Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func DetectType(data []byte) (detected int)
- func Time1Day(t int64) string
- func Time1DayInt(t int64) int64
- func Time5Min(t int64) string
- func Time5MinInt(t int64) int64
- type Automatic
- type CsvParser
- type CsvType
- type EmptyParser
- type Format
- type GrokParser
- type JsonParser
- type KafaRestlogParser
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) Name() string
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) Parse(lines []string) ([]sender.Data, error)
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseCode(fields []string) int
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseDuration(fields []string) int
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseIp(fields []string) string
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseLogTime(fields []string) int64
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseMethod(fields []string) string
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseRespCL(fields []string) int
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseTopic(fields []string) string
- func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) Type() string
- type Label
- type LogParser
- func NewCsvParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewEmptyParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewGrokParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewJsonParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewKafaRestlogParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewNginxParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewQiniulogParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewRawlogParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- func NewSyslogParser(c conf.MapConf) (LogParser, error)
- type LogParts
- type NginxParser
- type ParserRegistry
- type ParserType
- type QiniulogParser
- type RFC3164
- type RFC5424
- type RFC6587
- type RawlogParser
- type SysLogParser
- type SyslogParser
Constants ¶
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const ( KeyCSVSchema = "csv_schema" // csv 每个列的列名和类型 long/string/float/date KeyCSVSplitter = "csv_splitter" // csv 的分隔符 KeyCSVLabels = "csv_labels" // csv 额外增加的标签信息,比如机器信息等 KeyAutoRename = "csv_auto_rename" // 是否将不合法的字段名称重命名一下, 比如 header-host 重命名为 header_host )
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const ( KeyGrokMode = "grok_mode" //是否替换\n以匹配多行 KeyGrokPatterns = "grok_patterns" // grok 模式串名 KeyGrokCustomPatternFiles = "grok_custom_pattern_files" KeyGrokCustomPatterns = "grok_custom_patterns" KeyTimeZoneOffset = "timezone_offset" )
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const ( LONG = "long" FLOAT = "float" STRING = "string" DATE = "date" DROP = "drop" )
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const ( KEY_SRC_IP = "source_ip" KEY_METHOD = "method" KEY_TOPIC = "topic" KEY_CODE = "code" KEY_RESP_LEN = "resp_len" KEY_DURATION = "duration" KEY_LOG_TIME = "log_time" KEY_ERROR = "error" KEY_WARN = "warn" EMPTY_STRING = "" )
View Source
const ( NginxSchema string = "nginx_schema" NginxConfPath = "nginx_log_format_path" NginxLogFormat = "nginx_log_format_name" NginxFormatRegex = "nginx_log_format_regex" )
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const ( KeyParserName = utils.GlobalKeyName KeyParserType = "type" KeyRunnerName = "runner_name" KeyLabels = "labels" // 额外增加的标签信息,比如机器信息等 )
conf 字段
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const ( TypeCSV = "csv" TypeLogv1 = "qiniulog" TypeKafkaRest = "kafkarest" TypeRaw = "raw" TypeEmpty = "empty" TypeGrok = "grok" TypeInnerSQL = "_sql" TypeInnerMysql = "_mysql" TypeJson = "json" TypeNginx = "nginx" TypeSyslog = "syslog" )
parser 的类型
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const ( LogHeadPrefix string = "prefix" LogHeadDate string = "date" LogHeadTime string = "time" LogHeadReqid string = "reqid" LogHeadLevel string = "level" LogHeadFile string = "file" LogHeadLog string = "log" //默认在最后,不能改变顺序 )
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const ( KeyQiniulogPrefix = "qiniulog_prefix" //qiniulog的日志前缀 KeyLogHeaders = "qiniulog_log_headers" )
conf 字段
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const ( KeyRaw = "raw" KeyTimestamp = "timestamp" )
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const ( KeyRFCType = "syslog_rfc" SyslogEofLine = "!@#pandora-EOF-line#@!" )
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const DEFAULT_PATTERNS = `` /* 41293-byte string literal not displayed */
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const MaxGrokMultiLineBuffer = 64 * 1024 * 1024 // 64MB
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const MaxParserSchemaErrOutput = 5
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const (
ModeMulti = "multi"
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const SECOND_PER_5MIN = 5 * 60
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const SECOND_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60
Variables ¶
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var ( HeaderPattern = map[string]string{ LogHeadDate: "^[1-9]\\d{3}/[0-1]\\d/[0-3]\\d$", LogHeadTime: "^[0-2]\\d:[0-6]\\d:[0-6]\\d(\\.\\d{6})?$", LogHeadReqid: "^\\[\\w+\\]\\[\\w+\\]$", LogHeadLevel: "^\\[[A-Z]+\\]$", LogHeadFile: ":\\d+:$", } CompliedPatterns map[string]*regexp.Regexp )
