
v64.2.6 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 22, 2024 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0



This service manages workers, including provisioning for dynamic worker pools.

Methods interacting with a provider may return a 503 response if that provider has not been able to start up, such as if the service to which it interfaces has an outage. Such requests can be retried as for any other 5xx response.


How to use this package

First create a WorkerManager object:

workerManager := tcworkermanager.New(nil)

and then call one or more of workerManager's methods, e.g.:

err := workerManager.Ping(.....)

handling any errors...

if err != nil {
	// handle error...

Taskcluster Schema

The source code of this go package was auto-generated from the API definition at <rootUrl>/references/worker-manager/v1/api.json together with the input and output schemas it references,



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AwsProviderType

type AwsProviderType struct {

	// Instance identity document that is obtained by
	// curl on the instance
	Document string `json:"document"`

	// The signature for instance identity document. Can be obtained by
	// curl on the instance
	Signature string `json:"signature"`

Proof that this call is coming from the worker identified by the other fields. The form of this proof varies depending on the provider type.

type AzureProviderType

type AzureProviderType struct {

	// Attested data document that is obtained by
	// curl on the instance
	Document string `json:"document"`

Proof that this call is coming from the worker identified by the other fields. The form of this proof varies depending on the provider type.

type Credentials

type Credentials struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"`

	// Note that a certificate may not be provided, if the credentials are not temporary.
	Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"`

	ClientID string `json:"clientId"`

The credentials the worker will need to perform its work. Specifically, credentials with scopes * `assume:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>` * `assume:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>` * `queue:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>` * `secrets:get:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>` * `queue:claim-work:<workerPoolId>` * `worker-manager:remove-worker:<workerPoolId>/<workerGroup>/<workerId>`

type Credentials1

type Credentials1 struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"`

	// Note that a certificate may not be provided, if the credentials are not temporary.
	Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"`

	ClientID string `json:"clientId"`

The credentials the worker will need to perform its work. Specifically, credentials with scopes * `assume:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>` * `assume:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>` * `queue:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>` * `secrets:get:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>` * `queue:claim-work:<workerPoolId>` * `worker-manager:remove-worker:<workerPoolId>/<workerGroup>/<workerId>` * `worker-manager:reregister-worker:<workerPoolId>/<workerGroup>/<workerId>`

type GoogleProviderType

type GoogleProviderType struct {

	// A JWT token as defined in [this google documentation](
	Token string `json:"token"`

Proof that this call is coming from the worker identified by the other fields. The form of this proof varies depending on the provider type.

type ListWorkersResponse

type ListWorkersResponse struct {

	// Opaque `continuationToken` to be given as query-string option to get the
	// next set of workers in the worker-type.
	// This property is only present if another request is necessary to fetch all
	// results. In practice the next request with a `continuationToken` may not
	// return additional results, but it can. Thus, you can only be sure to have
	// all the results if you've called `listWorkerTypes` with `continuationToken`
	// until you get a result without a `continuationToken`.
	ContinuationToken string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"`

	// List of workers in this worker-type.
	Workers []Worker `json:"workers"`

Response from a `listWorkers` request.

type ProviderList

type ProviderList struct {

	// Opaque `continuationToken` to be given as query-string option to get the
	// next set of workers in the worker-manager.
	// This property is only present if another request is necessary to fetch all
	// results. In practice the next request with a `continuationToken` may not
	// return additional results, but it can. Thus, you can only be sure to have
	// all the results if you've called `listWorkerPools` with `continuationToken`
	// until you get a result without a `continuationToken`.
	ContinuationToken string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"`

	// List of all providers
	Providers []Var `json:"providers"`

A list of providers

type QuarantineDetails

type QuarantineDetails struct {

	// The clientId of the client that made the request to quarantine the worker.
	ClientID string `json:"clientId"`

	// Usually a reason for the quarantine.
	QuarantineInfo string `json:"quarantineInfo"`

	// Value of the worker's quarantineUntil property at the moment of the quarantine.
	QuarantineUntil tcclient.Time `json:"quarantineUntil"`

	// Time when the quarantine was updated.
	UpdatedAt tcclient.Time `json:"updatedAt"`

Information about when and why a worker was quarantined.

type RegisterWorkerRequest

type RegisterWorkerRequest struct {

	// The provider that had started the worker and responsible for managing it.
	// Can be different from the provider that's currently in the worker pool config.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId"`

	// Worker group to which this worker belongs
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerGroup string `json:"workerGroup"`

	// Worker ID
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerID string `json:"workerId"`

	// Proof that this call is coming from the worker identified by the other fields.
	// The form of this proof varies depending on the provider type.
	// One of:
	//   * GoogleProviderType
	//   * StaticProviderType1
	//   * AwsProviderType
	//   * AzureProviderType
	WorkerIdentityProof json.RawMessage `json:"workerIdentityProof"`

	// The ID of this worker pool (of the form `providerId/workerType` for compatibility)
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId"`

Request body to `registerWorker`.

