Daily provider for an interesting concept, term, event, or idea.
Command-line Tool
$ ontt <options>
[Neat Thing] - [Definition|Description]
(link to top example of thing)
shows all neat things starting (inclusive) on date until $today (inclusive)
shows wikipedia-style bibliography with links
[start date] ([end date])
writes out formatted file of neat things starting at date until $today, or [end date] (if provided).
[output format] ([formatter])
allows user to specify whether the response is structured or plaintext. Initially, ONTT will provide output as plaintext, json, or xml. If [formatter] is provided, then ONTT will attempt to use the go command by piping the output as json into the Formatter command.
limit output to only the link of the neat thing
limit output to only the name of the neat thing
[file path]
Writes neat thing(s) to out to [file path]
[number of days]
shows [number of days] neat thing(s) before today
[start date] ([end date])
output html page that shows horizontal timeline with snapshots of webpages when hovering of the date/thing; navigation tools will be displayed on the timeline when it spans a sufficient range of dates.
Directs ontt client to get new things from ontt server at [host:port]
displays version of ontt command as well as api version of ontt service
shows the neat things from start of week until $today