A go lang SDK for API Football
Usage example:
package main
import (
func main() {
apiClient := client.NewClient("your secret", client.RateLimiterSettings{})
getCountriesRequest := league.Country{}
getCountriesRequest.Code = "US"
resp, err := apiClient.DoRequest(getCountriesRequest)
if (err != nil) {
} else {
The client is validating the request object for you so you don't waste precious API call on requests that will never give a result. Some undocumented edge cases are not inclided, feel free to contribute 😊
Since version 2.0 the rate limiter was added. Pass an empty settings object if you are using a free version of the API or customize it according to your plan.
The betting endpoints will not be implemented, because I don't support gambling. Fell free to fork and do those yourself