Note: Daemon services code was adopted from dydx and reconfigured.
Task loops
- Will query exchanges for prices once or multiple times based on wether the api supports single vs multi markets; ie wether an api needs to be queried for each pair individually or can return multiple pairs at once, See here for exchange details.
- Will update cache with the queried prices and encode appropriately also make adjustments as necessary based on if adjustByMarket is defined.
Exchange Config default
ExchangeId = "Binance" // exchange identifier
IntervalMs = 2500 // Delays between sending api requests
TimeoutMs = 3000 // Max timeout
MaxQueries = 1 // Max number of calls in a loop.
Defaults for exchange information can be found here
Market Pair defaults
Defaults for market pair can be found here
ExchangeConfigJson = "{\"exchanges\":[{\"exchangeName\":\"Binance\",\"ticker\":\"\\\"ETHBTC\\\"\"},{\"exchangeName\":\"Bitfinex\",\"ticker\":\"tETHBTC\",\"adjustByMarket\":\"BTC-USD\"}]}" // this is just an example to show how to use adjustByMarket. you can use ETH-USD without adjustbymarket
Exponent = -6
Id = 2
MinExchanges = 1
MinPriceChangePpm = 1000
Pair = "ETH-BTC"
QueryData = "0000.."
type MarketParam struct {
// Unique, sequentially-generated value.
Id uint32
// The human-readable name of the market pair (e.g. `BTC-USD`).
Pair string
// Static value. The exponent of the price.
// For example if `Exponent == -5` then a `Value` of `1,000,000,000`
// represents “$10,000`. Therefore `10 ^ Exponent` represents the smallest
// price step (in dollars) that can be recorded.
Exponent int32
// The minimum number of exchanges that should be reporting a live price for
// a price update to be considered valid.
MinExchanges uint32
// The minimum allowable change in `price` value that would cause a price
// update on the network. Measured as `1e-6` (parts per million).
MinPriceChangePpm uint32
// A string of json that encodes the configuration for resolving the price
// of this market on various exchanges.
ExchangeConfigJson string
// Query data is the market pair represention in layer
QueryData string
Note: Price Daemon is enabled by default; to disable set --price-daemon-enabled=false
A price is valid by default up to 30 seconds; to change this to a different default edit the constants.MaxPriceAge
Also: Config files are written to homedir/.layer/config/.
To change/add exchange details or market pairs edit the files pricefeed_exchange_config.toml
or market_params.toml
Median server was added for a way to query median values that were from an endpoint or cli. See usage here.
All median values or median value given query data using the following commands respectively.
layerd query oracle get-all-median-values
layerd query oracle get-median-value <querydata>
How to add a market pair as defaults to be queried with existing APIs Exchange_Details?
const (
BTCUSD_ID uint32 = 0
ETHUSD_ID uint32 = 1
TRBUSD_ID uint32 = 69
NEWPAIR_ID uint32 = <unique-number>
exchange_common.TRBUSD_ID: {
Id: exchange_common.TRBUSD_ID,
Pair: `"TRB-USD"`,
Exponent: -6,
MinExchanges: 1,
MinPriceChangePpm: 1000,
ExchangeConfigJson: `{\"exchanges\":[{\"exchangeName\":\"Binance\",\"ticker\":\"\\\"TRBUSDT\\\"\"},{\"exchangeName\":\"Bybit\",\"ticker\":\"TRBUSDT\"},{\"exchangeName\":\"CoinbasePro\",\"ticker\":\"TRB-USD\"}]}`,
QueryData: `"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000953706f745072696365000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003747262000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000037573640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"`,