Index ¶
- func Apply[S ~[]T, T any](l S, fun func(T) error) error
- func ApplyI[S ~[]T, T any](l S, fun func(int) error) error
- func Average[S ~[]T, T Number](l S) T
- func Concat[S ~[]T, T any](slices_ ...S) S
- func Contains[S ~[]T, T comparable](l S, v T) bool
- func Count[S ~[]T, T comparable](s S, v T) int
- func CountIf[T comparable](s slice[T], pred func(v T) bool) int
- func Filter[Src any](l []Src, f func(Src) bool) (result []Src)
- func FilterI[Src any](l []Src, f func(i int) bool) (result []Src)
- func FilterIE[Src any](l []Src, f func(i int) (bool, error)) (result []Src, err error)
- func FindIf[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(i int) bool) int
- func First[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(T) bool) (T, bool)
- func GroupBy[T any, Slice ~[]T, R any, Key comparable](a Slice, keyF func(v T) Key, resultF func(T) R) map[Key][]R
- func GroupByP[T any, Slice ~[]T, R any, Key comparable](a Slice, keyF func(v *T) Key, resultF func(*T) R) map[Key][]R
- func IndexOf[S ~[]T, T comparable](l S, v T) int
- func IndexWhere[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(T) bool) int
- func IndexWhereP[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(*T) bool) int
- func Last[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(T) bool) (T, bool)
- func LastIndexOf[S ~[]T, T comparable](l S, v T) int
- func LastIndexWhere[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(T) bool) int
- func LastIndexWhereP[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(*T) bool) int
- func Map[Src any, Dst any](l []Src, f func(Src) Dst) []Dst
- func MapE[Src any, Dst any](l []Src, f func(Src) (Dst, error)) (result []Dst, err error)
- func MapI[Src any, Dst any](l []Src, f func(i int) Dst) []Dst
- func MapIE[Src any, Dst any](l []Src, f func(i int) (Dst, error)) (result []Dst, err error)
- func Max[S ~[]T, T Number](s S) T
- func MaxBy[S ~[]T, T any, N Number](s S, selector func(T) N) N
- func MaxIndex[S ~[]T, T any, N Number](s S, selector func(int) N) (result int)
- func Min[S ~[]T, T Number](s S) T
- func MinBy[S ~[]T, T any, N Number](s S, selector func(T) N) N
- func MinIndex[S ~[]T, T any, N Number](s S, selector func(int) N) (result int)
- func OrderBy[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V) *sortableBy[T, V]
- func OrderByDescending[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V) *sortableByDescending[T, V]
- func Paginate[S ~[]T, T any](s S, pageSize int, page int) S
- func Pop[S ~[]T, T any](s S) (S, T)
- func PopHead[S ~[]T, T any](s S) (S, T)
- func Push[S ~[]T, T any](s S, v T) S
- func PushHead[S ~[]T, T any](s S, v T) S
- func Remove[S ~[]T, T comparable](l S, v T) (result S, deleted int)
- func RemoveIf[S ~[]T, T any](l S, pred func(i int) bool) (result S, deleted int)
- func Repeat[T any](v T, n int) []T
- func Reverse[S ~[]T, T any](s S)
- func ShallowCopy[T any](s slice[T]) slice[T]
- func Sort[T constraints.Ordered](l []T)
- func SortBy[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V)
- func SortByComparer[T any](l []T, less func(T, T) bool)
- func SortByDescending[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V)
- func SortDescending[T constraints.Ordered](l []T)
- func Sortable[T constraints.Ordered](l []T) sortable[T]
- func SortableDescending[T constraints.Ordered](l []T) sortableDescending[T]
- func Sum[S ~[]T, T Number](l S) T
- func SumBy[S ~[]V, V any, T Number](l S, selector func(V) T) T
- func SumByI[S ~[]V, V any, T Number](l S, selector func(i int) T) T
- func SumByP[S ~[]V, V any, T Number](l S, selector func(*V) T) T
- func ToMapI[T any, K comparable, V any](list []T, keyF func(i int) K, valF func(i int) V) (map[K]V, error)
- func ToMapIE[T any, K comparable, V any](list []T, keyF func(i int) (K, error), valF func(i int) (V, error)) (map[K]V, error)
- type Number
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Apply ¶
Apply a function to each item of a slice
