
v1.50.57 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 12, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 6 Imported by: 0




Server confirmed client message


Leave call


Call participant device

  • muted (bool) — Device muted.
  • useragent (string) — Device description.


Send trickle candidate for webrtc connection


Call buzzing


Experimental translation fields for "team" entity renaming. Readonly


Short message based on chat message

  • chat ( JID , readonly for clients) — Chat id.
  • chat_type ( ChatType , readonly for clients) — Chat type.
  • created (ISODateTimeString, readonly for clients) — Message creation datetime (set by server side) or sending datetime in future for draft messages.
  • from ( JID , readonly for clients) — Sender contact id.
  • gentime (int64, readonly for clients) — Object version.
  • is_archive (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — This message is archive. True or null.
  • message_id (string) — Message uid.
  • to ( JID ) — Recipient id (group, task or contact).


Upload + ShortMessage


All participants in call muted


Push message over websockets. Readonly

  • chat ( JID ) — Chat id.
  • click_action (string) — Url opened on click.
  • created (ISODateTimeString) — Message creation iso datetime.
  • icon_url (string) — Absolute url to push icon.
  • message (string) — Push body.
  • message_id (string) — Message id.
  • sender ( JID ) — Sender contact id.
  • subtitle (string) — Push subtitle.
  • tag (string) — Push tag (for join pushes).
  • team (string) — Team uid.
  • title (string) — Push title.


Someone talks in call


Chat message

  • chat ( JID , readonly for clients) — Chat id.
  • chat_type ( ChatType , readonly for clients) — Chat type.
  • content ( MessageContent ) — Message content struct.
  • created (ISODateTimeString, readonly for clients) — Message creation datetime (set by server side) or sending datetime in future for draft messages.
  • _debug (string, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Debug information, if any.
  • drafted (ISODateTimeString, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Creation datetime for draft messages.
  • editable_until (ISODateTimeString, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Author can change this message until date. Can be null.
  • edited (ISODateTimeString, readonly for clients, omitempty) — ISODateTimeString of message modification or deletion.
  • from ( JID , readonly for clients) — Sender contact id.
  • gentime (int64, readonly for clients) — Object version.
  • has_previews (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Has link previews. True or null.
  • important (bool, omitempty) — Importance flag.
  • is_archive (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — This message is archive. True or null.
  • is_first (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — This message is first in this chat. True or null.
  • is_last (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — This message is first in this chat. True or null.
  • linked_messages ( Message , list, omitempty) — Forwarded messages. Can be null. Also contains double of ReplyTo for backward compatibility.
  • links ( MessageLinks , readonly for clients, omitempty) — External/internals links.
  • markup ( MarkupEntity , readonly for clients, list, omitempty) — Markup entities. Experimental.
  • message_id (string) — Message uid.
  • nopreview (bool, omitempty) — Disable link previews. True or null.
  • notice (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Has mention (@). True or null.
  • num (int, readonly for clients, nullable, omitempty) — Index number of this message. Starts from 0. Null for deleted messages. Changes when any previous message wad deleted.
  • num_received (int, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Unused yet.
  • prev (string, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Previous message id in this chat. Uid or null.
  • push_text (string, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Simple plaintext message representation.
  • reactions ( MessageReaction , readonly for clients, list, omitempty) — Message reactions struct. Can be null.
  • received (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Message was seen by anybody in chat. True or null.
  • reply_to ( Message , nullable, omitempty) — Message that was replied to, if any.
  • silently (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Message has no pushes and did not affect any counters.
  • to ( JID ) — Recipient id (group, task or contact).
  • uploads ( Upload , list, omitempty) — Message uploads.


Critical server error


Delete tag message

  • uid (string) — Tag id.


Country for phone numbers selection on login screen

  • code (string) — Country code.
  • default (bool, omitempty) — Selected by default.
  • name (string) — Country name.
  • popular (bool, omitempty) — Is popular, need to cache.


Experimental function


Empty message for checking server connection


Call rejected


Link to sub/sup task

  • assignee ( JID ) — Assignee contact id. Tasks only.
  • display_name (string) — Title.
  • jid ( JID ) — Task id.
  • num (uint) — Task number in this team.
  • public (bool, omitempty) — Can other team member see this task/group chat.
  • title (string) — Task title. Generated from number and description.


Tag created or changed


Integration kind

  • description (string) — Plugin description.
  • icon (string) — Path to icon.
  • kind (string) — Integration unique name.
  • template ( Integration ) — Integration template.
  • title (string) — Plugin title.


Set of rules to apply to tasks for coloring


Short team representation. For invites, push notifications, etc. Readonly

  • icons ( IconData ) — Team icons.
  • name (string) — Team name.
  • uid (string) — Team id.


Current server time


Push replacement for desktop application


Counters form other teams


Website title and description

  • description (string, omitempty) — Website description.
  • title (string) — Website title or og:title content.


Group chat membership status

  • can_remove (bool, omitempty) — Can I remove this member.
  • jid ( JID ) — Contact id.
  • status ( GroupStatus ) — Status in group.


Chat created or updated


Participant leave a call


Task or group remind deleted


Team deletion message. Readonly

  • gentime (int64) — Object version.
  • is_archive (bool) — Team deleted.
  • uid (string) — Team id.


Websocket session

  • addr (string, omitempty) — IP address.
  • afk (bool, omitempty) — Away from keyboard.
  • created (ISODateTimeString) — Creation datetime.
  • is_mobile (bool, omitempty) — Mobile.
  • lang (string, omitempty) — Language code.
  • team (string, omitempty) — Team id.
  • uid (string) — Session id.
  • useragent (string, omitempty) — User agent.


Chat wallpaper

  • key (string) — Unique identifier.
  • name (string) — Localized description.
  • url (string) — Url to jpg or png.


