Kube-static-egress-controller provides static IPs for cluster egress
calls to defined target networks.
Kube-static-egress-controller watches Kubernetes Configmaps with Label
selector egress=static in all namespaces to get target networks to
route to with static IPs. It changes the infrastructure this to
provide to the cluster.
we use the default VPC (found via API call ec2.DescribeVpcs)
we use internetGW attached to the found VPC
we get routeTables via filter vpcid and --tag-key=AvailabilityZone. The Tag value will be the routeTableID of your routeTable. This tag has to be specified by the user for each dmz routing table
--aws-nat-cidr-block= is used as Subnet, you have to
have the same number of Subnets as you use AZs to apply to your NAT GWs
--aws-az=eu-central-1a is used to create NAT GW in
find out who sets Name=dmz-eu-central-1a in routeTable Tag
Creates, updates and deletes infrastructure using CloudFormation.
The infrastructure it manages is AWS::EC2::RouteTable AWS::EC2::Route AWS::EC2::NatGateway AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation AWS::EC2::EIP AWS::EC2::Subnet