Overview ¶
Package allocationinstruction msg type = J.
Index ¶
- func Route(router RouteOut) (string, string, quickfix.MessageRoute)
- type Message
- func (m Message) Marshal() quickfix.Message
- func (m *Message) SetAccruedInterestAmt(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetAccruedInterestRate(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocCancReplaceReason(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocGrp(v allocgrp.AllocGrp)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocID(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocIntermedReqType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocLinkID(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocLinkType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocNoOrdersType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocTransType(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetAllocType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetAutoAcceptIndicator(v bool)
- func (m *Message) SetAvgParPx(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetAvgPx(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetAvgPxIndicator(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetAvgPxPrecision(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetBookingRefID(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetBookingType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetClearingBusinessDate(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetConcession(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetCurrency(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetCustOrderCapacity(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetEncodedText(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetEndAccruedInterestAmt(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetEndCash(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetExecAllocGrp(v execallocgrp.ExecAllocGrp)
- func (m *Message) SetFinancingDetails(v financingdetails.FinancingDetails)
- func (m *Message) SetGrossTradeAmt(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetInstrmtLegGrp(v instrmtleggrp.InstrmtLegGrp)
- func (m *Message) SetInstrument(v instrument.Instrument)
- func (m *Message) SetInstrumentExtension(v instrumentextension.InstrumentExtension)
- func (m *Message) SetInterestAtMaturity(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetLastFragment(v bool)
- func (m *Message) SetLastMkt(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetLegalConfirm(v bool)
- func (m *Message) SetMatchType(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetMessageEventSource(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetMultiLegReportingType(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetNetMoney(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetNumDaysInterest(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetOrdAllocGrp(v ordallocgrp.OrdAllocGrp)
- func (m *Message) SetParties(v parties.Parties)
- func (m *Message) SetPositionAmountData(v positionamountdata.PositionAmountData)
- func (m *Message) SetPositionEffect(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetPreviouslyReported(v bool)
- func (m *Message) SetPriceType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetQtyType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetQuantity(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetRefAllocID(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetReversalIndicator(v bool)
- func (m *Message) SetRndPx(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetSecondaryAllocID(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetSettlDate(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetSettlType(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetSide(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetSpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData(v spreadorbenchmarkcurvedata.SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData)
- func (m *Message) SetStartCash(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetStipulations(v stipulations.Stipulations)
- func (m *Message) SetText(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetTotNoAllocs(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetTotalAccruedInterestAmt(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetTotalTakedown(v float64)
- func (m *Message) SetTradeDate(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetTradeInputSource(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetTradeOriginationDate(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetTradingSessionID(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetTradingSessionSubID(v string)
- func (m *Message) SetTransactTime(v time.Time)
- func (m *Message) SetTrdSubType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetTrdType(v int)
- func (m *Message) SetUndInstrmtGrp(v undinstrmtgrp.UndInstrmtGrp)
- func (m *Message) SetYieldData(v yielddata.YieldData)
- type RouteOut
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Message ¶
type Message struct { FIXMsgType string `fix:"J"` fixt11.Header //AllocID is a required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocID string `fix:"70"` //AllocTransType is a required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocTransType string `fix:"71"` //AllocType is a required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocType int `fix:"626"` //SecondaryAllocID is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. SecondaryAllocID *string `fix:"793"` //RefAllocID is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. RefAllocID *string `fix:"72"` //AllocCancReplaceReason is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocCancReplaceReason *int `fix:"796"` //AllocIntermedReqType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocIntermedReqType *int `fix:"808"` //AllocLinkID is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocLinkID *string `fix:"196"` //AllocLinkType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocLinkType *int `fix:"197"` //BookingRefID is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. BookingRefID *string `fix:"466"` //AllocNoOrdersType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AllocNoOrdersType *int `fix:"857"` //OrdAllocGrp is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. OrdAllocGrp *ordallocgrp.OrdAllocGrp //ExecAllocGrp is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. ExecAllocGrp *execallocgrp.ExecAllocGrp //PreviouslyReported is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. PreviouslyReported *bool `fix:"570"` //ReversalIndicator is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. ReversalIndicator *bool `fix:"700"` //MatchType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. MatchType *string `fix:"574"` //Side is a required field for AllocationInstruction. Side string `fix:"54"` //Instrument is a required component for AllocationInstruction. instrument.Instrument //InstrumentExtension is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. InstrumentExtension *instrumentextension.InstrumentExtension //FinancingDetails is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. FinancingDetails *financingdetails.FinancingDetails //UndInstrmtGrp is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. UndInstrmtGrp *undinstrmtgrp.UndInstrmtGrp //InstrmtLegGrp is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. InstrmtLegGrp *instrmtleggrp.InstrmtLegGrp //Quantity is a required field for AllocationInstruction. Quantity float64 `fix:"53"` //QtyType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. QtyType *int `fix:"854"` //LastMkt is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. LastMkt *string `fix:"30"` //TradeOriginationDate is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TradeOriginationDate *string `fix:"229"` //TradingSessionID is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TradingSessionID *string `fix:"336"` //TradingSessionSubID is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TradingSessionSubID *string `fix:"625"` //PriceType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. PriceType *int `fix:"423"` //AvgPx is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AvgPx *float64 `fix:"6"` //AvgParPx is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AvgParPx *float64 `fix:"860"` //SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData *spreadorbenchmarkcurvedata.SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData //Currency is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. Currency *string `fix:"15"` //AvgPxPrecision is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AvgPxPrecision *int `fix:"74"` //Parties is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. Parties *parties.Parties //TradeDate is a required field for AllocationInstruction. TradeDate string `fix:"75"` //TransactTime is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TransactTime *time.Time `fix:"60"` //SettlType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. SettlType *string `fix:"63"` //SettlDate is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. SettlDate *string `fix:"64"` //BookingType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. BookingType *int `fix:"775"` //GrossTradeAmt is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. GrossTradeAmt *float64 `fix:"381"` //Concession is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. Concession *float64 `fix:"238"` //TotalTakedown is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TotalTakedown *float64 `fix:"237"` //NetMoney is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. NetMoney *float64 `fix:"118"` //PositionEffect is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. PositionEffect *string `fix:"77"` //AutoAcceptIndicator is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AutoAcceptIndicator *bool `fix:"754"` //Text is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. Text *string `fix:"58"` //EncodedTextLen is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. EncodedTextLen *int `fix:"354"` //EncodedText is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. EncodedText *string `fix:"355"` //NumDaysInterest is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. NumDaysInterest *int `fix:"157"` //AccruedInterestRate is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AccruedInterestRate *float64 `fix:"158"` //AccruedInterestAmt is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AccruedInterestAmt *float64 `fix:"159"` //TotalAccruedInterestAmt is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TotalAccruedInterestAmt *float64 `fix:"540"` //InterestAtMaturity is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. InterestAtMaturity *float64 `fix:"738"` //EndAccruedInterestAmt is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. EndAccruedInterestAmt *float64 `fix:"920"` //StartCash is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. StartCash *float64 `fix:"921"` //EndCash is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. EndCash *float64 `fix:"922"` //LegalConfirm is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. LegalConfirm *bool `fix:"650"` //Stipulations is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. Stipulations *stipulations.Stipulations //YieldData is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. YieldData *yielddata.YieldData //TotNoAllocs is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TotNoAllocs *int `fix:"892"` //LastFragment is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. LastFragment *bool `fix:"893"` //AllocGrp is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. AllocGrp *allocgrp.AllocGrp //PositionAmountData is a non-required component for AllocationInstruction. PositionAmountData *positionamountdata.PositionAmountData //AvgPxIndicator is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. AvgPxIndicator *int `fix:"819"` //ClearingBusinessDate is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. ClearingBusinessDate *string `fix:"715"` //TrdType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TrdType *int `fix:"828"` //TrdSubType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TrdSubType *int `fix:"829"` //CustOrderCapacity is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. CustOrderCapacity *int `fix:"582"` //TradeInputSource is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. TradeInputSource *string `fix:"578"` //MultiLegReportingType is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. MultiLegReportingType *string `fix:"442"` //MessageEventSource is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. MessageEventSource *string `fix:"1011"` //RndPx is a non-required field for AllocationInstruction. RndPx *float64 `fix:"991"` fixt11.Trailer }
Message is a AllocationInstruction FIX Message
func New ¶
func New(allocid string, alloctranstype string, alloctype int, side string, instrument instrument.Instrument, quantity float64, tradedate string) *Message
New returns an initialized AllocationInstruction instance
func (*Message) SetAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (*Message) SetAccruedInterestRate ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocCancReplaceReason ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocGrp ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocID ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocIntermedReqType ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocLinkID ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocLinkType ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocNoOrdersType ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocTransType ¶
func (*Message) SetAllocType ¶
func (*Message) SetAutoAcceptIndicator ¶
func (*Message) SetAvgParPx ¶
func (*Message) SetAvgPxIndicator ¶
func (*Message) SetAvgPxPrecision ¶
func (*Message) SetBookingRefID ¶
func (*Message) SetBookingType ¶
func (*Message) SetClearingBusinessDate ¶
func (*Message) SetConcession ¶
func (*Message) SetCurrency ¶
func (*Message) SetCustOrderCapacity ¶
func (*Message) SetEncodedText ¶
func (*Message) SetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (*Message) SetEndAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (*Message) SetEndCash ¶
func (*Message) SetExecAllocGrp ¶
func (m *Message) SetExecAllocGrp(v execallocgrp.ExecAllocGrp)
func (*Message) SetFinancingDetails ¶
func (m *Message) SetFinancingDetails(v financingdetails.FinancingDetails)
func (*Message) SetGrossTradeAmt ¶
func (*Message) SetInstrmtLegGrp ¶
func (m *Message) SetInstrmtLegGrp(v instrmtleggrp.InstrmtLegGrp)
func (*Message) SetInstrument ¶
func (m *Message) SetInstrument(v instrument.Instrument)
func (*Message) SetInstrumentExtension ¶
func (m *Message) SetInstrumentExtension(v instrumentextension.InstrumentExtension)
func (*Message) SetInterestAtMaturity ¶
func (*Message) SetLastFragment ¶
func (*Message) SetLastMkt ¶
func (*Message) SetLegalConfirm ¶
func (*Message) SetMatchType ¶
func (*Message) SetMessageEventSource ¶
func (*Message) SetMultiLegReportingType ¶
func (*Message) SetNetMoney ¶
func (*Message) SetNumDaysInterest ¶
func (*Message) SetOrdAllocGrp ¶
func (m *Message) SetOrdAllocGrp(v ordallocgrp.OrdAllocGrp)
func (*Message) SetParties ¶
func (*Message) SetPositionAmountData ¶
func (m *Message) SetPositionAmountData(v positionamountdata.PositionAmountData)
func (*Message) SetPositionEffect ¶
func (*Message) SetPreviouslyReported ¶
func (*Message) SetPriceType ¶
func (*Message) SetQtyType ¶
func (*Message) SetQuantity ¶
func (*Message) SetRefAllocID ¶
func (*Message) SetReversalIndicator ¶
func (*Message) SetSecondaryAllocID ¶
func (*Message) SetSettlDate ¶
func (*Message) SetSettlType ¶
func (*Message) SetSpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData ¶
func (m *Message) SetSpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData(v spreadorbenchmarkcurvedata.SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData)
func (*Message) SetStartCash ¶
func (*Message) SetStipulations ¶
func (m *Message) SetStipulations(v stipulations.Stipulations)
func (*Message) SetTotNoAllocs ¶
func (*Message) SetTotalAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (*Message) SetTotalTakedown ¶
func (*Message) SetTradeDate ¶
func (*Message) SetTradeInputSource ¶
func (*Message) SetTradeOriginationDate ¶
func (*Message) SetTradingSessionID ¶
func (*Message) SetTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (*Message) SetTransactTime ¶
func (*Message) SetTrdSubType ¶
func (*Message) SetTrdType ¶
func (*Message) SetUndInstrmtGrp ¶
func (m *Message) SetUndInstrmtGrp(v undinstrmtgrp.UndInstrmtGrp)
func (*Message) SetYieldData ¶
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