Uploaded media

  • animated (bool, omitempty) — Is animated (images only).
  • blurhash (string, omitempty) — Compact representation of a placeholder for an image (images only).
  • content_type (string) — Content type.
  • created (ISODateTimeString) — Uploaded at.
  • duration (uint, omitempty) — Mediafile duration (for audio/video only).
  • type ( UploadMediaType ) — ?type=file,image,audio,video.
  • name (string) — Filename.
  • pdf_version ( PdfVersion , nullable, omitempty) — PDF version of file. Experimental.
  • preview ( UploadPreview , nullable, omitempty) — Preview details.
  • processing (bool, omitempty) — File still processing (video only).
  • size (int) — Upload size in bytes.
  • uid (string) — Upload id.
  • url (string) — Absolute url.


Message created or changed


Change mute state in call


Call participant number or parameters changed


Complete integrations data, as received from server

  • integrations ( Integration , list) — Currently existing integrations.
  • kinds ( IntegrationKind , list) — Types of integrations available for setup.

Checked message links. In short: "Click here: {link.Pattern}" => "Click here: {link.Text}"

  • nopreview (bool, omitempty) — Website previews disabled.
  • pattern (string) — Text fragment that should be replaced by link.
  • preview ( MessageLinkPreview , nullable, omitempty) — Optional preview info, for websites.
  • text (string) — Text replacement.
  • uploads ( Upload , list, omitempty) — Optional upload info.
  • url (string) — Internal or external link.
  • youtube_id (string, omitempty) — Optional youtube movie id.


Task color rules color


Server information. Readonly

  • afk_age (int) — Max inactivity seconds.
  • allow_admin_mute (bool, omitempty) — Wiki pages in chats. Experimental.
  • android_app (string) — Link to Google Play.
  • app_schemes (string, list) — Local applications urls.
  • app_title (string) — Application title.
  • auth_2fa (bool, omitempty) — Two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.
  • auth_by_password (bool, omitempty) — Password authentication enabled.
  • auth_by_qr_code (bool, omitempty) — QR-code / link authentication enabled.
  • auth_by_sms (bool, omitempty) — SMS authentication enabled.
  • background (string, omitempty) — Background image url, if any.
  • build (string) — Build/revision of server side.
  • calls (bool) — Calls functions enabled.
  • calls_record (bool) — Calls record enabled.
  • custom_server (bool) — True for premise installation.
  • default_wallpaper ( Wallpaper , nullable, omitempty) — Default wallpaper url for mobile apps, if any.
  • desktop_version (string) — Desktop application version.
  • firebase_api_key (string) — Firebase settings for web-push notifications.
  • firebase_app_id (string) — Firebase settings for web-push notifications.
  • firebase_auth_domain (string) — Firebase settings for web-push notifications.
  • firebase_database_url (string) — Firebase settings for web-push notifications.
  • firebase_project_id (string) — Firebase settings for web-push notifications.
  • firebase_sender_id (string) — Firebase settings for web-push notifications.
  • firebase_storage_bucket (string) — Firebase settings for web-push notifications.
  • free_registration (bool) — Free registration allowed.
  • front_version (string) — Webclient version.
  • host (string) — Current host.
  • ice_servers ( ICEServer , list) — ICE servers for WebRTC.
  • ios_app (string) — Link to AppStore.
  • installation_title (string, omitempty) — Installation title, used on login screen.
  • installation_type (string) — Name of installation.
  • is_testing (bool) — Testing installation.
  • landing_url (string, omitempty) — Landing page address, if any.
  • max_color_rule_description_length (int) — Maximum length for ColorRule description.
  • max_group_title_length (int) — Maximum chars for group chat name.
  • max_integration_comment_length (int) — Maximum length for Integration comment.
  • max_linked_messages (int) — Maximum number of forwarded messages.
  • max_message_length (int) — Maximum chars for text message.
  • max_message_search_limit (int) — Maximum search result.
  • max_message_uploads (int) — Maximum number of message uploads.
  • max_mood_length (int) — Maximum chars for mood in team.
  • max_participants_per_call (int, omitempty) — Maximum number of participants per call.
  • max_role_length (int) — Maximum chars for role in team.
  • max_section_length (int) — Maximum length for project and contact's sections names.
  • max_tag_length (int) — Maximum length for tags.
  • max_task_title_length (int) — Maximum length for task title.
  • max_teams (int) — Maximum teams for one account.
  • max_upload_mb (int) — Maximum size of user's upload.
  • max_url_length (int) — Maximum length for urls.
  • max_username_part_length (int) — Maximum chars for: family_name, given_name, patronymic if any.
  • message_uploads (bool) — Multiple message uploads.
  • metrika (string) — Yandex metrika counter id.
  • min_app_version (string) — Minimal application version required for this server. Used for breaking changes.
  • min_search_length (int) — Minimal chars number for starting global search.
  • mobile_calls (bool) — Calls functions enabled for mobile applications.
  • oauth_services ( OAuthService , list, omitempty) — External services.
  • only_one_device_per_call (bool, omitempty) — Disallow call from multiply devices. Experimental.
  • readonly_groups (bool) — Deprecated.
  • resend_timeout (int) — Resend message in n seconds if no confirmation from server given.
  • safari_push_id (string) — Safari push id for web-push notifications.
  • sentry_dsn_js (string) — Frontend settings.
  • server_drafts (bool) — Message drafts saved on server.
  • single_group_teams (bool) — Cross team communication. Experimental.
  • task_checklist (bool) — Deprecated.
  • task_dashboard (bool) — Deprecated.
  • task_messages (bool) — Deprecated.
  • task_public (bool) — Deprecated.
  • task_tags (bool) — Deprecated.
  • terms ( Terms ) — Team entity naming. Experimental.
  • theme (string) — Default UI theme.
  • userver (string) — Static files server address.
  • wiki_pages (bool) — Wiki pages in chats. Experimental.


