Overview ¶
Package ssm provides the client and types for making API requests to Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
AWS Systems Manager is a collection of capabilities that helps you automate management tasks such as collecting system inventory, applying operating system (OS) patches, automating the creation of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), and configuring operating systems (OSs) and applications at scale. Systems Manager lets you remotely and securely manage the configuration of your managed instances. A managed instance is any Amazon EC2 instance or on-premises machine in your hybrid environment that has been configured for Systems Manager.
This reference is intended to be used with the AWS Systems Manager User Guide (
To get started, verify prerequisites and configure managed instances. For more information, see Systems Manager Prerequisites (
For information about other API actions you can perform on Amazon EC2 instances, see the Amazon EC2 API Reference ( For information about how to use a Query API, see Making API Requests (
See for more information on this service.
See ssm package documentation for more information.
Using the Client ¶
To Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) with the SDK use the New function to create a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.
See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK.
See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients.
See the Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) client SSM for more information on creating client for this service.
Index ¶
- Constants
- type Activation
- type AddTagsToResourceInput
- type AddTagsToResourceOutput
- type AddTagsToResourceRequest
- type Association
- type AssociationDescription
- type AssociationFilter
- type AssociationFilterKey
- type AssociationOverview
- type AssociationStatus
- type AssociationStatusName
- type AssociationVersionInfo
- type AutomationExecution
- type AutomationExecutionFilter
- type AutomationExecutionFilterKey
- type AutomationExecutionMetadata
- type AutomationExecutionStatus
- type CancelCommandInput
- type CancelCommandOutput
- type CancelCommandRequest
- type Command
- type CommandFilter
- type CommandFilterKey
- type CommandInvocation
- type CommandInvocationStatus
- type CommandPlugin
- type CommandPluginStatus
- type CommandStatus
- type ComplianceExecutionSummary
- type ComplianceItem
- type ComplianceItemEntry
- type ComplianceQueryOperatorType
- type ComplianceSeverity
- type ComplianceStatus
- type ComplianceStringFilter
- type ComplianceSummaryItem
- type CompliantSummary
- type CreateActivationInput
- type CreateActivationOutput
- type CreateActivationRequest
- type CreateAssociationBatchInput
- type CreateAssociationBatchOutput
- type CreateAssociationBatchRequest
- type CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry
- type CreateAssociationInput
- type CreateAssociationOutput
- type CreateAssociationRequest
- type CreateDocumentInput
- type CreateDocumentOutput
- type CreateDocumentRequest
- type CreateMaintenanceWindowInput
- type CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type CreatePatchBaselineInput
- type CreatePatchBaselineOutput
- type CreatePatchBaselineRequest
- type CreateResourceDataSyncInput
- type CreateResourceDataSyncOutput
- type CreateResourceDataSyncRequest
- type DeleteActivationInput
- type DeleteActivationOutput
- type DeleteActivationRequest
- type DeleteAssociationInput
- type DeleteAssociationOutput
- type DeleteAssociationRequest
- type DeleteDocumentInput
- type DeleteDocumentOutput
- type DeleteDocumentRequest
- type DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput
- type DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type DeleteParameterInput
- type DeleteParameterOutput
- type DeleteParameterRequest
- type DeleteParametersInput
- type DeleteParametersOutput
- type DeleteParametersRequest
- type DeletePatchBaselineInput
- type DeletePatchBaselineOutput
- type DeletePatchBaselineRequest
- type DeleteResourceDataSyncInput
- type DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput
- type DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest
- type DeregisterManagedInstanceInput
- type DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput
- type DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest
- type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput
- type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput
- type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
- type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput
- type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput
- type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type DescribeActivationsFilter
- type DescribeActivationsFilterKeys
- type DescribeActivationsInput
- type DescribeActivationsOutput
- type DescribeActivationsPager
- type DescribeActivationsRequest
- type DescribeAssociationInput
- type DescribeAssociationOutput
- type DescribeAssociationRequest
- type DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput
- type DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput
- type DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest
- type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput
- type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput
- type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest
- type DescribeAvailablePatchesInput
- type DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput
- type DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest
- type DescribeDocumentInput
- type DescribeDocumentOutput
- type DescribeDocumentPermissionInput
- type DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput
- type DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest
- type DescribeDocumentRequest
- type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput
- type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput
- type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest
- type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput
- type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput
- type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest
- type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput
- type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput
- type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest
- type DescribeInstanceInformationInput
- type DescribeInstanceInformationOutput
- type DescribeInstanceInformationPager
- type DescribeInstanceInformationRequest
- type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput
- type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput
- type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest
- type DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput
- type DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput
- type DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest
- type DescribeInstancePatchesInput
- type DescribeInstancePatchesOutput
- type DescribeInstancePatchesRequest
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput
- type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest
- type DescribeParametersInput
- type DescribeParametersOutput
- type DescribeParametersPager
- type DescribeParametersRequest
- type DescribePatchBaselinesInput
- type DescribePatchBaselinesOutput
- type DescribePatchBaselinesRequest
- type DescribePatchGroupStateInput
- type DescribePatchGroupStateOutput
- type DescribePatchGroupStateRequest
- type DescribePatchGroupsInput
- type DescribePatchGroupsOutput
- type DescribePatchGroupsRequest
- type DocumentDefaultVersionDescription
- type DocumentDescription
- type DocumentFilter
- type DocumentFilterKey
- type DocumentFormat
- type DocumentHashType
- type DocumentIdentifier
- type DocumentKeyValuesFilter
- type DocumentParameter
- type DocumentParameterType
- type DocumentPermissionType
- type DocumentStatus
- type DocumentType
- type DocumentVersionInfo
- type EffectivePatch
- type ExecutionMode
- type FailedCreateAssociation
- type FailureDetails
- type Fault
- type GetAutomationExecutionInput
- type GetAutomationExecutionOutput
- type GetAutomationExecutionRequest
- type GetCommandInvocationInput
- type GetCommandInvocationOutput
- type GetCommandInvocationRequest
- type GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput
- type GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput
- type GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest
- type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput
- type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput
- type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest
- type GetDocumentInput
- type GetDocumentOutput
- type GetDocumentRequest
- type GetInventoryInput
- type GetInventoryOutput
- type GetInventoryRequest
- type GetInventorySchemaInput
- type GetInventorySchemaOutput
- type GetInventorySchemaRequest
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest
- type GetMaintenanceWindowInput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput
- type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest
- type GetParameterHistoryInput
- type GetParameterHistoryOutput
- type GetParameterHistoryPager
- type GetParameterHistoryRequest
- type GetParameterInput
- type GetParameterOutput
- type GetParameterRequest
- type GetParametersByPathInput
- type GetParametersByPathOutput
- type GetParametersByPathPager
- type GetParametersByPathRequest
- type GetParametersInput
- type GetParametersOutput
- type GetParametersRequest
- type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput
- type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput
- type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
- type GetPatchBaselineInput
- type GetPatchBaselineOutput
- type GetPatchBaselineRequest
- type InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview
- type InstanceAssociation
- type InstanceAssociationOutputLocation
- type InstanceAssociationOutputUrl
- type InstanceAssociationStatusInfo
- type InstanceInformation
- type InstanceInformationFilter
- type InstanceInformationFilterKey
- type InstanceInformationStringFilter
- type InstancePatchState
- type InstancePatchStateFilter
- type InstancePatchStateOperatorType
- type InventoryAggregator
- type InventoryAttributeDataType
- type InventoryFilter
- type InventoryItem
- type InventoryItemAttribute
- type InventoryItemSchema
- type InventoryQueryOperatorType
- type InventoryResultEntity
- type InventoryResultItem
- type LastResourceDataSyncStatus
- type ListAssociationVersionsInput
- type ListAssociationVersionsOutput
- type ListAssociationVersionsRequest
- type ListAssociationsInput
- type ListAssociationsOutput
- type ListAssociationsPager
- type ListAssociationsRequest
- type ListCommandInvocationsInput
- type ListCommandInvocationsOutput
- type ListCommandInvocationsPager
- type ListCommandInvocationsRequest
- type ListCommandsInput
- type ListCommandsOutput
- type ListCommandsPager
- type ListCommandsRequest
- type ListComplianceItemsInput
- type ListComplianceItemsOutput
- type ListComplianceItemsRequest
- type ListComplianceSummariesInput
- type ListComplianceSummariesOutput
- type ListComplianceSummariesRequest
- type ListDocumentVersionsInput
- type ListDocumentVersionsOutput
- type ListDocumentVersionsRequest
- type ListDocumentsInput
- type ListDocumentsOutput
- type ListDocumentsPager
- type ListDocumentsRequest
- type ListInventoryEntriesInput
- type ListInventoryEntriesOutput
- type ListInventoryEntriesRequest
- type ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput
- type ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput
- type ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest
- type ListResourceDataSyncInput
- type ListResourceDataSyncOutput
- type ListResourceDataSyncRequest
- type ListTagsForResourceInput
- type ListTagsForResourceOutput
- type ListTagsForResourceRequest
- type LoggingInfo
- type MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters
- type MaintenanceWindowExecution
- type MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus
- type MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity
- type MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity
- type MaintenanceWindowFilter
- type MaintenanceWindowIdentity
- type MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters
- type MaintenanceWindowResourceType
- type MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters
- type MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters
- type MaintenanceWindowTarget
- type MaintenanceWindowTask
- type MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters
- type MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression
- type MaintenanceWindowTaskType
- type ModifyDocumentPermissionInput
- type ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput
- type ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest
- type NonCompliantSummary
- type NotificationConfig
- type NotificationEvent
- type NotificationType
- type OperatingSystem
- type Parameter
- type ParameterHistory
- type ParameterMetadata
- type ParameterStringFilter
- type ParameterType
- type ParametersFilter
- type ParametersFilterKey
- type Patch
- type PatchBaselineIdentity
- type PatchComplianceData
- type PatchComplianceDataState
- type PatchComplianceLevel
- type PatchDeploymentStatus
- type PatchFilter
- type PatchFilterGroup
- type PatchFilterKey
- type PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping
- type PatchOperationType
- type PatchOrchestratorFilter
- type PatchRule
- type PatchRuleGroup
- type PatchSource
- type PatchStatus
- type PingStatus
- type PlatformType
- type PutComplianceItemsInput
- type PutComplianceItemsOutput
- type PutComplianceItemsRequest
- type PutInventoryInput
- type PutInventoryOutput
- type PutInventoryRequest
- type PutParameterInput
- type PutParameterOutput
- type PutParameterRequest
- type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput
- type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput
- type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest
- type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput
- type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput
- type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
- type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput
- type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput
- type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type RemoveTagsFromResourceInput
- type RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput
- type RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest
- type ResolvedTargets
- type ResourceComplianceSummaryItem
- type ResourceDataSyncItem
- type ResourceDataSyncS3Destination
- type ResourceDataSyncS3Format
- type ResourceType
- type ResourceTypeForTagging
- type ResultAttribute
- type S3OutputLocation
- type S3OutputUrl
- type SSM
- func (c *SSM) AddTagsToResourceRequest(input *AddTagsToResourceInput) AddTagsToResourceRequest
- func (c *SSM) CancelCommandRequest(input *CancelCommandInput) CancelCommandRequest
- func (c *SSM) CreateActivationRequest(input *CreateActivationInput) CreateActivationRequest
- func (c *SSM) CreateAssociationBatchRequest(input *CreateAssociationBatchInput) CreateAssociationBatchRequest
- func (c *SSM) CreateAssociationRequest(input *CreateAssociationInput) CreateAssociationRequest
- func (c *SSM) CreateDocumentRequest(input *CreateDocumentInput) CreateDocumentRequest
- func (c *SSM) CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) CreatePatchBaselineRequest(input *CreatePatchBaselineInput) CreatePatchBaselineRequest
- func (c *SSM) CreateResourceDataSyncRequest(input *CreateResourceDataSyncInput) CreateResourceDataSyncRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeleteActivationRequest(input *DeleteActivationInput) DeleteActivationRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeleteAssociationRequest(input *DeleteAssociationInput) DeleteAssociationRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeleteDocumentRequest(input *DeleteDocumentInput) DeleteDocumentRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeleteParameterRequest(input *DeleteParameterInput) DeleteParameterRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeleteParametersRequest(input *DeleteParametersInput) DeleteParametersRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeletePatchBaselineRequest(input *DeletePatchBaselineInput) DeletePatchBaselineRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest(input *DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest(input *DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(input *DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeActivationsRequest(input *DescribeActivationsInput) DescribeActivationsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeAssociationRequest(input *DescribeAssociationInput) DescribeAssociationRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest(input *DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest(input *DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest(input *DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest(input *DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeDocumentRequest(input *DescribeDocumentInput) DescribeDocumentRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest(input *DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest(input *DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest(input *DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeInstanceInformationRequest(input *DescribeInstanceInformationInput) DescribeInstanceInformationRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest(input *DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest(input *DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeInstancePatchesRequest(input *DescribeInstancePatchesInput) DescribeInstancePatchesRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribeParametersRequest(input *DescribeParametersInput) DescribeParametersRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribePatchBaselinesRequest(input *DescribePatchBaselinesInput) DescribePatchBaselinesRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribePatchGroupStateRequest(input *DescribePatchGroupStateInput) DescribePatchGroupStateRequest
- func (c *SSM) DescribePatchGroupsRequest(input *DescribePatchGroupsInput) DescribePatchGroupsRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetAutomationExecutionRequest(input *GetAutomationExecutionInput) GetAutomationExecutionRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetCommandInvocationRequest(input *GetCommandInvocationInput) GetCommandInvocationRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest(input *GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput) GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest(input *GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetDocumentRequest(input *GetDocumentInput) GetDocumentRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetInventoryRequest(input *GetInventoryInput) GetInventoryRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetInventorySchemaRequest(input *GetInventorySchemaInput) GetInventorySchemaRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowInput) GetMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetParameterHistoryRequest(input *GetParameterHistoryInput) GetParameterHistoryRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetParameterRequest(input *GetParameterInput) GetParameterRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetParametersByPathRequest(input *GetParametersByPathInput) GetParametersByPathRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetParametersRequest(input *GetParametersInput) GetParametersRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(input *GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
- func (c *SSM) GetPatchBaselineRequest(input *GetPatchBaselineInput) GetPatchBaselineRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListAssociationVersionsRequest(input *ListAssociationVersionsInput) ListAssociationVersionsRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListAssociationsRequest(input *ListAssociationsInput) ListAssociationsRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListCommandInvocationsRequest(input *ListCommandInvocationsInput) ListCommandInvocationsRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListCommandsRequest(input *ListCommandsInput) ListCommandsRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListComplianceItemsRequest(input *ListComplianceItemsInput) ListComplianceItemsRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListComplianceSummariesRequest(input *ListComplianceSummariesInput) ListComplianceSummariesRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListDocumentVersionsRequest(input *ListDocumentVersionsInput) ListDocumentVersionsRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListDocumentsRequest(input *ListDocumentsInput) ListDocumentsRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListInventoryEntriesRequest(input *ListInventoryEntriesInput) ListInventoryEntriesRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest(input *ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListResourceDataSyncRequest(input *ListResourceDataSyncInput) ListResourceDataSyncRequest
- func (c *SSM) ListTagsForResourceRequest(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) ListTagsForResourceRequest
- func (c *SSM) ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest(input *ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest
- func (c *SSM) PutComplianceItemsRequest(input *PutComplianceItemsInput) PutComplianceItemsRequest
- func (c *SSM) PutInventoryRequest(input *PutInventoryInput) PutInventoryRequest
- func (c *SSM) PutParameterRequest(input *PutParameterInput) PutParameterRequest
- func (c *SSM) RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest(input *RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest
- func (c *SSM) RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(input *RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
- func (c *SSM) RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest(input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest
- func (c *SSM) SendAutomationSignalRequest(input *SendAutomationSignalInput) SendAutomationSignalRequest
- func (c *SSM) SendCommandRequest(input *SendCommandInput) SendCommandRequest
- func (c *SSM) StartAutomationExecutionRequest(input *StartAutomationExecutionInput) StartAutomationExecutionRequest
- func (c *SSM) StopAutomationExecutionRequest(input *StopAutomationExecutionInput) StopAutomationExecutionRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateAssociationRequest(input *UpdateAssociationInput) UpdateAssociationRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateAssociationStatusRequest(input *UpdateAssociationStatusInput) UpdateAssociationStatusRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest(input *UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateDocumentRequest(input *UpdateDocumentInput) UpdateDocumentRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest(input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest(input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest(input *UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest
- func (c *SSM) UpdatePatchBaselineRequest(input *UpdatePatchBaselineInput) UpdatePatchBaselineRequest
- type SendAutomationSignalInput
- type SendAutomationSignalOutput
- type SendAutomationSignalRequest
- type SendCommandInput
- type SendCommandOutput
- type SendCommandRequest
- type SeveritySummary
- type SignalType
- type StartAutomationExecutionInput
- type StartAutomationExecutionOutput
- type StartAutomationExecutionRequest
- type StepExecution
- type StepExecutionFilter
- type StepExecutionFilterKey
- type StopAutomationExecutionInput
- type StopAutomationExecutionOutput
- type StopAutomationExecutionRequest
- type StopType
- type Tag
- type Target
- type UpdateAssociationInput
- type UpdateAssociationOutput
- type UpdateAssociationRequest
- type UpdateAssociationStatusInput
- type UpdateAssociationStatusOutput
- type UpdateAssociationStatusRequest
- type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput
- type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput
- type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest
- type UpdateDocumentInput
- type UpdateDocumentOutput
- type UpdateDocumentRequest
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput
- type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest
- type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput
- type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput
- type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest
- type UpdatePatchBaselineInput
- type UpdatePatchBaselineOutput
- type UpdatePatchBaselineRequest
Constants ¶
const ( // ErrCodeAlreadyExistsException for service response error code // "AlreadyExistsException". // // Error returned if an attempt is made to register a patch group with a patch // baseline that is already registered with a different patch baseline. ErrCodeAlreadyExistsException = "AlreadyExistsException" // ErrCodeAssociatedInstances for service response error code // "AssociatedInstances". // // You must disassociate a document from all instances before you can delete // it. ErrCodeAssociatedInstances = "AssociatedInstances" // ErrCodeAssociationAlreadyExists for service response error code // "AssociationAlreadyExists". // // The specified association already exists. ErrCodeAssociationAlreadyExists = "AssociationAlreadyExists" // ErrCodeAssociationDoesNotExist for service response error code // "AssociationDoesNotExist". // // The specified association does not exist. ErrCodeAssociationDoesNotExist = "AssociationDoesNotExist" // ErrCodeAssociationLimitExceeded for service response error code // "AssociationLimitExceeded". // // You can have at most 2,000 active associations. ErrCodeAssociationLimitExceeded = "AssociationLimitExceeded" // ErrCodeAssociationVersionLimitExceeded for service response error code // "AssociationVersionLimitExceeded". // // You have reached the maximum number versions allowed for an association. // Each association has a limit of 1,000 versions. ErrCodeAssociationVersionLimitExceeded = "AssociationVersionLimitExceeded" // ErrCodeAutomationDefinitionNotFoundException for service response error code // "AutomationDefinitionNotFoundException". // // An Automation document with the specified name could not be found. ErrCodeAutomationDefinitionNotFoundException = "AutomationDefinitionNotFoundException" // ErrCodeAutomationDefinitionVersionNotFoundException for service response error code // "AutomationDefinitionVersionNotFoundException". // // An Automation document with the specified name and version could not be found. ErrCodeAutomationDefinitionVersionNotFoundException = "AutomationDefinitionVersionNotFoundException" // ErrCodeAutomationExecutionLimitExceededException for service response error code // "AutomationExecutionLimitExceededException". // // The number of simultaneously running Automation executions exceeded the allowable // limit. ErrCodeAutomationExecutionLimitExceededException = "AutomationExecutionLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeAutomationExecutionNotFoundException for service response error code // "AutomationExecutionNotFoundException". // // There is no automation execution information for the requested automation // execution ID. ErrCodeAutomationExecutionNotFoundException = "AutomationExecutionNotFoundException" // ErrCodeAutomationStepNotFoundException for service response error code // "AutomationStepNotFoundException". // // The specified step name and execution ID don't exist. Verify the information // and try again. ErrCodeAutomationStepNotFoundException = "AutomationStepNotFoundException" // ErrCodeComplianceTypeCountLimitExceededException for service response error code // "ComplianceTypeCountLimitExceededException". // // You specified too many custom compliance types. You can specify a maximum // of 10 different types. ErrCodeComplianceTypeCountLimitExceededException = "ComplianceTypeCountLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeCustomSchemaCountLimitExceededException for service response error code // "CustomSchemaCountLimitExceededException". // // You have exceeded the limit for custom schemas. Delete one or more custom // schemas and try again. ErrCodeCustomSchemaCountLimitExceededException = "CustomSchemaCountLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeDocumentAlreadyExists for service response error code // "DocumentAlreadyExists". // // The specified document already exists. ErrCodeDocumentAlreadyExists = "DocumentAlreadyExists" // ErrCodeDocumentLimitExceeded for service response error code // "DocumentLimitExceeded". // // You can have at most 200 active Systems Manager documents. ErrCodeDocumentLimitExceeded = "DocumentLimitExceeded" // ErrCodeDocumentPermissionLimit for service response error code // "DocumentPermissionLimit". // // The document cannot be shared with more AWS user accounts. You can share // a document with a maximum of 20 accounts. You can publicly share up to five // documents. If you need to increase this limit, contact AWS Support. ErrCodeDocumentPermissionLimit = "DocumentPermissionLimit" // ErrCodeDocumentVersionLimitExceeded for service response error code // "DocumentVersionLimitExceeded". // // The document has too many versions. Delete one or more document versions // and try again. ErrCodeDocumentVersionLimitExceeded = "DocumentVersionLimitExceeded" // ErrCodeDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "DoesNotExistException". // // Error returned when the ID specified for a resource, such as a Maintenance // Window or Patch baseline, doesn't exist. // // For information about resource limits in Systems Manager, see AWS Systems // Manager Limits ( ErrCodeDoesNotExistException = "DoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeDuplicateDocumentContent for service response error code // "DuplicateDocumentContent". // // The content of the association document matches another document. Change // the content of the document and try again. ErrCodeDuplicateDocumentContent = "DuplicateDocumentContent" // ErrCodeDuplicateInstanceId for service response error code // "DuplicateInstanceId". // // You cannot specify an instance ID in more than one association. ErrCodeDuplicateInstanceId = "DuplicateInstanceId" // ErrCodeFeatureNotAvailableException for service response error code // "FeatureNotAvailableException". // // You attempted to register a LAMBDA or STEP_FUNCTION task in a region where // the corresponding service is not available. ErrCodeFeatureNotAvailableException = "FeatureNotAvailableException" // ErrCodeHierarchyLevelLimitExceededException for service response error code // "HierarchyLevelLimitExceededException". // // A hierarchy can have a maximum of 15 levels. For more information, see Working // with Systems Manager Parameters ( ErrCodeHierarchyLevelLimitExceededException = "HierarchyLevelLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeHierarchyTypeMismatchException for service response error code // "HierarchyTypeMismatchException". // // Parameter Store does not support changing a parameter type in a hierarchy. // For example, you can't change a parameter from a String type to a SecureString // type. You must create a new, unique parameter. ErrCodeHierarchyTypeMismatchException = "HierarchyTypeMismatchException" // ErrCodeIdempotentParameterMismatch for service response error code // "IdempotentParameterMismatch". // // Error returned when an idempotent operation is retried and the parameters // don't match the original call to the API with the same idempotency token. ErrCodeIdempotentParameterMismatch = "IdempotentParameterMismatch" // ErrCodeInternalServerError for service response error code // "InternalServerError". // // An error occurred on the server side. ErrCodeInternalServerError = "InternalServerError" // ErrCodeInvalidActivation for service response error code // "InvalidActivation". // // The activation is not valid. The activation might have been deleted, or the // ActivationId and the ActivationCode do not match. ErrCodeInvalidActivation = "InvalidActivation" // ErrCodeInvalidActivationId for service response error code // "InvalidActivationId". // // The activation ID is not valid. Verify the you entered the correct ActivationId // or ActivationCode and try again. ErrCodeInvalidActivationId = "InvalidActivationId" // ErrCodeInvalidAllowedPatternException for service response error code // "InvalidAllowedPatternException". // // The request does not meet the regular expression requirement. ErrCodeInvalidAllowedPatternException = "InvalidAllowedPatternException" // ErrCodeInvalidAssociationVersion for service response error code // "InvalidAssociationVersion". // // The version you specified is not valid. Use ListAssociationVersions to view // all versions of an association according to the association ID. Or, use the // $LATEST parameter to view the latest version of the association. ErrCodeInvalidAssociationVersion = "InvalidAssociationVersion" // ErrCodeInvalidAutomationExecutionParametersException for service response error code // "InvalidAutomationExecutionParametersException". // // The supplied parameters for invoking the specified Automation document are // incorrect. For example, they may not match the set of parameters permitted // for the specified Automation document. ErrCodeInvalidAutomationExecutionParametersException = "InvalidAutomationExecutionParametersException" // ErrCodeInvalidAutomationSignalException for service response error code // "InvalidAutomationSignalException". // // The signal is not valid for the current Automation execution. ErrCodeInvalidAutomationSignalException = "InvalidAutomationSignalException" // ErrCodeInvalidAutomationStatusUpdateException for service response error code // "InvalidAutomationStatusUpdateException". // // The specified update status operation is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidAutomationStatusUpdateException = "InvalidAutomationStatusUpdateException" // ErrCodeInvalidCommandId for service response error code // "InvalidCommandId". ErrCodeInvalidCommandId = "InvalidCommandId" // ErrCodeInvalidDocument for service response error code // "InvalidDocument". // // The specified document does not exist. ErrCodeInvalidDocument = "InvalidDocument" // ErrCodeInvalidDocumentContent for service response error code // "InvalidDocumentContent". // // The content for the document is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidDocumentContent = "InvalidDocumentContent" // ErrCodeInvalidDocumentOperation for service response error code // "InvalidDocumentOperation". // // You attempted to delete a document while it is still shared. You must stop // sharing the document before you can delete it. ErrCodeInvalidDocumentOperation = "InvalidDocumentOperation" // ErrCodeInvalidDocumentSchemaVersion for service response error code // "InvalidDocumentSchemaVersion". // // The version of the document schema is not supported. ErrCodeInvalidDocumentSchemaVersion = "InvalidDocumentSchemaVersion" // ErrCodeInvalidDocumentVersion for service response error code // "InvalidDocumentVersion". // // The document version is not valid or does not exist. ErrCodeInvalidDocumentVersion = "InvalidDocumentVersion" // ErrCodeInvalidFilter for service response error code // "InvalidFilter". // // The filter name is not valid. Verify the you entered the correct name and // try again. ErrCodeInvalidFilter = "InvalidFilter" // ErrCodeInvalidFilterKey for service response error code // "InvalidFilterKey". // // The specified key is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidFilterKey = "InvalidFilterKey" // ErrCodeInvalidFilterOption for service response error code // "InvalidFilterOption". // // The specified filter option is not valid. Valid options are Equals and BeginsWith. // For Path filter, valid options are Recursive and OneLevel. ErrCodeInvalidFilterOption = "InvalidFilterOption" // ErrCodeInvalidFilterValue for service response error code // "InvalidFilterValue". // // The filter value is not valid. Verify the value and try again. ErrCodeInvalidFilterValue = "InvalidFilterValue" // ErrCodeInvalidInstanceId for service response error code // "InvalidInstanceId". // // The following problems can cause this exception: // // You do not have permission to access the instance. // // The SSM Agent is not running. On managed instances and Linux instances, verify // that the SSM Agent is running. On EC2 Windows instances, verify that the // EC2Config service is running. // // The SSM Agent or EC2Config service is not registered to the SSM endpoint. // Try reinstalling the SSM Agent or EC2Config service. // // The instance is not in valid state. Valid states are: Running, Pending, Stopped, // Stopping. Invalid states are: Shutting-down and Terminated. ErrCodeInvalidInstanceId = "InvalidInstanceId" // ErrCodeInvalidInstanceInformationFilterValue for service response error code // "InvalidInstanceInformationFilterValue". // // The specified filter value is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidInstanceInformationFilterValue = "InvalidInstanceInformationFilterValue" // ErrCodeInvalidInventoryItemContextException for service response error code // "InvalidInventoryItemContextException". // // You specified invalid keys or values in the Context attribute for InventoryItem. // Verify the keys and values, and try again. ErrCodeInvalidInventoryItemContextException = "InvalidInventoryItemContextException" // ErrCodeInvalidItemContentException for service response error code // "InvalidItemContentException". // // One or more content items is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidItemContentException = "InvalidItemContentException" // ErrCodeInvalidKeyId for service response error code // "InvalidKeyId". // // The query key ID is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidKeyId = "InvalidKeyId" // ErrCodeInvalidNextToken for service response error code // "InvalidNextToken". // // The specified token is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidNextToken = "InvalidNextToken" // ErrCodeInvalidNotificationConfig for service response error code // "InvalidNotificationConfig". // // One or more configuration items is not valid. Verify that a valid Amazon // Resource Name (ARN) was provided for an Amazon SNS topic. ErrCodeInvalidNotificationConfig = "InvalidNotificationConfig" // ErrCodeInvalidOutputFolder for service response error code // "InvalidOutputFolder". // // The S3 bucket does not exist. ErrCodeInvalidOutputFolder = "InvalidOutputFolder" // ErrCodeInvalidOutputLocation for service response error code // "InvalidOutputLocation". // // The output location is not valid or does not exist. ErrCodeInvalidOutputLocation = "InvalidOutputLocation" // ErrCodeInvalidParameters for service response error code // "InvalidParameters". // // You must specify values for all required parameters in the Systems Manager // document. You can only supply values to parameters defined in the Systems // Manager document. ErrCodeInvalidParameters = "InvalidParameters" // ErrCodeInvalidPermissionType for service response error code // "InvalidPermissionType". // // The permission type is not supported. Share is the only supported permission // type. ErrCodeInvalidPermissionType = "InvalidPermissionType" // ErrCodeInvalidPluginName for service response error code // "InvalidPluginName". // // The plugin name is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidPluginName = "InvalidPluginName" // ErrCodeInvalidResourceId for service response error code // "InvalidResourceId". // // The resource ID is not valid. Verify that you entered the correct ID and // try again. ErrCodeInvalidResourceId = "InvalidResourceId" // ErrCodeInvalidResourceType for service response error code // "InvalidResourceType". // // The resource type is not valid. For example, if you are attempting to tag // an instance, the instance must be a registered, managed instance. ErrCodeInvalidResourceType = "InvalidResourceType" // ErrCodeInvalidResultAttributeException for service response error code // "InvalidResultAttributeException". // // The specified inventory item result attribute is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidResultAttributeException = "InvalidResultAttributeException" // ErrCodeInvalidRole for service response error code // "InvalidRole". // // The role name can't contain invalid characters. Also verify that you specified // an IAM role for notifications that includes the required trust policy. For // information about configuring the IAM role for Run Command notifications, // see Configuring Amazon SNS Notifications for Run Command ( // in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide. ErrCodeInvalidRole = "InvalidRole" // ErrCodeInvalidSchedule for service response error code // "InvalidSchedule". // // The schedule is invalid. Verify your cron or rate expression and try again. ErrCodeInvalidSchedule = "InvalidSchedule" // ErrCodeInvalidTarget for service response error code // "InvalidTarget". // // The target is not valid or does not exist. It might not be configured for // EC2 Systems Manager or you might not have permission to perform the operation. ErrCodeInvalidTarget = "InvalidTarget" // ErrCodeInvalidTypeNameException for service response error code // "InvalidTypeNameException". // // The parameter type name is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidTypeNameException = "InvalidTypeNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidUpdate for service response error code // "InvalidUpdate". // // The update is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidUpdate = "InvalidUpdate" // ErrCodeInvocationDoesNotExist for service response error code // "InvocationDoesNotExist". // // The command ID and instance ID you specified did not match any invocations. // Verify the command ID adn the instance ID and try again. ErrCodeInvocationDoesNotExist = "InvocationDoesNotExist" // ErrCodeItemContentMismatchException for service response error code // "ItemContentMismatchException". // // The inventory item has invalid content. ErrCodeItemContentMismatchException = "ItemContentMismatchException" // ErrCodeItemSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code // "ItemSizeLimitExceededException". // // The inventory item size has exceeded the size limit. ErrCodeItemSizeLimitExceededException = "ItemSizeLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeMaxDocumentSizeExceeded for service response error code // "MaxDocumentSizeExceeded". // // The size limit of a document is 64 KB. ErrCodeMaxDocumentSizeExceeded = "MaxDocumentSizeExceeded" // ErrCodeParameterAlreadyExists for service response error code // "ParameterAlreadyExists". // // The parameter already exists. You can't create duplicate parameters. ErrCodeParameterAlreadyExists = "ParameterAlreadyExists" // ErrCodeParameterLimitExceeded for service response error code // "ParameterLimitExceeded". // // You have exceeded the number of parameters for this AWS account. Delete one // or more parameters and try again. ErrCodeParameterLimitExceeded = "ParameterLimitExceeded" // ErrCodeParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded for service response error code // "ParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded". // // The parameter exceeded the maximum number of allowed versions. ErrCodeParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded = "ParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded" // ErrCodeParameterNotFound for service response error code // "ParameterNotFound". // // The parameter could not be found. Verify the name and try again. ErrCodeParameterNotFound = "ParameterNotFound" // ErrCodeParameterPatternMismatchException for service response error code // "ParameterPatternMismatchException". // // The parameter name is not valid. ErrCodeParameterPatternMismatchException = "ParameterPatternMismatchException" // ErrCodeParameterVersionNotFound for service response error code // "ParameterVersionNotFound". // // The specified parameter version was not found. Verify the parameter name // and version, and try again. ErrCodeParameterVersionNotFound = "ParameterVersionNotFound" // ErrCodeResourceDataSyncAlreadyExistsException for service response error code // "ResourceDataSyncAlreadyExistsException". // // A sync configuration with the same name already exists. ErrCodeResourceDataSyncAlreadyExistsException = "ResourceDataSyncAlreadyExistsException" // ErrCodeResourceDataSyncCountExceededException for service response error code // "ResourceDataSyncCountExceededException". // // You have exceeded the allowed maximum sync configurations. ErrCodeResourceDataSyncCountExceededException = "ResourceDataSyncCountExceededException" // ErrCodeResourceDataSyncInvalidConfigurationException for service response error code // "ResourceDataSyncInvalidConfigurationException". // // The specified sync configuration is invalid. ErrCodeResourceDataSyncInvalidConfigurationException = "ResourceDataSyncInvalidConfigurationException" // ErrCodeResourceDataSyncNotFoundException for service response error code // "ResourceDataSyncNotFoundException". // // The specified sync name was not found. ErrCodeResourceDataSyncNotFoundException = "ResourceDataSyncNotFoundException" // ErrCodeResourceInUseException for service response error code // "ResourceInUseException". // // Error returned if an attempt is made to delete a patch baseline that is registered // for a patch group. ErrCodeResourceInUseException = "ResourceInUseException" // ErrCodeResourceLimitExceededException for service response error code // "ResourceLimitExceededException". // // Error returned when the caller has exceeded the default resource limits. // For example, too many Maintenance Windows or Patch baselines have been created. // // For information about resource limits in Systems Manager, see AWS Systems // Manager Limits ( ErrCodeResourceLimitExceededException = "ResourceLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeStatusUnchanged for service response error code // "StatusUnchanged". // // The updated status is the same as the current status. ErrCodeStatusUnchanged = "StatusUnchanged" // ErrCodeSubTypeCountLimitExceededException for service response error code // "SubTypeCountLimitExceededException". // // The sub-type count exceeded the limit for the inventory type. ErrCodeSubTypeCountLimitExceededException = "SubTypeCountLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeTargetInUseException for service response error code // "TargetInUseException". // // You specified the Safe option for the DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindow // operation, but the target is still referenced in a task. ErrCodeTargetInUseException = "TargetInUseException" // ErrCodeTooManyTagsError for service response error code // "TooManyTagsError". // // The Targets parameter includes too many tags. Remove one or more tags and // try the command again. ErrCodeTooManyTagsError = "TooManyTagsError" // ErrCodeTooManyUpdates for service response error code // "TooManyUpdates". // // There are concurrent updates for a resource that supports one update at a // time. ErrCodeTooManyUpdates = "TooManyUpdates" // ErrCodeTotalSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code // "TotalSizeLimitExceededException". // // The size of inventory data has exceeded the total size limit for the resource. ErrCodeTotalSizeLimitExceededException = "TotalSizeLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeUnsupportedInventoryItemContextException for service response error code // "UnsupportedInventoryItemContextException". // // The Context attribute that you specified for the InventoryItem is not allowed // for this inventory type. You can only use the Context attribute with inventory // types like AWS:ComplianceItem. ErrCodeUnsupportedInventoryItemContextException = "UnsupportedInventoryItemContextException" // ErrCodeUnsupportedInventorySchemaVersionException for service response error code // "UnsupportedInventorySchemaVersionException". // // Inventory item type schema version has to match supported versions in the // service. Check output of GetInventorySchema to see the available schema version // for each type. ErrCodeUnsupportedInventorySchemaVersionException = "UnsupportedInventorySchemaVersionException" // ErrCodeUnsupportedOperatingSystem for service response error code // "UnsupportedOperatingSystem". // // The operating systems you specified is not supported, or the operation is // not supported for the operating system. Valid operating systems include: // Windows, AmazonLinux, RedhatEnterpriseLinux, and Ubuntu. ErrCodeUnsupportedOperatingSystem = "UnsupportedOperatingSystem" // ErrCodeUnsupportedParameterType for service response error code // "UnsupportedParameterType". // // The parameter type is not supported. ErrCodeUnsupportedParameterType = "UnsupportedParameterType" // ErrCodeUnsupportedPlatformType for service response error code // "UnsupportedPlatformType". // // The document does not support the platform type of the given instance ID(s). // For example, you sent an document for a Windows instance to a Linux instance. ErrCodeUnsupportedPlatformType = "UnsupportedPlatformType" )
const ( ServiceName = "ssm" // Service endpoint prefix API calls made to. EndpointsID = ServiceName // Service ID for Regions and Endpoints metadata. )
Service information constants
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Activation ¶
type Activation struct { // The ID created by Systems Manager when you submitted the activation. ActivationId *string `type:"string"` // The date the activation was created. CreatedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A name for the managed instance when it is created. DefaultInstanceName *string `type:"string"` // A user defined description of the activation. Description *string `type:"string"` // The date when this activation can no longer be used to register managed instances. ExpirationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // Whether or not the activation is expired. Expired *bool `type:"boolean"` // The Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to assign to the managed // instance. IamRole *string `type:"string"` // The maximum number of managed instances that can be registered using this // activation. RegistrationLimit *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The number of managed instances already registered with this activation. RegistrationsCount *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An activation registers one or more on-premises servers or virtual machines (VMs) with AWS so that you can configure those servers or VMs using Run Command. A server or VM that has been registered with AWS is called a managed instance. Please also see
func (Activation) GoString ¶
func (s Activation) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (Activation) String ¶
func (s Activation) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AddTagsToResourceInput ¶
type AddTagsToResourceInput struct { // The resource ID you want to tag. // // For the ManagedInstance, MaintenanceWindow, and PatchBaseline values, use // the ID of the resource, such as mw-01234361858c9b57b for a Maintenance Window. // // For the Document and Parameter values, use the name of the resource. // // ResourceId is a required field ResourceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // Specifies the type of resource you are tagging. // // ResourceType is a required field ResourceType ResourceTypeForTagging `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // One or more tags. The value parameter is required, but if you don't want // the tag to have a value, specify the parameter with no value, and we set // the value to an empty string. // // Tags is a required field Tags []Tag `type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (AddTagsToResourceInput) GoString ¶
func (s AddTagsToResourceInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AddTagsToResourceInput) String ¶
func (s AddTagsToResourceInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*AddTagsToResourceInput) Validate ¶
func (s *AddTagsToResourceInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type AddTagsToResourceOutput ¶
type AddTagsToResourceOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (AddTagsToResourceOutput) GoString ¶
func (s AddTagsToResourceOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AddTagsToResourceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s AddTagsToResourceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (AddTagsToResourceOutput) String ¶
func (s AddTagsToResourceOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AddTagsToResourceRequest ¶
type AddTagsToResourceRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *AddTagsToResourceInput Copy func(*AddTagsToResourceInput) AddTagsToResourceRequest }
AddTagsToResourceRequest is a API request type for the AddTagsToResource API operation.