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var ModeKeyOptions = map[string][]utils.Option{ TypeJson: { { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, }, TypeNginx: { { KeyName: NginxConfPath, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "/opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf", DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "nginx配置路径(nginx_log_format_path)", }, { KeyName: NginxLogFormat, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "main", DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "nginx日志格式名称(nginx_log_format_name)", }, { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: NginxSchema, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "指定nginx字段类型(nginx_schema)", }, { KeyName: NginxFormatRegex, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "直接通过正则表达式解析(nginx_log_format_regex)", }, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, }, TypeGrok: { { KeyName: KeyGrokPatterns, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "%{COMMON_LOG_FORMAT}", DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "匹配日志的grok表达式(grok_patterns)", }, { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: KeyGrokMode, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"oneline", ModeMulti}, Default: "oneline", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "grok单行多行模式(grok_mode)", }, { KeyName: KeyGrokCustomPatternFiles, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "自定义 pattern 文件路径(grok_custom_pattern_files)", }, { KeyName: KeyGrokCustomPatterns, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "自定义 pattern (grok_custom_patterns)", }, OptionTimezoneOffset, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, }, TypeCSV: { { KeyName: KeyCSVSchema, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "abc string,xyz long,data1 string,data2 float", DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "csv格式的字段类型(csv_schema)", }, { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: KeyCSVSplitter, ChooseOnly: false, Default: ",", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "csv分隔符(csv_splitter)", }, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, OptionTimezoneOffset, { KeyName: KeyAutoRename, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"}, Default: "true", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "自动将字段名称中的'-'更改为'_'", }, }, TypeRaw: { { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: KeyTimestamp, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"}, Default: "true", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "数据附带时间戳(timestamp)", }, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, }, TypeLogv1: { { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, { KeyName: KeyQiniulogPrefix, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "日志前缀(qiniulog_prefix)", }, { KeyName: KeyLogHeaders, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "七牛日志格式顺序(qiniulog_log_headers)", }, }, TypeSyslog: { { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: KeyRFCType, ChooseOnly: true, Default: "automic", ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"automic", "rfc3164", "rfc5424", "rfc6587"}, DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "syslog使用的rfc协议(syslog_rfc)", }, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, }, TypeKafkaRest: { { KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "parser名称(name)", }, { KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", }, }, TypeEmpty: {}, }
View Source
var ModeUsages = []utils.KeyValue{ {TypeJson, "json 格式解析"}, {TypeNginx, "nginx 日志解析"}, {TypeGrok, "grok 方式解析"}, {TypeCSV, "csv 格式日志解析"}, {TypeRaw, "raw 原始日志按行解析"}, {TypeSyslog, "syslog 日志解析"}, {TypeLogv1, "qiniulog 七牛日志库解析"}, {TypeKafkaRest, "kafkarest 日志格式解析"}, {TypeEmpty, "empty 通过解析清空数据"}, }
ModeUsages 用途说明
View Source
var ( OptionTimezoneOffset = utils.Option{ KeyName: KeyTimeZoneOffset, ChooseOnly: true, Default: "0", ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"0", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9", "-10", "-11", "-12", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "11", "12"}, DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "时区偏移量(timezone_offset)", } )
View Source
var SampleLogs = map[string]string{
TypeNginx: ` - - [21/Mar/2017:18:14:17 +0800] "GET /files/yyyysx HTTP/1.1" 206 607 1 "-" "Apache-HttpClient/4.4.1 (Java/1.7.0_80)" "-" ",," "" llEAAFgmnoIa3q0U "0.040" 0.040 760 "-" "-" - - QCloud - - [25/Mar/2017:18:14:17 +0800] "GET /files HTTP/1.1" 200 607 1 "-" "Apache-HttpClient/4.4.1 (Java/1.7.0_80)" "-" ",," "" sfvfv123axs "0.040" 0.040 760 "-" "-" - - QCloud`,
TypeGrok: ` user-identifier frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 user-identifier bob [10/Oct/2013:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /hello.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326`,
TypeJson: `{"a":"b","c":1,"d":1.1}`,
TypeCSV: `a,123,bcd,1.2
TypeRaw: `raw log1[05-May-2017 13:44:39] [pool log] pid 4109
script_filename = /data/html/
[0x00007fec119d1720] curl_exec() /data/html/xyframework/base.go:123
[05-May-2017 13:45:39] [pool log] pid 4108`,
TypeSyslog: `<38>Feb 05 01:02:03 abc system[253]: Listening at`,
TypeLogv1: `2016/10/20 17:30:21.433423 [GE2owHck-Y4IWJHS][WARN] E18102: The specified repo does not exist under the provided appid ~`,
