Chroma Vector Store Example with LangChain and Ollama
This example demonstrates how to use the Chroma vector store with LangChain and Ollama to perform similarity searches on a collection of city data. The program showcases various querying techniques, including basic similarity search, filtering, and score thresholding.
What This Example Does
Initializes an Ollama language model (LLM) with the "llama2" model.
Creates an embedder using the Ollama LLM.
Sets up a Chroma vector store with custom configurations.
Data Loading:
Adds a collection of city documents to the vector store. Each document contains the city name, population, and area.
Similarity Searches:
The example performs three different similarity searches:
a. "Up to 5 Cities in Japan":
Searches for Japanese cities with a score threshold of 0.8.
Limits the results to a maximum of 5 cities.
b. "A City in South America":
Looks for a South American city with a score threshold of 0.8.
Returns only one result.
c. "Large Cities in South America":
Searches for South American cities with specific filters:
Area greater than or equal to 1000
Population greater than or equal to 13 million
Results Display:
Prints the results of each search query, showing the matching city names.
Key Features
Demonstrates the use of Chroma vector store for similarity searches.
Shows how to use Ollama for embeddings and as an LLM.
Illustrates different querying techniques:
Basic similarity search
Score thresholding
Filtering based on metadata
This example is perfect for developers looking to understand how to implement and use vector stores for semantic search applications, especially when working with geographical data.