IPTV proxy for Plex Live written in Golang
Here's an example configuration file. You will need to create this file. It should be placed in /etc/telly/telly.config.toml
or $HOME/.telly/telly.config.toml
or telly.config.toml
in the directory that telly is running from.
Device-Auth = "telly123"
Device-ID = 12345678
Device-UUID = ""
Device-Firmware-Name = "hdhomeruntc_atsc"
Device-Firmware-Version = "20150826"
Device-Friendly-Name = "telly"
Device-Manufacturer = "Silicondust"
Device-Model-Number = "HDTC-2US"
SSDP = true
Streams = 1
Starting-Channel = 10000
XMLTV-Channels = true
Level = "info"
Requests = true
Base-Address = ""
Listen-Address = ""
Username = ""
Password = ""
Name = ""
Provider = "Vaders"
Username = ""
Password = ""
Filter = "Sports|Premium Movies|United States.*|USA"
FilterKey = "tvg-name" # FilterKey normally defaults to whatever the provider file says is best, otherwise you must set this.
FilterRaw = false # FilterRaw will run your regex on the entire line instead of just specific keys.
Sort = "group-title" # Sort will alphabetically sort your channels by the M3U key provided
Name = ""
Provider = "IPTV-EPG"
Username = "M3U-Identifier"
Password = "XML-Identifier"
Provider = "Custom"
M3U = ""
EPG = ""
You only need one source; the ones you are not using should be commented out or deleted. The filter-related keys can be used with any of the sources.
If you do not have a Schedules Direct account, that section can be removed or left blank.
Set listen- and base-address to the IP address of the machine running telly.
docker run
docker run -d \
--name='telly' \
--net='bridge' \
-e TZ="Europe/Amsterdam" \
-e 'TELLY_CONFIG_FILE'='/telly.config.toml' \
-p '6077:6077/tcp' \
-v '/tmp/telly':'/tmp':'rw' \
tellytv/telly --listen.base-address=localhost:6077
image: tellytv/telly
- "6077:6077"
- TZ=Europe/Amsterdam
- TELLY_CONFIG_FILE=/telly.config.toml
command: -base=telly:6077
restart: unless-stopped
Please free to open an issue if you run into any issues at all, I'll be more than happy to help.
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