type RegisterWorkerResponse

type RegisterWorkerResponse struct {

	// The credentials the worker
	// will need to perform its work.  Specifically, credentials with scopes
	// * `assume:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>`
	// * `assume:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>`
	// * `queue:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>`
	// * `secrets:get:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>`
	// * `queue:claim-work:<workerPoolId>`
	// * `worker-manager:remove-worker:<workerPoolId>/<workerGroup>/<workerId>`
	Credentials Credentials `json:"credentials"`

	// Time at which the included credentials will expire.  Workers must either
	// re-register (for static workers) or terminate (for dynamically
	// provisioned workers) before this time.
	Expires tcclient.Time `json:"expires"`

	// A secret value generated by worker-manager that can be used in the call to `reregisterWorker`.
	// For more information, refer to
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{44}$
	Secret string `json:"secret"`

	// This value is supplied unchanged to the worker from the worker-pool configuration.
	// The expectation is that the worker will merge this information with configuration from other sources,
	// and this is precisely what [worker-runner]( does.
	// This property must not be used for secret configuration, as it is visible both in the worker pool configuration and in the worker instance's metadata.
	// Instead, put secret configuration in the [secrets service](
	// Additional properties allowed
	WorkerConfig json.RawMessage `json:"workerConfig"`

Response body to `registerWorker`.

type ReregisterWorkerRequest

type ReregisterWorkerRequest struct {

	// The secret value that was last configured in `registerWorker` (in the case of a newly registerd worker) or
	// `reregisterWorker`.
	// For more information, refer to
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{44}$
	Secret string `json:"secret"`

	// Worker group to which this worker belongs
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerGroup string `json:"workerGroup"`

	// Worker ID
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerID string `json:"workerId"`

	// The ID of this worker pool (of the form `providerId/workerType` for compatibility)
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId"`

Request body to `reregisterWorker`.

type ReregisterWorkerResponse

type ReregisterWorkerResponse struct {

	// The credentials the worker
	// will need to perform its work. Specifically, credentials with scopes
	// * `assume:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>`
	// * `assume:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>`
	// * `queue:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>`
	// * `secrets:get:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>`
	// * `queue:claim-work:<workerPoolId>`
	// * `worker-manager:remove-worker:<workerPoolId>/<workerGroup>/<workerId>`
	// * `worker-manager:reregister-worker:<workerPoolId>/<workerGroup>/<workerId>`
	Credentials Credentials1 `json:"credentials"`

	// Time at which the included credentials will expire. Workers must
	// re-register before this time.
	Expires tcclient.Time `json:"expires"`

	// The next secret value needed to reregister the worker (in `reregisterWorker).
	// For more information, refer to
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{44}$
	Secret string `json:"secret"`

Response body to `reregisterWorker`.

type Source

type Source string

Link to source of this task, should specify a file, revision and repository. This should be place someone can go an do a git/hg blame to who came up with recipe for this task.

Syntax: ^(https?://|ssh://|git@) Max length: 4096

type Source1

type Source1 string

Link to source of this task, should specify a file, revision and repository. This should be place someone can go an do a git/hg blame to who came up with recipe for this task.

Syntax: ^(https?://|ssh://|git@) Max length: 4096

type StaticProviderType

type StaticProviderType struct {

	// A secret value shared with the worker.  This value must be passed in the `workerIdentityProof` of the `registerWorker` method.
	// The ideal way to generate a secret of this form is `slugid() + slugid()`.
	// Secrets are traded for Taskcluster credentials, and should be treated with similar care.
	// Each worker should have a distinct secret.
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{44}$
	StaticSecret string `json:"staticSecret"`

Provider-specific information

type StaticProviderType1

type StaticProviderType1 struct {

	// The secret value that was configured when the worker was created (in `createWorker`).
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{44}$
	StaticSecret string `json:"staticSecret"`

Proof that this call is coming from the worker identified by the other fields. The form of this proof varies depending on the provider type.

type TaskMetadata

type TaskMetadata struct {

	// Human readable description of the task, please **explain** what the
	// task does. A few lines of documentation is not going to hurt you.
	// Max length: 32768
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// Human readable name of task, used to very briefly given an idea about
	// what the task does.
	// Max length: 255
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// Entity who caused this task, not necessarily a person with email who did
	// `hg push` as it could be automation bots as well. The entity we should
	// contact to ask why this task is here.
	// Max length: 255
	Owner string `json:"owner"`

	// Link to source of this task, should specify a file, revision and
	// repository. This should be place someone can go an do a git/hg blame
	// to who came up with recipe for this task.
	// Syntax:     ^(https?://|ssh://|git@)
	// Max length: 4096
	// Any of:
	//   * Source
	//   * Source1
	Source string `json:"source"`

Required task metadata

type TaskRun

type TaskRun struct {

	// Id of this task run, `run-id`s always starts from `0`
	// Mininum:    0
	// Maximum:    1000
	RunID int64 `json:"runId"`

