor
- Add Node+Pnpm Executor
- Add CI/CD and Release process
- Add golang executor (use JSII cross compiled CDKTF Golang constructs with
go run
- Add go-typescript executor (goja/#519(comment) / go-typescript/pull/13)
Add benchmarking across executors.