Cartridge Command Line Interface
.. image::
:alt: Cartridge CLI latest release on GitHub
.. image::
:alt: Cartridge CLI build status on GitHub Actions
.. important::
Cartridge CLI is deprecated in favor of `tt CLI <>`_.
Find the instructions on switching from Cartridge CLI to ``tt`` in
`Migration from Cartridge CLI to tt <>`_.
Control your Tarantool application instances via the command line.
1. Install the following third-party tools:
* `git <>`__
* `unzip <>`__
* `gcc <>`__
* `cmake <>`__
and `make <>`__
2. Install Tarantool 1.10 or higher. You have two options here:
* `Install from a package <>`__
* `Build from source <>`__
3. [For all platforms except macOS] If you build Tarantool from source,
you need to set up the Tarantool packages repository manually:
.. code-block:: bash
curl -L | sudo -E bash -s -- --repo-only
4. Install the ``cartridge-cli`` package:
* For CentOS, Fedora, or ALT Linux (RPM package):
.. code-block:: bash
sudo yum install cartridge-cli
* For Debian or Ubuntu (DEB package):
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt-get install cartridge-cli
* For macOS (Homebrew formula):
.. code-block:: bash
brew install cartridge-cli
* Or build locally:
.. code-block:: bash
mage build
5. Check the installation:
.. code-block:: bash
cartridge version
You may see a warning: ``Project path is not a project``.
Don't worry, it only means there is no Cartridge application yet.
Now you can
`create and run <>`__
your first application!
Quick start
To create your first application, run:
.. code-block:: bash
cartridge create --name myapp
Go to the application directory:
.. code-block:: bash
cd myapp
Build and start your application:
.. code-block:: bash
cartridge build
cartridge start
Now open http://localhost:8081 and see your application's Admin Web UI:
.. image:: ./examples/getting-started-app/images/unconfigured-cluster.png
:align: center
You're all set! To dive right in, follow the
`Getting started with Cartridge <>`__
For details about how to use Cartridge CLI, see the documentation links below.
* `Enabling shell completion for Cartridge CLI <>`__
* `Supported Cartridge CLI commands <>`__
* `Cartridge application lifecycle <>`__
* `Creating a Cartridge application from template <>`__
* `Building the application locally <>`__
* `Starting the application locally <>`__
* `Stopping the application locally <>`__
* `Checking instance status <>`__
* `Entering a locally running instance <>`__
* `Connecting to a locally running instance at a specific address <>`__
* `Displaying logs <>`__
* `Cleaning instance files <>`__
* `Repairing the cluster <>`__
* `Setting up replica sets <>`__
* `Configuring failover <>`__
* `Running admin functions <>`__
* `Packaging your application <>`__
- `Building a distribution <>`__
- `Packing a TGZ <>`__
- `Packing an RPM or DEB distribution <>`__
- `Creating a Docker image of your app <>`__
- `Building in Docker <>`__
* `Global flags <>`__
* `Application instance paths <>`__
* `Pre-build and post-build scripts <>`__