	// Unique task identifier, this is UUID encoded as
	// [URL-safe base64]( and
	// stripped of `=` padding.
	// Syntax:     ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{8}[Q-T][A-Za-z0-9_-][CGKOSWaeimquy26-][A-Za-z0-9_-]{10}[AQgw]$
	TaskID string `json:"taskId"`

A run of a task.

type Totals

type Totals struct {

	// Breakdown by error code where available
	// Additional properties allowed
	Code json.RawMessage `json:"code"`

	// Breakdown by day
	// Additional properties allowed
	Daily json.RawMessage `json:"daily"`

	// Breakdown by hour
	// Additional properties allowed
	Hourly json.RawMessage `json:"hourly"`

	// Breakdown by title
	// Additional properties allowed
	Title json.RawMessage `json:"title"`

	// Total number of errors
	Total float64 `json:"total"`

	// Breakdown by worker pool if workerPoolId is not specified.
	// If specified, this will only include the worker pool specified.
	// Additional properties allowed
	WorkerPool json.RawMessage `json:"workerPool,omitempty"`

type Var

type Var struct {

	// The id of this provider
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId"`

	// The provider implementation underlying this provider
	ProviderType string `json:"providerType"`

type Var1

type Var1 string

Constant value: ""

type Worker

type Worker struct {

	// Number of tasks this worker can handle at once. A worker capacity of 0 means
	// the worker is not managed by worker manager and is only known to the queue, the
	// true capacity is not known.
	// Mininum:    0
	Capacity int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"`

	// Date of the first time this worker claimed a task.
	FirstClaim tcclient.Time `json:"firstClaim"`

	// Date of the last time this worker was seen active. Updated each time a worker calls
	// `queue.claimWork`, `queue.reclaimTask`, and `queue.declareWorker` for this task queue.
	// `lastDateActive` is updated every half hour but may be off by up-to half an hour.
	// Nonetheless, `lastDateActive` is a good indicator of when the worker was last seen active.
	// This defaults to null in the database, and is set to the current time when the worker
	// is first seen.
	LastDateActive tcclient.Time `json:"lastDateActive,omitempty"`

	// A run of a task.
	LatestTask TaskRun `json:"latestTask,omitempty"`

	// The provider that had started the worker and responsible for managing it.
	// Can be different from the provider that's currently in the worker pool config.
	// A providerId of "none" is used when the worker is not managed by worker manager.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId,omitempty"`

	// Quarantining a worker allows the machine to remain alive but not accept jobs.
	// Once the quarantineUntil time has elapsed, the worker resumes accepting jobs.
	// Note that a quarantine can be lifted by setting `quarantineUntil` to the present time (or
	// somewhere in the past).
	QuarantineUntil tcclient.Time `json:"quarantineUntil,omitempty"`

	// A string specifying the state this worker is in so far as worker-manager knows.
	// A "requested" worker is in the process of starting up, and if successful will enter
	// the "running" state once it has registered with the `registerWorker` API method.  A
	// "stopping" worker is in the process of shutting down and deleting resources, while
	// a "stopped" worker is completely stopped.  Stopped workers are kept for historical
	// purposes and are purged when they expire.  Note that some providers transition workers
	// directly from "running" to "stopped".
	// An "standalone" worker is a worker that is not managed by worker-manager, these workers
	// are only known by the queue.
	// Possible values:
	//   * "requested"
	//   * "running"
	//   * "stopping"
	//   * "stopped"
	//   * "standalone"
	State string `json:"state,omitempty"`

	// Identifier for the worker group containing this worker.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerGroup string `json:"workerGroup"`

	// Identifier for this worker (unique within this worker group).
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerID string `json:"workerId"`

	// Unique identifier for a worker pool
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId,omitempty"`

type WorkerAction

type WorkerAction struct {

	// Only actions with the context `worker` are included.
	// Possible values:
	//   * "worker"
	Context string `json:"context"`

	// Description of the provisioner.
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// Method to indicate the desired action to be performed for a given resource.
	// Possible values:
	//   * "POST"
	//   * "PUT"
	//   * "DELETE"
	//   * "PATCH"
	Method string `json:"method"`

	// Short names for things like logging/error messages.
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// Appropriate title for any sort of Modal prompt.
	Title json.RawMessage `json:"title"`

	// When an action is triggered, a request is made using the `url` and `method`.
	// Depending on the `context`, the following parameters will be substituted in the url:
	// | `context`   | Path parameters                                          |
	// |-------------|----------------------------------------------------------|
	// | provisioner | <provisionerId>                                          |
	// | worker-type | <provisionerId>, <workerType>                            |
	// | worker      | <provisionerId>, <workerType>, <workerGroup>, <workerId> |
	// _Note: The request needs to be signed with the user's Taskcluster credentials._
	URL string `json:"url"`

Actions provide a generic mechanism to expose additional features of a provisioner, worker type, or worker to Taskcluster clients.

An action is comprised of metadata describing the feature it exposes, together with a webhook for triggering it.

