Overview ¶
Introduction ¶
Tendermint supports the following RPC protocols:
* URI over HTTP * JSONRPC over HTTP * JSONRPC over websockets
Tendermint RPC is built using our own RPC library which contains its own set of documentation and tests. See it here:
## Configuration
RPC can be configured by tuning parameters under `[rpc]` table in the `$TMHOME/config/config.toml` file or by using the `--rpc.X` command-line flags.
Default rpc listen address is `tcp://`. To set another address, set the `laddr` config parameter to desired value. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) can be enabled by setting `cors_allowed_origins`, `cors_allowed_methods`, `cors_allowed_headers` config parameters.
## Arguments
Arguments which expect strings or byte arrays may be passed as quoted strings, like `"abc"` or as `0x`-prefixed strings, like `0x616263`.
```bash curl 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_sync?tx="abc"' ```
> Response:
{ "error": "", "result": { "hash": "2B8EC32BA2579B3B8606E42C06DE2F7AFA2556EF", "log": "", "data": "", "code": "0" }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
JSONRPC requests can be POST'd to the root RPC endpoint via HTTP (e.g. `http://localhost:26657/`).
{ "method": "broadcast_tx_sync", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "abc" ], "id": "dontcare" }
## JSONRPC/websockets
JSONRPC requests can be made via websocket. The websocket endpoint is at `/websocket`, e.g. `localhost:26657/websocket`. Asynchronous RPC functions like event `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` are only available via websockets.
## More Examples
See the various bash tests using curl in `test/`, and examples using the `Go` API in `rpc/client/`.
## Get the list
An HTTP Get request to the root RPC endpoint shows a list of available endpoints.
```bash curl 'localhost:26657' ```
> Response:
```plain Available endpoints: /abci_info /dump_consensus_state /genesis /net_info /num_unconfirmed_txs /status /health /unconfirmed_txs /unsafe_flush_mempool /unsafe_stop_cpu_profiler /validators
Endpoints that require arguments: /abci_query?path=_&data=_&prove=_ /block?height=_ /blockchain?minHeight=_&maxHeight=_ /broadcast_tx_async?tx=_ /broadcast_tx_commit?tx=_ /broadcast_tx_sync?tx=_ /commit?height=_ /dial_seeds?seeds=_ /dial_persistent_peers?persistent_peers=_ /subscribe?event=_ /tx?hash=_&prove=_ /unsafe_start_cpu_profiler?filename=_ /unsafe_write_heap_profile?filename=_ /unsubscribe?event=_ ```
Endpoints ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ABCIInfo(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
- func ABCIQuery(ctx *rpctypes.Context, path string, data cmn.HexBytes, height int64, ...) (*ctypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func AddUnsafeRoutes()
- func Block(ctx *rpctypes.Context, heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlock, error)
- func BlockResults(ctx *rpctypes.Context, heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
- func BlockchainInfo(ctx *rpctypes.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
- func BroadcastTxAsync(ctx *rpctypes.Context, tx types.Tx) (*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func BroadcastTxCommit(ctx *rpctypes.Context, tx types.Tx) (*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error)
- func BroadcastTxSync(ctx *rpctypes.Context, tx types.Tx) (*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func Commit(ctx *rpctypes.Context, heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultCommit, error)
- func ConsensusParams(ctx *rpctypes.Context, heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
- func ConsensusState(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
- func DumpConsensusState(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
- func Genesis(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultGenesis, error)
- func Health(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultHealth, error)
- func NetInfo(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
- func NumUnconfirmedTxs(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- func SetAddrBook(book p2p.AddrBook)
