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Published: Dec 2, 2016 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0


CoreStore library WIP = Work in Progress

Build Status wercker status Appveyor Build status GoDoc goreportcard

eCommerce library which is compatible to Magento 1 and 2 database schema.

Magento is a trademark of MAGENTO, INC..

Min. Go Version: 1.8


To properly use the CoreStore library some environment variables must be set before running go generate. (TODO)

Required settings

CS_DSN the environment variable for the MySQL connection.

$ export CS_DSN='magento1:magento1@tcp(localhost:3306)/magento1'
$ export CS_DSN='magento2:magento2@tcp(localhost:3306)/magento2'
$ go get github.com/corestoreio/csfw
$ export CS_DSN='see previous'
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/corestoreio/csfw
$ go run codegen/tableToStruct/*.go


Setup two databases. One for Magento 1 and one for Magento 2 and fill them with the provided testdata.

Create a DSN env var CS_DSN and point it to Magento 1 database. Run the tests. Change the env var to let it point to Magento 2 database. Rerun the tests.

Finding Allocations

Side note: There is a new testing approach: TBDD = Test n' Benchmark Driven Development.

On the first run we got this result:

$ go test -run=😶 -bench=Benchmark_WithInitStoreByToken .
Benchmark_WithInitStoreByToken-4	  100000	     17297 ns/op	    9112 B/op	     203 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/corestoreio/csfw/store	2.569s

Quite shocking to use 203 allocs for just figuring out the current store view within a request.

Now compile your tests into an executable binary:

$ go test -c

This compilation reduces the noise in the below output trace log.

$ GODEBUG=allocfreetrace=1 ./store -test.run=😶 -test.bench=Benchmark_WithInitStoreByToken -test.benchtime=10ms 2>trace.log

Now open the trace.log file (around 26MB) and investigate all the allocations and refactor your code. Once finished you can achieve results like:

$ go test -run=NONE -bench=Benchmark_WithInitStoreByToken .
Benchmark_WithInitStoreByToken-4	 2000000	       826 ns/op	     128 B/op	       5 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/corestoreio/csfw/store	2.569s
$ go test -cpuprofile=cpu.out -benchmem -memprofile=mem.out -run=NONE -bench=NameOfBenchmark -v
$ go tool pprof packageName.test cpu.out
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) top5
560ms of 1540ms total (36.36%)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 112 (cum >= 60ms)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     180ms 11.69% 11.69%      400ms 25.97%  runtime.mallocgc
  • flat is how much time is spent inside of a function.
  • cum shows how much time is spent in a function, and also in any code called by a function.

For memory profile:

Sample value selection option (for heap profiles):
  -inuse_space      Display in-use memory size
  -inuse_objects    Display in-use object counts
  -alloc_space      Display allocated memory size
  -alloc_objects    Display allocated object counts

$ go tool pprof -alloc_objects packageName.test mem.out
Bound Check Elimination


$ go build -gcflags="-d=ssa/check_bce/debug=1" bounds.go
$ go test -gcflags="-d=ssa/check_bce/debug=1" .

Success - Check bounds outside the loop.

Running Benchmark

Assuming we have already an existing file called bm_baseline.txt.

$ go test -v -run=🤐 -bench=. -count=10 . > bm_baseline_new.txt

After running above command to generate the second benchmark statistics file we run:

$ benchstat bm_baseline.txt bm_baseline_new.txt


Other development helpers

A preconfigured linter file lint has been included in this repoistory.


If you find an entry in the source like TODO(CS) that means you can ask CS to get more information about how to implement and what to fix if the context of the todo description isn't understandable.

  • Create Magento 1+2 modules to setup test database and test Magento system.


Please have a look at the contribution guidelines.


Some packages have been fully refactored but the initial idea has been extracted from the geniuses listed below:

Name Package License
Steve Francia util/conv MIT Copyright (c) 2014
Jonathan Novak, Tyler Smith, Michal Bohuslávek dbr The MIT License (MIT) 2014
Martin Angers and Contributors. ctxthrottled The MIT License (MIT) 2014
Dave Cheney util/errors The MIT License (MIT) 2015
Jad Dittmar finance aka. money Copyright (c) 2011
Wenbin Xiao util/sqlparser Copyright 2015 BSD Style
Google Inc youtube/vitess\sqlparser Copyright 2012 BSD Style
Olivier Poitrey ctxmw.WithAccessLog & CORS Copyright (c) 2014-2015 MIT License
Dave Grijalva csjwt Copyright (c) 2012 MIT License
Uber Technologies, Inc. log Copyright (c) 2016 MIT License
2013 The Go Authors singleflight Copyright (c) 2013 BSD Style
Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. blake2b-simd Apache License, Version 2.0
Ventu.io, Oleg Sklyar, contributors. util/shortid MIT License Copyright (c) 2016,
Carl Jackson (carl@avtok.com) (Goji) net/responseproxy Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016
Greg Roseberry, 2014; Patrick O'Brien, 2016 util/null BSD Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016
The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors util/null/time_mysql.go Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, Copyright 2012
siddontang storage/binlogsync MIT Copyright (c) 2014
siddontang storage/myreplicator MIT Copyright (c) 2014


CoreStore is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

Cyrill Schumacher - PGP Key



Package csfw contains the CoreStore library based on Magento's database structure. 99% compatible to Magento 1 and 2.