The Taskcluster tools site, for example, retrieves actions when displaying provisioners, worker types and workers. It presents the provisioner/worker type/worker specific actions to the user. When the user triggers an action, the web client takes the registered webhook, substitutes parameters into the URL (see `url`), signs the requests with the Taskcluster credentials of the user operating the web interface, and issues the HTTP request.

The level to which the action relates (provisioner, worker type, worker) is called the action context. All actions, regardless of the action contexts, are registered against the provisioner when calling `queue.declareProvisioner`.

The action context is used by the web client to determine where in the web interface to present the action to the user as follows:

| `context` | Tool where action is displayed | |-------------|--------------------------------| | provisioner | Provisioner Explorer | | worker-type | Workers Explorer | | worker | Worker Explorer |

See [actions docs](/docs/reference/platform/taskcluster-queue/docs/actions) for more information.

type WorkerCreationUpdateRequest

type WorkerCreationUpdateRequest struct {

	// Number of tasks this worker can handle at once
	// Mininum:    1
	Capacity int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"`

	// Date and time when this worker will be deleted from the DB
	Expires tcclient.Time `json:"expires"`

	// Provider-specific information
	// One of:
	//   * StaticProviderType
	ProviderInfo json.RawMessage `json:"providerInfo,omitempty"`

Request to create or update a worker. Capacity will default to 1 if not specified.

type WorkerErrorReport

type WorkerErrorReport struct {

	// A longer description of what occured in the error.
	// Max length: 10240
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// Any extra structured information about this error
	// Additional properties allowed
	Extra json.RawMessage `json:"extra"`

	// A general machine-readable way to identify this sort of error.
	// Syntax:     [-a-z0-9]+
	// Max length: 128
	Kind string `json:"kind"`

	// A human-readable version of `kind`.
	// Max length: 128
	Title string `json:"title"`

	// Worker group to which this worker belongs
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerGroup string `json:"workerGroup"`

	// Worker ID
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerID string `json:"workerId"`

A report of an error from a worker. This will be recorded with kind `worker-error`.

The worker's `workerGroup` and `workerId` will be added to `extra`.

type WorkerFullDefinition

type WorkerFullDefinition struct {

	// Number of tasks this worker can handle at once
	// Mininum:    1
	Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"`

	// Date and time when this worker was created
	Created tcclient.Time `json:"created"`

	// Date and time when this worker will be deleted from the DB
	Expires tcclient.Time `json:"expires"`

	// Date and time when the state of this worker was verified with a cloud api.
	// For providers with nothing to check, this will just be permanently set to the
	// time the worker was created.
	LastChecked tcclient.Time `json:"lastChecked"`

	// Date and time when this worker last changed state
	LastModified tcclient.Time `json:"lastModified"`

	// The provider that had started the worker and responsible for managing it.
	// Can be different from the provider that's currently in the worker pool config.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId"`

	// A string specifying the state this worker is in so far as worker-manager knows.
	// A "requested" worker is in the process of starting up, and if successful will enter
	// the "running" state once it has registered with the `registerWorker` API method.  A
	// "stopping" worker is in the process of shutting down and deleting resources, while
	// a "stopped" worker is completely stopped.  Stopped workers are kept for historical
	// purposes and are purged when they expire.  Note that some providers transition workers
	// directly from "running" to "stopped".
	// Possible values:
	//   * "requested"
	//   * "running"
	//   * "stopping"
	//   * "stopped"
	State string `json:"state"`

	// Worker group to which this worker belongs
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerGroup string `json:"workerGroup"`

	// Worker ID
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerID string `json:"workerId"`

	// The ID of this worker pool (of the form `providerId/workerType` for compatibility)
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId"`

A complete worker definition.

type WorkerListInAGivenWorkerPool

type WorkerListInAGivenWorkerPool struct {

	// Opaque `continuationToken` to be given as query-string option to get the
	// next set of workers in the worker-manager.
	// This property is only present if another request is necessary to fetch all
	// results. In practice the next request with a `continuationToken` may not
	// return additional results, but it can. Thus, you can only be sure to have
	// all the results if you've called `listWorkerPools` with `continuationToken`
	// until you get a result without a `continuationToken`.
	ContinuationToken string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"`

	// List of all workers in a given worker pool
	Workers []WorkerFullDefinition `json:"workers"`

A list of workers in a given worker pool

type WorkerManager

type WorkerManager tcclient.Client

func New

func New(credentials *tcclient.Credentials, rootURL string) *WorkerManager

New returns a WorkerManager client, configured to run against production. Pass in nil credentials to create a client without authentication. The returned client is mutable, so returned settings can be altered.

workerManager := tcworkermanager.New(
    nil,                                      // client without authentication
    "http://localhost:1234/my/taskcluster",   // taskcluster hosted at this root URL on local machine
err := workerManager.Ping(.....)              // for example, call the Ping(.....) API endpoint (described further down)...
if err != nil {
	// handle errors...

func NewFromEnv

func NewFromEnv() *WorkerManager

NewFromEnv returns a *WorkerManager configured from environment variables.

The root URL is taken from TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL if set to a non-empty string, otherwise from TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL if set, otherwise the empty string.