Accouint data with extra information

  • devices ( PushDevice , list) — Registered push devices.
  • inviter ( JID , omitempty) — Inviter id, if any.
  • teams ( Team , list) — Available teams.
  • alt_send (bool) — Use Ctrl/Cmd + Enter instead Enter.
  • always_send_pushes (bool) — Send pushes even user is online.
  • asterisk_mention (bool) — Use * as @ for mentions.
  • default_lang (string, omitempty) — Default language code.
  • email (string, omitempty) — Email for login.
  • family_name (string, omitempty) — Family name.
  • given_name (string, omitempty) — Given name.
  • munread_first (bool) — Show unread chats in chat list first on mobiles.
  • patronymic (string, omitempty) — Patronymic, if any.
  • phone (string, omitempty) — Phone for login.
  • quiet_time_finish (string, nullable) — Finish silently time (no pushes, no sounds).
  • quiet_time_start (string, nullable) — Start silently time (no pushes, no sounds).
  • timezone (string) — Timezone.
  • unread_first (bool) — Show unread chats in chat list first.


Unread message counters

  • chats (uint) — Total chats with unread messages.
  • messages (uint) — Total unread messages.
  • notice_messages (uint) — Total unread messages with mentions.


Login from other device



  • bad_profile (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — My profile in this team isn't full.
  • changeable_statuses ( TeamStatus , readonly for clients, list, omitempty) — What status I can set to other team members.
  • contacts ( Contact , readonly for clients, list, omitempty) — Team contacts. Used only for team creation.
  • default_task_deadline (string, omitempty) — Default task deadline.
  • display_family_name_first (bool, omitempty) — Family name should be first in display name.
  • gentime (int64, readonly for clients) — Object version.
  • hide_archived_users (bool, omitempty) — Don't show archived users by default.
  • icons ( IconData , readonly for clients) — Team icons.
  • is_archive (bool, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Team deleted.
  • last_active (bool, readonly for clients) — User last activity was in this team.
  • max_message_update_age (int) — Max message update/deletion age, in seconds.
  • me ( Contact , readonly for clients) — My profile in this team.
  • name (string) — Team name.
  • need_confirmation (bool, readonly for clients) — Need confirmation after invite to this team.
  • single_group ( JID , readonly for clients, omitempty) — For single group teams, jid of chat.
  • task_importance_max (int, omitempty) — Maximum value of task importance. Default is 5.
  • task_importance_min (int, omitempty) — Minimal value of task importance. Default is 1.
  • task_importance_rev (bool, omitempty) — Bigger number = bigger importance. Default: lower number = bigger importance.
  • theme ( Theme , readonly for clients, nullable, omitempty) — Color theme, if any.
  • uid (string, readonly for clients) — Team id.
  • unread ( TeamUnread , readonly for clients, nullable) — Unread message counters.
  • uploads_size (int64, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Total uploads size, bytes.
  • uploads_size_limit (int64, readonly for clients, omitempty) — Maximum uploads size, bytes, if any.
  • use_patronymic (bool, omitempty) — Patronymic in usernames for this team.
  • use_task_complexity (bool, omitempty) — Use complexity field in task.
  • use_task_importance (bool, omitempty) — Use importance field in task.
  • use_task_spent_time (bool, omitempty) — Use spent time field in task.
  • use_task_urgency (bool, omitempty) — Use urgency field in task.
  • user_fields (string, readonly for clients, list) — Username fields ordering.


Minimal chat representation

  • chat_type ( ChatType ) — Chat type.
  • display_name (string) — Title.
  • icons ( IconData , nullable) — Icon data.
  • jid ( JID ) — Group/Task/Contact id.


Changed draft message in chan


Call participant

  • devices ( CallDevice , list) — Member devices, strictly one for now.
  • display_name (string) — Contact name.
  • icon (string) — Contact icon.
  • jid ( JID ) — Contact id.
  • muted (bool) — Microphone muted. Computed from devices muted states.
  • role (string) — Contact role.


Task sort type

  • key ( TaskSortKey ) — Field.
  • title (string) — Sort title.


Task or group remind fired



  • add_to_team_rights (bool, omitempty) — Can contact add users to this team.
  • alt_send (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Use Ctrl/Cmd + Enter instead Enter.
  • always_send_pushes (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Send push notifications even contact is online.
  • asterisk_mention (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Use * as @ for mentions.
  • auth_2fa_enabled (bool, omitempty) — Two-factor authentication is configured and confirmed.
  • auth_2fa_status (string, omitempty) — Two-factor authentication status.
  • botname (string, omitempty) — Bot name. Empty for users.
  • can_add_to_group (bool, omitempty) — Can I add this contact to group chats.
  • can_add_to_team (bool, omitempty) — Can I add new members to this team.
  • can_call (bool, omitempty) — Can I call to this contact.
  • can_create_group (bool, omitempty) — Can I create group chats in this team.
  • can_create_task (bool, omitempty) — Can I call create task for this contact.
  • can_delete (bool, omitempty) — Can I remove this contact from team.
  • can_delete_any_message (bool, omitempty) — Deprecated: use CanDeleteAnyMessage in chat object.
  • can_join_public_groups (bool, omitempty) — Can I view/join public group in this team.
  • can_join_public_tasks (bool, omitempty) — Can I view/join public tasks in this team.
  • can_manage_color_rules (bool, omitempty) — Can I manage color rules in this team.
  • can_manage_integrations (bool, omitempty) — Can I manage integrations in this team.
  • can_manage_sections (bool, omitempty) — Can I manage sections in this team.
  • can_manage_tags (bool, omitempty) — Can I manage tags in this team.
  • can_send_message (bool, omitempty) — Can I send message to this contact.
  • cant_send_message_reason (string, omitempty) — Why I can't send message to this chat (if can't).
  • changeable_fields (string, list, omitempty) — Changeable fields.
  • contact_email (string) — Contact email in this team.
  • contact_mshort_view (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Short view in contact list in mobile app.
  • contact_phone (string) — Contact phone in this team.
  • contact_short_view (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Short view in contact list.
  • contact_show_archived (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Show archived contacts in contact list.
  • custom_fields ( ContactCustomFields , nullable, omitempty) — Extra contact fields.
  • debug_show_activity (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Enable debug messages in UI.
  • default_lang (string, nullable, omitempty) — Default language code.
  • display_name (string) — Full name in chats.
  • dropall_enabled (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Enable remove all messages experimental features.
  • family_name (string, omitempty) — Family name.
  • given_name (string, omitempty) — Given name.
  • group_mshort_view (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Short view in group list in mobile app.
  • group_notifications_enabled (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Push notifications for group chats.
  • group_short_view (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Short view in group list.
  • icons ( IconData , nullable) — Icons data.
  • is_archive (bool, omitempty) — Contact deleted.
  • jid ( JID ) — Contact Id.
  • last_activity (ISODateTimeString, omitempty) — Last activity in this team (iso datetime).
  • munread_first (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Show unread chats first in feed in mobile app.
  • mood (string, omitempty) — Mood in this team.
  • patronymic (string, omitempty) — Patronymic, if any.
  • quiet_time_finish (string, nullable, omitempty) — Quiet time finish.
  • quiet_time_start (string, nullable, omitempty) — Quiet time start.
  • role (string) — Role in this team.
  • sections (string, list) — Section ids.
  • short_name (string) — Short name in chats.
  • task_mshort_view (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Short view in task list in mobile app.
  • task_notifications_enabled (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Push notifications for task chats.
  • task_short_view (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Short view in task list.
  • status ( TeamStatus ) — Status in this team.
  • timezone (string, nullable, omitempty) — Timezone, if any.
  • unread_first (bool, nullable, omitempty) — Show unread chats first in feed.


