Overview ¶
Package css minifies CSS3 following the specifications at
Index ¶
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var PropertyOverrides = map[Hash][]Hash{ Background: {Background, Background_Image, Background_Position, Background_Size, Background_Repeat, Background_Origin, Background_Clip, Background_Attachment, Background_Color}, Font: {Font, Font_Style, Font_Variant, Font_Weight, Font_Stretch, Font_Size, Font_Family, Line_Height}, Border: {Border, Border_Width, Border_Top_Width, Border_Right_Width, Border_Bottom_Width, Border_Left_Width, Border_Style, Border_Top_Style, Border_Right_Style, Border_Bottom_Style, Border_Left_Style, Border_Color, Border_Top_Color, Border_Right_Color, Border_Bottom_Color, Border_Left_Color}, Border_Width: {Border_Width, Border_Top_Width, Border_Right_Width, Border_Bottom_Width, Border_Left_Width}, Border_Style: {Border_Style, Border_Top_Style, Border_Right_Style, Border_Bottom_Style, Border_Left_Style}, Border_Color: {Border_Color, Border_Top_Color, Border_Right_Color, Border_Bottom_Color, Border_Left_Color}, Border_Top: {Border_Top, Border_Top_Width, Border_Top_Style, Border_Top_Color}, Border_Right: {Border_Right, Border_Right_Width, Border_Right_Style, Border_Right_Color}, Border_Bottom: {Border_Bottom, Border_Bottom_Width, Border_Bottom_Style, Border_Bottom_Color}, Border_Left: {Border_Left, Border_Left_Width, Border_Left_Style, Border_Left_Color}, Margin: {Margin, Margin_Top, Margin_Right, Margin_Bottom, Margin_Left}, Padding: {Padding, Padding_Top, Padding_Right, Padding_Bottom, Padding_Left}, Column_Rule: {Column_Rule, Column_Rule_Width, Column_Rule_Style, Column_Rule_Color}, Animation: {Animation, Animation_Name, Animation_Duration, Animation_Timing_Function, Animation_Delay, Animation_Iteration_Count, Animation_Direction, Animation_Fill_Mode, Animation_Play_State}, Columns: {Columns, Column_Width, Column_Count}, Flex: {Flex, Flex_Basis, Flex_Grow, Flex_Shrink}, Flex_Flow: {Flex_Flow, Flex_Direction, Flex_Wrap}, Grid: {Grid, Grid_Template_Rows, Grid_Template_Columns, Grid_Template_Areas, Grid_Auto_Rows, Grid_Auto_Columns, Grid_Auto_Flow, Grid_Column_Gap, Grid_Row_Gap, Column_Gap, Row_Gap}, Grid_Area: {Grid_Area, Grid_Row_Start, Grid_Column_Start, Grid_Row_End, Grid_Column_End}, Grid_Row: {Grid_Row, Grid_Row_Start, Grid_Row_End}, Grid_Column: {Grid_Column, Grid_Column_Start, Grid_Column_End}, Grid_Template: {Grid_Template, Grid_Template_Rows, Grid_Template_Columns, Grid_Template_Areas}, List_Style: {List_Style, List_Style_Image, List_Style_Position, List_Style_Type}, Offset: {Offset, Offset_Position, Offset_Path, Offset_Distance, Offset_Anchor, Offset_Rotate}, Outline: {Outline, Outline_Width, Outline_Style, Outline_Color}, Overflow: {Overflow, Overflow_X, Overflow_Y}, Place_Content: {Place_Content, Align_Content, Justify_Content}, Place_Items: {Place_Items, Align_Items, Justify_Items}, Place_Self: {Place_Self, Align_Self, Justify_Self}, Text_Decoration: {Text_Decoration, Text_Decoration_Color, Text_Decoration_Color, Text_Decoration_Line, Text_Decoration_Thickness}, Transition: {Transition, Transition_Property, Transition_Duration, Transition_Timing_Function, Transition_Delay}, }
PropertyOverrides is a map of which properties are overridden by the given property.
