This kilt runtime alters cloud formation templates to apply kilt definitions.
It installs a Cloud Formation Macro that will alter the incoming template.
- the golang lambda functions powering the Macro
- test application that applies kilt transformation to a CFN template
- test application that gets configuration for an image from repository
The handler
is the main deliverable and the other applications exist to test and demo the functionality.
The cfnpatcher
is a general library to apply migrations to a template.
The installer will create a CFN macro that you can use to apply automatically
instrumentation to task definitions. To use it with a macro called MyMacro
Transform: MyMacro
or Transform: ["MyMacro"]
to the root of your CFN Template.
There are 2 modes of operation for the macro, both selected during install. opt-in
and opt-out. You can use the following tags to include or exclude pieces of your
task definition:
"kilt-include": "<any-value>"
- will apply instrumentation in opt-in mode of operation
"kilt-ignore": "<any_value>"
- will not apply instrumentation in opt-out mode of operation
"kilt-include-containers": "containerA:ContainerB"
- value is a colon separated list of
container names. Will include only some contaiers in opt-in mode
"kilt-ignore-containers": "containerA:containerB"
- will exclude some containers in
opt-out mode