Automate remote file synchronization by monitoring changes in HTTP and S3 resources based on a specified cron interval. Decrypt and trigger commands as needed.
To install the latest version of Filehitch from sources, run:
go install
To install Secure IO file encryption tool from sources, run:
go install
- Cron Expression Scheduling: Set up automated monitoring intervals using precise cron expressions, including seconds, minutes, hours, days of the month, months, days of the week, and multiple timezones support.
- HTTP and S3 Resource Monitoring: Monitor remote files via HTTP endpoints and S3 resources, ensuring you stay updated with the latest changes.
- Secure Encryption: Utilize the robust ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm for seamless decryption of encrypted resources, ensuring secure synchronization and access to sensitive data.
- Customizable Command Triggers: Execute custom commands of your choice when changes in remote files are detected, enabling flexible automation.
- Flexible Configuration: Intuitive YAML configuration for easy setup and maintenance.
- User-Friendly Setup: Intuitive YAML configuration allows for easy and efficient setup and maintenance of the synchronization process.
# Define a job named "HTTP example job"
- name: HTTP example job
# Set the cron expression for the job to run every hour
expression: "0 0 * * * *"
# Specify the timezone for scheduling (America/New_York)
timezone: America/New_York
# Introduce a jitter of up to 10 minutes to prevent synchronized execution
jitter: 600
# Specify the resource type as HTTP for remote file monitoring
type: http
# Specify the URL of the remote file
# Specify the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.)
method: "GET"
# Specify custom headers if needed
- "MyApp/1.0"
- "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"
# Specify the expected HTTP response code
code: 200
# Set a timeout for the HTTP request
timeout: 30s
# Optionally include a request body, use base64 encoded string
body: SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=
# Set the maximum number of attempts
max_attempts: 3
# Specify the local file path to save the downloaded file
path: "/home/alice/your-other-file-path.txt"
# Set file permissions to read and write for the owner only
mode: "0600"
# Specify the owner of the file
owner: "alice"
# Specify the group of the file
group: "alice"
# Define the command to be triggered upon file change detection
command: ["/home/alice/scripts/", "--input", "your-other-file-path.txt"]
# Specify the user for executing the trigger command
user: "alice"
# Specify the group for executing the trigger command
group: "alice"
# Set the current working directory for the trigger command
cwd: "/home/alice"
# Define a job named "S3 example job"
- name: S3 example job
# Set the cron expression for the job to run every 30 seconds
expression: "*/30 * * * * *"
# Specify the timezone for scheduling (Europe/Amsterdam)
timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
# Introduce a jitter of up to 5 seconds to prevent synchronized execution
jitter: 5
# Specify the resource type as S3 for remote file monitoring
type: s3
# Specify the S3 endpoint (for AWS, use
# Specify the AWS region for the S3 bucket
region: your-aws-region
# Specify your AWS access key ID
access_key_id: YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
# Specify your AWS secret access key
secret_access_key: YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# Specify the name of the S3 bucket
bucket: my-s3-bucket
# Specify the path to the object within the bucket
object: your-file-path.txt.enc
# Specify the decryption password only if the object is encrypted
password: "YourDecryptionPassword"
# Specify the local file path to save the downloaded file
path: "/home/alice/your-file-path.txt"
# Set file permissions to read and write for the owner only
mode: "0600"
# Specify the owner of the file
owner: "alice"
# Specify the group of the file
group: "alice"
# Define the command to be triggered upon file change detection
command: ["/home/alice/scripts/", "--input", "your-file-path.txt"]
# Specify the user for executing the trigger command
user: "alice"
# Specify the group for executing the trigger command
group: "alice"
# Set the current working directory for the trigger command
cwd: "/home/alice"
Encrypting a file
Make sure Secure IO file encryption tool is installed and run:
ncrypt -cipher C20P1305 your-file.txt > your-file.txt.enc
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
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