The credentials are taken from environment variables:


If TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID is empty/unset, authentication will be disabled.

func (*WorkerManager) CreateWorker

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) CreateWorker(workerPoolId, workerGroup, workerId string, payload *WorkerCreationUpdateRequest) (*WorkerFullDefinition, error)

Create a new worker. This is only useful for worker pools where the provider does not create workers automatically, such as those with a `static` provider type. Providers that do not support creating workers will return a 400 error. See the documentation for the individual providers, and in particular the [static provider]( for more information.

Required scopes:


See #createWorker

func (*WorkerManager) CreateWorkerPool

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) CreateWorkerPool(workerPoolId string, payload *WorkerPoolDefinition) (*WorkerPoolFullDefinition, error)

Create a new worker pool. If the worker pool already exists, this will throw an error.

Required scopes:

All of:
* worker-manager:manage-worker-pool:<workerPoolId>
* worker-manager:provider:<providerId>

See #createWorkerPool

func (*WorkerManager) DeleteWorkerPool

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) DeleteWorkerPool(workerPoolId string) (*WorkerPoolFullDefinition, error)

Mark a worker pool for deletion. This is the same as updating the pool to set its providerId to `"null-provider"`, but does not require scope `worker-manager:provider:null-provider`.

Required scopes:


See #deleteWorkerPool

func (*WorkerManager) GetWorker

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) GetWorker(provisionerId, workerType, workerGroup, workerId string) (*WorkerResponse, error)

Stability: *** EXPERIMENTAL ***

Get a worker from a worker-type.

Required scopes:


See #getWorker

func (*WorkerManager) GetWorker_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) GetWorker_SignedURL(provisionerId, workerType, workerGroup, workerId string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for GetWorker, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See GetWorker for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) Heartbeat

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) Heartbeat() error

Respond with a service heartbeat.

This endpoint is used to check on backing services this service depends on.

See #heartbeat

func (*WorkerManager) Lbheartbeat

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) Lbheartbeat() error

Respond without doing anything. This endpoint is used to check that the service is up.

See #lbheartbeat

func (*WorkerManager) ListProviders

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListProviders(continuationToken, limit string) (*ProviderList, error)

Retrieve a list of providers that are available for worker pools.

Required scopes:


See #listProviders

func (*WorkerManager) ListProviders_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListProviders_SignedURL(continuationToken, limit string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for ListProviders, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See ListProviders for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkerPoolErrors

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkerPoolErrors(workerPoolId, continuationToken, limit string) (*WorkerPoolErrorList, error)

Get the list of worker pool errors.

Required scopes:


See #listWorkerPoolErrors

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkerPoolErrors_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkerPoolErrors_SignedURL(workerPoolId, continuationToken, limit string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for ListWorkerPoolErrors, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See ListWorkerPoolErrors for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkerPools

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkerPools(continuationToken, limit string) (*WorkerPoolList, error)

Get the list of all the existing worker pools.

Required scopes:


See #listWorkerPools

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkerPools_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkerPools_SignedURL(continuationToken, limit string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for ListWorkerPools, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See ListWorkerPools for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkers

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkers(provisionerId, workerType, continuationToken, limit, quarantined, workerState string) (*ListWorkersResponse, error)

Stability: *** EXPERIMENTAL ***

Get a list of all active workers of a workerType.

`listWorkers` allows a response to be filtered by quarantined and non quarantined workers, as well as the current state of the worker. To filter the query, you should call the end-point with one of [`quarantined`, `workerState`] as a query-string option with a true or false value.

The response is paged. If this end-point returns a `continuationToken`, you should call the end-point again with the `continuationToken` as a query-string option. By default this end-point will list up to 1000 workers in a single page. You may limit this with the query-string parameter `limit`.

Required scopes:


See #listWorkers

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerGroup

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerGroup(workerPoolId, workerGroup, continuationToken, limit string) (*WorkerListInAGivenWorkerPool, error)

Get the list of all the existing workers in a given group in a given worker pool.

Required scopes:


See #listWorkersForWorkerGroup

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerGroup_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerGroup_SignedURL(workerPoolId, workerGroup, continuationToken, limit string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for ListWorkersForWorkerGroup, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See ListWorkersForWorkerGroup for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerPool

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerPool(workerPoolId, continuationToken, limit, state string) (*WorkerListInAGivenWorkerPool, error)

Get the list of all the existing workers in a given worker pool.

Required scopes:


See #listWorkersForWorkerPool

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerPool_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkersForWorkerPool_SignedURL(workerPoolId, continuationToken, limit, state string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for ListWorkersForWorkerPool, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See ListWorkersForWorkerPool for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) ListWorkers_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ListWorkers_SignedURL(provisionerId, workerType, continuationToken, limit, quarantined, workerState string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for ListWorkers, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See ListWorkers for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) Ping

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) Ping() error

Respond without doing anything. This endpoint is used to check that the service is up.

See #ping

func (*WorkerManager) RegisterWorker

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) RegisterWorker(payload *RegisterWorkerRequest) (*RegisterWorkerResponse, error)

Register a running worker. Workers call this method on worker start-up.

