You can find the id in the console log when launching your application for now...
Launch the application main (main.exe for windows) extracted from the release.
Command line options:
new create a new account
use use an account as current account for sending transaction or mining
-addr wallet addr of the account that will be used as current account
import import an account by its wif string
-wif wif string
export export an account's private key to wif
-addr (optional) default: current account
list list all accounts
getbalance get the balance of an account
-addr (optional) default: current account
send raise a transaction from current or specified account to someone
-from (optional) default: current account, the wallet addr where the transaction will be sent from
-to the receiver
-amount how much SYM will be transferred.
new init a new blockchain
list list the content of blockchain
mine switch on/off the mining