func (AddTagsToResourceRequest) Send ¶
func (r AddTagsToResourceRequest) Send() (*AddTagsToResourceOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the AddTagsToResource API request.
type Association ¶
type Association struct { // The ID created by the system when you create an association. An association // is a binding between a document and a set of targets with a schedule. AssociationId *string `type:"string"` // The association name. AssociationName *string `type:"string"` // The association version. AssociationVersion *string `type:"string"` // The version of the document used in the association. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the instance. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The date on which the association was last run. LastExecutionDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. Name *string `type:"string"` // Information about the association. Overview *AssociationOverview `type:"structure"` // A cron expression that specifies a schedule when the association runs. ScheduleExpression *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The instances targeted by the request to create an association. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes an association of a Systems Manager document and an instance. Please also see
func (Association) GoString ¶
func (s Association) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (Association) String ¶
func (s Association) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AssociationDescription ¶
type AssociationDescription struct { // The association ID. AssociationId *string `type:"string"` // The association name. AssociationName *string `type:"string"` // The association version. AssociationVersion *string `type:"string"` // The date when the association was made. Date *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The document version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the instance. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The date on which the association was last run. LastExecutionDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The last date on which the association was successfully run. LastSuccessfulExecutionDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The date when the association was last updated. LastUpdateAssociationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. Name *string `type:"string"` // An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the output details of the request. OutputLocation *InstanceAssociationOutputLocation `type:"structure"` // Information about the association. Overview *AssociationOverview `type:"structure"` // A description of the parameters for a document. Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // A cron expression that specifies a schedule when the association runs. ScheduleExpression *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The association status. Status *AssociationStatus `type:"structure"` // The instances targeted by the request. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the parameters for a document. Please also see
func (AssociationDescription) GoString ¶
func (s AssociationDescription) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AssociationDescription) String ¶
func (s AssociationDescription) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AssociationFilter ¶
type AssociationFilter struct { // The name of the filter. // // Key is a required field Key AssociationFilterKey `locationName:"key" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The filter value. // // Value is a required field Value *string `locationName:"value" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a filter. Please also see
func (AssociationFilter) GoString ¶
func (s AssociationFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AssociationFilter) String ¶
func (s AssociationFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*AssociationFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *AssociationFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type AssociationFilterKey ¶
type AssociationFilterKey string
const ( AssociationFilterKeyInstanceId AssociationFilterKey = "InstanceId" AssociationFilterKeyName AssociationFilterKey = "Name" AssociationFilterKeyAssociationId AssociationFilterKey = "AssociationId" AssociationFilterKeyAssociationStatusName AssociationFilterKey = "AssociationStatusName" AssociationFilterKeyLastExecutedBefore AssociationFilterKey = "LastExecutedBefore" AssociationFilterKeyLastExecutedAfter AssociationFilterKey = "LastExecutedAfter" AssociationFilterKeyAssociationName AssociationFilterKey = "AssociationName" )
Enum values for AssociationFilterKey
func (AssociationFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum AssociationFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (AssociationFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum AssociationFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type AssociationOverview ¶
type AssociationOverview struct { // Returns the number of targets for the association status. For example, if // you created an association with two instances, and one of them was successful, // this would return the count of instances by status. AssociationStatusAggregatedCount map[string]int64 `type:"map"` // A detailed status of the association. DetailedStatus *string `type:"string"` // The status of the association. Status can be: Pending, Success, or Failed. Status *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the association. Please also see
func (AssociationOverview) GoString ¶
func (s AssociationOverview) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AssociationOverview) String ¶
func (s AssociationOverview) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AssociationStatus ¶
type AssociationStatus struct { // A user-defined string. AdditionalInfo *string `type:"string"` // The date when the status changed. // // Date is a required field Date *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"` // The reason for the status. // // Message is a required field Message *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The status. // // Name is a required field Name AssociationStatusName `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes an association status. Please also see
func (AssociationStatus) GoString ¶
func (s AssociationStatus) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AssociationStatus) String ¶
func (s AssociationStatus) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*AssociationStatus) Validate ¶
func (s *AssociationStatus) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type AssociationStatusName ¶
type AssociationStatusName string
const ( AssociationStatusNamePending AssociationStatusName = "Pending" AssociationStatusNameSuccess AssociationStatusName = "Success" AssociationStatusNameFailed AssociationStatusName = "Failed" )
Enum values for AssociationStatusName
func (AssociationStatusName) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum AssociationStatusName) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (AssociationStatusName) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum AssociationStatusName) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type AssociationVersionInfo ¶
type AssociationVersionInfo struct { // The ID created by the system when the association was created. AssociationId *string `type:"string"` // The name specified for the association version when the association version // was created. AssociationName *string `type:"string"` // The association version. AssociationVersion *string `type:"string"` // The date the association version was created. CreatedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The version of a Systems Manager document used when the association version // was created. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name specified when the association was created. Name *string `type:"string"` // The location in Amazon S3 specified for the association when the association // version was created. OutputLocation *InstanceAssociationOutputLocation `type:"structure"` // Parameters specified when the association version was created. Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // The cron or rate schedule specified for the association when the association // version was created. ScheduleExpression *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The targets specified for the association when the association version was // created. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the association version. Please also see
func (AssociationVersionInfo) GoString ¶
func (s AssociationVersionInfo) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AssociationVersionInfo) String ¶
func (s AssociationVersionInfo) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AutomationExecution ¶
type AutomationExecution struct { // The execution ID. AutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The execution status of the Automation. AutomationExecutionStatus AutomationExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The action of the currently executing step. CurrentAction *string `type:"string"` // The name of the currently executing step. CurrentStepName *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Automation document used during the execution. DocumentName *string `type:"string"` // The version of the document to use during execution. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who executed the automation. ExecutedBy *string `type:"string"` // The time the execution finished. ExecutionEndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The time the execution started. ExecutionStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A message describing why an execution has failed, if the status is set to // Failed. FailureMessage *string `type:"string"` // The MaxConcurrency value specified by the user when the execution started. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The MaxErrors value specified by the user when the execution started. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The automation execution mode. Mode ExecutionMode `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The list of execution outputs as defined in the automation document. Outputs map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // The key-value map of execution parameters, which were supplied when calling // StartAutomationExecution. Parameters map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // The AutomationExecutionId of the parent automation. ParentAutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // A list of resolved targets in the rate control execution. ResolvedTargets *ResolvedTargets `type:"structure"` // A list of details about the current state of all steps that comprise an execution. // An Automation document contains a list of steps that are executed in order. StepExecutions []StepExecution `type:"list"` // A boolean value that indicates if the response contains the full list of // the Automation step executions. If true, use the DescribeAutomationStepExecutions // API action to get the full list of step executions. StepExecutionsTruncated *bool `type:"boolean"` // The target of the execution. Target *string `type:"string"` // The parameter name. TargetParameterName *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The specified targets. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Detailed information about the current state of an individual Automation execution. Please also see
func (AutomationExecution) GoString ¶
func (s AutomationExecution) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AutomationExecution) String ¶
func (s AutomationExecution) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AutomationExecutionFilter ¶
type AutomationExecutionFilter struct { // One or more keys to limit the results. Valid filter keys include the following: // DocumentNamePrefix, ExecutionStatus, ExecutionId, ParentExecutionId, CurrentAction, // StartTimeBefore, StartTimeAfter. // // Key is a required field Key AutomationExecutionFilterKey `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The values used to limit the execution information associated with the filter's // key. // // Values is a required field Values []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A filter used to match specific automation executions. This is used to limit the scope of Automation execution information returned. Please also see
func (AutomationExecutionFilter) GoString ¶
func (s AutomationExecutionFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AutomationExecutionFilter) String ¶
func (s AutomationExecutionFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*AutomationExecutionFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *AutomationExecutionFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type AutomationExecutionFilterKey ¶
type AutomationExecutionFilterKey string
const ( AutomationExecutionFilterKeyDocumentNamePrefix AutomationExecutionFilterKey = "DocumentNamePrefix" AutomationExecutionFilterKeyExecutionStatus AutomationExecutionFilterKey = "ExecutionStatus" AutomationExecutionFilterKeyExecutionId AutomationExecutionFilterKey = "ExecutionId" AutomationExecutionFilterKeyParentExecutionId AutomationExecutionFilterKey = "ParentExecutionId" AutomationExecutionFilterKeyCurrentAction AutomationExecutionFilterKey = "CurrentAction" AutomationExecutionFilterKeyStartTimeBefore AutomationExecutionFilterKey = "StartTimeBefore" AutomationExecutionFilterKeyStartTimeAfter AutomationExecutionFilterKey = "StartTimeAfter" )
Enum values for AutomationExecutionFilterKey
func (AutomationExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum AutomationExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (AutomationExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum AutomationExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type AutomationExecutionMetadata ¶
type AutomationExecutionMetadata struct { // The execution ID. AutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The status of the execution. Valid values include: Running, Succeeded, Failed, // Timed out, or Cancelled. AutomationExecutionStatus AutomationExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The action of the currently executing step. CurrentAction *string `type:"string"` // The name of the currently executing step. CurrentStepName *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Automation document used during execution. DocumentName *string `type:"string"` // The document version used during the execution. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The IAM role ARN of the user who executed the Automation. ExecutedBy *string `type:"string"` // The time the execution finished. This is not populated if the execution is // still in progress. ExecutionEndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The time the execution started.> ExecutionStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation document. FailureMessage *string `type:"string"` // An Amazon S3 bucket where execution information is stored. LogFile *string `type:"string"` // The MaxConcurrency value specified by the user when starting the Automation. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The MaxErrors value specified by the user when starting the Automation. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Automation execution mode. Mode ExecutionMode `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation document. Outputs map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // The ExecutionId of the parent Automation. ParentAutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // A list of targets that resolved during the execution. ResolvedTargets *ResolvedTargets `type:"structure"` // The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation document. Target *string `type:"string"` // The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation document. TargetParameterName *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The targets defined by the user when starting the Automation. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Details about a specific Automation execution. Please also see
func (AutomationExecutionMetadata) GoString ¶
func (s AutomationExecutionMetadata) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AutomationExecutionMetadata) String ¶
func (s AutomationExecutionMetadata) String() string
String returns the string representation
type AutomationExecutionStatus ¶
type AutomationExecutionStatus string
const ( AutomationExecutionStatusPending AutomationExecutionStatus = "Pending" AutomationExecutionStatusInProgress AutomationExecutionStatus = "InProgress" AutomationExecutionStatusWaiting AutomationExecutionStatus = "Waiting" AutomationExecutionStatusSuccess AutomationExecutionStatus = "Success" AutomationExecutionStatusTimedOut AutomationExecutionStatus = "TimedOut" AutomationExecutionStatusCancelling AutomationExecutionStatus = "Cancelling" AutomationExecutionStatusCancelled AutomationExecutionStatus = "Cancelled" AutomationExecutionStatusFailed AutomationExecutionStatus = "Failed" )
Enum values for AutomationExecutionStatus
func (AutomationExecutionStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum AutomationExecutionStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (AutomationExecutionStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum AutomationExecutionStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type CancelCommandInput ¶
type CancelCommandInput struct { // The ID of the command you want to cancel. // // CommandId is a required field CommandId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // (Optional) A list of instance IDs on which you want to cancel the command. // If not provided, the command is canceled on every instance on which it was // requested. InstanceIds []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CancelCommandInput) GoString ¶
func (s CancelCommandInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CancelCommandInput) String ¶
func (s CancelCommandInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CancelCommandInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CancelCommandInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CancelCommandOutput ¶
type CancelCommandOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Whether or not the command was successfully canceled. There is no guarantee that a request can be canceled. Please also see
func (CancelCommandOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CancelCommandOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CancelCommandOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CancelCommandOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CancelCommandOutput) String ¶
func (s CancelCommandOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CancelCommandRequest ¶
type CancelCommandRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CancelCommandInput Copy func(*CancelCommandInput) CancelCommandRequest }
CancelCommandRequest is a API request type for the CancelCommand API operation.
func (CancelCommandRequest) Send ¶
func (r CancelCommandRequest) Send() (*CancelCommandOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CancelCommand API request.
type Command ¶
type Command struct { // A unique identifier for this command. CommandId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // User-specified information about the command, such as a brief description // of what the command should do. Comment *string `type:"string"` // The number of targets for which the command invocation reached a terminal // state. Terminal states include the following: Success, Failed, Execution // Timed Out, Delivery Timed Out, Canceled, Terminated, or Undeliverable. CompletedCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The name of the document requested for execution. DocumentName *string `type:"string"` // The number of targets for which the status is Failed or Execution Timed Out. ErrorCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // If this time is reached and the command has not already started executing, // it will not execute. Calculated based on the ExpiresAfter user input provided // as part of the SendCommand API. ExpiresAfter *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The instance IDs against which this command was requested. InstanceIds []string `type:"list"` // The maximum number of instances that are allowed to execute the command at // the same time. You can specify a number of instances, such as 10, or a percentage // of instances, such as 10%. The default value is 50. For more information // about how to use MaxConcurrency, see Executing a Command Using Systems Manager // Run Command ( MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The maximum number of errors allowed before the system stops sending the // command to additional targets. You can specify a number of errors, such as // 10, or a percentage or errors, such as 10%. The default value is 0. For more // information about how to use MaxErrors, see Executing a Command Using Systems // Manager Run Command ( MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // Configurations for sending notifications about command status changes. NotificationConfig *NotificationConfig `type:"structure"` // The S3 bucket where the responses to the command executions should be stored. // This was requested when issuing the command. OutputS3BucketName *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The S3 directory path inside the bucket where the responses to the command // executions should be stored. This was requested when issuing the command. OutputS3KeyPrefix *string `type:"string"` // (Deprecated) You can no longer specify this parameter. The system ignores // it. Instead, Systems Manager automatically determines the Amazon S3 bucket // region. OutputS3Region *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The parameter values to be inserted in the document when executing the command. Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // The date and time the command was requested. RequestedDateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The IAM service role that Run Command uses to act on your behalf when sending // notifications about command status changes. ServiceRole *string `type:"string"` // The status of the command. Status CommandStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A detailed status of the command execution. StatusDetails includes more information // than Status because it includes states resulting from error and concurrency // control parameters. StatusDetails can show different results than Status. // For more information about these statuses, see Run Command Status ( // StatusDetails can be one of the following values: // // * Pending: The command has not been sent to any instances. // // * In Progress: The command has been sent to at least one instance but // has not reached a final state on all instances. // // * Success: The command successfully executed on all invocations. This // is a terminal state. // // * Delivery Timed Out: The value of MaxErrors or more command invocations // shows a status of Delivery Timed Out. This is a terminal state. // // * Execution Timed Out: The value of MaxErrors or more command invocations // shows a status of Execution Timed Out. This is a terminal state. // // * Failed: The value of MaxErrors or more command invocations shows a status // of Failed. This is a terminal state. // // * Incomplete: The command was attempted on all instances and one or more // invocations does not have a value of Success but not enough invocations // failed for the status to be Failed. This is a terminal state. // // * Canceled: The command was terminated before it was completed. This is // a terminal state. // // * Rate Exceeded: The number of instances targeted by the command exceeded // the account limit for pending invocations. The system has canceled the // command before executing it on any instance. This is a terminal state. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // The number of targets for the command. TargetCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // An array of search criteria that targets instances using a Key,Value combination // that you specify. Targets is required if you don't provide one or more instance // IDs in the call. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a command request. Please also see
type CommandFilter ¶
type CommandFilter struct { // The name of the filter. // // Key is a required field Key CommandFilterKey `locationName:"key" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The filter value. // // Value is a required field Value *string `locationName:"value" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a command filter. Please also see
func (CommandFilter) GoString ¶
func (s CommandFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CommandFilter) String ¶
func (s CommandFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CommandFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *CommandFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CommandFilterKey ¶
type CommandFilterKey string
const ( CommandFilterKeyInvokedAfter CommandFilterKey = "InvokedAfter" CommandFilterKeyInvokedBefore CommandFilterKey = "InvokedBefore" CommandFilterKeyStatus CommandFilterKey = "Status" )
Enum values for CommandFilterKey
func (CommandFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum CommandFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (CommandFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum CommandFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type CommandInvocation ¶
type CommandInvocation struct { // The command against which this invocation was requested. CommandId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` CommandPlugins []CommandPlugin `type:"list"` // User-specified information about the command, such as a brief description // of what the command should do. Comment *string `type:"string"` // The document name that was requested for execution. DocumentName *string `type:"string"` // The instance ID in which this invocation was requested. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the invocation target. For Amazon EC2 instances this is the value // for the aws:Name tag. For on-premises instances, this is the name of the // instance. InstanceName *string `type:"string"` // Configurations for sending notifications about command status changes on // a per instance basis. NotificationConfig *NotificationConfig `type:"structure"` // The time and date the request was sent to this instance. RequestedDateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The IAM service role that Run Command uses to act on your behalf when sending // notifications about command status changes on a per instance basis. ServiceRole *string `type:"string"` // The URL to the plugin's StdErr file in Amazon S3, if the Amazon S3 bucket // was defined for the parent command. For an invocation, StandardErrorUrl is // populated if there is just one plugin defined for the command, and the Amazon // S3 bucket was defined for the command. StandardErrorUrl *string `type:"string"` // The URL to the plugin's StdOut file in Amazon S3, if the Amazon S3 bucket // was defined for the parent command. For an invocation, StandardOutputUrl // is populated if there is just one plugin defined for the command, and the // Amazon S3 bucket was defined for the command. StandardOutputUrl *string `type:"string"` // Whether or not the invocation succeeded, failed, or is pending. Status CommandInvocationStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A detailed status of the command execution for each invocation (each instance // targeted by the command). StatusDetails includes more information than Status // because it includes states resulting from error and concurrency control parameters. // StatusDetails can show different results than Status. For more information // about these statuses, see Run Command Status ( // StatusDetails can be one of the following values: // // * Pending: The command has not been sent to the instance. // // * In Progress: The command has been sent to the instance but has not reached // a terminal state. // // * Success: The execution of the command or plugin was successfully completed. // This is a terminal state. // // * Delivery Timed Out: The command was not delivered to the instance before // the delivery timeout expired. Delivery timeouts do not count against the // parent command's MaxErrors limit, but they do contribute to whether the // parent command status is Success or Incomplete. This is a terminal state. // // * Execution Timed Out: Command execution started on the instance, but // the execution was not complete before the execution timeout expired. Execution // timeouts count against the MaxErrors limit of the parent command. This // is a terminal state. // // * Failed: The command was not successful on the instance. For a plugin, // this indicates that the result code was not zero. For a command invocation, // this indicates that the result code for one or more plugins was not zero. // Invocation failures count against the MaxErrors limit of the parent command. // This is a terminal state. // // * Canceled: The command was terminated before it was completed. This is // a terminal state. // // * Undeliverable: The command can't be delivered to the instance. The instance // might not exist or might not be responding. Undeliverable invocations // don't count against the parent command's MaxErrors limit and don't contribute // to whether the parent command status is Success or Incomplete. This is // a terminal state. // // * Terminated: The parent command exceeded its MaxErrors limit and subsequent // command invocations were canceled by the system. This is a terminal state. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // Gets the trace output sent by the agent. TraceOutput *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An invocation is copy of a command sent to a specific instance. A command can apply to one or more instances. A command invocation applies to one instance. For example, if a user executes SendCommand against three instances, then a command invocation is created for each requested instance ID. A command invocation returns status and detail information about a command you executed. Please also see
func (CommandInvocation) GoString ¶
func (s CommandInvocation) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CommandInvocation) String ¶
func (s CommandInvocation) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CommandInvocationStatus ¶
type CommandInvocationStatus string
const ( CommandInvocationStatusPending CommandInvocationStatus = "Pending" CommandInvocationStatusInProgress CommandInvocationStatus = "InProgress" CommandInvocationStatusDelayed CommandInvocationStatus = "Delayed" CommandInvocationStatusSuccess CommandInvocationStatus = "Success" CommandInvocationStatusCancelled CommandInvocationStatus = "Cancelled" CommandInvocationStatusTimedOut CommandInvocationStatus = "TimedOut" CommandInvocationStatusFailed CommandInvocationStatus = "Failed" CommandInvocationStatusCancelling CommandInvocationStatus = "Cancelling" )
Enum values for CommandInvocationStatus
func (CommandInvocationStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum CommandInvocationStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (CommandInvocationStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum CommandInvocationStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type CommandPlugin ¶
type CommandPlugin struct { // The name of the plugin. Must be one of the following: aws:updateAgent, aws:domainjoin, // aws:applications, aws:runPowerShellScript, aws:psmodule, aws:cloudWatch, // aws:runShellScript, or aws:updateSSMAgent. Name *string `min:"4" type:"string"` // Output of the plugin execution. Output *string `type:"string"` // The S3 bucket where the responses to the command executions should be stored. // This was requested when issuing the command. For example, in the following // response: // // test_folder/ab19cb99-a030-46dd-9dfc-8eSAMPLEPre-Fix/i-1234567876543/awsrunShellScript // // test_folder is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket; // // ab19cb99-a030-46dd-9dfc-8eSAMPLEPre-Fix is the name of the S3 prefix; // // i-1234567876543 is the instance ID; // // awsrunShellScript is the name of the plugin. OutputS3BucketName *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The S3 directory path inside the bucket where the responses to the command // executions should be stored. This was requested when issuing the command. // For example, in the following response: // // test_folder/ab19cb99-a030-46dd-9dfc-8eSAMPLEPre-Fix/i-1234567876543/awsrunShellScript // // test_folder is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket; // // ab19cb99-a030-46dd-9dfc-8eSAMPLEPre-Fix is the name of the S3 prefix; // // i-1234567876543 is the instance ID; // // awsrunShellScript is the name of the plugin. OutputS3KeyPrefix *string `type:"string"` // (Deprecated) You can no longer specify this parameter. The system ignores // it. Instead, Systems Manager automatically determines the Amazon S3 bucket // region. OutputS3Region *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // A numeric response code generated after executing the plugin. ResponseCode *int64 `type:"integer"` // The time the plugin stopped executing. Could stop prematurely if, for example, // a cancel command was sent. ResponseFinishDateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The time the plugin started executing. ResponseStartDateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The URL for the complete text written by the plugin to stderr. If execution // is not yet complete, then this string is empty. StandardErrorUrl *string `type:"string"` // The URL for the complete text written by the plugin to stdout in Amazon S3. // If the Amazon S3 bucket for the command was not specified, then this string // is empty. StandardOutputUrl *string `type:"string"` // The status of this plugin. You can execute a document with multiple plugins. Status CommandPluginStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A detailed status of the plugin execution. StatusDetails includes more information // than Status because it includes states resulting from error and concurrency // control parameters. StatusDetails can show different results than Status. // For more information about these statuses, see Run Command Status ( // StatusDetails can be one of the following values: // // * Pending: The command has not been sent to the instance. // // * In Progress: The command has been sent to the instance but has not reached // a terminal state. // // * Success: The execution of the command or plugin was successfully completed. // This is a terminal state. // // * Delivery Timed Out: The command was not delivered to the instance before // the delivery timeout expired. Delivery timeouts do not count against the // parent command's MaxErrors limit, but they do contribute to whether the // parent command status is Success or Incomplete. This is a terminal state. // // * Execution Timed Out: Command execution started on the instance, but // the execution was not complete before the execution timeout expired. Execution // timeouts count against the MaxErrors limit of the parent command. This // is a terminal state. // // * Failed: The command was not successful on the instance. For a plugin, // this indicates that the result code was not zero. For a command invocation, // this indicates that the result code for one or more plugins was not zero. // Invocation failures count against the MaxErrors limit of the parent command. // This is a terminal state. // // * Canceled: The command was terminated before it was completed. This is // a terminal state. // // * Undeliverable: The command can't be delivered to the instance. The instance // might not exist, or it might not be responding. Undeliverable invocations // don't count against the parent command's MaxErrors limit, and they don't // contribute to whether the parent command status is Success or Incomplete. // This is a terminal state. // // * Terminated: The parent command exceeded its MaxErrors limit and subsequent // command invocations were canceled by the system. This is a terminal state. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes plugin details. Please also see
func (CommandPlugin) GoString ¶
func (s CommandPlugin) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CommandPlugin) String ¶
func (s CommandPlugin) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CommandPluginStatus ¶
type CommandPluginStatus string
const ( CommandPluginStatusPending CommandPluginStatus = "Pending" CommandPluginStatusInProgress CommandPluginStatus = "InProgress" CommandPluginStatusSuccess CommandPluginStatus = "Success" CommandPluginStatusTimedOut CommandPluginStatus = "TimedOut" CommandPluginStatusCancelled CommandPluginStatus = "Cancelled" CommandPluginStatusFailed CommandPluginStatus = "Failed" )
Enum values for CommandPluginStatus
func (CommandPluginStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum CommandPluginStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (CommandPluginStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum CommandPluginStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type CommandStatus ¶
type CommandStatus string
const ( CommandStatusPending CommandStatus = "Pending" CommandStatusInProgress CommandStatus = "InProgress" CommandStatusSuccess CommandStatus = "Success" CommandStatusCancelled CommandStatus = "Cancelled" CommandStatusFailed CommandStatus = "Failed" CommandStatusTimedOut CommandStatus = "TimedOut" CommandStatusCancelling CommandStatus = "Cancelling" )
Enum values for CommandStatus
func (CommandStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum CommandStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (CommandStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum CommandStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ComplianceExecutionSummary ¶
type ComplianceExecutionSummary struct { // An ID created by the system when PutComplianceItems was called. For example, // CommandID is a valid execution ID. You can use this ID in subsequent calls. ExecutionId *string `type:"string"` // The time the execution ran as a datetime object that is saved in the following // format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'. // // ExecutionTime is a required field ExecutionTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"` // The type of execution. For example, Command is a valid execution type. ExecutionType *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A summary of the call execution that includes an execution ID, the type of execution (for example, Command), and the date/time of the execution using a datetime object that is saved in the following format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'. Please also see
func (ComplianceExecutionSummary) GoString ¶
func (s ComplianceExecutionSummary) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ComplianceExecutionSummary) String ¶
func (s ComplianceExecutionSummary) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ComplianceExecutionSummary) Validate ¶
func (s *ComplianceExecutionSummary) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ComplianceItem ¶
type ComplianceItem struct { // The compliance type. For example, Association (for a State Manager association), // Patch, or Custom:string are all valid compliance types. ComplianceType *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A "Key": "Value" tag combination for the compliance item. Details map[string]string `type:"map"` // A summary for the compliance item. The summary includes an execution ID, // the execution type (for example, command), and the execution time. ExecutionSummary *ComplianceExecutionSummary `type:"structure"` // An ID for the compliance item. For example, if the compliance item is a Windows // patch, the ID could be the number of the KB article. Here's an example: KB4010320. Id *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // An ID for the resource. For a managed instance, this is the instance ID. ResourceId *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The type of resource. ManagedInstance is currently the only supported resource // type. ResourceType *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The severity of the compliance status. Severity can be one of the following: // Critical, High, Medium, Low, Informational, Unspecified. Severity ComplianceSeverity `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The status of the compliance item. An item is either COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT. Status ComplianceStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A title for the compliance item. For example, if the compliance item is a // Windows patch, the title could be the title of the KB article for the patch. // Here's an example: Security Update for Active Directory Federation Services. Title *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the compliance as defined by the resource type. For example, for a patch resource type, Items includes information about the PatchSeverity, Classification, etc. Please also see
func (ComplianceItem) GoString ¶
func (s ComplianceItem) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ComplianceItem) String ¶
func (s ComplianceItem) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ComplianceItemEntry ¶
type ComplianceItemEntry struct { // A "Key": "Value" tag combination for the compliance item. Details map[string]string `type:"map"` // The compliance item ID. For example, if the compliance item is a Windows // patch, the ID could be the number of the KB article. Id *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The severity of the compliance status. Severity can be one of the following: // Critical, High, Medium, Low, Informational, Unspecified. // // Severity is a required field Severity ComplianceSeverity `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The status of the compliance item. An item is either COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT. // // Status is a required field Status ComplianceStatus `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The title of the compliance item. For example, if the compliance item is // a Windows patch, the title could be the title of the KB article for the patch. // Here's an example: Security Update for Active Directory Federation Services. Title *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a compliance item. Please also see
func (ComplianceItemEntry) GoString ¶
func (s ComplianceItemEntry) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ComplianceItemEntry) String ¶
func (s ComplianceItemEntry) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ComplianceItemEntry) Validate ¶
func (s *ComplianceItemEntry) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ComplianceQueryOperatorType ¶
type ComplianceQueryOperatorType string
const ( ComplianceQueryOperatorTypeEqual ComplianceQueryOperatorType = "EQUAL" ComplianceQueryOperatorTypeNotEqual ComplianceQueryOperatorType = "NOT_EQUAL" ComplianceQueryOperatorTypeBeginWith ComplianceQueryOperatorType = "BEGIN_WITH" ComplianceQueryOperatorTypeLessThan ComplianceQueryOperatorType = "LESS_THAN" ComplianceQueryOperatorTypeGreaterThan ComplianceQueryOperatorType = "GREATER_THAN" )
Enum values for ComplianceQueryOperatorType
func (ComplianceQueryOperatorType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ComplianceQueryOperatorType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ComplianceQueryOperatorType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ComplianceQueryOperatorType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ComplianceSeverity ¶
type ComplianceSeverity string
const ( ComplianceSeverityCritical ComplianceSeverity = "CRITICAL" ComplianceSeverityHigh ComplianceSeverity = "HIGH" ComplianceSeverityMedium ComplianceSeverity = "MEDIUM" ComplianceSeverityLow ComplianceSeverity = "LOW" ComplianceSeverityInformational ComplianceSeverity = "INFORMATIONAL" ComplianceSeverityUnspecified ComplianceSeverity = "UNSPECIFIED" )
Enum values for ComplianceSeverity
func (ComplianceSeverity) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ComplianceSeverity) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ComplianceSeverity) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ComplianceSeverity) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ComplianceStatus ¶
type ComplianceStatus string
const ( ComplianceStatusCompliant ComplianceStatus = "COMPLIANT" ComplianceStatusNonCompliant ComplianceStatus = "NON_COMPLIANT" )
Enum values for ComplianceStatus
func (ComplianceStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ComplianceStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ComplianceStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ComplianceStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ComplianceStringFilter ¶
type ComplianceStringFilter struct { // The name of the filter. Key *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The type of comparison that should be performed for the value: Equal, NotEqual, // BeginWith, LessThan, or GreaterThan. Type ComplianceQueryOperatorType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The value for which to search. Values []string `min:"1" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Please also see
func (ComplianceStringFilter) GoString ¶
func (s ComplianceStringFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ComplianceStringFilter) String ¶
func (s ComplianceStringFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ComplianceStringFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *ComplianceStringFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ComplianceSummaryItem ¶
type ComplianceSummaryItem struct { // The type of compliance item. For example, the compliance type can be Association, // Patch, or Custom:string. ComplianceType *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A list of COMPLIANT items for the specified compliance type. CompliantSummary *CompliantSummary `type:"structure"` // A list of NON_COMPLIANT items for the specified compliance type. NonCompliantSummary *NonCompliantSummary `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A summary of compliance information by compliance type. Please also see
func (ComplianceSummaryItem) GoString ¶
func (s ComplianceSummaryItem) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ComplianceSummaryItem) String ¶
func (s ComplianceSummaryItem) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CompliantSummary ¶
type CompliantSummary struct { // The total number of resources that are compliant. CompliantCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // A summary of the compliance severity by compliance type. SeveritySummary *SeveritySummary `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A summary of resources that are compliant. The summary is organized according to the resource count for each compliance type. Please also see
func (CompliantSummary) GoString ¶
func (s CompliantSummary) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CompliantSummary) String ¶
func (s CompliantSummary) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateActivationInput ¶
type CreateActivationInput struct { // The name of the registered, managed instance as it will appear in the Amazon // EC2 console or when you use the AWS command line tools to list EC2 resources. DefaultInstanceName *string `type:"string"` // A userdefined description of the resource that you want to register with // Amazon EC2. Description *string `type:"string"` // The date by which this activation request should expire. The default value // is 24 hours. ExpirationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that you want to assign // to the managed instance. // // IamRole is a required field IamRole *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // Specify the maximum number of managed instances you want to register. The // default value is 1 instance. RegistrationLimit *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateActivationInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateActivationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateActivationInput) String ¶
func (s CreateActivationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreateActivationInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CreateActivationInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreateActivationOutput ¶
type CreateActivationOutput struct { // The code the system generates when it processes the activation. The activation // code functions like a password to validate the activation ID. ActivationCode *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The ID number generated by the system when it processed the activation. The // activation ID functions like a user name. ActivationId *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateActivationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateActivationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateActivationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CreateActivationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CreateActivationOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateActivationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateActivationRequest ¶
type CreateActivationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CreateActivationInput Copy func(*CreateActivationInput) CreateActivationRequest }
CreateActivationRequest is a API request type for the CreateActivation API operation.