var ShortenColorHex = map[string][]byte{ "#000080": []byte("navy"), "#008000": []byte("green"), "#008080": []byte("teal"), "#4b0082": []byte("indigo"), "#800000": []byte("maroon"), "#800080": []byte("purple"), "#808000": []byte("olive"), "#808080": []byte("gray"), "#a0522d": []byte("sienna"), "#a52a2a": []byte("brown"), "#c0c0c0": []byte("silver"), "#cd853f": []byte("peru"), "#d2b48c": []byte("tan"), "#da70d6": []byte("orchid"), "#dda0dd": []byte("plum"), "#ee82ee": []byte("violet"), "#f0e68c": []byte("khaki"), "#f0ffff": []byte("azure"), "#f5deb3": []byte("wheat"), "#f5f5dc": []byte("beige"), "#fa8072": []byte("salmon"), "#faf0e6": []byte("linen"), "#ff6347": []byte("tomato"), "#ff7f50": []byte("coral"), "#ffa500": []byte("orange"), "#ffc0cb": []byte("pink"), "#ffd700": []byte("gold"), "#ffe4c4": []byte("bisque"), "#fffafa": []byte("snow"), "#fffff0": []byte("ivory"), "#ff0000": []byte("red"), "#f00": []byte("red"), }
ShortenColorHex maps a color hexcode to its shorter name
var ShortenColorName = map[Hash][]byte{ Black: []byte("#000"), Darkblue: []byte("#00008b"), Mediumblue: []byte("#0000cd"), Darkgreen: []byte("#006400"), Darkcyan: []byte("#008b8b"), Deepskyblue: []byte("#00bfff"), Darkturquoise: []byte("#00ced1"), Mediumspringgreen: []byte("#00fa9a"), Springgreen: []byte("#00ff7f"), Midnightblue: []byte("#191970"), Dodgerblue: []byte("#1e90ff"), Lightseagreen: []byte("#20b2aa"), Forestgreen: []byte("#228b22"), Seagreen: []byte("#2e8b57"), Darkslategray: []byte("#2f4f4f"), Limegreen: []byte("#32cd32"), Mediumseagreen: []byte("#3cb371"), Turquoise: []byte("#40e0d0"), Royalblue: []byte("#4169e1"), Steelblue: []byte("#4682b4"), Darkslateblue: []byte("#483d8b"), Mediumturquoise: []byte("#48d1cc"), Darkolivegreen: []byte("#556b2f"), Cadetblue: []byte("#5f9ea0"), Cornflowerblue: []byte("#6495ed"), Mediumaquamarine: []byte("#66cdaa"), Slateblue: []byte("#6a5acd"), Olivedrab: []byte("#6b8e23"), Slategray: []byte("#708090"), Lightslateblue: []byte("#789"), Mediumslateblue: []byte("#7b68ee"), Lawngreen: []byte("#7cfc00"), Chartreuse: []byte("#7fff00"), Aquamarine: []byte("#7fffd4"), Lightskyblue: []byte("#87cefa"), Blueviolet: []byte("#8a2be2"), Darkmagenta: []byte("#8b008b"), Saddlebrown: []byte("#8b4513"), Darkseagreen: []byte("#8fbc8f"), Lightgreen: []byte("#90ee90"), Mediumpurple: []byte("#9370db"), Darkviolet: []byte("#9400d3"), Palegreen: []byte("#98fb98"), Darkorchid: []byte("#9932cc"), Yellowgreen: []byte("#9acd32"), Darkgray: []byte("#a9a9a9"), Lightblue: []byte("#add8e6"), Greenyellow: []byte("#adff2f"), Paleturquoise: []byte("#afeeee"), Lightsteelblue: []byte("#b0c4de"), Powderblue: []byte("#b0e0e6"), Firebrick: []byte("#b22222"), Darkgoldenrod: []byte("#b8860b"), Mediumorchid: []byte("#ba55d3"), Rosybrown: []byte("#bc8f8f"), Darkkhaki: []byte("#bdb76b"), Mediumvioletred: []byte("#c71585"), Indianred: []byte("#cd5c5c"), Chocolate: []byte("#d2691e"), Lightgray: []byte("#d3d3d3"), Goldenrod: []byte("#daa520"), Palevioletred: []byte("#db7093"), Gainsboro: []byte("#dcdcdc"), Burlywood: []byte("#deb887"), Lightcyan: []byte("#e0ffff"), Lavender: []byte("#e6e6fa"), Darksalmon: []byte("#e9967a"), Palegoldenrod: []byte("#eee8aa"), Lightcoral: []byte("#f08080"), Aliceblue: []byte("#f0f8ff"), Honeydew: []byte("#f0fff0"), Sandybrown: []byte("#f4a460"), Whitesmoke: []byte("#f5f5f5"), Mintcream: []byte("#f5fffa"), Ghostwhite: []byte("#f8f8ff"), Antiquewhite: []byte("#faebd7"), Lightgoldenrodyellow: []byte("#fafad2"), Fuchsia: []byte("#f0f"), Magenta: []byte("#f0f"), Deeppink: []byte("#ff1493"), Orangered: []byte("#ff4500"), Darkorange: []byte("#ff8c00"), Lightsalmon: []byte("#ffa07a"), Lightpink: []byte("#ffb6c1"), Peachpuff: []byte("#ffdab9"), Navajowhite: []byte("#ffdead"), Moccasin: []byte("#ffe4b5"), Mistyrose: []byte("#ffe4e1"), Blanchedalmond: []byte("#ffebcd"), Papayawhip: []byte("#ffefd5"), Lavenderblush: []byte("#fff0f5"), Seashell: []byte("#fff5ee"), Cornsilk: []byte("#fff8dc"), Lemonchiffon: []byte("#fffacd"), Floralwhite: []byte("#fffaf0"), Yellow: []byte("#ff0"), Lightyellow: []byte("#ffffe0"), White: []byte("#fff"), }
ShortenColorName maps a color name to its shorter hexcode
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Hash ¶ added in v2.7.0
type Hash uint32
Hash defines perfect hashes for a predefined list of strings
const ( Ms_Filter Hash = 0xa // -ms-filter Accelerator Hash = 0x3760b // accelerator Aliceblue Hash = 0x7a209 // aliceblue Align_Content Hash = 0xd980d // align-content Align_Items Hash = 0x7ef0b // align-items Align_Self Hash = 0x8cb0a // align-self All Hash = 0x69103 // all Alpha Hash = 0x37205 // alpha Animation Hash = 0xca09 // animation Animation_Delay Hash = 0x2050f // animation-delay Animation_Direction Hash = 0x8e913 // animation-direction Animation_Duration Hash = 0x35d12 // animation-duration Animation_Fill_Mode Hash = 0x66c13 // animation-fill-mode Animation_Iteration_Count Hash = 0xd4919 // animation-iteration-count Animation_Name Hash = 0xca0e // animation-name Animation_Play_State Hash = 0xfc14 // animation-play-state Animation_Timing_Function Hash = 0x14119 // animation-timing-function Antiquewhite Hash = 0x6490c // antiquewhite Aquamarine Hash = 0x9ec0a // aquamarine Attr Hash = 0x59804 // attr Auto Hash = 0x44504 // auto Azimuth Hash = 0x15a07 // azimuth Background Hash = 0x2b0a // background Background_Attachment Hash = 0x2b15 // background-attachment Background_Clip Hash = 0xb6e0f // background-clip Background_Color Hash = 0x21710 // background-color Background_Image Hash = 0x5ad10 // background-image Background_Origin Hash = 0x17111 // background-origin Background_Position Hash = 0x18e13 // background-position Background_Position_X Hash = 0x18e15 // background-position-x Background_Position_Y Hash = 0x1a315 // background-position-y Background_Repeat Hash = 0x1b811 // background-repeat Background_Size Hash = 0x1cb0f // background-size Behavior Hash = 0x1da08 // behavior Black Hash = 0x1e205 // black Blanchedalmond Hash = 0x1e70e // blanchedalmond Blueviolet Hash = 0x7a70a // blueviolet Bold Hash = 0x1fc04 // bold Border Hash = 0x22706 // border Border_Bottom Hash = 0x2270d // border-bottom Border_Bottom_Color Hash = 0x22713 // border-bottom-color Border_Bottom_Style Hash = 0x23a13 // border-bottom-style Border_Bottom_Width Hash = 0x25d13 // border-bottom-width Border_Box Hash = 0x27e0a // border-box Border_Collapse Hash = 0x2b60f // border-collapse Border_Color