Exporting Metrics and Traces with OpenCensus, Zipkin, and Prometheus
This tutorial provides a minimum example to verify that metrics and traces
can be exported to OpenCensus from Go tools.
Setting up oragent
- Ensure you have docker and docker-compose.
- Clone oragent.
- In the oragent directory, start the services:
docker-compose up
If everything goes well, you should see output resembling the following:
Starting oragent_zipkin_1 ... done
Starting oragent_oragent_1 ... done
Starting oragent_prometheus_1 ... done
- To shut down oragent, hit Ctrl+C in the terminal.
- You can also start oragent in detached mode by running
docker-compose up -d
. To stop oragent while detached, run docker-compose down
Exporting Metrics and Traces
- Clone the tools subrepository.
- Inside
, create a file named main.go
with the following contents:
package main
import (
type testExporter struct {
metrics metric.Exporter
ocagent *ocagent.Exporter
func (e *testExporter) ProcessEvent(ctx context.Context, ev event.Event) (context.Context, event.Event) {
ctx, ev = export.Tag(ctx, ev)
ctx, ev = export.ContextSpan(ctx, ev)
ctx, ev = e.metrics.ProcessEvent(ctx, ev)
ctx, ev = e.ocagent.ProcessEvent(ctx, ev)
return ctx, ev
func main() {
exporter := &testExporter{}
exporter.ocagent = ocagent.Connect(&ocagent.Config{
Start: time.Now(),
Address: "",
Service: "go-tools-test",
Rate: 5 * time.Second,
Client: &http.Client{},
ctx := context.TODO()
mLatency := event.NewFloat64Key("latency", "the latency in milliseconds")
distribution := metric.HistogramFloat64Data{
Info: &metric.HistogramFloat64{
Name: "latencyDistribution",
Description: "the various latencies",
Buckets: []float64{0, 10, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 1400, 2000, 5000, 10000, 15000},
distribution.Info.Record(&exporter.metrics, mLatency)
for {
sleep := randomSleep()
_, end := event.StartSpan(ctx, "main.randomSleep()")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleep) * time.Millisecond)
event.Record(ctx, mLatency.Of(float64(sleep)))
fmt.Println("Latency: ", float64(sleep))
func randomSleep() int64 {
var max int64
switch modulus := time.Now().Unix() % 5; modulus {
case 0:
max = 17001
case 1:
max = 8007
case 2:
max = 917
case 3:
max = 87
case 4:
max = 1173
return rand.Int63n(max)
- Run the new file from within the tools repository:
go run internal/main.go
- After about 5 seconds, OpenCensus should start receiving your new metrics, which you can see at http://localhost:8844/metrics. This page will look similar to the following:
# HELP promdemo_latencyDistribution the various latencies
# TYPE promdemo_latencyDistribution histogram
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="0"} 0
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="10"} 2
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="50"} 9
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="100"} 22
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="200"} 35
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="400"} 49
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="800"} 63
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="1000"} 78
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="1400"} 93
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="2000"} 108
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="5000"} 123
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="10000"} 138
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="15000"} 153
promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket{vendor="otc",le="+Inf"} 15
promdemo_latencyDistribution_sum{vendor="otc"} 1641
promdemo_latencyDistribution_count{vendor="otc"} 15
After a few more seconds, Prometheus should start displaying your new metrics. You can view the distribution at http://localhost:9445/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.stacked=1&g0.expr=rate(oragent_latencyDistribution_bucket%5B5m%5D)&g0.tab=0.
Zipkin should also start displaying traces. You can view them at http://localhost:9444/zipkin/?limit=10&lookback=300000&serviceName=go-tools-test.