func (CreateActivationRequest) Send ¶
func (r CreateActivationRequest) Send() (*CreateActivationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CreateActivation API request.
type CreateAssociationBatchInput ¶
type CreateAssociationBatchInput struct { // One or more associations. // // Entries is a required field Entries []CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateAssociationBatchInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateAssociationBatchInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateAssociationBatchInput) String ¶
func (s CreateAssociationBatchInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreateAssociationBatchInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CreateAssociationBatchInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreateAssociationBatchOutput ¶
type CreateAssociationBatchOutput struct { // Information about the associations that failed. Failed []FailedCreateAssociation `type:"list"` // Information about the associations that succeeded. Successful []AssociationDescription `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateAssociationBatchOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateAssociationBatchOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateAssociationBatchOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CreateAssociationBatchOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CreateAssociationBatchOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateAssociationBatchOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateAssociationBatchRequest ¶
type CreateAssociationBatchRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CreateAssociationBatchInput Copy func(*CreateAssociationBatchInput) CreateAssociationBatchRequest }
CreateAssociationBatchRequest is a API request type for the CreateAssociationBatch API operation.
func (CreateAssociationBatchRequest) Send ¶
func (r CreateAssociationBatchRequest) Send() (*CreateAssociationBatchOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CreateAssociationBatch API request.
type CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry ¶
type CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry struct { // Specify a descriptive name for the association. AssociationName *string `type:"string"` // The document version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the instance. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the configuration document. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. OutputLocation *InstanceAssociationOutputLocation `type:"structure"` // A description of the parameters for a document. Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // A cron expression that specifies a schedule when the association runs. ScheduleExpression *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The instances targeted by the request. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the association of a Systems Manager document and an instance. Please also see
func (CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry) GoString ¶
func (s CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry) String ¶
func (s CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry) Validate ¶
func (s *CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreateAssociationInput ¶
type CreateAssociationInput struct { // Specify a descriptive name for the association. AssociationName *string `type:"string"` // The document version you want to associate with the target(s). Can be a specific // version or the default version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The instance ID. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the output details of the request. OutputLocation *InstanceAssociationOutputLocation `type:"structure"` // The parameters for the documents runtime configuration. Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // A cron expression when the association will be applied to the target(s). ScheduleExpression *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The targets (either instances or tags) for the association. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateAssociationInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateAssociationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateAssociationInput) String ¶
func (s CreateAssociationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreateAssociationInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CreateAssociationInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreateAssociationOutput ¶
type CreateAssociationOutput struct { // Information about the association. AssociationDescription *AssociationDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateAssociationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateAssociationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CreateAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CreateAssociationOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateAssociationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateAssociationRequest ¶
type CreateAssociationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CreateAssociationInput Copy func(*CreateAssociationInput) CreateAssociationRequest }
CreateAssociationRequest is a API request type for the CreateAssociation API operation.
func (CreateAssociationRequest) Send ¶
func (r CreateAssociationRequest) Send() (*CreateAssociationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CreateAssociation API request.
type CreateDocumentInput ¶
type CreateDocumentInput struct { // A valid JSON or YAML string. // // Content is a required field Content *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // Specify the document format for the request. The document format can be either // JSON or YAML. JSON is the default format. DocumentFormat DocumentFormat `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The type of document to create. Valid document types include: Policy, Automation, // and Command. DocumentType DocumentType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A name for the Systems Manager document. // // Do not use the following to begin the names of documents you create. They // are reserved by AWS for use as document prefixes: // // aws // // amazon // // amzn // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // Specify a target type to define the kinds of resources the document can run // on. For example, to run a document on EC2 instances, specify the following // value: /AWS::EC2::Instance. If you specify a value of '/' the document can // run on all types of resources. If you don't specify a value, the document // can't run on any resources. For a list of valid resource types, see AWS Resource // Types Reference ( // in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide. TargetType *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateDocumentInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateDocumentInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateDocumentInput) String ¶
func (s CreateDocumentInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreateDocumentInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CreateDocumentInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreateDocumentOutput ¶
type CreateDocumentOutput struct { // Information about the Systems Manager document. DocumentDescription *DocumentDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateDocumentOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateDocumentOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CreateDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CreateDocumentOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateDocumentOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateDocumentRequest ¶
type CreateDocumentRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CreateDocumentInput Copy func(*CreateDocumentInput) CreateDocumentRequest }
CreateDocumentRequest is a API request type for the CreateDocument API operation.
func (CreateDocumentRequest) Send ¶
func (r CreateDocumentRequest) Send() (*CreateDocumentOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CreateDocument API request.
type CreateMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type CreateMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // Enables a Maintenance Window task to execute on managed instances, even if // you have not registered those instances as targets. If enabled, then you // must specify the unregistered instances (by instance ID) when you register // a task with the Maintenance Window // // If you don't enable this option, then you must specify previously-registered // targets when you register a task with the Maintenance Window. // // AllowUnassociatedTargets is a required field AllowUnassociatedTargets *bool `type:"boolean" required:"true"` // User-provided idempotency token. ClientToken *string `min:"1" type:"string" idempotencyToken:"true"` // The number of hours before the end of the Maintenance Window that Systems // Manager stops scheduling new tasks for execution. // // Cutoff is a required field Cutoff *int64 `type:"integer" required:"true"` // An optional description for the Maintenance Window. We recommend specifying // a description to help you organize your Maintenance Windows. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The duration of the Maintenance Window in hours. // // Duration is a required field Duration *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer" required:"true"` // The name of the Maintenance Window. // // Name is a required field Name *string `min:"3" type:"string" required:"true"` // The schedule of the Maintenance Window in the form of a cron or rate expression. // // Schedule is a required field Schedule *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // The ID of the created Maintenance Window. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CreateMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest }
CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the CreateMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*CreateMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CreateMaintenanceWindow API request.
type CreatePatchBaselineInput ¶
type CreatePatchBaselineInput struct { // A set of rules used to include patches in the baseline. ApprovalRules *PatchRuleGroup `type:"structure"` // A list of explicitly approved patches for the baseline. ApprovedPatches []string `type:"list"` // Defines the compliance level for approved patches. This means that if an // approved patch is reported as missing, this is the severity of the compliance // violation. Valid compliance severity levels include the following: CRITICAL, // HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, INFORMATIONAL, UNSPECIFIED. The default value is UNSPECIFIED. ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel PatchComplianceLevel `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Indicates whether the list of approved patches includes non-security updates // that should be applied to the instances. The default value is 'false'. Applies // to Linux instances only. ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity *bool `type:"boolean"` // User-provided idempotency token. ClientToken *string `min:"1" type:"string" idempotencyToken:"true"` // A description of the patch baseline. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A set of global filters used to exclude patches from the baseline. GlobalFilters *PatchFilterGroup `type:"structure"` // The name of the patch baseline. // // Name is a required field Name *string `min:"3" type:"string" required:"true"` // Defines the operating system the patch baseline applies to. The Default value // is WINDOWS. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A list of explicitly rejected patches for the baseline. RejectedPatches []string `type:"list"` // Information about the patches to use to update the instances, including target // operating systems and source repositories. Applies to Linux instances only. Sources []PatchSource `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreatePatchBaselineInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreatePatchBaselineInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreatePatchBaselineInput) String ¶
func (s CreatePatchBaselineInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreatePatchBaselineInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CreatePatchBaselineInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreatePatchBaselineOutput ¶
type CreatePatchBaselineOutput struct { // The ID of the created patch baseline. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreatePatchBaselineOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreatePatchBaselineOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreatePatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CreatePatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CreatePatchBaselineOutput) String ¶
func (s CreatePatchBaselineOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreatePatchBaselineRequest ¶
type CreatePatchBaselineRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CreatePatchBaselineInput Copy func(*CreatePatchBaselineInput) CreatePatchBaselineRequest }
CreatePatchBaselineRequest is a API request type for the CreatePatchBaseline API operation.
func (CreatePatchBaselineRequest) Send ¶
func (r CreatePatchBaselineRequest) Send() (*CreatePatchBaselineOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CreatePatchBaseline API request.
type CreateResourceDataSyncInput ¶
type CreateResourceDataSyncInput struct { // Amazon S3 configuration details for the sync. // // S3Destination is a required field S3Destination *ResourceDataSyncS3Destination `type:"structure" required:"true"` // A name for the configuration. // // SyncName is a required field SyncName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (CreateResourceDataSyncInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateResourceDataSyncInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateResourceDataSyncInput) String ¶
func (s CreateResourceDataSyncInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*CreateResourceDataSyncInput) Validate ¶
func (s *CreateResourceDataSyncInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type CreateResourceDataSyncOutput ¶
type CreateResourceDataSyncOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (CreateResourceDataSyncOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateResourceDataSyncOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateResourceDataSyncOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s CreateResourceDataSyncOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (CreateResourceDataSyncOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateResourceDataSyncOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateResourceDataSyncRequest ¶
type CreateResourceDataSyncRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *CreateResourceDataSyncInput Copy func(*CreateResourceDataSyncInput) CreateResourceDataSyncRequest }
CreateResourceDataSyncRequest is a API request type for the CreateResourceDataSync API operation.
func (CreateResourceDataSyncRequest) Send ¶
func (r CreateResourceDataSyncRequest) Send() (*CreateResourceDataSyncOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the CreateResourceDataSync API request.
type DeleteActivationInput ¶
type DeleteActivationInput struct { // The ID of the activation that you want to delete. // // ActivationId is a required field ActivationId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteActivationInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteActivationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteActivationInput) String ¶
func (s DeleteActivationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeleteActivationInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeleteActivationInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeleteActivationOutput ¶
type DeleteActivationOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (DeleteActivationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteActivationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteActivationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeleteActivationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeleteActivationOutput) String ¶
func (s DeleteActivationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteActivationRequest ¶
type DeleteActivationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeleteActivationInput Copy func(*DeleteActivationInput) DeleteActivationRequest }
DeleteActivationRequest is a API request type for the DeleteActivation API operation.
func (DeleteActivationRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeleteActivationRequest) Send() (*DeleteActivationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeleteActivation API request.
type DeleteAssociationInput ¶
type DeleteAssociationInput struct { // The association ID that you want to delete. AssociationId *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the instance. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. Name *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteAssociationInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteAssociationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteAssociationInput) String ¶
func (s DeleteAssociationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteAssociationOutput ¶
type DeleteAssociationOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (DeleteAssociationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteAssociationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeleteAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeleteAssociationOutput) String ¶
func (s DeleteAssociationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteAssociationRequest ¶
type DeleteAssociationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeleteAssociationInput Copy func(*DeleteAssociationInput) DeleteAssociationRequest }
DeleteAssociationRequest is a API request type for the DeleteAssociation API operation.
func (DeleteAssociationRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeleteAssociationRequest) Send() (*DeleteAssociationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeleteAssociation API request.
type DeleteDocumentInput ¶
type DeleteDocumentInput struct { // The name of the document. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteDocumentInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteDocumentInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteDocumentInput) String ¶
func (s DeleteDocumentInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeleteDocumentInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeleteDocumentInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeleteDocumentOutput ¶
type DeleteDocumentOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (DeleteDocumentOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteDocumentOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeleteDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeleteDocumentOutput) String ¶
func (s DeleteDocumentOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteDocumentRequest ¶
type DeleteDocumentRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeleteDocumentInput Copy func(*DeleteDocumentInput) DeleteDocumentRequest }
DeleteDocumentRequest is a API request type for the DeleteDocument API operation.
func (DeleteDocumentRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeleteDocumentRequest) Send() (*DeleteDocumentOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeleteDocument API request.
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // The ID of the Maintenance Window to delete. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // The ID of the deleted Maintenance Window. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest }
DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the DeleteMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*DeleteMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeleteMaintenanceWindow API request.
type DeleteParameterInput ¶
type DeleteParameterInput struct { // The name of the parameter to delete. // // Name is a required field Name *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteParameterInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteParameterInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteParameterInput) String ¶
func (s DeleteParameterInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeleteParameterInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeleteParameterInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeleteParameterOutput ¶
type DeleteParameterOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (DeleteParameterOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteParameterOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteParameterOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeleteParameterOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeleteParameterOutput) String ¶
func (s DeleteParameterOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteParameterRequest ¶
type DeleteParameterRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeleteParameterInput Copy func(*DeleteParameterInput) DeleteParameterRequest }
DeleteParameterRequest is a API request type for the DeleteParameter API operation.
func (DeleteParameterRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeleteParameterRequest) Send() (*DeleteParameterOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeleteParameter API request.
type DeleteParametersInput ¶
type DeleteParametersInput struct { // The names of the parameters to delete. // // Names is a required field Names []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteParametersInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteParametersInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteParametersInput) String ¶
func (s DeleteParametersInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeleteParametersInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeleteParametersInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeleteParametersOutput ¶
type DeleteParametersOutput struct { // The names of the deleted parameters. DeletedParameters []string `min:"1" type:"list"` // The names of parameters that weren't deleted because the parameters are not // valid. InvalidParameters []string `min:"1" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteParametersOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteParametersOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteParametersOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeleteParametersOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeleteParametersOutput) String ¶
func (s DeleteParametersOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteParametersRequest ¶
type DeleteParametersRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeleteParametersInput Copy func(*DeleteParametersInput) DeleteParametersRequest }
DeleteParametersRequest is a API request type for the DeleteParameters API operation.
func (DeleteParametersRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeleteParametersRequest) Send() (*DeleteParametersOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeleteParameters API request.
type DeletePatchBaselineInput ¶
type DeletePatchBaselineInput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline to delete. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeletePatchBaselineInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeletePatchBaselineInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeletePatchBaselineInput) String ¶
func (s DeletePatchBaselineInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeletePatchBaselineInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeletePatchBaselineInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeletePatchBaselineOutput ¶
type DeletePatchBaselineOutput struct { // The ID of the deleted patch baseline. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeletePatchBaselineOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeletePatchBaselineOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeletePatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeletePatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeletePatchBaselineOutput) String ¶
func (s DeletePatchBaselineOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeletePatchBaselineRequest ¶
type DeletePatchBaselineRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeletePatchBaselineInput Copy func(*DeletePatchBaselineInput) DeletePatchBaselineRequest }
DeletePatchBaselineRequest is a API request type for the DeletePatchBaseline API operation.
func (DeletePatchBaselineRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeletePatchBaselineRequest) Send() (*DeletePatchBaselineOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeletePatchBaseline API request.
type DeleteResourceDataSyncInput ¶
type DeleteResourceDataSyncInput struct { // The name of the configuration to delete. // // SyncName is a required field SyncName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) String ¶
func (s DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput ¶
type DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput) String ¶
func (s DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest ¶
type DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeleteResourceDataSyncInput Copy func(*DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest }
DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest is a API request type for the DeleteResourceDataSync API operation.
func (DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest) Send() (*DeleteResourceDataSyncOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeleteResourceDataSync API request.
type DeregisterManagedInstanceInput ¶
type DeregisterManagedInstanceInput struct { // The ID assigned to the managed instance when you registered it using the // activation process. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput ¶
type DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest ¶
type DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeregisterManagedInstanceInput Copy func(*DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest }
DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest is a API request type for the DeregisterManagedInstance API operation.
func (DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest) Send() (*DeregisterManagedInstanceOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeregisterManagedInstance API request.
type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput ¶
type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline to deregister the patch group from. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The name of the patch group that should be deregistered from the patch baseline. // // PatchGroup is a required field PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput ¶
type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline the patch group was deregistered from. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The name of the patch group deregistered from the patch baseline. PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest ¶
type DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput Copy func(*DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest }
DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest is a API request type for the DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup API operation.
func (DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest) Send() (*DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup API request.
type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // The system checks if the target is being referenced by a task. If the target // is being referenced, the system returns an error and does not deregister // the target from the Maintenance Window. Safe *bool `type:"boolean"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window the target should be removed from. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the target definition to remove. // // WindowTargetId is a required field WindowTargetId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // The ID of the Maintenance Window the target was removed from. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The ID of the removed target definition. WindowTargetId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest }
DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindow API request.
type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // The ID of the Maintenance Window the task should be removed from. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the task to remove from the Maintenance Window. // // WindowTaskId is a required field WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // The ID of the Maintenance Window the task was removed from. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The ID of the task removed from the Maintenance Window. WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest }
DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindow API request.
type DescribeActivationsFilter ¶
type DescribeActivationsFilter struct { // The name of the filter. FilterKey DescribeActivationsFilterKeys `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The filter values. FilterValues []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Filter for the DescribeActivation API. Please also see
func (DescribeActivationsFilter) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeActivationsFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeActivationsFilter) String ¶
func (s DescribeActivationsFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeActivationsFilterKeys ¶
type DescribeActivationsFilterKeys string
const ( DescribeActivationsFilterKeysActivationIds DescribeActivationsFilterKeys = "ActivationIds" DescribeActivationsFilterKeysDefaultInstanceName DescribeActivationsFilterKeys = "DefaultInstanceName" DescribeActivationsFilterKeysIamRole DescribeActivationsFilterKeys = "IamRole" )
Enum values for DescribeActivationsFilterKeys
func (DescribeActivationsFilterKeys) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DescribeActivationsFilterKeys) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DescribeActivationsFilterKeys) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DescribeActivationsFilterKeys) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DescribeActivationsInput ¶
type DescribeActivationsInput struct { // A filter to view information about your activations. Filters []DescribeActivationsFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeActivationsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeActivationsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeActivationsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeActivationsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeActivationsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeActivationsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeActivationsOutput ¶
type DescribeActivationsOutput struct { // A list of activations for your AWS account. ActivationList []Activation `type:"list"` // The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the // next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeActivationsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeActivationsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeActivationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeActivationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeActivationsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeActivationsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeActivationsPager ¶
DescribeActivationsPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*DescribeActivationsPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *DescribeActivationsPager) CurrentPage() *DescribeActivationsOutput
type DescribeActivationsRequest ¶
type DescribeActivationsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeActivationsInput Copy func(*DescribeActivationsInput) DescribeActivationsRequest }
DescribeActivationsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeActivations API operation.
func (*DescribeActivationsRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *DescribeActivationsRequest) Paginate(opts DescribeActivationsPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a DescribeActivationsRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeActivations operation. req := client.DescribeActivationsRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (DescribeActivationsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeActivationsRequest) Send() (*DescribeActivationsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeActivations API request.
type DescribeAssociationInput ¶
type DescribeAssociationInput struct { // The association ID for which you want information. AssociationId *string `type:"string"` // Specify the association version to retrieve. To view the latest version, // either specify $LATEST for this parameter, or omit this parameter. To view // a list of all associations for an instance, use ListInstanceAssociations. // To get a list of versions for a specific association, use ListAssociationVersions. AssociationVersion *string `type:"string"` // The instance ID. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. Name *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAssociationInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAssociationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAssociationInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAssociationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeAssociationOutput ¶
type DescribeAssociationOutput struct { // Information about the association. AssociationDescription *AssociationDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAssociationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAssociationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeAssociationOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAssociationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeAssociationRequest ¶
type DescribeAssociationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeAssociationInput Copy func(*DescribeAssociationInput) DescribeAssociationRequest }
DescribeAssociationRequest is a API request type for the DescribeAssociation API operation.
func (DescribeAssociationRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeAssociationRequest) Send() (*DescribeAssociationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeAssociation API request.
type DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput ¶
type DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput struct { // Filters used to limit the scope of executions that are requested. Filters []AutomationExecutionFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput ¶
type DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput struct { // The list of details about each automation execution which has occurred which // matches the filter specification, if any. AutomationExecutionMetadataList []AutomationExecutionMetadata `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest ¶
type DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput Copy func(*DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest }
DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeAutomationExecutions API operation.
func (DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest) Send() (*DescribeAutomationExecutionsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeAutomationExecutions API request.
type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput ¶
type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput struct { // The Automation execution ID for which you want step execution descriptions. // // AutomationExecutionId is a required field AutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // One or more filters to limit the number of step executions returned by the // request. Filters []StepExecutionFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // A boolean that indicates whether to list step executions in reverse order // by start time. The default value is false. ReverseOrder *bool `type:"boolean"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput ¶
type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // A list of details about the current state of all steps that make up an execution. StepExecutions []StepExecution `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest ¶
type DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput Copy func(*DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest }
DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeAutomationStepExecutions API operation.
func (DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest) Send() (*DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeAutomationStepExecutions API request.
type DescribeAvailablePatchesInput ¶
type DescribeAvailablePatchesInput struct { // Filters used to scope down the returned patches. Filters []PatchOrchestratorFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of patches to return (per page). MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput ¶
type DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // An array of patches. Each entry in the array is a patch structure. Patches []Patch `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest ¶
type DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeAvailablePatchesInput Copy func(*DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest }
DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest is a API request type for the DescribeAvailablePatches API operation.
func (DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest) Send() (*DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeAvailablePatches API request.
type DescribeDocumentInput ¶
type DescribeDocumentInput struct { // The document version for which you want information. Can be a specific version // or the default version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeDocumentInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeDocumentInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeDocumentInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeDocumentInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeDocumentOutput ¶
type DescribeDocumentOutput struct { // Information about the Systems Manager document. Document *DocumentDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeDocumentOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeDocumentOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeDocumentPermissionInput ¶
type DescribeDocumentPermissionInput struct { // The name of the document for which you are the owner. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The permission type for the document. The permission type can be Share. // // PermissionType is a required field PermissionType DocumentPermissionType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput ¶
type DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput struct { // The account IDs that have permission to use this document. The ID can be // either an AWS account or All. AccountIds []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest ¶
type DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeDocumentPermissionInput Copy func(*DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest }
DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest is a API request type for the DescribeDocumentPermission API operation.
func (DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest) Send() (*DescribeDocumentPermissionOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeDocumentPermission API request.
type DescribeDocumentRequest ¶
type DescribeDocumentRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeDocumentInput Copy func(*DescribeDocumentInput) DescribeDocumentRequest }
DescribeDocumentRequest is a API request type for the DescribeDocument API operation.
func (DescribeDocumentRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeDocumentRequest) Send() (*DescribeDocumentOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeDocument API request.
type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput ¶
type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput struct { // The instance ID for which you want to view all associations. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput ¶
type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput struct { // The associations for the requested instance. Associations []InstanceAssociation `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest ¶
type DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput Copy func(*DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest }
DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociations API operation.
func (DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest) Send() (*DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociations API request.
type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput ¶
type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline to retrieve the effective patches for. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The maximum number of patches to return (per page). MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput ¶
type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput struct { // An array of patches and patch status. EffectivePatches []EffectivePatch `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest ¶
type DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput Copy func(*DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest }
DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest is a API request type for the DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaseline API operation.
func (DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest) Send() (*DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaseline API request.
type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput ¶
type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput struct { // The instance IDs for which you want association status information. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput ¶
type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput struct { // Status information about the association. InstanceAssociationStatusInfos []InstanceAssociationStatusInfo `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest ¶
type DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput Copy func(*DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest }
DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest is a API request type for the DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatus API operation.
func (DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest) Send() (*DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatus API request.
type DescribeInstanceInformationInput ¶
type DescribeInstanceInformationInput struct { // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of instances. Filters []InstanceInformationStringFilter `type:"list"` // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of instances. InstanceInformationFilterList []InstanceInformationFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"5" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstanceInformationInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceInformationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstanceInformationInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceInformationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeInstanceInformationInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeInstanceInformationInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeInstanceInformationOutput ¶
type DescribeInstanceInformationOutput struct { // The instance information list. InstanceInformationList []InstanceInformation `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstanceInformationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceInformationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstanceInformationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceInformationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeInstanceInformationOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstanceInformationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeInstanceInformationPager ¶
DescribeInstanceInformationPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*DescribeInstanceInformationPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *DescribeInstanceInformationPager) CurrentPage() *DescribeInstanceInformationOutput
type DescribeInstanceInformationRequest ¶
type DescribeInstanceInformationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeInstanceInformationInput Copy func(*DescribeInstanceInformationInput) DescribeInstanceInformationRequest }
DescribeInstanceInformationRequest is a API request type for the DescribeInstanceInformation API operation.
func (*DescribeInstanceInformationRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *DescribeInstanceInformationRequest) Paginate(opts DescribeInstanceInformationPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a DescribeInstanceInformationRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeInstanceInformation operation. req := client.DescribeInstanceInformationRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (DescribeInstanceInformationRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeInstanceInformationRequest) Send() (*DescribeInstanceInformationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeInstanceInformation API request.
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput struct { // Each entry in the array is a structure containing: // // Key (string between 1 and 200 characters) // // Values (array containing a single string) // // Type (string "Equal", "NotEqual", "LessThan", "GreaterThan") Filters []InstancePatchStateFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of patches to return (per page). MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The name of the patch group for which the patch state information should // be retrieved. // // PatchGroup is a required field PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput struct { // The high-level patch state for the requested instances. InstancePatchStates []InstancePatchState `min:"1" type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput Copy func(*DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest }
DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest is a API request type for the DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroup API operation.
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest) Send() (*DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroup API request.
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput struct { // The ID of the instance whose patch state information should be retrieved. // // InstanceIds is a required field InstanceIds []string `type:"list" required:"true"` // The maximum number of instances to return (per page). MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput struct { // The high-level patch state for the requested instances. InstancePatchStates []InstancePatchState `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput Copy func(*DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest }
DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest is a API request type for the DescribeInstancePatchStates API operation.
func (DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest) Send() (*DescribeInstancePatchStatesOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeInstancePatchStates API request.
type DescribeInstancePatchesInput ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchesInput struct { // Each entry in the array is a structure containing: // // Key (string, between 1 and 128 characters) // // Values (array of strings, each string between 1 and 256 characters) Filters []PatchOrchestratorFilter `type:"list"` // The ID of the instance whose patch state information should be retrieved. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The maximum number of patches to return (per page). MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstancePatchesInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstancePatchesInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeInstancePatchesInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeInstancePatchesInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeInstancePatchesOutput ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchesOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Each entry in the array is a structure containing: // // Title (string) // // KBId (string) // // Classification (string) // // Severity (string) // // State (string: "INSTALLED", "INSTALLED OTHER", "MISSING", "NOT APPLICABLE", // "FAILED") // // InstalledTime (DateTime) // // InstalledBy (string) Patches []PatchComplianceData `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeInstancePatchesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeInstancePatchesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeInstancePatchesOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeInstancePatchesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeInstancePatchesRequest ¶
type DescribeInstancePatchesRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeInstancePatchesInput Copy func(*DescribeInstancePatchesInput) DescribeInstancePatchesRequest }
DescribeInstancePatchesRequest is a API request type for the DescribeInstancePatches API operation.
func (DescribeInstancePatchesRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeInstancePatchesRequest) Send() (*DescribeInstancePatchesOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeInstancePatches API request.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput struct { // Optional filters used to scope down the returned task invocations. The supported // filter key is STATUS with the corresponding values PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, // SUCCESS, FAILED, TIMED_OUT, CANCELLING, and CANCELLED. Filters []MaintenanceWindowFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the specific task in the Maintenance Window task that should be // retrieved. // // TaskId is a required field TaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution the task is part of. // // WindowExecutionId is a required field WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Information about the task invocation results per invocation. WindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentities []MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput Copy func(*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest }
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocations API operation.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest) Send() (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocations API request.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput struct { // Optional filters used to scope down the returned tasks. The supported filter // key is STATUS with the corresponding values PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, SUCCESS, // FAILED, TIMED_OUT, CANCELLING, and CANCELLED. Filters []MaintenanceWindowFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution whose task executions should be // retrieved. // // WindowExecutionId is a required field WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Information about the task executions. WindowExecutionTaskIdentities []MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput Copy func(*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest }
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest is a API request type for the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasks API operation.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest) Send() (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasks API request.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput struct { // Each entry in the array is a structure containing: // // Key (string, between 1 and 128 characters) // // Values (array of strings, each string is between 1 and 256 characters) // // The supported Keys are ExecutedBefore and ExecutedAfter with the value being // a date/time string such as 2016-11-04T05:00:00Z. Filters []MaintenanceWindowFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window whose executions should be retrieved. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Information about the Maintenance Windows execution. WindowExecutions []MaintenanceWindowExecution `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput Copy func(*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest }
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutions API operation.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest) Send() (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutions API request.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput struct { // Optional filters that can be used to narrow down the scope of the returned // window targets. The supported filter keys are Type, WindowTargetId and OwnerInformation. Filters []MaintenanceWindowFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window whose targets should be retrieved. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Information about the targets in the Maintenance Window. Targets []MaintenanceWindowTarget `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput Copy func(*DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest }
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargets API operation.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest) Send() (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargets API request.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput struct { // Optional filters used to narrow down the scope of the returned tasks. The // supported filter keys are WindowTaskId, TaskArn, Priority, and TaskType. Filters []MaintenanceWindowFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window whose tasks should be retrieved. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Information about the tasks in the Maintenance Window. Tasks []MaintenanceWindowTask `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput Copy func(*DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest }
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest is a API request type for the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasks API operation.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest) Send() (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasks API request.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput struct { // Optional filters used to narrow down the scope of the returned Maintenance // Windows. Supported filter keys are Name and Enabled. Filters []MaintenanceWindowFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"10" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Information about the Maintenance Windows. WindowIdentities []MaintenanceWindowIdentity `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest ¶
type DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput Copy func(*DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest }
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest is a API request type for the DescribeMaintenanceWindows API operation.
func (DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest) Send() (*DescribeMaintenanceWindowsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeMaintenanceWindows API request.
type DescribeParametersInput ¶
type DescribeParametersInput struct { // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Filters []ParametersFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Filters to limit the request results. ParameterFilters []ParameterStringFilter `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeParametersInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeParametersInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeParametersInput) String ¶
func (s DescribeParametersInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribeParametersInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribeParametersInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribeParametersOutput ¶
type DescribeParametersOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Parameters returned by the request. Parameters []ParameterMetadata `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribeParametersOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribeParametersOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribeParametersOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribeParametersOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribeParametersOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribeParametersOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribeParametersPager ¶
DescribeParametersPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*DescribeParametersPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *DescribeParametersPager) CurrentPage() *DescribeParametersOutput
type DescribeParametersRequest ¶
type DescribeParametersRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribeParametersInput Copy func(*DescribeParametersInput) DescribeParametersRequest }
DescribeParametersRequest is a API request type for the DescribeParameters API operation.
func (*DescribeParametersRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *DescribeParametersRequest) Paginate(opts DescribeParametersPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a DescribeParametersRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeParameters operation. req := client.DescribeParametersRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (DescribeParametersRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribeParametersRequest) Send() (*DescribeParametersOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribeParameters API request.
type DescribePatchBaselinesInput ¶
type DescribePatchBaselinesInput struct { // Each element in the array is a structure containing: // // Key: (string, "NAME_PREFIX" or "OWNER") // // Value: (array of strings, exactly 1 entry, between 1 and 255 characters) Filters []PatchOrchestratorFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of patch baselines to return (per page). MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribePatchBaselinesInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribePatchBaselinesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribePatchBaselinesInput) String ¶
func (s DescribePatchBaselinesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribePatchBaselinesInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribePatchBaselinesInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribePatchBaselinesOutput ¶
type DescribePatchBaselinesOutput struct { // An array of PatchBaselineIdentity elements. BaselineIdentities []PatchBaselineIdentity `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribePatchBaselinesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribePatchBaselinesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribePatchBaselinesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribePatchBaselinesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribePatchBaselinesOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribePatchBaselinesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribePatchBaselinesRequest ¶
type DescribePatchBaselinesRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribePatchBaselinesInput Copy func(*DescribePatchBaselinesInput) DescribePatchBaselinesRequest }
DescribePatchBaselinesRequest is a API request type for the DescribePatchBaselines API operation.
func (DescribePatchBaselinesRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribePatchBaselinesRequest) Send() (*DescribePatchBaselinesOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribePatchBaselines API request.
type DescribePatchGroupStateInput ¶
type DescribePatchGroupStateInput struct { // The name of the patch group whose patch snapshot should be retrieved. // // PatchGroup is a required field PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribePatchGroupStateInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupStateInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribePatchGroupStateInput) String ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupStateInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribePatchGroupStateInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribePatchGroupStateInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribePatchGroupStateOutput ¶
type DescribePatchGroupStateOutput struct { // The number of instances in the patch group. Instances *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of instances with patches from the patch baseline that failed // to install. InstancesWithFailedPatches *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of instances with patches installed that aren't defined in the // patch baseline. InstancesWithInstalledOtherPatches *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of instances with installed patches. InstancesWithInstalledPatches *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of instances with missing patches from the patch baseline. InstancesWithMissingPatches *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of instances with patches that aren't applicable. InstancesWithNotApplicablePatches *int64 `type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribePatchGroupStateOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupStateOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribePatchGroupStateOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupStateOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribePatchGroupStateOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupStateOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribePatchGroupStateRequest ¶
type DescribePatchGroupStateRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribePatchGroupStateInput Copy func(*DescribePatchGroupStateInput) DescribePatchGroupStateRequest }
DescribePatchGroupStateRequest is a API request type for the DescribePatchGroupState API operation.
func (DescribePatchGroupStateRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribePatchGroupStateRequest) Send() (*DescribePatchGroupStateOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribePatchGroupState API request.
type DescribePatchGroupsInput ¶
type DescribePatchGroupsInput struct { // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Filters []PatchOrchestratorFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of patch groups to return (per page). MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribePatchGroupsInput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribePatchGroupsInput) String ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DescribePatchGroupsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *DescribePatchGroupsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DescribePatchGroupsOutput ¶
type DescribePatchGroupsOutput struct { // Each entry in the array contains: // // PatchGroup: string (between 1 and 256 characters, Regex: ^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-@]*)$) // // PatchBaselineIdentity: A PatchBaselineIdentity element. Mappings []PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (DescribePatchGroupsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DescribePatchGroupsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (DescribePatchGroupsOutput) String ¶
func (s DescribePatchGroupsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DescribePatchGroupsRequest ¶
type DescribePatchGroupsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *DescribePatchGroupsInput Copy func(*DescribePatchGroupsInput) DescribePatchGroupsRequest }
DescribePatchGroupsRequest is a API request type for the DescribePatchGroups API operation.
func (DescribePatchGroupsRequest) Send ¶
func (r DescribePatchGroupsRequest) Send() (*DescribePatchGroupsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the DescribePatchGroups API request.
type DocumentDefaultVersionDescription ¶
type DocumentDefaultVersionDescription struct { // The default version of the document. DefaultVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the document. Name *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A default version of a document. Please also see
func (DocumentDefaultVersionDescription) GoString ¶
func (s DocumentDefaultVersionDescription) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DocumentDefaultVersionDescription) String ¶
func (s DocumentDefaultVersionDescription) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DocumentDescription ¶
type DocumentDescription struct { // The date when the document was created. CreatedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The default version. DefaultVersion *string `type:"string"` // A description of the document. Description *string `type:"string"` // The document format, either JSON or YAML. DocumentFormat DocumentFormat `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The type of document. DocumentType DocumentType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The document version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The Sha256 or Sha1 hash created by the system when the document was created. // // Sha1 hashes have been deprecated. Hash *string `type:"string"` // Sha256 or Sha1. // // Sha1 hashes have been deprecated. HashType DocumentHashType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The latest version of the document. LatestVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. Name *string `type:"string"` // The AWS user account that created the document. Owner *string `type:"string"` // A description of the parameters for a document. Parameters []DocumentParameter `type:"list"` // The list of OS platforms compatible with this Systems Manager document. PlatformTypes []PlatformType `type:"list"` // The schema version. SchemaVersion *string `type:"string"` // The SHA1 hash of the document, which you can use for verification. Sha1 *string `type:"string"` // The status of the Systems Manager document. Status DocumentStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The tags, or metadata, that have been applied to the document. Tags []Tag `type:"list"` // The target type which defines the kinds of resources the document can run // on. For example, /AWS::EC2::Instance. For a list of valid resource types, // see AWS Resource Types Reference ( // in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide. TargetType *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a Systems Manager document. Please also see
func (DocumentDescription) GoString ¶
func (s DocumentDescription) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DocumentDescription) String ¶
func (s DocumentDescription) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DocumentFilter ¶
type DocumentFilter struct { // The name of the filter. // // Key is a required field Key DocumentFilterKey `locationName:"key" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The value of the filter. // // Value is a required field Value *string `locationName:"value" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a filter. Please also see
func (DocumentFilter) GoString ¶
func (s DocumentFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DocumentFilter) String ¶
func (s DocumentFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DocumentFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *DocumentFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DocumentFilterKey ¶
type DocumentFilterKey string
const ( DocumentFilterKeyName DocumentFilterKey = "Name" DocumentFilterKeyOwner DocumentFilterKey = "Owner" DocumentFilterKeyPlatformTypes DocumentFilterKey = "PlatformTypes" DocumentFilterKeyDocumentType DocumentFilterKey = "DocumentType" )
Enum values for DocumentFilterKey
func (DocumentFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DocumentFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DocumentFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DocumentFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DocumentFormat ¶
type DocumentFormat string
const ( DocumentFormatYaml DocumentFormat = "YAML" DocumentFormatJson DocumentFormat = "JSON" )
Enum values for DocumentFormat
func (DocumentFormat) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DocumentFormat) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DocumentFormat) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DocumentFormat) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DocumentHashType ¶
type DocumentHashType string
const ( DocumentHashTypeSha256 DocumentHashType = "Sha256" DocumentHashTypeSha1 DocumentHashType = "Sha1" )
Enum values for DocumentHashType
func (DocumentHashType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DocumentHashType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DocumentHashType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DocumentHashType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DocumentIdentifier ¶
type DocumentIdentifier struct { // The document format, either JSON or YAML. DocumentFormat DocumentFormat `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The document type. DocumentType DocumentType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The document version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. Name *string `type:"string"` // The AWS user account that created the document. Owner *string `type:"string"` // The operating system platform. PlatformTypes []PlatformType `type:"list"` // The schema version. SchemaVersion *string `type:"string"` // The tags, or metadata, that have been applied to the document. Tags []Tag `type:"list"` // The target type which defines the kinds of resources the document can run // on. For example, /AWS::EC2::Instance. For a list of valid resource types, // see AWS Resource Types Reference ( // in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide. TargetType *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the name of a Systems Manager document. Please also see
func (DocumentIdentifier) GoString ¶
func (s DocumentIdentifier) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DocumentIdentifier) String ¶
func (s DocumentIdentifier) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DocumentKeyValuesFilter ¶
type DocumentKeyValuesFilter struct { // The name of the filter key. Key *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The value for the filter key. Values []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of documents.
For keys, you can specify one or more tags that have been applied to a document.
Other valid values include Owner, Name, PlatformTypes, and DocumentType.
Note that only one Owner can be specified in a request. For example: Key=Owner,Values=Self.
If you use Name as a key, you can use a name prefix to return a list of documents. For example, in the AWS CLI, to return a list of all documents that begin with Te, run the following command:
aws ssm list-documents --filters Key=Name,Values=Te
If you specify more than two keys, only documents that are identified by all the tags are returned in the results. If you specify more than two values for a key, documents that are identified by any of the values are returned in the results.
To specify a custom key and value pair, use the format Key=tag:[tagName],Values=[valueName].
For example, if you created a Key called region and are using the AWS CLI to call the list-documents command:
aws ssm list-documents --filters Key=tag:region,Values=east,west Key=Owner,Values=Self Please also see
func (DocumentKeyValuesFilter) GoString ¶
func (s DocumentKeyValuesFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DocumentKeyValuesFilter) String ¶
func (s DocumentKeyValuesFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*DocumentKeyValuesFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *DocumentKeyValuesFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type DocumentParameter ¶
type DocumentParameter struct { // If specified, the default values for the parameters. Parameters without a // default value are required. Parameters with a default value are optional. DefaultValue *string `type:"string"` // A description of what the parameter does, how to use it, the default value, // and whether or not the parameter is optional. Description *string `type:"string"` // The name of the parameter. Name *string `type:"string"` // The type of parameter. The type can be either String or StringList. Type DocumentParameterType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Parameters specified in a System Manager document that execute on the server when the command is run. Please also see
func (DocumentParameter) GoString ¶
func (s DocumentParameter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DocumentParameter) String ¶
func (s DocumentParameter) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DocumentParameterType ¶
type DocumentParameterType string
const ( DocumentParameterTypeString DocumentParameterType = "String" DocumentParameterTypeStringList DocumentParameterType = "StringList" )
Enum values for DocumentParameterType
func (DocumentParameterType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DocumentParameterType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DocumentParameterType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DocumentParameterType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DocumentPermissionType ¶
type DocumentPermissionType string
const (
)Enum values for DocumentPermissionType
func (DocumentPermissionType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DocumentPermissionType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DocumentPermissionType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DocumentPermissionType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DocumentStatus ¶
type DocumentStatus string
const ( DocumentStatusCreating DocumentStatus = "Creating" DocumentStatusActive DocumentStatus = "Active" DocumentStatusUpdating DocumentStatus = "Updating" DocumentStatusDeleting DocumentStatus = "Deleting" )
Enum values for DocumentStatus
func (DocumentStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DocumentStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DocumentStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DocumentStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DocumentType ¶
type DocumentType string
const ( DocumentTypeCommand DocumentType = "Command" DocumentTypePolicy DocumentType = "Policy" DocumentTypeAutomation DocumentType = "Automation" )
Enum values for DocumentType
func (DocumentType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum DocumentType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (DocumentType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum DocumentType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type DocumentVersionInfo ¶
type DocumentVersionInfo struct { // The date the document was created. CreatedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The document format, either JSON or YAML. DocumentFormat DocumentFormat `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The document version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // An identifier for the default version of the document. IsDefaultVersion *bool `type:"boolean"` // The document name. Name *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Version information about the document. Please also see
func (DocumentVersionInfo) GoString ¶
func (s DocumentVersionInfo) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DocumentVersionInfo) String ¶
func (s DocumentVersionInfo) String() string
String returns the string representation
type EffectivePatch ¶
type EffectivePatch struct { // Provides metadata for a patch, including information such as the KB ID, severity, // classification and a URL for where more information can be obtained about // the patch. Patch *Patch `type:"structure"` // The status of the patch in a patch baseline. This includes information about // whether the patch is currently approved, due to be approved by a rule, explicitly // approved, or explicitly rejected and the date the patch was or will be approved. PatchStatus *PatchStatus `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The EffectivePatch structure defines metadata about a patch along with the approval state of the patch in a particular patch baseline. The approval state includes information about whether the patch is currently approved, due to be approved by a rule, explicitly approved, or explicitly rejected and the date the patch was or will be approved. Please also see
func (EffectivePatch) GoString ¶
func (s EffectivePatch) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (EffectivePatch) String ¶
func (s EffectivePatch) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ExecutionMode ¶
type ExecutionMode string
const ( ExecutionModeAuto ExecutionMode = "Auto" ExecutionModeInteractive ExecutionMode = "Interactive" )
Enum values for ExecutionMode
func (ExecutionMode) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ExecutionMode) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ExecutionMode) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ExecutionMode) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type FailedCreateAssociation ¶
type FailedCreateAssociation struct { // The association. Entry *CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry `type:"structure"` // The source of the failure. Fault Fault `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A description of the failure. Message *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a failed association. Please also see
func (FailedCreateAssociation) GoString ¶
func (s FailedCreateAssociation) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (FailedCreateAssociation) String ¶
func (s FailedCreateAssociation) String() string
String returns the string representation
type FailureDetails ¶
type FailureDetails struct { // Detailed information about the Automation step failure. Details map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // The stage of the Automation execution when the failure occurred. The stages // include the following: InputValidation, PreVerification, Invocation, PostVerification. FailureStage *string `type:"string"` // The type of Automation failure. Failure types include the following: Action, // Permission, Throttling, Verification, Internal. FailureType *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Automation failure. Please also see
func (FailureDetails) GoString ¶
func (s FailureDetails) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (FailureDetails) String ¶
func (s FailureDetails) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetAutomationExecutionInput ¶
type GetAutomationExecutionInput struct { // The unique identifier for an existing automation execution to examine. The // execution ID is returned by StartAutomationExecution when the execution of // an Automation document is initiated. // // AutomationExecutionId is a required field AutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetAutomationExecutionInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetAutomationExecutionInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetAutomationExecutionInput) String ¶
func (s GetAutomationExecutionInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetAutomationExecutionInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetAutomationExecutionInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetAutomationExecutionOutput ¶
type GetAutomationExecutionOutput struct { // Detailed information about the current state of an automation execution. AutomationExecution *AutomationExecution `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetAutomationExecutionOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetAutomationExecutionOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetAutomationExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetAutomationExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetAutomationExecutionOutput) String ¶
func (s GetAutomationExecutionOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetAutomationExecutionRequest ¶
type GetAutomationExecutionRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetAutomationExecutionInput Copy func(*GetAutomationExecutionInput) GetAutomationExecutionRequest }
GetAutomationExecutionRequest is a API request type for the GetAutomationExecution API operation.
func (GetAutomationExecutionRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetAutomationExecutionRequest) Send() (*GetAutomationExecutionOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetAutomationExecution API request.
type GetCommandInvocationInput ¶
type GetCommandInvocationInput struct { // (Required) The parent command ID of the invocation plugin. // // CommandId is a required field CommandId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // (Required) The ID of the managed instance targeted by the command. A managed // instance can be an Amazon EC2 instance or an instance in your hybrid environment // that is configured for Systems Manager. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // (Optional) The name of the plugin for which you want detailed results. If // the document contains only one plugin, the name can be omitted and the details // will be returned. PluginName *string `min:"4" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetCommandInvocationInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetCommandInvocationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetCommandInvocationInput) String ¶
func (s GetCommandInvocationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetCommandInvocationInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetCommandInvocationInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetCommandInvocationOutput ¶
type GetCommandInvocationOutput struct { // The parent command ID of the invocation plugin. CommandId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The comment text for the command. Comment *string `type:"string"` // The name of the document that was executed. For example, AWS-RunShellScript. DocumentName *string `type:"string"` // Duration since ExecutionStartDateTime. ExecutionElapsedTime *string `type:"string"` // The date and time the plugin was finished executing. Date and time are written // in ISO 8601 format. For example, June 7, 2017 is represented as 2017-06-7. // The following sample AWS CLI command uses the InvokedAfter filter. // // aws ssm list-commands --filters key=InvokedAfter,value=2017-06-07T00:00:00Z // // If the plugin has not started to execute, the string is empty. ExecutionEndDateTime *string `type:"string"` // The date and time the plugin started executing. Date and time are written // in ISO 8601 format. For example, June 7, 2017 is represented as 2017-06-7. // The following sample AWS CLI command uses the InvokedBefore filter. // // aws ssm list-commands --filters key=InvokedBefore,value=2017-06-07T00:00:00Z // // If the plugin has not started to execute, the string is empty. ExecutionStartDateTime *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the managed instance targeted by the command. A managed instance // can be an Amazon EC2 instance or an instance in your hybrid environment that // is configured for Systems Manager. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the plugin for which you want detailed results. For example, // aws:RunShellScript is a plugin. PluginName *string `min:"4" type:"string"` // The error level response code for the plugin script. If the response code // is -1, then the command has not started executing on the instance, or it // was not received by the instance. ResponseCode *int64 `type:"integer"` // The first 8,000 characters written by the plugin to stderr. If the command // has not finished executing, then this string is empty. StandardErrorContent *string `type:"string"` // The URL for the complete text written by the plugin to stderr. If the command // has not finished executing, then this string is empty. StandardErrorUrl *string `type:"string"` // The first 24,000 characters written by the plugin to stdout. If the command // has not finished executing, if ExecutionStatus is neither Succeeded nor Failed, // then this string is empty. StandardOutputContent *string `type:"string"` // The URL for the complete text written by the plugin to stdout in Amazon S3. // If an Amazon S3 bucket was not specified, then this string is empty. StandardOutputUrl *string `type:"string"` // The status of the parent command for this invocation. This status can be // different than StatusDetails. Status CommandInvocationStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A detailed status of the command execution for an invocation. StatusDetails // includes more information than Status because it includes states resulting // from error and concurrency control parameters. StatusDetails can show different // results than Status. For more information about these statuses, see Run Command // Status ( // StatusDetails can be one of the following values: // // * Pending: The command has not been sent to the instance. // // * In Progress: The command has been sent to the instance but has not reached // a terminal state. // // * Delayed: The system attempted to send the command to the target, but // the target was not available. The instance might not be available because // of network issues, the instance was stopped, etc. The system will try // to deliver the command again. // // * Success: The command or plugin was executed successfully. This is a // terminal state. // // * Delivery Timed Out: The command was not delivered to the instance before // the delivery timeout expired. Delivery timeouts do not count against the // parent command's MaxErrors limit, but they do contribute to whether the // parent command status is Success or Incomplete. This is a terminal state. // // * Execution Timed Out: The command started to execute on the instance, // but the execution was not complete before the timeout expired. Execution // timeouts count against the MaxErrors limit of the parent command. This // is a terminal state. // // * Failed: The command wasn't executed successfully on the instance. For // a plugin, this indicates that the result code was not zero. For a command // invocation, this indicates that the result code for one or more plugins // was not zero. Invocation failures count against the MaxErrors limit of // the parent command. This is a terminal state. // // * Canceled: The command was terminated before it was completed. This is // a terminal state. // // * Undeliverable: The command can't be delivered to the instance. The instance // might not exist or might not be responding. Undeliverable invocations // don't count against the parent command's MaxErrors limit and don't contribute // to whether the parent command status is Success or Incomplete. This is // a terminal state. // // * Terminated: The parent command exceeded its MaxErrors limit and subsequent // command invocations were canceled by the system. This is a terminal state. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetCommandInvocationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetCommandInvocationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetCommandInvocationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetCommandInvocationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetCommandInvocationOutput) String ¶
func (s GetCommandInvocationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetCommandInvocationRequest ¶
type GetCommandInvocationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetCommandInvocationInput Copy func(*GetCommandInvocationInput) GetCommandInvocationRequest }
GetCommandInvocationRequest is a API request type for the GetCommandInvocation API operation.
func (GetCommandInvocationRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetCommandInvocationRequest) Send() (*GetCommandInvocationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetCommandInvocation API request.
type GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput ¶
type GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput struct { // Returns the default patch baseline for the specified operating system. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput) String ¶
func (s GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput ¶
type GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput struct { // The ID of the default patch baseline. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The operating system for the returned patch baseline. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) String ¶
func (s GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest ¶
type GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput Copy func(*GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput) GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest }
GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest is a API request type for the GetDefaultPatchBaseline API operation.
func (GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest) Send() (*GetDefaultPatchBaselineOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetDefaultPatchBaseline API request.
type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput ¶
type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput struct { // The ID of the instance for which the appropriate patch snapshot should be // retrieved. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The user-defined snapshot ID. // // SnapshotId is a required field SnapshotId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) String ¶
func (s GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput ¶
type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput struct { // The ID of the instance. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // Returns the specific operating system (for example Windows Server 2012 or // Amazon Linux 2015.09) on the instance for the specified patch snapshot. Product *string `type:"string"` // A pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that can be used to download the patch snapshot. SnapshotDownloadUrl *string `type:"string"` // The user-defined snapshot ID. SnapshotId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput) String ¶
func (s GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest ¶
type GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput Copy func(*GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest }
GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest is a API request type for the GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstance API operation.
func (GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest) Send() (*GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstance API request.
type GetDocumentInput ¶
type GetDocumentInput struct { // Returns the document in the specified format. The document format can be // either JSON or YAML. JSON is the default format. DocumentFormat DocumentFormat `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The document version for which you want information. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetDocumentInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDocumentInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDocumentInput) String ¶
func (s GetDocumentInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetDocumentInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetDocumentInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetDocumentOutput ¶
type GetDocumentOutput struct { // The contents of the Systems Manager document. Content *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The document format, either JSON or YAML. DocumentFormat DocumentFormat `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The document type. DocumentType DocumentType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The document version. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. Name *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetDocumentOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDocumentOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetDocumentOutput) String ¶
func (s GetDocumentOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDocumentRequest ¶
type GetDocumentRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetDocumentInput Copy func(*GetDocumentInput) GetDocumentRequest }
GetDocumentRequest is a API request type for the GetDocument API operation.
func (GetDocumentRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetDocumentRequest) Send() (*GetDocumentOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetDocument API request.
type GetInventoryInput ¶
type GetInventoryInput struct { // Returns counts of inventory types based on one or more expressions. For example, // if you aggregate by using an expression that uses the AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType // type, you can see a count of how many Windows and Linux instances exist in // your inventoried fleet. Aggregators []InventoryAggregator `min:"1" type:"list"` // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Filters []InventoryFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The list of inventory item types to return. ResultAttributes []ResultAttribute `min:"1" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetInventoryInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetInventoryInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetInventoryInput) String ¶
func (s GetInventoryInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetInventoryInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetInventoryInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetInventoryOutput ¶
type GetInventoryOutput struct { // Collection of inventory entities such as a collection of instance inventory. Entities []InventoryResultEntity `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetInventoryOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetInventoryOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetInventoryOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetInventoryOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetInventoryOutput) String ¶
func (s GetInventoryOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetInventoryRequest ¶
type GetInventoryRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetInventoryInput Copy func(*GetInventoryInput) GetInventoryRequest }
GetInventoryRequest is a API request type for the GetInventory API operation.
func (GetInventoryRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetInventoryRequest) Send() (*GetInventoryOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetInventory API request.
type GetInventorySchemaInput ¶
type GetInventorySchemaInput struct { // Returns inventory schemas that support aggregation. For example, this call // returns the AWS:InstanceInformation type, because it supports aggregation // based on the PlatformName, PlatformType, and PlatformVersion attributes. Aggregator *bool `type:"boolean"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"50" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Returns the sub-type schema for a specified inventory type. SubType *bool `type:"boolean"` // The type of inventory item to return. TypeName *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetInventorySchemaInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetInventorySchemaInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetInventorySchemaInput) String ¶
func (s GetInventorySchemaInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetInventorySchemaInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetInventorySchemaInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetInventorySchemaOutput ¶
type GetInventorySchemaOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Inventory schemas returned by the request. Schemas []InventoryItemSchema `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetInventorySchemaOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetInventorySchemaOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetInventorySchemaOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetInventorySchemaOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetInventorySchemaOutput) String ¶
func (s GetInventorySchemaOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetInventorySchemaRequest ¶
type GetInventorySchemaRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetInventorySchemaInput Copy func(*GetInventorySchemaInput) GetInventorySchemaRequest }
GetInventorySchemaRequest is a API request type for the GetInventorySchema API operation.
func (GetInventorySchemaRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetInventorySchemaRequest) Send() (*GetInventorySchemaOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetInventorySchema API request.
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput struct { // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution that includes the task. // // WindowExecutionId is a required field WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput struct { // The time the Maintenance Window finished executing. EndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The time the Maintenance Window started executing. StartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The status of the Maintenance Window execution. Status MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The details explaining the Status. Only available for certain status values. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the task executions from the Maintenance Window execution. TaskIds []string `type:"list"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution. WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput Copy func(*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest }
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest is a API request type for the GetMaintenanceWindowExecution API operation.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest) Send() (*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetMaintenanceWindowExecution API request.
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput struct { // The ID of the specific task execution in the Maintenance Window task that // should be retrieved. // // TaskId is a required field TaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution that includes the task. // // WindowExecutionId is a required field WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput struct { // The invocation ID to retrieve. // // InvocationId is a required field InvocationId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the specific task in the Maintenance Window task that should be // retrieved. // // TaskId is a required field TaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution for which the task is a part. // // WindowExecutionId is a required field WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput struct { // The time that the task finished executing on the target. EndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The execution ID. ExecutionId *string `type:"string"` // The invocation ID. InvocationId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // User-provided value to be included in any CloudWatch events raised while // running tasks for these targets in this Maintenance Window. OwnerInformation *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The parameters used at the time that the task executed. Parameters *string `type:"string"` // The time that the task started executing on the target. StartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The task status for an invocation. Status MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The details explaining the status. Details are only available for certain // status values. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // The task execution ID. TaskExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // Retrieves the task type for a Maintenance Window. Task types include the // following: LAMBDA, STEP_FUNCTION, AUTOMATION, RUN_COMMAND. TaskType MaintenanceWindowTaskType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The Maintenance Window execution ID. WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The Maintenance Window target ID. WindowTargetId *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput Copy func(*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest }
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest is a API request type for the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocation API operation.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest) Send() (*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocation API request.