Call restarted


Tag deleted


Chat message content

  • actor ( JID , omitempty) — Change actor contact id (for "change" mediatype).
  • animated (bool, omitempty) — Upload is animated image, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • blurhash (string, omitempty) — Compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • comment (string, omitempty) — Comment (for "audiomsg" mediatype).
  • duration (uint, nullable, omitempty) — Upload duration, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • emails (string, list, omitempty) — Emails list (for "contact" mediatype).
  • family_name (string, omitempty) — Family name (for "contact" mediatype).
  • given_name (string, omitempty) — Given name (for "contact" mediatype).
  • mediaURL (string, omitempty) — Upload url, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • name (string, omitempty) — Upload name, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • new (string, nullable, omitempty) — Change new value (for "change" mediatype).
  • old (string, nullable, omitempty) — Change old value (for "change" mediatype).
  • patronymic (string, omitempty) — Patronymic name (for "contact" mediatype).
  • pdf_version ( PdfVersion , nullable, omitempty) — Pdf version, if any.
  • phones (string, list, omitempty) — Contact phones list (for "contact" mediatype).
  • preview2xURL (string, omitempty) — Upload high resolution preview absolute url, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • previewHeight (int, omitempty) — Upload preview height, in pixels, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • previewURL (string, omitempty) — Upload preview absolute url, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • previewWidth (int, omitempty) — Upload width, in pixels, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • processing (bool, omitempty) — Upload still processing, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • size (int, omitempty) — Upload size, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.
  • stickerpack (string, omitempty) — Stickerpack name (for "sticker" subtype).
  • subtype ( Mediasubtype , omitempty) — Message subtype, if any.
  • text (string) — Text representation of message.
  • title (string, omitempty) — Change title (for "change" mediatype).
  • type ( Mediatype ) — Message type.
  • upload (string, omitempty) — Upload id, if any. Deprecated: use Uploads instead.


Reject the call


Contact section or task project created or changed



  • chat ( JID ) — Chat id.
  • comment (string, omitempty) — Comment, if any.
  • fire_at (ISODateTimeString) — Activation time, iso.
  • uid (string) — Remind id.


Something went wrong with client message


Status of background operation


Change AFK (away from keyboard) status


Changed last read message in chat


Upload preview

  • height (int) — Height in pixels.
  • url (string) — Absolute url to image.
  • url_2x (string) — Absolute url to high resolution image (retina).
  • width (int) — Width in pixels.


Call parameters


Typing or recording audiomessage


Account data

  • alt_send (bool) — Use Ctrl/Cmd + Enter instead Enter.
  • always_send_pushes (bool) — Send pushes even user is online.
  • asterisk_mention (bool) — Use * as @ for mentions.
  • default_lang (string, omitempty) — Default language code.
  • email (string, omitempty) — Email for login.
  • family_name (string, omitempty) — Family name.
  • given_name (string, omitempty) — Given name.
  • munread_first (bool) — Show unread chats in chat list first on mobiles.
  • patronymic (string, omitempty) — Patronymic, if any.
  • phone (string, omitempty) — Phone for login.
  • quiet_time_finish (string, nullable) — Finish silently time (no pushes, no sounds).
  • quiet_time_start (string, nullable) — Start silently time (no pushes, no sounds).
  • timezone (string) — Timezone.
  • unread_first (bool) — Show unread chats in chat list first.


Tasks counters

  • jid ( JID ) — Task jid.
  • num_unread (uint, omitempty) — Unreads counter.
  • num_unread_notices (uint, omitempty) — Mentions (@) counter.


Integration form


Start a call


Task checklist item

  • can_toggle (bool, omitempty) — Can I toggle this item.
  • checked (bool, omitempty) — Item checked.
  • sort_ordering (uint, omitempty) — Sort ordering.
  • subtask ( Subtask , nullable, omitempty) — Link to subtask. Optional.
  • text (string) — Text or "#{OtherTaskNumber}".
  • uid (string, omitempty) — Id.


Icon data. For icon generated from display name contains Letters + Color fields

  • blurhash (string, omitempty) — Compact representation of a placeholder for an image (experimental).
  • color (string, omitempty) — Icon background color (only for stub icon).
  • letters (string, omitempty) — Letters (only for stub icon).
  • lg ( SingleIcon ) — Large image.
  • sm ( SingleIcon ) — Small icon.
  • stub (string, omitempty) — Deprecated.