TypeKafkaRest: `[2016-12-05 03:35:20,682] INFO - - [05/Dec/2016:03:35:20 +0000] "POST /topics/VIP_VvBVy0tuMPPspm1A_0000000000 HTTP/1.1" 200 101640 46 (`,
TypeEmpty: "empty 通过解析清空数据",
SampleLogs 样例日志,用于前端界面试玩解析器
Functions ¶
func DetectType ¶ added in v1.3.6
func Time1DayInt ¶
func Time5MinInt ¶
Types ¶
type Automatic ¶ added in v1.3.6
type Automatic struct{}
func (*Automatic) GetParser ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (f *Automatic) GetParser(line []byte) SysLogParser
type CsvParser ¶
type CsvParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type EmptyParser ¶
type EmptyParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EmptyParser) Name ¶
func (p *EmptyParser) Name() string
type Format ¶ added in v1.3.6
type Format interface { GetParser([]byte) SysLogParser IsNewLine(data []byte) bool }
type GrokParser ¶
type GrokParser struct { Patterns []string // 正式的pattern名称 CustomPatterns string CustomPatternFiles []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GrokParser) Name ¶
func (gp *GrokParser) Name() string
func (*GrokParser) Type ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (gp *GrokParser) Type() string
type JsonParser ¶
type JsonParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*JsonParser) Name ¶
func (im *JsonParser) Name() string
func (*JsonParser) Type ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (im *JsonParser) Type() string
type KafaRestlogParser ¶
type KafaRestlogParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KafaRestlogParser) Name ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) Name() string
func (*KafaRestlogParser) Parse ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) Parse(lines []string) ([]sender.Data, error)
func (*KafaRestlogParser) ParseCode ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseCode(fields []string) int
func (*KafaRestlogParser) ParseDuration ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseDuration(fields []string) int
func (*KafaRestlogParser) ParseIp ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseIp(fields []string) string
func (*KafaRestlogParser) ParseLogTime ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseLogTime(fields []string) int64
func (*KafaRestlogParser) ParseMethod ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseMethod(fields []string) string
func (*KafaRestlogParser) ParseRespCL ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseRespCL(fields []string) int
func (*KafaRestlogParser) ParseTopic ¶
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) ParseTopic(fields []string) string
func (*KafaRestlogParser) Type ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (krp *KafaRestlogParser) Type() string
type LogParser ¶
type NginxParser ¶ added in v1.2.1
type NginxParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNginxAccParser ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewNginxAccParser(c conf.MapConf) (p *NginxParser, err error)
func (*NginxParser) Name ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (p *NginxParser) Name() string
func (*NginxParser) Parse ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (p *NginxParser) Parse(lines []string) ([]sender.Data, error)
func (*NginxParser) Type ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (p *NginxParser) Type() string
type ParserRegistry ¶
type ParserRegistry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewParserRegistry ¶
func NewParserRegistry() *ParserRegistry
func (*ParserRegistry) NewLogParser ¶
func (ps *ParserRegistry) NewLogParser(conf conf.MapConf) (p LogParser, err error)
func (*ParserRegistry) RegisterParser ¶
type ParserType ¶ added in v1.3.6
type ParserType interface {
Type() string
type QiniulogParser ¶
type QiniulogParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*QiniulogParser) Name ¶
func (p *QiniulogParser) Name() string
func (*QiniulogParser) Parse ¶
func (p *QiniulogParser) Parse(lines []string) ([]sender.Data, error)
func (*QiniulogParser) Type ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (p *QiniulogParser) Type() string
type RFC3164 ¶ added in v1.3.6
type RFC3164 struct{}
func (*RFC3164) GetParser ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (f *RFC3164) GetParser(line []byte) SysLogParser
type RFC5424 ¶ added in v1.3.6
type RFC5424 struct{}
func (*RFC5424) GetParser ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (f *RFC5424) GetParser(line []byte) SysLogParser
type RFC6587 ¶ added in v1.3.6
type RFC6587 struct{}
func (*RFC6587) GetParser ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (f *RFC6587) GetParser(line []byte) SysLogParser
type RawlogParser ¶
type RawlogParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RawlogParser) Name ¶
func (p *RawlogParser) Name() string
func (*RawlogParser) Type ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (p *RawlogParser) Type() string
type SysLogParser ¶ added in v1.3.6
type SyslogParser ¶ added in v1.3.6
type SyslogParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SyslogParser) Name ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (p *SyslogParser) Name() string
func (*SyslogParser) Parse ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (p *SyslogParser) Parse(lines []string) ([]sender.Data, error)
func (*SyslogParser) Type ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (p *SyslogParser) Type() string
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