Hash = 0x2d30c // border-color Border_Left Hash = 0x2df0b // border-left Border_Left_Color Hash = 0x2df11 // border-left-color Border_Left_Style Hash = 0x2f011 // border-left-style Border_Left_Width Hash = 0x30111 // border-left-width Border_Right Hash = 0x3120c // border-right Border_Right_Color Hash = 0x31212 // border-right-color Border_Right_Style Hash = 0x32412 // border-right-style Border_Right_Width Hash = 0x33612 // border-right-width Border_Spacing Hash = 0x3480e // border-spacing Border_Style Hash = 0x3ab0c // border-style Border_Top Hash = 0x3b70a // border-top Border_Top_Color Hash = 0x3b710 // border-top-color Border_Top_Style Hash = 0x3c710 // border-top-style Border_Top_Width Hash = 0x3d710 // border-top-width Border_Width Hash = 0x3e70c // border-width Bottom Hash = 0x22e06 // bottom Box_Shadow Hash = 0x2850a // box-shadow Burlywood Hash = 0x3f309 // burlywood Cadetblue Hash = 0x9c609 // cadetblue Calc Hash = 0x9c304 // calc Caption_Side Hash = 0x40f0c // caption-side Caret_Color Hash = 0x4240b // caret-color Center Hash = 0xdb06 // center Charset Hash = 0x62f07 // charset Chartreuse Hash = 0x42f0a // chartreuse Chocolate Hash = 0x43909 // chocolate Clamp Hash = 0x44e05 // clamp Clear Hash = 0x45d05 // clear Clip Hash = 0xb7904 // clip Cm Hash = 0x53802 // cm Color Hash = 0x2505 // color Column_Count Hash = 0x4620c // column-count Column_Gap Hash = 0x6a30a // column-gap Column_Rule Hash = 0x4880b // column-rule Column_Rule_Color Hash = 0x48811 // column-rule-color Column_Rule_Style Hash = 0x49911 // column-rule-style Column_Rule_Width Hash = 0x4aa11 // column-rule-width Column_Width Hash = 0x4bb0c // column-width Columns Hash = 0x74607 // columns Content Hash = 0x5607 // content Cornflowerblue Hash = 0x4c70e // cornflowerblue Cornsilk Hash = 0x4d508 // cornsilk Counter_Increment Hash = 0xd5d11 // counter-increment Counter_Reset Hash = 0x4690d // counter-reset Cue Hash = 0x4dd03 // cue Cue_After Hash = 0x4dd09 // cue-after Cue_Before Hash = 0x4e60a // cue-before Currentcolor Hash = 0x5010c // currentcolor Cursive Hash = 0x50d07 // cursive Cursor Hash = 0x51406 // cursor Darkblue Hash = 0x1f408 // darkblue Darkcyan Hash = 0x1ff08 // darkcyan Darkgoldenrod Hash = 0x3fb0d // darkgoldenrod Darkgray Hash = 0x40708 // darkgray Darkgreen Hash = 0x75c09 // darkgreen Darkkhaki Hash = 0xa1409 // darkkhaki Darkmagenta Hash = 0xce90b // darkmagenta Darkolivegreen Hash = 0x6d90e // darkolivegreen Darkorange Hash = 0x7500a // darkorange Darkorchid Hash = 0xa0b0a // darkorchid Darksalmon Hash = 0xa990a // darksalmon Darkseagreen Hash = 0xb110c // darkseagreen Darkslateblue Hash = 0xc1c0d // darkslateblue Darkslategray Hash = 0xbfa0d // darkslategray Darkturquoise Hash = 0xcaa0d // darkturquoise Darkviolet Hash = 0x51a0a // darkviolet Deeppink Hash = 0x67d08 // deeppink Deepskyblue Hash = 0x4190b // deepskyblue Default Hash = 0xa2207 // default Deg Hash = 0x70103 // deg Direction Hash = 0x8d909 // direction Display Hash = 0xcce07 // display Document Hash = 0x52408 // document Dodgerblue Hash = 0x52c0a // dodgerblue Dpcm Hash = 0x53604 // dpcm Dpi Hash = 0x54f03 // dpi Dppx Hash = 0x55b04 // dppx Elevation Hash = 0x6d09 // elevation Empty_Cells Hash = 0x3910b // empty-cells Env Hash = 0x4f503 // env Fantasy Hash = 0x3a407 // fantasy Fill Hash = 0x67604 // fill Filter Hash = 0x406 // filter Firebrick Hash = 0x83509 // firebrick Flex Hash = 0x55f04 // flex Flex_Basis Hash = 0x89d0a // flex-basis Flex_Direction Hash = 0x8d40e // flex-direction Flex_Flow Hash = 0xc8709 // flex-flow Flex_Grow Hash = 0x55f09 // flex-grow Flex_Shrink Hash = 0x5680b // flex-shrink Flex_Wrap Hash = 0x57309 // flex-wrap Float Hash = 0x59505 // float Floralwhite Hash = 0x5bd0b // floralwhite Font Hash = 0x25404 // font Font_Face Hash = 0x25409 // font-face Font_Family Hash = 0x5ee0b // font-family Font_Size Hash = 0x5f909 // font-size Font_Size_Adjust Hash = 0x5f910 // font-size-adjust Font_Stretch Hash = 0x6250c // font-stretch Font_Style Hash = 0x6360a // font-style Font_Variant Hash = 0x6400c // font-variant Font_Weight Hash = 0x65b0b // font-weight Forestgreen Hash = 0x4ec0b // forestgreen Fuchsia Hash = 0x66607 // fuchsia Function Hash = 0x15208 // function Gainsboro Hash = 0xec09 // gainsboro Ghostwhite Hash = 0x2990a // ghostwhite Goldenrod Hash = 0x3ff09 // goldenrod Grad Hash = 0x1004 // grad Greenyellow Hash = 0x7600b // greenyellow Grid Hash = 0x35504 // grid Grid_Area Hash = 0x35509 // grid-area Grid_Auto_Columns Hash = 0x7bb11 // grid-auto-columns Grid_Auto_Flow Hash = 0x81c0e // grid-auto-flow Grid_Auto_Rows Hash = 0x8640e // grid-auto-rows Grid_Column Hash = 0x69e0b // grid-column Grid_Column_End Hash = 0xcdb0f // grid-column-end Grid_Column_Gap Hash = 0x69e0f // grid-column-gap Grid_Column_Start Hash = 0x6bd11 // grid-column-start Grid_Row Hash = 0x6ce08 // grid-row Grid_Row_End Hash = 0x6ce0c // grid-row-end Grid_Row_Gap Hash = 0x6e70c // grid-row-gap Grid_Row_Start Hash = 0x7030e // grid-row-start Grid_Template Hash = 0x7110d // grid-template Grid_Template_Areas Hash = 0x71113 // grid-template-areas Grid_Template_Columns Hash = 0x73815 // grid-template-columns Grid_Template_Rows Hash = 0x77012 // grid-template-rows Height Hash = 0x9306 // height Honeydew Hash = 0x16008 // honeydew Hsl Hash = 0x26f03 // hsl Hsla Hash = 0x26f04 // hsla Hz Hash = 0x68502 // hz Ime_Mode Hash = 0xa1c08 // ime-mode Import Hash = 0x78d06 // import Important Hash = 0x78d09 // important In Hash = 0x4402 // in Include_Source Hash = 0x1800e // include-source Indianred Hash = 0xb0909 // indianred Inherit Hash = 0x79607 // inherit Initial Hash = 0x79d07 // initial Invert Hash = 0x7e406 // invert Justify_Content Hash = 0x4e0f // justify-content Justify_Items Hash = 0x6050d // justify-items Justify_Self Hash = 0x82a0c // justify-self Keyframes Hash = 0x5cb09 // keyframes Khz Hash = 0x68403 // khz Large Hash = 0xa905 // large Larger Hash = 0xa906 // larger Lavender Hash = 0x27108 // lavender Lavenderblush Hash = 0x2710d // lavenderblush Lawngreen Hash = 0x2ca09 // lawngreen Layer_Background_Color Hash = 0x21116 // layer-background-color Layer_Background_Image Hash = 0x5a716 // layer-background-image Layout_Flow Hash = 0xcf80b // layout-flow Layout_Grid Hash = 0x8050b // layout-grid Layout_Grid_Char Hash = 0x80510 // layout-grid-char Layout_Grid_Char_Spacing Hash = 0x80518 // layout-grid-char-spacing Layout_Grid_Line Hash = 0x83e10 // layout-grid-line Layout_Grid_Mode Hash = 0x85410 // layout-grid-mode Layout_Grid_Type Hash = 0x88710 // layout-grid-type Left Hash = 0x2e604 // left Lemonchiffon Hash = 0x24b0c // lemonchiffon Letter_Spacing Hash = 0x7ae0e // letter-spacing Lightblue Hash = 0x8ba09 // lightblue Lightcoral Hash = 0x8c30a // lightcoral Lightcyan Hash = 0x8e209 // lightcyan Lightgoldenrodyellow Hash = 0x8fc14 // lightgoldenrodyellow Lightgray Hash = 0x91009 // lightgray Lightgreen Hash = 0x9190a // lightgreen Lightpink Hash = 0x92309 // lightpink Lightsalmon Hash = 0x92c0b // lightsalmon Lightseagreen Hash = 0x9370d // lightseagreen Lightskyblue Hash = 0x9440c // lightskyblue Lightslateblue Hash = 0x9500e // lightslateblue Lightsteelblue Hash = 0x95e0e // lightsteelblue Lightyellow Hash = 0x96c0b // lightyellow Limegreen Hash = 0x97709 // limegreen Line_Break Hash = 0x84a0a // line-break Line_Height Hash = 0x8e0b // line-height Linear_Gradient Hash = 0x9800f // linear-gradient List_Style Hash = 0x98f0a // list-style List_Style_Image Hash = 0x98f10 // list-style-image List_Style_Position Hash = 0x99f13 // list-style-position List_Style_Type Hash = 0x9b20f // list-style-type Local Hash = 0x9c105 // local Magenta Hash = 0xced07 // magenta Margin Hash = 0x53906 // margin Margin_Bottom Hash = 0xdb10d // margin-bottom Margin_Left Hash = 0xdbd0b // margin-left Margin_Right Hash = 0xb890c // margin-right Margin_Top Hash = 0x5390a // margin-top Marker_Offset Hash = 0xad00d // marker-offset Marks Hash = 0xaee05 // marks Mask Hash = 0x9cf04 // mask Max Hash = 0x9d303 // max Max_Height Hash = 0x9d30a // max-height Max_Width Hash = 0x9dd09 // max-width Media Hash = 0xd4505 // media Medium Hash = 0x9e606 // medium Mediumaquamarine Hash = 0x9e610 // mediumaquamarine Mediumblue Hash = 0x9f60a // mediumblue Mediumorchid Hash = 0xa000c // mediumorchid Mediumpurple Hash = 0xa420c // mediumpurple Mediumseagreen Hash = 0xa4e0e // mediumseagreen Mediumslateblue Hash = 0xa5c0f // mediumslateblue Mediumspringgreen Hash = 0xa6b11 // mediumspringgreen Mediumturquoise Hash = 0xa7c0f // mediumturquoise Mediumvioletred Hash = 0xa8b0f // mediumvioletred Midnightblue Hash = 0xaa90c // midnightblue Min Hash = 0x14d03 // min Min_Height Hash = 0xab50a // min-height Min_Width Hash = 0xabf09 // min-width Mintcream Hash = 0xac809 // mintcream Mistyrose Hash = 0xae409 // mistyrose Mm Hash = 0xaed02 // mm Moccasin Hash = 0xb0308 // moccasin Monospace Hash = 0xaa009 // monospace Ms Hash = 0x102 // ms Namespace Hash = 0xd409 // namespace No_Repeat Hash = 0xbf09 // no-repeat None Hash = 0x38e04 // none Normal Hash = 0x36e06 // normal Offset Hash = 0xad706 // offset Offset_Anchor Hash = 0xad70d // offset-anchor Offset_Distance Hash = 0xb1d0f // offset-distance Offset_Path Hash = 0xb2c0b // offset-path Offset_Position Hash = 0xb370f // offset-position Offset_Rotate Hash = 0xb460d // offset-rotate Olivedrab Hash = 0xb6609 // olivedrab Orangered Hash = 0x75409 // orangered Order Hash = 0x22805 // order Orphans Hash = 0x37f07 // orphans Outline Hash = 0xba707 // outline Outline_Color Hash = 0xba70d // outline-color Outline_Style Hash = 0xbb40d // outline-style Outline_Width Hash = 0xbc10d // outline-width Overflow Hash = 