This call both marks the worker as running and returns the credentials the worker will require to perform its work. The worker must provide some proof of its identity, and that proof varies by provider type.

See #registerWorker

func (*WorkerManager) RemoveWorker

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) RemoveWorker(workerPoolId, workerGroup, workerId string) error

Remove an existing worker. The precise behavior of this method depends on the provider implementing the given worker. Some providers do not support removing workers at all, and will return a 400 error. Others may begin removing the worker, but it may remain available via the API (perhaps even in state RUNNING) afterward.

Required scopes:


See #removeWorker

func (*WorkerManager) ReportWorkerError

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ReportWorkerError(workerPoolId string, payload *WorkerErrorReport) (*WorkerPoolError, error)

Report an error that occurred on a worker. This error will be included with the other errors in `listWorkerPoolErrors(workerPoolId)`.

Workers can use this endpoint to report startup or configuration errors that might be associated with the worker pool configuration and thus of interest to a worker-pool administrator.

NOTE: errors are publicly visible. Ensure that none of the content contains secrets or other sensitive information.

Required scopes:

All of:
* assume:worker-pool:<workerPoolId>
* assume:worker-id:<workerGroup>/<workerId>

See #reportWorkerError

func (*WorkerManager) ReregisterWorker

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) ReregisterWorker(payload *ReregisterWorkerRequest) (*ReregisterWorkerResponse, error)

Stability: *** EXPERIMENTAL ***

Reregister a running worker.

This will generate and return new Taskcluster credentials for the worker on that instance to use. The credentials will not live longer the `registrationTimeout` for that worker. The endpoint will update `terminateAfter` for the worker so that worker-manager does not terminate the instance.

Required scopes:


See #reregisterWorker

func (*WorkerManager) UpdateWorker

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) UpdateWorker(workerPoolId, workerGroup, workerId string, payload *WorkerCreationUpdateRequest) (*WorkerFullDefinition, error)

Update an existing worker in-place. Like `createWorker`, this is only useful for worker pools where the provider does not create workers automatically. This method allows updating all fields in the schema unless otherwise indicated in the provider documentation. See the documentation for the individual providers, and in particular the [static provider]( for more information.

Required scopes:


See #updateWorker

func (*WorkerManager) UpdateWorkerPool

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) UpdateWorkerPool(workerPoolId string, payload *WorkerPoolDefinition1) (*WorkerPoolFullDefinition, error)

Stability: *** EXPERIMENTAL ***

Given an existing worker pool definition, this will modify it and return the new definition.

To delete a worker pool, set its `providerId` to `"null-provider"`. After any existing workers have exited, a cleanup job will remove the worker pool. During that time, the worker pool can be updated again, such as to set its `providerId` to a real provider.

Required scopes:

All of:
* worker-manager:manage-worker-pool:<workerPoolId>
* worker-manager:provider:<providerId>

See #updateWorkerPool

func (*WorkerManager) Version

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) Version() error

Respond with the JSON version object.

See #version

func (*WorkerManager) Worker

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) Worker(workerPoolId, workerGroup, workerId string) (*WorkerFullDefinition, error)

Get a single worker.

Required scopes:


See #worker

func (*WorkerManager) WorkerPool

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) WorkerPool(workerPoolId string) (*WorkerPoolFullDefinition, error)

Fetch an existing worker pool defition.

Required scopes:


See #workerPool

func (*WorkerManager) WorkerPoolErrorStats

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) WorkerPoolErrorStats(workerPoolId string) (*WorkerPoolErrorStats, error)

Stability: *** EXPERIMENTAL ***

Get the list of worker pool errors count. Contains total count of errors for the past 7 days and 24 hours Also includes total counts grouped by titles of error and error code.

If `workerPoolId` is not specified, it will return the count of all errors

Required scopes:


See #workerPoolErrorStats

func (*WorkerManager) WorkerPoolErrorStats_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) WorkerPoolErrorStats_SignedURL(workerPoolId string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for WorkerPoolErrorStats, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See WorkerPoolErrorStats for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) WorkerPool_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) WorkerPool_SignedURL(workerPoolId string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for WorkerPool, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See WorkerPool for more details.

func (*WorkerManager) Worker_SignedURL

func (workerManager *WorkerManager) Worker_SignedURL(workerPoolId, workerGroup, workerId string, duration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

Returns a signed URL for Worker, valid for the specified duration.

Required scopes:


See Worker for more details.

type WorkerPoolDefinition

type WorkerPoolDefinition struct {

	// Additional properties allowed
	Config json.RawMessage `json:"config"`

	// A description of this worker pool.
	// Max length: 10240
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// If true, the owner should be emailed on provisioning errors
	EmailOnError bool `json:"emailOnError"`

	// An email address to notify when there are provisioning errors for this
	// worker pool.
	Owner string `json:"owner"`

	// The provider responsible for managing this worker pool.
	// If this value is `"null-provider"`, then the worker pool is pending deletion
	// once all existing workers have terminated.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId"`

Fields that are defined by a user for a worker pool. Used to create worker-pool definitions. There is a larger set of fields for viewing since some parts are generated by the service.

type WorkerPoolDefinition1

type WorkerPoolDefinition1 struct {

	// Additional properties allowed
	Config json.RawMessage `json:"config"`

	// Ignored on update
	Created tcclient.Time `json:"created,omitempty"`

	// A description of this worker pool.
	// Max length: 10240
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// If true, the owner should be emailed on provisioning errors
	EmailOnError bool `json:"emailOnError"`

	// Ignored on update
	LastModified tcclient.Time `json:"lastModified,omitempty"`

	// An email address to notify when there are provisioning errors for this
	// worker pool.
	Owner string `json:"owner"`

	// The provider responsible for managing this worker pool.
	// If this value is `"null-provider"`, then the worker pool is pending deletion
	// once all existing workers have terminated.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId"`

	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId,omitempty"`

Fields that are defined by a user for a worker pool. Used to modify worker-pool definitions.

The `workerPoolId`, `created`, and `lastModified` fields are optional and allowed only to ease the common practice of getting a worker pool definition with `workerPool(..)`, modifying it, and writing it back with `updateWorkerPool(..). `workerPoolId` must be correct if supplied, and the values of `created` and `lastModified` are ignored.

type WorkerPoolError

type WorkerPoolError struct {

	// A longer description of what occured in the error.
	// Max length: 10240
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// An arbitary unique identifier for this error
	// Syntax:     ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{8}[Q-T][A-Za-z0-9_-][CGKOSWaeimquy26-][A-Za-z0-9_-]{10}[AQgw]$
	ErrorID string `json:"errorId"`

	// Any extra structured information about this error
	// Additional properties allowed
	Extra json.RawMessage `json:"extra"`

	// A general machine-readable way to identify this sort of error.
	// Syntax:     [-a-z0-9]+
	// Max length: 128
	Kind string `json:"kind"`

	// Date and time when this error was reported
	Reported tcclient.Time `json:"reported"`

	// A human-readable version of `kind`.
	// Max length: 128
	Title string `json:"title"`

	// The ID of this worker pool (of the form `providerId/workerType` for compatibility)
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId"`

A complete worker pool error definition.

type WorkerPoolErrorList

type WorkerPoolErrorList struct {

	// Opaque `continuationToken` to be given as query-string option to get the
	// next set of worker-types in the worker-manager.
	// This property is only present if another request is necessary to fetch all
	// results. In practice the next request with a `continuationToken` may not
	// return additional results, but it can. Thus, you can only be sure to have
	// all the results if you've called `listWorkerPools` with `continuationToken`
	// until you get a result without a `continuationToken`.
	ContinuationToken string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"`

	// List of worker pool errors
	WorkerPoolErrors []WorkerPoolError `json:"workerPoolErrors"`

A list of worker pool errors

type WorkerPoolErrorStats

type WorkerPoolErrorStats struct {
	Totals Totals `json:"totals"`

	// One of:
	//   * WorkerPoolID
	//   * Var1
	WorkerPoolID json.RawMessage `json:"workerPoolId"`

Total number of errors for given worker pool or all worker pools broken down daily for the past 7 days, hourly for the past 24 hours. Also includes breakdown by title and error code.

type WorkerPoolFullDefinition

type WorkerPoolFullDefinition struct {

	// Additional properties allowed
	Config json.RawMessage `json:"config"`

	// Date and time when this worker pool was created
	Created tcclient.Time `json:"created"`

	// Total capacity available across all workers for this worker pool that are currently not "stopped"
	// Mininum:    0
	CurrentCapacity int64 `json:"currentCapacity"`

	// A description of this worker pool.
	// Max length: 10240
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// If true, the owner should be emailed on provisioning errors
	EmailOnError bool `json:"emailOnError"`

	// Date and time when this worker pool was last updated
	LastModified tcclient.Time `json:"lastModified"`

	// An email address to notify when there are provisioning errors for this
	// worker pool.
	Owner string `json:"owner"`

	// The provider responsible for managing this worker pool.
	// If this value is `"null-provider"`, then the worker pool is pending deletion
	// once all existing workers have terminated.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId"`

	// Total capacity available across all workers for this worker pool with state "requested"
	// Mininum:    0
	RequestedCapacity int64 `json:"requestedCapacity"`

	// Total worker count in "requested" state for this worker pool
	// Mininum:    0
	RequestedCount int64 `json:"requestedCount"`

	// Total capacity available across all workers for this worker pool with state "running"
	// Mininum:    0
	RunningCapacity int64 `json:"runningCapacity"`

	// Total worker count in "running" state for this worker pool
	// Mininum:    0
	RunningCount int64 `json:"runningCount"`

	// Total capacity available across all workers for this worker pool with state "stopped"
	// Mininum:    0
	StoppedCapacity int64 `json:"stoppedCapacity"`

	// Total worker count in "stopped" state for this worker pool
	// Mininum:    0
	StoppedCount int64 `json:"stoppedCount"`

	// Total capacity available across all workers for this worker pool with state "stopping"
	// Mininum:    0
	StoppingCapacity int64 `json:"stoppingCapacity"`

	// Total worker count in "stopping" state for this worker pool
	// Mininum:    0
	StoppingCount int64 `json:"stoppingCount"`

	// The ID of this worker pool (of the form `providerId/workerType` for compatibility)
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId,omitempty"`

A complete worker pool definition.

type WorkerPoolID

type WorkerPoolID string

The ID of this worker pool (of the form `providerId/workerType` for compatibility)

Syntax: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$

type WorkerPoolList

type WorkerPoolList struct {

	// Opaque `continuationToken` to be given as query-string option to get the
	// next set of worker-types in the worker-manager.
	// This property is only present if another request is necessary to fetch all
	// results. In practice the next request with a `continuationToken` may not
	// return additional results, but it can. Thus, you can only be sure to have
	// all the results if you've called `listWorkerPools` with `continuationToken`
	// until you get a result without a `continuationToken`.
	ContinuationToken string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"`

	// List of all worker pools
	WorkerPools []WorkerPoolFullDefinition `json:"workerPools"`

A list of worker pools

type WorkerResponse

type WorkerResponse struct {
	Actions []WorkerAction `json:"actions"`

	// Number of tasks this worker can handle at once. A worker capacity of 0 means
	// the worker is not managed by worker manager and is only known to the queue, the
	// true capacity is not known.
	// Mininum:    0
	Capacity int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"`

	// Date and time after which the worker will be automatically
	// deleted by the queue.
	Expires tcclient.Time `json:"expires"`

	// Date of the first time this worker claimed a task.
	FirstClaim tcclient.Time `json:"firstClaim"`

	// Date of the last time this worker was seen active. Updated each time a worker calls
	// `queue.claimWork`, `queue.reclaimTask`, and `queue.declareWorker` for this task queue.
	// `lastDateActive` is updated every half hour but may be off by up-to half an hour.
	// Nonetheless, `lastDateActive` is a good indicator of when the worker was last seen active.
	// This defaults to null in the database, and is set to the current time when the worker
	// is first seen.
	LastDateActive tcclient.Time `json:"lastDateActive,omitempty"`

	// The provider that had started the worker and responsible for managing it.
	// Can be different from the provider that's currently in the worker pool config.
	// A providerId of "none" is used when the worker is not managed by worker manager.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	ProviderID string `json:"providerId,omitempty"`

	// Unique identifier for a provisioner, that can supply specified
	// `workerType`. Deprecation is planned for this property as it
	// will be replaced, together with `workerType`, by the new
	// identifier `workerPoolId`.
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}$
	ProvisionerID string `json:"provisionerId"`

	// This is a list of changes to the worker's quarantine status. Each entry is an object
	// containing information about the time, clientId and reason for the change.
	QuarantineDetails []QuarantineDetails `json:"quarantineDetails,omitempty"`

	// Quarantining a worker allows the machine to remain alive but not accept jobs.
	// Once the quarantineUntil time has elapsed, the worker resumes accepting jobs.
	// Note that a quarantine can be lifted by setting `quarantineUntil` to the present time (or
	// somewhere in the past).
	QuarantineUntil tcclient.Time `json:"quarantineUntil,omitempty"`

	// List of 20 most recent tasks claimed by the worker.
	RecentTasks []TaskRun `json:"recentTasks"`

	// A string specifying the state this worker is in so far as worker-manager knows.
	// A "requested" worker is in the process of starting up, and if successful will enter
	// the "running" state once it has registered with the `registerWorker` API method.  A
	// "stopping" worker is in the process of shutting down and deleting resources, while
	// a "stopped" worker is completely stopped.  Stopped workers are kept for historical
	// purposes and are purged when they expire.  Note that some providers transition workers
	// directly from "running" to "stopped".
	// An "standalone" worker is a worker that is not managed by worker-manager, these workers
	// are only known by the queue.
	// Possible values:
	//   * "requested"
	//   * "running"
	//   * "stopping"
	//   * "stopped"
	//   * "standalone"
	State string `json:"state,omitempty"`

	// Identifier for group that worker who executes this run is a part of,
	// this identifier is mainly used for efficient routing.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerGroup string `json:"workerGroup"`

	// Identifier for worker evaluating this run within given
	// `workerGroup`.
	// Syntax:     ^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)$
	// Min length: 1
	// Max length: 38
	WorkerID string `json:"workerId"`

	// Unique identifier for a worker pool
	// Syntax:     ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,38}/[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerPoolID string `json:"workerPoolId,omitempty"`

	// Unique identifier for a worker-type within a specific
	// provisioner. Deprecation is planned for this property as it will
	// be replaced, together with `provisionerId`, by the new
	// identifier `workerPoolId`.
	// Syntax:     ^[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,36}[a-z0-9])?$
	WorkerType string `json:"workerType"`

Response containing information about a worker.

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