A cross platform countdown ticker in Golang for OBS Studio.
To install:
go get github.com/swedishborgie/countdown
$countdown -help
Usage of countdown:
-complete string
after the target time is hit this will be written to the file (if set, no prefix/postfix)
-format string
the duration format to output (see https://github.com/davidscholberg/go-durationfmt) (default "%00h:%00m:%00s")
-output string
the output file to update (default "countdown.txt")
-postfix string
a postfix to add to end of the output
-prefix string
a prefix to add beginning of the output
-target string
the time to count down to in hh:mm:ss format (24-hr) (default "10:00:00")
-update string
the amount of time to wait until checking to see if the file needs updating (default "100ms")