Example ¶
numList := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} double := func(n int) error { fmt.Print(n*2, " ") return nil } err := Apply(numList, double) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error Occured") } // expected output to be array elements multiplied by 2
Output: 2 4 6 8 10 12
func ApplyI ¶
Example ¶
words := []string{"bar", "foo"} var capitalize = func(i int) error { words[i] = strings.ToUpper(words[i]) return nil } err := ApplyI(words, capitalize) // all elements capitalized if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("%v\n", words)
Output: [BAR FOO]
func Concat ¶
func Concat[S ~[]T, T any](slices_ ...S) S
copy the contents of all slices_, returns a new slice
func Count ¶
func Count[S ~[]T, T comparable](s S, v T) int
Example ¶
l := []int{1, 0, 1, 0, 1} fmt.Println(Count(l, 1))
Output: 3
func CountIf ¶
func CountIf[T comparable](s slice[T], pred func(v T) bool) int
Example ¶
l := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} fmt.Println(CountIf(l, func(i int) bool { return i%2 == 0 }))
Output: 2
func Filter ¶
Filter selects items that f() returns true
Example ¶
lst := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} isEven := func(n int) bool { return n%2 == 0 } // expected filtered array of even numbers evens := Filter(lst, isEven) fmt.Println(evens)
Output: [2 4 6]
func FilterI ¶
FilterI selects items that f() returns true
Example ¶
lst := []string{"apple", "banana", "cherry", "grape"} firstTwoItems := func(i int) bool { return i < 2 // expected Filtered array of first two items from the list } result := FilterI(lst, firstTwoItems) fmt.Println(result)
Output: [apple banana]
func FilterIE ¶
FilterIE selects items that f() returns true
Example ¶
nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} evenNums := func(i int) (bool, error) { return nums[i]%2 == 0, nil // expected filterd array with only even numbers } filteredNums, _ := FilterIE(nums, evenNums) fmt.Println(filteredNums)
Output: [2 4]
func FindIf ¶
FindIf finds the position of an matching element. Its use case is the same as IndexWhere, except that you don't have to specify the type of the elements. (sometimes the type is very long, or it is an anonymous/temporary type that you have to repeat the definition.) It passes each index of l to pred() and returns the first i which pred(i) is true. I find it interestingly handful :) It opens a new way to generics programming that does not support lambda expression.
Example ¶
list := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} pos := FindIf(list, func(i int) bool { return list[i] == 3 }) fmt.Println(pos)
Output: 2
func GroupBy ¶
func GroupBy[T any, Slice ~[]T, R any, Key comparable](a Slice, keyF func(v T) Key, resultF func(T) R) map[Key][]R
group a slice of T by a key, resulting groups of slice of R. For incomparable keys, please fmt.Sprintf it to a string
Example ¶
a := []string{`Jack`, `Mike`, `Jones`, `Janes`, `Tom`, `Terry`} m := GroupBy(a, func(s string) string { return string(s[0:1]) }, func(s string) string { return strings.ToLower(s) }) fmt.Print(m)
Output: map[J:[jack jones janes] M:[mike] T:[tom terry]]
func GroupByP ¶
func GroupByP[T any, Slice ~[]T, R any, Key comparable](a Slice, keyF func(v *T) Key, resultF func(*T) R) map[Key][]R
group a slice of T by a key, resulting groups of slice of R. For incomparable keys, please fmt.Sprintf it to a string
Example ¶
a := []string{`Jack`, `Mike`, `Jones`, `Janes`, `Tom`, `Terry`} m := GroupByP(a, func(s *string) string { return string((*s)[0:1]) }, func(s *string) string { return strings.ToLower(*s) }) fmt.Print(m)
Output: map[J:[jack jones janes] M:[mike] T:[tom terry]]
func IndexWhere ¶
find the position of an matching element
func IndexWhereP ¶
like IndexWhere but parses arguments using pointers, to avoid copying large structs and improve performance
func LastIndexOf ¶
func LastIndexOf[S ~[]T, T comparable](l S, v T) int