Custom task status

  • is_archive (bool, omitempty) — Status not used anymore.
  • name (string) — Status internal name.
  • sort_ordering (uint) — Status sort ordering.
  • title (string) — Status localized name.
  • uid (string, omitempty) — Status id.


Unread message counters

  • uid (string) — Team id.
  • unread ( TeamUnread ) — Unread message counters.


Task/group remind created or changed


Last read message in chat changed


Message received by someone in chat


Someone typing or recording audiomessage in chat


Contact created or updated


Task tab

  • filters ( TaskFilter , list) — Filters inside tab.
  • hide_empty (bool) — Disable this tab when it has no contents.
  • key ( TaskTabKey ) — Tab name.
  • pagination (bool) — Enable pagination.
  • show_counter (bool) — Show unread badge.
  • sort ( TaskSort , list) — Sort available in tab.
  • title (string) — Tab title.
  • unread_tasks ( TaskCounters , list) — Unread tasks with jid and counters.


PDF preview of mediafile. Experimental

  • text_preview (string, omitempty) — First string of text content.
  • url (string) — Absolute url.


Audio call information

  • audiorecord (bool) — Call record enabled.
  • finish (ISODateTimeString, nullable) — Call finish.
  • onliners ( CallOnliner , list, omitempty) — Call participants.
  • start (ISODateTimeString, nullable) — Call start.


Integration for concrete chat

  • comment (string) — Comment, if any.
  • created (ISODateTimeString, omitempty) — Creation datetime, iso.
  • enabled (bool) — Integration enabled.
  • form ( IntegrationForm ) — Integration form.
  • group ( JID ) — Chat id.
  • help (string, omitempty) — Full description.
  • kind (string) — Unique integration name.
  • uid (string, omitempty) — Id.


OAuth service

  • name (string) — Integration title.
  • url (string) — Redirect url.


Extra contact fields


Markup entity. Experimental

  • childs ( MarkupEntity , list, omitempty) — List of internal markup entities.
  • cl (int) — Close marker offset.
  • cllen (int, omitempty) — Close marker length.
  • op (int) — Open marker offset.
  • oplen (int, omitempty) — Open marker length.
  • repl (string, omitempty) — Text replacement.
  • time (string, omitempty) — Time, for Time type.
  • typ ( MarkupType ) — Marker type.
  • url (string, omitempty) — Url, for Link type.


Chat deleted


Task filter

  • field ( TaskFilterKey ) — Task filter field.
  • title (string) — Filter title.


Upload object created or changed


Team archived


Mute/unmute call participant


Client confirmed server message


Part of UI settings changed


Wiki page. Experimental

  • editor ( JID ) — Last editor contact id.
  • gentime (int64) — Object version.
  • text (string) — Page text.
  • updated (ISODateTimeString) — Update time.


Interactive Connectivity Establishment Server for WEB Rtc connection. Readonly

  • urls (string) — URls.


Call cancelled on buzzing


Team created or changed


Remind deleted message

  • uid (string) — Remind id.


Small or large icon

  • height (int) — Icon height, in pixels.
  • url (string) — absolute url to icon.
  • width (int) — Icon width, in pixels.


Message emoji reaction

  • counter (int) — Number of reactions.
  • details ( MessageReactionDetail , list) — Details.
  • name (string) — Emoji.


