Rental Property Manager (RPM)
WIP: Be advised that this code is NOT used in production anywhere and this project is really more of a portfolio project than something that is likely to ever be used.
make help
run make help
for a list of commands
running the tests requires some initialization which make test
will do for you.
Usage: make <target>
help display help information
build create binary
run create and run binary
check lint + test, pre-commit hook
lint fmt, vet, and staticcheck
test execute tests
testAll run all tests including those that need docker/postgres
testCI exact tests the way buildkite does, use for local debug of buildkite failure
testAcceptance black box testing
dockerUp docker-compose up
dockerDown docker-compose down
dockerRestart dockerDown && dockerUp
dockerRestartApp rebuild app and replace running container
dockerFollowLogs live stream logs from docker-compose
apiCheck generate api docs in apicheck.md
clean dockerDown && docker-compose down for CI
oapigen generate api/openapi/*.gen.go using github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen
protoc generate api/rpc/proto/*.pb.go
cert Create certificates to encrypt the gRPC connection
Design concepts
- TDD (Red-Green-Refactor) as described by Kent Beck and Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin
- Tests focus on the behavior of the system and must avoid the implementation details.
- Not every detail is tested at every layer.
- Core logic must be driven by failing tests.
- Prefer use-case layer tests against a real postgres database running in docker
- This avoids having to decide what to test at the repository later and what to test in the use-case layer. The use-case describes the desired behavior of the system. So test it there.
- Use repository layer testing to drive error handling scenarios and other edge cases
- Service/API layer testing should be minimal just to ensure routing is set up correctly and request/responses are as desired.
- Clean Architecture
- AKA: Hexagonal Architecture, Ports & Adapters, Onion Architecture, etc.
- Maintain separation of concerns at different layers. Ports -> Adapters -> Use Cases -> Entities
- Thanks UncleBob
- Multiple APIs backed by the same business logic
- Each action is exposed in a similar way by both GRPC and REST APIs
- All api actions are implemented in a use-case layer. So there is one place to implement and test the core use cases while both grpc and rest can expose it.
- OpenAPI
- Having up-to-date API docs is important but can be challenging.
- To change the RESTful API openapi.yaml is updated and then
make oapigen
should be run which generates the go-chi router, server interface, and api models.
- Thanks Three Dots Labs
- Model Separation
- API and domain models must be separate. They often start off the same or very similar, but they change for different reasons.
- API models are not used outside /api
- There are functions to map to and from domain models under the api package.
- Domain models are used everywhere else and found in /entity.
- This allows the use-case layer to use just one set of models and the grpc and rest services map to/from them in lightweight handlers.
- Lightweight Handlers
- Handlers must be lightweight. Read the request, send to the use-case layer, and then compose the response, that is it.
- Acceptance testing
- Use specifications which take a driver to test the basic flows through the system against a compiled binary.
- This tests the entire system built by main.
- Should be very few tests, only enough to know that main and the servers are stood up and wired correctly.
- Obviously the server should be backed by a real postgres database, not in-memory
- tests do not have direct access to the database and MUST go through the API for everything
- test specifications use a driver interface. Other layers can implement the driver and be tested through the spec also. This allows for much easier debugging when a specification test fails for a given service.
- Thanks quii and Dave Farley
Implemented Features both REST and gRPC
- Property:
- Store, Get, Remove
- List with search string filter
- Tenant:
- filter, sort, paginate
- Prometheus
- Lease property support
- tenants
- rent amount
- term
- payments
- property maintenance
- ticket tracking
- contractors
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
RESTful API requests
There is a shell script apicheck.sh which can be executed via make apiCheck
. This script calls the restful endpoints on the binary application running in docker and generates apicheck.md. The goal of this is to auto generate api example docs from hitting the actual running api, so you can see what the real requests and responses look like.