Namespace controller
This controller injects limit ranges and resource quotas into each Namespace that you create. In addition, it enables Istio injection for the Namespace by labeling it with the istio-injection
Limit range configuration is required. These environment variables provide the configuration:
Each Kubernetes environment has a ResourceQuota
configured with standard quantities (such as 1G1 or 256Mi) that are set in the following required configuration values:
- A working Golang installation
- Minikube
- kubectl
- Docker
Build to run on Kubernetes
Use the following commands to prepare to run on Kubernetes. Run them in the following order:
dep ensure
export GOOS=linux
go build -o namespace-controller cmd/controller/main.go
Build a Docker image
Make sure that the build step is complete. Run the following commands:
cp ./namespace-controller deploy/controller/namespace-controller
docker build -t namespace-controller:{your_tag} deploy/controller
Make sure the image is built:
docker images | grep namespace-controller
Run the image locally inside Kyma
This section describes how to run Kyma with an updated namespace-controller image. The procedure is useful in case the component has been modified and needs to be tested.
Read the main Kyma project By default, the system runs the namespace-controller image specified in the deployment.yaml file. You can provide your own image by following one of the procedures.
Docker registry
If you have access to an external Docker registry, build your Docker image, push it to the registry and modify the deployment file by swapping the image version. Run Kyma as usual.
Minikube built in Docker daemon
In case you have no access to a Docker registry, use Minikube’s built in Docker daemon that keeps images for running containers:
- Modify the deployment.yaml file by swapping the image version.
image: namespace-controller:my_tag
Start Kyma installation as usual
Run the following command to set up the Docker environment variables so a Docker client can communicate with the Minikube Docker daemon:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
- Build your Docker image with the tag you specified in the first step. Wait for the installation to complete.