- func SetBlockStore(bs sm.BlockStore)
- func SetConfig(c cfg.RPCConfig)
- func SetConsensusReactor(conR *consensus.ConsensusReactor)
- func SetConsensusState(cs Consensus)
- func SetEventBus(b *types.EventBus)
- func SetEvidencePool(evpool sm.EvidencePool)
- func SetGenesisDoc(doc *types.GenesisDoc)
- func SetLogger(l log.Logger)
- func SetMempool(mem mempl.Mempool)
- func SetP2PPeers(p peers)
- func SetP2PTransport(t transport)
- func SetProxyAppQuery(appConn proxy.AppConnQuery)
- func SetPubKey(pk crypto.PubKey)
- func SetStateDB(db dbm.DB)
- func SetTxIndexer(indexer txindex.TxIndexer)
- func Status(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultStatus, error)
- func Subscribe(ctx *rpctypes.Context, query string) (*ctypes.ResultSubscribe, error)
- func Tx(ctx *rpctypes.Context, hash []byte, prove bool) (*ctypes.ResultTx, error)
- func TxSearch(ctx *rpctypes.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage int) (*ctypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
- func UnconfirmedTxs(ctx *rpctypes.Context, limit int) (*ctypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- func UnsafeDialPeers(ctx *rpctypes.Context, peers []string, persistent bool) (*ctypes.ResultDialPeers, error)
- func UnsafeDialSeeds(ctx *rpctypes.Context, seeds []string) (*ctypes.ResultDialSeeds, error)
- func UnsafeFlushMempool(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeFlushMempool, error)
- func UnsafeStartCPUProfiler(ctx *rpctypes.Context, filename string) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeProfile, error)
- func UnsafeStopCPUProfiler(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeProfile, error)
- func UnsafeWriteHeapProfile(ctx *rpctypes.Context, filename string) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeProfile, error)
- func Unsubscribe(ctx *rpctypes.Context, query string) (*ctypes.ResultUnsubscribe, error)
- func UnsubscribeAll(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnsubscribe, error)
- func Validators(ctx *rpctypes.Context, heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultValidators, error)
- type Consensus
Constants ¶
const ( // SubscribeTimeout is the maximum time we wait to subscribe for an event. // must be less than the server's write timeout (see rpcserver.DefaultConfig) SubscribeTimeout = 5 * time.Second )
Variables ¶
var Routes = map[string]*rpc.RPCFunc{ "subscribe": rpc.NewWSRPCFunc(Subscribe, "query"), "unsubscribe": rpc.NewWSRPCFunc(Unsubscribe, "query"), "unsubscribe_all": rpc.NewWSRPCFunc(UnsubscribeAll, ""), "health": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Health, ""), "status": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Status, ""), "net_info": rpc.NewRPCFunc(NetInfo, ""), "blockchain": rpc.NewRPCFunc(BlockchainInfo, "minHeight,maxHeight"), "genesis": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Genesis, ""), "block": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Block, "height"), "block_results": rpc.NewRPCFunc(BlockResults, "height"), "commit": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Commit, "height"), "tx": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Tx, "hash,prove"), "tx_search": rpc.NewRPCFunc(TxSearch, "query,prove,page,per_page"), "validators": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Validators, "height"), "dump_consensus_state": rpc.NewRPCFunc(DumpConsensusState, ""), "consensus_state": rpc.NewRPCFunc(ConsensusState, ""), "consensus_params": rpc.NewRPCFunc(ConsensusParams, "height"), "unconfirmed_txs": rpc.NewRPCFunc(UnconfirmedTxs, "limit"), "num_unconfirmed_txs": rpc.NewRPCFunc(NumUnconfirmedTxs, ""), "broadcast_tx_commit": rpc.NewRPCFunc(BroadcastTxCommit, "tx"), "broadcast_tx_sync": rpc.NewRPCFunc(BroadcastTxSync, "tx"), "broadcast_tx_async": rpc.NewRPCFunc(BroadcastTxAsync, "tx"), "abci_query": rpc.NewRPCFunc(ABCIQuery, "path,data,height,prove"), "abci_info": rpc.NewRPCFunc(ABCIInfo, ""), }
TODO: better system than "unsafe" prefix NOTE: Amino is registered in rpc/core/types/wire.go.
Functions ¶
func ABCIInfo ¶
func ABCIInfo(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
Get some info about the application.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/abci_info' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() info, err := client.ABCIInfo() ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "response": { "data": "{\"size\":3}" } }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
func ABCIQuery ¶
func ABCIQuery(ctx *rpctypes.Context, path string, data cmn.HexBytes, height int64, prove bool) (*ctypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
Query the application for some information.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/abci_query?path=""&data="abcd"&prove=false' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.ABCIQuery("", "abcd", true) ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "response": { "log": "exists", "height": "0", "proof": "010114FED0DAD959F36091AD761C922ABA3CBF1D8349990101020103011406AA2262E2F448242DF2C2607C3CDC705313EE3B0001149D16177BC71E445476174622EA559715C293740C", "value": "61626364", "key": "61626364", "index": "-1", "code": "0" } }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+--------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------| | path | string | false | false | Path to the data ("/a/b/c") | | data | []byte | false | true | Data | | height | int64 | 0 | false | Height (0 means latest) | | prove | bool | false | false | Includes proof if true |
func AddUnsafeRoutes ¶
func AddUnsafeRoutes()
func Block ¶
Get block at a given height. If no height is provided, it will fetch the latest block.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/block?height=10' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() info, err := client.Block(10) ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "block": { "last_commit": { "precommits": [ { "signature": { "data": "12C0D8893B8A38224488DC1DE6270DF76BB1A5E9DB1C68577706A6A97C6EC34FFD12339183D5CA8BC2F46148773823DE905B7F6F5862FD564038BB7AE03BF50D", "type": "ed25519" }, "block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "3C78F00658E06744A88F24FF97A0A5011139F34A", "total": "1" }, "hash": "F70588DAB36BDA5A953D548A16F7D48C6C2DFD78" }, "type": "2", "round": "0", "height": "9", "validator_index": "0", "validator_address": "E89A51D60F68385E09E716D353373B11F8FACD62" } ], "blockID": { "parts": { "hash": "3C78F00658E06744A88F24FF97A0A5011139F34A", "total": "1" }, "hash": "F70588DAB36BDA5A953D548A16F7D48C6C2DFD78" } }, "data": { "txs": [] }, "header": { "app_hash": "", "chain_id": "test-chain-6UTNIN", "height": "10", "time": "2017-05-29T15:05:53.877Z", "num_txs": "0", "last_block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "3C78F00658E06744A88F24FF97A0A5011139F34A", "total": "1" }, "hash": "F70588DAB36BDA5A953D548A16F7D48C6C2DFD78" }, "last_commit_hash": "F31CC4282E50B3F2A58D763D233D76F26D26CABE", "data_hash": "", "validators_hash": "9365FC80F234C967BD233F5A3E2AB2F1E4B0E5AA" } }, "block_meta": { "header": { "app_hash": "", "chain_id": "test-chain-6UTNIN", "height": "10", "time": "2017-05-29T15:05:53.877Z", "num_txs": "0", "last_block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "3C78F00658E06744A88F24FF97A0A5011139F34A", "total": "1" }, "hash": "F70588DAB36BDA5A953D548A16F7D48C6C2DFD78" }, "last_commit_hash": "F31CC4282E50B3F2A58D763D233D76F26D26CABE", "data_hash": "", "validators_hash": "9365FC80F234C967BD233F5A3E2AB2F1E4B0E5AA" }, "block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "277A4DBEF91483A18B85F2F5677ABF9694DFA40F", "total": "1" }, "hash": "96B1D2F2D201BA4BC383EB8224139DB1294944E5" } } }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
func BlockResults ¶
BlockResults gets ABCIResults at a given height. If no height is provided, it will fetch results for the latest block.
Results are for the height of the block containing the txs. Thus response.results.deliver_tx[5] is the results of executing getBlock(h).Txs[5]
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/block_results?height=10' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() info, err := client.BlockResults(10) ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "height": "39", "results": { "deliver_tx": [ { "tags": [ { "key": "YXBwLmNyZWF0b3I=", "value": "Q29zbW9zaGkgTmV0b3dva28=" } ] } ], "end_block": { "validator_updates": null }, "begin_block": {} } } }
func BlockchainInfo ¶
func BlockchainInfo(ctx *rpctypes.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
Get block headers for minHeight <= height <= maxHeight. Block headers are returned in descending order (highest first).
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/blockchain?minHeight=10&maxHeight=10' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() info, err := client.BlockchainInfo(10, 10) ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "block_metas": [ { "header": { "app_hash": "", "chain_id": "test-chain-6UTNIN", "height": "10", "time": "2017-05-29T15:05:53.877Z", "num_txs": "0", "last_block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "3C78F00658E06744A88F24FF97A0A5011139F34A", "total": "1" }, "hash": "F70588DAB36BDA5A953D548A16F7D48C6C2DFD78" }, "last_commit_hash": "F31CC4282E50B3F2A58D763D233D76F26D26CABE", "data_hash": "", "validators_hash": "9365FC80F234C967BD233F5A3E2AB2F1E4B0E5AA" }, "block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "277A4DBEF91483A18B85F2F5677ABF9694DFA40F", "total": "1" }, "hash": "96B1D2F2D201BA4BC383EB8224139DB1294944E5" } } ], "last_height": "5493" }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
<aside class="notice">Returns at most 20 items.</aside>
func BroadcastTxAsync ¶
Returns right away, with no response. Does not wait for CheckTx nor DeliverTx results.
Please refer to for formatting/encoding rules.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_async?tx="123"' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.BroadcastTxAsync("123") ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "hash": "E39AAB7A537ABAA237831742DCE1117F187C3C52", "log": "", "data": "", "code": "0" }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+------+---------+----------+-----------------| | tx | Tx | nil | true | The transaction |
func BroadcastTxCommit ¶
Returns with the responses from CheckTx and DeliverTx.
IMPORTANT: use only for testing and development. In production, use BroadcastTxSync or BroadcastTxAsync. You can subscribe for the transaction result using JSONRPC via a websocket. See
CONTRACT: only returns error if mempool.CheckTx() errs or if we timeout waiting for tx to commit.
If CheckTx or DeliverTx fail, no error will be returned, but the returned result will contain a non-OK ABCI code.
Please refer to for formatting/encoding rules.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="789"' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.BroadcastTxCommit("789") ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "height": "26682", "hash": "75CA0F856A4DA078FC4911580360E70CEFB2EBEE", "deliver_tx": { "log": "", "data": "", "code": "0" }, "check_tx": { "log": "", "data": "", "code": "0" } }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+------+---------+----------+-----------------| | tx | Tx | nil | true | The transaction |
func BroadcastTxSync ¶
Returns with the response from CheckTx. Does not wait for DeliverTx result.
Please refer to for formatting/encoding rules.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_sync?tx="456"' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.BroadcastTxSync("456") ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "code": "0", "data": "", "log": "", "hash": "0D33F2F03A5234F38706E43004489E061AC40A2E" }, "error": "" }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+------+---------+----------+-----------------| | tx | Tx | nil | true | The transaction |
func Commit ¶
Get block commit at a given height. If no height is provided, it will fetch the commit for the latest block.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/commit?height=11' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() info, err := client.Commit(11) ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "canonical": true, "commit": { "precommits": [ { "signature": { "data": "00970429FEC652E9E21D106A90AE8C5413759A7488775CEF4A3F44DC46C7F9D941070E4FBE9ED54DF247FA3983359A0C3A238D61DE55C75C9116D72ABC9CF50F", "type": "ed25519" }, "block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "9E37CBF266BC044A779E09D81C456E653B89E006", "total": "1" }, "hash": "CC6E861E31CA4334E9888381B4A9137D1458AB6A" }, "type": "2", "round": "0", "height": "11", "validator_index": "0", "validator_address": "E89A51D60F68385E09E716D353373B11F8FACD62" } ], "blockID": { "parts": { "hash": "9E37CBF266BC044A779E09D81C456E653B89E006", "total": "1" }, "hash": "CC6E861E31CA4334E9888381B4A9137D1458AB6A" } }, "header": { "app_hash": "", "chain_id": "test-chain-6UTNIN", "height": "11", "time": "2017-05-29T15:05:54.893Z", "num_txs": "0", "last_block_id": { "parts": { "hash": "277A4DBEF91483A18B85F2F5677ABF9694DFA40F", "total": "1" }, "hash": "96B1D2F2D201BA4BC383EB8224139DB1294944E5" }, "last_commit_hash": "3CE0C9727CE524BA9CB7C91E28F08E2B94001087", "data_hash": "", "validators_hash": "9365FC80F234C967BD233F5A3E2AB2F1E4B0E5AA" } }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
func ConsensusParams ¶
func ConsensusParams(ctx *rpctypes.Context, heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
Get the consensus parameters at the given block height. If no height is provided, it will fetch the current consensus params.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/consensus_params' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() state, err := client.ConsensusParams() ```
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "block_height": "1", "consensus_params": { "block_size_params": { "max_txs_bytes": "22020096", "max_gas": "-1" }, "evidence_params": { "max_age": "100000" } } } }
func ConsensusState ¶
func ConsensusState(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
ConsensusState returns a concise summary of the consensus state. UNSTABLE
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/consensus_state' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() state, err := client.ConsensusState() ```
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "round_state": { "height/round/step": "9336/0/1", "start_time": "2018-05-14T10:25:45.72595357-04:00", "proposal_block_hash": "", "locked_block_hash": "", "valid_block_hash": "", "height_vote_set": [ { "round": "0", "prevotes": [ "nil-Vote" ], "prevotes_bit_array": "BA{1:_} 0/10 = 0.00", "precommits": [ "nil-Vote" ], "precommits_bit_array": "BA{1:_} 0/10 = 0.00" } ] } } }
func DumpConsensusState ¶
func DumpConsensusState(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
DumpConsensusState dumps consensus state. UNSTABLE
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/dump_consensus_state' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() state, err := client.DumpConsensusState() ```
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "round_state": { "height": "7185", "round": "0", "step": "1", "start_time": "2018-05-12T13:57:28.440293621-07:00", "commit_time": "2018-05-12T13:57:27.440293621-07:00", "validators": { "validators": [ { "address": "B5B3D40BE53982AD294EF99FF5A34C0C3E5A3244", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "SBctdhRBcXtBgdI/8a/alTsUhGXqGs9k5ylV1u5iKHg=" }, "voting_power": "10", "proposer_priority": "0" } ], "proposer": { "address": "B5B3D40BE53982AD294EF99FF5A34C0C3E5A3244", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "SBctdhRBcXtBgdI/8a/alTsUhGXqGs9k5ylV1u5iKHg=" }, "voting_power": "10", "proposer_priority": "0" } }, "proposal": null, "proposal_block": null, "proposal_block_parts": null, "locked_round": "0", "locked_block": null, "locked_block_parts": null, "valid_round": "0", "valid_block": null, "valid_block_parts": null, "votes": [ { "round": "0", "prevotes": "_", "precommits": "_" } ], "commit_round": "-1", "last_commit": { "votes": [ "Vote{0:B5B3D40BE539 7184/00/2(Precommit) 14F946FA7EF0 /702B1B1A602A.../ @ 2018-05-12T20:57:27.342Z}" ], "votes_bit_array": "x", "peer_maj_23s": {} }, "last_validators": { "validators": [ { "address": "B5B3D40BE53982AD294EF99FF5A34C0C3E5A3244", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "SBctdhRBcXtBgdI/8a/alTsUhGXqGs9k5ylV1u5iKHg=" }, "voting_power": "10", "proposer_priority": "0" } ], "proposer": { "address": "B5B3D40BE53982AD294EF99FF5A34C0C3E5A3244", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "SBctdhRBcXtBgdI/8a/alTsUhGXqGs9k5ylV1u5iKHg=" }, "voting_power": "10", "proposer_priority": "0" } } }, "peers": [ { "node_address": "30ad1854af22506383c3f0e57fb3c7f90984c5e8@", "peer_state": { "round_state": { "height": "7185", "round": "0", "step": "1", "start_time": "2018-05-12T13:57:27.438039872-07:00", "proposal": false, "proposal_block_parts_header": { "total": "0", "hash": "" }, "proposal_block_parts": null, "proposal_pol_round": "-1", "proposal_pol": "_", "prevotes": "_", "precommits": "_", "last_commit_round": "0", "last_commit": "x", "catchup_commit_round": "-1", "catchup_commit": "_" }, "stats": { "last_vote_height": "7184", "votes": "255", "last_block_part_height": "7184", "block_parts": "255" } } } ] } }
func Genesis ¶
func Genesis(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultGenesis, error)
Get genesis file.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/genesis' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() genesis, err := client.Genesis() ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "genesis": { "app_hash": "", "validators": [ { "name": "", "power": "10", "pub_key": { "data": "68DFDA7E50F82946E7E8546BED37944A422CD1B831E70DF66BA3B8430593944D", "type": "ed25519" } } ], "chain_id": "test-chain-6UTNIN", "genesis_time": "2017-05-29T15:05:41.671Z" } }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
func Health ¶
func Health(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultHealth, error)
Get node health. Returns empty result (200 OK) on success, no response - in case of an error.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/health' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.Health() ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": {}, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
func NetInfo ¶
func NetInfo(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
Get network info.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/net_info' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() info, err := client.NetInfo() ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "listening": true, "listeners": [ "Listener(@)" ], "n_peers": "3", "peers": [ { "node_info": { "protocol_version": { "p2p": "7", "block": "8", "app": "1" }, "id": "93529da3435c090d02251a050342b6a488d4ab56", "listen_addr": "tcp://", "network": "chain-RFo6qC", "version": "0.30.0", "channels": "4020212223303800", "moniker": "fc89e4ed23f2", "other": { "tx_index": "on", "rpc_address": "tcp://" } }, "is_outbound": true, "connection_status": { "Duration": "3475230558", "SendMonitor": { "Active": true, "Start": "2019-02-14T12:40:47.52Z", "Duration": "3480000000", "Idle": "240000000", "Bytes": "4512", "Samples": "9", "InstRate": "1338", "CurRate": "2046", "AvgRate": "1297", "PeakRate": "6570", "BytesRem": "0", "TimeRem": "0", "Progress": 0 }, "RecvMonitor": { "Active": true, "Start": "2019-02-14T12:40:47.52Z", "Duration": "3480000000", "Idle": "280000000", "Bytes": "4489", "Samples": "10", "InstRate": "1821", "CurRate": "1663", "AvgRate": "1290", "PeakRate": "5512", "BytesRem": "0", "TimeRem": "0", "Progress": 0 }, "Channels": [ { "ID": 48, "SendQueueCapacity": "1", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "5", "RecentlySent": "0" }, { "ID": 64, "SendQueueCapacity": "1000", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "10", "RecentlySent": "14" }, { "ID": 32, "SendQueueCapacity": "100", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "5", "RecentlySent": "619" }, { "ID": 33, "SendQueueCapacity": "100", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "10", "RecentlySent": "1363" }, { "ID": 34, "SendQueueCapacity": "100", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "5", "RecentlySent": "2145" }, { "ID": 35, "SendQueueCapacity": "2", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "1", "RecentlySent": "0" }, { "ID": 56, "SendQueueCapacity": "1", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "5", "RecentlySent": "0" }, { "ID": 0, "SendQueueCapacity": "10", "SendQueueSize": "0", "Priority": "1", "RecentlySent": "10" } ] }, "remote_ip": "" }, ... }
func NumUnconfirmedTxs ¶
func NumUnconfirmedTxs(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
Get number of unconfirmed transactions.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/num_unconfirmed_txs' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.UnconfirmedTxs() ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "id" : "", "result" : { "n_txs" : "0", "total_bytes" : "0", "txs" : null, "total" : "0" } }
func SetAddrBook ¶
func SetBlockStore ¶
func SetBlockStore(bs sm.BlockStore)
func SetConsensusReactor ¶
func SetConsensusReactor(conR *consensus.ConsensusReactor)
func SetConsensusState ¶
func SetConsensusState(cs Consensus)
func SetEventBus ¶
func SetEvidencePool ¶
func SetEvidencePool(evpool sm.EvidencePool)
func SetGenesisDoc ¶
func SetGenesisDoc(doc *types.GenesisDoc)
func SetMempool ¶
func SetP2PPeers ¶
func SetP2PPeers(p peers)
func SetP2PTransport ¶
func SetP2PTransport(t transport)
func SetProxyAppQuery ¶
func SetProxyAppQuery(appConn proxy.AppConnQuery)
func SetStateDB ¶
func SetTxIndexer ¶
func Status ¶
func Status(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultStatus, error)
Get Tendermint status including node info, pubkey, latest block hash, app hash, block height and time.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/status' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.Status() ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "",
"result": { "node_info": { "protocol_version": { "p2p": "4", "block": "7", "app": "0" }, "id": "53729852020041b956e86685e24394e0bee4373f", "listen_addr": "", "network": "test-chain-Y1OHx6", "version": "0.24.0-2ce1abc2", "channels": "4020212223303800", "moniker": "ubuntu-xenial", "other": { "tx_index": "on", "rpc_addr": "tcp://" } }, "sync_info": { "latest_block_hash": "F51538DA498299F4C57AC8162AAFA0254CE08286", "latest_app_hash": "0000000000000000", "latest_block_height": "18", "latest_block_time": "2018-09-17T11:42:19.149920551Z", "catching_up": false }, "validator_info": { "address": "D9F56456D7C5793815D0E9AF07C3A355D0FC64FD", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "wVxKNtEsJmR4vvh651LrVoRguPs+6yJJ9Bz174gw9DM=" }, "voting_power": "10" } } }
func Subscribe ¶
Subscribe for events via WebSocket.
