Utility to store length, sha1, sha256 hashes of files in dedicated "database"
(actually just a JSON file) to verify it later as a part of consistency check
with automatic new file indexing.
Utility to verify files consistency with length, SHA1 and SHA256
Usage: checksum [FLAG]...
version: 0.8.6-SNAPSHOT-641103d
built with: go1.22.4
built at: 2024-06-30T06:41:18Z
checksum creates database (actually just a JSON file) to store file length, SHA1, SHA256
to verify file consistency and report if something goes wrong.
--concurrency, -c Amount of routines to spawn at the same time for checksum verification (type: int)
Default value is 20 for your system
--complete Completion for shell (type: bool)
--datadir, -d Data directory path to run new files scan (type: string)
--database, -D Database file path (required) (type: string)
--delete-missed Delete missed files from database (type: bool)
--generate-checksums-only Skip verification step and add new files only (type: bool)
--pattern, -p Pattern to match filenames which checking for new files (type: string)
Default is `.(3fr|ari|arw|bay|crw|cr2|cr3|cap|data|dcs|dcr|drf|eip|erf|fff|gpr|iiq|k25|kdc|mdc|mef|mos|mrw|nef|nrw|obm|orf|pef|ptx|pxn|r3d|raf|raw|rwl|rw2|rwz|sr2|srf|srw|x3f)$`
--skip-failed, --sf Skip FAIL verification results from output (type: bool)
--skip-missed, --sm Skip MISS verification results from output (type: bool)
--skip-ok, --so Skip OK verification results from output (type: bool)
--progressbar Show progress bar instead of printing handled files (type: bool)
--version, -V Print application and Golang versions (type: bool)
-h, --help show help (type: bool)
Why to use checksum but md5sum, shasum and other
checksum provides straight workflow for verification and adding new files processes
to avoid remembering something like find $dir | xargs md5sum >> /tmp/database.txt
checksum automatically:
- verifies files
- adds new
- report about fails and misses
How to install
Just refer to releases page and
download appropriate binary for your platform or build your own one right from
System-wide requirements:
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean