Recovery Signer
This is an incomplete and work-in-progress implementation of the SEP-30
Recovery Signer protocol.
A Recovery Signer is a server that can help a user regain control of a Stellar
account if they have lost their secret key. A user registers their account with
a Recovery Signer by adding it as a signer, and informs the Recovery Signer
that any user proving access to a phone number or email address can have
transactions signed. A user who has registered their account with two or more
Recovery Signers can recover the account with their help.
This implementation uses Firebase to authenticate a user with an email address
or phone number. To configure a Firebase project for use with recoverysigner
This implementation is not polished and is still experimental.
Running this implementation in production is not recommended.
$ recoverysigner --help
SEP-30 Recovery Signer server
recoverysigner [command] [flags]
recoverysigner [command]
Available Commands:
serve Run the SEP-30 Recover Signer server
Use "recoverysigner [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: Serve
$ recoverysigner serve --help
Run the SEP-30 Recover Signer server
recoverysigner serve [flags]
--db-url string Database URL (DB_URL) (default "postgres://localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable")
--firebase-project-id string Firebase project ID to use for validating Firebase JWTs (FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID)
--network-passphrase string Network passphrase of the Stellar network transactions should be signed for (NETWORK_PASSPHRASE) (default "Test SDF Network ; September 2015")
--port int Port to listen and serve on (PORT) (default 8000)
--sep10-jwks string JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) containing exactly one key, which will be used to validate SEP-10 JWTs (if the key is an asymmetric key that has separate public and private key, the JWK need only be the public key) (SEP10_JWKS)
--signing-key string Stellar signing key used for signing transactions (will be deprecated with per-account keys in the future) (SIGNING_KEY)