To tell which events you want, you need to provide a query. query is a string, which has a form: "condition AND condition ..." (no OR at the moment). condition has a form: "key operation operand". key is a string with a restricted set of possible symbols ( \t\n\r\\()"'=>< are not allowed). operation can be "=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "CONTAINS". operand can be a string (escaped with single quotes), number, date or time.
tm.event = 'NewBlock' # new blocks tm.event = 'CompleteProposal' # node got a complete proposal tm.event = 'Tx' AND tx.hash = 'XYZ' # single transaction tm.event = 'Tx' AND tx.height = 5 # all txs of the fifth block tx.height = 5 # all txs of the fifth block
Tendermint provides a few predefined keys: tm.event, tx.hash and tx.height. Note for transactions, you can define additional keys by providing events with DeliverTx response.
import ( abci "" "" ) abci.ResponseDeliverTx{ Events: []abci.Event{ { Type: "rewards.withdraw", Attributes: cmn.KVPairs{ cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("address"), Value: []byte("AddrA")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("source"), Value: []byte("SrcX")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("...")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("balance"), Value: []byte("...")}, }, }, { Type: "rewards.withdraw", Attributes: cmn.KVPairs{ cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("address"), Value: []byte("AddrB")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("source"), Value: []byte("SrcY")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("...")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("balance"), Value: []byte("...")}, }, }, { Type: "transfer", Attributes: cmn.KVPairs{ cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("sender"), Value: []byte("AddrC")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("AddrD")}, cmn.KVPair{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("...")}, }, }, }, }
All events are indexed by a composite key of the form {eventType}.{evenAttrKey}. In the above examples, the following keys would be indexed:
- rewards.withdraw.address
- rewards.withdraw.source
- rewards.withdraw.amount
- rewards.withdraw.balance
- transfer.sender
- transfer.recipient
- transfer.amount
Multiple event types with duplicate keys are allowed and are meant to categorize unique and distinct events. In the above example, all events indexed under the key `rewards.withdraw.address` will have the following values stored and queryable:
- AddrA
- AddrB
To create a query for txs where address AddrA withdrew rewards:
query.MustParse("tm.event = 'Tx' AND rewards.withdraw.address = 'AddrA'")
To create a query for txs where address AddrA withdrew rewards from source Y:
query.MustParse("tm.event = 'Tx' AND rewards.withdraw.address = 'AddrA' AND rewards.withdraw.source = 'Y'")
To create a query for txs where AddrA transferred funds:
query.MustParse("tm.event = 'Tx' AND transfer.sender = 'AddrA'")
The following queries would return no results:
query.MustParse("tm.event = 'Tx' AND transfer.sender = 'AddrZ'") query.MustParse("tm.event = 'Tx' AND rewards.withdraw.address = 'AddrZ'") query.MustParse("tm.event = 'Tx' AND rewards.withdraw.source = 'W'")
See list of all possible events here
For complete query syntax, check out
```go import ""
client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1 * time.Second) defer cancel() query := "tm.event = 'Tx' AND tx.height = 3" txs, err := client.Subscribe(ctx, "test-client", query)
if err != nil { // handle error }
go func() { for e := range txs { fmt.Println("got ", e.Data.(types.EventDataTx)) } }()
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": {}, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+--------+---------+----------+-------------| | query | string | "" | true | Query |
<aside class="notice">WebSocket only</aside>
func Tx ¶
Tx allows you to query the transaction results. `nil` could mean the transaction is in the mempool, invalidated, or was not sent in the first place.
```shell curl "localhost:26657/tx?hash=0xF87370F68C82D9AC7201248ECA48CEC5F16FFEC99C461C1B2961341A2FE9C1C8" ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() hashBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("F87370F68C82D9AC7201248ECA48CEC5F16FFEC99C461C1B2961341A2FE9C1C8") tx, err := client.Tx(hashBytes, true) ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "proof": { "Proof": { "aunts": [] }, "Data": "YWJjZA==", "RootHash": "2B8EC32BA2579B3B8606E42C06DE2F7AFA2556EF", "Total": "1", "Index": "0" }, "tx": "YWJjZA==", "tx_result": { "log": "", "data": "", "code": "0" }, "index": "0", "height": "52", "hash": "2B8EC32BA2579B3B8606E42C06DE2F7AFA2556EF" }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
Returns a transaction matching the given transaction hash.
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+--------+---------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------| | hash | []byte | nil | true | The transaction hash | | prove | bool | false | false | Include a proof of the transaction inclusion in the block |
### Returns
- `proof`: the `types.TxProof` object - `tx`: `[]byte` - the transaction - `tx_result`: the `abci.Result` object - `index`: `int` - index of the transaction - `height`: `int` - height of the block where this transaction was in - `hash`: `[]byte` - hash of the transaction
func TxSearch ¶
func TxSearch(ctx *rpctypes.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage int) (*ctypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
TxSearch allows you to query for multiple transactions results. It returns a list of transactions (maximum ?per_page entries) and the total count.