Message deleted


Chat (direct, group, task) representation

  • assignee ( JID , omitempty) — Assignee contact id. Tasks only.
  • autocleanup_age (int, nullable, omitempty) — Delete messages in this chat in seconds. Experimental function.
  • base_gentime (int64, omitempty) — Base fields (not related to concrete participant) version.
  • can_add_member (bool, omitempty) — Can I add member to this group chat.
  • can_call (bool, omitempty) — Can I call to this chat.
  • can_change_member_status (bool, omitempty) — Can I change member status in this group chat.
  • can_change_settings (bool, omitempty) — deprecated: use changeable fields.
  • can_delete (bool, omitempty) — Can I delete this chat.
  • can_delete_any_message (bool, omitempty) — Can I delete any message in this chat.
  • can_join (bool, omitempty) — Can I join to this public group/task.
  • can_remove_member (bool, omitempty) — Can I remove member from this group chat.
  • can_send_message (bool, omitempty) — Can I send message to this chat.
  • can_set_important_any_message (bool, omitempty) — Can I change Important flag in any message in this chat.
  • cant_send_message_reason (string, omitempty) — Why I can't send message to this chat (if can't).
  • changeable_fields (string, list, omitempty) — List of editable fields.
  • chat_type ( ChatType ) — Chat type.
  • collapsed (bool, omitempty) — Description collapsed. Used for tasks only.
  • color_index (uint16, nullable, omitempty) — Custom color index from table of colors. Tasks only.
  • complexity (int, nullable, omitempty) — Task complexity, number.
  • counters_enabled (bool, omitempty) — Include unread messages to counters.
  • created (ISODateTimeString) — Creation date, iso datetime.
  • deadline (ISODateTimeString, omitempty) — Task deadline in iso format, if any.
  • deadline_expired (bool, omitempty) — Is task deadline expired.
  • default_for_all (bool, omitempty) — Any new team member will be added to this group chat.
  • description (string, omitempty) — Group or task description.
  • display_name (string) — Title.
  • done (ISODateTimeString, omitempty) — Task done date in iso format, if any.
  • done_reason (string, omitempty) — Task done reason, if any.
  • draft (string, omitempty) — Last message draft, if any.
  • draft_num (int64, omitempty) — Last message draft version , if any.
  • feed (bool, omitempty) — Present in feed (main screen).
  • gentime (int64) — Chat fields related to concrete participant) version.
  • hidden (bool, omitempty) — Hidden chat.
  • icons ( IconData , nullable) — Icons info.
  • importance (int, nullable, omitempty) — Task importance, if available in team.
  • items ( TaskItem , list, omitempty) — Checklist items. Task only.
  • jid ( JID ) — Group/Task/Contact id.
  • last_activity (ISODateTimeString, omitempty) — Date of the last message sent even if it was deleted.
  • last_message ( Message , nullable, omitempty) — Last message object.
  • last_read_message_id (string, omitempty) — Last read message id, if any.
  • linked_messages (interface{}, list, omitempty) — Used for "Create task from messages...".
  • links ( MessageLinks , omitempty) — Links in description.
  • markup ( MarkupEntity , readonly for clients, list, omitempty) — Markup entities for description field. Experimental.
  • members ( GroupMembership , list, omitempty) — Group chat members.
  • notifications_enabled (bool, omitempty) — Push notifications enabled.
  • num (uint, omitempty) — Task number in this team.
  • num_checked_items (uint, nullable, omitempty) — Checked items in checklist. Tasks only.
  • num_importants (int, omitempty) — Number of important messages.
  • num_items (uint, nullable, omitempty) — Items in checklist. Tasks only.
  • num_members (uint, nullable, omitempty) — Non-archive participants number.
  • num_unread (uint, omitempty) — Unread counter.
  • num_unread_notices (uint, omitempty) — Mentions (@) counter.
  • observers ( JID , list, omitempty) — Task followers id's. TODO: rename to "followers".
  • owner ( JID , omitempty) — Task creator.
  • parents ( Subtask , list, omitempty) — Parent tasks.
  • pinned (bool, omitempty) — Is chat pinned on top.
  • pinned_message ( Message , nullable, omitempty) — Pinned message for this chat.
  • pinned_sort_ordering (int, omitempty) — Sort ordering for pinned chat.
  • public (bool, omitempty) — Can other team member see this task/group chat.
  • readonly_for_members (bool, omitempty) — Readonly for non-admins group chat (Like Channels in Telegram bug switchable).
  • section (string, omitempty) — Project / section id, if any.
  • spent_time (int, nullable, omitempty) — Task spent time, number.
  • status ( GroupStatus , nullable, omitempty) — My status in group chat.
  • tabs ( TaskTabKey , list, omitempty) — Tab names.
  • tags (string, list, omitempty) — Task tags list, if any.
  • task_status (string, omitempty) — Task status. May be custom.
  • title (string, omitempty) — Task title. Generated from number and description.
  • uploads ( Upload , list, omitempty) — Upload uids for request, upload objects for response.
  • urgency (int, nullable, omitempty) — Task urgency, if available in team.


Color theme

  • AppAccentColor (string) — Deprecated.
  • AppPrimaryColor (string) — Deprecated.
  • BgColor (string) — Web colors.
  • brand (string) — App colors.


Task tag

  • name (string) — Tag name.
  • uid (string) — Tag id.


Debug message


Integration form field

  • label (string) — Label.
  • readonly (bool) — Is field readonly.
  • value (string) — Current value.


Message reaction detail

  • created (ISODateTimeString) — When reaction added, iso datetime.
  • name (string) — Reaction emoji.
  • sender ( JID ) — Reaction author.


Short contact representation

  • display_name (string) — Full name in chats.
  • icons ( IconData , nullable) — Icons data.
  • jid ( JID ) — Contact Id.
  • short_name (string) — Short name in chats.


Online team members and current active calls


Mute all other call participants


Contact section or task project deleted


Call buzzing

  • jid ( JID ) — Chat or contact id.
  • members ( JID , list) — List of call participants.


Minimal chat representation for deletion

  • chat_type ( ChatType ) — Chat type.
  • gentime (int64) — Chat fields (related to concrete participant) version.
  • is_archive (bool) — Archive flag. Always true for this structure.
  • jid ( JID ) — Group/Task/Contact id.


Call buzzing cancelled


Chat message created, updated or deleted



Event structure: ClientActivity

Change AFK (away from keyboard) status

	"confirm_id": "75a406625c58",
	"event": "client.activity",
	"params": {
		"afk": "BOOL"


Event structure: ClientCallBuzz

	"confirm_id": "64977b08d763",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID"


Event structure: ClientCallBuzzCancel

Call buzzing cancelled

	"confirm_id": "8c52201ff7ed",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID"


Event structure: ClientCallLeave

Leave call

	"confirm_id": "f5b6d29013c3",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID",
		"reason": "STRING"


Event structure: ClientCallMuteAll

Mute all other call participants



Event structure: ClientCallOffer

Start a call

	"confirm_id": "b45fdc034116",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID",
		"muted": "BOOL",
		"sdp": "STRING",
		"trickle": "BOOL"


Event structure: ClientCallReject

Reject the call

	"confirm_id": "55e8cc25d534",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID"


Event structure: ClientCallSound

Change mute state in call

	"confirm_id": "4a24b770a659",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID",
		"muted": "BOOL"


Event structure: ClientCallTrickle

Send trickle candidate for webrtc connection

	"confirm_id": "5bde78b37316",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"candidate": "STRING",
		"jid": "JID",
		"sdp_mid": "STRING",
		"sdp_mline_index": "INT"


Event structure: ClientChatComposing

Typing or recording audiomessage

	"confirm_id": "2bd5afaf39af",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID"


Event structure: ClientChatLastread

Last read message in chat changed

	"confirm_id": "8561d892f3d8",
	"event": "",
	"params": {
		"jid": "JID",
		"last_read_message_id": "STRING"


Event structure: ClientConfirm

Client confirmed server message

	"event": "client.confirm",
	"params": {
		"confirm_id": "str"


Event structure: ClientMessageDeleted

Message deleted

	"confirm_id": "cd778785149a",
	"event": "client.message.deleted",
	"params": {
		"message_id": "STRING"