0x9d08 // overflow Overflow_X Hash = 0x9d0a // overflow-x Overflow_Y Hash = 0xbce0a // overflow-y Padding Hash = 0x45207 // padding Padding_Bottom Hash = 0xb7c0e // padding-bottom Padding_Box Hash = 0x4520b // padding-box Padding_Left Hash = 0xd0a0c // padding-left Padding_Right Hash = 0x5420d // padding-right Padding_Top Hash = 0x57b0b // padding-top Page Hash = 0x58504 // page Page_Break_After Hash = 0x58510 // page-break-after Page_Break_Before Hash = 0x6ac11 // page-break-before Page_Break_Inside Hash = 0x6f211 // page-break-inside Palegoldenrod Hash = 0xc100d // palegoldenrod Palegreen Hash = 0xbd809 // palegreen Paleturquoise Hash = 0xbe10d // paleturquoise Palevioletred Hash = 0xbee0d // palevioletred Papayawhip Hash = 0xc070a // papayawhip Pause Hash = 0xc2905 // pause Pause_After Hash = 0xc290b // pause-after Pause_Before Hash = 0xc340c // pause-before Pc Hash = 0x53702 // pc Peachpuff Hash = 0x89509 // peachpuff Pitch Hash = 0x55005 // pitch Pitch_Range Hash = 0x5500b // pitch-range Place_Content Hash = 0xc400d // place-content Place_Items Hash = 0xc4d0b // place-items Place_Self Hash = 0xc7e0a // place-self Play_During Hash = 0xcd10b // play-during Position Hash = 0x13908 // position Powderblue Hash = 0xc9b0a // powderblue Progid Hash = 0xca506 // progid Pt Hash = 0x39302 // pt Px Hash = 0x55d02 // px Q Hash = 0x64d01 // q Quotes Hash = 0xcb706 // quotes Rad Hash = 0x903 // rad Radial_Gradient Hash = 0x90f // radial-gradient Repeat Hash = 0xc206 // repeat Repeat_X Hash = 0x1c308 // repeat-x Repeat_Y Hash = 0xc208 // repeat-y Rgb Hash = 0x2903 // rgb Rgba Hash = 0x2904 // rgba Richness Hash = 0xae08 // richness Right Hash = 0x31905 // right Rosybrown Hash = 0xf309 // rosybrown Round Hash = 0x3005 // round Row_Gap Hash = 0x6ec07 // row-gap Royalblue Hash = 0x69509 // royalblue Ruby_Align Hash = 0xd930a // ruby-align Ruby_Overhang Hash = 0xe00d // ruby-overhang Ruby_Position Hash = 0x1340d // ruby-position S Hash = 0x201 // s Saddlebrown Hash = 0xb50b // saddlebrown Sandybrown Hash = 0x3850a // sandybrown Sans_Serif Hash = 0x39b0a // sans-serif Scroll Hash = 0x12006 // scroll Scrollbar_3d_Light_Color Hash = 0xd7c18 // scrollbar-3d-light-color Scrollbar_Arrow_Color Hash = 0x12015 // scrollbar-arrow-color Scrollbar_Base_Color Hash = 0x8a614 // scrollbar-base-color Scrollbar_Dark_Shadow_Color Hash = 0x5d31b // scrollbar-dark-shadow-color Scrollbar_Face_Color Hash = 0x61114 // scrollbar-face-color Scrollbar_Highlight_Color Hash = 0x7cb19 // scrollbar-highlight-color Scrollbar_Shadow_Color Hash = 0x87116 // scrollbar-shadow-color Scrollbar_Track_Color Hash = 0x72315 // scrollbar-track-color Seagreen Hash = 0x93c08 // seagreen Seashell Hash = 0x2c308 // seashell Serif Hash = 0x3a005 // serif Size Hash = 0x1d604 // size Slateblue Hash = 0x95509 // slateblue Slategray Hash = 0xbfe09 // slategray Small Hash = 0x68f05 // small Smaller Hash = 0x68f07 // smaller Solid Hash = 0x74c05 // solid Space Hash = 0x6905 // space Speak Hash = 0x78105 // speak Speak_Header Hash = 0x7810c // speak-header Speak_Numeral Hash = 0x7f90d // speak-numeral Speak_Punctuation Hash = 0xaf211 // speak-punctuation Speech_Rate Hash = 0xc570b // speech-rate Springgreen Hash = 0xa710b // springgreen Steelblue Hash = 0x96309 // steelblue Stress Hash = 0x11b06 // stress Stroke Hash = 0xc7806 // stroke Supports Hash = 0xcbc08 // supports Table_Layout Hash = 0xcf20c // table-layout Text_Align Hash = 0x10e0a // text-align Text_Align_Last Hash = 0x10e0f // text-align-last Text_Autospace Hash = 0x4400e // text-autospace Text_Decoration Hash = 0x7e0f // text-decoration Text_Decoration_Color Hash = 0x2a115 // text-decoration-color Text_Decoration_Line Hash = 0x7e14 // text-decoration-line Text_Decoration_Style Hash = 0xb5115 // text-decoration-style Text_Decoration_Thickness Hash = 0xc6019 // text-decoration-thickness Text_Emphasis Hash = 0x170d // text-emphasis Text_Emphasis_Color Hash = 0x1713 // text-emphasis-color Text_Indent Hash = 0x3f0b // text-indent Text_Justify Hash = 0x490c // text-justify Text_Kashida_Space Hash = 0x5c12 // text-kashida-space Text_Overflow Hash = 0x980d // text-overflow Text_Shadow Hash = 0xd6d0b // text-shadow Text_Transform Hash = 0xda40e // text-transform Text_Underline_Position Hash = 0xdc717 // text-underline-position Top Hash = 0x3be03 // top Transition Hash = 0x4750a // transition Transition_Delay Hash = 0x59a10 // transition-delay Transition_Duration Hash = 0xb9413 // transition-duration Transition_Property Hash = 0x47513 // transition-property Transition_Timing_Function Hash = 0xa281a // transition-timing-function Transparent Hash = 0xd150b // transparent Turn Hash = 0xd1f04 // turn Turquoise Hash = 0xa8209 // turquoise Unicode_Bidi Hash = 0xcc40c // unicode-bidi Unicode_Range Hash = 0xd230d // unicode-range Unset Hash = 0xd3005 // unset Url Hash = 0x3f403 // url Var Hash = 0x64503 // var Vertical_Align Hash = 0x7e60e // vertical-align Visibility Hash = 0x4f70a // visibility Voice_Family Hash = 0xd350c // voice-family Volume Hash = 0xd4106 // volume White Hash = 0x7b05 // white White_Space Hash = 0x6500b // white-space Whitesmoke Hash = 0x5c30a // whitesmoke Widows Hash = 0xd7706 // widows Width Hash = 0x26b05 // width Word_Break Hash = 0x1670a // word-break Word_Spacing Hash = 0x28e0c // word-spacing Word_Wrap Hash = 0xd0209 // word-wrap Writing_Mode Hash = 0xc8f0c // writing-mode X_Large Hash = 0xa707 // x-large X_Small Hash = 0x68d07 // x-small Xx_Large Hash = 0xa608 // xx-large Xx_Small Hash = 0x68c08 // xx-small Yellow Hash = 0x76506 // yellow Yellowgreen Hash = 0x7650b // yellowgreen Z_Index Hash = 0x68607 // z-index )
Identifiers for the hashes associated with the text in the comments.
func ToHash ¶ added in v2.7.0
ToHash returns a hash Hash for a given []byte. Hash is a uint32 that is associated with the text in []byte. It returns zero if no match found.
type Minifier ¶
type Minifier struct { KeepCSS2 bool Precision int // number of significant digits Inline bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Minifier is a CSS minifier.
type Token ¶
type Token struct { css.TokenType Data []byte Args []Token // only filled for functions Fun, Ident Hash // only filled for functions and identifiers respectively }
Token is a parsed token with extra information for functions.
func (Token) IsLengthPercentage ¶ added in v2.7.0
IsLengthPercentage returns true if the token is a length or percentage token.