The package csfw contains at the moment only go:generate commands to build Go code.

Two skeleton projects (monolith and SOA) are already setup but of course empty.


Why is someone trying to create a Magento database schema compatible online shop in Go?

Because performance :-)


@todo 10km view.


Generated SQL table structs start with the word "Table". The word "Slice" will be appended when there is a slice of structs.

Example for generated SQL table structs:

type (
    // TableStoreSlice contains pointers to TableStore types
    TableStoreSlice []*TableStore
    // TableStore a type for the MySQL table core_store
    TableStore struct {

Table indexes are iota constants and start with TableIndex[table name].

The word "collection" will be appended to a variable or function when that variable or function contains a materialized slice or handles it.

Event/Observer vs Publish/Subscribe

Basically those two are nearly the same. The only difference lies in its behaviour. Event/Observer can modify a type and block an operation while Publish/Subscribe runs asynchronously in its own Goroutine and cannot modify anything.

Required settings

CS_DSN the environment variable for the MySQL connection.

$ export CS_DSN='magento1:magento1@tcp(localhost:3306)/magento1'
$ export CS_DSN='magento2:magento2@tcp(localhost:3306)/magento2'

$ go get github.com/corestoreio/csfw
$ export CS_DSN_TEST='see next section'
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/corestoreio/csfw
$ go generate ./...


Setup two databases. One for Magento 1 and one for Magento 2 and fill them with the provided test data https://github.com/corestoreio/csfw/tree/master/testData

Create a DSN env var CS_DSN_TEST and point it to Magento 1 database. Run the tests. Change the env var to let it point to Magento 2 database. Rerun the tests.

$ export CS_DSN_TEST='magento1:magento1@tcp(localhost:3306)/magento1'
$ export CS_DSN_TEST='magento2:magento2@tcp(localhost:3306)/magento2'


Currently using the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition with the https://github.com/go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin plugin.

At the moment Q2/2015: There are no official jar files for downloading so the go lang plugin will be compiled on a daily basis. The plugin works very well! Kudos to those developers!

IDEA has been configured with goimports, gofmt, golint, govet and ... with the file watcher plugin.

Why am I not using vim? Because I would only generate passwords ;-|.


Please have a look at the contribution guidelines https://github.com/corestoreio/corestore/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md


Magento is a trademark of MAGENTO, INC. http://www.magentocommerce.com/license/


Path Synopsis
Package backend provides common configuration and functions.
Package backend provides common configuration and functions.
Package authorization enables management of access control list roles and rules.
Package authorization enables management of access control list roles and rules.
Package bundle handles the creation of catalog product bundles.
Package bundle handles the creation of catalog product bundles.
Package catalog implements category tree and product features.
Package catalog implements category tree and product features.
Package cataloginventory handles product inventory and indexing
Package cataloginventory handles product inventory and indexing
Package codegen generates Go code and is only used in development.
Package codegen generates Go code and is only used in development.
Package config handles the configuration and its scopes.
Package config handles the configuration and its scopes.
Package customer handles a customer entity with its addresses.
Package customer handles a customer entity with its addresses.
Package directory provides features for currencies, currency rates, conversion of prices to a specified currency format, countries and regions.
Package directory provides features for currencies, currency rates, conversion of prices to a specified currency format, countries and regions.
Package eav contains the logic for the Entity-Attribute-Value model based on the Magento database schema.
Package eav contains the logic for the Entity-Attribute-Value model based on the Magento database schema.
Package mail provides functions and services for sending html or text emails via encrypted or unencrypted connections.
Package mail provides functions and services for sending html or text emails via encrypted or unencrypted connections.
Package i18n supports string translations with variable substitution, CLDR pluralization, currency, formats, language, regions and timezones.
Package i18n supports string translations with variable substitution, CLDR pluralization, currency, formats, language, regions and timezones.
Package locale provides locale specific services like formatting or translating.
Package locale provides locale specific services like formatting or translating.
Package log contains BlackHole, StdLog, Log15 and the Logger interface.
Package log contains BlackHole, StdLog, Log15 and the Logger interface.
Package net provides additional network helper functions and in subpackages middleware.
Package net provides additional network helper functions and in subpackages middleware.
Package payment defines a payment processing library which can connect to payment gateways.
Package payment defines a payment processing library which can connect to payment gateways.
Package storage provides everything from MySQL, Redis, BoltDB, file, etc functions.
Package storage provides everything from MySQL, Redis, BoltDB, file, etc functions.
Package store implements the handling of websites, groups and stores.
Package store implements the handling of websites, groups and stores.
Package sync provides tools to deal with goroutines.
Package sync provides tools to deal with goroutines.
Package tax takes care of all kind of taxes.
Package tax takes care of all kind of taxes.
Package user takes care of backend/API users.
Package user takes care of backend/API users.
Package util should stay empty.
Package util should stay empty.

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