Event structure: ClientMessageUpdated

Message created or changed

	"confirm_id": "2694a2864526",
	"event": "client.message.updated",
	"params": {
		"comment": "STRING",
		"content": {
			"text": "...",
			"type": "plain"
		"important": "BOOL",
		"linked_messages": [
		"message_id": "STRING",
		"nopreview": "BOOL",
		"to": "JID"


Event structure: ClientPing

Empty message for checking server connection

	"confirm_id": "8aad294579b8",
	"event": ""


Event structure: ServerCallAnswer

Call parameters

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "candidates": [
                "candidate": "candidate:2 1 tcp 1019216383 0 typ host tcptype active",
                "sdpMLineIndex": 0
        "jid": "g-3f7e2a85-49f5-4586-8229-d9c52813dcb2",
        "jsep": {
            "sdp": ".....SDP....",
            "type": "answer"
        "onliners": [
                "devices": [
                        "browser": null,
                        "muted": true
                        "browser": null,
                        "muted": true
                "jid": "d-ef53637c-f44c-4f49-9ffb-05436eb995ce",
                "muted": true


Event structure: ServerCallBuzz

Call buzzing

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "display_name": "имя фамилия",
        "icons": {
            "lg": {
                "height": 512,
                "url": "",
                "width": 512
            "sm": {
                "height": 256,
                "url": "",
                "width": 256
        "jid": "g-3f7e2a85-49f5-4586-8229-d9c52813dcb2",
        "team": "6aefcf3b-e61c-4f35-8b5b-9d762a6a6cf9"


Event structure: ServerCallBuzzcancel

Call cancelled on buzzing

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "jid": "d-0bdfbbf5-abfa-4ed2-9f98-991d5bb80127",
        "team": "848cc926-3048-44b3-a9ba-3195a394351d"


Event structure: ServerCallCheckFingerprint

Experimental function



Event structure: ServerCallLeave

Participant leave a call



Event structure: ServerCallMuteall

All participants in call muted



Event structure: ServerCallReject

Call rejected



Event structure: ServerCallRestart

Call restarted



Event structure: ServerCallSound

Mute/unmute call participant



Event structure: ServerCallState

Call participant number or parameters changed

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "audiorecord": true,
        "buzz": false,
        "finish": null,
        "jid": "g-3f7e2a85-49f5-4586-8229-d9c52813dcb2",
        "onliners": [
                "devices": [
                        "muted": false,
                        "useragent": "Chrome"
                "jid": "d-d6de9748-0bcd-4145-b1ce-3d7f41c1c26f",
                "muted": false
        "start": "2019-09-27T01:01:35.264095Z"


Event structure: ServerCallTalking

Someone talks in call

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "_level": null,
        "actor": "d-bd500a50-3a38-44d1-a43c-fb1a48e1a79e",
        "jid": "d-bd500a50-3a38-44d1-a43c-fb1a48e1a79e",
        "talking": true


Event structure: ServerChatComposing

Someone typing or recording audiomessage in chat

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "actor": "d-bd500a50-3a38-44d1-a43c-fb1a48e1a79e",
        "composing": true,
        "is_audio": false,
        "jid": "d-bd500a50-3a38-44d1-a43c-fb1a48e1a79e"


Event structure: ServerChatDeleted

Chat deleted

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "badge": 449,
        "chats": [
                "chat_type": "group",
                "gentime": 1569546094920474368,
                "is_archive": true,
                "jid": "g-3f7e2a85-49f5-4586-8229-d9c52813dcb2"
        "team_unread": {
            "direct": {
                "chats": 1,
                "messages": 31
            "group": {
                "chats": 0,
                "messages": 0
            "task": {
                "chats": 1,
                "messages": 1


Event structure: ServerChatDraft

Changed draft message in chan



Event structure: ServerChatLastread

Changed last read message in chat

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "badge": 0,
        "chats": [
                "chat_type": "direct",
                "gentime": 1569546084300075149,
                "jid": "d-2a9d8c43-41d1-479c-9c8c-f029f799a724",
                "last_read_message_id": "f4f1f09c-f978-4b54-a321-b4c82604010d",
                "num_unread": 0,
                "num_unread_notices": 0
        "team_unread": {
            "direct": {
                "chats": 0,
                "messages": 0
            "group": {
                "chats": 0,
                "messages": 0
            "task": {
                "chats": 0,
                "messages": 0


Event structure: ServerChatUpdated

Chat created or updated

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "badge": 449,
        "chats": [
                "can_call": true,
                "can_send_message": true,
                "chat_type": "group",
                "counters_enabled": true,
                "created": "2019-09-18T00:00:06.105362Z",
                "default_for_all": true,
                "description": "Сюда автоматически попадают все участники команды",
                "display_name": "Общий чат",
                "gentime": 1568764808134709248,
                "icons": {
                    "stub": ""
                "jid": "g-82d6c0d4-8921-4519-abb3-02f17373112f",
                "notifications_enabled": true,
                "num_members": 32,
                "public": true,
                "status": "member"
        "team_unread": {
            "direct": {
                "chats": 1,
                "messages": 31
            "group": {
                "chats": 0,
                "messages": 0
            "task": {
                "chats": 1,
                "messages": 1


Event structure: ServerConfirm

Server confirmed client message

	"event": "server.confirm",
	"params": {
		"confirm_id": "b8b2ccd6-35a6-408f-a591-c696a9f9e73e"


Event structure: ServerContactUpdated

Contact created or updated

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "contacts": [
                "can_add_to_group": true,
                "can_call": true,
                "can_create_task": true,
                "can_send_message": true,
                "changeable_fields": [],
                "contact_email": "",
                "contact_phone": "+75550000031",
                "display_name": "Контакт №32",
                "icons": {
                    "stub": ""
                "jid": "d-a792832a-d9f6-4bbc-b545-f2800e329c8c",
                "last_activity": null,
                "role": "",
                "sections": [],
                "status": "member"