find the last position of an element
func LastIndexWhere ¶
find the last position of an matching element
func LastIndexWhereP ¶
like LastIndexWhere but parses arguments using pointers, to avoid copying large structs and improve performance
func MapIE ¶
Example ¶
type student struct { name string age int } students := []student{{`Jack`, 10}, {`Mike`, 20}, {`Rose`, 15}} studentAges, err := ToMapIE(students, func(i int) (string, error) { return students[i].name, nil }, func(i int) (int, error) { return students[i].age, nil }) if err != nil { fmt.Print(err) } else { fmt.Print(studentAges) }
Output: map[Jack:10 Mike:20 Rose:15]
func Max ¶
func Max[S ~[]T, T Number](s S) T
Example ¶
// Finding the maximum element of a slice of integers max := Max([]int{10, -20, 5, 15, 30, -25}) fmt.Println(max)
Output: 30
Example (PanicsOnEmptySlice) ¶
// Trying to find the maximum element of an empty slice should panic defer func() { if r := recover(); r == nil { fmt.Println(`Max didn't panic`) } else { fmt.Println(r) } }() Max([]int{})
Output: Max: empty slice
func MaxBy ¶
Example ¶
// Finding the maximum length string from a slice of strings maxLen := MaxBy([]string{`apple`, `banana`, `cherry`, `date`}, func(s string) int { return len(s) }) fmt.Println(maxLen)
Output: 6
func MaxIndex ¶
Example ¶
// Finding the index of the maximum element in a slice of integers maxIndex := MaxIndex([]int{10, -20, 5, 15, 30, -25}, func(i int) int { return []int{10, -20, 5, 15, 30, -25}[i] }) fmt.Println(maxIndex)
Output: 4
Example (Emtpy) ¶
// Trying to find the index of the maximum element in an empty slice should return -1 maxIndex := MaxIndex([]int{}, func(i int) int { return []int{}[i] }) fmt.Println(maxIndex)
Output: -1
func Min ¶
func Min[S ~[]T, T Number](s S) T
Example ¶
// Finding the minimum element of a slice of floats min := Min([]float64{3.14, 2.71, 0.0, -1.0, 1.5, -2.0}) fmt.Println(min)
Output: -2
func MinBy ¶
Example ¶
// Finding the minimum even number from a slice of integers minEven := MinBy([]int{3, 6, -1, 0, 8, 7, 9}, func(n int) int { if n%2 == 0 { return n } else { return math.MaxInt32 } }) fmt.Println(minEven)
Output: 0
func MinIndex ¶
Example ¶
// Finding the index of the maximum element in a slice of integers maxIndex := MinIndex([]int{10, -20, 5, 15, 30, -25}, func(i int) int { return []int{10, -20, 5, 15, 30, -25}[i] }) fmt.Println(maxIndex)
Output: 5
func OrderBy ¶
func OrderBy[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V) *sortableBy[T, V]
Example ¶
type Person struct { Name string Age int } l := []Person{ {"Alice", 32}, {"Bob", 22}, {"Charlie", 42}, {"David", 27}, } ordered := OrderBy(l, func(p Person) int { return p.Age }) sort.Sort(ordered) for _, p := range ordered.slice { fmt.Println(p.Name, p.Age) }
Output: Bob 22 David 27 Alice 32 Charlie 42
func OrderByDescending ¶
func OrderByDescending[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V) *sortableByDescending[T, V]
Example ¶
type Product struct { Name string Price float64 } l := []Product{ {"Laptop", 999.99}, {"Mouse", 19.99}, {"Keyboard", 49.99}, {"Headphones", 79.99}, } ordered := OrderByDescending(l, func(p Product) float64 { return p.Price }) sort.Sort(ordered) for _, p := range ordered.slice { fmt.Println(p.Name, p.Price) }
Output: Laptop 999.99 Headphones 79.99 Keyboard 49.99 Mouse 19.99
func Paginate ¶
Example ¶
l := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} i := 0 for p := Paginate(l, 3, i); len(p) > 0; { fmt.Println(p) i++ p = Paginate(l, 3, i) }
Output: [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8]
func Pop ¶
func Pop[S ~[]T, T any](s S) (S, T)
caution should be taken: push/pop may cause multiple slices share the same underlying memory buffer
func Push ¶
func Push[S ~[]T, T any](s S, v T) S
caution should be taken: push/pop may cause multiple slices share the same underlying memory buffer
func Remove ¶
func Remove[S ~[]T, T comparable](l S, v T) (result S, deleted int)
Remove matching items.
func RemoveIf ¶
RemoveIf removes matching items.
Example ¶
list := []int{1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3} result, deleted := RemoveIf(list, func(i int) bool { return list[i] == 2 }) fmt.Println(result, deleted)
Output: [1 3 1 3 1 3] 3
func Reverse ¶
func Reverse[S ~[]T, T any](s S)
Example ¶
l := []int{1, 2, 3, 4} Reverse(l) fmt.Println(l) l = []int{1, 2, 3} Reverse(l) fmt.Println(l)
Output: [4 3 2 1] [3 2 1]
func ShallowCopy ¶
func ShallowCopy[T any](s slice[T]) slice[T]
func Sort ¶
func Sort[T constraints.Ordered](l []T)
Example ¶
l := []int{3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5} Sort(l) fmt.Println(l)
Output: [1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 9]
func SortBy ¶
func SortBy[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V)
Example ¶
type Person struct { Name string Age int } l := []Person{ {"Alice", 32}, {"Bob", 22}, {"Charlie", 42}, {"David", 27}, } SortBy(l, func(p Person) int { return p.Age }) for _, p := range l { fmt.Println(p.Name, p.Age) }
Output: Bob 22 David 27 Alice 32 Charlie 42
func SortByComparer ¶
func SortByDescending ¶
func SortByDescending[T any, V constraints.Ordered](l []T, selector func(T) V)
Example ¶
type Product struct { Name string Price float64 } l := []Product{ {"Laptop", 999.99}, {"Mouse", 19.99}, {"Keyboard", 49.99}, {"Headphones", 79.99}, } SortByDescending(l, func(p Product) float64 { return p.Price }) for _, p := range l { fmt.Println(p.Name, p.Price) }
Output: Laptop 999.99 Headphones 79.99 Keyboard 49.99 Mouse 19.99
func SortDescending ¶
func SortDescending[T constraints.Ordered](l []T)
Example ¶
l := []string{"pineapple", "apple", "banana", "pear", "cherry", "orange"} SortDescending(l) fmt.Println(l)
Output: [pineapple pear orange cherry banana apple]
func Sortable ¶
func Sortable[T constraints.Ordered](l []T) sortable[T]
func SortableDescending ¶
func SortableDescending[T constraints.Ordered](l []T) sortableDescending[T]
func SumBy ¶
Sum a slice by a selector
Example ¶
type student struct { name string age int } students := []student{{`Jack`, 10}, {`Mike`, 20}, {`Rose`, 15}} totalAge := SumBy(students, func(s student) int { return s.age }) fmt.Println(totalAge)
Output: 45
func SumByI ¶
Sum a slice using an index iterator
Example ¶
type student struct { name string age int } students := []student{{`Jack`, 10}, {`Mike`, 20}, {`Rose`, 15}} totalAge := SumByI(students, func(i int) int { return students[i].age }) fmt.Println(totalAge)
Output: 45
func SumByP ¶
Sum a slice by a pointer selector
Example ¶
type student struct { name string age int } students := []student{{`Jack`, 10}, {`Mike`, 20}, {`Rose`, 15}} totalAge := SumByP(students, func(s *student) int { return s.age }) fmt.Println(totalAge)
Output: 45
Types ¶
type Number ¶
type Number interface { constraints.Integer | constraints.Float | time.Duration }