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput struct { // The time the task execution completed. EndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The defined maximum number of task executions that could be run in parallel. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The defined maximum number of task execution errors allowed before scheduling // of the task execution would have been stopped. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The priority of the task. Priority *int64 `type:"integer"` // The role that was assumed when executing the task. ServiceRole *string `type:"string"` // The time the task execution started. StartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The status of the task. Status MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The details explaining the Status. Only available for certain status values. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // The ARN of the executed task. TaskArn *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The ID of the specific task execution in the Maintenance Window task that // was retrieved. TaskExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The parameters passed to the task when it was executed. The map has the following // format: // // Key: string, between 1 and 255 characters // // Value: an array of strings, each string is between 1 and 255 characters TaskParameters []map[string]MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression `type:"list"` // The type of task executed. Type MaintenanceWindowTaskType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution that includes the task. WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput Copy func(*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest }
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest is a API request type for the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTask API operation.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest) Send() (*GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTask API request.
type GetMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // The ID of the desired Maintenance Window. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // Whether targets must be registered with the Maintenance Window before tasks // can be defined for those targets. AllowUnassociatedTargets *bool `type:"boolean"` // The date the Maintenance Window was created. CreatedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The number of hours before the end of the Maintenance Window that Systems // Manager stops scheduling new tasks for execution. Cutoff *int64 `type:"integer"` // The description of the Maintenance Window. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The duration of the Maintenance Window in hours. Duration *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // Whether the Maintenance Windows is enabled. Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"` // The date the Maintenance Window was last modified. ModifiedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The name of the Maintenance Window. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The schedule of the Maintenance Window in the form of a cron or rate expression. Schedule *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The ID of the created Maintenance Window. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*GetMaintenanceWindowInput) GetMaintenanceWindowRequest }
GetMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the GetMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*GetMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetMaintenanceWindow API request.
type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput struct { // The Maintenance Window ID that includes the task to retrieve. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The Maintenance Window task ID to retrieve. // // WindowTaskId is a required field WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput struct { // The retrieved task description. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The location in Amazon S3 where the task results are logged. LoggingInfo *LoggingInfo `type:"structure"` // The maximum number of targets allowed to run this task in parallel. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The maximum number of errors allowed before the task stops being scheduled. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The retrieved task name. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The priority of the task when it executes. The lower the number, the higher // the priority. Tasks that have the same priority are scheduled in parallel. Priority *int64 `type:"integer"` // The IAM service role to assume during task execution. ServiceRoleArn *string `type:"string"` // The targets where the task should execute. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // The resource that the task used during execution. For RUN_COMMAND and AUTOMATION // task types, the TaskArn is the Systems Manager Document name/ARN. For LAMBDA // tasks, the value is the function name/ARN. For STEP_FUNCTION tasks, the value // is the state machine ARN. TaskArn *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The parameters to pass to the task when it executes. TaskInvocationParameters *MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters `type:"structure"` // The parameters to pass to the task when it executes. TaskParameters map[string]MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression `type:"map"` // The type of task to execute. TaskType MaintenanceWindowTaskType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The retrieved Maintenance Window ID. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The retrieved Maintenance Window task ID. WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) String ¶
func (s GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest ¶
type GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput Copy func(*GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest }
GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest is a API request type for the GetMaintenanceWindowTask API operation.
func (GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest) Send() (*GetMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetMaintenanceWindowTask API request.
type GetParameterHistoryInput ¶
type GetParameterHistoryInput struct { // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The name of a parameter you want to query. // // Name is a required field Name *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Return decrypted values for secure string parameters. This flag is ignored // for String and StringList parameter types. WithDecryption *bool `type:"boolean"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParameterHistoryInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParameterHistoryInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParameterHistoryInput) String ¶
func (s GetParameterHistoryInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetParameterHistoryInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetParameterHistoryInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetParameterHistoryOutput ¶
type GetParameterHistoryOutput struct { // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // A list of parameters returned by the request. Parameters []ParameterHistory `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParameterHistoryOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParameterHistoryOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParameterHistoryOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetParameterHistoryOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetParameterHistoryOutput) String ¶
func (s GetParameterHistoryOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetParameterHistoryPager ¶
GetParameterHistoryPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*GetParameterHistoryPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *GetParameterHistoryPager) CurrentPage() *GetParameterHistoryOutput
type GetParameterHistoryRequest ¶
type GetParameterHistoryRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetParameterHistoryInput Copy func(*GetParameterHistoryInput) GetParameterHistoryRequest }
GetParameterHistoryRequest is a API request type for the GetParameterHistory API operation.
func (*GetParameterHistoryRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *GetParameterHistoryRequest) Paginate(opts GetParameterHistoryPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a GetParameterHistoryRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a GetParameterHistory operation. req := client.GetParameterHistoryRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (GetParameterHistoryRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetParameterHistoryRequest) Send() (*GetParameterHistoryOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetParameterHistory API request.
type GetParameterInput ¶
type GetParameterInput struct { // The name of the parameter you want to query. // // Name is a required field Name *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // Return decrypted values for secure string parameters. This flag is ignored // for String and StringList parameter types. WithDecryption *bool `type:"boolean"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParameterInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParameterInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParameterInput) String ¶
func (s GetParameterInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetParameterInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetParameterInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetParameterOutput ¶
type GetParameterOutput struct { // Information about a parameter. Parameter *Parameter `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParameterOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParameterOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParameterOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetParameterOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetParameterOutput) String ¶
func (s GetParameterOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetParameterRequest ¶
type GetParameterRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetParameterInput Copy func(*GetParameterInput) GetParameterRequest }
GetParameterRequest is a API request type for the GetParameter API operation.
func (GetParameterRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetParameterRequest) Send() (*GetParameterOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetParameter API request.
type GetParametersByPathInput ¶
type GetParametersByPathInput struct { // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // Filters to limit the request results. ParameterFilters []ParameterStringFilter `type:"list"` // The hierarchy for the parameter. Hierarchies start with a forward slash (/) // and end with the parameter name. A hierarchy can have a maximum of 15 levels. // Here is an example of a hierarchy: /Finance/Prod/IAD/WinServ2016/license33 // // Path is a required field Path *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // Retrieve all parameters within a hierarchy. Recursive *bool `type:"boolean"` // Retrieve all parameters in a hierarchy with their value decrypted. WithDecryption *bool `type:"boolean"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParametersByPathInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParametersByPathInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParametersByPathInput) String ¶
func (s GetParametersByPathInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetParametersByPathInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetParametersByPathInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetParametersByPathOutput ¶
type GetParametersByPathOutput struct { // The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the // next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // A list of parameters found in the specified hierarchy. Parameters []Parameter `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParametersByPathOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParametersByPathOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParametersByPathOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetParametersByPathOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetParametersByPathOutput) String ¶
func (s GetParametersByPathOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetParametersByPathPager ¶
GetParametersByPathPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*GetParametersByPathPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *GetParametersByPathPager) CurrentPage() *GetParametersByPathOutput
type GetParametersByPathRequest ¶
type GetParametersByPathRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetParametersByPathInput Copy func(*GetParametersByPathInput) GetParametersByPathRequest }
GetParametersByPathRequest is a API request type for the GetParametersByPath API operation.
func (*GetParametersByPathRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *GetParametersByPathRequest) Paginate(opts GetParametersByPathPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a GetParametersByPathRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a GetParametersByPath operation. req := client.GetParametersByPathRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (GetParametersByPathRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetParametersByPathRequest) Send() (*GetParametersByPathOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetParametersByPath API request.
type GetParametersInput ¶
type GetParametersInput struct { // Names of the parameters for which you want to query information. // // Names is a required field Names []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // Return decrypted secure string value. Return decrypted values for secure // string parameters. This flag is ignored for String and StringList parameter // types. WithDecryption *bool `type:"boolean"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParametersInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParametersInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParametersInput) String ¶
func (s GetParametersInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetParametersInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetParametersInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetParametersOutput ¶
type GetParametersOutput struct { // A list of parameters that are not formatted correctly or do not run when // executed. InvalidParameters []string `min:"1" type:"list"` // A list of details for a parameter. Parameters []Parameter `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetParametersOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetParametersOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetParametersOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetParametersOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetParametersOutput) String ¶
func (s GetParametersOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetParametersRequest ¶
type GetParametersRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetParametersInput Copy func(*GetParametersInput) GetParametersRequest }
GetParametersRequest is a API request type for the GetParameters API operation.
func (GetParametersRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetParametersRequest) Send() (*GetParametersOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetParameters API request.
type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput ¶
type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput struct { // Returns he operating system rule specified for patch groups using the patch // baseline. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The name of the patch group whose patch baseline should be retrieved. // // PatchGroup is a required field PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) String ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput ¶
type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline that should be used for the patch group. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The operating system rule specified for patch groups using the patch baseline. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The name of the patch group. PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) String ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest ¶
type GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput Copy func(*GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest }
GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest is a API request type for the GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroup API operation.
func (GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest) Send() (*GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroup API request.
type GetPatchBaselineInput ¶
type GetPatchBaselineInput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline to retrieve. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetPatchBaselineInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetPatchBaselineInput) String ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*GetPatchBaselineInput) Validate ¶
func (s *GetPatchBaselineInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type GetPatchBaselineOutput ¶
type GetPatchBaselineOutput struct { // A set of rules used to include patches in the baseline. ApprovalRules *PatchRuleGroup `type:"structure"` // A list of explicitly approved patches for the baseline. ApprovedPatches []string `type:"list"` // Returns the specified compliance severity level for approved patches in the // patch baseline. ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel PatchComplianceLevel `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Indicates whether the list of approved patches includes non-security updates // that should be applied to the instances. The default value is 'false'. Applies // to Linux instances only. ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity *bool `type:"boolean"` // The ID of the retrieved patch baseline. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The date the patch baseline was created. CreatedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A description of the patch baseline. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A set of global filters used to exclude patches from the baseline. GlobalFilters *PatchFilterGroup `type:"structure"` // The date the patch baseline was last modified. ModifiedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The name of the patch baseline. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // Returns the operating system specified for the patch baseline. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Patch groups included in the patch baseline. PatchGroups []string `type:"list"` // A list of explicitly rejected patches for the baseline. RejectedPatches []string `type:"list"` // Information about the patches to use to update the instances, including target // operating systems and source repositories. Applies to Linux instances only. Sources []PatchSource `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (GetPatchBaselineOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (GetPatchBaselineOutput) String ¶
func (s GetPatchBaselineOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetPatchBaselineRequest ¶
type GetPatchBaselineRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *GetPatchBaselineInput Copy func(*GetPatchBaselineInput) GetPatchBaselineRequest }
GetPatchBaselineRequest is a API request type for the GetPatchBaseline API operation.
func (GetPatchBaselineRequest) Send ¶
func (r GetPatchBaselineRequest) Send() (*GetPatchBaselineOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the GetPatchBaseline API request.
type InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview ¶
type InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview struct { // Detailed status information about the aggregated associations. DetailedStatus *string `type:"string"` // The number of associations for the instance(s). InstanceAssociationStatusAggregatedCount map[string]int64 `type:"map"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Status information about the aggregated associations. Please also see
func (InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview) String ¶
func (s InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InstanceAssociation ¶
type InstanceAssociation struct { // The association ID. AssociationId *string `type:"string"` // Version information for the association on the instance. AssociationVersion *string `type:"string"` // The content of the association document for the instance(s). Content *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The instance ID. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
One or more association documents on the instance. Please also see
func (InstanceAssociation) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceAssociation) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceAssociation) String ¶
func (s InstanceAssociation) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InstanceAssociationOutputLocation ¶
type InstanceAssociationOutputLocation struct { // An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. S3Location *S3OutputLocation `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. Please also see
func (InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) String ¶
func (s InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) Validate ¶
func (s *InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type InstanceAssociationOutputUrl ¶
type InstanceAssociationOutputUrl struct { // The URL of Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. S3OutputUrl *S3OutputUrl `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The URL of Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. Please also see
func (InstanceAssociationOutputUrl) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceAssociationOutputUrl) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceAssociationOutputUrl) String ¶
func (s InstanceAssociationOutputUrl) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InstanceAssociationStatusInfo ¶
type InstanceAssociationStatusInfo struct { // The association ID. AssociationId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the association applied to the instance. AssociationName *string `type:"string"` // The version of the association applied to the instance. AssociationVersion *string `type:"string"` // Detailed status information about the instance association. DetailedStatus *string `type:"string"` // The association document verions. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // An error code returned by the request to create the association. ErrorCode *string `type:"string"` // The date the instance association executed. ExecutionDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // Summary information about association execution. ExecutionSummary *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The instance ID where the association was created. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The name of the association. Name *string `type:"string"` // A URL for an Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this // request. OutputUrl *InstanceAssociationOutputUrl `type:"structure"` // Status information about the instance association. Status *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Status information about the instance association. Please also see
func (InstanceAssociationStatusInfo) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceAssociationStatusInfo) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceAssociationStatusInfo) String ¶
func (s InstanceAssociationStatusInfo) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InstanceInformation ¶
type InstanceInformation struct { // The activation ID created by Systems Manager when the server or VM was registered. ActivationId *string `type:"string"` // The version of the SSM Agent running on your Linux instance. AgentVersion *string `type:"string"` // Information about the association. AssociationOverview *InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview `type:"structure"` // The status of the association. AssociationStatus *string `type:"string"` // The fully qualified host name of the managed instance. ComputerName *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The IP address of the managed instance. IPAddress *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role assigned to EC2 instances // or managed instances. IamRole *string `type:"string"` // The instance ID. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // Indicates whether latest version of the SSM Agent is running on your instance. // Some older versions of Windows Server use the EC2Config service to process // SSM requests. For this reason, this field does not indicate whether or not // the latest version is installed on Windows managed instances. IsLatestVersion *bool `type:"boolean"` // The date the association was last executed. LastAssociationExecutionDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The date and time when agent last pinged Systems Manager service. LastPingDateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The last date the association was successfully run. LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The name of the managed instance. Name *string `type:"string"` // Connection status of the SSM Agent. PingStatus PingStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The name of the operating system platform running on your instance. PlatformName *string `type:"string"` // The operating system platform type. PlatformType PlatformType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The version of the OS platform running on your instance. PlatformVersion *string `type:"string"` // The date the server or VM was registered with AWS as a managed instance. RegistrationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The type of instance. Instances are either EC2 instances or managed instances. ResourceType ResourceType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a filter for a specific list of instances. Please also see
func (InstanceInformation) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceInformation) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceInformation) String ¶
func (s InstanceInformation) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InstanceInformationFilter ¶
type InstanceInformationFilter struct { // The name of the filter. // // Key is a required field Key InstanceInformationFilterKey `locationName:"key" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The filter values. // // ValueSet is a required field ValueSet []string `locationName:"valueSet" min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes a filter for a specific list of instances. Please also see
func (InstanceInformationFilter) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceInformationFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceInformationFilter) String ¶
func (s InstanceInformationFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*InstanceInformationFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *InstanceInformationFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type InstanceInformationFilterKey ¶
type InstanceInformationFilterKey string
const ( InstanceInformationFilterKeyInstanceIds InstanceInformationFilterKey = "InstanceIds" InstanceInformationFilterKeyAgentVersion InstanceInformationFilterKey = "AgentVersion" InstanceInformationFilterKeyPingStatus InstanceInformationFilterKey = "PingStatus" InstanceInformationFilterKeyPlatformTypes InstanceInformationFilterKey = "PlatformTypes" InstanceInformationFilterKeyActivationIds InstanceInformationFilterKey = "ActivationIds" InstanceInformationFilterKeyIamRole InstanceInformationFilterKey = "IamRole" InstanceInformationFilterKeyResourceType InstanceInformationFilterKey = "ResourceType" InstanceInformationFilterKeyAssociationStatus InstanceInformationFilterKey = "AssociationStatus" )
Enum values for InstanceInformationFilterKey
func (InstanceInformationFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum InstanceInformationFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (InstanceInformationFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum InstanceInformationFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type InstanceInformationStringFilter ¶
type InstanceInformationStringFilter struct { // The filter key name to describe your instances. For example: // // "InstanceIds"|"AgentVersion"|"PingStatus"|"PlatformTypes"|"ActivationIds"|"IamRole"|"ResourceType"|"AssociationStatus"|"Tag // Key" // // Key is a required field Key *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The filter values. // // Values is a required field Values []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The filters to describe or get information about your managed instances. Please also see
func (InstanceInformationStringFilter) GoString ¶
func (s InstanceInformationStringFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstanceInformationStringFilter) String ¶
func (s InstanceInformationStringFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*InstanceInformationStringFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *InstanceInformationStringFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type InstancePatchState ¶
type InstancePatchState struct { // The ID of the patch baseline used to patch the instance. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The number of patches from the patch baseline that were attempted to be installed // during the last patching operation, but failed to install. FailedCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of patches from the patch baseline that are installed on the instance. InstalledCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of patches not specified in the patch baseline that are installed // on the instance. InstalledOtherCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The ID of the managed instance the high-level patch compliance information // was collected for. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The number of patches from the patch baseline that are applicable for the // instance but aren't currently installed. MissingCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The number of patches from the patch baseline that aren't applicable for // the instance and hence aren't installed on the instance. NotApplicableCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The type of patching operation that was performed: SCAN (assess patch compliance // state) or INSTALL (install missing patches). // // Operation is a required field Operation PatchOperationType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The time the most recent patching operation completed on the instance. // // OperationEndTime is a required field OperationEndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"` // The time the most recent patching operation was started on the instance. // // OperationStartTime is a required field OperationStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"` // Placeholder information, this field will always be empty in the current release // of the service. OwnerInformation *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The name of the patch group the managed instance belongs to. // // PatchGroup is a required field PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the patch baseline snapshot used during the patching operation // when this compliance data was collected. SnapshotId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines the high-level patch compliance state for a managed instance, providing information about the number of installed, missing, not applicable, and failed patches along with metadata about the operation when this information was gathered for the instance. Please also see
func (InstancePatchState) GoString ¶
func (s InstancePatchState) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstancePatchState) String ¶
func (s InstancePatchState) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InstancePatchStateFilter ¶
type InstancePatchStateFilter struct { // The key for the filter. Supported values are FailedCount, InstalledCount, // InstalledOtherCount, MissingCount and NotApplicableCount. // // Key is a required field Key *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The type of comparison that should be performed for the value: Equal, NotEqual, // LessThan or GreaterThan. // // Type is a required field Type InstancePatchStateOperatorType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The value for the filter, must be an integer greater than or equal to 0. // // Values is a required field Values []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines a filter used in DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroup used to scope down the information returned by the API. Please also see
func (InstancePatchStateFilter) GoString ¶
func (s InstancePatchStateFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InstancePatchStateFilter) String ¶
func (s InstancePatchStateFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*InstancePatchStateFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *InstancePatchStateFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type InstancePatchStateOperatorType ¶
type InstancePatchStateOperatorType string
const ( InstancePatchStateOperatorTypeEqual InstancePatchStateOperatorType = "Equal" InstancePatchStateOperatorTypeNotEqual InstancePatchStateOperatorType = "NotEqual" InstancePatchStateOperatorTypeLessThan InstancePatchStateOperatorType = "LessThan" InstancePatchStateOperatorTypeGreaterThan InstancePatchStateOperatorType = "GreaterThan" )
Enum values for InstancePatchStateOperatorType
func (InstancePatchStateOperatorType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum InstancePatchStateOperatorType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (InstancePatchStateOperatorType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum InstancePatchStateOperatorType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type InventoryAggregator ¶
type InventoryAggregator struct { // Nested aggregators to further refine aggregation for an inventory type. Aggregators []InventoryAggregator `min:"1" type:"list"` // The inventory type and attribute name for aggregation. Expression *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Specifies the inventory type and attribute for the aggregation execution. Please also see
func (InventoryAggregator) GoString ¶
func (s InventoryAggregator) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InventoryAggregator) String ¶
func (s InventoryAggregator) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*InventoryAggregator) Validate ¶
func (s *InventoryAggregator) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type InventoryAttributeDataType ¶
type InventoryAttributeDataType string
const ( InventoryAttributeDataTypeString InventoryAttributeDataType = "string" InventoryAttributeDataTypeNumber InventoryAttributeDataType = "number" )
Enum values for InventoryAttributeDataType
func (InventoryAttributeDataType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum InventoryAttributeDataType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (InventoryAttributeDataType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum InventoryAttributeDataType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type InventoryFilter ¶
type InventoryFilter struct { // The name of the filter key. // // Key is a required field Key *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The type of filter. Valid values include the following: "Equal"|"NotEqual"|"BeginWith"|"LessThan"|"GreaterThan" Type InventoryQueryOperatorType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Inventory filter values. Example: inventory filter where instance IDs are // specified as values Key=AWS:InstanceInformation.InstanceId,Values= i-a12b3c4d5e6g, // i-1a2b3c4d5e6,Type=Equal // // Values is a required field Values []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Please also see
func (InventoryFilter) GoString ¶
func (s InventoryFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InventoryFilter) String ¶
func (s InventoryFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*InventoryFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *InventoryFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type InventoryItem ¶
type InventoryItem struct { // The time the inventory information was collected. // // CaptureTime is a required field CaptureTime *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The inventory data of the inventory type. Content []map[string]string `type:"list"` // MD5 hash of the inventory item type contents. The content hash is used to // determine whether to update inventory information. The PutInventory API does // not update the inventory item type contents if the MD5 hash has not changed // since last update. ContentHash *string `type:"string"` // A map of associated properties for a specified inventory type. For example, // with this attribute, you can specify the ExecutionId, ExecutionType, ComplianceType // properties of the AWS:ComplianceItem type. Context map[string]string `type:"map"` // The schema version for the inventory item. // // SchemaVersion is a required field SchemaVersion *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The name of the inventory type. Default inventory item type names start with // AWS. Custom inventory type names will start with Custom. Default inventory // item types include the following: AWS:AWSComponent, AWS:Application, AWS:InstanceInformation, // AWS:Network, and AWS:WindowsUpdate. // // TypeName is a required field TypeName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information collected from managed instances based on your inventory policy document Please also see
func (InventoryItem) GoString ¶
func (s InventoryItem) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InventoryItem) String ¶
func (s InventoryItem) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*InventoryItem) Validate ¶
func (s *InventoryItem) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type InventoryItemAttribute ¶
type InventoryItemAttribute struct { // The data type of the inventory item attribute. // // DataType is a required field DataType InventoryAttributeDataType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // Name of the inventory item attribute. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Attributes are the entries within the inventory item content. It contains name and value. Please also see
func (InventoryItemAttribute) GoString ¶
func (s InventoryItemAttribute) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InventoryItemAttribute) String ¶
func (s InventoryItemAttribute) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InventoryItemSchema ¶
type InventoryItemSchema struct { // The schema attributes for inventory. This contains data type and attribute // name. // // Attributes is a required field Attributes []InventoryItemAttribute `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // The alias name of the inventory type. The alias name is used for display // purposes. DisplayName *string `type:"string"` // The name of the inventory type. Default inventory item type names start with // AWS. Custom inventory type names will start with Custom. Default inventory // item types include the following: AWS:AWSComponent, AWS:Application, AWS:InstanceInformation, // AWS:Network, and AWS:WindowsUpdate. // // TypeName is a required field TypeName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The schema version for the inventory item. Version *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The inventory item schema definition. Users can use this to compose inventory query filters. Please also see
func (InventoryItemSchema) GoString ¶
func (s InventoryItemSchema) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InventoryItemSchema) String ¶
func (s InventoryItemSchema) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InventoryQueryOperatorType ¶
type InventoryQueryOperatorType string
const ( InventoryQueryOperatorTypeEqual InventoryQueryOperatorType = "Equal" InventoryQueryOperatorTypeNotEqual InventoryQueryOperatorType = "NotEqual" InventoryQueryOperatorTypeBeginWith InventoryQueryOperatorType = "BeginWith" InventoryQueryOperatorTypeLessThan InventoryQueryOperatorType = "LessThan" InventoryQueryOperatorTypeGreaterThan InventoryQueryOperatorType = "GreaterThan" )
Enum values for InventoryQueryOperatorType
func (InventoryQueryOperatorType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum InventoryQueryOperatorType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (InventoryQueryOperatorType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum InventoryQueryOperatorType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type InventoryResultEntity ¶
type InventoryResultEntity struct { // The data section in the inventory result entity JSON. Data map[string]InventoryResultItem `type:"map"` // ID of the inventory result entity. For example, for managed instance inventory // the result will be the managed instance ID. For EC2 instance inventory, the // result will be the instance ID. Id *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Inventory query results. Please also see
func (InventoryResultEntity) GoString ¶
func (s InventoryResultEntity) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InventoryResultEntity) String ¶
func (s InventoryResultEntity) String() string
String returns the string representation
type InventoryResultItem ¶
type InventoryResultItem struct { // The time inventory item data was captured. CaptureTime *string `type:"string"` // Contains all the inventory data of the item type. Results include attribute // names and values. // // Content is a required field Content []map[string]string `type:"list" required:"true"` // MD5 hash of the inventory item type contents. The content hash is used to // determine whether to update inventory information. The PutInventory API does // not update the inventory item type contents if the MD5 hash has not changed // since last update. ContentHash *string `type:"string"` // The schema version for the inventory result item/ // // SchemaVersion is a required field SchemaVersion *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The name of the inventory result item type. // // TypeName is a required field TypeName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The inventory result item. Please also see
func (InventoryResultItem) GoString ¶
func (s InventoryResultItem) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (InventoryResultItem) String ¶
func (s InventoryResultItem) String() string
String returns the string representation
type LastResourceDataSyncStatus ¶
type LastResourceDataSyncStatus string
const ( LastResourceDataSyncStatusSuccessful LastResourceDataSyncStatus = "Successful" LastResourceDataSyncStatusFailed LastResourceDataSyncStatus = "Failed" LastResourceDataSyncStatusInProgress LastResourceDataSyncStatus = "InProgress" )
Enum values for LastResourceDataSyncStatus
func (LastResourceDataSyncStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum LastResourceDataSyncStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (LastResourceDataSyncStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum LastResourceDataSyncStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ListAssociationVersionsInput ¶
type ListAssociationVersionsInput struct { // The association ID for which you want to view all versions. // // AssociationId is a required field AssociationId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListAssociationVersionsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListAssociationVersionsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListAssociationVersionsInput) String ¶
func (s ListAssociationVersionsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListAssociationVersionsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListAssociationVersionsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListAssociationVersionsOutput ¶
type ListAssociationVersionsOutput struct { // Information about all versions of the association for the specified association // ID. AssociationVersions []AssociationVersionInfo `min:"1" type:"list"` // The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the // next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListAssociationVersionsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListAssociationVersionsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListAssociationVersionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListAssociationVersionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListAssociationVersionsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListAssociationVersionsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListAssociationVersionsRequest ¶
type ListAssociationVersionsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListAssociationVersionsInput Copy func(*ListAssociationVersionsInput) ListAssociationVersionsRequest }
ListAssociationVersionsRequest is a API request type for the ListAssociationVersions API operation.
func (ListAssociationVersionsRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListAssociationVersionsRequest) Send() (*ListAssociationVersionsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListAssociationVersions API request.
type ListAssociationsInput ¶
type ListAssociationsInput struct { // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. AssociationFilterList []AssociationFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListAssociationsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListAssociationsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListAssociationsInput) String ¶
func (s ListAssociationsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListAssociationsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListAssociationsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListAssociationsOutput ¶
type ListAssociationsOutput struct { // The associations. Associations []Association `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListAssociationsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListAssociationsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListAssociationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListAssociationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListAssociationsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListAssociationsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListAssociationsPager ¶
ListAssociationsPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*ListAssociationsPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *ListAssociationsPager) CurrentPage() *ListAssociationsOutput
type ListAssociationsRequest ¶
type ListAssociationsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListAssociationsInput Copy func(*ListAssociationsInput) ListAssociationsRequest }
ListAssociationsRequest is a API request type for the ListAssociations API operation.
func (*ListAssociationsRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *ListAssociationsRequest) Paginate(opts ListAssociationsPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a ListAssociationsRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a ListAssociations operation. req := client.ListAssociationsRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (ListAssociationsRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListAssociationsRequest) Send() (*ListAssociationsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListAssociations API request.
type ListCommandInvocationsInput ¶
type ListCommandInvocationsInput struct { // (Optional) The invocations for a specific command ID. CommandId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // (Optional) If set this returns the response of the command executions and // any command output. By default this is set to False. Details *bool `type:"boolean"` // (Optional) One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list // of results. Filters []CommandFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // (Optional) The command execution details for a specific instance ID. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // (Optional) The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call // also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the // next set of results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // (Optional) The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this // token from a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListCommandInvocationsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListCommandInvocationsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListCommandInvocationsInput) String ¶
func (s ListCommandInvocationsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListCommandInvocationsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListCommandInvocationsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListCommandInvocationsOutput ¶
type ListCommandInvocationsOutput struct { // (Optional) A list of all invocations. CommandInvocations []CommandInvocation `type:"list"` // (Optional) The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this // token from a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListCommandInvocationsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListCommandInvocationsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListCommandInvocationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListCommandInvocationsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListCommandInvocationsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListCommandInvocationsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListCommandInvocationsPager ¶
ListCommandInvocationsPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*ListCommandInvocationsPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *ListCommandInvocationsPager) CurrentPage() *ListCommandInvocationsOutput
type ListCommandInvocationsRequest ¶
type ListCommandInvocationsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListCommandInvocationsInput Copy func(*ListCommandInvocationsInput) ListCommandInvocationsRequest }
ListCommandInvocationsRequest is a API request type for the ListCommandInvocations API operation.
func (*ListCommandInvocationsRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *ListCommandInvocationsRequest) Paginate(opts ListCommandInvocationsPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a ListCommandInvocationsRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a ListCommandInvocations operation. req := client.ListCommandInvocationsRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (ListCommandInvocationsRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListCommandInvocationsRequest) Send() (*ListCommandInvocationsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListCommandInvocations API request.
type ListCommandsInput ¶
type ListCommandsInput struct { // (Optional) If provided, lists only the specified command. CommandId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // (Optional) One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list // of results. Filters []CommandFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // (Optional) Lists commands issued against this instance ID. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // (Optional) The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call // also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the // next set of results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // (Optional) The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this // token from a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListCommandsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListCommandsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListCommandsInput) String ¶
func (s ListCommandsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListCommandsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListCommandsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListCommandsOutput ¶
type ListCommandsOutput struct { // (Optional) The list of commands requested by the user. Commands []Command `type:"list"` // (Optional) The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this // token from a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListCommandsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListCommandsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListCommandsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListCommandsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListCommandsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListCommandsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListCommandsPager ¶
ListCommandsPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*ListCommandsPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *ListCommandsPager) CurrentPage() *ListCommandsOutput
type ListCommandsRequest ¶
type ListCommandsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListCommandsInput Copy func(*ListCommandsInput) ListCommandsRequest }
ListCommandsRequest is a API request type for the ListCommands API operation.
func (*ListCommandsRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *ListCommandsRequest) Paginate(opts ListCommandsPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a ListCommandsRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a ListCommands operation. req := client.ListCommandsRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (ListCommandsRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListCommandsRequest) Send() (*ListCommandsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListCommands API request.
type ListComplianceItemsInput ¶
type ListComplianceItemsInput struct { // One or more compliance filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list // of results. Filters []ComplianceStringFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The ID for the resources from which to get compliance information. Currently, // you can only specify one resource ID. ResourceIds []string `min:"1" type:"list"` // The type of resource from which to get compliance information. Currently, // the only supported resource type is ManagedInstance. ResourceTypes []string `min:"1" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListComplianceItemsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListComplianceItemsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListComplianceItemsInput) String ¶
func (s ListComplianceItemsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListComplianceItemsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListComplianceItemsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListComplianceItemsOutput ¶
type ListComplianceItemsOutput struct { // A list of compliance information for the specified resource ID. ComplianceItems []ComplianceItem `type:"list"` // The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the // next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListComplianceItemsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListComplianceItemsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListComplianceItemsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListComplianceItemsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListComplianceItemsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListComplianceItemsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListComplianceItemsRequest ¶
type ListComplianceItemsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListComplianceItemsInput Copy func(*ListComplianceItemsInput) ListComplianceItemsRequest }
ListComplianceItemsRequest is a API request type for the ListComplianceItems API operation.
func (ListComplianceItemsRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListComplianceItemsRequest) Send() (*ListComplianceItemsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListComplianceItems API request.
type ListComplianceSummariesInput ¶
type ListComplianceSummariesInput struct { // One or more compliance or inventory filters. Use a filter to return a more // specific list of results. Filters []ComplianceStringFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. Currently, you can specify // null or 50. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent // call to get the next set of results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListComplianceSummariesInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListComplianceSummariesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListComplianceSummariesInput) String ¶
func (s ListComplianceSummariesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListComplianceSummariesInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListComplianceSummariesInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListComplianceSummariesOutput ¶
type ListComplianceSummariesOutput struct { // A list of compliant and non-compliant summary counts based on compliance // types. For example, this call returns State Manager associations, patches, // or custom compliance types according to the filter criteria that you specified. ComplianceSummaryItems []ComplianceSummaryItem `type:"list"` // The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the // next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListComplianceSummariesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListComplianceSummariesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListComplianceSummariesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListComplianceSummariesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListComplianceSummariesOutput) String ¶
func (s ListComplianceSummariesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListComplianceSummariesRequest ¶
type ListComplianceSummariesRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListComplianceSummariesInput Copy func(*ListComplianceSummariesInput) ListComplianceSummariesRequest }
ListComplianceSummariesRequest is a API request type for the ListComplianceSummaries API operation.
func (ListComplianceSummariesRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListComplianceSummariesRequest) Send() (*ListComplianceSummariesOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListComplianceSummaries API request.
type ListDocumentVersionsInput ¶
type ListDocumentVersionsInput struct { // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The name of the document about which you want version information. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListDocumentVersionsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDocumentVersionsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDocumentVersionsInput) String ¶
func (s ListDocumentVersionsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListDocumentVersionsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListDocumentVersionsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListDocumentVersionsOutput ¶
type ListDocumentVersionsOutput struct { // The document versions. DocumentVersions []DocumentVersionInfo `min:"1" type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListDocumentVersionsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDocumentVersionsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDocumentVersionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListDocumentVersionsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListDocumentVersionsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListDocumentVersionsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListDocumentVersionsRequest ¶
type ListDocumentVersionsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListDocumentVersionsInput Copy func(*ListDocumentVersionsInput) ListDocumentVersionsRequest }
ListDocumentVersionsRequest is a API request type for the ListDocumentVersions API operation.
func (ListDocumentVersionsRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListDocumentVersionsRequest) Send() (*ListDocumentVersionsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListDocumentVersions API request.
type ListDocumentsInput ¶
type ListDocumentsInput struct { // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. DocumentFilterList []DocumentFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Filters []DocumentKeyValuesFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListDocumentsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDocumentsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDocumentsInput) String ¶
func (s ListDocumentsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListDocumentsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListDocumentsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListDocumentsOutput ¶
type ListDocumentsOutput struct { // The names of the Systems Manager documents. DocumentIdentifiers []DocumentIdentifier `type:"list"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListDocumentsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDocumentsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDocumentsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListDocumentsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListDocumentsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListDocumentsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListDocumentsPager ¶
ListDocumentsPager is used to paginate the request. This can be done by calling Next and CurrentPage.
func (*ListDocumentsPager) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *ListDocumentsPager) CurrentPage() *ListDocumentsOutput
type ListDocumentsRequest ¶
type ListDocumentsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListDocumentsInput Copy func(*ListDocumentsInput) ListDocumentsRequest }
ListDocumentsRequest is a API request type for the ListDocuments API operation.
func (*ListDocumentsRequest) Paginate ¶
func (p *ListDocumentsRequest) Paginate(opts ListDocumentsPager
Paginate pages iterates over the pages of a ListDocumentsRequest operation, calling the Next method for each page. Using the paginators Next method will depict whether or not there are more pages.
Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.
// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a ListDocuments operation. req := client.ListDocumentsRequest(input) p := req.Paginate() for p.Next() { page := p.CurrentPage() } if err := p.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func (ListDocumentsRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListDocumentsRequest) Send() (*ListDocumentsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListDocuments API request.
type ListInventoryEntriesInput ¶
type ListInventoryEntriesInput struct { // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Filters []InventoryFilter `min:"1" type:"list"` // The instance ID for which you want inventory information. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from // a previous call.) NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The type of inventory item for which you want information. // // TypeName is a required field TypeName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListInventoryEntriesInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListInventoryEntriesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListInventoryEntriesInput) String ¶
func (s ListInventoryEntriesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListInventoryEntriesInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListInventoryEntriesInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListInventoryEntriesOutput ¶
type ListInventoryEntriesOutput struct { // The time that inventory information was collected for the instance(s). CaptureTime *string `type:"string"` // A list of inventory items on the instance(s). Entries []map[string]string `type:"list"` // The instance ID targeted by the request to query inventory information. InstanceId *string `type:"string"` // The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional // items to return, the string is empty. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // The inventory schema version used by the instance(s). SchemaVersion *string `type:"string"` // The type of inventory item returned by the request. TypeName *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListInventoryEntriesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListInventoryEntriesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListInventoryEntriesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListInventoryEntriesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListInventoryEntriesOutput) String ¶
func (s ListInventoryEntriesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListInventoryEntriesRequest ¶
type ListInventoryEntriesRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListInventoryEntriesInput Copy func(*ListInventoryEntriesInput) ListInventoryEntriesRequest }
ListInventoryEntriesRequest is a API request type for the ListInventoryEntries API operation.
func (ListInventoryEntriesRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListInventoryEntriesRequest) Send() (*ListInventoryEntriesOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListInventoryEntries API request.
type ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput ¶
type ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput struct { // One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Filters []ComplianceStringFilter `type:"list"` // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) String ¶
func (s ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput ¶
type ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput struct { // The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the // next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // A summary count for specified or targeted managed instances. Summary count // includes information about compliant and non-compliant State Manager associations, // patch status, or custom items according to the filter criteria that you specify. ResourceComplianceSummaryItems []ResourceComplianceSummaryItem `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput) String ¶
func (s ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest ¶
type ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput Copy func(*ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest }
ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest is a API request type for the ListResourceComplianceSummaries API operation.
func (ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest) Send() (*ListResourceComplianceSummariesOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListResourceComplianceSummaries API request.
type ListResourceDataSyncInput ¶
type ListResourceDataSyncInput struct { // The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns // a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of // results. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListResourceDataSyncInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListResourceDataSyncInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListResourceDataSyncInput) String ¶
func (s ListResourceDataSyncInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListResourceDataSyncInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListResourceDataSyncInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListResourceDataSyncOutput ¶
type ListResourceDataSyncOutput struct { // The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the // next set of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` // A list of your current Resource Data Sync configurations and their statuses. ResourceDataSyncItems []ResourceDataSyncItem `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListResourceDataSyncOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListResourceDataSyncOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListResourceDataSyncOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListResourceDataSyncOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListResourceDataSyncOutput) String ¶
func (s ListResourceDataSyncOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListResourceDataSyncRequest ¶
type ListResourceDataSyncRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListResourceDataSyncInput Copy func(*ListResourceDataSyncInput) ListResourceDataSyncRequest }
ListResourceDataSyncRequest is a API request type for the ListResourceDataSync API operation.
func (ListResourceDataSyncRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListResourceDataSyncRequest) Send() (*ListResourceDataSyncOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListResourceDataSync API request.
type ListTagsForResourceInput ¶
type ListTagsForResourceInput struct { // The resource ID for which you want to see a list of tags. // // ResourceId is a required field ResourceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // Returns a list of tags for a specific resource type. // // ResourceType is a required field ResourceType ResourceTypeForTagging `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListTagsForResourceInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListTagsForResourceInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListTagsForResourceInput) String ¶
func (s ListTagsForResourceInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ListTagsForResourceInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ListTagsForResourceInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ListTagsForResourceOutput ¶
type ListTagsForResourceOutput struct { // A list of tags. TagList []Tag `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ListTagsForResourceOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListTagsForResourceOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListTagsForResourceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ListTagsForResourceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ListTagsForResourceOutput) String ¶
func (s ListTagsForResourceOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListTagsForResourceRequest ¶
type ListTagsForResourceRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ListTagsForResourceInput Copy func(*ListTagsForResourceInput) ListTagsForResourceRequest }
ListTagsForResourceRequest is a API request type for the ListTagsForResource API operation.
func (ListTagsForResourceRequest) Send ¶
func (r ListTagsForResourceRequest) Send() (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ListTagsForResource API request.
type LoggingInfo ¶
type LoggingInfo struct { // The name of an Amazon S3 bucket where execution logs are stored . // // S3BucketName is a required field S3BucketName *string `min:"3" type:"string" required:"true"` // (Optional) The Amazon S3 bucket subfolder. S3KeyPrefix *string `type:"string"` // The region where the Amazon S3 bucket is located. // // S3Region is a required field S3Region *string `min:"3" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about an Amazon S3 bucket to write instance-level logs to. Please also see
func (LoggingInfo) GoString ¶
func (s LoggingInfo) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (LoggingInfo) String ¶
func (s LoggingInfo) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*LoggingInfo) Validate ¶
func (s *LoggingInfo) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters ¶
type MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters struct { // The version of an Automation document to use during task execution. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The parameters for the AUTOMATION task. Parameters map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The parameters for an AUTOMATION task type. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) Validate ¶
func (s *MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type MaintenanceWindowExecution ¶
type MaintenanceWindowExecution struct { // The time the execution finished. EndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The time the execution started. StartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The status of the execution. Status MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The details explaining the Status. Only available for certain status values. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution. WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the information about an execution of a Maintenance Window. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowExecution) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowExecution) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowExecution) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowExecution) String() string
String returns the string representation
type MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus ¶
type MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus string
const ( MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusPending MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "PENDING" MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusInProgress MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusSuccess MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "SUCCESS" MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusFailed MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "FAILED" MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusTimedOut MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "TIMED_OUT" MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusCancelling MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "CANCELLING" MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusCancelled MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "CANCELLED" MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatusSkippedOverlapping MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus = "SKIPPED_OVERLAPPING" )
Enum values for MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus
func (MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity ¶
type MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity struct { // The time the task execution finished. EndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The time the task execution started. StartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The status of the task execution. Status MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The details explaining the status of the task execution. Only available for // certain status values. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // The ARN of the executed task. TaskArn *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The ID of the specific task execution in the Maintenance Window execution. TaskExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The type of executed task. TaskType MaintenanceWindowTaskType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution that ran the task. WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a task execution performed as part of a Maintenance Window execution. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity) String() string
String returns the string representation
type MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity ¶
type MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity struct { // The time the invocation finished. EndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The ID of the action performed in the service that actually handled the task // invocation. If the task type is RUN_COMMAND, this value is the command ID. ExecutionId *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the task invocation. InvocationId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // User-provided value that was specified when the target was registered with // the Maintenance Window. This was also included in any CloudWatch events raised // during the task invocation. OwnerInformation *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The parameters that were provided for the invocation when it was executed. Parameters *string `type:"string"` // The time the invocation started. StartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The status of the task invocation. Status MaintenanceWindowExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The details explaining the status of the task invocation. Only available // for certain Status values. StatusDetails *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the specific task execution in the Maintenance Window execution. TaskExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The task type. TaskType MaintenanceWindowTaskType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window execution that ran the task. WindowExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The ID of the target definition in this Maintenance Window the invocation // was performed for. WindowTargetId *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Describes the information about a task invocation for a particular target as part of a task execution performed as part of a Maintenance Window execution. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity) String() string
String returns the string representation
type MaintenanceWindowFilter ¶
type MaintenanceWindowFilter struct { // The name of the filter. Key *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The filter values. Values []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Filter used in the request. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowFilter) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowFilter) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*MaintenanceWindowFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *MaintenanceWindowFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type MaintenanceWindowIdentity ¶
type MaintenanceWindowIdentity struct { // The number of hours before the end of the Maintenance Window that Systems // Manager stops scheduling new tasks for execution. Cutoff *int64 `type:"integer"` // A description of the Maintenance Window. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The duration of the Maintenance Window in hours. Duration *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // Whether the Maintenance Window is enabled. Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"` // The name of the Maintenance Window. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the Maintenance Window. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowIdentity) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowIdentity) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowIdentity) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowIdentity) String() string
String returns the string representation
type MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters ¶
type MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters struct { // Pass client-specific information to the Lambda function that you are invoking. // You can then process the client information in your Lambda function as you // choose through the context variable. ClientContext *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // JSON to provide to your Lambda function as input. // // Payload is automatically base64 encoded/decoded by the SDK. Payload []byte `type:"blob"` // (Optional) Specify a Lambda function version or alias name. If you specify // a function version, the action uses the qualified function ARN to invoke // a specific Lambda function. If you specify an alias name, the action uses // the alias ARN to invoke the Lambda function version to which the alias points. Qualifier *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The parameters for a LAMBDA task type. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) Validate ¶
func (s *MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type MaintenanceWindowResourceType ¶
type MaintenanceWindowResourceType string
const (
MaintenanceWindowResourceTypeInstance MaintenanceWindowResourceType = "INSTANCE"
Enum values for MaintenanceWindowResourceType
func (MaintenanceWindowResourceType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum MaintenanceWindowResourceType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (MaintenanceWindowResourceType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum MaintenanceWindowResourceType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters ¶
type MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters struct { // Information about the command(s) to execute. Comment *string `type:"string"` // The SHA-256 or SHA-1 hash created by the system when the document was created. // SHA-1 hashes have been deprecated. DocumentHash *string `type:"string"` // SHA-256 or SHA-1. SHA-1 hashes have been deprecated. DocumentHashType DocumentHashType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Configurations for sending notifications about command status changes on // a per-instance basis. NotificationConfig *NotificationConfig `type:"structure"` // The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. OutputS3BucketName *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The Amazon S3 bucket subfolder. OutputS3KeyPrefix *string `type:"string"` // The parameters for the RUN_COMMAND task execution. Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // The IAM service role to assume during task execution. ServiceRoleArn *string `type:"string"` // If this time is reached and the command has not already started executing, // it doesn not execute. TimeoutSeconds *int64 `min:"30" type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The parameters for a RUN_COMMAND task type. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) Validate ¶
func (s *MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters ¶
type MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters struct { // The inputs for the STEP_FUNCTION task. Input *string `type:"string"` // The name of the STEP_FUNCTION task. Name *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The parameters for the STEP_FUNCTION execution. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) Validate ¶
func (s *MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type MaintenanceWindowTarget ¶
type MaintenanceWindowTarget struct { // A description of the target. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The target name. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // User-provided value that will be included in any CloudWatch events raised // while running tasks for these targets in this Maintenance Window. OwnerInformation *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The type of target. ResourceType MaintenanceWindowResourceType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The targets (either instances or tags). Instances are specified using Key=instanceids,Values=<instanceid1>,<instanceid2>. // Tags are specified using Key=<tag name>,Values=<tag value>. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // The Maintenance Window ID where the target is registered. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The ID of the target. WindowTargetId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The target registered with the Maintenance Window. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowTarget) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTarget) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowTarget) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTarget) String() string
String returns the string representation
type MaintenanceWindowTask ¶
type MaintenanceWindowTask struct { // A description of the task. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // Information about an Amazon S3 bucket to write task-level logs to. LoggingInfo *LoggingInfo `type:"structure"` // The maximum number of targets this task can be run for in parallel. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The maximum number of errors allowed before this task stops being scheduled. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The task name. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The priority of the task in the Maintenance Window. The lower the number, // the higher the priority. Tasks that have the same priority are scheduled // in parallel. Priority *int64 `type:"integer"` // The role that should be assumed when executing the task ServiceRoleArn *string `type:"string"` // The targets (either instances or tags). Instances are specified using Key=instanceids,Values=<instanceid1>,<instanceid2>. // Tags are specified using Key=<tag name>,Values=<tag value>. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // The resource that the task uses during execution. For RUN_COMMAND and AUTOMATION // task types, TaskArn is the Systems Manager document name or ARN. For LAMBDA // tasks, it's the function name or ARN. For STEP_FUNCTION tasks, it's the state // machine ARN. TaskArn *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The parameters that should be passed to the task when it is executed. TaskParameters map[string]MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression `type:"map"` // The type of task. The type can be one of the following: RUN_COMMAND, AUTOMATION, // LAMBDA, or STEP_FUNCTION. Type MaintenanceWindowTaskType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The Maintenance Window ID where the task is registered. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The task ID. WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a task defined for a Maintenance Window. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowTask) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTask) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowTask) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTask) String() string
String returns the string representation
type MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters ¶
type MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters struct { // The parameters for a AUTOMATION task type. Automation *MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters `type:"structure"` // The parameters for a LAMBDA task type. Lambda *MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters `type:"structure"` // The parameters for a RUN_COMMAND task type. RunCommand *MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters `type:"structure"` // The parameters for a STEP_FUNCTION task type. StepFunctions *MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The parameters for task execution. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters) Validate ¶
func (s *MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression ¶
type MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression struct { // This field contains an array of 0 or more strings, each 1 to 255 characters // in length. Values []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines the values for a task parameter. Please also see
func (MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression) GoString ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression) String ¶
func (s MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression) String() string
String returns the string representation
type MaintenanceWindowTaskType ¶
type MaintenanceWindowTaskType string
const ( MaintenanceWindowTaskTypeRunCommand MaintenanceWindowTaskType = "RUN_COMMAND" MaintenanceWindowTaskTypeAutomation MaintenanceWindowTaskType = "AUTOMATION" MaintenanceWindowTaskTypeStepFunctions MaintenanceWindowTaskType = "STEP_FUNCTIONS" MaintenanceWindowTaskTypeLambda MaintenanceWindowTaskType = "LAMBDA" )
Enum values for MaintenanceWindowTaskType
func (MaintenanceWindowTaskType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum MaintenanceWindowTaskType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (MaintenanceWindowTaskType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum MaintenanceWindowTaskType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ModifyDocumentPermissionInput ¶
type ModifyDocumentPermissionInput struct { // The AWS user accounts that should have access to the document. The account // IDs can either be a group of account IDs or All. AccountIdsToAdd []string `type:"list"` // The AWS user accounts that should no longer have access to the document. // The AWS user account can either be a group of account IDs or All. This action // has a higher priority than AccountIdsToAdd. If you specify an account ID // to add and the same ID to remove, the system removes access to the document. AccountIdsToRemove []string `type:"list"` // The name of the document that you want to share. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The permission type for the document. The permission type can be Share. // // PermissionType is a required field PermissionType DocumentPermissionType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) GoString ¶
func (s ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) String ¶
func (s ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) Validate ¶
func (s *ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput ¶
type ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput) String ¶
func (s ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest ¶
type ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *ModifyDocumentPermissionInput Copy func(*ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest }
ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest is a API request type for the ModifyDocumentPermission API operation.
func (ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest) Send ¶
func (r ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest) Send() (*ModifyDocumentPermissionOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the ModifyDocumentPermission API request.
type NonCompliantSummary ¶
type NonCompliantSummary struct { // The total number of compliance items that are not compliant. NonCompliantCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // A summary of the non-compliance severity by compliance type SeveritySummary *SeveritySummary `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A summary of resources that are not compliant. The summary is organized according to resource type. Please also see
func (NonCompliantSummary) GoString ¶
func (s NonCompliantSummary) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (NonCompliantSummary) String ¶
func (s NonCompliantSummary) String() string
String returns the string representation
type NotificationConfig ¶
type NotificationConfig struct { // An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. // Run Command pushes notifications about command status changes to this topic. NotificationArn *string `type:"string"` // The different events for which you can receive notifications. These events // include the following: All (events), InProgress, Success, TimedOut, Cancelled, // Failed. To learn more about these events, see Setting Up Events and Notifications // ( // in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide. NotificationEvents []NotificationEvent `type:"list"` // Command: Receive notification when the status of a command changes. Invocation: // For commands sent to multiple instances, receive notification on a per-instance // basis when the status of a command changes. NotificationType NotificationType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Configurations for sending notifications. Please also see
func (NotificationConfig) GoString ¶
func (s NotificationConfig) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (NotificationConfig) String ¶
func (s NotificationConfig) String() string
String returns the string representation
type NotificationEvent ¶
type NotificationEvent string
const ( NotificationEventAll NotificationEvent = "All" NotificationEventInProgress NotificationEvent = "InProgress" NotificationEventSuccess NotificationEvent = "Success" NotificationEventTimedOut NotificationEvent = "TimedOut" NotificationEventCancelled NotificationEvent = "Cancelled" NotificationEventFailed NotificationEvent = "Failed" )
Enum values for NotificationEvent
func (NotificationEvent) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum NotificationEvent) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (NotificationEvent) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum NotificationEvent) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type NotificationType ¶
type NotificationType string
const ( NotificationTypeCommand NotificationType = "Command" NotificationTypeInvocation NotificationType = "Invocation" )
Enum values for NotificationType
func (NotificationType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum NotificationType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (NotificationType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum NotificationType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type OperatingSystem ¶
type OperatingSystem string
const ( OperatingSystemWindows OperatingSystem = "WINDOWS" OperatingSystemAmazonLinux OperatingSystem = "AMAZON_LINUX" OperatingSystemUbuntu OperatingSystem = "UBUNTU" OperatingSystemRedhatEnterpriseLinux OperatingSystem = "REDHAT_ENTERPRISE_LINUX" OperatingSystemSuse OperatingSystem = "SUSE" )
Enum values for OperatingSystem
func (OperatingSystem) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum OperatingSystem) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (OperatingSystem) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum OperatingSystem) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type Parameter ¶
type Parameter struct { // The name of the parameter. Name *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The type of parameter. Valid values include the following: String, String // list, Secure string. Type ParameterType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The parameter value. Value *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The parameter version. Version *int64 `type:"long"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Amazon EC2 Systems Manager parameter in Parameter Store. Please also see
type ParameterHistory ¶
type ParameterHistory struct { // Parameter names can include the following letters and symbols. // // a-zA-Z0-9_.- AllowedPattern *string `type:"string"` // Information about the parameter. Description *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the query key used for this parameter. KeyId *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // Date the parameter was last changed or updated. LastModifiedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS user who last changed the parameter. LastModifiedUser *string `type:"string"` // The name of the parameter. Name *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The type of parameter used. Type ParameterType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The parameter value. Value *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The parameter version. Version *int64 `type:"long"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about parameter usage. Please also see
func (ParameterHistory) GoString ¶
func (s ParameterHistory) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ParameterHistory) String ¶
func (s ParameterHistory) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ParameterMetadata ¶
type ParameterMetadata struct { // A parameter name can include only the following letters and symbols. // // a-zA-Z0-9_.- AllowedPattern *string `type:"string"` // Description of the parameter actions. Description *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the query key used for this parameter. KeyId *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // Date the parameter was last changed or updated. LastModifiedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS user who last changed the parameter. LastModifiedUser *string `type:"string"` // The parameter name. Name *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The type of parameter. Valid parameter types include the following: String, // String list, Secure string. Type ParameterType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The parameter version. Version *int64 `type:"long"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Metada includes information like the ARN of the last user and the date/time the parameter was last used. Please also see
func (ParameterMetadata) GoString ¶
func (s ParameterMetadata) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ParameterMetadata) String ¶
func (s ParameterMetadata) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ParameterStringFilter ¶
type ParameterStringFilter struct { // The name of the filter. // // Key is a required field Key *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // Valid options are Equals and BeginsWith. For Path filter, valid options are // Recursive and OneLevel. Option *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The value you want to search for. Values []string `min:"1" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. Please also see
func (ParameterStringFilter) GoString ¶
func (s ParameterStringFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ParameterStringFilter) String ¶
func (s ParameterStringFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ParameterStringFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *ParameterStringFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ParameterType ¶
type ParameterType string
const ( ParameterTypeString ParameterType = "String" ParameterTypeStringList ParameterType = "StringList" ParameterTypeSecureString ParameterType = "SecureString" )
Enum values for ParameterType
func (ParameterType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ParameterType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ParameterType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ParameterType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ParametersFilter ¶
type ParametersFilter struct { // The name of the filter. // // Key is a required field Key ParametersFilterKey `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The filter values. // // Values is a required field Values []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
This data type is deprecated. Instead, use ParameterStringFilter. Please also see
func (ParametersFilter) GoString ¶
func (s ParametersFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ParametersFilter) String ¶
func (s ParametersFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ParametersFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *ParametersFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ParametersFilterKey ¶
type ParametersFilterKey string
const ( ParametersFilterKeyName ParametersFilterKey = "Name" ParametersFilterKeyType ParametersFilterKey = "Type" ParametersFilterKeyKeyId ParametersFilterKey = "KeyId" )
Enum values for ParametersFilterKey
func (ParametersFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ParametersFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ParametersFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ParametersFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type Patch ¶
type Patch struct { // The classification of the patch (for example, SecurityUpdates, Updates, CriticalUpdates). Classification *string `type:"string"` // The URL where more information can be obtained about the patch. ContentUrl *string `type:"string"` // The description of the patch. Description *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the patch (this is different than the Microsoft Knowledge Base // ID). Id *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Microsoft Knowledge Base ID of the patch. KbNumber *string `type:"string"` // The language of the patch if it's language-specific. Language *string `type:"string"` // The ID of the MSRC bulletin the patch is related to. MsrcNumber *string `type:"string"` // The severity of the patch (for example Critical, Important, Moderate). MsrcSeverity *string `type:"string"` // The specific product the patch is applicable for (for example, WindowsServer2016). Product *string `type:"string"` // The product family the patch is applicable for (for example, Windows). ProductFamily *string `type:"string"` // The date the patch was released. ReleaseDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The title of the patch. Title *string `type:"string"` // The name of the vendor providing the patch. Vendor *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents metadata about a patch. Please also see
type PatchBaselineIdentity ¶
type PatchBaselineIdentity struct { // The description of the patch baseline. BaselineDescription *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The ID of the patch baseline. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The name of the patch baseline. BaselineName *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // Whether this is the default baseline. Note that Systems Manager supports // creating multiple default patch baselines. For example, you can create a // default patch baseline for each operating system. DefaultBaseline *bool `type:"boolean"` // Defines the operating system the patch baseline applies to. The Default value // is WINDOWS. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines the basic information about a patch baseline. Please also see
func (PatchBaselineIdentity) GoString ¶
func (s PatchBaselineIdentity) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchBaselineIdentity) String ¶
func (s PatchBaselineIdentity) String() string
String returns the string representation
type PatchComplianceData ¶
type PatchComplianceData struct { // The classification of the patch (for example, SecurityUpdates, Updates, CriticalUpdates). // // Classification is a required field Classification *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The date/time the patch was installed on the instance. Note that not all // operating systems provide this level of information. // // InstalledTime is a required field InstalledTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"` // The operating system-specific ID of the patch. // // KBId is a required field KBId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The severity of the patch (for example, Critical, Important, Moderate). // // Severity is a required field Severity *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The state of the patch on the instance (INSTALLED, INSTALLED_OTHER, MISSING, // NOT_APPLICABLE or FAILED). // // State is a required field State PatchComplianceDataState `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The title of the patch. // // Title is a required field Title *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the state of a patch on a particular instance as it relates to the patch baseline used to patch the instance. Please also see
func (PatchComplianceData) GoString ¶
func (s PatchComplianceData) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchComplianceData) String ¶
func (s PatchComplianceData) String() string
String returns the string representation
type PatchComplianceDataState ¶
type PatchComplianceDataState string
const ( PatchComplianceDataStateInstalled PatchComplianceDataState = "INSTALLED" PatchComplianceDataStateInstalledOther PatchComplianceDataState = "INSTALLED_OTHER" PatchComplianceDataStateMissing PatchComplianceDataState = "MISSING" PatchComplianceDataStateNotApplicable PatchComplianceDataState = "NOT_APPLICABLE" PatchComplianceDataStateFailed PatchComplianceDataState = "FAILED" )
Enum values for PatchComplianceDataState
func (PatchComplianceDataState) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum PatchComplianceDataState) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (PatchComplianceDataState) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum PatchComplianceDataState) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type PatchComplianceLevel ¶
type PatchComplianceLevel string
const ( PatchComplianceLevelCritical PatchComplianceLevel = "CRITICAL" PatchComplianceLevelHigh PatchComplianceLevel = "HIGH" PatchComplianceLevelMedium PatchComplianceLevel = "MEDIUM" PatchComplianceLevelLow PatchComplianceLevel = "LOW" PatchComplianceLevelInformational PatchComplianceLevel = "INFORMATIONAL" PatchComplianceLevelUnspecified PatchComplianceLevel = "UNSPECIFIED" )
Enum values for PatchComplianceLevel
func (PatchComplianceLevel) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum PatchComplianceLevel) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (PatchComplianceLevel) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum PatchComplianceLevel) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type PatchDeploymentStatus ¶
type PatchDeploymentStatus string
const ( PatchDeploymentStatusApproved PatchDeploymentStatus = "APPROVED" PatchDeploymentStatusPendingApproval PatchDeploymentStatus = "PENDING_APPROVAL" PatchDeploymentStatusExplicitApproved PatchDeploymentStatus = "EXPLICIT_APPROVED" PatchDeploymentStatusExplicitRejected PatchDeploymentStatus = "EXPLICIT_REJECTED" )
Enum values for PatchDeploymentStatus
func (PatchDeploymentStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum PatchDeploymentStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (PatchDeploymentStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum PatchDeploymentStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type PatchFilter ¶
type PatchFilter struct { // The key for the filter. // // See PatchFilter for lists of valid keys for each operating system type. // // Key is a required field Key PatchFilterKey `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The value for the filter key. // // See PatchFilter for lists of valid values for each key based on operating // system type. // // Values is a required field Values []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines a patch filter.
A patch filter consists of key/value pairs, but not all keys are valid for all operating system types. For example, the key PRODUCT is valid for all supported operating system types. The key MSRC_SEVERITY, however, is valid only for Windows operating systems, and the key SECTION is valid only for Ubuntu operating systems.
Refer to the following sections for information about which keys may be used with each major operating system, and which values are valid for each key.
Windows Operating Systems ¶
The supported keys for Windows operating systems are PRODUCT, CLASSIFICATION, and MSRC_SEVERITY. See the following lists for valid values for each of these keys.
Supported key:PRODUCT
Supported values:
Supported values:
Supported key:MSRC_SEVERITY
Supported values:
Ubuntu Operating Systems ¶
The supported keys for Ubuntu operating systems are PRODUCT, PRIORITY, and SECTION. See the following lists for valid values for each of these keys.
Supported key:PRODUCT
Supported values:
Supported key:PRIORITY
Supported values:
Supported key:SECTION
Only the length of the key value is validated. Minimum length is 1. Maximum length is 64.
Amazon Linux Operating Systems ¶
The supported keys for Amazon Linux operating systems are PRODUCT, CLASSIFICATION, and SEVERITY. See the following lists for valid values for each of these keys.
Supported key:PRODUCT
Supported values:
Supported values:
Supported key:SEVERITY
Supported values:
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Operating Systems ¶
The supported keys for RedHat Enterprise Linux operating systems are PRODUCT, CLASSIFICATION, and SEVERITY. See the following lists for valid values for each of these keys.
Supported key:PRODUCT
Supported values:
Supported values:
Supported key:SEVERITY
Supported values:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SUSE) Operating Systems ¶
The supported keys for SUSE operating systems are PRODUCT, CLASSIFICATION, and SEVERITY. See the following lists for valid values for each of these keys.
Supported key:PRODUCT
Supported values:
Supported values:
Supported key:SEVERITY
Supported values:
Please also see
func (PatchFilter) GoString ¶
func (s PatchFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchFilter) String ¶
func (s PatchFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PatchFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *PatchFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PatchFilterGroup ¶
type PatchFilterGroup struct { // The set of patch filters that make up the group. // // PatchFilters is a required field PatchFilters []PatchFilter `type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A set of patch filters, typically used for approval rules. Please also see
func (PatchFilterGroup) GoString ¶
func (s PatchFilterGroup) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchFilterGroup) String ¶
func (s PatchFilterGroup) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PatchFilterGroup) Validate ¶
func (s *PatchFilterGroup) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PatchFilterKey ¶
type PatchFilterKey string
const ( PatchFilterKeyProduct PatchFilterKey = "PRODUCT" PatchFilterKeyClassification PatchFilterKey = "CLASSIFICATION" PatchFilterKeyMsrcSeverity PatchFilterKey = "MSRC_SEVERITY" PatchFilterKeyPatchId PatchFilterKey = "PATCH_ID" PatchFilterKeySection PatchFilterKey = "SECTION" PatchFilterKeyPriority PatchFilterKey = "PRIORITY" PatchFilterKeySeverity PatchFilterKey = "SEVERITY" )
Enum values for PatchFilterKey
func (PatchFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum PatchFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (PatchFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum PatchFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping ¶
type PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping struct { // The patch baseline the patch group is registered with. BaselineIdentity *PatchBaselineIdentity `type:"structure"` // The name of the patch group registered with the patch baseline. PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The mapping between a patch group and the patch baseline the patch group is registered with. Please also see
func (PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping) GoString ¶
func (s PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping) String ¶
func (s PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping) String() string
String returns the string representation
type PatchOperationType ¶
type PatchOperationType string
const ( PatchOperationTypeScan PatchOperationType = "Scan" PatchOperationTypeInstall PatchOperationType = "Install" )
Enum values for PatchOperationType
func (PatchOperationType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum PatchOperationType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (PatchOperationType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum PatchOperationType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type PatchOrchestratorFilter ¶
type PatchOrchestratorFilter struct { // The key for the filter. Key *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The value for the filter. Values []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines a filter used in Patch Manager APIs. Please also see
func (PatchOrchestratorFilter) GoString ¶
func (s PatchOrchestratorFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchOrchestratorFilter) String ¶
func (s PatchOrchestratorFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PatchOrchestratorFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *PatchOrchestratorFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PatchRule ¶
type PatchRule struct { // The number of days after the release date of each patch matched by the rule // the patch is marked as approved in the patch baseline. // // ApproveAfterDays is a required field ApproveAfterDays *int64 `type:"integer" required:"true"` // A compliance severity level for all approved patches in a patch baseline. // Valid compliance severity levels include the following: Unspecified, Critical, // High, Medium, Low, and Informational. ComplianceLevel PatchComplianceLevel `type:"string" enum:"true"` // For instances identified by the approval rule filters, enables a patch baseline // to apply non-security updates available in the specified repository. The // default value is 'false'. Applies to Linux instances only. EnableNonSecurity *bool `type:"boolean"` // The patch filter group that defines the criteria for the rule. // // PatchFilterGroup is a required field PatchFilterGroup *PatchFilterGroup `type:"structure" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Defines an approval rule for a patch baseline. Please also see
type PatchRuleGroup ¶
type PatchRuleGroup struct { // The rules that make up the rule group. // // PatchRules is a required field PatchRules []PatchRule `type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A set of rules defining the approval rules for a patch baseline. Please also see
func (PatchRuleGroup) GoString ¶
func (s PatchRuleGroup) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchRuleGroup) String ¶
func (s PatchRuleGroup) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PatchRuleGroup) Validate ¶
func (s *PatchRuleGroup) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PatchSource ¶
type PatchSource struct { // The value of the yum repo configuration. For example: // // cachedir=/var/cache/yum/$basesearch // // $releasever // // keepcache=0 // // debualevel=2 // // Configuration is a required field Configuration *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The name specified to identify the patch source. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The specific operating system versions a patch repository applies to, such // as "Ubuntu16.04", "AmazonLinux2016.09", "RedhatEnterpriseLinux7.2" or "Suse12.7". // For lists of supported product values, see PatchFilter. // // Products is a required field Products []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the patches to use to update the instances, including target operating systems and source repository. Applies to Linux instances only. Please also see
func (PatchSource) GoString ¶
func (s PatchSource) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchSource) String ¶
func (s PatchSource) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PatchSource) Validate ¶
func (s *PatchSource) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PatchStatus ¶
type PatchStatus struct { // The date the patch was approved (or will be approved if the status is PENDING_APPROVAL). ApprovalDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The compliance severity level for a patch. ComplianceLevel PatchComplianceLevel `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The approval status of a patch (APPROVED, PENDING_APPROVAL, EXPLICIT_APPROVED, // EXPLICIT_REJECTED). DeploymentStatus PatchDeploymentStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the approval status of a patch. Please also see
func (PatchStatus) GoString ¶
func (s PatchStatus) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PatchStatus) String ¶
func (s PatchStatus) String() string
String returns the string representation
type PingStatus ¶
type PingStatus string
const ( PingStatusOnline PingStatus = "Online" PingStatusConnectionLost PingStatus = "ConnectionLost" PingStatusInactive PingStatus = "Inactive" )
Enum values for PingStatus
func (PingStatus) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum PingStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (PingStatus) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum PingStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type PlatformType ¶
type PlatformType string
const ( PlatformTypeWindows PlatformType = "Windows" PlatformTypeLinux PlatformType = "Linux" )
Enum values for PlatformType
func (PlatformType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum PlatformType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (PlatformType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum PlatformType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type PutComplianceItemsInput ¶
type PutComplianceItemsInput struct { // Specify the compliance type. For example, specify Association (for a State // Manager association), Patch, or Custom:string. // // ComplianceType is a required field ComplianceType *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // A summary of the call execution that includes an execution ID, the type of // execution (for example, Command), and the date/time of the execution using // a datetime object that is saved in the following format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'. // // ExecutionSummary is a required field ExecutionSummary *ComplianceExecutionSummary `type:"structure" required:"true"` // MD5 or SHA-256 content hash. The content hash is used to determine if existing // information should be overwritten or ignored. If the content hashes match, // the request to put compliance information is ignored. ItemContentHash *string `type:"string"` // Information about the compliance as defined by the resource type. For example, // for a patch compliance type, Items includes information about the PatchSeverity, // Classification, etc. // // Items is a required field Items []ComplianceItemEntry `type:"list" required:"true"` // Specify an ID for this resource. For a managed instance, this is the instance // ID. // // ResourceId is a required field ResourceId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // Specify the type of resource. ManagedInstance is currently the only supported // resource type. // // ResourceType is a required field ResourceType *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (PutComplianceItemsInput) GoString ¶
func (s PutComplianceItemsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PutComplianceItemsInput) String ¶
func (s PutComplianceItemsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PutComplianceItemsInput) Validate ¶
func (s *PutComplianceItemsInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PutComplianceItemsOutput ¶
type PutComplianceItemsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (PutComplianceItemsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s PutComplianceItemsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PutComplianceItemsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s PutComplianceItemsOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (PutComplianceItemsOutput) String ¶
func (s PutComplianceItemsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type PutComplianceItemsRequest ¶
type PutComplianceItemsRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *PutComplianceItemsInput Copy func(*PutComplianceItemsInput) PutComplianceItemsRequest }
PutComplianceItemsRequest is a API request type for the PutComplianceItems API operation.
