As github is now allows the sorting of forks, I'm now archiving this repo.
Gofork is a CLI tool to find forks that are ahead of a github repository.
$ gofork --help
usage: gofork [-h|--help] -r|--repo "<value>" [-b|--branch "<value>"]
[-v|--verbose] [-p|--page <integer>] [-s|--sort "<value>"]
CLI tool to find active forks
-h --help Print help information
-r --repo Repository to check
-b --branch Branch to check. Default: repo default branch
-v --verbose Show deleted and up to date repositories
-p --page Page to check (use -1 for all). Default: 1
-s --sort Sort by (stars, ahead, lastUpdated). Default: ahead
-d --deleteconfig Delete the config file
- Print the results in table
- Add support for branches (with the default being the repo default branch)
- Use terminal colors
- Verbose flag for private/even forks
- Loading bar
- Flag to sort output
- Add branches to output
- Flag to uninstall gofork
- Fix the sorting algorithm
Built with
Built with love using Golang, Github API and akamensky's argparse, gookit's color, jedib0t's go-pretty, schollz's progressbar libraries.