Library for creating components and directives using HTML.
sHtml is part of the Syntax Framework
State The variables of a component
Event An external intervention, resulting from actions performed by the user, response to web requests or triggering performed by other parts of the application, such as queues and topics
Expression A block of executable code, a function
Action An expression executed as a reaction to an event, which can modify the component's state
Watcher Intercepts changes in the component state, being able to trigger new actions or schedule the execution of a DOM update
Writer Applies the result of executing expressions through template interpolation to the DOM. Can modify texts, attributes of html elements and invoke parameter change of internal components
Events trigger the execution of an action
An action can modify the component state
State modification is captured and can trigger execution of new actions or schedule DOM updates
In the next Tick (RAF - RequestAnimationFrame), if necessary, the DOM will be updated with the new component state