Gouq is the golang library for uq cluster. To use gouq, import the github package in your program:
import (
Then new a client:
// for single uq instance
c, err = uq.NewClient(protocol, ip, port)
// for multi instances in a cluster
c, err = uq.NewClientEtcd(protocol, etcdServers, cluster)
And use the queue methods like:
err = c.Add(topic, line, recycle)
err = c.Push(topic, value)
id, data, err := c.Pop(key)
err = c.Del(id)
Gouq library will automatically choose the instance online to deal with the queue methods. You needn't to worry about the connections and etcd results.
For more information, take a look at Godoc.org:
You can also read the sample code in examples/go-uq.go
. To run the sample:
go build examples/go-uq.go
./go-uq -h
Usage of ./go-uq:
-cluster="uq": cluster name in etcd
-etcd="": etcd service location
-ip="": uq server ip address
-line="x": line name
-port=8808: uq server port
-protocol="redis": frontend interface(redis, mc, http)
-topic="foo": topic name