```shell curl "localhost:26657/tx_search?query=\"account.owner='Ivan'\"&prove=true" ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() q, err := tmquery.New("account.owner='Ivan'") tx, err := client.TxSearch(q, true) ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "txs": [ { "proof": { "Proof": { "aunts": [ "J3LHbizt806uKnABNLwG4l7gXCA=", "iblMO/M1TnNtlAefJyNCeVhjAb0=", "iVk3ryurVaEEhdeS0ohAJZ3wtB8=", "5hqMkTeGqpct51ohX0lZLIdsn7Q=", "afhsNxFnLlZgFDoyPpdQSe0bR8g=" ] }, "Data": "mvZHHa7HhZ4aRT0xMDA=", "RootHash": "F6541223AA46E428CB1070E9840D2C3DF3B6D776", "Total": "32", "Index": "31" }, "tx": "mvZHHa7HhZ4aRT0xMDA=", "tx_result": {}, "index": "31", "height": "12", "hash": "2B8EC32BA2579B3B8606E42C06DE2F7AFA2556EF" } ], "total_count": "1" } }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+--------+---------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------| | query | string | "" | true | Query | | prove | bool | false | false | Include proofs of the transactions inclusion in the block | | page | int | 1 | false | Page number (1-based) | | per_page | int | 30 | false | Number of entries per page (max: 100) |
### Returns
- `proof`: the `types.TxProof` object - `tx`: `[]byte` - the transaction - `tx_result`: the `abci.Result` object - `index`: `int` - index of the transaction - `height`: `int` - height of the block where this transaction was in - `hash`: `[]byte` - hash of the transaction
func UnconfirmedTxs ¶
Get unconfirmed transactions (maximum ?limit entries) including their number.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/unconfirmed_txs' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() result, err := client.UnconfirmedTxs() ```
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "result" : { "txs" : [], "total_bytes" : "0", "n_txs" : "0", "total" : "0" }, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "id" : "" }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+------+---------+----------+--------------------------------------| | limit | int | 30 | false | Maximum number of entries (max: 100) | ```
func UnsafeDialPeers ¶
func UnsafeDialSeeds ¶
func UnsafeFlushMempool ¶
func UnsafeFlushMempool(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeFlushMempool, error)
UnsafeFlushMempool removes all transactions from the mempool.
func UnsafeStartCPUProfiler ¶
func UnsafeStartCPUProfiler(ctx *rpctypes.Context, filename string) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeProfile, error)
UnsafeStartCPUProfiler starts a pprof profiler using the given filename.
func UnsafeStopCPUProfiler ¶
func UnsafeStopCPUProfiler(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeProfile, error)
UnsafeStopCPUProfiler stops the running pprof profiler.
func UnsafeWriteHeapProfile ¶
func UnsafeWriteHeapProfile(ctx *rpctypes.Context, filename string) (*ctypes.ResultUnsafeProfile, error)
UnsafeWriteHeapProfile dumps a heap profile to the given filename.
func Unsubscribe ¶
Unsubscribe from events via WebSocket.
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() query := "tm.event = 'Tx' AND tx.height = 3" err = client.Unsubscribe(context.Background(), "test-client", query)
if err != nil { // handle error }
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": {}, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
### Query Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description | |-----------+--------+---------+----------+-------------| | query | string | "" | true | Query |
<aside class="notice">WebSocket only</aside>
func UnsubscribeAll ¶
func UnsubscribeAll(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnsubscribe, error)
Unsubscribe from all events via WebSocket.
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() err = client.UnsubscribeAll(context.Background(), "test-client")
if err != nil { // handle error }
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": {}, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
<aside class="notice">WebSocket only</aside>
func Validators ¶
Get the validator set at the given block height. If no height is provided, it will fetch the current validator set. Note the validators are sorted by their address - this is the canonical order for the validators in the set as used in computing their Merkle root.
```shell curl 'localhost:26657/validators' ```
```go client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket") err := client.Start()
if err != nil { // handle error }
defer client.Stop() state, err := client.Validators() ```
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "error": "", "result": { "validators": [ { "proposer_priority": "0", "voting_power": "10", "pub_key": { "data": "68DFDA7E50F82946E7E8546BED37944A422CD1B831E70DF66BA3B8430593944D", "type": "ed25519" }, "address": "E89A51D60F68385E09E716D353373B11F8FACD62" } ], "block_height": "5241" }, "id": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }