This repository is a server that creates and executes templates using AWS FIS and Chaos Engineering.
Usage in the local environment:
Copy the .env.development file and create a new file called .env.
We determine whether to use the .env file or not based on the environment variable APP_ENV. If you want to use the .env file, simply set the value of APP_ENV to either blank or "local".
Usage in the development, release(production) environment:
If you set environment values such as development, release, or production, they will be configured based on the environment variable values maintained in the operating system.
Run the code.
package main
import (
func main() {
timeout := time.Duration(3) * time.Second
gin := gin.Default()
router.SetUp(timeout, gin)
Error state on AWS FIS experiment
Unable to get custom resource: Unexpected status.
AWS FIS can't find the third party chaos tool.
- You need to install chaos-mesh in the cluster.
Action exceeded the specified maximum duration.
AWS FIS cant't find the corresponding resources you specify in the experiment.
- Check the target arns, tags, etc.
The execution time is more then the maxDuration
you specify in the experiment.
- Reduce the
in the field kubernetesSpec
if the action type is aws:eks:inject-kubernetes-custom-resource
- It need a few second for the third party chaos tool to deploy the service and inject the chaos. It will be failed if the
is equal or more than the maxDuration
you specify in the experiment.
Unable to inject custom resource: Kubernetes API returned status code 422. Please check EKS logs for more details.
The JSON data in the field kubernetesSpec
is insufficient if the action type is aws:eks:inject-kubernetes-custom-resource
- Check the JSON format and the the required fields.
Unable to inject custom resource: Not authorized to perform the required action.
Action type aws:eks:inject-kubernetes-custom-resource
need rbac permission in your cluster.
- You need to setup the IAM Role the configmap
in the namespace kube-system
- You can also use the following command to modify the setting manually.
# Use the command in your EKS Cluster
kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth
👤 tae2089
Github: @tae2089
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.