func (PutComplianceItemsRequest) Send ¶
func (r PutComplianceItemsRequest) Send() (*PutComplianceItemsOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the PutComplianceItems API request.
type PutInventoryInput ¶
type PutInventoryInput struct { // One or more instance IDs where you want to add or update inventory items. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The inventory items that you want to add or update on instances. // // Items is a required field Items []InventoryItem `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (PutInventoryInput) GoString ¶
func (s PutInventoryInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PutInventoryInput) String ¶
func (s PutInventoryInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PutInventoryInput) Validate ¶
func (s *PutInventoryInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PutInventoryOutput ¶
type PutInventoryOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (PutInventoryOutput) GoString ¶
func (s PutInventoryOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PutInventoryOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s PutInventoryOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (PutInventoryOutput) String ¶
func (s PutInventoryOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type PutInventoryRequest ¶
type PutInventoryRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *PutInventoryInput Copy func(*PutInventoryInput) PutInventoryRequest }
PutInventoryRequest is a API request type for the PutInventory API operation.
func (PutInventoryRequest) Send ¶
func (r PutInventoryRequest) Send() (*PutInventoryOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the PutInventory API request.
type PutParameterInput ¶
type PutParameterInput struct { // A regular expression used to validate the parameter value. For example, for // String types with values restricted to numbers, you can specify the following: // AllowedPattern=^\d+$ AllowedPattern *string `type:"string"` // Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system. Description *string `type:"string"` // The KMS Key ID that you want to use to encrypt a parameter when you choose // the SecureString data type. If you don't specify a key ID, the system uses // the default key associated with your AWS account. KeyId *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The fully qualified name of the parameter that you want to add to the system. // The fully qualified name includes the complete hierarchy of the parameter // path and name. For example: /Dev/DBServer/MySQL/db-string13 // // For information about parameter name requirements and restrictions, see About // Creating Systems Manager Parameters ( // in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide. // // The maximum length constraint listed below includes capacity for additional // system attributes that are not part of the name. The maximum length for the // fully qualified parameter name is 1011 characters. // // Name is a required field Name *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // Overwrite an existing parameter. If not specified, will default to "false". Overwrite *bool `type:"boolean"` // The type of parameter that you want to add to the system. // // Type is a required field Type ParameterType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The parameter value that you want to add to the system. // // Value is a required field Value *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (PutParameterInput) GoString ¶
func (s PutParameterInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PutParameterInput) String ¶
func (s PutParameterInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*PutParameterInput) Validate ¶
func (s *PutParameterInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type PutParameterOutput ¶
type PutParameterOutput struct { // The new version number of a parameter. If you edit a parameter value, Parameter // Store automatically creates a new version and assigns this new version a // unique ID. You can reference a parameter version ID in API actions or in // Systems Manager documents (SSM documents). By default, if you don't specify // a specific version, the system returns the latest parameter value when a // parameter is called. Version *int64 `type:"long"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (PutParameterOutput) GoString ¶
func (s PutParameterOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (PutParameterOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s PutParameterOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (PutParameterOutput) String ¶
func (s PutParameterOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type PutParameterRequest ¶
type PutParameterRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *PutParameterInput Copy func(*PutParameterInput) PutParameterRequest }
PutParameterRequest is a API request type for the PutParameter API operation.
func (PutParameterRequest) Send ¶
func (r PutParameterRequest) Send() (*PutParameterOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the PutParameter API request.
type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput ¶
type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline that should be the default patch baseline. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) String ¶
func (s RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) Validate ¶
func (s *RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput ¶
type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput struct { // The ID of the default patch baseline. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) String ¶
func (s RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest ¶
type RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput Copy func(*RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest }
RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest is a API request type for the RegisterDefaultPatchBaseline API operation.
func (RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest) Send ¶
func (r RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest) Send() (*RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the RegisterDefaultPatchBaseline API request.
type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput ¶
type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline to register the patch group with. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The name of the patch group that should be registered with the patch baseline. // // PatchGroup is a required field PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) String ¶
func (s RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) Validate ¶
func (s *RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput ¶
type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput struct { // The ID of the patch baseline the patch group was registered with. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The name of the patch group registered with the patch baseline. PatchGroup *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) String ¶
func (s RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest ¶
type RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput Copy func(*RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest }
RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest is a API request type for the RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup API operation.
func (RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest) Send ¶
func (r RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest) Send() (*RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup API request.
type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // User-provided idempotency token. ClientToken *string `min:"1" type:"string" idempotencyToken:"true"` // An optional description for the target. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // An optional name for the target. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // User-provided value that will be included in any CloudWatch events raised // while running tasks for these targets in this Maintenance Window. OwnerInformation *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The type of target being registered with the Maintenance Window. // // ResourceType is a required field ResourceType MaintenanceWindowResourceType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The targets (either instances or tags). Instances are specified using Key=instanceids,Values=<instanceid1>,<instanceid2>. // Tags are specified using Key=<tag name>,Values=<tag value>. // // Targets is a required field Targets []Target `type:"list" required:"true"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window the target should be registered with. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // The ID of the target definition in this Maintenance Window. WindowTargetId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest }
RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindow API request.
type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // User-provided idempotency token. ClientToken *string `min:"1" type:"string" idempotencyToken:"true"` // An optional description for the task. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A structure containing information about an Amazon S3 bucket to write instance-level // logs to. LoggingInfo *LoggingInfo `type:"structure"` // The maximum number of targets this task can be run for in parallel. // // MaxConcurrency is a required field MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The maximum number of errors allowed before this task stops being scheduled. // // MaxErrors is a required field MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // An optional name for the task. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The priority of the task in the Maintenance Window, the lower the number // the higher the priority. Tasks in a Maintenance Window are scheduled in priority // order with tasks that have the same priority scheduled in parallel. Priority *int64 `type:"integer"` // The role that should be assumed when executing the task. // // ServiceRoleArn is a required field ServiceRoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The targets (either instances or tags). Instances are specified using Key=instanceids,Values=<instanceid1>,<instanceid2>. // Tags are specified using Key=<tag name>,Values=<tag value>. // // Targets is a required field Targets []Target `type:"list" required:"true"` // The ARN of the task to execute // // TaskArn is a required field TaskArn *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The parameters that the task should use during execution. Populate only the // fields that match the task type. All other fields should be empty. TaskInvocationParameters *MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters `type:"structure"` // The parameters that should be passed to the task when it is executed. TaskParameters map[string]MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression `type:"map"` // The type of task being registered. // // TaskType is a required field TaskType MaintenanceWindowTaskType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The id of the Maintenance Window the task should be added to. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // The id of the task in the Maintenance Window. WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest }
RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow API request.
type RemoveTagsFromResourceInput ¶
type RemoveTagsFromResourceInput struct { // The resource ID for which you want to remove tags. // // ResourceId is a required field ResourceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The type of resource of which you want to remove a tag. // // ResourceType is a required field ResourceType ResourceTypeForTagging `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // Tag keys that you want to remove from the specified resource. // // TagKeys is a required field TagKeys []string `type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) GoString ¶
func (s RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) String ¶
func (s RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) Validate ¶
func (s *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput ¶
type RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) GoString ¶
func (s RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) String ¶
func (s RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest ¶
type RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput Copy func(*RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest }
RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest is a API request type for the RemoveTagsFromResource API operation.
func (RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest) Send ¶
func (r RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest) Send() (*RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the RemoveTagsFromResource API request.
type ResolvedTargets ¶
type ResolvedTargets struct { // A list of parameter values sent to targets that resolved during the Automation // execution. ParameterValues []string `type:"list"` // A boolean value indicating whether the resolved target list is truncated. Truncated *bool `type:"boolean"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about targets that resolved during the Automation execution. Please also see
func (ResolvedTargets) GoString ¶
func (s ResolvedTargets) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ResolvedTargets) String ¶
func (s ResolvedTargets) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ResourceComplianceSummaryItem ¶
type ResourceComplianceSummaryItem struct { // The compliance type. ComplianceType *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A list of items that are compliant for the resource. CompliantSummary *CompliantSummary `type:"structure"` // Information about the execution. ExecutionSummary *ComplianceExecutionSummary `type:"structure"` // A list of items that aren't compliant for the resource. NonCompliantSummary *NonCompliantSummary `type:"structure"` // The highest severity item found for the resource. The resource is compliant // for this item. OverallSeverity ComplianceSeverity `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The resource ID. ResourceId *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The resource type. ResourceType *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The compliance status for the resource. Status ComplianceStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Compliance summary information for a specific resource. Please also see
func (ResourceComplianceSummaryItem) GoString ¶
func (s ResourceComplianceSummaryItem) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ResourceComplianceSummaryItem) String ¶
func (s ResourceComplianceSummaryItem) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ResourceDataSyncItem ¶
type ResourceDataSyncItem struct { // The status reported by the last sync. LastStatus LastResourceDataSyncStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The last time the sync operations returned a status of SUCCESSFUL (UTC). LastSuccessfulSyncTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The status message details reported by the last sync. LastSyncStatusMessage *string `type:"string"` // The last time the configuration attempted to sync (UTC). LastSyncTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // Configuration information for the target Amazon S3 bucket. S3Destination *ResourceDataSyncS3Destination `type:"structure"` // The date and time the configuration was created (UTC). SyncCreatedTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The name of the Resource Data Sync. SyncName *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a Resource Data Sync configuration, including its current status and last successful sync. Please also see
func (ResourceDataSyncItem) GoString ¶
func (s ResourceDataSyncItem) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ResourceDataSyncItem) String ¶
func (s ResourceDataSyncItem) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ResourceDataSyncS3Destination ¶
type ResourceDataSyncS3Destination struct { // The ARN of an encryption key for a destination in Amazon S3. Must belong // to the same region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. AWSKMSKeyARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the aggregated data is stored. // // BucketName is a required field BucketName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // An Amazon S3 prefix for the bucket. Prefix *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The AWS Region with the Amazon S3 bucket targeted by the Resource Data Sync. // // Region is a required field Region *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // A supported sync format. The following format is currently supported: JsonSerDe // // SyncFormat is a required field SyncFormat ResourceDataSyncS3Format `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about the target Amazon S3 bucket for the Resource Data Sync. Please also see
func (ResourceDataSyncS3Destination) GoString ¶
func (s ResourceDataSyncS3Destination) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ResourceDataSyncS3Destination) String ¶
func (s ResourceDataSyncS3Destination) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ResourceDataSyncS3Destination) Validate ¶
func (s *ResourceDataSyncS3Destination) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type ResourceDataSyncS3Format ¶
type ResourceDataSyncS3Format string
const (
ResourceDataSyncS3FormatJsonSerDe ResourceDataSyncS3Format = "JsonSerDe"
Enum values for ResourceDataSyncS3Format
func (ResourceDataSyncS3Format) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ResourceDataSyncS3Format) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ResourceDataSyncS3Format) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ResourceDataSyncS3Format) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ResourceType ¶
type ResourceType string
const ( ResourceTypeManagedInstance ResourceType = "ManagedInstance" ResourceTypeDocument ResourceType = "Document" ResourceTypeEc2instance ResourceType = "EC2Instance" )
Enum values for ResourceType
func (ResourceType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ResourceType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ResourceType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ResourceType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ResourceTypeForTagging ¶
type ResourceTypeForTagging string
const ( ResourceTypeForTaggingDocument ResourceTypeForTagging = "Document" ResourceTypeForTaggingManagedInstance ResourceTypeForTagging = "ManagedInstance" ResourceTypeForTaggingMaintenanceWindow ResourceTypeForTagging = "MaintenanceWindow" ResourceTypeForTaggingParameter ResourceTypeForTagging = "Parameter" ResourceTypeForTaggingPatchBaseline ResourceTypeForTagging = "PatchBaseline" )
Enum values for ResourceTypeForTagging
func (ResourceTypeForTagging) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum ResourceTypeForTagging) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (ResourceTypeForTagging) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum ResourceTypeForTagging) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ResultAttribute ¶
type ResultAttribute struct { // Name of the inventory item type. Valid value: AWS:InstanceInformation. Default // Value: AWS:InstanceInformation. // // TypeName is a required field TypeName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The inventory item result attribute. Please also see
func (ResultAttribute) GoString ¶
func (s ResultAttribute) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ResultAttribute) String ¶
func (s ResultAttribute) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*ResultAttribute) Validate ¶
func (s *ResultAttribute) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type S3OutputLocation ¶
type S3OutputLocation struct { // The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. OutputS3BucketName *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The Amazon S3 bucket subfolder. OutputS3KeyPrefix *string `type:"string"` // (Deprecated) You can no longer specify this parameter. The system ignores // it. Instead, Systems Manager automatically determines the Amazon S3 bucket // region. OutputS3Region *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. Please also see
func (S3OutputLocation) GoString ¶
func (s S3OutputLocation) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (S3OutputLocation) String ¶
func (s S3OutputLocation) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*S3OutputLocation) Validate ¶
func (s *S3OutputLocation) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type S3OutputUrl ¶
type S3OutputUrl struct { // A URL for an Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this // request. OutputUrl *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A URL for the Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. Please also see
func (S3OutputUrl) GoString ¶
func (s S3OutputUrl) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (S3OutputUrl) String ¶
func (s S3OutputUrl) String() string
String returns the string representation
type SSM ¶
SSM provides the API operation methods for making requests to Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM). See this package's package overview docs for details on the service.
SSM methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.
func New ¶
New creates a new instance of the SSM client with a config.
// Create a SSM client from just a config. svc := ssm.New(myConfig)
func (*SSM) AddTagsToResourceRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) AddTagsToResourceRequest(input *AddTagsToResourceInput) AddTagsToResourceRequest
AddTagsToResourceRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified resource. Tags are metadata that you can assign to your documents, managed instances, Maintenance Windows, Parameter Store parameters, and patch baselines. Tags enable you to categorize your resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's managed instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. For example: Key=Owner and Value=DbAdmin, SysAdmin, or Dev. Or Key=Stack and Value=Production, Pre-Production, or Test.
Each resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.
We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add. Tags don't have any semantic meaning to Amazon EC2 and are interpreted strictly as a string of characters.
For more information about tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources ( in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
// Example sending a request using the AddTagsToResourceRequest method. req := client.AddTagsToResourceRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CancelCommandRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CancelCommandRequest(input *CancelCommandInput) CancelCommandRequest
CancelCommandRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Attempts to cancel the command specified by the Command ID. There is no guarantee that the command will be terminated and the underlying process stopped.
// Example sending a request using the CancelCommandRequest method. req := client.CancelCommandRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CreateActivationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CreateActivationRequest(input *CreateActivationInput) CreateActivationRequest
CreateActivationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Registers your on-premises server or virtual machine with Amazon EC2 so that you can manage these resources using Run Command. An on-premises server or virtual machine that has been registered with EC2 is called a managed instance. For more information about activations, see Setting Up Systems Manager in Hybrid Environments (
// Example sending a request using the CreateActivationRequest method. req := client.CreateActivationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CreateAssociationBatchRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CreateAssociationBatchRequest(input *CreateAssociationBatchInput) CreateAssociationBatchRequest
CreateAssociationBatchRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Associates the specified Systems Manager document with the specified instances or targets.
When you associate a document with one or more instances using instance IDs or tags, the SSM Agent running on the instance processes the document and configures the instance as specified.
If you associate a document with an instance that already has an associated document, the system throws the AssociationAlreadyExists exception.
// Example sending a request using the CreateAssociationBatchRequest method. req := client.CreateAssociationBatchRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CreateAssociationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CreateAssociationRequest(input *CreateAssociationInput) CreateAssociationRequest
CreateAssociationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Associates the specified Systems Manager document with the specified instances or targets.
When you associate a document with one or more instances using instance IDs or tags, the SSM Agent running on the instance processes the document and configures the instance as specified.
If you associate a document with an instance that already has an associated document, the system throws the AssociationAlreadyExists exception.
// Example sending a request using the CreateAssociationRequest method. req := client.CreateAssociationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CreateDocumentRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CreateDocumentRequest(input *CreateDocumentInput) CreateDocumentRequest
CreateDocumentRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Creates a Systems Manager document.
After you create a document, you can use CreateAssociation to associate it with one or more running instances.
// Example sending a request using the CreateDocumentRequest method. req := client.CreateDocumentRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *CreateMaintenanceWindowInput) CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest
CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Creates a new Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CreatePatchBaselineRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CreatePatchBaselineRequest(input *CreatePatchBaselineInput) CreatePatchBaselineRequest
CreatePatchBaselineRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Creates a patch baseline.
For information about valid key and value pairs in PatchFilters for each supported operating system type, see PatchFilter (
// Example sending a request using the CreatePatchBaselineRequest method. req := client.CreatePatchBaselineRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) CreateResourceDataSyncRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) CreateResourceDataSyncRequest(input *CreateResourceDataSyncInput) CreateResourceDataSyncRequest
CreateResourceDataSyncRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Creates a resource data sync configuration to a single bucket in Amazon S3. This is an asynchronous operation that returns immediately. After a successful initial sync is completed, the system continuously syncs data to the Amazon S3 bucket. To check the status of the sync, use the ListResourceDataSync.
By default, data is not encrypted in Amazon S3. We strongly recommend that you enable encryption in Amazon S3 to ensure secure data storage. We also recommend that you secure access to the Amazon S3 bucket by creating a restrictive bucket policy. To view an example of a restrictive Amazon S3 bucket policy for Resource Data Sync, see Configuring Resource Data Sync for Inventory (
// Example sending a request using the CreateResourceDataSyncRequest method. req := client.CreateResourceDataSyncRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeleteActivationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeleteActivationRequest(input *DeleteActivationInput) DeleteActivationRequest
DeleteActivationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Deletes an activation. You are not required to delete an activation. If you delete an activation, you can no longer use it to register additional managed instances. Deleting an activation does not de-register managed instances. You must manually de-register managed instances.
// Example sending a request using the DeleteActivationRequest method. req := client.DeleteActivationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeleteAssociationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeleteAssociationRequest(input *DeleteAssociationInput) DeleteAssociationRequest
DeleteAssociationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Disassociates the specified Systems Manager document from the specified instance.
When you disassociate a document from an instance, it does not change the configuration of the instance. To change the configuration state of an instance after you disassociate a document, you must create a new document with the desired configuration and associate it with the instance.
// Example sending a request using the DeleteAssociationRequest method. req := client.DeleteAssociationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeleteDocumentRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeleteDocumentRequest(input *DeleteDocumentInput) DeleteDocumentRequest
DeleteDocumentRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Deletes the Systems Manager document and all instance associations to the document.
Before you delete the document, we recommend that you use DeleteAssociation to disassociate all instances that are associated with the document.
// Example sending a request using the DeleteDocumentRequest method. req := client.DeleteDocumentRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *DeleteMaintenanceWindowInput) DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest
DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Deletes a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeleteParameterRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeleteParameterRequest(input *DeleteParameterInput) DeleteParameterRequest
DeleteParameterRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Delete a parameter from the system.
// Example sending a request using the DeleteParameterRequest method. req := client.DeleteParameterRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeleteParametersRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeleteParametersRequest(input *DeleteParametersInput) DeleteParametersRequest
DeleteParametersRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Delete a list of parameters. This API is used to delete parameters by using the Amazon EC2 console.
// Example sending a request using the DeleteParametersRequest method. req := client.DeleteParametersRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeletePatchBaselineRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeletePatchBaselineRequest(input *DeletePatchBaselineInput) DeletePatchBaselineRequest
DeletePatchBaselineRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Deletes a patch baseline.
// Example sending a request using the DeletePatchBaselineRequest method. req := client.DeletePatchBaselineRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest(input *DeleteResourceDataSyncInput) DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest
DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Deletes a Resource Data Sync configuration. After the configuration is deleted, changes to inventory data on managed instances are no longer synced with the target Amazon S3 bucket. Deleting a sync configuration does not delete data in the target Amazon S3 bucket.
// Example sending a request using the DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest method. req := client.DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest(input *DeregisterManagedInstanceInput) DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest
DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Removes the server or virtual machine from the list of registered servers. You can reregister the instance again at any time. If you don't plan to use Run Command on the server, we suggest uninstalling the SSM Agent first.
// Example sending a request using the DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest method. req := client.DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(input *DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Removes a patch group from a patch baseline.
// Example sending a request using the DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest method. req := client.DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowInput) DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest
DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Removes a target from a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowInput) DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest
DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Removes a task from a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeActivationsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeActivationsRequest(input *DescribeActivationsInput) DescribeActivationsRequest
DescribeActivationsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Details about the activation, including: the date and time the activation was created, the expiration date, the IAM role assigned to the instances in the activation, and the number of instances activated by this registration.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeActivationsRequest method. req := client.DescribeActivationsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeAssociationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeAssociationRequest(input *DescribeAssociationInput) DescribeAssociationRequest
DescribeAssociationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Describes the association for the specified target or instance. If you created the association by using the Targets parameter, then you must retrieve the association by using the association ID. If you created the association by specifying an instance ID and a Systems Manager document, then you retrieve the association by specifying the document name and the instance ID.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeAssociationRequest method. req := client.DescribeAssociationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest(input *DescribeAutomationExecutionsInput) DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest
DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Provides details about all active and terminated Automation executions.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest method. req := client.DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest(input *DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsInput) DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest
DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Information about all active and terminated step executions in an Automation workflow.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest method. req := client.DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest(input *DescribeAvailablePatchesInput) DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest
DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists all patches that could possibly be included in a patch baseline.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest method. req := client.DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest(input *DescribeDocumentPermissionInput) DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest
DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Describes the permissions for a Systems Manager document. If you created the document, you are the owner. If a document is shared, it can either be shared privately (by specifying a user's AWS account ID) or publicly (All).
// Example sending a request using the DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest method. req := client.DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeDocumentRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeDocumentRequest(input *DescribeDocumentInput) DescribeDocumentRequest
DescribeDocumentRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Describes the specified Systems Manager document.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeDocumentRequest method. req := client.DescribeDocumentRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest(input *DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsInput) DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest
DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
All associations for the instance(s).
// Example sending a request using the DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest method. req := client.DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest(input *DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineInput) DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest
DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the current effective patches (the patch and the approval state) for the specified patch baseline. Note that this API applies only to Windows patch baselines.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest method. req := client.DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest(input *DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusInput) DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest
DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
The status of the associations for the instance(s).
// Example sending a request using the DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest method. req := client.DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeInstanceInformationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeInstanceInformationRequest(input *DescribeInstanceInformationInput) DescribeInstanceInformationRequest
DescribeInstanceInformationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Describes one or more of your instances. You can use this to get information about instances like the operating system platform, the SSM Agent version (Linux), status etc. If you specify one or more instance IDs, it returns information for those instances. If you do not specify instance IDs, it returns information for all your instances. If you specify an instance ID that is not valid or an instance that you do not own, you receive an error.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeInstanceInformationRequest method. req := client.DescribeInstanceInformationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest(input *DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupInput) DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest
DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the high-level patch state for the instances in the specified patch group.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest method. req := client.DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest(input *DescribeInstancePatchStatesInput) DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest
DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the high-level patch state of one or more instances.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest method. req := client.DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeInstancePatchesRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeInstancePatchesRequest(input *DescribeInstancePatchesInput) DescribeInstancePatchesRequest
DescribeInstancePatchesRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves information about the patches on the specified instance and their state relative to the patch baseline being used for the instance.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeInstancePatchesRequest method. req := client.DescribeInstancePatchesRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the individual task executions (one per target) for a particular task executed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest method. req := client.DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
For a given Maintenance Window execution, lists the tasks that were executed.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest method. req := client.DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists the executions of a Maintenance Window. This includes information about when the Maintenance Window was scheduled to be active, and information about tasks registered and run with the Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest method. req := client.DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists the targets registered with the Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest method. req := client.DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists the tasks in a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest method. req := client.DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest(input *DescribeMaintenanceWindowsInput) DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the Maintenance Windows in an AWS account.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest method. req := client.DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribeParametersRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribeParametersRequest(input *DescribeParametersInput) DescribeParametersRequest
DescribeParametersRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Get information about a parameter.
Request results are returned on a best-effort basis. If you specify MaxResults in the request, the response includes information up to the limit specified. The number of items returned, however, can be between zero and the value of MaxResults. If the service reaches an internal limit while processing the results, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to that point and a NextToken. You can specify the NextToken in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.
// Example sending a request using the DescribeParametersRequest method. req := client.DescribeParametersRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribePatchBaselinesRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribePatchBaselinesRequest(input *DescribePatchBaselinesInput) DescribePatchBaselinesRequest
DescribePatchBaselinesRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists the patch baselines in your AWS account.
// Example sending a request using the DescribePatchBaselinesRequest method. req := client.DescribePatchBaselinesRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribePatchGroupStateRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribePatchGroupStateRequest(input *DescribePatchGroupStateInput) DescribePatchGroupStateRequest
DescribePatchGroupStateRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Returns high-level aggregated patch compliance state for a patch group.
// Example sending a request using the DescribePatchGroupStateRequest method. req := client.DescribePatchGroupStateRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) DescribePatchGroupsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) DescribePatchGroupsRequest(input *DescribePatchGroupsInput) DescribePatchGroupsRequest
DescribePatchGroupsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists all patch groups that have been registered with patch baselines.
// Example sending a request using the DescribePatchGroupsRequest method. req := client.DescribePatchGroupsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetAutomationExecutionRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetAutomationExecutionRequest(input *GetAutomationExecutionInput) GetAutomationExecutionRequest
GetAutomationExecutionRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Get detailed information about a particular Automation execution.
// Example sending a request using the GetAutomationExecutionRequest method. req := client.GetAutomationExecutionRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetCommandInvocationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetCommandInvocationRequest(input *GetCommandInvocationInput) GetCommandInvocationRequest
GetCommandInvocationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Returns detailed information about command execution for an invocation or plugin.
// Example sending a request using the GetCommandInvocationRequest method. req := client.GetCommandInvocationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest(input *GetDefaultPatchBaselineInput) GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest
GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the default patch baseline. Note that Systems Manager supports creating multiple default patch baselines. For example, you can create a default patch baseline for each operating system.
// Example sending a request using the GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest method. req := client.GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest(input *GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceInput) GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest
GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the current snapshot for the patch baseline the instance uses. This API is primarily used by the AWS-RunPatchBaseline Systems Manager document.
// Example sending a request using the GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest method. req := client.GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetDocumentRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetDocumentRequest(input *GetDocumentInput) GetDocumentRequest
GetDocumentRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Gets the contents of the specified Systems Manager document.
// Example sending a request using the GetDocumentRequest method. req := client.GetDocumentRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetInventoryRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetInventoryRequest(input *GetInventoryInput) GetInventoryRequest
GetInventoryRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Query inventory information.
// Example sending a request using the GetInventoryRequest method. req := client.GetInventoryRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetInventorySchemaRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetInventorySchemaRequest(input *GetInventorySchemaInput) GetInventorySchemaRequest
GetInventorySchemaRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Return a list of inventory type names for the account, or return a list of attribute names for a specific Inventory item type.
// Example sending a request using the GetInventorySchemaRequest method. req := client.GetInventorySchemaRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves details about a specific task executed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
// Example sending a request using the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest method. req := client.GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves a task invocation. A task invocation is a specific task executing on a specific target. Maintenance Windows report status for all invocations.
// Example sending a request using the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest method. req := client.GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInput) GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the details about a specific task executed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
// Example sending a request using the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest method. req := client.GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowInput) GetMaintenanceWindowRequest
GetMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the GetMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.GetMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest(input *GetMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest
GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists the tasks in a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest method. req := client.GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetParameterHistoryRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetParameterHistoryRequest(input *GetParameterHistoryInput) GetParameterHistoryRequest
GetParameterHistoryRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Query a list of all parameters used by the AWS account.
// Example sending a request using the GetParameterHistoryRequest method. req := client.GetParameterHistoryRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetParameterRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetParameterRequest(input *GetParameterInput) GetParameterRequest
GetParameterRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Get information about a parameter by using the parameter name.
// Example sending a request using the GetParameterRequest method. req := client.GetParameterRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetParametersByPathRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetParametersByPathRequest(input *GetParametersByPathInput) GetParametersByPathRequest
GetParametersByPathRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieve parameters in a specific hierarchy. For more information, see Working with Systems Manager Parameters (
Request results are returned on a best-effort basis. If you specify MaxResults in the request, the response includes information up to the limit specified. The number of items returned, however, can be between zero and the value of MaxResults. If the service reaches an internal limit while processing the results, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to that point and a NextToken. You can specify the NextToken in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.
This API action doesn't support filtering by tags.
// Example sending a request using the GetParametersByPathRequest method. req := client.GetParametersByPathRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetParametersRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetParametersRequest(input *GetParametersInput) GetParametersRequest
GetParametersRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Get details of a parameter.
// Example sending a request using the GetParametersRequest method. req := client.GetParametersRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(input *GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves the patch baseline that should be used for the specified patch group.
// Example sending a request using the GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest method. req := client.GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) GetPatchBaselineRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) GetPatchBaselineRequest(input *GetPatchBaselineInput) GetPatchBaselineRequest
GetPatchBaselineRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves information about a patch baseline.
// Example sending a request using the GetPatchBaselineRequest method. req := client.GetPatchBaselineRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListAssociationVersionsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListAssociationVersionsRequest(input *ListAssociationVersionsInput) ListAssociationVersionsRequest
ListAssociationVersionsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Retrieves all versions of an association for a specific association ID.
// Example sending a request using the ListAssociationVersionsRequest method. req := client.ListAssociationVersionsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListAssociationsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListAssociationsRequest(input *ListAssociationsInput) ListAssociationsRequest
ListAssociationsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists the associations for the specified Systems Manager document or instance.
// Example sending a request using the ListAssociationsRequest method. req := client.ListAssociationsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListCommandInvocationsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListCommandInvocationsRequest(input *ListCommandInvocationsInput) ListCommandInvocationsRequest
ListCommandInvocationsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
An invocation is copy of a command sent to a specific instance. A command can apply to one or more instances. A command invocation applies to one instance. For example, if a user executes SendCommand against three instances, then a command invocation is created for each requested instance ID. ListCommandInvocations provide status about command execution.
// Example sending a request using the ListCommandInvocationsRequest method. req := client.ListCommandInvocationsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListCommandsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListCommandsRequest(input *ListCommandsInput) ListCommandsRequest
ListCommandsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists the commands requested by users of the AWS account.
// Example sending a request using the ListCommandsRequest method. req := client.ListCommandsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListComplianceItemsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListComplianceItemsRequest(input *ListComplianceItemsInput) ListComplianceItemsRequest
ListComplianceItemsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
For a specified resource ID, this API action returns a list of compliance statuses for different resource types. Currently, you can only specify one resource ID per call. List results depend on the criteria specified in the filter.
// Example sending a request using the ListComplianceItemsRequest method. req := client.ListComplianceItemsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListComplianceSummariesRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListComplianceSummariesRequest(input *ListComplianceSummariesInput) ListComplianceSummariesRequest
ListComplianceSummariesRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Returns a summary count of compliant and non-compliant resources for a compliance type. For example, this call can return State Manager associations, patches, or custom compliance types according to the filter criteria that you specify.
// Example sending a request using the ListComplianceSummariesRequest method. req := client.ListComplianceSummariesRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListDocumentVersionsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListDocumentVersionsRequest(input *ListDocumentVersionsInput) ListDocumentVersionsRequest
ListDocumentVersionsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
List all versions for a document.
// Example sending a request using the ListDocumentVersionsRequest method. req := client.ListDocumentVersionsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListDocumentsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListDocumentsRequest(input *ListDocumentsInput) ListDocumentsRequest
ListDocumentsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Describes one or more of your Systems Manager documents.
// Example sending a request using the ListDocumentsRequest method. req := client.ListDocumentsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListInventoryEntriesRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListInventoryEntriesRequest(input *ListInventoryEntriesInput) ListInventoryEntriesRequest
ListInventoryEntriesRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
A list of inventory items returned by the request.
// Example sending a request using the ListInventoryEntriesRequest method. req := client.ListInventoryEntriesRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest(input *ListResourceComplianceSummariesInput) ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest
ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Returns a resource-level summary count. The summary includes information about compliant and non-compliant statuses and detailed compliance-item severity counts, according to the filter criteria you specify.
// Example sending a request using the ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest method. req := client.ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListResourceDataSyncRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListResourceDataSyncRequest(input *ListResourceDataSyncInput) ListResourceDataSyncRequest
ListResourceDataSyncRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Lists your resource data sync configurations. Includes information about the last time a sync attempted to start, the last sync status, and the last time a sync successfully completed.
The number of sync configurations might be too large to return using a single call to ListResourceDataSync. You can limit the number of sync configurations returned by using the MaxResults parameter. To determine whether there are more sync configurations to list, check the value of NextToken in the output. If there are more sync configurations to list, you can request them by specifying the NextToken returned in the call to the parameter of a subsequent call.
// Example sending a request using the ListResourceDataSyncRequest method. req := client.ListResourceDataSyncRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ListTagsForResourceRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ListTagsForResourceRequest(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) ListTagsForResourceRequest
ListTagsForResourceRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Returns a list of the tags assigned to the specified resource.
// Example sending a request using the ListTagsForResourceRequest method. req := client.ListTagsForResourceRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest(input *ModifyDocumentPermissionInput) ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest
ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Shares a Systems Manager document publicly or privately. If you share a document privately, you must specify the AWS user account IDs for those people who can use the document. If you share a document publicly, you must specify All as the account ID.
// Example sending a request using the ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest method. req := client.ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) PutComplianceItemsRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) PutComplianceItemsRequest(input *PutComplianceItemsInput) PutComplianceItemsRequest
PutComplianceItemsRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Registers a compliance type and other compliance details on a designated resource. This action lets you register custom compliance details with a resource. This call overwrites existing compliance information on the resource, so you must provide a full list of compliance items each time that you send the request.
ComplianceType can be one of the following:
ExecutionId: The execution ID when the patch, association, or custom compliance item was applied.
ExecutionType: Specify patch, association, or Custom:string.
ExecutionTime. The time the patch, association, or custom compliance item was applied to the instance.
Id: The patch, association, or custom compliance ID.
Title: A title.
Status: The status of the compliance item. For example, approved for patches, or Failed for associations.
Severity: A patch severity. For example, critical.
DocumentName: A SSM document name. For example, AWS-RunPatchBaseline.
DocumentVersion: An SSM document version number. For example, 4.
Classification: A patch classification. For example, security updates.
PatchBaselineId: A patch baseline ID.
PatchSeverity: A patch severity. For example, Critical.
PatchState: A patch state. For example, InstancesWithFailedPatches.
PatchGroup: The name of a patch group.
InstalledTime: The time the association, patch, or custom compliance item was applied to the resource. Specify the time by using the following format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
// Example sending a request using the PutComplianceItemsRequest method. req := client.PutComplianceItemsRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) PutInventoryRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) PutInventoryRequest(input *PutInventoryInput) PutInventoryRequest
PutInventoryRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Bulk update custom inventory items on one more instance. The request adds an inventory item, if it doesn't already exist, or updates an inventory item, if it does exist.
// Example sending a request using the PutInventoryRequest method. req := client.PutInventoryRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) PutParameterRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) PutParameterRequest(input *PutParameterInput) PutParameterRequest
PutParameterRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Add one or more parameters to the system.
// Example sending a request using the PutParameterRequest method. req := client.PutParameterRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest(input *RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineInput) RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest
RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Defines the default patch baseline.
// Example sending a request using the RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest method. req := client.RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(input *RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupInput) RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest
RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Registers a patch baseline for a patch group.
// Example sending a request using the RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest method. req := client.RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowInput) RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest
RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Registers a target with a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowInput) RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest
RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Adds a new task to a Maintenance Window.
// Example sending a request using the RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest(input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest
RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Removes all tags from the specified resource.
// Example sending a request using the RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest method. req := client.RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) SendAutomationSignalRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) SendAutomationSignalRequest(input *SendAutomationSignalInput) SendAutomationSignalRequest
SendAutomationSignalRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Sends a signal to an Automation execution to change the current behavior or status of the execution.
// Example sending a request using the SendAutomationSignalRequest method. req := client.SendAutomationSignalRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) SendCommandRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) SendCommandRequest(input *SendCommandInput) SendCommandRequest
SendCommandRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Executes commands on one or more managed instances.
// Example sending a request using the SendCommandRequest method. req := client.SendCommandRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) StartAutomationExecutionRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) StartAutomationExecutionRequest(input *StartAutomationExecutionInput) StartAutomationExecutionRequest
StartAutomationExecutionRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Initiates execution of an Automation document.
// Example sending a request using the StartAutomationExecutionRequest method. req := client.StartAutomationExecutionRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) StopAutomationExecutionRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) StopAutomationExecutionRequest(input *StopAutomationExecutionInput) StopAutomationExecutionRequest
StopAutomationExecutionRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Stop an Automation that is currently executing.
// Example sending a request using the StopAutomationExecutionRequest method. req := client.StopAutomationExecutionRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateAssociationRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateAssociationRequest(input *UpdateAssociationInput) UpdateAssociationRequest
UpdateAssociationRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Updates an association. You can update the association name and version, the document version, schedule, parameters, and Amazon S3 output.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateAssociationRequest method. req := client.UpdateAssociationRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateAssociationStatusRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateAssociationStatusRequest(input *UpdateAssociationStatusInput) UpdateAssociationStatusRequest
UpdateAssociationStatusRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Updates the status of the Systems Manager document associated with the specified instance.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateAssociationStatusRequest method. req := client.UpdateAssociationStatusRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest(input *UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest
UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Set the default version of a document.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest method. req := client.UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateDocumentRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateDocumentRequest(input *UpdateDocumentInput) UpdateDocumentRequest
UpdateDocumentRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
The document you want to update.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateDocumentRequest method. req := client.UpdateDocumentRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest(input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest
UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Updates an existing Maintenance Window. Only specified parameters are modified.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest method. req := client.UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest(input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Modifies the target of an existing Maintenance Window. You can't change the target type, but you can change the following:
The target from being an ID target to a Tag target, or a Tag target to an ID target.
IDs for an ID target.
Tags for a Tag target.
If a parameter is null, then the corresponding field is not modified.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest method. req := client.UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest(input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Modifies a task assigned to a Maintenance Window. You can't change the task type, but you can change the following values:
Task ARN. For example, you can change a RUN_COMMAND task from AWS-RunPowerShellScript to AWS-RunShellScript.
Service role ARN.
Task parameters.
Task priority.
Task MaxConcurrency and MaxErrors.
Log location.
If a parameter is null, then the corresponding field is not modified. Also, if you set Replace to true, then all fields required by the RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow action are required for this request. Optional fields that aren't specified are set to null.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest method. req := client.UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest(input *UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest
UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Assigns or changes an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to the managed instance.
// Example sending a request using the UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest method. req := client.UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
func (*SSM) UpdatePatchBaselineRequest ¶
func (c *SSM) UpdatePatchBaselineRequest(input *UpdatePatchBaselineInput) UpdatePatchBaselineRequest
UpdatePatchBaselineRequest returns a request value for making API operation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Modifies an existing patch baseline. Fields not specified in the request are left unchanged.
For information about valid key and value pairs in PatchFilters for each supported operating system type, see PatchFilter (
// Example sending a request using the UpdatePatchBaselineRequest method. req := client.UpdatePatchBaselineRequest(params) resp, err := req.Send() if err == nil { fmt.Println(resp) }
Please also see
type SendAutomationSignalInput ¶
type SendAutomationSignalInput struct { // The unique identifier for an existing Automation execution that you want // to send the signal to. // // AutomationExecutionId is a required field AutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // The data sent with the signal. The data schema depends on the type of signal // used in the request. Payload map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // The type of signal. Valid signal types include the following: Approve and // Reject // // SignalType is a required field SignalType SignalType `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (SendAutomationSignalInput) GoString ¶
func (s SendAutomationSignalInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (SendAutomationSignalInput) String ¶
func (s SendAutomationSignalInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*SendAutomationSignalInput) Validate ¶
func (s *SendAutomationSignalInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type SendAutomationSignalOutput ¶
type SendAutomationSignalOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (SendAutomationSignalOutput) GoString ¶
func (s SendAutomationSignalOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (SendAutomationSignalOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s SendAutomationSignalOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (SendAutomationSignalOutput) String ¶
func (s SendAutomationSignalOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type SendAutomationSignalRequest ¶
type SendAutomationSignalRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *SendAutomationSignalInput Copy func(*SendAutomationSignalInput) SendAutomationSignalRequest }
SendAutomationSignalRequest is a API request type for the SendAutomationSignal API operation.
func (SendAutomationSignalRequest) Send ¶
func (r SendAutomationSignalRequest) Send() (*SendAutomationSignalOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the SendAutomationSignal API request.
type SendCommandInput ¶
type SendCommandInput struct { // User-specified information about the command, such as a brief description // of what the command should do. Comment *string `type:"string"` // The Sha256 or Sha1 hash created by the system when the document was created. // // Sha1 hashes have been deprecated. DocumentHash *string `type:"string"` // Sha256 or Sha1. // // Sha1 hashes have been deprecated. DocumentHashType DocumentHashType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Required. The name of the Systems Manager document to execute. This can be // a public document or a custom document. // // DocumentName is a required field DocumentName *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The instance IDs where the command should execute. You can specify a maximum // of 50 IDs. If you prefer not to list individual instance IDs, you can instead // send commands to a fleet of instances using the Targets parameter, which // accepts EC2 tags. For more information about how to use Targets, see Sending // Commands to a Fleet ( InstanceIds []string `type:"list"` // (Optional) The maximum number of instances that are allowed to execute the // command at the same time. You can specify a number such as 10 or a percentage // such as 10%. The default value is 50. For more information about how to use // MaxConcurrency, see Using Concurrency Controls ( MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The maximum number of errors allowed without the command failing. When the // command fails one more time beyond the value of MaxErrors, the systems stops // sending the command to additional targets. You can specify a number like // 10 or a percentage like 10%. The default value is 0. For more information // about how to use MaxErrors, see Using Error Controls ( MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // Configurations for sending notifications. NotificationConfig *NotificationConfig `type:"structure"` // The name of the S3 bucket where command execution responses should be stored. OutputS3BucketName *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The directory structure within the S3 bucket where the responses should be // stored. OutputS3KeyPrefix *string `type:"string"` // (Deprecated) You can no longer specify this parameter. The system ignores // it. Instead, Systems Manager automatically determines the Amazon S3 bucket // region. OutputS3Region *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The required and optional parameters specified in the document being executed. Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // The IAM role that Systems Manager uses to send notifications. ServiceRoleArn *string `type:"string"` // (Optional) An array of search criteria that targets instances using a Key,Value // combination that you specify. Targets is required if you don't provide one // or more instance IDs in the call. For more information about how to use Targets, // see Sending Commands to a Fleet ( Targets []Target `type:"list"` // If this time is reached and the command has not already started executing, // it will not execute. TimeoutSeconds *int64 `min:"30" type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (SendCommandInput) GoString ¶
func (s SendCommandInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (SendCommandInput) String ¶
func (s SendCommandInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*SendCommandInput) Validate ¶
func (s *SendCommandInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type SendCommandOutput ¶
type SendCommandOutput struct { // The request as it was received by Systems Manager. Also provides the command // ID which can be used future references to this request. Command *Command `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (SendCommandOutput) GoString ¶
func (s SendCommandOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (SendCommandOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s SendCommandOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (SendCommandOutput) String ¶
func (s SendCommandOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type SendCommandRequest ¶
type SendCommandRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *SendCommandInput Copy func(*SendCommandInput) SendCommandRequest }
SendCommandRequest is a API request type for the SendCommand API operation.
func (SendCommandRequest) Send ¶
func (r SendCommandRequest) Send() (*SendCommandOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the SendCommand API request.
type SeveritySummary ¶
type SeveritySummary struct { // The total number of resources or compliance items that have a severity level // of critical. Critical severity is determined by the organization that published // the compliance items. CriticalCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The total number of resources or compliance items that have a severity level // of high. High severity is determined by the organization that published the // compliance items. HighCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The total number of resources or compliance items that have a severity level // of informational. Informational severity is determined by the organization // that published the compliance items. InformationalCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The total number of resources or compliance items that have a severity level // of low. Low severity is determined by the organization that published the // compliance items. LowCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The total number of resources or compliance items that have a severity level // of medium. Medium severity is determined by the organization that published // the compliance items. MediumCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // The total number of resources or compliance items that have a severity level // of unspecified. Unspecified severity is determined by the organization that // published the compliance items. UnspecifiedCount *int64 `type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
The number of managed instances found for each patch severity level defined in the request filter. Please also see
func (SeveritySummary) GoString ¶
func (s SeveritySummary) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (SeveritySummary) String ¶
func (s SeveritySummary) String() string
String returns the string representation
type SignalType ¶
type SignalType string
const ( SignalTypeApprove SignalType = "Approve" SignalTypeReject SignalType = "Reject" SignalTypeStartStep SignalType = "StartStep" SignalTypeStopStep SignalType = "StopStep" SignalTypeResume SignalType = "Resume" )
Enum values for SignalType
func (SignalType) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum SignalType) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (SignalType) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum SignalType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type StartAutomationExecutionInput ¶
type StartAutomationExecutionInput struct { // User-provided idempotency token. The token must be unique, is case insensitive, // enforces the UUID format, and can't be reused. ClientToken *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // The name of the Automation document to use for this execution. // // DocumentName is a required field DocumentName *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The version of the Automation document to use for this execution. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The maximum number of targets allowed to run this task in parallel. You can // specify a number, such as 10, or a percentage, such as 10%. The default value // is 10. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The number of errors that are allowed before the system stops running the // automation on additional targets. You can specify either an absolute number // of errors, for example 10, or a percentage of the target set, for example // 10%. If you specify 3, for example, the system stops running the automation // when the fourth error is received. If you specify 0, then the system stops // running the automation on additional targets after the first error result // is returned. If you run an automation on 50 resources and set max-errors // to 10%, then the system stops running the automation on additional targets // when the sixth error is received. // // Executions that are already running an automation when max-errors is reached // are allowed to complete, but some of these executions may fail as well. If // you need to ensure that there won't be more than max-errors failed executions, // set max-concurrency to 1 so the executions proceed one at a time. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The execution mode of the automation. Valid modes include the following: // Auto and Interactive. The default mode is Auto. Mode ExecutionMode `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A key-value map of execution parameters, which match the declared parameters // in the Automation document. Parameters map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // The name of the parameter used as the target resource for the rate-controlled // execution. Required if you specify Targets. TargetParameterName *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A key-value mapping to target resources. Required if you specify TargetParameterName. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (StartAutomationExecutionInput) GoString ¶
func (s StartAutomationExecutionInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (StartAutomationExecutionInput) String ¶
func (s StartAutomationExecutionInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*StartAutomationExecutionInput) Validate ¶
func (s *StartAutomationExecutionInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type StartAutomationExecutionOutput ¶
type StartAutomationExecutionOutput struct { // The unique ID of a newly scheduled automation execution. AutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (StartAutomationExecutionOutput) GoString ¶
func (s StartAutomationExecutionOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (StartAutomationExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s StartAutomationExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (StartAutomationExecutionOutput) String ¶
func (s StartAutomationExecutionOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type StartAutomationExecutionRequest ¶
type StartAutomationExecutionRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *StartAutomationExecutionInput Copy func(*StartAutomationExecutionInput) StartAutomationExecutionRequest }
StartAutomationExecutionRequest is a API request type for the StartAutomationExecution API operation.
func (StartAutomationExecutionRequest) Send ¶
func (r StartAutomationExecutionRequest) Send() (*StartAutomationExecutionOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the StartAutomationExecution API request.
type StepExecution ¶
type StepExecution struct { // The action this step performs. The action determines the behavior of the // step. Action *string `type:"string"` // If a step has finished execution, this contains the time the execution ended. // If the step has not yet concluded, this field is not populated. ExecutionEndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // If a step has begun execution, this contains the time the step started. If // the step is in Pending status, this field is not populated. ExecutionStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // Information about the Automation failure. FailureDetails *FailureDetails `type:"structure"` // If a step failed, this message explains why the execution failed. FailureMessage *string `type:"string"` // Fully-resolved values passed into the step before execution. Inputs map[string]string `type:"map"` // The maximum number of tries to run the action of the step. The default value // is 1. MaxAttempts *int64 `type:"integer"` // The action to take if the step fails. The default value is Abort. OnFailure *string `type:"string"` // Returned values from the execution of the step. Outputs map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // A user-specified list of parameters to override when executing a step. OverriddenParameters map[string][]string `min:"1" type:"map"` // A message associated with the response code for an execution. Response *string `type:"string"` // The response code returned by the execution of the step. ResponseCode *string `type:"string"` // The unique ID of a step execution. StepExecutionId *string `type:"string"` // The name of this execution step. StepName *string `type:"string"` // The execution status for this step. Valid values include: Pending, InProgress, // Success, Cancelled, Failed, and TimedOut. StepStatus AutomationExecutionStatus `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The timeout seconds of the step. TimeoutSeconds *int64 `type:"long"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Detailed information about an the execution state of an Automation step. Please also see
func (StepExecution) GoString ¶
func (s StepExecution) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (StepExecution) String ¶
func (s StepExecution) String() string
String returns the string representation
type StepExecutionFilter ¶
type StepExecutionFilter struct { // One or more keys to limit the results. Valid filter keys include the following: // StepName, Action, StepExecutionId, StepExecutionStatus, StartTimeBefore, // StartTimeAfter. // // Key is a required field Key StepExecutionFilterKey `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"true"` // The values of the filter key. // // Values is a required field Values []string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A filter to limit the amount of step execution information returned by the call. Please also see
func (StepExecutionFilter) GoString ¶
func (s StepExecutionFilter) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (StepExecutionFilter) String ¶
func (s StepExecutionFilter) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*StepExecutionFilter) Validate ¶
func (s *StepExecutionFilter) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type StepExecutionFilterKey ¶
type StepExecutionFilterKey string
const ( StepExecutionFilterKeyStartTimeBefore StepExecutionFilterKey = "StartTimeBefore" StepExecutionFilterKeyStartTimeAfter StepExecutionFilterKey = "StartTimeAfter" StepExecutionFilterKeyStepExecutionStatus StepExecutionFilterKey = "StepExecutionStatus" StepExecutionFilterKeyStepExecutionId StepExecutionFilterKey = "StepExecutionId" StepExecutionFilterKeyStepName StepExecutionFilterKey = "StepName" StepExecutionFilterKeyAction StepExecutionFilterKey = "Action" )
Enum values for StepExecutionFilterKey
func (StepExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValue ¶
func (enum StepExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValue() (string, error)
func (StepExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf ¶
func (enum StepExecutionFilterKey) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
type StopAutomationExecutionInput ¶
type StopAutomationExecutionInput struct { // The execution ID of the Automation to stop. // // AutomationExecutionId is a required field AutomationExecutionId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // The stop request type. Valid types include the following: Cancel and Complete. // The default type is Cancel. Type StopType `type:"string" enum:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (StopAutomationExecutionInput) GoString ¶
func (s StopAutomationExecutionInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (StopAutomationExecutionInput) String ¶
func (s StopAutomationExecutionInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*StopAutomationExecutionInput) Validate ¶
func (s *StopAutomationExecutionInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type StopAutomationExecutionOutput ¶
type StopAutomationExecutionOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (StopAutomationExecutionOutput) GoString ¶
func (s StopAutomationExecutionOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (StopAutomationExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s StopAutomationExecutionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (StopAutomationExecutionOutput) String ¶
func (s StopAutomationExecutionOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type StopAutomationExecutionRequest ¶
type StopAutomationExecutionRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *StopAutomationExecutionInput Copy func(*StopAutomationExecutionInput) StopAutomationExecutionRequest }
StopAutomationExecutionRequest is a API request type for the StopAutomationExecution API operation.
func (StopAutomationExecutionRequest) Send ¶
func (r StopAutomationExecutionRequest) Send() (*StopAutomationExecutionOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the StopAutomationExecution API request.
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { // The name of the tag. // // Key is a required field Key *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // The value of the tag. // // Value is a required field Value *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Metadata that you assign to your AWS resources. Tags enable you to categorize your resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. In Systems Manager, you can apply tags to documents, managed instances, Maintenance Windows, Parameter Store parameters, and patch baselines. Please also see
type Target ¶
type Target struct { // User-defined criteria for sending commands that target instances that meet // the criteria. Key can be tag:<Amazon EC2 tag> or InstanceIds. For more information // about how to send commands that target instances using Key,Value parameters, // see Executing a Command Using Systems Manager Run Command ( Key *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, // you could specify value:WebServer to execute a command on instances that // include Amazon EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer. For more information about // how to send commands that target instances using Key,Value parameters, see // Executing a Command Using Systems Manager Run Command ( Values []string `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An array of search criteria that targets instances using a Key,Value combination that you specify. Targets is required if you don't provide one or more instance IDs in the call. Please also see
type UpdateAssociationInput ¶
type UpdateAssociationInput struct { // The ID of the association you want to update. // // AssociationId is a required field AssociationId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The name of the association that you want to update. AssociationName *string `type:"string"` // This parameter is provided for concurrency control purposes. You must specify // the latest association version in the service. If you want to ensure that // this request succeeds, either specify $LATEST, or omit this parameter. AssociationVersion *string `type:"string"` // The document version you want update for the association. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the association document. Name *string `type:"string"` // An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. OutputLocation *InstanceAssociationOutputLocation `type:"structure"` // The parameters you want to update for the association. If you create a parameter // using Parameter Store, you can reference the parameter using {{ssm:parameter-name}} Parameters map[string][]string `type:"map"` // The cron expression used to schedule the association that you want to update. ScheduleExpression *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The targets of the association. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateAssociationInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateAssociationInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateAssociationInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateAssociationInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateAssociationOutput ¶
type UpdateAssociationOutput struct { // The description of the association that was updated. AssociationDescription *AssociationDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateAssociationOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateAssociationOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateAssociationRequest ¶
type UpdateAssociationRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateAssociationInput Copy func(*UpdateAssociationInput) UpdateAssociationRequest }
UpdateAssociationRequest is a API request type for the UpdateAssociation API operation.
func (UpdateAssociationRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateAssociationRequest) Send() (*UpdateAssociationOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateAssociation API request.
type UpdateAssociationStatusInput ¶
type UpdateAssociationStatusInput struct { // The association status. // // AssociationStatus is a required field AssociationStatus *AssociationStatus `type:"structure" required:"true"` // The ID of the instance. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The name of the Systems Manager document. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateAssociationStatusInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationStatusInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateAssociationStatusInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationStatusInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateAssociationStatusInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateAssociationStatusInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateAssociationStatusOutput ¶
type UpdateAssociationStatusOutput struct { // Information about the association. AssociationDescription *AssociationDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateAssociationStatusOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationStatusOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateAssociationStatusOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationStatusOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateAssociationStatusOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateAssociationStatusOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateAssociationStatusRequest ¶
type UpdateAssociationStatusRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateAssociationStatusInput Copy func(*UpdateAssociationStatusInput) UpdateAssociationStatusRequest }
UpdateAssociationStatusRequest is a API request type for the UpdateAssociationStatus API operation.
func (UpdateAssociationStatusRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateAssociationStatusRequest) Send() (*UpdateAssociationStatusOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateAssociationStatus API request.
type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput ¶
type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput struct { // The version of a custom document that you want to set as the default version. // // DocumentVersion is a required field DocumentVersion *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The name of a custom document that you want to set as the default version. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput ¶
type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput struct { // The description of a custom document that you want to set as the default // version. Description *DocumentDefaultVersionDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest ¶
type UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput Copy func(*UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionInput) UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest }
UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest is a API request type for the UpdateDocumentDefaultVersion API operation.
func (UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest) Send() (*UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateDocumentDefaultVersion API request.
type UpdateDocumentInput ¶
type UpdateDocumentInput struct { // The content in a document that you want to update. // // Content is a required field Content *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` // Specify the document format for the new document version. Systems Manager // supports JSON and YAML documents. JSON is the default format. DocumentFormat DocumentFormat `type:"string" enum:"true"` // The version of the document that you want to update. DocumentVersion *string `type:"string"` // The name of the document that you want to update. // // Name is a required field Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // Specify a new target type for the document. TargetType *string `type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateDocumentInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateDocumentInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateDocumentInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateDocumentInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateDocumentOutput ¶
type UpdateDocumentOutput struct { // A description of the document that was updated. DocumentDescription *DocumentDescription `type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateDocumentOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateDocumentOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateDocumentOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateDocumentRequest ¶
type UpdateDocumentRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateDocumentInput Copy func(*UpdateDocumentInput) UpdateDocumentRequest }
UpdateDocumentRequest is a API request type for the UpdateDocument API operation.
func (UpdateDocumentRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateDocumentRequest) Send() (*UpdateDocumentOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateDocument API request.
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput struct { // Whether targets must be registered with the Maintenance Window before tasks // can be defined for those targets. AllowUnassociatedTargets *bool `type:"boolean"` // The number of hours before the end of the Maintenance Window that Systems // Manager stops scheduling new tasks for execution. Cutoff *int64 `type:"integer"` // An optional description for the update request. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The duration of the Maintenance Window in hours. Duration *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // Whether the Maintenance Window is enabled. Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"` // The name of the Maintenance Window. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // If True, then all fields that are required by the CreateMaintenanceWindow // action are also required for this API request. Optional fields that are not // specified are set to null. Replace *bool `type:"boolean"` // The schedule of the Maintenance Window in the form of a cron or rate expression. Schedule *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window to update. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput struct { // Whether targets must be registered with the Maintenance Window before tasks // can be defined for those targets. AllowUnassociatedTargets *bool `type:"boolean"` // The number of hours before the end of the Maintenance Window that Systems // Manager stops scheduling new tasks for execution. Cutoff *int64 `type:"integer"` // An optional description of the update. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The duration of the Maintenance Window in hours. Duration *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` // Whether the Maintenance Window is enabled. Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"` // The name of the Maintenance Window. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The schedule of the Maintenance Window in the form of a cron or rate expression. Schedule *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The ID of the created Maintenance Window. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput Copy func(*UpdateMaintenanceWindowInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest }
UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest is a API request type for the UpdateMaintenanceWindow API operation.
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) Send() (*UpdateMaintenanceWindowOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateMaintenanceWindow API request.
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput struct { // An optional description for the update. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A name for the update. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // User-provided value that will be included in any CloudWatch events raised // while running tasks for these targets in this Maintenance Window. OwnerInformation *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // If True, then all fields that are required by the RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindow // action are also required for this API request. Optional fields that are not // specified are set to null. Replace *bool `type:"boolean"` // The targets to add or replace. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // The Maintenance Window ID with which to modify the target. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The target ID to modify. // // WindowTargetId is a required field WindowTargetId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput struct { // The updated description. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The updated name. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The updated owner. OwnerInformation *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The updated targets. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // The Maintenance Window ID specified in the update request. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The target ID specified in the update request. WindowTargetId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput Copy func(*UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest }
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest is a API request type for the UpdateMaintenanceWindowTarget API operation.
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest) Send() (*UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateMaintenanceWindowTarget API request.
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput struct { // The new task description to specify. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The new logging location in Amazon S3 to specify. LoggingInfo *LoggingInfo `type:"structure"` // The new MaxConcurrency value you want to specify. MaxConcurrency is the number // of targets that are allowed to run this task in parallel. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The new MaxErrors value to specify. MaxErrors is the maximum number of errors // that are allowed before the task stops being scheduled. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The new task name to specify. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The new task priority to specify. The lower the number, the higher the priority. // Tasks that have the same priority are scheduled in parallel. Priority *int64 `type:"integer"` // If True, then all fields that are required by the RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWndow // action are also required for this API request. Optional fields that are not // specified are set to null. Replace *bool `type:"boolean"` // The IAM service role ARN to modify. The system assumes this role during task // execution. ServiceRoleArn *string `type:"string"` // The targets (either instances or tags) to modify. Instances are specified // using Key=instanceids,Values=instanceID_1,instanceID_2. Tags are specified // using Key=tag_name,Values=tag_value. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // The task ARN to modify. TaskArn *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The parameters that the task should use during execution. Populate only the // fields that match the task type. All other fields should be empty. TaskInvocationParameters *MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters `type:"structure"` // The parameters to modify. The map has the following format: // // Key: string, between 1 and 255 characters // // Value: an array of strings, each string is between 1 and 255 characters TaskParameters map[string]MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression `type:"map"` // The Maintenance Window ID that contains the task to modify. // // WindowId is a required field WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // The task ID to modify. // // WindowTaskId is a required field WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput struct { // The updated task description. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The updated logging information in Amazon S3. LoggingInfo *LoggingInfo `type:"structure"` // The updated MaxConcurrency value. MaxConcurrency *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The updated MaxErrors value. MaxErrors *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The updated task name. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The updated priority value. Priority *int64 `type:"integer"` // The updated service role ARN value. ServiceRoleArn *string `type:"string"` // The updated target values. Targets []Target `type:"list"` // The updated task ARN value. TaskArn *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The updated parameter values. TaskInvocationParameters *MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters `type:"structure"` // The updated parameter values. TaskParameters map[string]MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression `type:"map"` // The ID of the Maintenance Window that was updated. WindowId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The task ID of the Maintenance Window that was updated. WindowTaskId *string `min:"36" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest ¶
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput Copy func(*UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskInput) UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest }
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest is a API request type for the UpdateMaintenanceWindowTask API operation.
func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest) Send() (*UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateMaintenanceWindowTask API request.
type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput ¶
type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput struct { // The IAM role you want to assign or change. // // IamRole is a required field IamRole *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // The ID of the managed instance where you want to update the role. // // InstanceId is a required field InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) String ¶
func (s UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput ¶
type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Please also see
func (UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest ¶
type UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput Copy func(*UpdateManagedInstanceRoleInput) UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest }
UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest is a API request type for the UpdateManagedInstanceRole API operation.
func (UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest) Send() (*UpdateManagedInstanceRoleOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdateManagedInstanceRole API request.
type UpdatePatchBaselineInput ¶
type UpdatePatchBaselineInput struct { // A set of rules used to include patches in the baseline. ApprovalRules *PatchRuleGroup `type:"structure"` // A list of explicitly approved patches for the baseline. ApprovedPatches []string `type:"list"` // Assigns a new compliance severity level to an existing patch baseline. ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel PatchComplianceLevel `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Indicates whether the list of approved patches includes non-security updates // that should be applied to the instances. The default value is 'false'. Applies // to Linux instances only. ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity *bool `type:"boolean"` // The ID of the patch baseline to update. // // BaselineId is a required field BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` // A description of the patch baseline. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A set of global filters used to exclude patches from the baseline. GlobalFilters *PatchFilterGroup `type:"structure"` // The name of the patch baseline. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // A list of explicitly rejected patches for the baseline. RejectedPatches []string `type:"list"` // If True, then all fields that are required by the CreatePatchBaseline action // are also required for this API request. Optional fields that are not specified // are set to null. Replace *bool `type:"boolean"` // Information about the patches to use to update the instances, including target // operating systems and source repositories. Applies to Linux instances only. Sources []PatchSource `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdatePatchBaselineInput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdatePatchBaselineInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdatePatchBaselineInput) String ¶
func (s UpdatePatchBaselineInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
func (*UpdatePatchBaselineInput) Validate ¶
func (s *UpdatePatchBaselineInput) Validate() error
Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.
type UpdatePatchBaselineOutput ¶
type UpdatePatchBaselineOutput struct { // A set of rules used to include patches in the baseline. ApprovalRules *PatchRuleGroup `type:"structure"` // A list of explicitly approved patches for the baseline. ApprovedPatches []string `type:"list"` // The compliance severity level assigned to the patch baseline after the update // completed. ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel PatchComplianceLevel `type:"string" enum:"true"` // Indicates whether the list of approved patches includes non-security updates // that should be applied to the instances. The default value is 'false'. Applies // to Linux instances only. ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity *bool `type:"boolean"` // The ID of the deleted patch baseline. BaselineId *string `min:"20" type:"string"` // The date when the patch baseline was created. CreatedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A description of the Patch Baseline. Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // A set of global filters used to exclude patches from the baseline. GlobalFilters *PatchFilterGroup `type:"structure"` // The date when the patch baseline was last modified. ModifiedDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The name of the patch baseline. Name *string `min:"3" type:"string"` // The operating system rule used by the updated patch baseline. OperatingSystem OperatingSystem `type:"string" enum:"true"` // A list of explicitly rejected patches for the baseline. RejectedPatches []string `type:"list"` // Information about the patches to use to update the instances, including target // operating systems and source repositories. Applies to Linux instances only. Sources []PatchSource `type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Please also see
func (UpdatePatchBaselineOutput) GoString ¶
func (s UpdatePatchBaselineOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UpdatePatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata ¶
func (s UpdatePatchBaselineOutput) SDKResponseMetadata() aws.Response
SDKResponseMetdata return sthe response metadata for the API.
func (UpdatePatchBaselineOutput) String ¶
func (s UpdatePatchBaselineOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type UpdatePatchBaselineRequest ¶
type UpdatePatchBaselineRequest struct { *aws.Request Input *UpdatePatchBaselineInput Copy func(*UpdatePatchBaselineInput) UpdatePatchBaselineRequest }
UpdatePatchBaselineRequest is a API request type for the UpdatePatchBaseline API operation.
func (UpdatePatchBaselineRequest) Send ¶
func (r UpdatePatchBaselineRequest) Send() (*UpdatePatchBaselineOutput, error)
Send marshals and sends the UpdatePatchBaseline API request.
Path | Synopsis |
Package ssmiface provides an interface to enable mocking the Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) service client for testing your code.
Package ssmiface provides an interface to enable mocking the Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) service client for testing your code. |