Event structure: ServerDebug

Debug message



Event structure: ServerLogin

Login from other device

    "event": "server.login",
    "params": {
        "device_name": "(unknown device)"


Event structure: ServerMessagePush

Push replacement for desktop application



Event structure: ServerMessageReceived

Message received by someone in chat

    "event": "server.message.received",
    "params": {
        "messages": [
                "chat": "t-be962c01-14ae-4c59-aeb0-f0ff5cffab74",
                "message_id": "e0fca4c2-0d17-4317-96cd-703c2ca781e4",
                "num_received": 0,
                "received": false


Event structure: ServerMessageUpdated

Chat message created, updated or deleted

    "event": "server.message.updated",
    "params": {
        "badge": 51,
        "chat_counters": [
                "chat_type": "task",
                "gentime": 1569546093662061959,
                "jid": "t-be962c01-14ae-4c59-aeb0-f0ff5cffab74",
                "last_read_message_id": null,
                "num_unread": 0,
                "num_unread_notices": 0
        "delayed": false,
        "messages": [
                "chat": "t-be962c01-14ae-4c59-aeb0-f0ff5cffab74",
                "chat_type": "task",
                "content": {
                    "actor": "d-0b1b2362-fb69-4dd6-8bfb-90c89517168d",
                    "text": "Создана задача для @Контакт_№394: Тест",
                    "title": "Создана задача для @Контакт_№394: Тест",
                    "type": "change"
                "created": "2019-09-27T01:01:33.661466Z",
                "editable_until": "2019-09-28T01:01:33.661466Z",
                "from": "d-a2d94e8e-74aa-4b0b-b55d-0b4fc1ce07f4",
                "gentime": 1569546093662061959,
                "is_first": true,
                "is_last": true,
                "message_id": "e0fca4c2-0d17-4317-96cd-703c2ca781e4",
                "to": "t-be962c01-14ae-4c59-aeb0-f0ff5cffab74"
        "team_unread": {
            "direct": {
                "chats": 1,
                "messages": 51
            "group": {
                "chats": 0,
                "messages": 0
            "task": {
                "chats": 0,
                "messages": 0


Event structure: ServerOnline

Online team members and current active calls

    "event": "",
    "params": {
        "calls": [
                "jid": "g-3f7e2a85-49f5-4586-8229-d9c52813dcb2"
        "contacts": [
                "afk": false,
                "jid": "d-bd500a50-3a38-44d1-a43c-fb1a48e1a79e",
                "mobile": false


Event structure: ServerPanic

Critical server error

	"event": "server.panic",
	"params": {
		"code": "INVALID_TEAM",
		"debug": null


Event structure: ServerProcessing

Status of background operation



Event structure: ServerRemindDeleted

Task or group remind deleted

    "event": "server.remind.deleted",
    "params": {
        "reminds": [
                "uid": "22018199-c3ae-4a9c-829e-985e975eb62a"


Event structure: ServerRemindFired

Task or group remind fired

    "event": "server.remind.fired",
    "params": {
        "reminds": [
                "chat": "t-2c527748-2e00-440e-a625-58121d42fdad",
                "fire_at": "2019-09-27T11:01:03.428564Z",
                "uid": "22018199-c3ae-4a9c-829e-985e975eb62a"


Event structure: ServerRemindUpdated

Task/group remind created or changed

    "event": "server.remind.updated",
    "params": {
        "reminds": [
                "chat": "t-2c527748-2e00-440e-a625-58121d42fdad",
                "fire_at": "2019-09-27T11:01:03.428564Z",
                "uid": "22018199-c3ae-4a9c-829e-985e975eb62a"


Event structure: ServerRoster

    "event": "server.roster",
    "params": {
        "badge": 449,
        "contact_sections": [
                "gentime": 1568764805859444992,
                "name": "Боты",
                "sort_ordering": 99,
                "uid": "3a8b23f2-25b4-4acb-afab-590303bedd50"
        "contacts": [
                "botname": "systembot",
                "can_send_message": true,
                "changeable_fields": [],
                "contact_email": "",
                "contact_phone": "",
                "display_name": "tada.teamBot",
                "icons": {
                    "lg": {
                        "height": 512,
                        "url": "",
                        "width": 512
                    "sm": {
                        "height": 256,
                        "url": "",
                        "width": 256
                "jid": "d-23eae5d4-4371-4a43-8815-a6a655cb623e",
                "last_activity": "2019-09-27T01:01:32.354349Z",
                "role": "Виртуальный ассистент",
                "section": "3a8b23f2-25b4-4acb-afab-590303bedd50",
                "sections": [
                "status": "member"
                "can_add_to_group": true,
                "can_call": true,
                "can_create_task": true,
                "can_send_message": true,
                "changeable_fields": [],
                "contact_email": "",
                "contact_phone": "+75550000000",
                "display_name": "Контакт №1",
                "icons": {
                    "stub": ""
                "jid": "d-181b9859-ea3f-4e26-85c9-9e7ee7aaaa9a",
                "last_activity": null,
                "role": "",
                "sections": [],
                "status": "admin"
                "can_add_to_group": true,
                "can_call": true,
                "can_create_task": true,
                "can_send_message": true,
                "changeable_fields": [],
                "contact_email": "",
                "contact_phone": "+75550000009",
                "display_name": "Контакт №10",
                "icons": {
                    "stub": ""
                "jid": "d-a87e168a-78df-49aa-9abb-9b5409eb7de5",
                "last_activity": null,
                "role": "",
                "sections": [],
                "status": "member"
                "can_add_to_group": true,
                "can_call": true,
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Event structure: ServerWarning

Something went wrong with client message

	"event": "server.warning",
	"params": {
		"message": "unknown event: client.deeeeeaddddbeeeeeef",
		"orig": {
			"confirm_id": "c6280a82ed1c",
			"event": "client.deeeeeaddddbeeeeeef"


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